Download - Non Verbal project


Non verbal gestures between two individuals

Its interesting to note that culture drives the way we communicate non-verbally. The pictures depicts a brother probably counseling his junior sibling. By having his two hands pointed to his face and another on his ear; its indicates warning and equally a sort of I am watching you. Note that the sister’s eye was down indicating and acknowledgement of the warning and a sign of respect. This is not true to American culture but very true to African culture. The picture shows relationship level meaning while Kinesics type of non-verbal is being used.

This picture depicts a non verbal gesture

In this picture the sister is showing acknowledgement of warnings from brother by looking to his face.

Western Culture Depicted

The brother in this picture shows Responsiveness by his posture and eye contact to indicate the seriousness of his non-verbal cues. On the other hand, the sister acknowledge the non-verbal cues but disagrees with his brother or in discontent by turning her back, folding her hands and rolling her eyes towards the brother. Sister thus use Proxemics to communicate back to his brother.

Responsiveness and the use of Proxemics