Download - November 16, 2009 issue

Page 1: November 16, 2009 issue

by Caroline FairchildThe chronicle

no nolan Smith, no Mason Plumlee, no problem for Duke in its 105th season opener.

The absence of two key play-ers didn’t stop no. 9 Duke (1-0) from bowling over Unc-Greens-boro (0-1) 96-62 Friday night in cameron indoor Stadium.

With starting guard Smith sus-pended for the first two games of the season, the Blue Devils looked to senior Jon Scheyer to do most of the ball handling.

Scheyer’s intensity on the ball and refusal to let absences affect his team’s level of play allowed things to fall into place quickly. in an early 23-6 run that afforded Duke a comfortable lead, Scheyer and junior Kyle Singler contrib-uted seven points each, giving the cameron crazies something to cheer about and forcing the Spartans into a series of timeouts. Singler, the Acc Preseason Play-er of the Year, scored 14 out of his 20 points in the first half, and his combination of size and skill

created a mismatch that Unc-Greensboro had no answer for.

Singler’s 20 points led all scor-ers, and Scheyer chipped in 18.

Scheyer’s most important contribution, however, came through his ability to play mis-take-free basketball at the point. With an impressive 37 minutes of play without committing a single turnover, Scheyer answered the skeptics and proved that with or without huge guard presence,

The ChronicleThe independenT daily aT duke universiTy


W. Basketball: Blue Devils fall flat in early-season test, Page 9

Duke sweeps two in Virginia, Page 14

onTherecord“Once you get the facts wrong, information becomes

misinformation.” —University of Utah Professor Amos Guiora on U.S.–Israeli relations. See story page 3

Admins delay Int’l House-MCC merger

by Zachary TracerThe chronicle

Student Affairs administrators have postponed merging the in-ternational house and the Multi-cultural center to create time for student input.

Zoila Airall, assistant vice presi-dent for student affairs, wrote in a letter sent to the council of cultural Group Presidents Satur-day that the “integration” of the international house and the Mul-ticultural center into the Global cultures center will not occur next semester as planned. The positions of staff specialist and di-rector of the Multicultural center will still be eliminated, Airall con-firmed.

The delay will allow admin-istrators to create a task force to involve students in a discussion about the international house and the Multicultural center, Airall said at a meeting of student leaders Sunday afternoon. no stu-dents were consulted before the merger plan was announced at a council of cultural Group Presi-dents meeting last Monday night, Airall said.

“i have admitted to you that the thing i should have done that i did not do is bring people in,” Airall said Sunday. “i am really sorry that i did not come and ask for community conversation and dialogue.”

Approximately 150 students

showed up to oppose the merger at a Wednesday night meeting or-ganized by the student-run cen-ter for race relations. Students at the meeting were upset that they were not told of plans for the merger before it was announced. They also questioned how one center could handle the disparate needs of international students and American minorities.

“We’ve been left out. We don’t feel like we’ve been informed,” senior Victoria Bright, a represen-tative of the Self-Determination council, said Sunday, “You have made this decision for a reason.... We need to know those reasons.”

About 500 students have signed a statement circulated by the Self-Determination council, a group of about 20 students who oppose the merger, said council member nadia James, a junior. The peti-tion calls on Duke administrators to cancel the merger and retain the two Multicultural center staff members slated to be dismissed. Members of the council will deliv-er the petition to administrators, including Airall, today.

Airall and Vice President for Student Affairs larry Moneta will create a task force chaired by a student and a staff member to examine how to meet the needs of minority and international students at Duke, Airall said. The

Nur vetoes Young Trustee reform bill

by Matthew ChaseThe chronicle

over the weekend, Duke Stu-dent Government President Awa nur, a senior, vetoed a bylaw that would allow the student body to ultimately select the Young Trust-ee. The bylaw was passed with a two-thirds majority by the DSG Senate nov. 11.

nur officially vetoed the bylaw by e-mailing DSG executive Vice President Gregory Morrison, a ju-nior, around 6:20 p.m. Saturday, Morrison said.

Senators can still overrule her veto with a two-thirds majority. An

exact date for voting on the veto has yet to be determined.

in her veto, nur wrote that she decided to overrule the Senate be-cause the election the bylaw called for is “neither free nor fair.” it does not allow candidates to campaign and only allows students to seek endorsements through student groups, which would be “filtered [to students] through these col-ored lenses,” nur wrote.

“it has always been my strong belief that the best Young Trustee need not come from a ‘power’ po-

faith robertson/the ChroniCle

Duke jumped out to a 10-0 lead Saturday against Georgia Tech, but the Yellow Jackets’ offensive mix of the triple option on the ground and the big play through the air gave them the 39-point win and an ACC division championship.

In a tailspin...

See merger on PAGe 5See m. BBAll on PAGe 8

See veto on PAGe 4

dianna liu/the ChroniCle

Senior Jon Scheyer took care of the ball and poured in 18 points as the Blue Devils defeated UNC-Greensboro Friday night.

96 duke 62uncGSpartans steamrolled in opener

Page 2: November 16, 2009 issue


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worldandnationsinGaPore — President barack

obama and leaders of other asia-Pacific countries reached a consensus early sun-day that it is unlikely that negotiators can achieve a binding accord to limit climate change at an international conference next month and should instead focus on a more limited agreement.

danish Prime Minister lars lokke ras-mussen, who will host the Copenhagen conference, flew to singapore and laid out a two-step process at a hastily ar-

ranged breakfast meeting, according to the White house.

under his plan, negotiators in Co-penhagen would try to reach a political agreement on attacking climate change as a prelude to a later, legally binding accord.

a senior obama administration official who attended the meeting said, “there was broad consensus of support by the leaders” for rasumussen’s proposal. the official spoke on condition of anonymity.

MONDAYAhmad Ghasmery: Discussion,

Q&A, Refreshmentsbreedlove room, 7 - 8:30 p.m.

This will be a special discussion about honor killings in Jordan and women’s

human rights in the Middle East.

WashinGton, d.C. — Wedged in the house health care bill is $23.5 billion that looks a lot more like new federal stimulus spending than anything to do with na-tional health-care reform.

the barely debated pot of money would allow Congress to continue pump-ing billions in new short-term aid to states to cover Medicaid costs that have increased with rising unemployment in the past year.

the potential impact of the new spending became clear last week when giddy state budget officials in capitals from annapolis to sacramento penciled in the revenue, hoping that if health-care legislation survives in the senate, the states’ bonus might squeak through.

Student info leaked onlinelos anGeles — the social security

numbers, home addresses and phone contacts for at least 300 students who applied for admission to California state Polytechnic university, Pomona six years ago were unintentionally disclosed on-line, according to the university.

the personal information remained on the university server and accessible to the public for about five years.

the personal information, which did not include financial data, “was mistak-enly put in a publicly accessible folder on a university server in november 2003, and Google and other search-engine compa-nies mined the data,” according to tim lynch, senior media communications co-ordinator for Cal Poly Pomona.


7145 tuesdaY:


Obama, leaders lower expectations for Copenhagen

Medicaid relief included in House health care bill

John PoMfret/the WashinGton Post

Chun Yu, the executive of a Chinese pharmaceutical company, talks with American representatives in Wausau, Wis. about the quality of their ginseng. This is one example of the growing influence that China has on the livelihoods of Americans.


Keohane 4b room 401, 9 - 10 p.m. Come to the 4th floor commons of Keo-hane to hear the Pitchforks perform and

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Sign up on the Plaza Nov. 16-19 and do-nate food points to Walltown Ministries for Thanksgiving. Get a meal on Thurs-

day in return.

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Come watch and learn about the art of stage combat with a pro. RSVP to Cyndi Bunn ([email protected]) by noon on

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This week at Duke . . . .

Page 3: November 16, 2009 issue


Spring 2010

The Literature of Terror, Trauma and Memory

Graduate SeminarLIT 353.02 RS 320.03

Prof. Ariel Dorfman

How do writers react to collective terror? Can their literature be a form of healing for a traumatized or wounded community? What tensions exist between the politics of memory and justice and the need to tell complex stories that may undermine the certainty of one incontrovertible form of the truth? These are some of the ques-tions we will be exploring in this course, through authors from Latin America, South Africa and the post 9/11 writings of Ondaatje, McEwan and Toni Morrison. Some reading knowledge of Spanish helpful but not required.

Mondays 4.25-6.55 p.m. Franklin Center 130

Ambassador, prof dispute U.S. fallacies on Israelby Carmen Augustine

The chronicle

The many faces of israel in the 21st cen-tury were discussed at the Freeman center Sunday as part of the Annual Southeast re-gion Student conference.

The conference, titled “Free, Green & cutting edge: israel in the 21st centu-ry,” was hosted by the consulate General of israel to the Southeast in partnership with Jewish life at Duke. The conference alerted students to American-israeli re-lations and stressed to them the impor-tance of staying informed as American youth, getting their facts straight and taking a stance on the current conflicts in the Middle east.

Keynote speaker Amos Guiora, profesor of law at the University of Utah’s S. J. Quin-ney college of law, addressed the future of iranian terrorism and its relevance to non-israeli citizens.

Ambassador reda Mansour, consul gen-eral of israel to the Southeast, presented a different perspective on israel in his speech, portraying it as a culturally diverse and relatively unconflicted state.

“The first thing we need to understand, frankly, is we are at a complicated cross-roads,” Guiora said of U.S. involvement in the israeli conflict.

With President Barack obama’s use of rhetoric instead of policy and insufficient communications with israel, the situation in the Middle east looks bleak, Guiora said. he added that Americans are uninformed and israel has fallen victim to a unique spe-cies of conflict he coined “mediafare,” at the base of which is knowledge —or rather, a lack thereof.

“once you get the facts wrong, informa-

tion becomes misinformation,” Guiora said. he noted that obama’s recent claim

that israel’s creation was a result of the ho-locaust proved so poignantly that we as a nation are quite uninformed.

Guiora proposed a number of ways to go about solving this complicated prob-lem—first, by acknowledging that terror-ism is a fixture in the modern political scene. he also recommended increasing communication with israel, recognizing israel’s right to self defense, getting the nation to clearly articulate its goals and

showing it is ready for peace. “[Americans have to] understand how

each of the different pieces of the puzzle affect israel differently,” Guiora said.

This understanding is not limited to dealing with a potential iranian nuclear power or the conflict with Palestine, he added, noting that it requires compre-hension of the deep-rooted history of israel and the complex relationships be-tween Middle eastern states.

Guiora left the audience with two take-home messages.

“You have to know your history... it’s hard, but it’s critical,” he said, adding that, “the most effective messengers are young people.”

Mansour presented israel in a more op-timistic and progressive light, focusing on the little-known diversity of israel.

“i think it will be an achievement for us if we convince you that israel really is more than the Arab-israeli conflict,” he said.

Mansour’s speech ranged from a discus-sion of the growing influence of the Baha’i faith in haifa, to the 19th century egyptian retreat from the ottoman empire to a de-scription of the various cultural impacts on israel’s development.

“if you dig deep into this community there are so many cultures represented there,” he said.

Mansour also expressed his concern that israel has been reduced to political headlines as of late.

“[israel is the] gate to [Asia] from eu-rope, and to europe from the region,” he said. “Allow us to be the model of diversity [for the Middle east].”

other events in the conference in-cluded a Panel of israeli culture with Jodee nimerichter, co-director of Ameri-can Dance Festival, and Mishael caspi, retired professor of philosophy and reli-gion at Bates college. Breakout sessions were also held for students and israeli ex-perts to converse on such matters as the portrayal of israel in the media and the U.S.-israel relationship.

The conference drew a wide variety of attendees, ranging from freshmen to graduate students coming from schools as far as rochester college and Appalachian State University.

daniella Choi/the ChroniCle

Ambassador Reda Mansour, consul general of Israel to the Southeast, emphasizes Israel as a diverse and dynamic nation during the annual Israel student conference at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life Sunday.

Page 4: November 16, 2009 issue


Coming up at the Franklin Humanities Institute

Wednesday, November 18Wednesdays at the Center:Endangering Prosperity: The Everyday Catastrophe of Following the WrongEconomic GaugeDirk Philipsen, Professor of History, Virginia State University & 2009-10 FHI/Mellon HBCU Faculty Fellow12:00 PM, 240 Franklin Center

Wednesday, November 18Story in the New TechnologyMaureen McHugh, Hugo Award-winning fi ction writer & alternate reality game designerPresented by the FHI Working Group on Experiencing Virtual Worlds4:00 PM, 204D East Duke

Thursday, November 19The Invention of Africa:Legacies and ImpactsPanel with Gaurav Desai (Tulane), Achille Mbembe (Duke/Wits Institute), Charlie Piot, moderator (Duke)& Valentin Mudimbe (Duke)Presented with the FHI Working Group on Atlantic Studies, the Center for French & Francophone Studies, Duke University Libraries, and Program in Literature 4:00 PM, Rare Book Room [email protected] 919-668-2401

Thursday, November 19

Pauli Murray: Activating History for Social Change

Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Spelman College

Inaugural Pauli Murray Lecture presented by the Duke Human Rights Center*

7:00 PM, Lyons Park Community Center

Friday, November 20

Bruno Latour Reading Group Meeting #3

Presented with the Carolina Lectures in Critical Thought, UNC-CH*

4:00 PM, 240 Franklin Center

For readings contact: [email protected]

Wednesday, December 2

Experiencing the Past: Cyber-Heritage, Research

and Education

Maurizio Forte, University of California, Merced

& University of Lugano

Presented by the FHI Working Group on Digital Technologies and the

Visual Arts

4:30 PM, 108 East Duke

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Expression/Performance/Behavior: Rethinking the

Humanities, co-convened by Toril Moi (Literature, Romance

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sition on campus,” nur said in her veto. “The election as written restricts competi-tion and debate. Under those circumstanc-es, what really is the purpose of an election, aside, of course, from cosmetics?”

nur also objected to the amendment that allowed the DSG Judiciary to choose the six at-large additions to the Young Trustee nominating committee. She add-ed that senators had not debated the bill enough to come to a decision.

nur said in an interview that Senators expressed that they did not have enough time to discuss the bylaw. She added that she vetoed to allow for more debate.

“if you look at the fact that they had 48 hours to consider the amendment, now they would have another four or five days,”

nur said. “The Senate can very easily close debate and overturn my veto. i would hope that they don’t do that and i would hope that they take the intentions of the veto to heart. i can’t see a lot of people being dis-pleased by my decision to give free, open discussion.”

To allow for more discussion, Morrison said he will probably push back debate over nur’s veto to the Dec. 2 DSG meet-ing. he would not comment on his reac-tion to the veto.

Junior Will Passo, vice president for Dur-ham and regional affairs, said he disagrees with nur’s veto. Passo, who co-authored the bill that called for a student body elec-tion with sophomore Pete Schork, vice president for athletics and campus services, disagreed with nur’s assertion that the pro-cess was rushed. Passo said he and Shork had discussed the bylaw extensively with

committees before Wednesday’s meeting.“[Schork and i] had changed our posi-

tion to meet the Senators’ needs,” Passo said. “To say that it was rushed was just ri-diculous. You’re not going to bring some-thing to vote unless you have the vote, so Pete and i went with that because we thought we had the vote.”

DSG chief of Staff Mike lefevre, a junior, said he supports nur’s decision to allow for more debate. he added that he proposes that the nominating committee include a randomly generated list of students, which would select the Young Trustee.

nur said her veto is not an attack on the senators’ work, but it is merely a “chal-

lenge.” She said the proposed student body election would not have led to the selection of current Young Trustee Ben Abram, Pratt ’07. nur, who sat on Abram’s nominating committee her freshman year, said she thinks he has been one of the best Young Trustees.

“When i was reading the bylaw on Wednesday one of the things i considered was, ‘could Ben Abram survive a system like this?’” nur said. “The reasoning [of the first point in my veto] was very person-able in that Ben Abram would not survive. i care that we create a fair and legitimate system so that anyone who wants to, can compete.”

vETO from page 1

Melissa Yeo/ChroniCle file Photo

DSG EvP Gregory Morrison leads the discussion on the Young Trustee reform bill during last Wednesday’s DSG meeting. Morrison said the debate over President Awa Nur’s veto of the bill will be pushed back to Dec. 2.

Page 5: November 16, 2009 issue


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task force will submit recommen-dations to Airall by Spring Break.

“Don’t be distrustful, allow the process to happen,” Airall said to student leaders in a Sunday meeting. “Whatever the task force brings to me, i’m going to sup-port.”

Airall added that the exact wording for the task force’s mis-sion has not yet been determined, but it will only examine possibili-ties for the international house and Multicultural center.

“i think people make mistakes, and i think a mistake was made, and i’m glad to see administra-tors are taking action to fix the problem,” said international As-sociation President Alexis rosen-blum, a senior. “i’m very happy that the merger was stopped for now and the task force will be put together.”

Senior Spencer eldred, Duke Student Government vice presi-dent for student affairs, has been approached to help lead the task force, but has not yet decided if he will do so. he said he is con-cerned that too few students will be included in the discussions and that the task force will not have the opportunity to oppose the layoffs of Julian Sanchez, cur-rent director of the Multicultural center, and Staff Specialist Juani-ta Johnson.

“Zoila asked us tonight to dream big, and so i think it will be difficult to dream big after con-firming that the firings are non-

negotiable,” he said.Multicultural center Assistant

Director linda capers will run the center once Sanchez and Johnson have left. “Additional staff resources from throughout Student Affairs” will help main-

tain the center’s programs with fewer staff members, Airall wrote in the letter Saturday. Airall said she does not know how much money will be saved by dismissing Sanchez and Johnson.

Airall said Duke is committed

to maintaining both multicultural and international programming, and that no currently-offered pro-grams will be eliminated. She said she viewed the integration of the international house and Multi-cultural center as a positive step

that would bring together several communities on campus.

“i thought it would be some-thing that would be new and ex-citing, not something that would be horrible and devastating,” she said.

MERGER from page 1

dianna liu/ChroniCle file Photo

At a forum last Wednesday night, senior vivek Upadhyay (right) voices his concerns about the impromptu merger of the International House and the Multicultural Center as Duke Student Government President Awa Nur (middle) listens in. Administrators decided to postpone the merger in order to create a task force to solicit student input.

Page 6: November 16, 2009 issue


by Peter Nicholas and Borzou Daragahi loS AnGeleS TiMeS

ShAnGhAi — Presenting a united front in effort to restrain iran’s nuclear energy program, U.S. President Barack obama and russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned Sunday that they were losing patience with Tehran and will not wait much longer for it to accept a diplomatic proposal to resolve the dispute.

After an hour-long private meeting in Singapore, on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific group summit, the two leaders expressed dissatisfaction with iran’s response to a proposal to ship its enriched uranium abroad to be turned into fuel for a Tehran medical reactor. in Geneva last month, iran agreed to the deal in prin-ciple, but U.S. officials said iranian leaders have since thrown up obstacles.

“Unfortunately, so far at least, iran appears to have

been unable to say yes to what everyone acknowledges is a creative and constructive approach,” obama said after the bilateral meeting, calling the offer to iran a fair one.

if Tehran is defiant, obama said, “the alternative would be an approach that would involve increasing pressure on iran to meet its international obligations.”

Medvedev, for his part, said, “We’re still not satisfied with the pace of advancement of the process.”

Although other russian leaders, notably Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, have been less enthusiastic about the pros-pect of increased economic sanctions, U.S. officials said the deadline for iran to act is the end of the year.

United States and russia hope the threat of new sanc-tions will be enough to win agreement from iran, and offi-cials said the two leaders discussed a timetable for possible actions during their meeting Sunday.

The U.S. and many other Western powers believe iran

is seeking to develop nuclear weapons; the proposal would diminish iran’s stockpile of nuclear fuel below the level needed for making a single nuclear weapon if further en-riched. iran insists its nuclear development program is for civilian energy purposes only.

“Both presidents said time is running out. And there-fore we have to make preparations now to deal with the contingencies should the iranians decide they don’t want to be serious about the diplomatic path,” Michael McFaul, a senior adviser to obama, told reporters Sunday.

After meetings with Medvedev and other Asia-Pacific leaders in Singapore, obama left for Shanghai on the start of a three-day visit to china that marks the heart of his inaugural trip to Asia. china is iran’s largest trading part-ner, and obama will have his work cut out in persuading Beijing to apply additional pressure on Tehran.

no iranian official reacted immediately to the com-ments in Singapore. But the powerful speaker of iran’s parliament on Sunday delivered some of his harshest words yet against obama, who took office vowing to at-tempt to use diplomacy to overcome decades of hostility between Tehran and Washington and forge a deal on the nuclear program.

Ali larijani criticized the obama administration for ex-tending sanctions against the islamic republic for another year and seizing the U.S. assets of the Alavi Foundation, an islamic charity.

“one year after making hollow speeches and slogans, it is disgraceful that the attitude of the U.S. president was nothing different from that of his predecessor,” larijani said in an address to lawmakers, according to the official islamic republic news Agency.

“All these acts indicated that obama’s alleged changes were nothing more than a deceptive symbol for stupid politicians.”

The U.S. and international arms inspectors continue to await a definitive response to a proposal to transfer the bulk of iran’s nuclear fuel to russia and France to be further re-fined and fitted for the medical reactor. larijani, who has described the nuclear fuel swap proposal as against iran’s interests, dismissed such a deal as “unacceptable.”

French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner told an is-raeli newspaper Sunday that his nation had grown pessi-mistic about the prospect for a deal. “in effect the answer has almost been given already, and it is negative,” he told the daily Yedioth Ahronoth. “That’s a shame, a shame, a shame.”

“We are waiting. This is not good, and very dangerous,” he added.

in their private meeting, obama and Medvedev also discussed arms control between their two nations, which are negotiating a nuclear arms reduction treaty that would succeed one that is set to expire early next month.

U.S., Russia say patience is running out for Iran

Page 7: November 16, 2009 issue

november 16, 2009

caroline rodriguez/THe cHronicle


the chronicle


Duke defense cracks in demoralizing defeat

Page 8: November 16, 2009 issue

8 | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 thE chRONiclE

by Will FlahertyThe chronicle

The future of Duke Basketball was on display Friday in cameron indoor Stadium.

With starters nolan Smith and Mason Plumlee out for the season opener Friday against Unc-Greensboro, Duke relied heavily on un-derclassmen olek czyz, Andre Dawkins and ryan Kelly en route to a 96-62 win over the Spartans.

Perhaps the most surprising perfor-mance came from the sophomore czyz,

who started the first game of his Duke career after seeing


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Youngsters shine in season debut

Game Analysis

rob sTewarT/THe cHronicle

Sophomore Olek Czyz started Friday against UNC-Greensboro and scored six points, including two on this crowd-pleasing dunk.

M. BBALL from page 1

Duke can adjust its lineup depending on the situation. center Brian Zoubek was impressed with his teammate’s ability to modify his play without Smith.

“he does a really good job,” Zoubek said of Scheyer. “it’s tough as hell, i’ll tell you that, especially because he’s not a point guard and the guys on the other team are going to go after him because of that. he has to play the point guard role and the shooting guard role and he does a heck of a job and i’m proud of him.”

entering the second half with a 48-27 lead, Singler quickly took advantage of the holes in the Spartans’ loose zone defense for a quick scoop shot that was immediately followed by a jump shot from Scheyer. Feeding off the older players’ energy, freshmen Andre Dawkins and ryan Kelly sunk their first official 3-pointers as Blue Devils one after the other to increase Duke’s lead to 60-37.

Singler said his hot shooting hand in the first half gave him more confidence the rest of the evening.

“i just had open shots and took them, and they went in,” Singler said. “once you see some shots go in early, you might take some shots that you might not take if you missed a couple.”

Ultimately, it was the height difference between the two teams that made it challenging for the Spartans to trim Duke’s double-digit lead. With no one on the Unc-Greens-boro roster over 6-foot-7, the Blue Devil defense was able to dominate as the Spartans had a difficult time passing over and around Duke’s tall front line. The Blue Devils forced only 14 turnovers but blocked eight shots on the night.

“i thought our zone was pretty good,” Krzyzewski said. “We covered shooters and [our front line is] pretty big, it’s wide. having lance [Thomas] on top—and if he’s out Kyle’s up so you have a 6-foot-8 guy….The big-gest thing is identifying shooters from that.”

Zoubek and Miles Plumlee consistently took advantage of their positioning inside throughout the contest and added in 14 and 10 points, respectively. Duke also domi-nated the boards with 44 rebounds to the Spartans’ 20.

“it feels good,” Zoubek said. “i think if i can come in and protect the basket, rebound, play off other guys and crash the boards i’m going to have a good place on this team.”

Despite the success of Duke’s shorthanded lineup, the Blue Devils look forward to the return of two of their strongest players. While Smith comes back for Tuesday’s matchup against the winner of the charlotte-elon game—assuming Duke defeats coastal carolina Monday—Plumlee’s return date is further away as the extent of his injuries has yet to be fully determined.

“next Wednesday [nov. 18th], we’ll take another look at Mason’s wrist,” Krzyzewski said. “not that he’ll be ready to play at that time. We just hope that it’s weeks, not months.”

The Blue Devils face costal carolina in the opening round of the niT Season Tip-off tonight at 7 p.m. in cameron indoor Stadium.

only limited action in 13 contests last season. czyz record-ed six points, six rebounds and two steals in 24 minutes of action and showed off his athleticism early in the first half when he intercepted an errant Unc-Greensboro pass and emphatically slammed home a tomahawk dunk on the en-suing breakaway.

“olek did extremely good—he didn’t take an outside shot,” Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski said. “he gave a lot of energy, and he just did well in what he was supposed to do. i was really happy for him. he played more minutes tonight than he did all last year, or close to it.”

czyz —who learned that he would be stepping into the starting lineup only a few days prior to the game—had arthroscopic surgery on his right knee to clear out loose cartilage in June but has bounced back to earn the early nod through a strong preseason. once news that Smith would be suspended for the first two games broke, czyz honed in on doing all he could to seize the oppor-tunity for some significant playing time. Although he had some first-game jitters, czyz felt that he quickly found his groove in his first career Duke start.

“i thought i was calm out there for the first time to be put in that situation,” czyz said. “i’ve never started in a ball-game at Duke in my life. it was a different feeling, but i thought i handled it well.”

Krzyzewski noted that had he been able to go back a year, he likely would have opted to redshirt czyz in his freshman season as the native of Poland adjusted to aca-demic life and collegiate basketball.

“he had so much to learn,” Krzyzewski said. “not just basketball, but language, academics—he was making a big step forward in a lot of areas. But he’s made it, and he’s a really good kid, and he’s an outstanding athlete.”

With only two returning scholarship guards this sea-son, Krzyzewski had no such redshirt option with Dawk-ins. Despite a condensed preseason due to his decision to graduate high school early and enroll at Duke mid-summer, Dawkins looked sharp in his first game with the Blue Devils. The 6-foot-4 guard from chesapeake, Va. scored eight points and shot 2-for-4 from beyond the arc. he also contributed an impressive highlight-reel play late in the second half when he blocked a Spartan forward along the baseline and snared the loose ball to start a Duke fast break.

After the game, Dawkins said that he wasn’t too nervous about his first official collegiate game, especially due to his role as a reserve.

“coming off the bench, you really don’t have time to [think about it],” Dawkins said. “You have to go in there and give it your all. coach K says to play your butt off, and

See underclassmen on PAGe 13

Page 9: November 16, 2009 issue

thE chRONiclE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 | 9


Aggies crush Duke in flash-back to 2008







xavier waTson/cHronicle file pHoTo

Junior Jasmine Thomas scored a career-high 26 points Sunday, but the Blue Devils suffered a frustrating early-season loss at Texas A&M.


Barnes commits to rival Tar Heels

by Rachel ApostolesThe chronicle

Duke headed to Texas looking for revenge against the team that knocked it out of the the 2008 ncAA Tournament, but instead left the lone Star State with a similar outcome.

After breezing past houston Baptist 104-35 in their sea-son opener, the no. 6 Blue Devils were unable to maintain their momentum against Texas A&M, falling to the Aggies 95-77 Sunday at reed Arena in college Station, Texas.

Texas A&M (1-0) jumped out to an early lead with a fast-break layup by Tanisha Smith just three seconds after tip-off. Duke responded soon after with a layup by senior Bridgette Mitchell. From there, the teams remained evenly matched until Danielle Adams sank a 3-pointer with 9:49 remaining in the first half to charge the Aggie offense.

The Blue Devils (1-1) went into halftime trailing by 10, but started the second half with an offensive run. Propelled

by a steal from Keturah Jackson with 15:41 to go in the game, the Blue Devils outscored the Aggies 11-1 to cut the lead to three. however, Texas A&M quickly responded with 10 unanswered points.

“We worked hard defensively to get that little run going, and we made poor decisions when we got

it within three,” said junior Jasmine Thomas, who led the team with a career-high 26 points and nine rebounds.

But the Blue Devils’ offense was one-dimensional and freshman Allison Vernerey was the only other player to score in double digits, posting 11 points and grabbing seven rebounds.

nevertheless, Duke’s major struggle was its inability to stop the Aggies on the offensive end.

“You’re looking at five people in double figures for them,” head coach Joanne P. Mccallie said. “our team de-fense did not perform. That was a problem.”

Three-pointers were a huge strength for Texas A&M, which connected on 9-of-15 shots from beyond the arc. The Aggies got a surprising spark from Adams, a center, who added 24

See w. bball on PAGe 16

harrison Barnes, the no. 1 high school player in the country according to and the crown jewel of Duke’s potential recruiting class, committed to north carolina Friday afternoon from his high school in Ames, iowa.

Barnes, a 6-foot-8 small forward, chose north caro-lina over Duke, UclA, iowa State and others.

in making his announcement, Barnes held the at-tention of those watching by announcing he would use Skype, the video-conferencing application, to communicate with his new coach. The man on the other end was Tar heel head coach roy Williams, giv-ing north carolina another recruiting win and Duke another disappointing miss as the assembled crowd erupted in cheers.

Paul Biancardi, Scouts inc.’s national recruiting

director, called Barnes “the most complete offensive player in the country.”

The Blue Devils’ recruiting class is far from empy, however—three players have already signed, including top point guard Kyrie irving. With Barnes on board, Duke may have had the no. 1 recruiting class in the nation looking ahead to 2010.

Barnes took his official visit to Duke the weekend of oct. 23 and attended the Blue Devils’ basketball game against Pfeiffer the following day. While in Durham, he also met with a host of campus leaders, including the deans of the Fuqua School of Business and the School of law.

he also met with Dean of Undergraduate Admissions christoph Guttentag and had dinner at the home of head coach Mike Krzyzewski.

—from staff reports

Page 10: November 16, 2009 issue

10 | thE chRONiclE

by Scott RichThe chronicle

Any football guru will attest that big plays are more common through the air than on the ground. So it was certainly a

surprise Saturday when Georgia Tech—a team re-liant on the triple-option ground attack—used the big pass play to rout Duke, which, despite its profi-

cient passing attack, failed multiple times to answer in kind.

The statistical divide could not have been clearer: Georgia Tech averaged 19.4 yards

per pass attempt, while the Blue Devils aver-aged only 6.2. The Yellow Jackets averaged nearly six yards per carry, far superior to Duke’s paltry one.

indeed, in a game where the odds were already stacked against the Blue Devils, their failure to stop the big play proved too big of a flaw to overcome.

“i thought we did a pretty solid job on the run, but those pass plays really opened it up for them and i think that really killed us,” defensive tackle Kinney rucker said.

For most of the first half, the Blue Devils were able to limit the Yellow Jackets’ vaunt-ed rushing attack. Duke’s defense forced a

by David UngvaryThe chronicle

Before the kickoff of Saturday’s contest against no. 7 Georgia Tech, Duke head coach David cutcliffe warned the Blue Devils not to look at the scoreboard during the game.

Predicting that his team would jump out to an early lead against the high-powered Yellow Jackets, cutcliffe worried that minding the score would disrupt his squad’s focus on each individual play.

After 60 minutes, cutcliffe’s admonition was still appli-cable—but for all the wrong reasons.

Despite a hot start that gained Duke a 10-point advan-tage in the first quarter, the Blue Devils (5-5, 3-3 in the Acc) failed to keep up momentum, sputtering in all three phases of the game as they were trounced 49-10 by a merci-less Georgia Tech squad.

“Mama said there’d be days like today,” cutcliffe said. “i think it was evident the way we came out and started the game that we were ready to play to open the ball game.

10-point advantage vanishes in dominating Tech performance

And somewhere in there, the wheels started coming off.”The Blue Devils struck first on a measured nine-play, 73

yard drive capped off by a beautiful 18-yard touchdown re-ception by running back re’quan Boyette on a fade route down the visitor’s sideline. Duke kicker Will Snyderwine chipped in a 31-yard field goal with 1:30 to go in the first quarter, but from that point on Georgia Tech (10-1, 7-1) showed Duke what the best offense in the Acc is made of as it unleashed a deflating 14-point blitzkrieg—a stretch that was just the tip of the iceberg.

it was all spurred by an electric 83-yard return by the Yellow Jacket’s orwin Smith on the ensuing kickoff, which ironically, looked disastrous for Georgia Tech at the play’s outset.

Smith fumbled the ball near his own 15-yard line but quickly recovered and dodged a swarm of converging Blue Devil defenders to reach a swath of open field, taking the ball down to the Duke 2-yard line.

one snap later, Georgia Tech had its first points of the day as quarterback Josh nesbitt called his own number and plunged into the end zone.

“That one kickoff return, that was probably the sort of game changer for us,” redhsirt senior defensive tack-le Kinney rucker said.

rucker, who started in the place of the injured Vince oghobaase, was right. The ramblin’ Wreck and its potent triple option never looked back and Duke never regained its footing after that initial score. less than five minutes after their first touchdown, the Yellow Jackets put togeth-er a string of 10 running plays to go 86 yards for another seven-point score.

Georgia Tech running back Jonathan Dwyer, who recorded 110 yards for his fourth straight 100-yard per-formance, exposed the same weak run defense which plagued Duke last week against north carolina. The Yel-low Jackets grinded the Blue Devils down, running the ball 52 times for 306 yards on the day—good for an aver-age of 5.9 yards per carry.

And while Georgia Tech did what Georgia Tech does best, Duke also seemed to neglect the weapons its oppo-nent had in its receiving corps. nesbitt threw for 195 yards on just six completions—two of which were deep strikes that went for touchdowns—taking advantage of the Blue Devils’ man-to-man coverage scheme and size mismatches that favored the Yellow Jackets.

“When they get rolling, you really don’t know what to expect,” senior linebacker Vincent rey said. “We all know how [well] they run the ball, but they can also throw the ball as well. it’s tough when they have that two-pronged at-tack as well as they do.”

Duke starting quarterback Thaddeus lewis, who is deal-

ing with a leg injury and struggled to get into rhythm with his receivers for any extended period, was replaced by backup Sean renfree midway through the third quarter. renfree, however, went down with what looked like a knee injury after throwing just six passes.

“There are ups and downs in the game of football,” lewis said. “The energy you come out with—you usually have to sustain it to keep it going like that.”

With the win, the Yellow Jackets secured the Acc coastal Division title for the first time in three seasons, and left the Blue Devils needing to run the table in games at Miami and at home against Wake Forest in or-der to become bowl eligible.

Duke beaten by surprising Yellow Jacket passing game

caroline rodriguez/THe cHronicle

Duke recievers were held to just nine catches for 89 yards in a morale-crushing defeat to Georgia Tech at wallace wade Stadium Saturday afternoon.

faiTH roberTson/THe cHronicle

Quarterback Thaddeus Lewis missed wide reciever Conner Vernon on a play-action pass that could have changed the momentum Saturday.

faiTH roberTson/THe cHronicle

Cornerback Jerrard Terrant returned four punts for 44 yards, but Orwin Smith’s 83-yard kick return that led to a touchdown was the biggest special teams play of the day.

Game Analysis


bythenumbers49: Points allowed by Duke Saturday, the most given up by the Blue Devils since a

loss to Miami last year

306: Rushing yards racked up by Josh Nesbitt and the Georgia Tech offense. The Yellow Jackets averaged 5.9 yards per carry

5: Quarterback Thaddeus Lewis’s rank on the all-time ACC touchdown pass list

Page 11: November 16, 2009 issue

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 | 11

per pass attempt, while the Blue Devils aver-aged only 6.2. The Yellow Jackets averaged nearly six yards per carry, far superior to Duke’s paltry one.

indeed, in a game where the odds were already stacked against the Blue Devils, their failure to stop the big play proved too big of a flaw to overcome.

“i thought we did a pretty solid job on the run, but those pass plays really opened it up for them and i think that really killed us,” defensive tackle Kinney rucker said.

For most of the first half, the Blue Devils were able to limit the Yellow Jackets’ vaunt-ed rushing attack. Duke’s defense forced a

three-and-out on Georgia Tech’s first drive after stuffing two triple options at the line. on the next Yellow Jacket possession, quar-terback Josh nesbitt was stopped short on 3rd-and-2, forcing another punt.

But the Blue Devils’ stellar early efforts against the run came with a price, as the Duke secondary was forced to cover taller and fast-er Georgia Tech receivers one-on-one. Mid-way through the second quarter, cornerback leon Wright was burned by Yellow Jacket re-ceiver embry Peeples along the sideline, and a subsequent missed tackle allowed Peeples to take the ball down to the Duke 29-yard line, leading to a Georgia Tech touchdown.

Home team on left:

UNC 33 - 24 No. 12 Miami

Tar heel cornerback Kendric Burney’s three interceptions—capped by the con-troversial third that resulted in a fumble and a touchdown—gave north carolina its fourth consecutive win against Miami at Kenan Stadium. hurricanes’ quarter-back Jacory harris threw for over 300 yards, but also tossed four picks.

Maryland 9 - 36 No. 20 Va Tech

running back ryan Williams broke out with 126 yards and quarterback Tyrod Taylor passed for three touch-downs to give the hokies an easy win over overmatched Maryland. Virginia Tech opened up an early 24-point lead and never looked back as the hokies work their way toward a possible 10-win season.

N.C. State 23 - 43 No. 24 Clemson

running back and heisman candidate c.J. Spiller scored touchdowns three dif-ferent ways to keep streaking clemson on pace for an appearance in the Acc cham-pionship game. The win was the Tigers’ fifth straight, while the loss dropped n.c. State to 4-6 overall and into danger of miss-ing a bowl game.

Virginia 10 - 14 Boston College

Two fourth-down conversions on the same drive in the fourth quarter led to a one-yard run by quarterback Dave Shin-sikie, giving Boston college the win and keeping alive the eagles’ slim hopes of winning the Acc Atlantic Division.

around tHe acc

Duke beaten by surprising Yellow Jacket passing gameAnd as the half concluded, nesbitt hit Stephen hill for

a 32-yard touchdown pass down the middle, again against single coverage. That touchdown allowed a manageable 11-point halftime deficit to balloon to a more intimidating three-score disadvantage for the Blue Devils.

“You’re not sitting back there playing zone defense because of [the triple option],” Duke head coach David cutcliffe said. “We got one-on-one with them, and when you get one-on-one with them they make the plays, which they did. They picked up big chunks of yardage.”

As the Georgia Tech pass offense heated up, the Blue Devils were forced to change their defensive fo-cus. This opened up more running lanes for the tri-ple-option attack, and the big plays came in bunches. nesbitt opened the second half with a 20-yard scam-per up the middle, followed two plays later by a 31-yard pass to Anthony Allen that put Georgia Tech in the red zone.

After the subsequent Dwyer touchdown put Georgia Tech up a very comfortable 25 points, the rout was on.

Duke, though, had its chances early to answer Georgia Tech’s big plays with some of its own, only to see those op-portunities slip away. After claiming a seven-point lead early, a botched fake punt by Georgia Tech gave Duke the ball in prime scoring position at the Yellow Jacket 14-yard line. But the Blue Devil offense was unable to take full advantage, set-tling for a Will Snyderwine field goal and a 10-point lead.

Then, down 21-10 in the second, quarterback Thad-deus lewis and running back Desmond Scott executed a picture-perfect play-action fake on 3rd-and-1. As Scott dove over the line, albeit it without the ball, receiver con-ner Vernon ran down the middle of the field with no de-fender in sight. But despite having solid protection, lewis floated the ball over Vernon’s head, and what should have been a gift touchdown instead resulted in a punt.

“i’d give anything to get that one back,” lewis said.had Duke breached the end zone after the failed

fake punt and hit Vernon on that fateful play, the game would have been tied at 21. instead, missed opportuni-ties conserved the 11-point deficit that quickly spiraled as the Duke defense faltered.

indeed, Georgia Tech’s surprisingly explosive passing attack proved too much for the Blue Devils to handle, especially when Duke could not respond as it had in vic-tories earlier this season.

faiTH roberTson/THe cHronicle

Quarterback Thaddeus Lewis threw for 212 yards Saturday against Georgia Tech, but led only one touchdown drive in Duke’s loss.

faiTH roberTson/THe cHronicle

Cornerback Jerrard Terrant returned four punts for 44 yards, but Orwin Smith’s 83-yard kick return that led to a touchdown was the biggest special teams play of the day.

10 49

bythenumbers49: Points allowed by Duke Saturday, the most given up by the Blue Devils since a

loss to Miami last year

306: Rushing yards racked up by Josh Nesbitt and the Georgia Tech offense. The Yellow Jackets averaged 5.9 yards per carry

5: Quarterback Thaddeus Lewis’s rank on the all-time ACC touchdown pass list

Page 12: November 16, 2009 issue

12 | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 thE chRONiclE







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naTHan pHam/cHronicle file pHoTo

Senior Jane Alukonis came close to scoring Friday, but No. 12 rutgers kept a clean sheet for the 2-0 win.

rob sTewarT/cHronicle file pHoTo

Elisabeth redmond’s impressive career came to an end with a hip injury in Duke’s loss to rutgers Friday.

Scarlet Knights punish Duke in NCAA tourney




by Nicholas SchwartzThe chronicle

in the postseason, with the best teams in the country matched up, the fate of a

season often hinges upon missed chances and lucky bounces. After a hard fought 2-0 loss against no.

12 rutgers in columbia, S.c., Duke (8-9-4) was sent home in the first round of the ncAA tournament after two straight elite

eight appearances.Unable to consistently convert offen-

sively in the final third all season, Duke’s scoring shortcomings proved too much of a hindrance against the opportunistic Scarlet Knights (14-3-4). Although the Blue Devils created chances throughout the game and pressured an outstanding rutgers back line, Duke visibly lacked a cutting edge.

in the first half, both sides struggled to establish any type of offensive flow. With nerves jangling, each team scrambled for possession and failed to win the battle in midfield.

After the first 20 minutes, Duke turned up the pressure and began to at-tack the Scarlet Knight defense. The Blue Devils had the first real scoring chance of the game when junior Gretchen Miller forced a corner kick. captain elisabeth redmond floated a ball into the penalty area and found the head of senior Kay-Anne Gummersall, but the striker’s ef-fort was pushed onto the post by rutgers goalkeeper erin Guthrie.

in the 27th minute, Duke again missed a golden opportunity to pull ahead. Ju-nior Kendall Bradley found space along the left flank and placed an incisive cross into the path of sophomore chelsea canepa. With Guthrie in a bad position, canepa quickly sent the ball to the far post, but her strike went wide.

in full control of the game, it seemed the Blue Devils’ goal drought would in-evitably end. With the Scarlet Knights scat-

tered, senior Jane Alukonis played a per-fect through ball to Gummersall, who was one-on-one with Guthrie, but the referee raised his flag, calling Duke offside.

rutgers kept itself in the game with solid defense, and in the 42nd minute, capitalized on a defensive mistake by the

Blue Devils. A Julie lancos free kick was not cleared from the Duke penalty area, and out of the shuffle, Kelsey Dumont placed a dagger into the lower-right cor-ner of the net.

See w. soccer on PAGe 16

Page 13: November 16, 2009 issue

thE chRONiclE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 | 13




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that’s what i tried to do.”Kelly, a freshman forward from raleigh’s

ravenscroft high, also chipped in with eight points, three rebounds and a block. Kelly’s capability to play both inside and on the wing in certain situations will help ease the loss of Plumlee, who is expected to miss a few weeks with a non-displaced fracture of his left wrist.

Krzyzewski was ultimately satisfied with the play of his freshmen in their debuts, particularly with how each knocked down key 3-point baskets after Unc-Greensboro narrowed the Duke lead down to 17 points early in the sec-ond half.

“Andre and ryan gave us a lift,” Krzyze-wski said. “Those two threes when they got it down to 17 or 16, those were big plays for freshmen to make. i was pleased.”

UNDErCLASSMEN from page 8

dianna liu/THe cHronicle

Freshman Andre Dawkins scored eight points on 2-of-3 shooting in Duke’s 34-point win over UNC-Greensboro.

micHael naclerio/cHronicle file pHoTo

The Duke women won the NCAA Southeast regional easily to earn a spot at the NCAA Championships.


Women earn auto bid with victory in Lousville

The Duke men and women’s teams put themselves in position to qualify for the national championships with strong showings at the ncAA Southeast region-al at the University of louisville Saturday.

The Blue Devil women brought home their first regional title since 2005, total-ling 69 points to pace the 35-team field and earn an automatic ncAA bid.

“everyone stepped up well, person for person,” women’s head coach Kevin Jer-myn said. “This race was another positive step for us. We definitely feel like we are one of the best teams in the country, we

just need to be a little tighter four through five to challenge the top teams.”

Four runners earned all-region hon-ors, led by sophomore carly Seymour, who finished in fifth place out of 237 with a time of 20:28.85 in the 6K. Senior Kate Van Buskirk took sixth place, and fresh-men Juliet Bottorff and Kayla hale also earned all-region recognition.

“i thought we saw nice improvement across the board,” Jermyn said. “We were able to pull away from some of the teams

See cross country on PAGe 15

Page 14: November 16, 2009 issue

14 | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 thE chRONiclE

by Gabe StarostaThe chronicle

Duke’s final Acc road trip of the season ended as most of them have: with the Blue Devils recording two more conference wins against overmatched opponents.

Duke (24-5, 14-3 in the Acc) defeated Virginia Tech 3-1 Friday night in Blacksburg, Va., and recovered from

an early deficit Saturday to take down Virginia in charlottesville.

The two victories solidified the Blue Devils’ hold on second place in the conference standings, giving them an outside shot at the league championship. Duke sits two games behind Florida State, which beat the

Blue Devils twice this season, with three matches left. “There were some interesting losses that took place

within the league,” head coach Jolene nagel said. “luckily, it wasn’t us—we took care of business.”

Duke opened its tour through Virginia at cassell coliseum against an inconsistent Virginia Tech squad. The hokies (17-11, 7-10) were led by Felicia Willoughby and cara Baarendse, attackers who played quite well, but were let down by the rest of their roster, which hit at a -.042 pace. libero claire Smalzer had 18 digs in the match, and the Blue Devil defense forced the hokies into errors all evening.

The Virginia Tech defense was completely unable to deal with the Duke attack, led by senior rachael Moss. Moss recorded her 10th double-double of the year with 15 kills and 20 digs in helping Duke win the first two sets and seal the match in the fourth.

“She is a very smart player,” nagel said of Moss. “She has a great volleyball iQ and against Virginia Tech she was re-ally able to take advantage of some things that they weren’t disciplined on.”

Saturday’s matchup with Virginia (12-16, 7-10) would prove to be a tougher test. The cavaliers won the first

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caroline rodriguez/cHronicle file pHoTo

Senior rachael Moss put up two double-doubles as the Blue Devils stayed in the ACC race with victories over Virginia and Virginia Tech on the road.


Duke sweeps Virginia schools on last road trip







caroline rodriguez/cHronicle file pHoTo

Libero Claire Smalzer’s 20 digs Saturday night helped the Blue Devils earn a come-from-behind win against Virginia in Charlottesville, Va.

See volleyball on PAGe 15

Page 15: November 16, 2009 issue

thE chRONiclE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 | 15

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game, 26-24, and nearly took the second before Duke recovered for the 27-25 win.

“We struggled in that first game, no doubt about it,” nagel said.

The last two sets turned out to be more academic, as the Blue Devils allowed just 12 points in the third set and held on in the fourth for the victory.

once again, Moss was one of the keys to the win. She bested her performance from the night before with 17 kills and 21 digs, and the dig total represented a season high.

She was not alone in putting together a strong offensive performance, however. Duke’s middle blocking trio—Becci Burl-ing, christiana Gray and Amanda robert-son—combined for 40 kills, and Kellie cat-anach dished out 50 assists on the night.

nagel said she was impressed with her team’s composure, especially given the squad’s travel schedule. The Blue Devils have been on the road the last two week-ends, and both times returned to Durham in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

“They came out hard at us, but we were able to get it in four,” nagel said. “right now, it’s like the team has been such a tremendous team together with how they practice each day. i don’t mean to sound like everything is perfect, but we just spent two long weekends on the road together.... This is a lot of together time and it could drive a lot of people crazy, but the team gets along so well, it makes it easier.”

Duke closes its regular-season slate with a trio of games against in-state com-petition in the next nine days, with the most important coming against north carolina Saturday night.

VOLLEyBALL from page 14

ian soileau/cHronicle file pHoTo

Setter Kellie Catanach (10, left) had 50 assists Saturday as Duke stayed on pace to challenge for an ACC title.

micHael naclerio/cHronicle file pHoTo

while the Duke women’s team won its meet, the men finished fourth and hope for an NCAA at-large bid.

that were right behind us at the Acc cham-pionships and we were stronger through our top three.”

Duke’s closest competitor was Virginia, which totalled 113 points for the second-place team finish. n.c. State, William & Mary and north carolina rounded out the top five.

on the men’s side, the Blue Devils scored a probable at-large bid by placing fourth, barely edging Virginia by two points. Junior Bo Waggoner, in a time of 30:30.12, was the lone recipient of all-region honors with a 13th-place finish.

Three Duke runners finished about a minute behind Waggoner to miss out on all-region recognition. Sophomore Joshua

Brewer led that group, ending up in 26th place with a time of 31:06.79.

one disappointment for Duke was cory nanni, one of the team’s best runners, who finished 138th in the 10K after an injury hampered his performance.

The Blue Devils will find out tonight if they will be invited to the ncAA cham-poionships as one of 13 at-large entrants.

“We feel very good about our chances for an at-large bid,” head coach norm ogil-vie said. “We took a major hit with nanni—he was going strong through 8K before his calf really tightened up during the last two kilometers. But other guys stepped up and got the job done.”

The ncAA championships will be held nov. 23 in Terre haute, ind.

-from staff reports

CrOSS COUNTry from page 13

Page 16: November 16, 2009 issue

16 | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 thE chRONiclE

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“if you let a ball bounce in the 18-yard box, nothing but bad things are going to happen,” head coach robbie church said. “That was a killer, because we had all of the momentum.”

in the second half, Duke was forced to play without redmond, its on-field leader who sustained a hip injury in the first 45 minutes. The Blue Devils would continue to press the Scarlet Knights, and in the 60th, looked close to equal-izing. Alukonis was unmarked at the top of the penalty area, but her shot was blocked by a swarm-ing rutgers defense.

Duke’s defenders pushed for-ward late in the game to aid in attack, but while vulnerable to a counterattack conceded a game-clinching goal to rutgers. Duke

goalkeeper Tara campbell was unable to save April Price’s shot from 12 yards out, and the rut-gers defense would clamp down to preserve the shutout.

“in an ncAA tournament, you’re only going to have a cer-tain number of chances and you have to put them away,” Gummer-sall said. “You aren’t going to win if you don’t do that.”

Although Duke came up short in columbia, church knows his Blue Devils made tremendous strides throughout the season, and that the valu-able experience his five starting freshmen received will pay divi-dends down the road.

“They’re not freshmen any-more,” church said. “We’re los-ing four of the best players that have ever played in our program and we’re going to have to re-place them.”

w. SOCCEr from page 12

faiTH roberTson/cHronicle file pHoTo

KayAnne Gummersall had a header saved against the post but could not score for Duke.

points—including three 3-point-ers—in just 22 minutes of play.

“[Adams] is really unique,” Mccallie said. “She was really her own kind of cat out there.”

Despite the loss, Mccallie said that she was pleased with the team’s rebounding and physicality in the paint. Duke outrebounded Texas A&M 46-41 in the contest. The coach and the players empha-sized, however, that the team will have to learn how to maintain its composure and execute at critical times as it moves on this season.

“They did everything that we ex-pected them to do,” Thomas said. “We just didn’t outmatch them.”

The loss followed an impressive victory over the huskies Friday. De-spite winning by almost 70 points, Duke trailed 8-6 in the opening minutes after missing 8-of-11 shots.

“i think we definitely started out too fast,” senior Joy cheek said. “i think what ignited them was us turning the ball over, so it is definitely something we can control at the beginning of the game.”

cheek’s lay-up with 14:21 left in the first half propelled the Blue Devil offense to a 10-0 run.

From there, the team found its stride offensively and never looked back, going into halftime with a 41-14 lead. Duke had five players score in double figures, led by Mitchell with 18 points.

cheek added 16 points, while Alexis rogers and Krystal Thom-as chipped in 14 points apiece. Karima christmas, a houston native, contributed 10 points in front of her hometown crowd.

Despite the team’s domi-nance, it struggled with taking care of the ball, committing 23 turnovers against the huskies, and was ineffective from out-side the arc, going 1-for-12 from 3-point range. Both weaknesses played key roles in Duke’s loss to the Aggies, giving the Blue Devils something to work on as the year progresses.

“From every game you want to learn something,” cheek said. “You want to win first, but then you want to learn.”

xavier waTson/cHronicle file pHoTo

Karima Christmas struggled in front of her hometown crowd, scoring only four points in Duke’s 18-point loss to Texas A&M.

w. BBALL from page 9

Page 17: November 16, 2009 issue

thE chRONiclE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 | 17

DiversionsShoe Chris Cassatt and Gary Brookins

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Ink Pen Phil Dunlap

Doonesbury Garry Trudeau

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Page 18: November 16, 2009 issue

commentaries18 | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 thE chRONiclE

the c








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Last Wednesday, the Duke Student Government approved a new Young Trustee bylaw, ending a months-long reform effort of the YT se-lection pro-cess—or so we thought.

Days later, DSG Presi-dent Awa Nur vetoed the bylaw, putting reform back at square one.

Regardless of her rea-sons for opposing it, in choosing to veto the Young Trustee bylaw approved by the Senate, Nur has under-mined the independence of the reform process she set into place at the begin-ning of the semester.

When former vice presi-dent for the Inter-Commu-

nity Council Andrew Brown resigned over the summer, the Young Trustee selec-tion process was placed in uncertainty. Instead of ap-

pointing a re-placement VP for ICC who

would chair YT selection for this year, Nur moved to eliminate the position through a general election referendum.

In that same election, stu-dents selected a Special Sec-retary for the Young Trustee process, a position created by Nur to examine the exist-ing YT selection process and present suggested changes to the DSG Senate.

By refusing to name a VP for ICC and putting the Special Secretary posi-

tion up for election, Nur sought to separate herself from YT reform in the in-terest of creating a selec-tion process free from her direct influence.

Over the course of the past two months, Nur’s framework for reform car-ried along. After her Sept. 14 election, Special Secre-tary Amanda Turner held her requisite four open fo-rums, consulted with cur-rent and former Young Trustees and solicited input from a variety of students and administrators.

On Nov. 4, Turner pre-sented to DSG her recom-mended YT selection by-law, and a week later, the Senate made amendments and passed the legislation.

Young Trustee reform was carried out exactly as Nur intended—indepen-dent from her influence, driven by an elected Special Secretary and with final ap-proval from the Senate.

It is misguided and con-tradictory, then, for her to reject the product of a re-form process she created simply because she does not agree with it or desires greater debate over the by-law within the Senate.

More importantly, a veto this late in the game directly inserts Nur into a process she wrote herself out of. This undermines the independence and ob-jectivity of reform efforts and symbolically nullifies what both Turner and the

Senate have been working toward since September.

That Nur deemed a veto necessary, however, does affirm what we have as-serted all semester long—comprehensive YT reform cannot be rushed, nor can it be confined to a two-month period.

Now, after the open fo-rums, deliberations, amend-ments and a Senate-approved bylaw newly rejected, we find ourselves at an all-too-famil-iar place when it comes to the Young Trustee selection process—back at the begin-ning, with no guarantee for true reform.

Cheslea Goldstein, a mem-ber of the DSG Cabinet, recused herself from this editorial.

As a liberal arts school, Duke, until very re-cently, has missed out on the “arts” part of this equation.

Take a look around. Where are the artists at Duke, and why is it that they must hide in the far-thest corners of campus? They are relegated to trudg-ing the muddy dirt road to get to the Smith Warehouse, that sketchy look-ing brick building behind the graffiti bridge. They are welding metal with a blowtorch in the sculpture studio on Central Campus, dodging bits of red-hot shrapnel. On Saturdays, they are painting in a windowless room in the basement of Edens 3B, the most removed dorm on West Cam-pus, in a cleared-out storage closet.

Instead of camping out in K-ville, they are camped in the studio in the basement of Old Chem. On many nights, in addition to cheering on basketball players, they root on video files that struggle to finish loading.

Recently, however, it seems that Duke finally acknowledged their existence. For DART week-end, as part of Duke Student Arts Initiative, the University, under the guidance of Vice Provost for the Arts Scott Lindroth and an idea proposed by senior Andrea Coravos, has encouraged these art-ists to come out, given them space to display their work in the Bryan Center and connected them with accomplished Duke alumni working as film-makers, painters, digital artists and more.

Meeting Adam Collis, the director of “Sunset Strip,” Amy Unell, an NBC producer and Steve Leh-man, a documentary photographer who first broke the Tibetan protest story in China—and who contin-ued to cover political crises in India, Chechnya and other tumultuous areas for magazines like TIME and Newsweek for 15 years—was a breath of fresh air.

As I listened in on the panels, I found that what made these individuals and their stories of success so compelling was their deviation from the main-stream path. Although some had coincidentally fallen into their field, the majority of these alums exhibited great persistence and courage. What I admire most about the arts and entertainment in-dustry is the passion that drives it; the people who work in the industry are the ones who really want to be there. Why else would one endure being the lowlife intern or mailboy with the hopes of getting a foot in the door? It is a meritocracy based on

who wants it more. No matter which university you come from or what credential you have, everyone starts out in the same place, and it is up to you to make yourself stand out.

Although Duke has a long way to go before its level of art education and programming rivals those resources available at comparable schools such as Yale, with a distinguished graduate arts program, or Cornell, which has an undergraduate arts school, the University has made significant strides to promote the arts. In the past three years, Duke has launched a visual studies major, remarketed what was known as the Film/Video/Digital Program and even added a Saladelia to the Smith Warehouse, which I am con-vinced means that Duke actually cares if “starving artists” literally starve, at least until 2 p.m.

But the progress should not stop here. The University should continue to have more periodic displays of student artwork, screenings and com-petitions. Revamping the neglected gallery space in the Bryan Center, which hundreds of students pass by every day, to make it more open and acces-sible would greatly increase its visibility. Replacing or supplementing the work of local artists, student artwork should be displayed in this prime piece of real estate as well.

Furthermore, all visual art and media-related departments, including the Center for Documen-tary Studies, Arts of the Moving Image, visual stud-ies and visual art, should be better integrated as part of a larger program. Although each depart-ment is distinctive, students focused only on one discipline may fail to realize their interests in one program overlap with another. I, for one, wish I had known the Center for Documentary Studies, a beautiful white house off of East containing gal-lery space, computers and booths reminiscent of a ’50s diner, offer opportunities to future explore photography and documentary film that are intro-duced in the visual studies department.

For underclassmen that are interested in the arts but feel a lack of its presence or support on campus, I encourage you to continue exploring and to not give up. I wish I had known sooner that there are more resources here than one would think. If you are interested in pursuing a career in media, arts or entertainment, look into Freewater Productions, Cable 13, DiDA and other student organizations. Opportunities to study “abroad” in Los Angeles or New York are also available.

For these types of future paths especially, the best education at Duke, which is far from a technical or trade school, will be outside of the classroom.

Sue Li is a Trinity senior. Her column runs every other Monday.

DART weekend right on target

Veto sends reform back to the start

”“ onlinecomment

...I think sometimes a fan has to be realistic. And the sad truth of Duke Football this year is that we shot our bowl eligibility chances in the foot when Coach Cut and his squad dropped the season opener to Richmond.

—“wel6” commenting on the story “Blue Devils look to spring upset.” See more at

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sue liouter spaces

Page 19: November 16, 2009 issue

I’m a glutton for pain.I don’t mean that in any sort of weird kinky way, so don’t get

any ideas. I just spent large tracts of my weekend doing two very painful things.

First, I attended the Georgia Tech game at Wallace Wade. I spent all Saturday afternoon cringing at the movement of options like a floor trader during the Dotcom Bubble. Okay, I’m familiar with neither foot-ball playcalling, nor finance, but I had to take a stab.

I spent the rest of my weekend looping the video of Harrison Barnes coyly taking a wrecking ball to my dreams of a national championship.

Look at him, all decked out with his sleek black MacBook, telling the nation that he’ll be joining the coach he’s about to Skype.

“Coach Roy Williams,” he says. And the whole crowd gleefully cheers, as if sticking it to Duke was the alpha and omega of their silly little lives in Ames, Iowa. And there’s Coach Roy, beaming back with that smug grin that makes us Crazies want to punch small animals. And I mean really wail on them.

Did Harrison Barnes forget all those adoring, committed Blue Devils going way out of their way to show how much they love him during his various visits? We had lots of posters! Lots of them! Did he think we were cheering out “Hell, Go To Carolina!”?

GRAAAH, WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO US? WHY?If you’re going to burn Duke, at least do it by going somewhere

you’ll be vaguely out of sight and out of mind. Like Kentucky. Or Georgetown. Or... Kentucky... again.

Okay, okay, deep breaths, Charlotte. Count to 10, fellow Blue Devils.

We’re consistently among the best teams in the country, and consistently drawing among the best recruiting classes (see: the out-standing team missing two starters still about to lay waste to Coastal Carolina tonight).

We just often seem to strike out with those five-stars wavering between Duke and University of Anywhere Else. These things are always such a letdown that we need to let off some steam and think through why it happens.

There are a lot of theories floating around about the ins and outs of recruiting, and the nature of our program compared to that of UNC, which boasts a flashy, fast-pace, diva-studded offense and, apparently, a superior academic program. Some pundits have even entertained the notion that race has something to do with it. Those ideas are just fluff.

Here’s the real pattern behind blue chips building up our hopes and dashing them at the last minute: it’s all in the last name.

CASE ONE: Your last name closely resembles a common noun for buildings or structural elements therein—you will not come to Duke.

EXAMPLES: John Wall, Harrison Barnes.There’s just something about buildings that creates an ethereal

repulsion away from Duke’s campus. It’s this same force that killed the proposed construction of New Campus, and why it’s taken about five months to see any tangible progress on Mill Village on Central Campus.

CASE TWO: Your last name is the same as a prominent Demo-cratic governor—you will not come to Duke.

EXAMPLES: Patrick Patterson and Greg Monroe.Okay, New York Gov. David Paterson lacks both the prominence

and that second ‘t’ in the middle of his name to qualify for this cate-gory, but cut me some slack here. And, yes, James Monroe was prob-ably a bit better remembered for his stay in the White House and his Doctrine than for his reign as governor of Virginia (also, he was a Democratic-Republican, if we’re picking nits here). Still, it’s too strong a connection to overlook. And yes, I know you’re thinking that Henry Turner Irving, acting governor of Ceylon in 1872, means Kyrie defies this rule, but I think we all know he doesn’t count.

Think about it—you’ve never used a Plumlee to build a house before, nor has a Gov. Zoubek ever taken office... yet. The lack of structural integrity of your average Czyz makes it poor construction material.

As we look to future recruiting classes, we would do well to ad-dress these kinds of problems at their source. Demand legal name changes from class of 2011 prospects like Quincy Miller (to avoid the connection to Zell Miller, Democratic governor of Georgia, 1991-1999). Avoid kids like three-star guard Algie Key from Lakeside High School in Georgia. Keys are used in buildings.

I hope Coach K will ditch his 30 seasons’ worth of experience and heed my advice.

Charlotte Simmons faces animal cruelty charges for injuries inflicted on a nearby marmot during Barnes’ announcement.

commentariesthE chRONiclE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 | 19

Whom Andy Warhol shot

lettertotheeditorEncourage greek attendance in Cameron

As an independent (non-greek affiliated) stu-dent, I attended the Duke basketball game Friday night as one of the first 300 before the greek stu-dents entered.

Having attended many games in the past, for a non-conference, non-ESPN game against the al-mighty University of North Carolina at Greensboro Spartans, the Cameron Crazies were rocking.

The back half of the Crazies section actu-ally seemed basketball savvy and was definitely heard more than in years past, even starting a few chants. The atmosphere outside Cameron Indoor Stadium prior to the game was also much improved. Vulgar and inappropriate language definitely came forth from the greek students

when referencing a certain “recruit-who-must-not-be-named,” but surely we will forget about him in due time.

While I am certainly not proposing that greek students be allotted a certain number of seats for each game, I do hope that chapters will further encourage their members to attend Duke basket-ball games and make this year the most innova-tive and loudest ever for the Cameron Crazies. I would also like to applaud Head Line Monitor Zach White and the rest of the line monitors for changes that will hopefully prompt a more ener-gized and creative cheering section.

Danny MammoTrinity ’11

Thursday morning, I escaped that awful bit-ter cold and rain-specked, tree-whipping wind by walk-

ing into the lobby of the Nasher Mu-seum of Art, hap-pily ensconced in its warmth and marble whiteness, and found the ex-hibition I had come to see: “Big Shots: Andy Warhol Pola-roids,” which began its three-month run that day. But instead I hit a snag—the security guard informed me that I would have to wait until 11 a.m.

To pass the time, I wandered into the permanent exhibition, and found the requisite pieces of Greek and Roman antiquities, and with them the statues of Jesus Christ, his apostles and various saints—the fa-cades of old stone taken from churches in Europe. They were nice but I didn’t think much more about them until my lunch at the Nasher Cafe, where I had a meticulously crafted sandwich and two glasses of a good Pinot Noir. So, it was after I finished with the Warhol exhibit and after an hour of poring over those instantly developed images, the images of mul-titudes—some world-famous (Mick Jagger, Jack Nick-laus) and others who were merely celebrities in the Warholian sense, in which their fame lasted for no longer than the 15 proverbial minutes, essentially the time it took for them to sit in the photo booth—that I thought to revisit those statues in the permanent exhibition. I came to find that they were basically the same form of art: it was idol-worship, the transforma-tion of a cult of celebrity into a tangible medium, the perfect embodiment of one’s relationship to the concept of fame. Both the ancient art and its modern counterpart were produced in a format that comple-ments the subject matter perfectly.

Of course, the comparison of Warhol’s small cheap photographs to ancient masterworks is com-pletely merited. The exhibition is fascinating; it effortlessly sells Warhol’s genius. Many of the Pola-roids are on display to the public for the first time, a fact confounding to me, as they are as much genu-ine examples of art as they are indispensable histori-cal documents. They serve the dual purpose of both illuminating the inquisitive patron as to how exactly the silkscreens are conceived and assembled, and chronicling the lives of the people who mattered to

Warhol, because to him these people were America. But in their Polaroids, the faces that once inhabited the photo booths look lifeless, their skin softened by the distortion that this specific Polaroid model gave to them (Warhol used the Big Shot, a version of Polaroid camera that the company discontinued because of its oddity, for this specific reason: He liked how the camera made the subjects look). Add that to the sense of doom that inhabits the frame—the reality of death that took so many of these junky-artists, junky-actors or just plain junkies—and there is a piercing feeling that accompanies these instant photos, replications of their human counterparts that were snapped, expelled from the camera, and developed in a matter of minutes, only to be fated to out-live the people in them.

In his picture, Truman Capote—who died in 1984 from liver failure, the result of debilitating al-coholism and a fatal cocktail of too many drugs—has pasty skin, a bloated face and glassed-over eyes that don’t quite seem real.

Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat—who died in 1988 at the age of 27 after a night of too much heroin and too much cocaine—is sporting wild dreadlocks and a tie. Beside him there are Polaroid pictures of his sister, mother and father, all of whom survived him.

But the most tragic of all the pieces in the exhibi-tions happens not to be a Polaroid. It’s one of War-hol’s famous screen tests, the series of four-minute, slow-motion, black-and-white silent films that Andy made of famous people who stopped by The Factory.

This particular screen test is of Edie Sedgwick. I sat in the dark theatre at the center of the exhibit, alone and a bit buzzed from the wine, and Edie’s face emerged from the flickering whiteness: her lips parted not a millimeter, her eyes gushing—a near-ly still image that, if it weren’t for the gentle sway of her golden earrings, could pass for a Polaroid. Then her eyes begin to widen, as if in fear, her pu-pils darting toward something off-screen, perhaps to Andy himself, and over the next few minutes I was subjected to the full scope of human emotion, each hitting home the tragedy of yet another too-young death of an astoundingly beautiful person—she died at 28, the victim of a night that involved a handful of barbiturates washed down with alcohol.

And those four minutes were a rebirth only Andy could have orchestrated: a combination of still im-ages that can bring back a person who succumbed to the very version of fame that Warhol’s art captures.

Nathan Freeman is a Trinity senior. His column nor-mally runs every Friday.

Beware: buildings and governors

nathan freemangood night, and

good luck

i am charlotte simmons

monday, monday

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Page 20: November 16, 2009 issue

20 | MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2009 thE chRONiclE