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Marlon Benjumea

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This Championship will be much more difficult than the World "

• Andres Iniesta, midfielder selection, warned today that Euro 2012 will be "much harder" than the 2010 World Cup, in which the Spanish team winning the tournament, and stressed the "illusion" of the team to make a "great "tournament in Poland and Ukraine. "All this is always easier than what is coming. This Championship will be much harder to win the World Cup. The team is ready," assessed the footballer, now joined to the concentration of the Spanish team for the continental tournament , which will begin on June 8 and ending on July 1.

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Cristiano "We have a team to win titles"

• "We have a great team, we maintain the same base and reach new players. We have everything for a great season and we will look to win all the titles." Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid's Portuguese footballer believes in an interview with Castrol team that Madrid has to fight for every trophy possible. Even the Luso insists that in 2013 the white club can match the record that Barcelona won in 2009: "It is possible to win six titles, as did the club."

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Sergio Ramos: "I have never been at odds with Piqué". "

• Sergio Ramos has denied today in a publicity event for the sportswear brand you saw him, you have a problem with Pique and if in the past there was some kind of grudge is behind us. Also recognized that increases the pressure to be champions of Europe and the world, but also increases the motivation for the challenge.

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Casillas: "We are hungry to continue making history"

• Iker Casillas, the Spanish captain, said the "hunger to continue making history" of the international attempt to defend the title at Euro 2012. Casillas does not think that will affect the Spanish team be the last to gather all their international absences of the King's Cup finalists, the nine players from Barcelona and Athletic Club.

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Prandelli test Cassano and Mario Balotelli in attack

• Italy coach Cesare Prandelli ahead on Thursday lineup that will only friendly arena for Italy, the first rival of Spain in Euro 2012, played before the start of the meeting in Poland and Ukraine and will be against Russia on Friday. The preparer of the whole trans from the beginning have a team of Buffon, Maggio, Barzagli,Bonucci, Balzaretti, De Rossi, Pirlo, Marchisio,Montolivo, Cassano and Balotelli. This alignment can serve as a track team that will face Spain next June 10in his debut in the European Championship, where he will defend and try to regain the title they won four in South Africa makes

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Cuenca, four months off and goodbye to the Games

• Barcelona striker Isaac Basin has under go near thros copic surgery today to fix the problems that dragged in the lateral meniscus in his right knee and will be about four months out, so that Spain can not compete with the London Olympics. The orthopedic surgeon Ramon Cugat, who has been responsible for directing the operation, has warned that the recovery of Cuenca "not less than three months" and that "probably go to four, four and a half months," a period of low usual for a meniscus injury.

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The doctor who operated on Abidal does not rule out return to


• The doctor who performed the transplant operation to Eric Abidal has a little light at the end of the tunnel for theFrench. Barca still recovering from the operation and Dr.Juan Carlos Garcia-Valdecasas said the program'Efectivament' TV3 that the return to the playing field "depends on it, the answer given time, but doing well, nonothing to condition him. "

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Schalke Van der Vaart wants to be the new Raul

• El agente de Rafael Van der Vaart ha confirmado, en declaraciones a la revista alemana 'Kicker', que el Schalke 04 está interesado en contratar al futbolista del Tottenham para suplir el hueco dejado por Raúl con su marcha a Catar.

• "Puedo confirmar que el Schalke está interesado en Van der Vaart", dijo Robert Geerlings, representante del ex jugador del Real Madrid.

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Inter have already offered 19 million for Lucas Moura

• El Inter de Milán vuelve a la carga por Lucas Moura, un objetivo que ha mantenido a lo largo de la temporada, pero que parecía haber dejado a un lado durante el último mes. Según informa 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' el equipo italiano vez cada vez más complicado el fichaje de Ezequiel Lavezzi, que se acercaría al PSG, y por ello piensan en el jugador del Sao Paulo como fichajes estrella.

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"I have never intended to injure my opponent

• The Luso-Brazilian Central Real Madrid Pepe, recently named one of five captains of the Portuguese, denied being an aggressive player and that he never intended to injure an opponent. "In Spain, all I can do has an impact. I have never intended to injure my opponent", defended the defense merengue Obidos (80 km from Lisbon), which is prepared with Portugal for Euro June .

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The press sees Spain "fit for the Euro"

• Already Spain is in shape. It is the feeling you get after skimming coverage de la Korea Against Red victory yesterday in Switzerland. Foreign half highlights the Solvency of the Spanish team at the Asian Especially Taking Into account the number of 'owners' Who Have yet to join the team ..

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Spain is at risk with Cesc

• Vicente Del Bosque has its first problem facing the European Championship in Poland and Ukraine. Cesc Fabregas, as confirmed on Thursday the doctors of Barcelona, becoming physically touched at the start of the championship and the risk of rupture has sparked alarm in the national tea.

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