Download - Northwest Tampa 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615 · Trish, friend of Liz Kirkhart, heart attack. Wes, friend of Margo Yager, death of parents.

Page 1: Northwest Tampa 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615 · Trish, friend of Liz Kirkhart, heart attack. Wes, friend of Margo Yager, death of parents.

June 10, 2012

Northwest Tampa

Church of Christ

7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615-2328

Voice: (813)886-3946 Fax: (813) 888-8719

TODAY—Matthew Bancroft

-Senior Night 6:30PM Devo

Senior Video Presentation

Dessert Fellowship

Jun. 12—Teen Movie & Devo

Jun. 13—Keith’s Kitchen

6:15PM Final until August 1st

Jun. 16—Community

Outreach/FREE Car Wash &

Lunch 11:00AM-2:00PM

Jun. 17—Father’s Day

-Prayer Service 9:00AM

Jun. 18-30—Honduras Trip

Jun. 19—Teens Movie & Devo

Jun. 20—NO Keith’s Kitchen

Jun. 22—Teens Girls Night Out

Jun. 24—B.A.C. for Teens

Jun. 27—NO Keith’s Kitchen

-Teens Dinner Before Church

Jun. 28-Jul. 1—Spiritual

Growth Workshop/Orlando

Jun. 30—Honduras Mission

Team Returns 11:00PM

L o o k i n g A h e a dL o o k i n g A h e a d

Jul. 14—Heather Stewart

Bridal Shower

Jul. 15—Honduras Report

Ice Cream/Slip-N-Slide/6:00PM

Jul. 29-Aug. 1—VBS 6-8PM

Adventures in Universe City

“Seeking God everywhere”

On the Horizon

Family News

Today is “Senior Sunday” Our entire worship service will be led by our teens.

Tonight is “Senior Night”

Come join us at 6:30 as we celebrate our nine high school graduates. After a short devotional, there will be a Senior Video Presentation followed by a Dessert Fellowship.

Please bring your favorite home-baked goodies!

Mason Cain Dannette Greaves Jessica Del Castillo

Ashley Jarmon

Nicole Nizol

Ja’Nise Ilion Marshall Jaroch

Tina Johnson Andrew Van Buren

Page 2: Northwest Tampa 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615 · Trish, friend of Liz Kirkhart, heart attack. Wes, friend of Margo Yager, death of parents.

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Notes of Thanks… Be sure to check the

bulletin board for “Thank You” cards

Home Bound… Please take time to

pray for, visit or call our home-

bound members: Toni Carver

Bill Hood Keith and Marylyn Lupton

Thelma Varner

Serving Far and Away…

Michael Birt, Stephanie Birt

Reed Gibbs, Dave McGhee

Marc Venditti, Tara White

Attendance Cards… Members & Guests, please fill out an at-

tendance card for your family and drop in the

collection plate.

Our Missionaries…

Honduras: Esteban Portilla


Perceviel Jackson Jackie Pierrot

No Food or Drinks… As a reminder,

please DO NOT bring anything other than water

or snacks for small children into the auditorium.

Welcome! Your choice to join us in worship to God is a blessing to us. It is our privilege to

welcome you this morning. If you have not previously worshipped with the North-

west Tampa Church of Christ, we would like to familiarize you with our service.

If you have children, we have exceptional care for them during the worship hour so

that you can focus on your spiritual development:

K-4th Grade “Kids Kingdom” located in Fellowship-2

4-5 Year Olds “Children’s Worship” located in Room 9

3 Year Olds “Children’s Worship” located in Room 7

2 Year Old “Nursery” located in Room 5

Infants “Nursery” located in Room 4

Both nurseries are beautiful and clean with space for them to play and be nurtured.

Our style of worship is simple, patterned after the examples and teachings of the

earliest Christians in the New Testament.

Singing: You will notice our worship in song is without instrumental accompani-

ment. We believe that a cappella congregational singing both enhances our

personal involvement in worship, and conforms to the New Testament example.

Lord’s Supper: Following the example of the early church, we celebrate the Lord’s

Supper every Sunday (Acts 20:7). Jesus established the practice of sharing the

bread and cup so Christians might remember the sacrifice of his body and blood to

make a new covenant with God possible for us.

Offering: This is the opportunity for our members to support the ongoing work of

this church. As our guest you are welcome, but not expected, to make a contribu-

tion, so please do not feel uncomfortable in passing the tray on.

Preaching: The message, is the time when the “good news” of God’s love and Jesus’

redemptive life is proclaimed and applied to our lives. We hope you will find it

encouraging, relevant and Bible-based.

Invitation: At the close of most sermons, an “invitation” is extended. This provides

an opportunity for a public response. These responses may be to state one’s desire

to be baptized, bring a prayer concern before the church family, recommit one’s

life to the Lord, or be introduced as new members.

Becoming a Christian: If you believe that Jesus died for you and you would like to

become a child of God, we encourage you to do the following:

Confess Jesus verbally (Rom. 10:10)

Confess Jesus in baptism by immersion (Gal. 3:26-27)

Confess Jesus in a life of daily obedience to God (Rom. 6:13)

Confess Jesus in fellowship with other believers (Acts 2:42)

If you are interested in studying the Bible, in becoming a Christian, or becoming a

member of the church family here at Northwest Tampa, please make that known

before or after the service to one of our ministers or elders.

Page 3: Northwest Tampa 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615 · Trish, friend of Liz Kirkhart, heart attack. Wes, friend of Margo Yager, death of parents.

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Keith’s Kitchen…

Keith’s Kitchen is an op-

portunity to support our

work in Honduras. Each

Wednesday at 6:15PM

Keith prepares a deli-

cious meal. The teens help with the

dessert, drinks and clean-up. All

proceeds go to the accounts of stu-

dents who help. There is no set fee

but your generous checks should be

made to Tampa Youth Missions.

Dessert this week is Jarmon, Garcia,

Greaves, Steiner. The following

Wednesday, June 13, will be our fi-

nal Keith’s Kitchen until Wednesday,

August 1st, when Keith will resume

the meals.

On the Horizon... In Our Prayers… Our Northwest Family:

Health Issues: John Baird, Hayward

Brooks, Toni Carver, Sheldon Faulk,

Bonnie Hites, Bill Hood, Greg Hutchi-

son, Matt Ingram, George & Marlene

Jones, Lil Karavatos, Debora Lindsey,

JoAnn Maute, Dixie McNeil, Bill &

Shirley Mills, Tom Moore, Paula

Schreiner, Evelyn Sutton.

Personal Stress & Struggles: Tommy

Ackley, Cheryl Britton, Donna Coyle,

Faulk family, Holly Hulett, Vicky

Johnson, Leah Lally, Jonathan &

Nicole McLean, Christy Morrow.

Our Extended Family:

Alex, Gabriel Garcia’s boss, sudden

death of brother-in-law. Bob & fam-

ily, brother of Donna Coyle, struggles.

Brandi, friend of Kelly Brogan, brain

AVM. Christopher, great-nephew of

Vera Gray, dirt bike accident. Cindy,

friend of Liz Kirkhart, severe eye in-

fection. Dee, friend of Margo Yager,

lost her mom. Francine, mother-in-

law of Danielle Fotopoulos, surgery

recovery. Gavin, young grandson of

Crystal McDaniel’s HS friend, stage 4

cancer. Gloria, mother of Sheldon

Faulk, upcoming knee surgery. Jack,

neighbor of Liz Kirkhart, heart issues.

John, brother-in-law of Marilyn

Kapler, emphysema. Laura, friend of

Donna Coyle, hospice. Marie, mother

of Carla Haskins, health. Matilde,

mother of Donna Coyle’s daughter-in-

law, awaiting cancer tests results.

Melissa, daughter of Jason & Mi-

chelle Reid, knee damage at Navy

boot camp. Michelle, daughter of

Charlotte Small, health. Ron & fam-

ily, friend of Margo Yager, bad di-

vorce situation. Shondra, daughter

of Dorothy Rozier, soon expecting

twins. Trish, friend of Liz Kirkhart,

heart attack. Wes, friend of Margo

Yager, death of parents.

Sign Language Class…

Beginning TODAY, those who want to

learn sign language can go to Fellow-

ship-2 after Bible class, for a brief 15

minute session to learn one word or

one sentence a week.

Directory Update…

David Brogan:

[email protected]

Earnestine Marshall:

Home phone 813-926-7081

Honduras Item of the Week…

Hair Ties & Ribbons are the items for

this week. We will be giving these and

other items to each family who gets a

food bag from us. Items can be gently

used or new.

Honduras Team 2012 Our 2012 Mission Team is gearing up for another great year of spreading

God’s love and His Word to the people in Honduras. Please keep this group

of 57 in your prayers as they prepare for the two week trip which begins on

Monday, June 18.

† Matt Bancroft

† Milind & Heather Bharvirkar

† Mark, Susan, Michaela, Robert, Sean & Zachary Berry

† Rick & Cindy Bonk

† Keith & Tonia Boyer

† Julie Burkert

† Chris Connell

† Jessica Del Castillo

† Bryanna Dorsey

† Danielle Fotopoulos

† Earl Gamber

† Angela Garcia

† Dan, Dannette & Monica Greaves

† Ryan & Will Haskins

† Stephanie Howell

† Ashley Jarmon

† Marshall & Marisa Jaroch

† Lori, Austin & Ben Johnson

† Ashley Keyso

† Leah, Ruddy, Micah & Taylor Lally

† Butch Manuel

† John Marincin

† Bob Matthews

† Matt McDaniel

† Ian Moore

† Earl Nash

† Nicole Nizol

† Mauricio Perdigon

† Brittany Reid

† Savanna, Stephen & Synthia Ritchie

† Jacob Robertson

† Kylee Rosado

† Tiffany Sanchez

† Errica Snelling

† Chris Steiner

† Heather Stewart

† Ethan & Darrell Venable from Winter Haven

Page 4: Northwest Tampa 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615 · Trish, friend of Liz Kirkhart, heart attack. Wes, friend of Margo Yager, death of parents.

S t a f f :

Matt Bancroft

Youth Minister

[email protected]

Matthew Betz

Family Life Minister

[email protected]

Rick Bonk

Worship Minister

[email protected]

Keith Boyer


[email protected]

Tonia Boyer

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Shirley Daniel


[email protected]

S h e p h e r d s :

George Forcht [email protected]


Tracey Gray [email protected]


Bob Matthews [email protected]


Lewis Patterson [email protected]


D e a c o n s : Rick Azzarelli

Richard Baldock Mark Berry Rick Bonk Doug Cline

Gabriel Garcia Daniel Greaves Jacob Groves

John Marincin Chip Price

Mick Whelan Don Williams

Assembly Schedule

Sunday Worship 9:00AM Bible Class 10:15AM Small Groups (PM)

Wednesday Bible Class 7:15 PM

For the Record

Kingdom Growth 2012

Baptized 8

New Members 19

Attendance Last Week

Bible Class 255 Worship 354 Small Groups


Contribution $ 13,074 Weekly Budget $ 11,800 YTD Contribution $251,772 YTD Budget $271,400 Specific Contribution YTD

Next Week

Keith Boyer

* * *

Worship Guide Great Are You, Lord!

Light the Fire


Focus Scripture/Prayer: Ben Johnson

Psalm 119:33-40

Break My Heart

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper

Presiding: Ian Moore & Marshall Jaroch

Giving Our Gifts Still

You Are Holy

Do Not Fear


Scripture Reading: Stephen Ritchie

Jonah 1:1-2

Message: Matt Bancroft

“With or Without You”

There’s a Stirring

*The Greatest Commands

*Parents of children in Praise Time and/or Kid’s Kingdom should leave to get their children during the final song.

Adult Classes

Sunday Morning Adult Classes

Adult Class (Fellowship 1)

A Prophet’s Voice

Mark Henthorne

Adult Class (Fellowship 2)

Spiritual Success in Cultural Chaos

Tim Thompson

Adult Class (Auditorium)

Living Out a Godly Legacy

Mark Berry

Wednesday Evening Adult Classes

Adult Class (Fellowship 1)

Memories of Jesus - The Gospels of Luke & John

Mike Schreiner

Adult Class (Fellowship 2)

Everyday Encouragement

John Marincin





Fasting /Submission: June Week 2

Psalms 119:33-40 Matthew 11:25-30

Exodus 4:1-17 Romans 5:1-11 1 Peter 5:1-11