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7/21/2019 Northeast Cover Sheet 1/1

Bryan Hricay

Sr. Consultant, Systems Engineer 


 Avanade Inc.

155 Avenue of the Americas, 6th Floor

Ne !or", N! 1##1$


'1 ()$*+ -)16/


Professional Background

0ryan is a Senior Consultant in Avanades Infrastructure Service 2ine

%ased in Ne !or". 3e has %een in the I.4. services industry for oversi years and is a icrosoft Certified Solutions E7ert in Server

Infrastructure, icrosoft S7ecialist in Server 8irtuali9ation ith

3y7er8 and System Center, and icrosoft Certified I4 :rofessional in

Enter7rise Administration. 3e is an e7ert in enter7rise infrastructure

solutions, migrations, systems administration, and information security.

0ryan graduated from Stevens Institute of 4echnology ith a 0achelor

of Engineering degree in Com7uter Engineering.



Industry & Skills Experience

; Systems Administration

; Security Controls Im7lementation

; <es"to7 4ransformation

;  A77lication =ationali9ation

; >ffice ?7grade Analysis

; Echange igrations

; Financial Services

; 3edge Funds

; <ata Security Softare

; Energy

; edical <evices

Hedge Fund

; Systems Administrator on the Client Services de7artments Configuration

anagement team at one of the orlds largest hedge funds.

; :rovided o7erations su77ort for a77roimately 1/# @indos2inu servers.

; Installed and configured C= system hich included integration 7oints %eteen

Salesforce, Ci7herCloud, >mni =iva, and Sesame =elational Bunction.

Major Commercial Bank; Systems Engineer on the I.4. Security team res7onsi%le for im7lementing

sustaina%le controls hich restrict access to non7u%lic 7ersonal information.

; <esigned custom 8isual 0asic Ecel macros to automate over 6# of the

analysis 7rocess, consolidate metrics, and generate 7roDect status re7orts.

; Created documentation including an A77lication :urchase :ro7osal, :roof of

Conce7t 4est :lan, Instruction anual, and 4ransition 4raining :lan.

Fortune 500 Global nergy Cor!oration

; Systems Engineer on the Client A77lication =emediation team for a orldide

1),5## seat des"to7 transformation 7roDect from @indos : to @indos ).; =ecommended de7loyment strategies, coordinated 7ac"aging and testing,

identified com7ati%ility issues, remediated issues, and validated fies.

Hedge Fund and Security In"estments Firm

; 4echnical 2ead for an >ffice *##) to >ffice *#1# u7grade 7roDect.

; Configured >ffice Converter across multi7le 7roduction servers, managed

scanning schedules, o7timi9ed system through7ut, and 7rioriti9ed issues.

; Created a com7rehensive technical document that analy9ed the scanning

results, and 7rovided remediation techniues to successfully u7grade.

Global In"estment Bank and Institutional Securities Firm

; Service <es" Su77ort for a 2otus Notes to >utloo" *#1# migration.

; 4rained and rote technical documentation for the Service <es" staff.


Industry & Skills Interest

; :rivate and :u%lic Cloud >7timi9ation

; 0usiness Intelligence

; 4ech igrations; Infrastructure anagement

; C= Im7lementation

; :harmaceutical

; Financial Services

; Energy