Download - no Walmart in · 2012-03-31 · no Walmart in Chinatown In 2010, Walmart announced that it was launching into

Page 1: no Walmart in · 2012-03-31 · no Walmart in Chinatown In 2010, Walmart announced that it was launching into

no Walmart in Chinatown

In 2010, Walmart announced that it was launching into urban communities across the U.S. in an effort to shore up waning sales. Since then, the company has been trying to comvince the public that Walmart will bring jobs and stimulate the local economy.

However, across the nation, residents and businesses have spoken out about Walmart’s negative impact on our neighborhoods, small businesses, and jobs. Walmart brings poverty wages that force their associates to rely on public welfare programs and puts mom and pop stores out of business. Los Angeles Chinatown is similar to these communities and would be devastated by a Walmart.

Chinatown could lose a significant number of local stores

• Chinatownhasatleast3 supermarketsanddozensofsmallermarkets.Whilethesestoreswillbesellingsomeethnicspecificitems,Walmartwillbesellingmostlythesamegroceryitems

• Chinatownhas12 bakeriesthatsellcakesandbreads.TheproposedWalmartstorewillalsosellbakedgoodsandhaveadeliwithpreparedfood

• Chinatownhasatleast4 pharmaciesthatwouldbeindirectcompetitionwiththeWalmartstorewhichwillhaveapharmacyandsellhealthproducts

• StoresinChinatownoperateonsmallmarginsandevenasmalldipinsalescouldforcemanytoshuttertheirdoors

• Many stores in Chinatown are local institutions,thathavebeenaroundfordecades,oftenremaininginthesamefamilyorinthelargerChinese-Vietnamesecommunity

The character of Chinatown could change dramatically

• MuchlikeChinatown,LittleTokyoisanethniccommunitywithastronghistoricandculturalidentitythatisbeinglostduetotheentranceofchainstores

• Fiveyearsago,there were few or no chain stores in Little Tokyo.Today,Pinkberry,Yogurtland,Starbucks,Subway,QuiznosandOfficeDepotaremakingLittleTokyomorelikemanyothersuburbancities

• Smaller businesses will be further squeezed outasrentsincreasebecausechainstorescanaffordtosignlonger-termleasesandpaymoreforrentalspace


orcontactMaricruzCeceña,[email protected]