Download - NotePad App in C#

  • Open a new C# project by opening Microsoft Visual C#, and then go to

    File>New>Windows Form Application

    Name the project Notepad or whatever you want.

    Add the following items. (Menu Strip, openFileDialog, saveFileDialog, Rich Text Box)

  • Now right click on a blank part of the menu strip, and press "Insert Standard Items"

    You should have a bunch of basic functions by now, but its not that easy , they all dont have code.

    But start off by deleting "Tools" and "Help".

    Now in your form editor click on the "File" button, then double click on "New", which should bring you

    to the code editor, then write the code

    After That Add Open File and Save File Dialog Filter

    This filter open only txt format file

    Also save only textiles only

    See Given Below Screen

  • After That Double Click Menu you want to add functionality

    For Example DoubleClick on New then Event Fire Below

    Then Display this Screen

    Double Click

    on New

  • Must Include this using System.IO;

    In Above Event Write This Code


    After That Call Events by double clicking on menu

    Add code Open New Notepad File

    private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName); richTextBox1.Text= rd.ReadToEnd(); rd.Close(); }

    Save Existing item Using Dynamic Location on Local Drives

    private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); StreamWriter rd = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName); rd.WriteLine(richTextBox1.Text); rd.Close(); }

    "Print"'s code is

    //Declare prntDoc as a new PrintDocument System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument prntDoc = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();

  • "Print Preview" is

    //Declare preview as a new PrintPreviewDialog

    PrintPreviewDialog preview = new PrintPreviewDialog();

    //Declare prntDoc_PrintPage as a new EventHandler for prntDoc's Print Page

    prntDoc.PrintPage += new


    //Set the PrintPreview's Document equal to prntDoc

    preview.Document = prntDoc;

    //Show the PrintPreview Dialog

    if (preview.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)


    //Generate the PrintPreview



    "Exit"'s code is


    Move on to "Undo"'s code, add


    For "Redo"'s code its


  • Add this to "Cut"'s code


    For "Copy" add


    "Paste"'s code is


    For "Select All" its


    For Font Change ,Bold etc

    richTextBox1.SelectionFont = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold);