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Not your

Grandfather’s Gravity!

John Ashmead

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Free fall thru gravity

•Newton’s Action at a distance

•Einstein’s Gravity as curvature

•Accelerating expansion of universe

•Thermodynamic gravity

•OPERAs’ superluminal neutrinos

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Three cheers for the black death

✤Kicked off the industrial revolution

✤Built up resistance to AIDS

✤Gave Newton time to discover gravity

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

The Apple & the Moon

Why should that apple always descend perpendicularly to the ground…Assuredly the reason is, that the Earth draws it. There must be a drawing power in matter. And the sum of the drawing power in the matter of the Earth must be in the Earth's centre…Therefore the apple draws the Earth, as well as the Earth draws the apple.

Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe [1665-1666] saw the development of his theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Endless ellipses most beautiful

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Jupiter’s Moons 16 ½ minutes off schedule

22 Aug 1676

Ole Rømer

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Of ants & apples

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

The Trampoline

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Spear points & curvature



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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Riemann Curvature Tensor








Effect of curvature


deltius= ∇ east( )∇ north( )−∇ north( )∇ east( )( )uprightius


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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Einstein’s field equation


xd =Rabcd xc Tμν

fluid( ) =

ρ 0 0 00 p 0 00 0 p 00 0 0 p



Rμν −12

gμνR=8πGc2 Tμν


nt bit

Suspicious bit

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Frame dragging

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Black holes & white holes

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

October 4th,2011

Riess, Perlmutter, & Schmidt get 2011 Nobel in physics for discovery of expansion of universe & dark energy

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Type Ia supernova

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

NASA / WMAP Science Team

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Dark energy

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Hawking Radiation

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

The black hole Information


Or, where did

the fish go?

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Thermodynamics & gravity

•Surface gravity ~ Temperature

•Area ~ entropy

•Mass ~ energy

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Verlinde’s entropic gravity

For me gravity doesn’t exist,” — Verlinde

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Mass, energy, & momentum

•Tardyons - slower than light, massive

•Photons - Are light, no mass

•Tachyons - faster than light, imaginary mass

E ≈mc2

E =mc2



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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Little Neutral Ones

Sudbery Neutrino Detector

Neutron DecayNeutron

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

superluminal neutrinos?

Baseline of 730 kilometers, arrival too early by 60 nanoseconds: speed of neutrinos is 2.48

10-5 c too fast

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

85 papers as of 10/12126 papers as of 11/18

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

A disputation Of Ideas•Forbidden by cherenkov radiation

•Ruled out by SN1987A

•Clock comparison wrong

•Group velocity is not info velocity

•Short cut via another dimension

•Neutrino speed is really the limit

•Clear evidence for pet theory x

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

Non-barking Higgs

If a Higgs particle is produced in a proton-proton collision, an LHC detector might infer what you see here. The four straight red lines indicate very high-energy particles (muons) that are the remnants of the disintegrating Higgs.

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

How will it fall out?

•Emergent gravity

•Frame dragging

•Superluminal neutrinos

•Nobel for discovery of accelerated expansion of universe

•Higgs has fewer & fewer places to hide

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Not your grandfather’s gravity

•Richard Hammond Unknown Universe

•Leonard Susskind Black Hole War

•Anil Ananthaswamy Edge of Physics

•Richard Panek 4% Universe

•Lisa Randall Knocking on Heaven’s door
