Download - NO. 10/2018 - · Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Abeja (20 de junio), la FAO nos recordó la gran importancia de estos polinizadores para la alimentación y la vida tal


NO. 10/2018

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News review 16-31 May

FAO en las noticias

Informe de prensa 16-31 mayo

FAO dans l’actualité

Revue de l’actualité 16-31 mai

Dear Reader, Welcome to this new issue of Infosylva! Charity Kathambi Chepkwony, a forest and farm producer, is the first woman to be elected to Kenya’s parliament for the Njoro Constituency in Nakuru County, about 170 kilometers north-west of the capital Nairobi. Not only is she living proof that women are the backbone of rural economies, especially in Africa, but she also highlights the need for more women to be involved in decision-making in their countries. (In English, Spanish and French) On the occasion of World Bee Day (20 June), FAO reminded us of the great importance of these pollinators for food and life as we know it. In collaboration with the Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat and other partners, and in the framework of the 2018-2030 plan of action of the International Pollinators Initiative, FAO will promote coordinated action worldwide to safeguard wild and managed pollinators, which are recognized as being vital for agriculture, forestry and healthy ecosystems. (In English, Spanish and French) A new publication by FAO and UNECE highlights the

importance that wood energy still has among renewable energies in many countries of the world, including in Europe. It also provides an outlook on current social, economic and political trends in the use of wood energy, and how it can be produced sustainably. (In English) In collaboration with FAO, Indonesia is finalizing the first “State of Indonesia’s Forests”. The publication, which will be presented at the 24th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO24) in Rome in July, will provide information on the state of Indonesia’s forests and forestry resources, and the efforts of the Indonesian Government to democratize the allocation of forestry resources. (In English) Forest concessions in Latin America and the Caribbean still represent a powerful instrument for the economic development of forest and rural communities across the region, experts from different countries said at a meeting held at Petén, Guatemala at the end of May. (In Spanish) At the Second Regional Land Forum, convened by the Mekong Regional Land Governance (MRLG) project and FAO, more than 300 participants heard how crucial securing land tenure can be to ending hunger and poverty in Asia and the Pacific by 2030. (In English) This news and much more in the new issue of Infosylva. Enjoy your reading, Estimado lector/a, Bienvenidos a este nuevo número de Infosylva! Charity Kathambi Chepkwony, una productora forestal y agrícola, es la primera mujer en ser elegida para el parlamento de Kenia para la circunscripción de Njoro en el condado de Nakuru, a unos 170 kilómetros al noroeste de la capital, Nairobi. No solo es la prueba viviente de que las mujeres son la columna vertebral de las economías rurales, especialmente en África, sino que también destaca la necesidad de que más mujeres participen en la toma de decisiones en sus países. (En inglés, español y francés) Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Abeja (20 de junio), la FAO nos recordó la gran importancia de estos polinizadores para la alimentación y la vida tal como la conocemos. En colaboración con la Secretaría del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica y otras organizaciones, y en el marco

del plan de acción 2018-2030 de la Iniciativa internacional sobre polinizadores, la FAO promoverá acciones coordinadas en todo el mundo para salvaguardar a los polinizadores, que son reconocidos como vitales para la agricultura, la silvicultura y para mantener los ecosistemas sanos. (En inglés, español y francés) Una nueva publicación de la FAO y la CEPE destaca la importancia que la energía de la madera todavía tiene entre las energías renovables en muchos países del mundo, incluso en Europa. También proporciona informaciones sobre las tendencias sociales, económicas y políticas actuales en el uso de la energía de la madera y cómo esta puede producirse de forma sostenible. (En inglés) En colaboración con la FAO, Indonesia está finalizando el primer "Estado de los bosques de Indonesia". La publicación, que será presentada en la 24ª sesión del Comité Forestal (COFO24) en Roma en julio, proporcionará información sobre el estado de los bosques y los recursos forestales de Indonesia, así come los esfuerzos del Gobierno de Indonesia para democratizar la asignación de esos recursos forestales. (En inglés) Las concesiones forestales en América Latina y el Caribe siguen representando un poderoso instrumento para el desarrollo económico de las comunidades forestales y rurales en toda la región, dijeron expertos de diferentes países en una reunión celebrada en Petén, Guatemala, a fines de mayo. (En español) En el Segundo Foro Regional de las Tierras, convocado por el proyecto sobre la tenencia de la tierra en la región del Mekong (MRLG, por sus siglas en inglés) en colaboración con la FAO, más de 300 participantes aprendieron cuánto pueda ser crucial asegurar la tenencia de la tierra para terminar con el hambre y la pobreza en Asia y el Pacífico para el 2030. (En inglés) Estas noticias y mucho más en este nuevo número de Infosylva. Buena lectura, Chère lectrice, cher lecteur, Bienvenue à ce nouveau numéro d'Infosylva! Charité Kathambi Chepkwony, forestière et agricultrice, est

la première femme à être élue au parlement kenyan pour la circonscription de Njoro dans le comté de Nakuru, à environ 170 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la capitale Nairobi. Non seulement elle est la preuve vivante que les femmes sont l'épine dorsale des économies rurales, en particulier en Afrique, mais elle souligne également le besoin d'impliquer davantage de femmes dans les prises de décision politiques de leurs pays. (En anglais, espagnol et français) À l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'abeille (20 juin), la FAO nous a rappelé l’importance cruciale de ces pollinisateurs pour la nourriture et la vie telle que nous la connaissons. En collaboration avec le Secrétariat de la Convention sur la diversité biologique et d'autres partenaires, et dans le cadre du plan d'action 2018-2030 de l'Initiative internationale sur les pollinisateurs, la FAO promouvra une action coordonnée à l'échelle mondiale en vue de protéger les pollinisateurs sauvages et domestiques, qui sont reconnus comme un élément vital de l'agriculture, de la sylviculture et des écosystèmes sains. (En anglais, espagnol et français) Une nouvelle publication de la FAO et de la CEE-ONU souligne l'importance du bois énergie parmi les énergies renouvelables dans de nombreux pays du monde, y compris en Europe. Elle fournit également des informations sur les tendances sociales, économiques et politiques actuelles dans l'utilisation du bois-énergie, et sur comment ce dernier peut être produit de manière durable. (En anglais) En collaboration avec la FAO, l'Indonésie est en train de finaliser son premier «État des forêts indonésiennes». La publication, qui sera présentée à la 24e session du Comité des forêts (COFO24) à Rome en juillet, fournira des informations sur l'état des forêts et des ressources forestières indonésiennes, ainsi que sur les efforts du gouvernement indonésien pour démocratiser l'allocation des ressources forestières. (En anglais) Les concessions forestières en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes représentent toujours un instrument puissant pour le développement économique des communautés forestières et rurales de la région, ont indiqué des experts de différents pays lors d'une réunion tenue à Petén, au Guatemala, à la fin du mois de mai. (En espagnol) Lors du deuxième forum régional sur les terres, organisé par le projet régional de gouvernance foncière du Mékong et la

FAO, plus de 300 participants ont appris combien il était crucial d'assurer la sécurité foncière pour éradiquer la faim et la pauvreté en Asie et dans le Pacifique d'ici 2030. (En anglais) Retrouvez ces nouvelles de l’actualité forestière et beaucoup plus encore dans ce nouveau numéro d'Infosylva. Bonne lecture, Luigi Baldassari Coordinator of Infosylva

Forestry events June 2018 Mountain Futures Yunnan, China 04-08 June 2018 International Forest Business Conference – A Forum for Forest and Wood Industry Professionals Kistowo, Poland 06-08 June 2018 FAO African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC) – 21st Session Senegal – 19-23 June 2018 Ministerial Roundtable on Forest Landscape Restoration and the Bonn Challenge in the Caucasus and Central Asia Astana, Kazakhstan 21-22 June 2018 Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2018: Celebrating results and identifying remaining challenges after 10 years of hard work Oslo 27-28 June 2018 July 2018 HLPF 2018 – High-Level Political Forum 2018 New York, USA 09-18 July 2018 24th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry and World Forest Week

Rome, Italy 16-20 July 2018 August 2018 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering Seoul, Republic of Korea 20-23 August 2018 GLF Nairobi 2018 - Landscape Restoration in Africa: Prospects and Opportunities Nairobi, Kenya 29-30 August 2018 September 2018 Cool forests at risk? – 2018 IBFRA Conference Laxenburg, Austria 17-20 September 2018 October 2018 Adaptive Management for Forested Landscapes in transformation Posadas (Misiones), Argentina 01-05 October 2018 4th Annual FLARE Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark 17-20 October 2018 World Mountain Forum – Mountains in a Changing World Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 23-26 October 2018 November 2018 World Forum on Urban Forests: Changing the nature of cities: the role of urban forestry for a green, healthier and happier future – Save the date! Mantua, Italy 28 November – 01 December 2018 December 2018 24th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC Katowice, Poland 03-14 December 2018 – Save the date!

FAO Forestry announcements Bee-ing grateful to our pollinators FAO News: Stories 18/05/18 Pollination is one of nature’s most important processes contributing to biodiversity. Though often overlooked, bees and forest beekeeping also help sustain forest ecosystems as pollination helps the regeneration of trees which in turn helps to conserve forest biodiversity. Arabic, Chinese, Russian Bees must be protected for the future of our food FAO News 20/05/18

On the eve of the first World Bee Day, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has urged countries and individuals to do more to protect bees and other pollinators or risk a sharp drop in food diversity. Arabic, Chinese, Russian FAO working to advance global biodiversity agenda FAO News 31/05/18 FAO, acting as Biodiversity Mainstreaming Platform, can help shift agricultural production onto a more sustainable track -- one that promotes healthy and thriving ecosystems while also producing ample and nutritious food for a growing global population. From a small seed, a mighty trunk may grow FAO News: Stories 28/05/18 Women are the backbone of rural economies, particularly in Africa, but they are much less likely to be involved in the decision-making. One woman debunking that trend is Charity Kathambi Chepkwony. A forest and farm producer, she is also the first woman elected to Kenya’s parliament for the Njoro Constituency in Nakuru County, about 170 kilometres north-west of the capital Nairobi. Arabic, Chinese, Russian Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry finalize the first “State of the Indonesia’s Forest“ publication FAO News Indonesia 15/05/18 The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) has embarked upon the production and publication of the first “State of the Indonesia’s Forests” (national SOFO) publication in collaboration with FAO of the United Nations. Today (15/1) Ministry of Environment of Indonesia with FAO high officials gathered to attend the advanced writing workshop to finalize the content of the national SOFO publication. Making agriculture work for- not against- biodiversity FAO News 29/05/18 FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva has called for transformative changes in how we produce our food, grounded in sustainable agricultural systems capable of producing healthy and nutritious food while simultaneously safeguarding the planet's biodiversity. Arabic, Chinese, Russian Nature’s invisible connections and contributions to us FAO News: Stories 22/05/18 Forests are one of the most important sources of biological diversity housing diverse habitats for plants, animals and micro-organisms. There are approximately 60 000 tree species in the world. Arabic, Chinese, Russian UN FAO and partners warn that secure access to land is critical to achieve an end to hunger and poverty in Asia and the Pacific by 2030 FAO News Asia and the Pacific 28/05/18 Addressing fairly the challenges of land tenure for hundreds of millions of people in Asia and the Pacific is a critical step that policy makers must take if the region is to meet the 2030 deadline for zero hunger and eradication of poverty, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partners warned today. Wood energy is no sleeping giant, say UNECE/FAO experts FAO News Europe and Central Asia 24/05/18

A new study published by FAO and UNECE highlights the state of wood energy throughout Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and North America. Wood energy continues to be the leading renewable energy source in Europe, accounting for about 45 percent of primary energy from renewable sources.

Anuncios del Departamento Forestal de la FAO Colombia ha fortalecido la gestión de sus bosques junto a ONU-REDD FAO Noticias Colombia 30/05/18 Fortalecimiento organizativo y empoderamiento en temas ambientales, asociados al cambio climático, a la deforestación y a la conservación del territorio son algunos de los resultados que entregó el programa ONU-REDD Colombia luego de tres años de trabajo con diferentes actores relacionados con la gobernanza forestal en el país en temas de reducción de la deforestación y degradación de los Bosques, que además permitió cumplir con metas nacionales e internacionales en la materia. De una pequeña semilla a un tronco imponente FAO Noticias: Historias 28/05/18 Las mujeres son la columna vertebral de las economías rurales, en especial en África, pero es muy poco frecuente verlas participar en la toma de decisiones. Una mujer que desafía esa tendencia es Charity Kathambi Chepkwony. Una productora agrícola y forestal y también la primera mujer elegida para el parlamento de Kenia por el distrito electoral de Njoro, en el condado de Nakuru, a unos 170 km al noroeste de la capital, Nairobi. Es hora de apreciar la labor de los polinizadores FAO Noticias: Historias 18/05/18 La polinización es uno de los procesos más importantes de la naturaleza que contribuyen a la biodiversidad. Y aunque a menudo se pasa por alto, las abejas y la apicultura forestal contribuyen igualmente a mantener los ecosistemas forestales, ya que la polinización ayuda a regenerar los árboles, lo que a su vez contribuye a conservar la biodiversidad forestal. Las abejas necesitan protección para garantizar el futuro de nuestros alimentos FAO Noticias 19/05/18 En vísperas del primer Día Mundial de las Abejas, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) insta a los países y a las personas a hacer un mayor esfuerzo para proteger a las abejas y otros polinizadores, o arriesgarse a sufrir una disminución drástica de la diversidad alimentaria. Las conexiones y contribuciones invisibles que hace la naturaleza FAO Noticias: Historias 22/05/18 Los bosques son una de las fuentes más importantes de diversidad biológica y albergan variedad de hábitats para plantas, animales y microorganismos. Existen unas 60 000 especies de árboles en el mundo. Lograr que la agricultura favorezca la biodiversidad (y no al revés)

FAO Noticias 29/05/18 El Director General de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, pidió hoy un cambio transformador en la forma en que producimos nuestros alimentos, que debe basarse en sistemas agrícolas sostenibles capaces de producir alimentos saludables y nutritivos, a la vez que se salvaguarda la biodiversidad del planeta.

Annonces du Département des Forêts de la FAO D’une toute petite semence à un solide tronc FAO Nouvelles: Histoires 28/05/18 Les femmes sont les piliers des économies rurales, surtout en Afrique, mais sont pourtant moins impliquées dans le processus de prise de décision. L’une des femmes tentant d’inverser cette tendance se prénomme Charity Kathambi Chepkwony. Productrice agricole et forestière, elle est aussi la première femme élue au Parlement kényan pour la circonscription de Njoro, située dans le comté de Nakuru, à environ 170 km au Nord-Ouest de la capitale Nairobi. Faire que l’agriculture travaille pour, et non contre, la biodiversité FAO Nouvelles 29/05/18 M. José Graziano da Silva, le Directeur général de la FAO a appelé à des changements transformateurs de la manière dont nous produisons notre alimentation, en se basant sur des systèmes agricoles durables capables de produire une alimentation saine et nutritive tout en protégeant la biodiversité de la planète. Gestion durable de la faune et développement d’une agriculture plus productive FAO Nouvelles Afrique 23/05/18 Contribuer à la gestion durable de la faune et au développement d’une agriculture plus durable et plus productive permettant de lutter contre la faim, la malnutrition et la pauvreté sont au cœur des initiatives menées par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture en Afrique centrale et au Gabon en particulier. Les abeilles doivent être protégées pour l’avenir de notre alimentation FAO Nouvelles 19/05/18 A la veille de la célébration de la première Journée mondiale des abeilles, l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a invité les pays et le public à agir davantage afin de protéger les abeilles et les autres pollinisateurs, sans quoi ils pourraient être confrontés à une forte baisse de la diversité alimentaire. L’importance des abeilles dans la biodiversité et leur contribution à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle FAO Nouvelles Afrique 20/05/18 À l’occasion de la journée mondiale des abeilles, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture situe l’importance de ces pollinisateurs dans l’amélioration de la biodiversité pour une meilleure appropriation de cette espèce et la valorisation de celle-ci dans la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition.

Les liens invisibles de la nature et leurs contributions à notre bien-être FAO Nouvelles: Histoires 22/05/18 Les forêts sont l'une des sources les plus importantes de la diversité biologique; elles abritent en effet des habitats variés pour les plantes, les animaux et les micro-organismes. On compte plus de 60 000 espèces d’arbres dans le monde. Soyons reconnaissants envers nos pollinisateurs FAO Nouvelles: Histoires 18/05/18 La pollinisation est l'un des processus les plus importants de la nature contribuant à la biodiversité. Et pourtant, on ignore souvent que les abeilles et l’apiculture en forêt contribuent également à préserver les écosystèmes car les abeilles aident les arbres à se régénérer qui à leur tour contribuent à préserver la biodiversité forestière.

New FAO publications Wood Energy in the ECE Region: Data, trends and outlook in Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and North America Wood Energy in the ECE Region highlights the use of wood for energy and includes the most recent statistics on wood energy markets across the UNECE region. It aims to communicate the relevance of wood energy in the region and help bridge information about the forest and energy sectors. It also intends to offer some of the best-available information on the role that wood energy can play in various sectors to support environmental, energy, and socio-economic strategies toward a greener economy. Other FAO new publications: here FAO eBooks: here To receive a monthly update on all of FAO’s latest publications, subscribe here

Nuevas publicaciones de la FAO Otras nuevas publicaciones de la FAO: aquí Libros electrónicos de la FAO: aquí Para recibir una actualización mensual de todas las últimas publicaciones de la FAO, suscríbase aquí

Nouvelles publications de la FAO D’autres nouvelles publications de la FAO : ici Livres électroniques de la FAO : ici Veuillez Vous inscrire ici, pour recevoir une mise à jour mensuelle sur toutes les dernières publications de la FAO.

Miscellaneous Online forum “Forest and landscape restoration: Participatory approaches and monitoring” The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is pleased to invite you to join the Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) online community of practice, and to attend an online knowledge-sharing forum “Forest and landscape restoration: Participatory approaches and monitoring”. When stakeholders participate in the process of forest and landscape restoration, the activities are more effective and sustainable. To learn more, and to share your experiences, join the webinar on Wednesday 23 May 2018. In addition to the webinar, the online forum includes a 3-week facilitated online discussion following the webinar on the Online Community of Practice for Forest and Landscape Restoration. The knowledge sharing forum will be conducted in English. The knowledge-sharing forum aims to answer these questions: Why is it important for the implementation and success of restoration activities that the relevant stakeholders participate? What is the added value of using participatory approaches? How can local populations and other key stakeholders best be engaged during the entire FLR process? How can the conditions that enable participation be created? What are the key social aspects to be considered in FLR monitoring? What are the main lessons learned from monitoring social aspects of the FLR processes? Watch the webinar

Forestry vacancies Deputy Director - Forestry, Policy and Resources Division (FOA) – Rome, Italy Forestry Officer (Programme, Advocacy and Outreach) – Rome, Italy – 1 year

For other job opportunities available at FAO at the moment click here.

FAO in the news The articles do not reflect the views of FAO and some of them may no longer be available on the internet after a period of time. FAO calls for adequate preservation of forests Sundiata Post 25/05/18 The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has called for adequate preservation of forests and forest resources worldwide. Mr Ahmed Matane, Assistant FAO Country Representative (Programme) for Nigeria, made the call in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Abuja He underscored the need to protect forests, saying that the critical contribution of forests to sustainable agriculture, improved food security and nutrition could never be over-emphasized. FAO helps capacitate Community Forestry Development Committee FPA 23/05/18 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has signed a US$80,000 agreement with the National Union of Community Forestry Development Committees (NUCFDC) to strengthen the capacity of communities to effectively monitor the benefits of commercial logging in Liberia. The agreement falls under the framework of the FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), signed by the Government of Liberia and the European Union (EU) in 2009. FAO Launches Voluntary Guidelines on Forest Concessions IISD 17/05/18 Developed through a consultative process and building on best practices of forest concessions around the world, the guidelines offer a framework for planning, implementing and monitoring forest concessions to support sustainable forest management and SDG achievement. Govt finalize first state of Indonesia`s forest publication 15/05/18

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has embarked upon the production and publication of the first State of Indonesia`s Forests (national SOFO) publication in collaboration with FAO of the United Nations. Today, May 15, the Environment Ministry with FAO high officials gathered to attend the advanced writing workshop to finalize the content of the national SOFO publication. Indonesia, FAO Renew Cooperation in Support of Forest Governance 24/05/18 Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry is teaming up with FAO of the United Nations to support local stakeholders to further strengthen implementation of the national timber legality assurance system (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu-SVLK), which form the backbone of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between Indonesia and the European Union (EU). Secure access to land critical to achieve an end to hunger 28/05/18 Addressing fairly the challenges of land tenure for hundreds of millions of people in Asia and the Pacific is a critical step that policy makers must take if the region is to meet the 2030 deadline for zero hunger and eradication of poverty, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partners warned today.

News review 16-31 May

The articles do not reflect the views of FAO and some of them may no longer be available on the internet after a period of time. Argentina Can the world's largest rewilding project restore Patagonia's beauty? The Guardian 30/05/18 Purchasing huge tracts of land in Chile and Argentina, former clothing tycoons Doug and Kristine Tompkins have led a quarter century-long effort to reintroduce threatened and locally extinct species to the wilds of South America. Australia Land-clearing wipes out $1bn taxpayer-funded emissions gains The Guardian 28/05/18 More than $1bn of public money being spent on cutting greenhouse gas emissions by planting trees and restoring habitat under the Coalition’s Direct Action climate policy will have effectively been wiped out by little more than two years of forest-clearing elsewhere in the country, official government data suggests. Brazil Brazil backs 'Guardians of the Amazon' in their war on loggers The Sydney Morning Herald24/05/18 In a rare move, Brazil is providing armed back-up to indigenous people protecting the world's most threatened tribe from illegal loggers, a decision that campaigners lauded as a "landmark" in efforts to halt deforestation in the Amazon. Brazil has the tools to end Amazon deforestation now: report 18/05/18 A coalition of environmental NGOs known as the Zero Deforestation Working Group has developed a practical plan called “A Pathway to Zero Deforestation in the Amazon.” First proposed at the COP23 climate summit in Bonn, Germany, last November, the NGOs propose workable strategies for ending deforestation quickly in Brazil, while also yielding significant economic and social benefits. Illegal loggers ‘cook the books’ to harvest Amazon’s most valuable tree 24/05/18 A new study finds that illegal logging, coupled with weak state-run timber licensing systems, has led to massive timber harvesting fraud in Brazil, resulting in huge illicit harvests of Ipê trees. This process is doing major damage to the Amazon, as loggers build roads deep into forests, causing fragmentation and creating greater access. Cambodia Rangers find 109,217 snares in a single park in Cambodia The Guardian 22/05/18 Snares – either metal or rope – are indiscriminately killing wildlife across Southeast Asia, from elephants to mouse deer. The problem has become so bad that scientists are referring to protected areas in the region as “empty forests.” Canada Canada is now home to the world’s largest stretch of protected boreal forests 18/05/18 More than half of Canada’s landmass is comprised of boreal forest—a vast and tree-filled region that extends across the country. To help conserve the forest, the province of Alberta has designated four new protected parks in its northeastern region, reports CBC. When added to other contiguous conserved lands in Alberta, the new parks make up the largest stretch of protected boreal forests on the planet. Canada's indigenous architecture Biennale exhibit weaves nature, culture and technology The Guardian 31/05/18 More than a dozen architects and designers from across North America have come together to create an unprecedented showcase of aboriginal architecture in Canada’s first ever indigenous-led entry to the Venice Architecture Biennale. Cote d’Ivoire Ivory Coast to spend $1.1b to rehabilitate country’s forests Bloomberg 24/05/18 Ivory Coast will spend 616 billion CFA francs ($1.1 billion) over the next 10 years to rehabilitate and regrow the country’s forests that have shrunk as cocoa output expanded, a government spokesman said. Ethiopia Participatory forest development, management All Africa 31/05/18 Ethiopia is not only a country that speaks out loudly about climate change in international arenas. It is also committed to contribute its own share to protecting the environment and reducing the impacts of climate change. The government has been making maximum effort to protect forest resources in different parts of the country.

Ghana Ghana Has lost almost everything - scientist warns Modern Ghana 24/05/18 Cocoa is a critical driver of Ghana’s growth, bringing in about 6% of the country’s GDP, employing more than 100,000 people and supporting the livelihoods of about 2.5 million inhabitants, but deforestation is reducing those numbers at an alarming rate. Gov’t urged to invest in agro-forestry to curtail growing deforestation Joy Online 17/05/18 Participants of Africa’s maiden top-level global forest conference held in Accra on Tuesday and Wednesday have called on African governments to reverse the worrying trend of deforestation on the continent. Speaking after the conference, the Director of the Tropical Forest Alliance for 2020 told journalists, an important recommendation for Ghana would be for the government to invest in agro-forestry, which involves the incorporation of trees cultivation in the agricultural process. Hunters are wiping out hornbills in Ghana’s forests 23/05/18 According to a new study, Ghana is losing hornbill species to “uncontrolled” hunting, mostly for meat, from its forested parks and reserves. The researchers found that the five largest species of hornbills in the Bia Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, have disappeared in recent decades. The Tafi monkey business experience All Africa 28/05/18 Community-based ecotourism is helping to return the village to its roots with a unique business model that blends environmental conservation with community development and cross-cultural exchange, and generate revenue for community management. Guinea Fighting rural poverty: community empowered to conserve Guinean mountain reserve Bird Life International 29/05/18 It’s an unfortunate fact: people living near Important Biodiversity Areas are often very poor and depend solely on the exploitation of natural resources for their livelihoods. Now, a project is working to buck this trend, empowering communities to improve their lot by using resources sustainably. Indonesia Fighting fires on Indonesia’s peatlands UN Environment 22/05/18 The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. As one of the world’s most valuable ecosystems, peatlands support diverse species, including orangutans. Yet until recently, peatlands were drained and set ablaze for agriculture, producing an ecological catastrophe that sparked the need for change. Ireland European Investment Bank invests €12.5m in sustainable Irish forestry The Irish Times 28/05/18 An investment of €12.5 million in sustainable Irish forestry has been announced by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB). The Commissioner for Agriculture said that with controversy growing about monoculture and clear felling policies in Ireland it is a welcome support for

the more sustainable “continuous cover forestry” projects which would better support biodiversity and landscapes and the challenges associated with climate change. Italy Oldest European tree found—and it's having a growth spurt National Geographic 25/05/18 A craggy pine tree growing in southern Italy is 1,230 years old, making it the oldest tree in Europe that has been scientifically dated. Moreover, the ancient pine seems to be living it up in its old age, researchers reported last week in the journal Ecology. Tomorrow's cities: Park with four seasons under one roof BBC News 20/05/18 The different seasons were represented in four undercover pavilions in a 500-sq-m space in Milan's main square, Piazza del Duomo. The display was intended to raise awareness of the issue of climate change and make a statement about the need to make cities greener. Japan A real-life enchanted forest 18/05/18 Yakushima, one of Japan’s southernmost islands before the Okinawa archipelago, has been settled since the Jomon period (14,000-300 B.C.). Today, much of the island, whose inland is thickly wooded, is protected by UNESCO, its forests undisturbed by commercial activity. Kenya

Faces of Africa – Wangari Maathai: The eco-warrior with a smile CGTN 21/05/18 Wangari Maathai was recognized around the globe as a warrior for the environment and a campaigner for human rights. She was responsible for planting more than 30 million trees across Africa. Hope for evicted forest people as Kenya vows to honour landmark ruling Reuters 31/05/18 Evictions have ceased and rehabilitation is underway one year after Africa's highest human rights court told Kenya to compensate forest-dwellers for violating their land rights. Uasin Gishu community plants 23,000 trees in Timboroa forest Business Daily 21/05/18 Members of the Indian community in Uasin Gishu County yesterday planted over 23,000 trees to increase forest cover as part of an intensified afforestation programme. The Shree Swaminarayan community planted the trees in 4.6 hectares of land in Timboroa forest which forms part of the country’s five water towers. Liberia Liberia launches special fund for nature protection Standard Digital 29/05/18 Liberia has launched a special fund to provide sustainable, long-term financing for the country’s nature reserves as it seeks to overcome the perennial cash crunch that has hampered its nature protection efforts.

Mexico Audio: Mexico’s ejidos find sustainability by including women and youth 30/05/18 Mongabay Newscast host Mike Gaworecki traveled to Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula in February to visit several ejidos in the states of Quintana Roo and Campeche. Ejidos are lands that are communally owned and operated as agroforestry operations, and they’ve proven to be effective at conserving forests while creating economic opportunities for the local rural communities who live and work on the land. Mongolia In Mongolia's frozen forests, reindeer herders preserve their way of life DD News 22/05/18 The lives of this tiny community have barely changed since their ancestors began domesticating the animals thousands of years ago. Every day Chuluu releases his reindeers out into the forests to graze, calling them back once their bellies are full. He has been herding reindeer all his life, circling through a seasonal migration pattern dictated by their search for food. Norway Forest fire danger sparks red alerts News in 23/05/18 Warnings were going out this week that forest fire danger was at its highest possible level all over Southeastern Norway. More than a week of dry and unusually warm weather, with more to come, is making local forests highly vulnerable to going up in flames. Poland Our beautiful planet: The mystery of Poland's Crooked Forest Deutsche Welle 31/05/18 The strange shape of the grove of pine trees on the northwestern edge of Poland has earned it the title "The Crooked Forest." Their bulges all point toward the same direction – north. And no one is quite sure why. Romania Romania breaks up alleged €25m illegal logging ring The Guardian 31/05/18 Romania’s security forces have mounted a series of raids to break up an alleged €25m illegal logging ring, in what is believed to be the largest operation of its kind yet seen in Europe. United Kingdom The John Hope Gateway is a pioneer in modern wood construction Tree Hugger 28/05/18 The John Hope Gateway was designed by Cullinan Studio in 2009; today we take this kind of wood construction for granted, but back then it was really cutting edge. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh looked to the John Hope Gateway to put across its messages about environmental sustainability, not just in its exhibitions but also through the building itself. United States of America Battling Scotch broom along Olympic’s Hoh River that threatens fish, forests The Seattle Times 27/05/18

Invasive Scotch broom is disrupting natural forest succession and ruining prime salmon habitat as its yellow scourge spreads along the Hoh River and in other Olympic Peninsula salmon strongholds. US Forest Service awards Wood Innovation Grants Biomass Magazine 18/05/18 The Wood Innovation Grants will stimulate the removal of hazardous fuels from national forests and other forest lands to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, promote forest health, and reduce the cost of forest management. A New Take on Timber Flathead Beacon 29/05/18 While using cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a common building practice in Europe, the engineered wood product is still catching on in the United States. The benefits include high efficiency, longevity, minimal upkeep, and using a renewable resource – wood – instead of steel. The building style also removes the need for drywall in many cases, because the CLT is not only structural, but also the inner finish of the home. White Mountain National Forest an ‘incredible conservation success story’ Press Herald 17/05/18 New Hampshire’s most iconic attraction had been decimated by forest fires and logging when President Woodrow Wilson established it as a national forest a century ago. Now it attracts millions of visitors each year and has become part of the state’s economic engine, contributing to the nearly $9 billion outdoor recreation industry that supports almost 80,000 jobs. World A brief explainer of how REDD+ finance works Forests News 30/05/18 In one of largest ongoing efforts to tackle climate change, projects happening all over the world under the framework of REDD+ – reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation – are shoring up invaluable benefits for the planet’s collective future. African deforestation: 'If nothing is done, we may lose everything' Deutsche Welle 30/05/18 Africa's tropical forests, which include the Congo Basin, are under constant threat. Deutsche Welle speaks to Proforest's Abraham Baffoe on what stands to be lost and what needs to be done to tackle deforestation. CIFOR and Mongabay launch partnership to improve forest research communication CIFOR News 23/05/18 The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), a scientific organization that researches ways to better manage and preserve the planet’s tropical forests, and Mongabay, a leading environmental reporting platform dedicated to raising awareness globally about social and environmental issues related to tropical forests, have launched a partnership to increase the dissemination of news about the status of the world’s forest ecosystems. Conservationists honored with German Africa Award Deutsche Welle 23/05/18 Tanzania’s Gerald Bigurube and Madagascar’s Clovis Razafimalala have dedicated their lives to saving

their countries’ natural heritage. They are the recipients of this year's annual German Africa Award. Dino-killing asteroid also shaped bird evolution: study Times Colonist 27/05/18 Scientists studying plant life around the extinction event that killed the dinosaurs have made a surprising discovery: Out of all the birds living at the time, only the ground-dwelling species survived. The finding, described in the journal Current Biology, reveals how the avian winners and losers in the wake of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event shaped the evolution of all the birds we see today. Forest health hinges on human development – study 21/05/18 The expansion of forests in many countries is attributable to national well-being rather than on mitigation moves against rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon fertilization as some climate change models show, says a new study. Global Forest Watch offers mapping and data visualization fellowships 28/05/18 Global Forest Watch and the World Resources Institute have launched a new fellowship for individuals working to reduce deforestation within 23 countries in South America, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. Global Forest Watch (GFW)’s online forest mapping platform provides anyone with an internet connection access to frequently updated satellite imagery, enabling users to monitor forest change in a particular country, nature reserve, or other area. Natural regeneration or tree-planting? Study points to bias in forest restoration studies Science Daily 16/05/18 When embarking on a reforestation project, is it better to let an area regenerate on its own, or take active steps like planting trees? Recent high-profile research has suggested that natural regeneration is more effective. However, UMBC's researchers have just published their own research in Science Advances advocating for a more nuanced approach to forest restoration. New map shows many old-growth forests remain in Europe UVM Today 25/05/18 Though you might read about deep, dark woods in fairy tales, the prevailing story today is that very little European old-growth forest remains. But now a new study—and map—shows that a surprising number of these primary forests still stand. New research finds tall and older Amazonian forests more resistant to droughts 28/05/18 A new study shows that photosynthesis in tall Amazonian forests--forests above 30m--is three times less sensitive to precipitation variability than in shorter forests of less than 20m. Taller Amazonian forests were also found to be older, have more biomass and deeper rooting systems that enable them to access deeper soil moisture, which makes them more resilient to drought. New technique reveals details of forest fire recovery Science Daily 16/05/18 Novel remote sensing observations provide more accurate view of how ecosystems recover from wildfires.

One of world’s most endangered forests originally planted by ancient South Americans, discover archaeologists The Independent 17/05/18 Critically endangered swathes of forest found across parts of South America owe their existence to the indigenous people who have lived in harmony with them for centuries. New research suggests Southern Je communities played an active role in their creation, cultivating the trees for food and other purposes. Online network seeks to boost international collaboration against wildlife trafficking in Central Africa 21/05/18 The Africa-TWIX (Trade in Wildlife Information eXchange) platform facilitates collaboration to help Central African enforcement agencies implement wildlife trade laws and treaties. The platform’s secure mailing list and database allow enforcement officials from five countries to share materials and data that enhance cross-border collaboration. Outcomes for forests at the Bonn Climate Change Conference Forests News 23/05/18 It has been nearly three years since countries entered into the Paris Agreement. During that time, as was made abundantly clear during the most recent Bonn Climate Change Conference, climate negotiations have descended into complexity and uncertainty on many issues, buoyed by the U.S.’s lack of political momentum and, across many countries, entrenched positioning and unwillingness to compromise. This popular parrot 'talks' like us. But we're silencing it National Geographic 21/05/18 A dedicated mix of conservationists, geneticists, government officials, and more are joining forces to track illegal captures and try to stop them from happening in the first place. Already, they’ve developed scientific methods that could quickly discern whether a parrot has been unlawfully stolen from the forest. To survive in climate change, look past targets and focus on the long game Forests News 31/05/18 Under the theme “Building the Investment Case for Sustainable Landscapes and Restoration,” the 2018 Global Landscapes Forum Investment Case Symposium took place at the World Bank in Washington D.C. on 30 May. Attracting more than 500,000 listeners and engagers, the Symposium brought together local communities, scientific experts, investors and politicians to discuss how public and private finance can better partner to address climate change. Tree species vital to restoring disturbed tropical forests 29/05/18 A family of trees with high drought tolerance could be crucial in restoring the world's deforested and degraded tropical lands, according to new research. Experts analysed more than 40 sites across the Neotropics – which includes the tropical regions of Central and South America – and found that Leguminosae trees are critical for tropical forest regrowth in dry regions, due to their resistance to drought.

FAO en las noticias Los artículos no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista de la FAO y algunos de ellos permanecerán en Internet sólo un tiempo limitado. Expertos de Latinoamérica intercambian experiencias sobre concesiones forestales en Petén Prensa Libre 29/05/18 Las concesiones forestales en Latinoamérica y el Caribe son de gran importancia para el desarrollo de comunidades, coinciden expertos de varios países que intercambiaron opiniones en una reunión efectuada en Petén. FAO celebra el Día Mundial de las Abejas por el desarrollo sostenible Prensa Latina 20/05/18 En un esfuerzo más a favor de la preservación de esas laboriosas polinizadoras la conmemoración está dirigida a llamar la atención internacional sobre la urgencia de cuidar y preservar ese valioso insecto por su apreciable contribución económica, al medioambiente y al desarrollo sostenible y crear conciencia sobre las amenazas a las se enfrenta. Países que gestionan bien los bosques El País 26/05/18 Hay más de 20 países que han conseguido hacer una gestión sostenible ejemplar de sus bosques y que, a ojos de la FAO, son casos de éxito. Son aquellos que entre 1990 y 2015 consiguieron el difícil equilibrio de aumentar la producción agrícola sin disminuir sus terrenos forestales. Pide FAO, a países, adoptar políticas favorables a los polinizadores El Sol de Hidalgo 20/05/18 Más de 75 por ciento de los cultivos alimentarios del mundo dependen en cierta medida de la polinización para obtener rendimientos y calidad, por lo que la ausencia de abejas y otros polinizadores haría desaparecer alimentos como manzanas, almendras tomates y cacao, entre otros.

Informe de prensa 16-31 de mayo Los artículos no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista de la FAO y algunos de ellos permanecerán en Internet sólo un tiempo limitado. Colombia “Bosques territorios de vida”, la ambiciosa propuesta para llevar la deforestación a ceros Semana Sostenible 30/05/18

Tras ocho años de trabajo concertado entre comunidades, autoridades ambientales, gremios y academia, el Gobierno culminó el diseño de una estrategia cuya apuesta a 2030 es promover economías forestales sostenibles. En Colombia cuatro especies de emblemáticos animales están amenazadas Semana Sostenible 18/05/18 El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF, por sus siglas en inglés) alertó sobre cuatro especies prioritarias y emblemáticas de Colombia que enfrentan amenazas urgentes. Se trata del oso de anteojos, el jaguar, el delfín de río y la tortuga carey, especies que son cruciales para los ecosistemas que habitan y que son clave en las cadenas alimenticias y en el equilibrio de su entorno natural. España El dron de vigilancia de bosques continuará durante este verano La Nueva 01/06/18 La quinta edición del congreso Unvex, el primero dedicado en exclusiva a la seguridad y la defensa, se clausuró este jueves con una importante novedad: el consejero de Fomento y Medio Ambiente anunció que el sistema de vigilancia de los bosques del noroeste de España, centrado especialmente en el Bierzo, seguirá este año. Kenia Gobierno keniano extiende prohibición de tala de bosques Prensa Latina 23/05/18 El gobierno keniano extendió la prohibición de la tala en los bosques públicos por seis meses más, informó hoy el secretario del gabinete de Medio Ambiente. De acuerdo con la fuente, esto es un intento por implementar las reformas provisionales propuestas por la nueva junta del Servicio Forestal de Kenya (KFS, por sus siglas en inglés). México Ley Forestal, propuesta del Partido Verde para crear empleos y combatir cambio climático El Financiero 31/05/18 La ley busca establecer un pago a los que se dediquen a cuidar bosques y selvas para generar empleos y orientar al uso responsable de los recursos naturales. Muere histórico defensor de bosques y selvas de los chimas de Oaxaca NVI 21/05/18 El coordinador regional del Comité Nacional para la Defensa y Conservación de los Chimalapas informó que el fallecido, conocido cariñosamente como Don Pifas, fue un digno y admirable anciano zoque, porque fue un luchador de toda la vida por la salvaguardia de sus bosques y selvas. Panamá Los árboles son fuente de vida La Estrella de Panamá 17/05/18 El Día del Árbol en Panamá se celebra el tercer viernes del mes de mayo, con el objetivo de promover la protección y reforestación de bosques. Perú Amazonas está muy cerca de conseguir sus primeras Áreas de Conservación Regional Gestión 23/05/18

Las propuestas para la creación de las ACR Bosques Tropicales Estacionalmente Secos del Marañón y Vista Alegre Omia ya se encuentran en la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros, última etapa que deben pasar para su aprobación. ¿Cuánto afecta la tala ilegal a la economía peruana? El Comercio 22/05/18 Anualmente, el Perú pierde aproximadamente US$250 millones debido a la tala ilegal, de acuerdo a cifras del Gobierno Regional de Loreto. Los números a nivel global son incluso más impactantes: según el Programa de la ONU para el Medio Ambiente, este delito movió en el 2016 entre US$50,7 mil millones y US$152 mil millones y se estima que entre el 15% y 30% de toda la madera comercializada en el mundo se hace a través de esta actividad, de acuerdo a Interpol. Los niños aprenden a proteger su futuro gracias a la ciencia El Comercio 28/05/18 Una reserva natural de Pasco es el escenario de un proyecto para cuidar el medio ambiente. Escolares de primaria son piezas claves. Mundo Científicos sorprendidos tras elaborar el primer mapa de bosques salvajes de Europa El Universo 29/05/18 El primer mapa de los bosques salvajes de Europa ha revelado que se mantienen muchos más bosques vírgenes o primarios de lo que se pensaba anteriormente, y están ampliamente distribuidos. “El Árbol de los pigmeos”, lección de África sobre naturaleza EFE Verde 19/05/18 "El Árbol de los pigmeos", obra prima de Félix Romero Cañizares, narra su experiencia en el continente africano, al que le guió su pasión por la naturaleza y del que señaló, "tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar desde pigmeos a agentes forestales, ministros, presidentes, políticos o empresarios". El narcotráfico amenaza los bosques y zonas protegidas de Centroamérica, asegura un estudio regional Sin Embargo 19/05/18 Los bosques primarios y áreas silvestres protegidas en Centroamérica están siendo amenazados por el cultivo y trasiego de drogas, reportó un estudio realizado por la Fundación Neotrópica, la Universidad Estatal de Texas y la Universidad Estatal de Oregón. La narco-deforestación es la mayor amenaza del narcotráfico para los ecosistemas, informaron los especialistas. Inédita iniciativa para proteger a los pueblos indígenas Deutsche Welle 16/05/18 Un relator especial para temas de los pueblos indígenas y un mecanismo para dialogar y poner demandas, en caso de violaciones a sus derechos, se propone en una resolución, sin parangón en el Parlamento Europeo. Los bosques amazónicos altos y viejos, más resistentes a las sequías 29/05/18 La fotosíntesis en bosques altos amazónicos --bosques superiores a 30 metros-- es tres veces menos sensible a la variabilidad de precipitación que en bosques más bajos de menos de 20 metros. Población de gorilas de las montañas, en peligro de extinción, sube a 1 004

El Comercio 31/05/18 La población de gorilas de las montañas, especie en peligro crítico de extinción que habita en dos parques de Uganda, República Democrática del Congo (RDC) y Ruanda, ascendió a 1 004 ejemplares, según informó hoy (31 de mayo del 2018) la organización ecologista WWF. ¿Sirven de algo los santuarios de animales? CC News 18/05/18 Las áreas de conservación suponen cuidar a plantas y animales en peligro, pero lo cierto es que son espacios de gran explotación industrial; en 50 años no habrá qué proteger. Un Arca de Noé modelo siglo XXI para salvar a los animales en África La Nación 23/05/18 La organización sin fines de lucro African Parks, que coordina el traslado de los animales, se propone recuperar la población de animales que alguna vez existió en uno de los lugares más remotos del planeta.

FAO dans l’actualité

Les articles suivants ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue de la FAO. Elle n’est pas non plus en condition d’en garantir la disponibilité dans le temps sur Internet. Forêts d'Afrique centrale : bientôt une feuille de route pour une gestion participative Agence d’Information d’Afrique Centrale 30/05/18 Le ministère de l’Economie forestière, en partenariat avec l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), organise, du 30 au 31 mai à Brazzaville, un atelier sous-régional visant à apporter des amendements au document. Un développement humain pour des forêts saines 25/05/18 Selon une nouvelle étude, l'expansion des forêts dans de nombreux pays est attribuable au bien-être à l'échelle nationale plutôt qu'à l'augmentation des niveaux de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) dans l'atmosphère, comme le montrent certains modèles de changement climatique.

Revue de l’actualité 16-31 mai Les articles suivants ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue de la FAO. Elle n’est pas non plus en condition d’en garantir la disponibilité dans le temps sur Internet.

Algérie Lutte contre les feux de forêts: renforcer le cadre juridique pour faire face au phénomène Algérie Presse Service 27/05/18 Les participants à la première rencontre nationale sur la prévention et la lutte contre les feux de forêts, tenue samedi à Alger, ont recommandé le renforcement du cadre juridique pour faire face à ce phénomène. Afrique du Sud Le perroquet robuste d’Afrique du Sud pourrait bientôt disparaître VivAfrik 16/05/18 Le perroquet robuste, aujourd’hui considéré comme le perroquet le plus rare d’Afrique, vit dans trois zones forestières isolées, situées dans les provinces du Cap-Oriental, de Limpopo et de KwaZulu-Natal. Pour tenter de sauver l’espèce et d’en savoir plus sur cette dernière, une équipe de scientifiques est au travail. Cameroun Filière Bois. De nouveaux mécanismes pour plus de traçabilité 15/05/18 Le ministère des Forets et de la Faune (MINFOF) va aménager six nouveaux postes de contrôle délocalisés afin de constituer un réseau fiable de collecte d’informations pour garantir la traçabilité des bois circulant au Cameroun. Canada Les propriétaires de forêts privées courtisés Ici 27/05/18 L'industrie du bois en Abitibi-Témiscamingue a besoin de trouver de nouvelles sources d'approvisionnement et courtise les propriétaires de terres privées. Une nouvelle zone de conservation sera mise en place au Nouveau-Brunswick Média Terre 31/05/18 La nouvelle zone de conservation sera située dans le village de Riverside-Albert, qui est partenaire dans le projet. Cette nouvelle acquisition a été faite grâce au financement du gouvernement fédéral dans le cadre du Programme de conservation des zones naturelles. Congo Les bienfaits des espaces verts pour la planète Agence d’Information d’Afrique Centrale 19/05/18 Depuis 1986, le Congo célèbre la journée nationale de l’arbre dans le but de préserver l’environnement. La vision du pays est de couvrir à 70% le territoire national de forêts. Le Congo est le premier pays à instaurer une journée de l’arbre, en réponse à la lutte contre la déforestation. REDD+ : vers la validation du plan d’investissement Journal de 23/05/18 L’Initiative pour la forêt d’Afrique centrale (CAFI) veut amélioration les volets gouvernance, aménagement du territoire et gestion foncière, avant l’adoption du document de la stratégie nationale. Côte d'Ivoire Le gouvernement met sur pied une nouvelle politique forestière

La Tribune Afrique 21/05/18 Les autorités ivoiriennes ont défini jeudi dernier une nouvelle politique forestière destinée à préserver et à étendre le couvert forestier ivoirien, perdu à 80% durant les cinq dernières décennies. France

Comment sont gérées les forêts privées auboises? France Info 24/05/18 70% de la forêt auboise est privée. Ce jeudi au château de Vaux les deux organismes qui gèrent ces forêts ont organisé des conférences et débats autour de thèmes variés : Comment délimiter la forêt privée? Comment et combien estimer les parcelles? En moyenne, un hectare de forêt vaut 4 110 euros Le Monde 31/05/18 Si les prix des forêts ont peu bougé, le nombre des transactions, les surfaces vendues et la valeur du marché ont atteint des niveaux record. Les ventes ont ainsi augmenté de 5,5 %, portées par une demande dynamique pour les petites forêts (de un à dix hectares). En valeur, le marché des forêts progresse de 3,3 %, à 1,5 milliard d’euros. La forêt : un actif en pleine ascension Les Échos 31/05/18 Placement plaisir, valeur refuge et outil de diversification, la forêt suscite un intérêt croissant de la part des investisseurs. D'autant qu'elle bénéficie d'une fiscalité adoucie. Gabon Le Gabon prépare activement son Woodshow Agence Ecofin 28/05/18 Les préparatifs du Gabon Woodshow, qui se tiendra à Libreville du 20 - 22 Juin 2018, vont bon train. Ce rendez-vous international qui se veut être la principale plateforme d’innovation pour la transformation de l’industrie du bois et le développement d’un marché régional du bois et de ses produits dérivés a, entre autres objectifs, de mettre en exergue le potentiel forestier de l’Afrique centrale et d’ouest, indique-t-on. Le Gabon s'organise contre le braconnage en grande échelle des éléphants Média Terre 29/05/18 Un programme de formation de quatre ans a été lancé au Gabon en matière de lutte anti-braconnage. Il s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un engagement de 26 millions de livres sterling (plus de 19,3 milliards de francs CFA) pris par le gouvernement britannique pour lutter contre la criminalité sur les espèces sauvages. Le module de formation vise le renforcement de l’interdiction de la vente d’ivoire ancien, pouvant servir de couverture au blanchiment d’ivoire illégal. Madagascar La déforestation menace une biodiversité unique Média Terre 31/05/18 44 % des forêts naturelles ont disparu ces 60 dernières années à Madagascar. Et depuis 2005, le rythme de la déforestation s’accélère. Ces résultats sont le fruit d’une nouvelle étude publiée dans Biological Conservation. Avec près de 90 % d’espèces endémiques, c’est une biodiversité unique qui est mise en péril. D’autant plus que les forêts restantes sont gravement fragmentées. Les auteurs tirent la sonnette

d’alarme! Monde L’Amazonie, une forêt pas si vierge Contrairement à ce que l’on pensait, l’homme a « cultivé » la forêt primaire amazonienne entre le XIIIe et le XVe siècle. La voix de l'Afrique centrale à la 13e session du Forum des Nations unies sur les Forêts Média Terre 30/05/18 Avec le reste de la planète, l'Afrique centrale a examiné la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique sur les forêts (2017-2030) qui offre un cadre global pour gérer de manière durable tous les types de forêts et d’arbres hors forêts. C’était du 7 au 11 mai dernier à New York à l’occasion de la treizième session du Forum des Nations unies sur les forêts (FNUF). Makala, une initiative bois-énergie en Afrique centrale La Tribune Afrique 16/05/18 Principale source d'énergie domestique en Afrique centrale, le bois représente désormais une ressource fragile qu'il devient nécessaire de protéger. C'est dans ce contexte qu'est né le projet Makala. Son objectif ? Assurer un approvisionnement durable des villes en bois-énergie, tout en limitant l'impact sur l'environnement. Pour protéger les forêts de ce monde, nous devons commencer par ses villes Média Terre 18/05/18 La façon dont nous abordons actuellement la déforestation ne fonctionne pas. Au Centre pour la Recherche Forestière Internationale (CIFOR), nous essayons de renverser la pratique de protection des forêts de manière isolée, et d’examiner plutôt comment les villes, les terres agricoles et les forêts s’imbriquent.

Newsroom/Salle de presse/Sala de prensa: Infosylva keeps readers informed of the latest news, research articles, publications, upcoming meetings and other events, as well as job postings, on forests and forestry-related issues. Infosylva was first launched in 2005. It is sent twice a month to about 30 000 stakeholders in the forestry sector worldwide. It is available in English, French and Spanish. Links are provided to articles and other materials that may be of interest to stakeholders. Sections such as the Press Review also include concise summaries of articles. Although FAO manages the service, the designations employed and the presentation of material in the Infosylva website do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. We are very interested in your feedback regarding Infosylva. Please send it to [email protected]

To subscribe, send an email to [email protected], leave the subject blank and then write only the following message in the text: SUBscribe INFOSYLVA-L full name. Your information is secure: we will never sell, give or distribute your address or subscription information to any third party. To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to [email protected] leaving the subject blank and write only the following message in the text SIGNOFF INFOSYLVA-L Contributions to the Infosylva list should be sent to the following address: [email protected] Infosylva tiene como objetivo mantener sus lectores informados de las últimas noticias, artículos de investigación, publicaciones, reuniones y otros eventos, así como ofertas de trabajo, relacionados con el tema forestal. Infosylva fue lanzado por primera vez en 2005. Se envía dos veces al mes a cerca de 30.000 interesados en el sector forestal en todo el mundo. Si recopila información en inglés, español y francés. La sección ‘Informe de prensa’ incluye un breve resumen del artículo. Aunque la FAO administra la lista, las designaciones empleadas y la presentación del material en Infosylva no implican la expresión de ninguna opinión por parte de la FAO sobre la condición jurídica o el desarrollo de cualquier país, territorios, ciudades o zonas, o de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. Estamos muy interesados en sus comentarios sobre Infosylva. Por favor, envíaselos a [email protected] Para suscribirse, es necesario mandar el siguiente mensaje sin sujeto a [email protected]: SUBscribe INFOSYLVA-L nombre y apellido. Su información personal está segura: su dirección o la información de la suscripción no se comunicará, cederá o distribuirá a terceros. Para dejar de participar en la lista en cualquier momento es necesario mandar el siguiente mensaje sin sujeto a [email protected]: SIGNOFF INFOSYLVA-L Para contribuir a la lista, envíe su mensaje a: [email protected]. Infosylva informe les lecteurs sur les dernières nouvelles, les articles de recherches, les publications, les prochaines réunions et autres événements, ainsi que sur les offres d'emploi, et les questions relatives aux forêts et à la foresterie. Infosylva a été d'abord lancée en 2005. Elle est envoyée deux fois par mois à environ 30 000 parties prenantes dans le secteur forestier dans le monde entier. Elle existe en anglais, espagnol et français. Chacune inclut, à la section ‘Revue de presse’, un résumé succinct de l'article. Bien que la FAO gère la liste, les désignations employées et la présentation de matériel dans le site web Infosylva n'implique en aucun cas l'expression de toute opinion de la part de la FAO concernant le statut légal ou de développement d'aucun pays, territoire, ville ou zone ou de ses autorités, ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou confins. Nous sommes très intéressés de connaître vos impressions quant à Infosylva. Veuillez les adresser à [email protected] Pour vous abonner à INFOSYLVA, il vous suffit d'envoyer un courrier électronique à l'adresse suivante: [email protected]. Merci de laisser en blanc le sujet de votre message et d'indiquer dans le message uniquement le texte suivant: SUBscribe INFOSYLVA-L nom complet. La sécurité de vos informations est garantie: en aucun cas, votre adresse ou vos données d'abonnés ne sauraient être cédées, vendues ou distribuées à des tiers. Pour vous désabonner de INFOSYLVA-L, il vous suffit d'envoyer un courrier électronique à l'adresse [email protected] de laisser en blanc le sujet de votre message et d'indiquer dans le message uniquement le texte suivant: SIGNOFF INFOSYLVA-L Si vous êtes intéressé à contribuer à cette liste, veuillez envoyer votre message à: [email protected]