Download - Nightmare of the bad son

  • 8/2/2019 Nightmare of the bad son



    There was a room. It was neither large nor small. It had no size.

    I was in bed. I could move very little. I had strong limitations.

    I stayed very quiet, as they were coming. I wanted to listen towhat they were talking about. They laughed and talked about

    superfluous matters

    Some years ago I didnt have any interest in these frivolous

    matters which I considered boring. Unfortunately, now I have to

    listen to everything they say.

    When I became financially independent, I also became very

    glad. How much sacrifice! But, at last, I had my future guaranteed.

    And I also had my old age. Sad illusion!Everything was fine. Except that I neglected medical advice to

    control my diet and to exercise.

    Mistakenly, I thought: he wants me to become a monk and to

    eat hospital food and to walk and practice gymnastics, like a

    fool On the contrary, I liked to have a sedentary life, to smoke

    and to drink alcohol. My diet was made of fried food, fat sauces,

    chocolates, sweets of all kinds, a lot of bread and pastauntil the

    sad day I had that problem. I dont even like to remember itThose ladies were not financially independent and they were

    not fond of working. They only enjoyed spending a lot of money and

    being futile.

    I loved the fruit of my womb so much and I made so many

    sacrifices for himI didnt feel them, due to the love I had for this

    child. How can the fruit of my womb like vanities so much, to be so

    interested in material things, giving no importance to feelings and

    spiritual subjects. I didnt teach him this. Maybe I gave him too muchand demanded nothing in return, I established no limits for him, I let

    the fruit of my womb see others abusing me or did I choose the

    wrong father for him? I dont know

    I know that, at present, the fruit of my womb only cares for


    Suddenly they spoke smoothly, I dont quite know well,

    everything was foggy, and one of those ladies was in that room. In

    practical terms I no longer owned anything, although I knew the


  • 8/2/2019 Nightmare of the bad son


    house belonged to me. The food they gave me was the worst

    possible. They only fed me because they needed to have me alive.

    - I know you changed your cards password. No one can leave

    you alone for even a minute and you do something to hurt us.

    I answered, with some difficulty:

    - Darling, (how false was the expression darling, especially for

    me who was always so frank) darling, the money is mine, I have

    worked so hard and did so much effort to get it.

    - So what? You are old, sick and disgusting, you need money

    for nothing. We do. What is your new password?

    She treated me badly and I treated her so well. The only relief

    was that I wasnt sincere. It was a kind of survival. I kept silent.

    - You know who I`ll have to call and what will happen This is

    the last time Im going to ask you: what is your password?

    Since it was a dream, everything became cloudy until the fruit

    of my womb showed up.

    - You changed the password without letting us know, are you

    going to tell us or not?

    Everything became cloudy again, until I saw the fruit of my

    womb raise those enormous hands and beat, beat, beat me. He did

    not care about my pain and my crying. The pain in my body from the

    violent aggression was less than what my heart felt.

    I remembered the fruit of my womb, when he was a little child,

    innocent, without the terrible contamination that life brought upon

    him. Without getting contaminated by the irrational violence and the

    exaggerated consumption that now turns people into robots that

    long for what the media put before to them. He used to gently laugh

    at mewhich were the most beautiful moments of my life,

    compensating for so much injustice and ingratitude that I suffered.

    I just raised my hands to protect myself the best I could.

    Suddenly, I woke up scared. I did not know if I had given them the

    password, if I had suffered more or if I had died. My mouth was dry,

    I had perspired a lot and I had a horrible feelingeven though I

    knew none of that had really occurred.

