Download - Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

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1 16th April 2014

Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement

Prepared by: Date:

Rupert Blackstone, Wattcraft Limited (Project Engineer) 16/4/2014

Approved by: Date:

Julian Steele, Energy and Carbon Management Team, Northamptonshire County Council



1. Background ......................................................................................... 2

Scheme description .................................................................................. 2

2. Planning policy context .......................................................................... 3

Bioenergy Strategy .................................................................................. 3

National policy ....................................................................................... 3

Saved District Policies ............................................................................... 4

West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy ..................................................... 7

3. Consultations, pre-submission .................................................................. 9

4. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 9

5. Supporting information .......................................................................... 10

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2 16th April 2014

1. Background Yelvertoft Primary School has identified a need for a new biomass boiler facility within the

school site. The school is sited in the village of Yelvertoft - a small village of 851 residents

and 356 houses (2001 census), located within the Daventry District Council area, within

rural Northamptonshire.

This planning statement has been prepared to support the application and to highlight

relevant development plan and other planning policies / guidance and assesses these

against the proposal to develop the application site.

Scheme description

The proposed development is a small scale biomass boiler to supply space heating to a

rural village primary school, located in the Daventry District of West Northamptonshire.

The proposed biomass boiler plant will have a thermal capacity of 60kW and will use wood

pellet as feedstock. Since the plant is sized above 45kW thermal capacity, it does not fall

within permitted development [reference:].

The biomass boiler, auxiliary plant (including circulation pumps), controls, thermal (hot

water) storage and biomass fuel storage are to be enclosed in a rectangular cuboid

container of length 9.2m, width 2.6m and height 2.9m. The flue is to be 3.5m high. The

container is to be cladded with wood and the flue is to be made of steel. The dimensions

of the plant are shown in the attached drawing (file ref: TENDER YELVERTOFT L1 -

PROPOSED BIOMASS LAYOUT+images_2014-04-15v3.pdf / drawing ref. TENDER YELVERTOFT

L1). Orthographic visualisations accompany the elevation views on this drawing.

The biomass boiler is to be located alongside the kitchen pod and the outdoor classroom

at the far end of the car park from the driveway entrance. The location of the plant room

is shown in the attached site plan drawing (file ref.: Yelvertoft biomass boiler location

2014-04-17v1[D0198Mv15v1 Design 1-2500].pdf / drawing ref. D0198A-Z3). The existing oil

tank is to be removed from its current position in the car park and replaced by a smaller

oil tank to be co-located with the biomass boiler plant (file ref.: Yelvertoft biomass boiler

location 2014-04-17v1[D0198Mv15v1 Design 1-100].pdf / drawing ref.: D0198A-Z1). This

may be compared with the existing car park form (file ref.: Yelvertoft biomass boiler

location 2014-04-17v1[D0198Mv15v1 Original 1-100].pdf / drawing ref.: D0198A-Z2). There

will be a fenced enclosure on 3 sides with the north west end of the biomass boiler plant

room on the 4th side, containing the new oil tank and the recycling bins (moved from their

current position). This will be wooden fence with gated access to the bins and the

container fill tube, and oil tank. The existing oil boiler will be retained as back-up plant

only and with its low level of utilisation, much less oil storage will be required – hence the

smaller oil tank. The reduction in size of the oil tank and its relocation reduces the impact

of the biomass boiler plant room on parking space by freeing up space in the centre of the

car park. The end section of the driveway wall (furthest away from the biomass boiler) is

to be removed. This allows greater manoeuvrability by the school minibus on entrance and

exit, with its parking position having been shifted through the introduction of the biomass

boiler. A road safety barrier is to be introduced, extended from the remaining section of

driveway wall over a distance of 7m. The section of wall to be replaced is in poor

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3 16th April 2014

condition and a lower barrier will give increased visibility, with accompanying safety

benefits. The vehicle barrier will extend from the end of the car parking space nearest the

school vehicular entrance (the vehicle barrier is represented by the grey line shown in

drawing D0198A-Z1).

2. Planning policy context

Bioenergy Strategy

The strategic framework for biomass nationally is contained within the UK Bioenergy

Strategy(2012) which is supportive of the role that biomass can play in meeting the 2020

renewable energy targets as well as longer term carbon reduction targets

[ ]. However, it does

recognise that, in order to achieve this ambition, biomass supplies will need to be sourced

sustainably. The strategy is supportive of the use of biomass from wastes and the use of

biomass for heat, transport and electricity. It supports the use of biomass to provide low

carbon heat for buildings and industry (process heating), through either biomass boilers or

through use of biomethane. Use of recoverable waste heat from low carbon power

generation or industrial processes is also an important component of this [bioenergy

deployment] pathway.

National policy

Published in March 2012 the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the

Government’s planning policies for England. The document provides a framework within

which local councils and communities can produce their own local and neighbourhood

plans reflecting the needs and priorities for their area.

In terms of renewable and low carbon energy, the NPPF is supportive of a transition to a

low carbon future and encourages the use of renewable resources (reference Core

Planning Principle 17/NPPF). It states that local councils should plan for new development

in locations and ways that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (reference clause 95/NPPF).

The NPPF also states that to help increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon

energy, local planning authorities should recognise the responsibility on all communities to

contribute to energy generation from renewable or low carbon sources. In doing so they

should support community-led initiatives for renewable and low carbon energy. The NPPF

states that opportunities should be identified for developments to use energy from

decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply and co-locating potential heat

customers and suppliers. (reference clause 97/NPPF)

The proposal accords with the Government’s NPPF requirements to increase the use of

renewable and low carbon energy and to support community-led initiatives. This applies to

the Yelvertoft Primary School biomass project, whereby the school has been defined as

integral to the definition of community within the overarching European funded project

that it is part of. The Yelvertoft Primary School biomass project fits well with the

requirement for developments to use energy from decentralised supplies. It is one of a

number of schools (currently five) to be supported by the European-funded ZECOS project

and, together with the other schools, there is the potential to take advantage of the co-

ordinated fuel supply, giving potential benefits both in terms of reduced cost, but also

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reduced transportation requirements and therefore environmental benefit. This would

contribute to the NPFF aim to co-locate potential heat customers and suppliers.

Saved District Policies

The Daventry District Local Plan was adopted in 1997. The Saved Policies of the Plan will

remain in force until replaced by policies in the emerging Local Development Framework

[as per Direction under Paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory

Purchase Act 2004].

The Local Development Framework for the District comprises Development Plan

Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents. The Local Development Scheme is

essentially a public statement identifying which Local Plans will be produced, when and by

whom, over a three year period. The Local Development Scheme for West

Northamptonshire (Daventry District, South Northamptonshire and Northampton) was

approved by the Joint Strategic Planning Committee on 12th June 2012 [A Local

Development Scheme (LDS) For West Northamptonshire]. This Local Development Scheme

is being prepared at a time when the provisions of the Localism Act and the National

Planning Policy Framework have recently taken effect. It is envisaged that the abolition of

Regional Strategies and associated Regional Spatial Strategies included in this legislation

will take place soon. Until the likely abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategy, it, together

with the Local Plans referred to in this Local Development Scheme, and ‘saved policies’

from existing Planning Policy Documents (until such time as they are superseded), will

form the Development Plan, which is the basis for all planning decisions.

The Approved West Northamptonshire Local Development Scheme (June 2012) states that

is important to ensure that the Local Development Documents, set out in the Local

Development Scheme are prepared efficiently and without delay, particularly the West

Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (or Local Plan) in the light of the Government’s

commitment to a national presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out in

the National Planning Policy Framework.

The Saved Policies from the Daventry District Local Plan (June 1997) were saved on 28th

September 2007 and published in November 2010. The relevant policies to this proposal

are also referred to in the Renewable Energy Leaflet issued by Daventry District Council

( – this states

that there are no local plan policies that relate specifically to renewable energy

development; however there are a number of general policies on which any proposal will

be assessed. The proposed development complies with the following relevant (saved)

Local Plan policies:

GN2 (type, scale, design)

EN42 (design).

The project addresses Policy GN2 and Policy EN42 with a design that is in keeping with the

local environment with adverse impact on surrounding amenities.

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Type, scale, design

The application relates to the installation of a biomass boiler facility adjacent to an

existing school building. The only external changes proposed include the construction of a

structure within which the biomass boiler is to be housed with materials which are already

found within the school buildings, and a new flue, which will terminate above the roof of

the plant room, which is adjacent to the main school building, with its roof punctuated by

existing structures.

The school is located on corner of High Street and School Lane, close to the roadside. The

proposed biomass boiler facility will be sited to the north of the main school campus. With

regards to residential amenity, the school site is surrounded by existing residential

development on three boundaries. The nearest residences are 25m or beyond from school

buildings, across High Street to the south, along School Lane to the east and northeast and

along Hillmorton Lane to the South/Southwest.

Due to the small scale of the biomass plant and its housing and location at the rear of the

school campus, it is not expected to impact on the amenities of neighbouring residential

properties. The proposal is therefore considered to accord with saved Policy GN2 of the

Local Plan.

Policy GN2 seeks to ensure that all new development is designed to the highest possible

standard, which includes the use of sustainable and traditional materials. The building to

house the proposed biomass facility is relatively modern in design. The proposed external

changes will complement the existing materials prevalent within the school, which are not

considered to have any unacceptable impact on the overall character and appearance of

the building/area.

The new biomass boiler facility will be installed adjacent to an existing building, with

minimal changes proposed, and with no change to the principle use of the site as an

educational establishment. Given the above, there is not considered to be any conflict

with Policy GN2.

Site access

Access to the site will be gained from the existing access from School Lane, as shown on

the submitted drawings. The school will continue to operate as normal for the duration of

the construction works, with restricted times during which deliveries of construction

materials will not be permitted. The school will manage the delivery of material/fuel and

the parking of delivery vehicles in order to ensure this does not impact on the functioning

of the educational establishment. Given that existing vehicular access is to be utilised for

the development, and that the delivery of materials, both for construction and for future

operational use will be managed by the school, there is not considered to be any impact

on highway safety. The store will hold minimum of 5 tonnes of wood pellet, which

surpasses the 180 hours equivalent running time requested by the Council. If it is assumed

the boiler runs at full output for 8 hours each day, it would be expected that the store

would require re-filling approximately once a month, transported by truck.

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The provision of the new boiler plant to the site will not affect the parking allowances, as

there is no increase in staff numbers and parking spaces are to be maintained by reducing

the size and changing the location of the oil tank, as well as optimising the car park layout.

Landscaping and archaeology

The area around Yelvertoft is relatively flat characterised by small to medium size open

fields bounded by traditional field hedges.

There are several listed buildings in Yelvertoft though the school building is not listed. The

nearest listed building to the proposed development site buildings is at approximately 60m,

a Grade II Tudor cottage on the corner of School Lane and High Street. The nearest

scheduled monument is St Andrews Church (remains of) at approx. 1.3km to the north.

Due to the proposed design and scale of the biomass boiler, the proposed development

will not result in any conflict with any existing landscaping and archaeology within the

school site and beyond.


There are no statutory ecological designations within 500m of the site. The nearest

designations are:

Traditional orchard Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority habitat at 640m SE

Woodland BAP priority habitat at 740m SE.

The nearest SSSI is at approx. 3.3km to N, Stanford Park

The site is within a bird conservation targeting project (BCTP) area for grey partridge

[] and within a nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ).

The proposed location of the biomass plant site is assessed to be of low ecological

importance consisting of non-natural, poor quality habitat.

Due to the small size of the proposed biomass plant and the location being in the car park,

which is already an artificial surface, in addition to the distance of important ecological

sites, it is concluded that there is negligible likelihood of protected species being present

with no mitigation measures required for the development. The proposal will not

therefore have any impact on upon any protected species. However in the unlikely event

should any protected species be found during the installation of the development, the

applicant will ensure that the necessary obligations under The Wildlife & Countryside Act

1981 will be adhered to.

Flood risk and water resources

The location of the site and the nature of the proposal will not raise any flood risk issues.

The site is located within Flood Zone 1 - land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1,000

annual probability of river or sea flooding (<0.1%). It is also at Very Low Risk of Flooding

from Rivers and Sea and from Surface Water and at no risk from reservoirs. As such, no

flood risk assessment is requiredi.

The nearest water resources to the site are:

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River/stream approximately 400m to the north east and approximately 240m to the

east/south east (along Crick Road and to the north).

Nearest pond is 260m to the north.

Due to the scale of the plant and the enclosed loading of biomass pellets, no impacts on

water resources are expected.

Air quality

The proposed development is of a small scale and not expected to result in any local air

quality impacts. An air quality assessment will be submitted along with the planning

application to demonstrate this.

No air quality management areas have been identified within Daventry borough, i.e. no air

quality targets are at risk of being breached [2012 Air Quality Updating and Screening

Assessment for Daventry District Councilii,


The proposed boiler installation will comply with the BS EN 303-5:1999 emissions standard,

as referred to in the attached Air Quality Assessment documentation.

Daventry DC adopted an Energy and Development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in March 2007. It provides guidance on maximising the use of renewable energy and on improving energy efficiency. The document describes biomass fuel and states that it can be used to heat domestic and non-domestic buildings. Paragraph 4.48 sets out the local benefits of biomass: “Producing energy from biomass has both environmental and economic advantages. It is most cost-effective when a local fuel source is used, which results in local investment and employment. Furthermore, biomass can contribute to waste management by harnessing energy from products that are often disposed of at landfill sites.”

The proposed project is in support of this SPD through the use of biomass fuel.

Neighbourhood Planning has been introduced through the Localism Act 2011 and forms

part of the statutory planning process. The role of a Village Design Statement is to provide

more detailed design guidance for a parish and to supplement the planning policies of the

local planning authority. They are prepared by Parish Councils, and following consultation

they are adopted by the Council as Supplementary Planning Documents. Yelvertoft

villagers have set up a steering committee with the advice of the District Council and are

in the process of producing a Parish Plan and Village Design Statement


West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy

The West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) is a key part of the Local

Development Framework. The Core Strategy sets out the long-term vision and objectives

for the whole of the area covered by Daventry District, Northampton Borough and South

Northamptonshire Councils for the plan period up to 2026, including strategic policies for

steering and shaping development. It identifies specific locations for strategic new housing

and employment and changes to transport infrastructure and other supporting community

facilities, as well as defining areas where development will be limited. It also helps to

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ensure the co-ordination and delivery of other services and related strategies. The Joint

Core Strategy, as amended by the Proposed Changes, has now been submitted to the

Secretary of State for Examination. He has appointed a Planning Inspector who will shortly

conduct a Public Examination of the document.

The overall aim of the Pre-Submission JCS is to deliver sustainable development and this

aim continues and is supported by Proposed Changes which ensure the policy basis is

robust and in line with the new National Planning Policy Framework. Proposed Changes

include some rewording of the Pre-Submission JCS Policy on Sustainable Development

Principles (Policy S10) including reference to development being designed to improve

environmental performance, energy efficiency and adapt to a changing climate over its

lifetime. A new policy entitled Low Carbon and Renewable Energy (Policy S11) has been

introduced via the Proposed Changes and this requires major development to contribute to

reductions in carbon dioxide emissions.

The overall aim of West Northamptonshire’s Pre-Submission Joint Core Strategy is to

deliver sustainable development. Policies S10 and S11 (proposed) aim for energy efficiency

and the requirement for major developments to contribute to reductions in carbon dioxide

emissions. Though the proposed school development is small in scale, it will increase the

take-up of renewable energy supplies, particularly biomass energy.

Biomass energy is expected to play a key role in Northamptonshire’s ability to meet

renewable energy and carbon dioxide emissions reduction targets. Biomass schemes are

becoming increasingly popular as a result of financial incentives and the increasing cost of

fossil fuels. Much of West Northamptonshire is rural in nature with a dispersed network of

almost 190 villages and hamlets. The rural communities account for approximately one-

third of West Northamptonshire’s population. In Daventry and South Northamptonshire

districts the percentage of people living in rural communities is as high as 75%. With the

lack of the connection of the school to the gas network, there is the additional benefit of

utilising biomass energy of offering increased security of supply of heat.

It is however important to ensure that biomass is produced sustainably and to get the right

balance between food production and energy production. Biomass fuels are those derived

from replenishable plant material that can be converted into energy and therefore can be

regarded as a renewable energy. Where wood is the biomass fuel used this should be used

from sustainable sources. Using locally sourced wood stimulates the management of local

woodland which can help to improve biodiversity, increase rural employment and keep

revenue in the local economy while also minimising transport emissions. A number of

options for biomass fuel have been explored for Yelvertoft and wood pellet has been

concluded as the most suitable. Miscanthus (or elephant grass), whilst grown locally, has a

detrimental impact on boilers and major component replacement, as well as additional

maintenance, would be expected over the life of the biomass boiler, as well as increased

capital cost at the outset. This would result in excessive expenditure and a need to reduce

the number of projects, given budget constraints and therefore miscanthus has been ruled

out. Wood chip, also available locally, has been assessed, but requires significantly more

space than wood pellet and results in a far less clean operation than wood pellet, with

inevitable spillage around the fuel store on delivery. In the case of Yelvertoft, the only

realistic location for the biomass plant is in the school car park, where there is inadequate

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additional space for woodchip and a need to keep the area tidy, given that it is at the

entrance to the school for vehicles.

3. Consultations, pre-submission Northamptonshire County Council planning officers have been approached for guidance on

requirements for the biomass boiler plant application. They gave feedback on the

requirements for studies to be undertaken and referred to Daventry District Council for

environmental health matters. The Daventry local environmental health officers have

been consulted on this project and have provided guidance on information to be provided

by the applicant on the biomass boiler plant that affects local air pollution and local air

quality issues. This information is provided in the air quality assessment documentation

accompanying this application. Details on communications with the planning officers are

as follows:

1. Meeting with Peter Moor (NCC/planning) and Phil Watson (NCC/planning manager)

on the 13th of January 2014

2. Correspondence with Peter Moor and conversation between Julian Steele and Peter

Moor and Daventry officers

3. Correspondence on air quality with Nick Ravine (by email 3/2/2014) and Mike

Jephcott (by email 10/2/2014)

4. Review meeting with Peter Moor on the 24th of March 2014

Community biomass boiler information events were hosted on 2nd October 2012 and the 4th

October 2012. The purpose of these were for school representatives to understand what is

involved in having a biomass boiler at the school, about the benefits are and about the

opportunity for funding through the ZECOS project. Questions from the schools’

representatives were addressed and their views were taken on board in the next steps of

project development. Subsequent Zero CO2 community events were hosted in February

2014 for all members of the local community, at which local residents came to find out

what measures were possible in their community, including biomass boilers, as well having

the opportunity to offer their views on different energy measures. There is an ongoing

programme of these Zero CO2 community events in 2014.

Yelvertoft Primary School sent out information on the project in their newsletter on the

4th of April 2014 and has posted the same information to neighbours.

4. Conclusion The siting of the biomass facility and the associated external changes will have no impact

on residential amenity, any existing landscaping, the amenity of the wider area or on

highway safety or pupils. The external changes proposed are minimal in nature, with the

proposed materials to match those already found within the school campus.

The proposal is therefore considered to comply with the development plan policies and

Central Government advice referred to within this statement, and is considered therefore

to represent an acceptable form of development for which planning permission should be


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5. Supporting information Supporting information that is to be provided includes:

Air quality assessment

Site location plan

Block plan of the site

Plant room layout drawing


Renewable Energy and Climate Change statement

i Planning applications for development proposals of 1 hectare or greater in Flood Zone 1 and all proposals for new development located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 should be accompanied by an FRA. [Local requirements Reg 3, NCC - County Council Regulation 3 Applications Local List Requirements] ii This Updating and Screening Assessment has concluded that Daventry District Council is not required to carry

out a Detailed Review and Assessment for carbon monoxide, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, lead, nitrogen dioxide, PM10or sulphur dioxide. The recent Progress Report 2011 was completed in December 2011. The data for NO2 monitoring results in the vicinity of the M1 (the data included results to the end of 2010) concluded that there was no exceedance of the annual average at points representative of relevant exposure. Therefore no detailed assessments were recommended in the report. The collective monitoring data for NO2 across the district from the years preceding 2005 to date has been scrutinised and it appears that overall a small decreasing trend in levels is taking place. Previously kerbside monitoring sites to the M1 have shown slight exceedences, however these are now within acceptable limits. Only two locations in Daventry District exceed the annual average limits. These monitoring locations are alongside the M1 at Lilbourne, and alongside the M1 at Crick. Neither has any appropriate receptors that exceed the annual average. It is therefore not necessary to proceed to a detailed assessment for NO2 in Daventry district; however diffusion tube monitoring throughout the district will continue and due regard given to the data obtained in relation to sensitive receptors. A review of diffusion tube locations is planned before the next progress report is issued.

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Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S – Yelvertoft Primary School

Biomass Boiler Renewable Energy and Climate Change Statement

Prepared by: Date:

Rupert Blackstone, Wattcraft Limited (Project Engineer) 16/4/2014

Approved by: Date:

Julian Steele, Energy and Carbon Management Team, Northamptonshire County Council


1. Introduction The proposed development at Yelvertoft Primary School comprises a containerised biomass

boiler plant of 60kW thermal capacity, using wood pellet as feedstock.

2. Renewable Energy The wood pellet fuel will be from a sustainable resource – the wood from which it is

produced is to be from sustainable forestry and certified accordingly. There will be

possible non-renewable energy consumption during production of the wood pellet from

sawmill co-product in particular through the compression process. There may also be non-

renewable energy consumption at each stage of transportation of the fuel - in its raw form

to the sawmill, from the sawmill to the pellet production plant and from the pellet

production plant to its point of use. The non-renewable component of the energy supplied

in the form of pellet is not expected to exceed 15% of the energy available in the wood

pellet in carbon dioxide emission equivalent terms, using oil as the reference fuel.

3. Climate change It may be assumed that the efficiency of the new biomass boiler will be greater than the

aging oil boiler, the use of which it is replacing. Taking this into account, the carbon

dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions of using wood pellet are expected to be less

than 15% of those that are associated with using oil as a fuel.

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Daventry District Council

Environmental Health Biomass Combustion Plant Enquiry

Information required to assess local air pollution and local air quality issues associated with

applications and enquiries regarding the installation of boiler plants, power plants and other

furnaces fuelled by biomass, bio-fuels and waste derived fuels.

Please provide the following information to assist us with your application/enquiry:

Nature of the installation:


Address, location and purpose

Yelvertoft Primary School School Lane, Yelvertoft, Northampton NN6 6LH

Proposed furnace:


Type / Design The boiler furnace has vertical heat exchanger complete with automatic de-dusting turbulators, with a fixed grate underfeed gasifier burner, and a rotary land ring for efficient cleaning for minimum user maintenance. / Capacity 60kW thermal / Rate of Fuel Consumption up to 14kg/h

Manufacturer’s Technical Information See attached technical data (TP Multifire 10.2011 EN.pdf)

Proof of Compliance with Recognised Environmental Standards See attached RHI certification (p5 of KWB_RHI_EC_MF_USV_wood pellets_2014-01-14.pdf)

Proposed Fuel:


Physical Form (e.g. Pellets, Chips, Powder, Liquid) Pellets

Made From (E.g. Wood, Waste Materials or Processed Crops) Wood

Calorific Value 17GJ/TONNE, 4.8kWh/kg

Moisture Content 6-10%

Contaminants NIL

Proof of Compliance with Recognised Environmental Standards or Quality Standards See attached RHI certification (p5 of KWB_RHI_EC_MF_USV_wood pellets_2014-01-14.pdf)

Potential Emissions: Emissions from the furnace and from the handling of fuel

See attached RHI certification (p6 of KWB_RHI_EC_MF_USV_wood pellets_2014-01-14.pdf)

Results of any emissions testing using the proposed fuel (e.g. appliance manufacturers type testing or tests of similar installations operating in the manner proposed)

See attached RHI certification (p6 of KWB_RHI_EC_MF_USV_wood pellets_2014-01-14.pdf)

Control / Prevention of How is this achieved? LAMBDA SENSOR. A lambda sensor is an oxygen

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Emissions: sensor that fits into the flue system. Its purpose is to send a voltage signal to the boiler control panel relevant to the oxygen content of the flue gasses. The boiler control panel uses this information to adjust continually the under-fire and over-fire air and fuel feed requirements to achieve the best emissions.

Any abatement plant fitted? No If so for what? N/A

Flues / Chimneys: Height of Stack / Point of Discharge 6m above ground level (AGL)

Diameter of Flue 200mm internal diameter / 264mm external diameter

Velocity and temperature of discharge 5.5m/sec -- 160oC

Likely Dispersion or Local Accumulation of Pollutants:

Surrounding buildings Kitchen pod of approximately 3m length within the radius of determination in the air quality assessment of 4m.

Local topography No significant increase in elevation within 1km of the site/ weather Information extracted from the Met Ofice website ( The Midlands lies at the geographic heart of England. As such, it has a climate that is essentially transitional between northern and southern England in terms of temperature and between Wales and eastern England as regards rainfall. Mean annual temperatures over the region vary from around 8 °C to just over 10 °C. Average annual sunshine durations over the Midlands range from less than 1350 hours in the higher northern and western fringes to about 1500 hours near the southern boundary. These figures compare with values of less than 1100 hours a year in the Shetland Islands to over 1750 hours along the south coast of England and over 1900 hours in the Channel Islands. The tendency for convective cloud to develop over inland areas in summer leads to sunshine averages that are lower than coastal sites.The wettest areas in the Midlands, with an average of over 800 mm per year, are along the Welsh border, in the Cotswolds and, especially, in the Peak District; the highest altitudes exceed 1000 mm. In contrast, the more sheltered areas of the South and East Midlands are the driest with less than 600 mm per year in parts of Northamptonshire, the lower Trent valley and the Avon valley. These values can be compared with annual totals around 500 mm in the drier parts of eastern England and over 4000 mm in the western Scottish Highlands. The Midlands area is one of the more sheltered parts of the UK, the windiest areas being in western and northern Britain, closer to the Atlantic. The strongest winds are associated with the passage of deep areas of low pressure close to or across the UK. The frequency and strength of these depressions is greatest in the winter half of the year, especially from December to February, and this is when mean speeds and gusts (short duration peak values) are strongest.

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According to the 3rd Edition (1981) of the 1956 Clean Air Act Memorandum



boiler Note: input data in grey cells











Building 1 Height (m) 3 Width (m) 10


Poujoulat UK Ltd

Unit 1 Quadrum Park, Old Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 1LU

Tel: 01483 461 700 Fax: 01483 533 435


• Takes account of plant burning fuel with gross heat input between 150kW and 150MW

• Takes account of adjacent / neighbouring buildings (max 8 including attached building)

• Calculations for fuels with very low sulphur (VLS) content (i.e. less than 0.04%) and other fuels (i.e. above 0.2%)

Where more than one fuel may be used, calculations should be carried out for each and the greatest resulting height adopted.

In any cases where fuel is in the range 0.04% - 0.2% of S. a similar procedure of performing both calculations should be followed.

The final chimney height must meet the following requirements and should otherwise be increased appropriately:

• It will terminate at least 3m above any area to which there is general access (e.g. roof areas, opening windows or ground level)

• It must be approved by the local Environmental Authorities.


Boilers up to 2.2 MW: 6m/s at full load

Boilers up to 9 MW with induced draught fans: 7.5m/s at full load

Boilers up to 135 MW: 15m/s

9 MW < OUTPUT < 135 MW: pro rata


Yelvertoft Primary School

Dense housing residential area












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Technology and planningWood chip and pellet heating system KWB Multifire 15-100 kW

KWB MultifireWood chip and pellet heating system

Available at your certified KWB partner

We provide Energy for Life!

The Biomass Heating System

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The Biomass Heating System

Over 50,000 customers in Europe

An ecological and economical success storyInnovative ideas, intensive research and continuous further

development have made KWB one of Europe's leading providers in

the area of biomass heating systems.

Local energy resources: Wood chipsWood chips combine benefitting the local

economy, cost-effective generation of heat, and

the convenience of an automatic firing system all in

one. All types of natural recovered wood, such as storm-damaged

wood, bark, branches, and waste from carpenters’ shops and

joiner’s workshops, are suitable for the production of wood chips.

Wood chips are primarily produced and sold by local farmers who chip and deliver the wood after a drying

phase of several months. Careful processing and drying enable optimal storage capability and trouble-free

heating operation with small amounts of ash and low emissions.

Fuel of the future: PelletsPellets are manufactured from wood chips without synthetic additives and are constantly

inspected for quality and safety by in-house and external controls. Pellets are environmentally

friendly in production and use, they create new jobs, and when they are burned, the CO2

content of the atmosphere remains constant. In addition, pellets are the ideal fuel for

automatic heating systems due to their high energy content, convenient options for delivery

and storage, etc.

Erwin StubenschrottGroup management, KWB Biomass heating systems

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The Biomass Heating System

We provide Energy for Life!

Rely on qualityAll KWB heating systems are Austrian quality products and satisfy the strictest European standards, tests, and regulations. Internal and external quality assurance systems ensure the best workmanship and maximum functional reliability. Our continuous goal is to offer manufacturing quality that surpasses the industry average – so that you can can rely on us.

More security, guaranteedAt KWB, one of our top priorities is to ensure that our systems prove themselves optimally under all conditions.At KWB, we demand quality, which is why we can offer the best guarantees with confidence:• 3 years full guarantee on all biomass heating systems if a maintenance contract is concluded• 8 years guarantee on the heat exchanger if a working return-flow boost device is installed• 15 years guarantee on spare-parts availability

Award-winningKWB stands for the highest quality. The numerous awards we have received confirm that we are on the right path and we will continue to pursue this consistently.


Quality management


Safety management

Blue Angel eco-label for KWB Easyfire Conformance with EC directives

Emissions and efficiency testGreen Power (Ökostrom) customer Eco-label Austria Member of the Climate Alliance Environmental management

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4 Introduction

KWB Multifire: System typesThe KWB Multifire, with rated power ranging from 15 to 100 kW, is the optimal solution for supplying heat for single-family homes, to larger buildings in the residential and public sector (e. g. agricultural buildings, schools, multi-story residential buildings, commercial buildings, etc.) as well as for district heating networks. Both wood chips, G30 and W30, in accordance with ÖNORM M7133 or B1 and P16B, in accordance with EN14961-1, and wood pellets having diameter of 6 mm or 8 mm according to ÖNORM M7135 or DIN Plus and wood pellets of quality level A1 and A2 according to EN14961 can be used. Wood pellets of A2 quality class have not been approved for the types USV GS and USV D with pellet extraction. (DM 8 mm are not approved for the following extractors: elbow conveyor, conveyor screw with suction conveyor)

The heating system is available as a left-orientation or right-orientation version

USV V(15 – 40 kW)With 1,000 litre fuel storage container

The heating system is available as a left-orientation or right-orientation version

USV D(15 – 100 kW)With 10 litre hopper

The heating system is available as a left-orientation or right-orientation version

USV GS(40 – 100 kW)With 120 litre hopper for pellet operation and suction conveyor

The heating system is available as a left-orientation or right-orientation version

USV ZI(15 – 100 kW)With 200 litre hopper

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KWB Multifire 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW1. Heat exchangers: Vertical, automatic dedusting heat exchanger with special turbulators

2. Combustion system: Underfeed gasifier, ring nozzle burner, high-temperature bounce dome, turbulent burnout zone

3. Fire shutter: Gas-tight, burnback-proof, tested.

4. Ash removal system: Automatic ash removal, ash compaction and fill level monitoring

5. Fuel extractor: Reliable conveyor technology for rigorous individual requirements

6. Operating and control system KWB Comfort 3: Innovative, easy-to-operate, fully-automatic, and unique

7. Stoker screw: Stainless steel spirals with carbide coating








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6 Your advantages


KWB Comfort 3 control system

KWB hopper ➀The hopper with its attractive and stable design is only available from KWB. A light barrier system in the container automatically regulates the fill level. The hopper extends the service life of the fuel extractor and minimises power costs because the conveyor system does not start up as often.

KWB ash-removal system ➁Two ash removal screws automatically transport the ashes from the combustion chamber into the attached ash container with four rollers. The ash is compacted in the ash container - this makes operation even more convenient – this means the ash container only needs to be emptied every 2 to 10 weeks. An ash fill-level monitor prevents ashes from being pushed out of the container and ensures that the boiler room stays clean.

The 2-button control unit with dial and easy-to-understand graphic display is a KWB innovation. A logically structured menu system shows users of KWB heating systems how to adjust all personal parameters for heating circuits, buffer tanks and DHWC, etc. Further advantages include controlling the heating system by means of SMS text messages with the KWB Comfort SMS and visualisation and remote maintenance using the KWB Comfort Visio. The KWB Comfort InterCom is another new addition to the product line; it is an interface for data exchange between the KWB control system and external systems. With the KWB Comfort Solar control system, a solar heating system can also be regulated.


Minimum power consumption, maximum convenience

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7Your advantages


KWB firing technology


KWB heat exchangers with special turbulators

Learn from successful systems – with this perspective in mind, the well-designed and award-winning control concept of the KWB Powerfire series was also implemented in the KWB Multifire. The lambda control system (wide-band lambda probe), in combination with a negative pressure regulating device, ensures optimal combustion conditions and minimum emissions. This control system is supplemented with the proven underfeed system with fuel quantity sensor in the KWB Multifire. Starting with a boiler capacity of 30 kW the KWB Multifire also includes the KWB MultiFlex burner extension, i.e. the burner plate is equipped with an efficient cleaning mechanism. This makes the KWB Multifire even more reliable when using ash-rich wood fuels that tend to produce clinker. This option ensures minimum maintenance effort by the customer and maximum convenience.

We have been able to enhance the proven automatic heat exchanger cleaning technology through development of new turbulators. These turbulators ensure an optimal exchange of heat due to the improved cleaning effect and a reduction in flow loss. The result is a uniformly high level of efficiency and maximum economy for the customer.

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8 KWB Comfort 3 control system

Analogue remote control unit

KWB Comfort Solar

Boiler control unit

KWB Comfort 3 microprocessor control systemKWB Comfort 3 is a modularly designed system that is used to operate and regulate the KWB biomass heating systems. All adjustments can be made using the 2-button control unit together with a dial on the innovative, easy-to-understand graphic display. Parameters for boiler, heating circuit, DHWC, and buffer tank can be easily configured using the logically structured menu system. The control unit adjusts boiler output according to heat demand, fully automatically and infinitely variable from standby to full load. The control concept ensures optimum combustion conditions, lowest emissions and maximum economic efficiency.In addition to regulating the burner, it also provides comprehensive heat management – from a single-family house to a district heating network. As a modular, expandable system, the KWB Comfort enables control of up to 34 heating circuits, 17 buffer tanks and 17 DHWCs. It is also possible to link several digital or analogue remote-control devices.

The control unit consists of the following components:1. Base board: Contains all inputs/outputs for boiler control, incl. sensors

and terminal strip for external connections. The master board also includes the activation for one DHWC and one buffer tank with two temperature sensors.

2. Boiler control unit: This module is used to operate and regulate the boiler and for purposes of heat management. The boiler control unit can additionally be used as a data display, room thermostat and remote-control unit.

3. Analogue remote control unit: Simple operation for a heating circuit with room sensor consisting of a dial for adjusting the desired room temperature by ± 5 °C and a 4-position slide switch for selecting the heating program: automatic mode, lower mode, frost protection mode or day operation.

4. Digital remote control unit: Enables operation of one or more heating circuits with room sensor as well as configuration and monitoring of heating circuit, DHWC and buffer tank management from the living room.

5. Heating-circuit expansion module: Controls a max. of 2 heating circuits, one DHWC and one buffer tank (with 2 sensors) per module. Operation and monitoring are carried out using the boiler control unit or optionally by digital remote control devices.

6. KWB Comfort Solar: Through the KWB Comfort Solar control system, the heating system is controlled in such a manner that free-of-charge solar energy is optimally routed into the buffer tank. In addition to functionality and design, the solar control system features a easy-to-use and self-explanatory user interface. A convenient commissioning assistant is available for the heating engineer.

Heating circuit expansion module

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9KWB Comfort 3 control system

KWB Comfort SMSUse your own mobile phone to query the actual operating states and actively control your heating system (e.g. holiday program, party operation). In addition to switching the heating system on and off, actual operating states can be queried or adjustments can be made for heating circuits, DHWC, buffer tanks, etc. In addition, alarm messages are sent to the mobile phone.The sender receives acknowledgment of commands that have been executed through an SMS reply. Creation of commands and queries is simplified by the use of SMS templates that can be transmitted by the KWB Comfort 3 to the respective mobile phone. KWB Comfort SMS is available in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish and Slovenian.

KWB Comfort VisioKWB Comfort Visio is an additional component of the KWB Comfort series for visualisation, remote monitoring and remote control of your KWB heating system via PC. The design of the KWB Comfort Visio is revolutionary with regard to project planning and commissioning. Attach it, switch it on, and you are on your way – the KWB Comfort Visio adapts itself automatically to your heating system. KWB Comfort Visio is available in English and German.

Monitoring and operationOperating values of boiler, heating circuits, DHWCs and buffer tanks can be displayed with the KWB Comfort Visio. All the configuration parameters of the heating system are displayed and can be changed on

the visualisation interface. In addition, KWB Comfort Visio offers a comprehensive alarm management system, consisting of alarm statistics and log, as well as an extensive help system for the specific alarms.

ArchivingWhen using a local computer, the comprehensive data recording and evaluation options of the KWB Comfort Visio can be used.

Remote maintenanceThe heating system can be accessed from any location via modem. Thus, the heating system can be monitored and you can intervene if necessary. This also allows KWB customer service to remotely maintain the customer’s heating system.

KWB Comfort InterComKWB Comfort InterCom is an interface for data exchange between the KWB Comfort control system and external systems, such as higher-level control or visualisation systems, central building control systems, etc. The data is exchanged via serial connection, network connection or analogue modem connection.

All boiler operating status parameters as well as individual alarms can be read out on the KWB Comfort control system. In addition, several parameters can be modified by the external system in the KWB Comfort control system.

Option 1: Visualization PC near the system Option 2: No PC near the system

Serial or TCP/IP



Access to the visualisation PC via separate software.

Telephone network


Telephone network



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Headline10 KWB bus system


BCU Boiler control unitDRCU Digital remote control unitARCU Analogue remote control unitHCM Heating circuit expansion module Data line with 24 V DC supply Bus RS 485 2-pole Analogue line for sensor


HCM 1 HCM 2 HCM 3 HCM 4-16


Bus system – conditions• Bus cable: CAT.5e, S/FTP; 4 × 2 × AWG 24, maximum length 850 m, for underground installation:

CAT.5e, 4 × 2 × 0.5 mm².

• Run in a separate conduit (not together with 230 / 400 V AC).

• Network stations in one line (no branches, no ring!)

• If the boiler control unit in the room is used, it is necessary to install an empty base with bus connector CAT.5e (not possible in combination with the KWB Comfort SMS).

• Max. 2 digital remote control units after a heating circuit expansion module or heating-system master board are supplied with voltage. Each heating circuit module must be powered with 230 V and 50 Hz mains voltage for the heating circuit module itself and for any connected DRCUs, pumps and mixer servomotors.

• For each heating circuit, an analogue room control unit (no bus station) can be used independently of the bus stations. Wiring is the same as for a room sensor.


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Headline 11KWB Comfort integration

1 Boiler 2 Return flow sensor 3 Line regulating valve 4 Pump return-flow boost (calculate capacity) 5 Constant return temperature control or

mixing valve with actuator 6 Outdoor sensor 7 Remote control digital/analogue

8 KWB EmpaCompact stratification storage tank

9 DHWC sensor10 Buffer tank sensor 111 Buffer tank sensor 212 Mixer HC113 Pump HC114 Flow sensor HC115 Mixer HC2

16 Pump HC217 Forward flow sensor HK218 KWB Comfort Solar19 Buffer tank sensor, solar20 Collector pump21 Collector sensor22 Fresh water module

HC=Heating Circuit






House 1

House 2Adjacent building

Mains Supply

Therm. safety valve EN 303

Mains Supply

Hydr. switch

Implementation recommendation: KWB Multifire with KWB EmpaCompact stratification storage tank

Implementation recommendation: District heating network




















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Headline12 KWB Multifire installation example

Stirrer and ascending screw with upward transfer

Stirrer in standard version

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Headline 13KWB Multifire installation example

Type USV ZI 40-60 kW with stirrer

Storage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.


Ground plan

Solid ceiling F90

Wood chip storage room

Wood chip storage roomBoiler room

Fire extinguisher

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Comply with the local fire safety regulationsM



Ventilation > 400 cm2

Wall ductH 60 cm × B 50 cm

(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data Table"

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

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Headline14 KWB Multifire installation examples

*Conveyor trough can be recessed into the ground (see page 9 in this regard)

Recess depth: 22 cmUpper edge of concrete: 88 cm (USV D), 114 cm (USV ZI)

Solid ceiling F90

Solid ceiling F90

Wall ductH 60 cm × B 50 cm

(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically


max. 25°



Ground plan

Variant 1

Variant 2

Fill cover (approx. 100 cm × 250 cm)

Conveyor channel recessed in the false floor (rear ventilation recommended)

Conveyor channel recessed in the false floor (rear ventilation recommended)

Fire extinguisher

Wood chip storage room

66 (USV D) *92 (USV ZI) *


. 195

min. 285

Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)

(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data Table"

Type USV D 15-25 kW with stirrerStorage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

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Headline 15KWB Multifire installation examples

Type USV ZI 80-100 kW with stirrer

Storage room above the boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.


Ground plan

Conveyor channel recessed in the blind floor (rear ventilation recommended)

Wall ductH 60 cm × B 50 cm

Ceiling opening30 cm × 30 cm

(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

Diameter See table provided in the technical data

Solid ceiling F90

Wall ductH 60 cm × B 50 cm


. 245


. 220

Fire extinguisher

max. 20°

Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

In the event that the storage area is not sheathed in accordance with F90, the maximum permissible fire

section as specified by the locally applicable building code must be complied with.

min. 300

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data Table"

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Headline16 KWB Multifire installation examples

Wooden boards

Wall ductH 60 cm × B 50 cm

(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

Solid ceiling F90


. 200

Wood chip storage room

Pivoting 360°

Fire extinguisher

Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

min. 285


. 195

F90 F90

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm


Ground plan

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)

(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data Table"

Type USV ZI 30-60 kW with stirrer and ascending screw with upward transfer

Storage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

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Headline 17KWB Multifire installation example

Type USV ZI 30-60 kW with stirrer and filling screw for storage area

Storage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

Filling screw for storage area Solid ceiling F90

The drive for the feed screw must be installed outside of the storage room.


Ground plan

Wooden boards

max. 35°

min. 25min. 95


. 200

min. 25

Protective grille150 × 150 × 10

Intermediate storage is necessary starting from a screw length of 6 m, a 2nd intermediate storage is necessary for lengths in excess of 8 m.


. 25

Emergency stop switch (for filling screw for storage area)

Fire extinguisher

Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

at least 205

at le

ast 3


Wood chip storage room

Wall duct� 10 cm

Wall ductH 60 cm × B 50 cm

(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

Opening at least 50 × 50

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data" Energy saving damper 15 cmwith explosion door

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Headline18 KWB Multifire installation example

Type USV ZI 30-60 kW with stirrer and ascending screw with downward transfer

Storage room below the boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 15, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.


Ground plan

Solid ceiling F90

Fire extinguisher

Worm incline 0° to max. 45°

(up to 15° = SL max. 12 m; 15°-45° = SL max. 6 m)

for 15° = max. 582 cmfor 45° = max. 437 cm

0° to



for 2

5° =


. 45


° – 3

5° =


. 50


° – 4

5° =


. 60


(� 2.50 – 5.50 m)

Cut out as needed

Wall ductH 40 cm × B 50 cmShaft parallel

(Provide installation and removal space)

Transfer station

Extraction from silo (dumping height on request)

Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

> 205 cm

SL = up to 12.00 m

> 2


F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm


D m

ax. 3

54 *


ZI m

ax. 3

30 *

*At a 45° incline the maximum length is 6 m and the level differential is 354 cm (USV D) or 330 cm (USV ZI) - the horizontal space requirement for the fuel extractor is 437 cm.

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data" Energy saving damper 15 cmwith explosion door

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Headline 19KWB Multifire installation example

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Wall opening 30 × 30(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

Solid ceiling F90


D 40

– 60

kW a

t lea

st 2



80 –

100 k

W a

t lea

st 2


Ricochet protection mat 20 c



Ascending screw* without axial deviation and without


Fire extinguisher





Injection connector

Suction connector

Ground plan

Wall opening 30 cm × 30 cm(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

at least 200

Pellet storage room

Boiler room

Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

*Dimensions: See table on page 10

Type USV D 40-100 kW with conveyor screw and elbow screw

Storage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)

(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data" Energy saving damper 15 cmwith explosion door





Page 40: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline20 KWB Multifire installation example

Type USV D 40-60 kW with Pellet Stirrer Plus and elbow screwThe version shown is available in the power ratings 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.


Ground plan

Solid ceiling F90

Ricochet protection mat

Wooden boards

Wall opening 35 cm × 35 cm(Seal again after installation – trough

acoustically de-coupled)

Boiler room

at le

ast 2


Ventilation 5 cm² per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

at least 218

Pellet storage room

Chimney access Minimum 60 cm

Fire extinguisher

Injection connector

Suction connector

at le

ast 5


at le

ast 3


F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data" Energy saving damper 15 cmwith explosion door

Page 41: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 21KWB Multifire installation examples

Type USV GS 40-60 kW with Pellet Stirrer Plus and suction conveyor

Wooden boards

Bore 7Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90 Solid ceiling F90Ricochet protection mat

at lea

st 30




ht w


t ste

p m

ax. 3


Fire extinguisher

Injection connector

Suction connector

Pellet storage room

Wall opening 35 cm×35 cm(Seal again after installation – trough acoustically de-coupled)

Ventilation 5 cm2

per kW, however, at least 400 cm²

Boiler room


Ground plan

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data" Energy saving damper 15 cmwith explosion door

Type USV GS 40-60 kW with conveyor screw and suction conveyorThe versions shown are available in the power ratings 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

Solid ceiling F90


least 30Boiler room

Solid ceiling F90

Wooden boards

at le

ast 2


Bore 7Fire-safety collar

Solid ceiling F90Ricochet protection mat


out s



. 300


l disp


ent h



. 500

Minimum 100 per“step”

Transport hose max. length 25 m Inclined floor

Conveyor screw

Wall duct 35x35 (seal after installation – trough acoustically decoupled)


Chimney diameter and smoke-pipe execution in accordance with the “Technical Data" Energy saving damper 15 cmwith explosion door

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

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Headline22 KWB Multifire installation example

KWB Pellet Big Bag and elbow screw

Page 43: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 23KWB Multifire installation example

Boiler room

Injection connector

Ventilation E30 (G30) >400 cm2

Ground planDesign flue-gas routes according to

"Technical Data" table, KWB Multifire Technology and Planning brochure

Fire extinguisher

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised)

(Combustion stopped)(Heat dissipation continues)

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm


Type USV D 40-60 kW with KWB Pellet Big Bag and elbow screw

Storage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

Comply with the local fire safety regulations

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Headline24 KWB Multifire installation example

KWB Pellet Big Bag and suction conveyor

Page 45: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 25KWB Multifire installation example

Ventilation E30 (G30) >400 cm2Outline

Ventilation E30 (G30) >400 cm2

Ground plan

Boiler room Storage room

Design flue-gas routes according to "Technical Data" table, KWB Multifire Technology and Planning brochure

Fire extinguisher

Emergency stop switch(Boiler not de-energised) (Combustion stopped) (Heat dissipation continues)

Typ USV GS 40-60 kW with KWB Pellet Big Bag and suction conveyor

Storage room adjacent to boiler roomThe version shown is available in the power ratings 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Comply with the local fire safety regulations

Page 46: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline26 KWB Multifire installation examples

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Type USV GS 40-60 kW with buried tank and suction conveyorThe version shown is available in the power ratings 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 kW.

Bore 7Fire-safety collar

Protective pipe HT pipe at least 15 cm

Pellet transport pose max. length 25 m

Solid ceiling F90

Boiler room

Ground plan

Buried tank

at le

ast 2


If no space at all is available for a storage room inside a building, it is possible to install an underground tank, which is buried in the garden, and from which the pellets are transported to the KWB Multifire via vacuum system. The buried tank itself, as well as extraction from the buried tank, is not included in the KWB product line. KWB recommends the Geotank system from Geoplast Kunststofftechnik GmbH, A-2604 Theresienfeld, Bahnstr. 45,


bol p


Page 47: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 27KWB Multifire installation examples

� 50


� 50


Special solution 2 × 100 kW



Standard solution up to 2 × 80 kWOpen area standard solution

Open area special solution

Max. room diameter for articulated rotary blade stirrer: 550 cm

Special solution: Dual boiler system with one stirrer

Special solution: Dual boiler system with stirrers arranged one behind the other

F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501 T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501All dimensions in cm

Page 48: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline28 KWB conveyor systems

KWB conveyor systems – The optimum customer-specific solutionThe KWB fuel-extractor system with floor-level stirrer (stirrer diameter: 2.5 to 5.5 m) and conveyor screw on a massive, hollow shaft supported by two bearings, is adapted to on-site conditions and tailored to the specific needs of the customer. Fuel storage rooms can be square, rectangular or round, and can be situated above the level of the boiler room, at the same level, or even below the level of the boiler room (please see KWB installation examples starting on page 12).

The fuel extractor is suitable for wood chips to grain size G50 in accordance with ÖNORM M7133 or B1 P16B in accordance with EN14961-1 and for burning wood pellets having diameters 6 mm and 8 mm in accordance with ÖNORM M7135 or DIN Plus and wood pellets of quality class A1 and A2 according to EN14961-1.

KWB heavy-duty gear unit

KWB Conveyor screw

KWB trough withConveyor screw

Reliable, long service life

• Long service life and high-level wear-resistance of the screw thanks to stainless steel spirals in the feed area and a maintenance-free, double-sealed heavy-duty gear unit in trough form.

• No overfilling of the screw trough due to progressively ascending spirals, asymmetric opening, and reverse travel screw.

• The screw is not buoyed upward in the trough due to optimised trough shape.

Convenient and individual

• Efficient emptying of the bunker even with larger stirrer diameters due to uniform contact force of the articulated-blade rotary stirrer over the entire diameter.

• Complete utilisation of storage room space is possible due to different ascending-screw implementations. Customer-specified screw length (lengths of over 12 m on request).

• Low power consumption by preventing mechanical resistance.

KWB fuel extractor - your advantages

Page 49: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 29KWB conveyor systems

Conveyor systems: The optimal solution for every constructional situation

Floor-level rotary-blade stirrerThe floor-level rotary-blade stirrer is available in two different designs depending on requirements: as a spring-blade rotary stirrer (stirrer diameter: from 2.50 up to 4.00 m) and as articulated rotary-blade stirrer (stirrer diameter: from 4.0 to 5.50 m).

Spring-blade rotary stirrer – : 2,5 m, 3.0 m, 3.5 m, 4.0 m, 4.5 m*Articulated rotary blade stirrer – : 4,0 m, 4.5 m, 5.0 m and 5.5 m

Centre stirrer

Centre stirrer

Wall ductW 50 cm × H 60 cm

Wall ductW 50 cm × H 60 cm

Min. installation distance

Worm length WL = total

WL = open

Spring-played rotary stirrer – 85Articulated rotary blade stirrer – 110

(* For pellets)

If the fuel extractor is recessed into the ground, the following openings are required:

All dimensions in cm

Page 50: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline30 KWB conveyor systems

Outline (cropped)

Ground plan

Free rotationInclined floor or false floor can be dismantled 30 cm around the trough

Connecting point drop shaft head piece


er c



KWB MultifireMax. 115°

Screw area (Connection to the fire shutter)

0° – 25°: at least 45 cm26° – 35°: at least 50 cm36° – 45°: at least 60 cm

Screw length WL = max. 12 m up to 15°max. 6 m for 15° – 25°

WL = open


. 25°

up to 15° max. 12 m, 15° – 45° max. 6 m

Connecting point, fire shutter


ZI m

ax. 3

30 c




. 354


5° – 45°

for 15° max. 582 cmfor 45° max. 437 cm

Spring-blade rotary stirrer – 85Articulated rotary blade stirrer – 110

All dimensions in cm

Ascending screw with downward transfer

Ascending screwsFor situations where there are level differences between storage room and boiler room, or for horizontal installation of the stirrer, there are two innovative ascending-screw variants available from KWB: the ascending screw with upward transfer as well as the ascending screw with downward transfer.

Ascending screw with upward transfer(possible up to 100 kW for wood chips and up to 150 kW for pellets)

The sloping floor or false floor should have a removeable design along the fuel extractor trough.

max. 300

0 to max. 130

35° - 45°

Connecting point fire shutter KWB Multifire WL = open

Stirrer centre

Pivoting 360°Connection KWB MultifireMax. angle 230° Spring-blade rotary stirrer – 85

Articulated rotary blade stirrer – 110

Screw length WL = max. 1200(install horizontally)

Connecting point, upward feed unit screw

max. 212

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Headline 31KWB conveyor systems

Conveyor trough extensionConveyor trough extension L1 = 400 mmConveyor trough extension L1 = 800 mmConveyor trough extension L1 = 1,200 mmConveyor trough extension L1 = 1,600 mmConveyor trough extension L1 = 2,000 mmConveyor trough extension L1 = 2,400 mm

KWB Multifire with pellet operationFor pure pellet operation of the KWB Multifire, the lower-cost conveyor systems from the pellet fuel extractor product line can be used. This unit can be modularly expanded and consists of conveyor screw or Pellet Stirrer Plus, which can be combined with ascending screw, conveyor trough extensions, or a suction conveyor. A drop hose design of the conveyor trough or of the Pellet Stirrer Plus is also possible.

Combination, pellet elbow screw with KWB MultifireUSV D



116No axial deviation possible

All dimensions in cm

Stirrer 300

Height-adjustableHeight 17 to 25 cm

No axial deviation possible116


Max. 284.5

Conveyor screwConveyor screw L = 1.300 mm, RD at least 1.550 mmConveyor screw L = 1.800 mm, RD at least 2.050 mmConveyor screw L = 2.300 mm, RD at least 2.550 mmConveyor screw L = 2.600 mm, RD at least 2.850 mmConveyor screw L = 2.800 mm, RD at least 3.050 mm

Conveyor screw L = 3.100 mm, RD at least 3.350 mmConveyor screw L = 3.600 mm, RD at least 3.850 mmConveyor screw L = 4.600 mm, RD at least 4.850 mmConveyor screw L = 4.900 mm, RD at least 5.150 mmConveyor screw L = 5.400 mm, RD at least 5.650 mm

Combination, Pellet Stirrer Plus and ascending screw with KWB MultifireUSV DThe Pellet Stirrer Plus consists of the stirrer, the gear unit and a screw. If the boiler room is adjacent to the storage room, then the Pellet Stirrer Plus is combined with an ascending screw. For storage rooms that are above the boiler room, the Pellet Stirrer Plus is also available in a drop hose design. The great advantages of this stirrer are that a slope floor construction is not required and the storage room volume can be ideally utilised. Planning and installation efforts are reduced to a minimum for the tradesman.

Page 52: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline32 KWB conveyor systems

Conveyor screwConveyor screw L = 1.300 mm, RD at least 1.550 mmConveyor screw L = 1.800 mm, RD at least 2.050 mmConveyor screw L = 2.300 mm, RD at least 2.550 mmConveyor screw L = 2.600 mm, RD at least 2.850 mmConveyor screw L = 2.800 mm, RD at least 3.050 mm

Conveyor screw L = 3.100 mm, RD at least 3.350 mmConveyor screw L = 3.600 mm, RD at least 3.850 mmConveyor screw L = 4.600 mm, RD at least 4.850 mmConveyor screw L = 4.900 mm, RD at least 5.150 mmConveyor screw L = 5.400 mm, RD at least 5.650 mm

Combination suction conveyor with KWB MultifireThe KWB Multifire with suction conveyor (type USV GS) can be combined with a storage room extractor system (pellet conveyor screw and Pellet Stirrer Plus), a fabric tank or with a buried tank. The suction conveyor consists of a storage container (fill volume approximately 120 litres), a suction turbine, and two suction hoses. The system is particularly well-suited for storage rooms that are further removed from the boiler room, as well as for storage rooms adjacent to, above, or below the boiler room. With this variant, pellets are extracted from the storage room via screw or stirrer and transported by vacuum pressure from the vacuum turbine into the storage container via a suction hose. Hose lengths of 25 m are no problem in this regard. The system is absolutely reliable, offers low power consumption, and is extremely quiet in operation thanks to a acoustically insulated hood.

Free space

Free space

Combination Pellet Stirrer Plus and suction conveyor with KWB MultifireUSV GS

Stirrer 300

Free space Max. 315

Height-adjustableHeight 17 to 25 cm

Free space


Combination, pellet conveyor screw and suction conveyor with KWB MultifireUSV GS

All dimensions in cm

Page 53: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 33KWB conveyor systems

Combination, KWB Pellet Big Bag with KWB MultifireUSV D or USV GS

Fuel extractor: Pellet Stirrer Plus with elbow screw or suction conveyor

KWB Biomass heating systems offers yet another confirmation of its competence in the area of conveyor and storage technology with the KWB Pellet Big Bag.The fuel is extracted from the KWB Pellet Big Bag and transported to the heating system with the Pellet Stirrer Plus in combination with the elbow screw (USV D) or suction conveyor (type USV GS). The KWB Pellet Big Bag scores points in particular because of its optimal space utilisation. Standard sizes of 2.2 to 10.5 tons fill content are available for selection; they are made of dust-proof, anti-static fabric that is supported by a galvanised metal frame. Maintaining a specific minimum distance to the heating system, the KWB Pellet Big Bag can be set up in the boiler room (depending on the local fire-safety regulations), in the storage room, or it can be set up outdoors, if protected against weather.

Length x width A: [m] 1.5 x 1.5 m 2.0 x 2.0 m 2.5 x 2.5 m 3.0 x 3.0 m

Fill quantity* (max.): Blow-in nozzle below [t] < 2,2 t < 3,9 t < 6,5 t < 9,3

Fill quantity* (max.): Bolw-in nozzle above [t] < 2,3 t < 4,1 t < 6,9 t < 10,5 t

Fill height FH: [cm] 162 or 177 or 192

Room height (min.) RH: [cm] FH + > 20 cm

Fill openings Quantity Pc. 1 pc. 1 pc. 2 pc. 2 pc.

Fill distance FD: [cm] – – 100 cm 140 cm

No sharp objects above the fabric tank!

Pivot range on all sides 46°

Access to the conveyor system / wall opening >30

Filling connection:STORZ DN 100

Pellet Stirrer Plus



ifire En




n an

d m




try, in







FH (f

ill he




ht =

FH +

20 c

mConveyor system S

or GS

Seal the 35x35 passage so that it is acoustically


*The capacity depends on: fill technology, pellet characteristics, available space, container size, and height of the injection connector! ** Depending on the locally applicable fire safety regulations, the KWB Pellet Big Bag can be set up directly in the boiler room if a specified minimum distance to the boiler is maintained. If appropriately protected

against weather influences, the fabric tank can be set up outdoors. Local fire safety regulations must be strictly complied with.

The KWB Pellet Big Bag does not require any extraction – the air escapes through the fabric and via a window or vent (at least 400 cm2) in order to escape into the atmosphere. Constructional properties of the place of installation: dry, even, horizontal, smooth, clean, able to withstand maximum load 1.500 kg/m2)

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Headline34 Installation dimensions

Type USV D Type USV ZI

Dimensions in cmRoom length: 326, 330, 330



t: 18

0, 20

5, 24




t: 18

0, 20

5, 24




h: 19

7, 21

8, 21




t: 19

0, 20


om w



Type USV V

Dimensions in cmRoom length: 310, 314, 314



h: 18

2, 20

7, 21


Cover open

Storage container

Room length: 365, 369

Dimensions in cm




t 21

7, 21


om w

idth 2

07, 2


Room length 318, 318

208, 208

40, 50

100, 100

80, 8




All dimensions in cm* The clearances to the walls must be 70 cm or 40 cm

so that the rear of the boiler is accessible

R at least. 30

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Headline 35Connection dimensions

Vertical dimensionsUSV 15 / 25 USV 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 USV 80 / 100

Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions

ASmoke pipe (built-in variant 1) [mm] 1.534 150 mm 1.794 180 mm 2.070 200 mm

Smoke pipe (built-in variant 2+3) [mm] 1.307 150 mm 1.543 180 mm 1.644 200 mm

C Admission, thermal safety valve [mm] 1.322 ½” 1.569 ½” 1.793 ½”

D Discharge, thermal safety valve [mm] 1.188 ½” 1.435 ½” 1.659 ½”

E Heating system forward flow [mm] 1.321 5∕4” 1.569 2” 1.784 2”

F Heating system return flow [mm] 520 5∕4” 544 2” 554 2”

G Emptying [mm] 500 ½” 518 ¾” 528 ¾”

H Total height for smoke pipe connection variant 1 [mm] 1.662 — 1.967 — 2.310 —

Horizontal dimensionsUSV 15 / 25 USV 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 USV 80 / 100

Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions

I Clearance [mm] 100 — 119,5 — 120 —

J Clearance [mm] 460 — 560 — 560 —

K Clearance [mm] 100 — 120,5 — 120 —

LClearance, smoke pipe connection, install variant 1 and 2 [mm] 325 — 359 — 433 —

Clearance, smoke pipe connection install variant 3 [mm] 333 — 242 — 258 —

MMinimum clearance to the chimney wall install variant 1 and 2 [mm] 400 — 400 — 500 —

Minimum clearance to the chimney wall install variant 3 [mm] 540 — 500 — 700 —


Clearance, fan axis – smoke pipe axis install variant 1 [mm] 0 — 19 — 128 —

Clearance, fan axis – smoke pipe axis install variant 2 and 3 [mm] 0 — 19 — 128 —

O Smoke pipe extension (not included in scope of delivery) [mm] — — > 250 180 > 250 200 mm

The framed dimensions in the drawing to the left represent the different sizes.

The distance specifications are minimum dimensions!* The specified minimum dimensions must be maintained to ensure

that the rear of the boiler is accessible.

The conveyor trough or ascending trough must be within the specified angle (max. 230° horizontal, 25° incline, 45° incline for ascending screws).

1 Install variant • Induced draught at smoke box, top

2 Install variant • Induced draught at smoke box, side

3 Install variant • Induced draught at smoke box, rear

Connection dimensions

* If the flue gas extractor for a USV 80 / 100 is installed in position “2” then it must be suspended or supported.

Boiler dimensions for boiler Installation in cm

Type USV D / USV ZIDimension 1: 15 – 25 kWDimension 2: 30 – 60 kWDimension 3: 80 – 100 kW

Type USV VDimension 1: 15 – 25 kWDimension 2: 30 – 40 kW

Type USV GSDimension 1: 40 – 60 kWDimension 2: 80 – 100 kW Boiler dimensions for boiler installation in cm

Type Non-dismantled Dismantled

USV V 15 / 25 105 x 157 65 x 104

USV V 30 / 40 105 x 183 72 x 131

USV D / ZI 15 / 25 80 x 157 65 x 104

USV D / ZI 30 / 40 / 50 / 60

88 x 183 72 x 131

USV D / ZI 80 / 100 89 x 203 72 x 149

USV GS 40 / 50 / 60 88 x 183 72 x 131

USV GS 80 / 100 89 x 207 72 x 149

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Headline36 Fuel consumption - storage room

Fuel consumption and storage room size

False floor view

Board thickness 3 cmRecommended: larch

max. 90 cm

Column thickness10 × 10 cm

max. 150 cm

Fuel consumption and storage room size - wood chips

Heating load of the building


Consumption per year *[m³/a]

Storage room size for annual requirement *


15 38 55,525 63 92,530 75 111,040 100 148,050 125 185,060 150 222,080 200 296,0100 250 370,0

* Using wood chips with 25% water content and size G30 according to ÖNORM M 7133

Consumption factor per year: 2,5 m³ per kW heating loadFactor storage room size for annual requirement 3,7 m³ per kW heating load

Fuel consumption and storage room size - pellets

Heating load of the building


Annual consumption


Storage room size for annual


15 6.000 13,525 10.000 22,530 12.000 27,040 16.000 36,050 20.000 45,060 24.000 54,080 32.000 72,0100 40.000 90,0

Consumption factor per year: 400 kg per kW heating loadFactor storage room size for annual requirement 0,9 m³ per kW heating load

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Headline 37Technical data - wood chip operationTDT_USV_Hackgut_20-07-2011_INT.xls 23.09.2011 Seite 1 von 2

Designation Unit 15 25 30* 40 49,5*/** 50* 60* 80 100**

Rated power kW 15,0 25,0 30,0 40,0 49,5 50,0 60,0 80,0 99/101****

Partial load kW 5,0 7,1 8,6 11,5 14,1 14,2 17,0 22,4 27,6

Boiler efficiency at rated power % 91,3 90,2 90,4 90,8 90,9 90,9 91,1 91,3 91,1

Boiler efficiency at partial load % 87,7 89,1 90,1 92,2 92,2 92,2 92,2 92,2 92,6

Fuel thermal output at rated power kW 16,4 29,0 34,8 46,3 55,6 56,1 66,0 85,6 113,9

Fuel thermal output at partial load kW 5,7 8,0 9,5 12,5 15,3 15,5 18,4 24,3 29,9

Boiler class according to EN 303-5

Water side

Water content l 63 63 158 158 128 128 128 167 167

Water-connection diameter Inches 5/4 5/4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Water-connection diameter DN 32 32 50 50 50,0 50 50 50 50

Thermal safety valve DM Inches

Water-side resistance at 10 K mbar 1,4 8,1 9,2 11,5 19,4 19,4 27,3 43,1 64

Water-side resistance at 20 K mbar 0,35 2,1 2,4 3,0 5,0 5,0 6,9 10,8 16

Boiler temperature °C

Minimum boiler-entry temperature °C

Max. operating pressure bar

Test pressure bar

Flue-gas side

Combustion chamber temperature °C

Combustion chamber pressure mbar

Required draft at rated power/partial load mbar 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,15/0,1

Suction required: yesExhaust-gas temperature at rated power(for chimney calculation)


Exhaust gas temp. Partial load(for chimney calculation)

°C 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100

Flue gas mass flow at rated power kg/h 45 75 90 120 148,5 150 180 240 268

Flue gas mass flow at partial load kg/h 15 24 29 39 49,5 50 60 81 93

Flue-gas volume at rated power Nm³/h 35,3 58,8 70,5 94,0 116,3 117,5 141,0 188,0 209,0

Flue-gas volume at partial load Nm³/h 11,8 18,8 22,7 30,6 38,4 38,8 47,0 63,5 72,6

Smoke-pipe diameter mm 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 200 200

Chimney diameter (approx. values) mm 150 150 180 180 180 180 180 200 220Connection height smoke pipe, variant induced draught at smoke box, top

mm 1534 1534 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 2070 2070

Connection height smoke pipe, variant induced draught at smoke box, side/rear

mm 1307 1307 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1644 1644

Incline of the smoke pipe °

Chimney design: Moisture-resistant

Fuel: Wood chips, ÖNORM M 7133

Maximum water content % by weight

Maximum moisture % by weight

Maximum fuel size in acc. w. ÖN


Ash container volume l

Ash container filled kg

Ash removal system: yes

Electrical system

Connection: CEE 5-pole

Main drive W

Fuel extractor drive W

Cleaning drive W

Primary air fan W 60 60 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

Secondary air fan W 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 105

Induced-draught fan W 32 32 120 120 120 120 120 240 240

Electrical ignition W

Fire shutter W

Rotary grate drive W 0 0 92 92 92 92 92 92 92

Lambda control system W

Connected power USV V W 1621 1732 1824 1824 - - - - -

Connected power USV D, USV ZI W 1621-2379 1621-2379 1824-2582 1824-2582 2382-2582 2382-2582 2382-2582 2502-2702 2524-2724


Water jacket kg 99 115 197 197 227 227 227 286 286

Boiler body kg 125 142 238 238 268 268 268 327 327

Boiler weight USV V kg 684 699 785 785 - - - - -

Boiler weight USV D kg 528 556 705 705 768 768 768 990 997

Boiler weight USV ZI kg 573 601 750 750 813 813 813 1035 1042





400 V / 13 A






















Legend see page 38

Page 58: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline38 Technical data - wood chip operationTDT_USV_Hackgut_20-07-2011_INT.xls 23.09.2011 Seite 2 von 2

Designation Unit 15 25 30* 40 49,5*/** 50* 60* 80 100**


Emissions according to test report FJ - BLT FJ - BLT FJ - BLT FJ - BLT FJ - BLT FJ - BLT FJ - BLT FJ - BLT

Test report no. BLT-034/99 BLT-026/05 *** BLT-017/06 BLT-1010/09 *** *** BLT-018/06 BLT-020,019/06

O2 content rated power Vol.-% 7,5 7,3 7,2 7,1 7,2 7,2 7,3 7,4 6,2

O2 content partial load Vol.-% 12,6 12,0 12,3 13,0 12,4 12,4 11,8 10,5 10,0

CO2 content rated power Vol.-% 13,1 13,1 13,2 13,4 13,3 13,3 13,2 13,0 14,3

CO2 content partial load Vol.-% 8,0 10,0 9,2 7,7 8,2 8,3 8,9 10,0 10,5

Ref. 10 % O2 dry (EN303-5)

CO at rated power mg/Nm³ 100,0 25,0 93,7 231,0 215,3 214,5 198,0 165,0 19,0

CO at partial load mg/Nm³ 913,0 311,0 317,7 331,0 274,5 271,5 212,0 93,0 92,0

NOx at rated power mg/Nm³ 187,0 173,0 180,7 196,0 199,6 199,8 203,5 211,0 203,0

NOx at partial load mg/Nm³ - - - 228,0 218,5 218,0 208,0 188,0 -

OGC at rated power mg/Nm³ 2,0 2,0 3,3 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 <1

OGC at partial load mg/Nm³ 10,0 9,0 9,0 9,0 7,3 7,3 5,5 2,0 1,0

Dust at rated power mg/Nm³ 40,0 24,0 24,0 24,0 25,2 25,3 26,5 29,0 31,0

Dust at partial load mg/Nm³ - 23,0 18,7 10,0 11,9 12,0 14,0 18,0 ng

Ref. 11 % O2 dry

CO at rated power mg/Nm³ 90,9 22,7 85,2 210,0 195,8 195,0 180,0 150,0 17,3CO at partial load mg/Nm³ 830,0 282,7 288,8 300,9 249,5 246,8 192,7 84,5 83,6NOx at rated power mg/Nm³ 170,0 157,3 164,2 178,2 181,4 181,6 185,0 191,8 184,5NOx at partial load mg/Nm³ - - - 207,3 198,6 198,2 189,1 170,9 -OGC at rated power mg/Nm³ 1,8 1,8 3,0 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 <1OGC at partial load mg/Nm³ 9,1 8,2 8,2 8,2 6,7 6,6 5,0 1,8 0,9Dust at rated power mg/Nm³ 36,4 21,8 21,8 21,8 22,9 23,0 24,1 26,4 28,2Dust at partial load mg/Nm³ - 20,9 17,0 9,1 10,8 10,9 12,7 16,4 -Ref. 13 % O2 dry (Wieselburg)

CO at rated power mg/Nm³ 73,0 18,0 68,0 168,0 156,6 156,0 144,0 120,0 14,0

CO at partial load mg/Nm³ 664,0 226,0 231,0 241,0 199,9 197,8 154,5 68,0 67,0

NOx at rated power mg/Nm³ 136,0 126,0 131,3 142,0 144,9 145,0 148,0 154,0 148,0

NOx at partial load mg/Nm³ - - - 166,0 159,1 158,8 151,5 137,0 -

OGC at rated power mg/Nm³ 1,0 1,0 2,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 <1

OGC at partial load mg/Nm³ 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 5,8 5,8 4,5 2,0 <1

Dust at rated power mg/Nm³ 29,0 18,0 17,3 18,0 18,7 18,8 19,5 21,0 23,0

Dust at partial load mg/Nm³ - 17,0 13,7 7,0 8,4 8,5 10,0 13,0 -

In accordance with § 15a-BVG Austria

CO at rated power mg/MJ 49,0 12,0 47,3 118,0 110,2 109,8 101,5 85,0 9,0

CO at partial load mg/MJ 439,0 153,0 159,3 172,0 142,6 141,0 110,0 48,0 45,0

NOx at rated power mg/MJ 102,0 85,0 90,0 100,0 101,9 102,0 104,0 108,0 100,0

NOx at partial load mg/MJ - - - 118,0 113,0 112,8 107,5 97,0 -

OGC at rated power mg/MJ 1,0 1,0 1,7 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 <1

OGC at partial load mg/MJ 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 4,1 4,0 3,0 1,0 <1

Dust at rated power mg/MJ 19,0 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,7 12,8 13,5 15,0 15,0

Dust at partial load mg/MJ - 11,0 9,0 5,0 6,0 6,0 7,0 9,0 -

*Drawing inspection **Typification variants ***Values interpolated for intermediate sizes **** ≤W25: 99 kW; W30: 94 kWFJ-BLT = Franciso Josephinum Wieselburg Biomass Logistic Technology; mg/Nm³ = milligram per standard cubic meter (Nm³ - standard cubic meter under 1013 hectopascal at 0 °C)

Page 59: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 39Technical data - pellet operation

Legend see page 40

TDT_USV_Pellet_20-07-2011_INT.xls 23.09.2011 Seite 1 von 2

Designation Unit 25 30* 40 49,5*/** 50* 60* 80 100**

Rated power kW 25 30 40 49,5 50 60 82 99/101

Partial load kW 7,4 8,7 11,3 14,4 14,6 17,85 24,4 29,7/30,3

Boiler efficiency at rated power % 92,3 91,5 90,0 90,7 90,7 91,45 92,9 92

Boiler efficiency at partial load % 90,1 89,9 89,5 90,0 90,0 90,5 91,5 92,2

Fuel thermal output at rated power kW 28,6 34,6 46,7 56,2 56,7 66,6 86,5 112,9

Fuel thermal output at partial load kW 8,2 9,7 12,6 15,9 16,1 19,65 26,7 30,5

Boiler class according to EN 303-5

Water side

Water content l 63 158 158 128 128 128 167 167

Water-connection diameter Inches 5/4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Water-connection diameter DN 32 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Thermal safety valve DM Inches

Water-side resistance at 10 K mbar 8,1 9,2 11,5 19,4 19,4 27,3 43,1 64

Water-side resistance at 20 K mbar 2,1 2,4 3,0 5,0 5,0 6,9 10,8 16

Boiler temperature °C

Minimum boiler-entry temperature °C

Max. operating pressure bar

Test pressure bar

Flue-gas side

Combustion chamber temperature °C

Combustion chamber pressure mbar

Required draft at rated power/partial load mbar 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,1/0,08 0,15/0,1

Suction required: yesExhaust-gas temperature at rated power (for chimney calculation)


Exhaust gas temp. Partial load(for chimney calculation)

°C 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100

Flue gas mass flow at rated power kg/h 75 90 120 148,5 150 180 240 268

Flue gas mass flow at partial load kg/h 24 29 39 49,5 50 60 81 93

Flue-gas volume at rated power Nm³/h 58,8 70,5 94,0 116,3 117,5 141,0 188,0 209,0

Flue-gas volume at partial load Nm³/h 18,8 22,7 30,6 38,4 38,8 47,0 63,5 72,6

Smoke-pipe diameter mm 150 180 180 180 180 180 200 200

Chimney diameter (approx. values) mm 150 180 180 180 180 180 200 220Connection height smoke pipe, variant induced draught at smoke box, top

mm 1534 1794 1794 1794 1794 1794 2070 2070

Connection height smoke pipe, variant induced draught at smoke box, side/rear

mm 1307 1543 1543 1543 1543 1543 1644 1644

Incline of the smoke pipe °

Chimney design: Moisture-resistant

Fuel: Pellets of pure wood in accordance with ÖNORM M7135 or DIN Plus

Calorific value MJ/kg

Density kg/m³

Water content % by weight

Ash content % by weight

Length cm

Diameter cm

Dust proportion before loading % by weight

Raw material: pure wood, bark content <15 %


Ash container volume l

Ash removal system: yes

Electrical System

Connection: CEE 5-pole

Connected power USV V W 1621 1732 1824 1824 - - - -

Connected power USV D, ZI W 2179-2379 2290-2490 2382-2582 2382-2582 2382-2582 2382-2582 2502-2702 2524-2724

Connected power USV GS W - - 3795 3795 3795 3795 3915 3937


Water jacket kg 115 197 197 227 227 227 286 286

Boiler body kg 142 238 238 268 268 268 327 327

Boiler weight USV V kg 699 785 785 - - - - -

Boiler weight USV D kg 556 705 705 768 768 768 990 997

Boiler weight USV ZI kg 601 750 750 813 813 813 1035 1042

Boiler weight USV GS kg - - 805 868 868 868 1090 1097





400 V / 13 A




















Page 60: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline40 Technical data - pellet operationTDT_USV_Pellet_20-07-2011_INT.xls 23.09.2011 Seite 2 von 2

Designation Unit 25 30* 40 49,5*/** 50* 60* 80 100**


Emissions according to test report FJ-BLT FJ-BLT FJ-BLT FJ-BLT FJ-BLT

Test report no. BLT-025/05 *** BLT-021/06 BLT-1010/09 *** *** BLT-022/06 BLT-024,023/06

O2 content rated power Vol.-% 6,1 6,4 7,1 7,0 7,0 7,0 6,8 6,7

O2 content partial load Vol.-% 8,7 10,4 13,8 12,8 12,7 11,7 9,5 10,0

CO2 content rated power Vol.-% 14,3 14,0 13,4 13,4 13,5 13,5 13,6 13,8

CO2 content partial load Vol.-% 11,8 10,2 6,9 7,9 7,9 9,0 11,0 10,8

Ref. 10 % O2 dry (EN303-5)

CO at rated power mg/Nm³ 26,0 52,0 104,0 91,4 90,8 77,5 51,0 7,0

CO at partial load mg/Nm³ 139,0 184,7 276,0 236,8 234,8 193,5 111,0 62,0

NOx at rated power mg/Nm³ 115,0 132,3 167,0 175,1 175,5 184,0 201,0 184,0

NOx at partial load mg/Nm³ - - 156,0 161,5 161,8 167,5 179,0 -

OGC at rated power mg/Nm³ 1,0 1,3 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,5 1,0 <1

OGC at partial load mg/Nm³ 3,0 4,3 7,0 5,6 5,5 4,0 1,0 1,0

Dust at rated power mg/Nm³ 37,0 33,3 26,0 25,8 25,8 25,5 25,0 26,0

Dust at partial load mg/Nm³ 32,0 40,0 56,0 53,6 53,5 51,0 46,0 -

Ref. 11 % O2 dry

CO at rated power mg/Nm³ 23,6 47,3 94,5 83,1 82,5 70,5 46,4 6,4

CO at partial load mg/Nm³ 126,4 167,9 250,9 215,3 213,4 175,9 100,9 56,4

NOx at rated power mg/Nm³ 104,5 120,3 151,8 159,2 159,5 167,3 182,7 167,3

NOx at partial load mg/Nm³ - - 141,8 146,8 147,0 152,3 162,7 -

OGC at rated power mg/Nm³ 0,9 1,2 1,8 1,6 1,6 1,4 0,9 <1

OGC at partial load mg/Nm³ 2,7 3,9 6,4 5,1 5,0 3,6 0,9 0,9

Dust at rated power mg/Nm³ 33,6 30,3 23,6 23,4 23,4 23,2 22,7 23,6

Dust at partial load mg/Nm³ 29,1 36,4 50,9 48,8 48,6 46,4 41,8 -

Ref. 13 % O2 dry (FJ-BLT)

CO at rated power mg/Nm³ 19,0 38,0 76,0 66,7 66,3 56,5 37,0 5,0

CO at partial load mg/Nm³ 101,0 134,0 200,0 171,7 170,3 140,5 81,0 45,0

NOx at rated power mg/Nm³ 83,0 96,0 122,0 127,7 128,0 134,0 146,0 134,0

NOx at partial load mg/Nm³ - - 113,0 117,0 117,3 121,5 130,0 -

OGC at rated power mg/Nm³ 1,0 1,3 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,5 1,0 <1

OGC at partial load mg/Nm³ 2,0 3,0 5,0 4,1 4,0 3,0 1,0 <1

Dust at rated power mg/Nm³ 27,0 24,3 19,0 18,8 18,8 18,5 18,0 19,0

Dust at partial load mg/Nm³ 23,0 29,0 41,0 39,3 39,3 37,5 34,0 -

In accordance with § 15a-BVG Austria

CO at rated power mg/MJ 13,0 25,3 50,0 43,8 43,5 37,0 24,0 3,0

CO at partial load mg/MJ 68,0 89,0 131,0 112,5 111,5 92,0 53,0 29,0

NOx at rated power mg/MJ 56,0 64,0 80,0 83,8 84,0 88,0 96,0 87,0

NOx at partial load mg/MJ - - 74,0 76,6 76,8 79,5 85,0 -

OGC at rated power mg/MJ 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 <1

OGC at partial load mg/MJ 2,0 2,3 3,0 2,5 2,5 2,0 1,0 <1

Dust at rated power mg/MJ 18,0 16,3 13,0 12,8 12,8 12,5 12,0 12,0

Dust at partial load mg/MJ 15,0 19,0 27,0 25,8 25,8 24,5 22,0 -

*Drawing inspection **Typification variants ***Values interpolated for intermediate sizes

FJ-BLT = Franciso Josephinum Wieselburg Biomass Logistic Technology; mg/Nm³ = milligram per standard cubic meter (Nm³ - standard cubic meter under 1013 hectopascal at 0 °C)

Page 61: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 41General constructional conditions

Note - general constructional conditionsAlways observe the local statutory planning, construction and execution regulations that apply to you as a KWB system user! You can obtain these regulations, for example, from the architect and from the responsible authorities. Adherence to and verification of the local statutory regulations is a condition for our warranties and for insurance coverage. KWB does not accept any liability, nor does it offer any warranties for any type of constructional measures. Proper execution of constructional measures is the sole responsibility of the system owner. As a biomass heating system user, you may be entitled to receive specific regional subsidies. Inquire promptly about time limits and procedures for handling subsidy applications. Comply with the dimension specifications in the installation examples and technical specifications. Without laying claim to an exhaustive treatment of the issue at hand and without suspension of any conditions imposed by the authorities, based on the Austrian directive TRVB H 118 and ÖKL technical bulletin No. 56 and No. 66, we recommend the configuration described below.

Boiler roomConcrete flooring, plain or tiled; height-adjustable system feet can be used to compensate minor irregularities. All materials for floors, walls, ceilings to be fire resistant F90*¹; boiler room door (see table Boiler dimensions for installing the boiler) to be executed as an automatically closing fire door (T30*²) that opens in the direction of escape, connection door to the fuel storage room to be executed as an automatically closing fire door (T30*²). Boiler room window non-opening G30*³; non-closing intake air opening 5 cm² per kW rated power of the heating system, but not less than 400 cm². For boiler output > 60 kW it is necessary to integrate one ventilation opening near the floor and another ventilation opening near the ceiling; the supply air ducting must be routed directly into the open; if it crosses other rooms, the air duct must feature an F90*¹ envelope; a protective grille with a mesh width < 5 mm must be fitted on the outside of ventilation openings into the open. Permanently installed lighting and electrical supply to the heating system; light and labelled emergency stop switch of the heating system in an easily accessible location outside the boiler room in the vicinity of the boiler room door. A portable fire extinguisher (6 kg filling weight, EN3 standard) must be installed outside the boiler room near the boiler room door. The boiler room as well as water lines and district heating pipes must be frost-resistant. No storage of inflammable materials in the boiler room outside the boiler system, storage container or hopper; no direct connection to rooms where inflammable gases or liquids (garage) are stored. Comply with the installation guidelines.

Fuel storage roomThe constructional on-site requirements for the boiler room also apply to the fuel storage room. The stirrer is installed in the middle of the storage room and is fastened to the concrete floor with anchor bolts. A rear-ventilated false floor/inclined floor should be installed at the same level as the top edge of the fuel extractor. The wall opening (width 50 cm, height 60 cm) for the screw trough between storage room and boiler room should be partitioned in a fireproof way (e. g. with mineral wool). If a pumping car is used to fill the fuel

storage room with wood chips or pellets, it is necessary to mount hose couplings and pipelines (to be earthed). These are available from KWB. If this filling method is chosen, dustproof sealing of the fuel storage room is required. The escaping air is removed through a second earthed pipeline and hose coupling, or it is blown off into the open air after having passed through a filtering section. Suction removal or filtration of the transport air is the responsibility of the fuel supplier. The walls, windows and doors must withstand the overpressure created during the filling process. No electrical installations are permissible in the fuel storage room since they pose a risk of ignition. KWB biomass boilers are supplied with all the necessary fire-protection equipment included. Depending on the local installation situation, type of fuel and amount of storage, a manually triggered fire extinguisher and/or the built-in fire extinguisher may have to be connected to a pressurised water line. The fire extinguisher with manual release featuring a frost-proof connection (from the boiler room) is to be fitted at least ¾“ or as DN 20 directly above the conduit of the fuel-extractor trough leading into the fuel storage room in the form of empty piping. The shut-off device that is to be installed in the boiler room must be marked with the following sign: “Fire extinguisher - fuel storage room”. A fire extinguisher with manual release must be installed in storage systems containing 50 to 200 m³ of wood chips for systems up to and including 400 kW. If such a fuel-storage room is built onto fire-resistant parts without openings, it is not necessary to enclose it with F90*¹ sheathing/execution. In the case of wood chip storage rooms in utility outbuildings with a fire wall facing the living quarters, an F90*¹ design/sheathing of the fuel-storage room is not necessary if the fire section is smaller than 500 m². Fuel must be stored separately from other goods (e. g. by means of wooden planking). A manual-release extinguisher and an integrated extinguishing system must be installed. In the case of storing up to (and including) 200 m³ of other wood materials (with dust) in systems up to and including 400 kW, an integrated extinguisher must be installed in addition to a manual-release extinguisher. For systems greater than 400 kW or stored quantities greater than 200 m³, both (a manual-release extinguisher and an integrated extinguisher) are necessary (see TRVB H 118). Additional statutory safety and acceptance conditions apply to storage rooms and silos that are continuously suction-fed with shavings or sanding dust. If you have any questions, please contact your KWB factory representative. Above-ground fuel stores must be accessible to the outside by means of a door with at least 1.80 m cross-section, and must be planked to prevent the fuel from pouring out should the door be opened by mistake. The planking should be removable from the outside. An inspection opening (F90*¹) must be installed above the fuel extractor trough. Please refer to the installation examples.

ChimneyDue to the high boiler efficiency, the chimney design should be resistant to moisture. A moisture-resistant chimney design means that there will be no moisture penetration or damage to the brickwork although the temperature level in the flue-gas path is permanently below the flue-gas dew point (see DIN 18160)! The approximate values for the chimney diameter are stated in the specifications. They are valid for the applicable system size, given average constructional conditions, i.e.: Effective chimney height 8 – 10 m, 1.5 m smoke pipe length, 2 segment bends at 90° each, 1 contraction, 1 T-connection with 90°. Comply with the specifications in the cross-section diagrams provided by the

*¹ F90 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, REI90 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501*² T30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, EI2 30-C in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501*³ G30 in accordance with ÖNORM B 3800, E30 in accordance with ÖNORM EN 13501

Page 62: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline42 General constructional conditions

chimney manufacturer. If conditions differ or are less favourable in terms of space, it is necessary to carry out a chimney calculation according to EN 13384. A data entry sheet as an electronic form is available from KWB. Upon request, KWB will provide the chimney calculation based on the information provided on the form. This is a chargeable service. The local expert for these issues is your responsible chimney sweep. It is advisable to involve your chimney sweep during the planning phase as it is he who will have to issue the acceptance certificate for the flue gas system.

Installing the heating systemSetting up the heating systemTo be performed exclusively by qualified, trained personnel of KWB or KWB associates. The heating system is assembled and installed ready to plug in, site conditions permitting, otherwise it is dismantled before installation and then assembled ready to plug in, in the boiler room. Licensed heating and electrical fitters must connect the heating system to the chimney, water and electrical system; this must be verified for numerous reasons, e. g. in order to be eligible for subsidies.

Smoke pipe connection on the chimneyIf not required by local regulations, we nonetheless recommend that a draft limiter and a detonation damper be built into the smoke pipe or chimney flank and arranged in such a manner as to exclude any danger of injury. Keep the smoke pipe as short as possible. The smoke pipe must be insulated and connected, and should at least ascend slightly towards the chimney, preferably with an inclination of less than 45°. The smoke pipe should be thermally insulated and feature suitable, easily accessible cleaning openings. The chimney connection should be 20 mm larger than the smoke pipe diameter. In this way, it is possible to integrate a suitable acoustic transmission decoupler between the smoke pipe and the chimney. The KWB system is equipped with a negative-pressure controlled induced-draught fan as standard.

Water connectionWhen using wood chips, the return-flow inlet temperature into the boiler must be at least 55 °C, when using pellets at least 50 °C, otherwise there is an increased risk of corrosion, which also has the effect of voiding the warranty. To increase the temperature of the return flow, the boiler control unit can drive a mixing controller

or a mixing pump. For systems to 60 kW the return flow boost can also be executed via a thermal control valve. Suitable fittings to increase the return flow temperature are available from KWB. With the exception of cases where the return flow temperature is maintained by a mixing pump, the heating system must feature a pressureless distribution system (switch, distributor, load-balancing tank, buffer, thermal regulator, etc.) and a safety group that complies with the relevant regulations (e. g. according to ÖNORM EN 12828 or, EN 303). A load-balancing tank or buffer tank is not required, but it is useful in some cases, for instance if a solar system or a unit load boiler is included or if there is a need to achieve a very low permanent heating output during the summer months. Consult your heating engineer for specific details! Components of acoustically-insulated water connections must be impermeable to oxygen, otherwise there is an increased risk of corrosion, which also has the effect of voiding the warranty. If plastic pipes for floor heating systems or district heating pipes are connected, it is necessary to integrate a limiting thermostat for the boiler circuit pumps to provide additional protection against excessive temperatures. With respect to the condition of the boiler water, VDI 2035 and ÖNORM H 5195 T1 and T2 must be unconditionally adhered to, otherwise there is a risk of corrosion, which may void the warranty.

Electrical connections of the KWB Multifire systemThe entire system-internal wiring is executed in the factory or is executed plug-ready by installation personnel. On site, only a licensed electrical installation company should execute the mains connection and the boiler-external cabling, and in the case of a network, the bus cabling of the heating circuit expansion modules and for the digital room control units.

Required connections to be provided by customer:

• CEE. 5-pin socket (3L/N/PE), 400 VAC

• Type “C” lightning arrester at the distribution board of the house (recommended as lightning protection)

• Emergency stop switch (230 VAC, cable cross-section at least 1.5 mm²)

• If using KWB Comfort SMS: 230 VAC socket.

• If using fuel extractor modules: Per module 1 CEE. 5-pin socket (3L/N/PE), 400 VAC

Parameters for boiler circuit pump and return flow temperature increaseVolume flow V - recommended return flow temperature increase set / return flow temperature increase group from KWB product line*

Spread ΔT across the boiler

10 15 20

RecommendationReturn flow temperature

boost set

Return flow temperature boost group

Return flow temperature boost set

Return flow temperature boost group

Return flow temperature boost set

Return flow temperature boost group

Boiler output V Article number

Kvs | Pressure loss across the

completely open valve

Article number

V Article number

Kvs | Pressure loss across the

completely open valve

Article number

VArticle number

Kvs | Pressure loss across the

completely open valve


[kW] [m³ / h] [m³ / h] | [mbar] [m³ / h] [m³ / h] | [mbar] [m³ / h] [m³ / h] | [mbar]15 1,29 – – 24-2000346 0,86 – – 24-2000346 0,64 – – 24-200034625 2,15 24-2000343 17 | 16 24-2000347 1,43 – – 24-2000346 1,07 – – 24-200034630 2,58 24-2000343 17 | 23 24-2000347 1,72 24-2000343 17 | 10 24-2000347 1,29 – – 24-200034640 3,44 24-2000343 17 | 41 – 2,29 24-2000343 17 | 18 24-2000347 1,72 24-2000343 17 | 10 24-200034750 4,30 24-2000344 24 | 32 – 2,86 24-2000343 17 | 28 – 2,15 24-2000343 17 | 16 24-200034760 5,16 24-2000344 24 | 46 – 3,44 24-2000343 17 | 41 – 2,58 24-2000343 17 | 23 24-200034780 6,87 24-2000345 31 | 49 – 4,58 24-2000344 24 | 36 – 3,44 24-2000343 17 | 41 –100 8,59 24-2000345 31 | 77 – 5,73 24-2000345 31 | 34 – 4,30 24-2000344 24 | 32 –

* Recommendation applies to standard conditions – Heat generator in the boiler room (Assumption: Pressure loss in variable quantity section or route: 50 mbar)

Page 63: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,

Headline 43General constructional conditions

Scope of delivery includes:• Order option: No heating circuit - Boiler I/O board without heating circuit - Boiler control unit with room temperature sensor - Temperature sensor set (1 DHWC sensor, 2 buffer tank

sensors, and 1 return flow temperature sensor)*• Order option: 1 heating circuit - Boiler I/O board with one heating circuit - Boiler control unit with room temperature sensor - Temperature sensor set (1 DHWC sensor, 2 buffer tank

sensors, 1 return flow, 1 forward flow temperature sensor, and 1 outdoor temperature sensor)*

• Order option: 2 heating circuits - Boiler I/O board with 2 heating circuits - Boiler control unit with room temperature sensor - Temperature sensor set (1 DHWC sensor, 2 buffer tank

sensors, 1 return flow, 2 forward flow temperature sensor, and 1 outdoor temperature sensor)*

Optional• Heating circuit expansion module with sensor set

(2 x forward flow sensor, 1x DHWC sensor, 2 x buffer tank sensor, and 1 x outdoor temperature sensor)*

• Analogue and digital room control units with room temperature sensor

• Plug-on module 1 for type USV D, USV ZI and USV V with 1 heating circuit with sensor set (1x forward flow temperature sensor) and activation of second boiler; for type USV GS included standard for activation of suction head and activation of a second boiler.

The following devices can be connected:• Order option: No heating circuit - 1 boiler circuit pump** - 1 DHWC pump** - 1 return-flow mixer***• Order option: 1 heating circuit - 1 boiler circuit pump** - 1 DHWC pump** - 1 return-flow mixer*** - 1 heating circuit pump* - 1 heating circuit mixers**• Order option: 2 heating circuits - 1 boiler circuit pump** - 1 DHWC pump** - 1 return-flow mixer*** - 2 heating circuit pumps** - 2 heating circuit mixers**

• Order option: Heating circuit expansion module - 1 supply pump** - 1 DHWC pump** - 2 heating circuit pumps** - 2 heating circuit mixers**

Outputs:Floating contacts with max. 2 A switched current, 230 V AC• Fault warning output Combined fault warning contact (e. g. for remote

warning through telephone dialling) - Fault 1: NC contact to indicate faults - Fault 2: NO contact to indicate faults• Power (the following options are also possible as

alternatives): NO, configurable for - Burner operation display (degree of modulation

between partial load and nominal load) - Boiler master-and-slave circuit to request

a second boiler - Fuel extractor for common stirrer drive• Smoke extractor - NO contact for activating an external smoke

extractor - The boiler is released by the controller of the external

smoke extractor via external 1 (floating contact).

Inputs:24 V DC supply to connect floating contacts.

• External 1: For switching on the boiler (e.g. when using a smoke

extractor). If this input is not used, it must be short-circuited.

• External 2: Multifunction input - Heating to target 2: To request the boiler with the

second boiler temperature desired temperature or as a request contact for external third-party controls (request duration should be at least 30 minutes).

- For holiday remote control (does not work with external boiler request).

• Emergency stop switch: Connection of the emergency stop switch in accordance with applicable prTRVB H 118

* DHWC and buffer tank sensor are pin sensors Ø 6 mm, outdoor temperature sensor with housing, all other sensors are clip-on temperature sensors

** Pump connection: 230 230 V AC, max. 200 W, speed-controlled output for boiler circuit pump (suitable for speed control of fixed-speed pumps).

If using three-phase boiler-circuit pumps 3 × 400 V must be installed and a motor protection system should be installed; the auxiliary coil of this protection must have a power requirement of 3 W (230 VAC).

*** Mixer motor connection: 230 V AC, open/off/closed (three-step)

Page 64: Northamptonshire County Council ZECO2S Yelvertoft Primary ...€¦ · ZECO 2 S – Yelvertoft Primary School Biomass Boiler Planning Statement Prepared by: Date: Rupert Blackstone,



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KWB Austria KWB – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH

Industriestr. 235, A-8321 St. Margarethen/RaabTel. +43 (0) 3115 6116-0, Fax +43 (0) 3115 [email protected],

KWB GermanyKWB Deutschland – Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse

Branch office, SouthKönigsberger Straße 46, D-86690 MertingenTel.:+49 (0) 9078-9682-0, Fax:+49 (0) 9078-9682-79 [email protected]

Branch office, SouthwestSchloß Weitenburg 7, D-72181 StarzachTel.:+49 (0) 7457-94 80-0, Fax:+49 (0) 7457-94 80-59 [email protected]

Branch office, CentralFriedenbachstrasse 9, D-35781 WeilburgTel.:+49 (0) 6471-912 62-0, Fax:+49 (0) 6471-912 62-39 [email protected]

Branch office, WestDieselstraße 7, D-48653 CoesfeldTel.:+49 (0) 2541-74 09-0, Fax:+49 (0) 2541-74 09-49 [email protected]

KWB France KWB France S.A.R.L., F-68000 COLMAR, 13 rue CurieTel.: 33 (0)3 89 21 69 65, Fax: +33 (0)3 89 21 69 [email protected],

KWB Italy KWB Italia GmbHT.A. Edisonstraße 15, 39100 Bozen (BZ)Tel.: +39 0 471 05 33 33, Fax: +39 0 471 05 33 [email protected],

KWB Slovenia KWB, moč in toplota iz biomase d.o.o.Vrečerjeva 14, SI-3310 ŽalecTel.: +386 (0) 3 839 30 80, Fax: +386 (0) 3 839 30 [email protected],

Additional national representationSwitzerlandJenni Energietechnik AGLochbachstraße 22, CH-3414 Oberburg bei BurgdorfTel.: +41 (0) 34 420 30 00, Fax: +41 (0) 34 420 30 [email protected]

Energie Service SàrlCH-1464 Chênê-Pâquier/VD, Mobil: +41 (0) 79 4092990Tel.: +41 (0) 24 430-1616, Fax: +41 (0) 24 [email protected]

BelgiumÖkotech Belux GmbHHalenfeld 12a, B-4771 AmelTel.: +32 (0) 80 571 98-7, Fax: +32 (0) 80 571 [email protected]

SpainHC Ingeniería S.LC/ San Quintín 10, 2º Izda, 28013 MadridTel.: (+34) 91 548 30 25, Fax: (+34) 91 542 43 [email protected],

ChileEnergíadelsurCarretera Gral. San Martín 9340 - P, Quilicura, SantiagoTel.: +(56) 2 376 50 71, Fax: +(56) 2 443 54 21, Mobil: +(56) 9 9822 57 [email protected],

IrelandRural Generation Ltd.Brook Hall Estate, 65-67 Culmore RoadLondonderry, BT48 8JETel.: +44 (0) 28 71 35 82 15, Fax: +44(0)28 71 35 09 [email protected],

Technical Energy Solutions Ltd.Four Piers, Cregg, Carrick on Suir, County Tipperary Tel.: +353 (0)51 83 32 82, Fax: +353 (0)51 64 11 22 [email protected],

Great Britain

Sales partner Installer