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The New Israel FundThe New Israel Fund (NIF) is the leading organization advancing democracy and equality for all Israelis. We believe that Israel can live up to its founders’ vision of a state that ensures complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants, without regard to religion, race, gender, or national identity.

Widely credited with building Israel’s progressive civil society from scratch, we have provided over $300 million to more than 900 cutting-edge organizations since our inception. And we are more than a funder; NIF is at philanthropy’s cutting edge thanks in large part to Shatil.

Shatil Shatil is the New Israel Fund’s Initiative for Social Change.

Shatil provides NIF grantees and other social change organizations with hands-on assistance, including training, resources, and workshops on various aspects of non-profit management.

Today, NIF/Shatil is a leading advocate for democratic values, builds coalitions, empowers activists, and often takes the initiative in setting the public agenda.

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Dear Friends


Talia SassonPresident

Daniel SokatchChief Executive Officer

Rachel LielExecutive Director in Israel

s we write this, Israel is undergoing another summer of incitement and

violence. The murders of a young LGBT activist and the parents and infant

son of a Palestinian family, both apparently at the hands of religious and

political extremists, have roiled Israel and caused many to consider the root

causes of Jewish violence.

Israeli leaders like President Rivlin who protest incitement and exclusion

are receiving death threats. So are High Court of Justice President Miriam

Naor and U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro. So are Israeli staffers of the New Israel Fund.

It is no surprise that we again have been publicly targeted by the extreme right. There is

legislation looming in the next Knesset session that could seriously cripple the

ability of Israeli civil and human rights groups to function or even survive.

Nonetheless, we see some cause for optimism. Ordinary Israelis are waking up to dangerous

trends that have been ignored for too long, or countenanced with a wink and a nod by some

Israeli political leaders. Israelis and Americans are speaking out against the harsh, messianic

version of Judaism that recognizes no authority other than a warped version of Jewish law

and that continues to underlie a harsh occupation.

And we at NIF are moving forward in countering these trends. Our grantees

and partners continue to work to realize the liberal, egalitarian and democratic

vision of Israel enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. And despite (or

because of) the increasingly desperate attacks on our work, with your support we increased our

resources substantially in 2014. We continue to implement the New Initiatives For Democracy

(NIFD) program, building partnerships and incubating projects that we hope will create an

environment where progressive change can happen. And we have focused and aligned our

traditional work for impact (see page 17) and made some hard but necessary decisions about

our investments in social change.

We are committing ourselves to a just and democratic society in Israel. Please join us in that

recommitment—there is no time to lose.

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As Israelis and Gaza Palestinians suffered another war, and

as polarization and mistrust increased between Israeli citizens,

we made the decision to intensify our investment in a more

In 2014, the New Israel Fund made significant

progress towards focusing our resources and

expertise for greater impact.






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NIF TOTAL REVENUE1983—$ 449,004

2014—$ 29,773,907


SOCIETYLast year NIF proudly launched our

New Initiatives for Democracy (NIFD),

possibly the most important investment

we’ve made since establishing Shatil

in the early 1980s. We’re committed

to changing Israel by strengthening

and expanding the pro-democracy,

progressive camp. Our traditional work,

now focused for even greater impact,

will also include investments to expand

shared society initiatives throughout

Israel and contribute to the efforts of

those Israelis working to end the now

48-year occupation.


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F U T U R E ! NIF is creating

alternatives to

hatred, racism,


and violence.

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Countering Racismtrife between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens was the defining domestic issue of 2014. The year was marked by an increase in hate crimes, from torched property and mosques, to physical assault, to racist anti-Arab graffiti daubed on cars, religious institutions, and in villages. Although the sharp upswing in incitement and violence was condemned by some politicians and

other public figures, most notably Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, the vast majority of these crimes have gone unpunished.

Tensions continued to climb following the tragic kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in June and the revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager. As hostilities between Jewish and Arab Israelis increased, Operation Protective Edge, the third Gaza operation in five years, commenced. Capitalizing on the discord, extremists used the moment to incite racial violence and vitriol, causing an already precarious situation to further deteriorate.

But in these dark moments, growing numbers of Jewish and Arab Israelis spoke out against racism and separatism. Through

efforts big and small, these inspirational figures are paving the path towards an Israeli future characterized by equality and justice, not hatred and division.

Extremism is no virtue. Israelis

like those of the Tag Meir

Coalition are paving the path

forward towards a more inclusive

and truly shared society.


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While the extremists behind the hate seek to rip Israeli society apart, the NIF-convened Tag Meir coalition—the leading grassroots Israeli response to incidents of racism and intolerance—is working

to heal divisions and demand a meaningful effort to end hate crimes.

Last year, Tag Meir events included a major solidarity rally at the site of the torched Hand in Hand bilingual school in Jerusalem; a demonstration demanding action to stop hate crimes; and condolence visits to Jewish and Arab families who have lost loved ones to hate crimes and racist violence.

During last summer’s fighting, Amna Kanane, director of NIF grantee Awareness 4 U, organized a vigil. Standing at a heavily traveled intersection in the predominantly Arab Wadi Ara region, Jews and Arabs held signs that said “Neighbors for Peace.” The vigil garnered so much attention and interest that it became a nearly weekly event, continuing long after the rockets ceased. “We felt that we had to do something in light of the recent deterioration,” Kanane said. “Together we can strengthen dialogue and partnership,

together we can protect our democracy. All of us—Jews and Arabs, equal citizens before the law, condemn the killing and support a return to hope and optimism.”

From solidarity visits to rallies to

joint-action, NIF-supported groups

are working to end the cycle of

hatred, inequality, and violence.


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Jews and Arabs held signs saying

“Peaceful Neighbors” at an Awareness

4 U demonstration promoting shared

society at the Kfar Kara junction

near Wadi Ara.


Countering Racism






RACISM in israel

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During an emotional wartime visit

to Soroka hospital in Be’er Sheva,

Rachel Liel, NIF’s Executive Director

in Israel, met with families of

Bedouin Israelis whose children

were injured by rocket attacks.

A user-generated racism map based

on Google’s popular Waze traffic

app allows anybody with a smart

phone to report racist incidents. To

promote accountability, the app also

tracks how the reports are handled

by the authorities.


We cannot afford the luxury and indulgence of despair.

The situation is too desperate to be left to the despairing…

–David Grossman, Prize-Winning Israeli AuthorWe insist upon hope.

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The Parents Circle Families Forum, another grantee, is a joint Palestinian-Israeli organization of more than 600 families, all of whom have lost a close family member as a result of the prolonged conflict. During the war, the Forum organized “Peace Square,” where Parents Circle members engaged passersby in dialogue circles every day in the heart of Tel Aviv. They also created quite a buzz with an emotional video in which Arabs and Jews stated, “We don’t want you.” The twist at the end revealed that all participants had lost a family member to the violence; a club no one wants to join.

In addition, NIF continues with its acclaimed Kick Racism Out of Israeli Soccer initiative, which works to fight racism in Israeli society through soccer. In early 2015, it launched the “Team of Equals,” which

brings together children from East and West Jerusalem in order to combat the division and hostility between them and to advance a shared life in the city.

BELOW: To cool wartime tensions,

The Parents Circle made a compelling

video featuring Israelis who have lost

loved ones — saying they don’t want

to add to their numbers.

BOTTOM: The Team of Equals

brought together Jewish and Arab

children from Jerusalem to combat

division and hostility and to advance

a shared life in the city.


Countering Racism

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P R O G R E S S I V E S ! At a time when

the ultra-nationalist

discourse dominates

the public sphere,

NIF is reframing the

debate and offering

a new narrative.

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In a Coalition against Racism

campaign, celebrities, activists,

and ordinary Israelis were

photographed with signs that

said “I vote against racism.”


Reinventing a Progressive Israel

ince its inception, Israel has described itself as the only democracy in the Middle East. Despite the authoritarian regimes surrounding them, Israelis’ support for Western-style liberal democracy seemed secure for most of its brief history.

In the last decade, however, basic democratic norms have been eroded by ultra-nationalist politicians and their allies in Israel and abroad. More than 25 bills have been introduced in the Knesset threatening freedom of speech and religion, and other democratic fundamentals. The fight against these initiatives is essential because—as former MK and past NIF president Naomi Chazan eloquently put it—“it is a struggle for our very soul.”

NIF is proud of our 35-year history of founding and funding progressive civil society. As we discovered in the last few years, these investments are necessary but not sufficient for addressing the urgent new challenges to Israeli democracy. We knew more had to be done. We knew it was time to act.

Last fall, NIF launched New Initiatives for Democracy (NIFD), a major investment in programs and partners designed to create an

environment for progressive change to really happen. NIFD is a set of infrastructure projects that build up towards power and influence, reach out to new constituencies, and focus in by concentrating NIF’s resources for strategic impact.


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In the first year of NIFD, our partners had impact. In September, Molad, the Center for Renewal of Israeli Democracy, published a ground-breaking report on settlement funding. The report, which uncovered a massive, hidden pipeline used by the government to fund West Bank settlements at the expense of communities in Israel, created major buzz in the Israeli media and led to Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber ruling that the state should stop its hidden support. Despite this, right-wing factions are currently attempting to increase funding for settlements and settlement infrastructure.

Another partner, the “think-and-do-tank” Shaharit, was able to utilize the election moment to show the faces and broadcast the voices of diverse community leaders that reflect the mosaic of inclusive Israeli society. This was possible because of the relationships and networks that Shaharit had cultivated, efforts that bore fruit in the lead-up to the election.

And the Council for Peace and Security (CPS), run by former high-ranking military and security officials, continued to redefine the discourse over security issues in Israel. Throughout Operation Protective Edge, CPS positioned itself as a source of professional and authoritative knowledge. From op-eds to radio and TV interviews to panel discussions to coverage of organizational positions and reports, CPS provided a cogent alternative to the hawkish perspective dominating mainstream media in Israel.

TOP: NIFD partner Molad uncovered

a massive funding pipeline through

which the Israeli government funds

West Bank settlements.

ABOVE: Nimrod Goren, founder

of NIFD partner Mitvim, discusses

Israeli foreign policy in New York. PHOTO CREDIT: MICHAEL BROCHSTEIN

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Reinventing a

Progressive Israel

Introducing Zazim! One of the core components in NIFD is about

giving Israelis the opportunity to take action together about the

issues they care about using digital tools. Much like

in the U.S., Zazim will empower and amplify progressive voices

in Israel using innovative online campaigning techniques.

DEMOCRACY at riskQuestion: SHould PUBLIC criticism of Israel be banned? israelis ANSWERED:


of national-religious sector SCHOOL principals do not believe IN teaching democracy

of religious schools had teachers attend workshops in democracy education

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The leadup to the national elections in February 2015 was also controversial for NIF. As part of our efforts to promote democratic values, NIF co-sponsored Haaretz’s Democracy Conference in Tel Aviv. Although some right-wing politicians pulled out in a coordinated election stunt, the sold-out event hosted dozens of Israeli leaders engaging in debate on the most contentious issues facing the country.

During a speech at the event, President Reuven Rivlin

said, “There is a crisis on the right. It sees the Jewish

and democratic state as a democracy for the Jews.

This is something I cannot countenance.”

But, as we all know, the struggle for a democratic Israel was never only about the outcome of a single election; it is a deeper effort to build power for those who have none, to build ties between Israelis now alienated from one another, and to oppose racism and inequality wherever they appear.

Through NIFD, the groundwork is being laid for a progressive movement that builds on tactical victories. We’re funding the best and the brightest voices; we’re building new partnerships with communities not typically associated with the left; we’re creating new and exciting ways to counter media bias and build an engaged grassroots. The election was a snapshot in time. With NIFD, we’re in it for the long haul.


Leading players in Israeli politics—

including President Rivlin and the

heads of several major political parties

—attended Haaretz’s Democracy

Conference co-sponsored by NIF.

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1,500 people attended

the sold-out Democracy

Conference in Tel Aviv.

BEST VALUES OF THOSE WHO FOUNDED ISRAEL?–Barack Obama, President of the United States

I think the question really is: How does Israel survive? And how can you create a State of Israel that maintains its democratic and civic traditions? How can you preserve a Jewish state that is also reflective of the


Reinventing a

Progressive Israel

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A N D J U S T I C E ! NIF is building bridges to

groups that may not identify

as progressive, but share

our goals and values.



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Focusing for Impactell before last year’s elections, we made the strategic decision to focus the New Israel Fund’s resources on larger, longer and more consistent support for organizations and coalitions with the potential for long-term impact and progress in Israel.

As a result of our process of focus and alignment, and in response to the frightening surge in racism and incitement in Israeli society, we have established a new issue area: Building a Shared Society and Combatting Racism. Over the past few years, relations between Jews and Arabs have deteriorated; hate crimes have increased, and racism—especially and most troubling, among Jewish youth—is worsening. But we’ve also seen sparks of a new perspective—of new potential. At the Democracy Conference in Tel Aviv we heard MK Ayman Odeh, head of the Arab Joint List, discuss how Arabs and Jews must partner for a truly shared

society. We know that there must be a renewed commitment to strengthening communal relationships.

And we are amplifying our support for pro-democracy and human rights organizations. Although the democratic fabric of Israeli society is under threat as never before, we are the engine and support network for the individuals and organizations working to save and strengthen it. We are aiming to not only end the erosion of basic democratic principles but to bolster these fundamental rights in the public eye and to enshrine them in public policy. Through intensive lobbying and other efforts,

we will work to halt the onslaught of anti-democratic bills and increase transparency in government.

NIF has added an issue area:

Building a Shared Society and

Combatting Racism, in response

to disturbing trends in Israel.



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NIF will also be focusing on the occupation and human rights in the occupied territories. While the emotional, financial, and physical cost of the occupation fades from public view, we are supporting work that keeps these realities visible for ordinary Israelis. Additionally, a focus on East Jerusalem is designed to help improve daily life for the underprivileged Palestinian community, stop settler expropriation of Palestinian property and build a truly shared city for all its inhabitants.

We know that a better Israel is possible. An Israel where the Jewish people achieve self-determination in their homeland predicated on the best values of Judaism, humanism, and liberal democracy. We are excited about our new focus and look forward—with your partnership—to building a more equal, democratic, and just Israel.A new focus for NIF is ending the

occupation and improving the lives

of East Jerusalem residents.


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The vision of living together, so needed in Israeli society,

is one that deals with the shaping of a civil language,

with the building of a joint economy, and with

B’Tselem and other Israeli human

rights groups ensure that there are

independent voices reporting on

government activity. They serve as

a check and balance on potential

abuses of power.


Focusing for Impact

–Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel



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Mobilizing Support. In 2014, NIF increased fundraising for its core mission by over 12%. The additional funding allowed us to make great strides in advancing human and civil rights, religious freedom, and social and economic justice in Israel.

Bedouin Israelis. In a major victory for Bedouin land rights, a Be’er Sheva court upheld the cancellation of 51 demolition orders in the Negev village of Alsira. The decision follows an eight year legal struggle led by Adalah. This case is an important legal precedent for all unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev, and means that the 350 Bedouin citizens of the village will remain in their homes.

Combatting Racism. Palestinian Israelis whose property has been damaged in a hate crime will now be entitled to compensation under the Property Tax and Compensation Fund Law. Until now, attacks on Palestinians were not legally described as terrorist actions, rendering victims ineligible for compensation.

Social Justice and Human Rights. During the Gaza War, NIF distributed more than $150,000 in emergency grants to protect marginalized communities, counteract racism and separatism, and bolster the human rights community. Our organizations distributed food to low-income Israelis, brought together Jews and Arabs for dialogue, and petitioned the Supreme Court to help Negev Bedouin Israelis get access to bomb shelters and other basic needs.

Economic Justice. Thousands of Israelis will be able to take a critical step out of poverty. Israel’s Public Housing Law, passed in 1998, will finally be implemented due to the Shatil-led Public Housing Forum’s intensive advocacy work. Among other actions, the law requires the government to sell public housing residents their apartments at a subsidized price after five years of residency.

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Social Justice. In a victory for diversity in leadership, the Supreme Court has ordered the state to ensure that women and Arabs are fairly represented on the Israel Land Authority (ILA) Council. The ILA controls 93% of the land in Israel, and has huge power over land use decisions. At the time of the decision, there was only one woman and no Arabs serving on the ten-member Council. This victory was made possible by a petition advanced by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and Itach-Maki (Women Lawyers for Social Justice).

Challenging the Orthodox Monopoly. Two victories marked progress for religious freedom in Israel. In a precedent-setting ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that the Orthodox authorities do not have a monopoly on determining how Jews pray at the Kotel. And veteran NIF grantee Israel Religious Action Center helped score a landmark victory that will allow Reform and Conservative rabbis to serve as state-salaried clergy.

Social Justice. A major breakthrough cancelling private, fee-for-service care in public hospitals will help ensure quality healthcare for all Israelis. An additional billion shekels granted to the Health Ministry will be used to shorten wait times at hospitals and provide quality healthcare irrespective of income. The victory follows a campaign led by ACRI, Physicians for Human Rights, and the Adva Center.

Women’s Empowerment. Following a long struggle by Itach-Maki (Women Lawyers for Social Justice), a new law will reduce women’s financial reliance on their husbands. Welfare payments will now be transferred to a couple’s shared account instead of to the man’s account, which will increase the economic independence of vulnerable and abused women.



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The statement of financial

position of New Israel Fund as

of December 31st 2013 and

2014 and related statements

of activities and changes in

net assets for the years there

ended have been derived

from the audited financial

statements. For full financial

statements, please visit

New Israel Fund Statement of Financial PositionAs of December 31, 2014 and 2013


Cash and cash equivalents 8,045,613 5,948,327 Investments 9,356,879 9,021,247 Pledges receivable, current portion, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $58,780 and $81,713 in 2014 and 2013, respectively 2,557,626 2,912,727 Bequest receivable – 2,400,000 Accounts receivable 141,355 26,636 Prepaid expenses 73,406 60,604

Total current assets 20,174,879 20,369,541


Furniture, Equipment and Leasehold Improvements, NET 405,558 500,195


Pledges receivable, net of current portion – 9,685 Deposits 87,966 84,918

Total other assets 87,966 94,603 TOTAL ASSETS $20,668,403 $20,964,339


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,910,135 1,773,181 Grants payable 4,626,566 4,247,028 Annuity payable, current portion 25,330 31,836 Deferred rent abatement 3,645 3,645

Total current liabilities 6,565,676 6,055,690


Deferred rent abatement 87,880 87,473 Annuity payable 71,013 96,343

Total long-term liabilities 158,893 183,816 Total liabilities 6,724,569 6,239,506


Unrestricted 7,968,274 7,473,819 Temporarily restricted 3,848,517 5,151,017 Permanently 2,127,043 2,099,997

Total net assets 13,943,834 14,724,833 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $20,668,403 $20,964,339


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Program and Support Services Expenditures

Grants to Israeli not for profit organizations 14,714,216 47.38%SHATIL 5,327,019 17.15%Other program expenses 3,732,907 12.02%Management and general 4,285,687 13.80%Fundraising 2,997,975 9.65%TOTAL $31,057,804 100.00%


Statement of Activities and Change in Net AssetsFor the year ended December 31, 2014 with summarized financial information for 2013


REVENUEContributions 25,820,628 3,311,960 100 29,132,688 26,964,848 Special events 549,367 – – 549,367 798,319 Other revenue 91,852 – – 91,852 637,022 Net assets released from donor restrictions 4,590,301 (4,590,301) – – – TOTAL REVENUES 31,052,148 (1,278,341) 100 29,773,907 28,400,189


Grants and SHATIL 20,041,235 – – 20,041,235 21,901,762 Other program expenses 3,732,907 – – 3,732,907 3,607,601

Total program services 23,774,142 – – 23,774,142 25,509,363


Management and general 4,285,687 – – 4,285,687 3,817,101 Fundraising 2,997,975 – – 2,997,975 2,902,385

Total supporting services 7,283,662 – – 7,283,662 6,719,486 TOTAL EXPENSES 31,057,804 – – 31,057,804 32,228,849

Change in net assets before other item (5,656) (1,278,341) 100 (1,283,897) (3,828,660)


Investment 500,111 2,787 – 502,898 1,003,542 Transfer of assets – (26,946) 26,946 – – Total other items 500,111 (24,159) 26,946 502,898 1,003,542

Change in net assets 494,455 (1,302,500) 27,046 (780,999) (2,825,118)

Net assets at beginning of year 7,473,819 5,151,017 2,099,997 14,724,833 17,549,951 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $7,968,274 $3,848,517 $2,127,043 $13,943,834 $14,724,833






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Michel AbitbolSusan AdelmanKaren AdlerSari AgatstonArieh ArnonAdeeb AwadAvner AzulayZouheir BahloulMark BakerEliyahu BareketMaya Bar-HillelMordechai (Morale) Bar-OnIllan BaruchUri Bar-YosefHaim Ben ShacharOz BenamramMichael Ben-YairMelissa BermanMindy BermanDavid BernsteinMichael BienRabbi Sharon BrousDavid BrozaAvram BurgSara CannonRuth CheshinAaron CiechanoverAlan CohenYehudah CohnRachel CowanJames CummingsEllen DahrendorfJerome DavidsonAvner De-ShalitReuben DoriOmri DotanRoger DreyfussIsser DubinskySara EhrmanAkiva EldarRachel EliorRoberta ElliottLawrence Englander

Uzi EvenSidra EzrahiLois FrankEllie FriedmanJanine FrierRob FrierAviva FutorianBarry GabermanLily GaliliSanford (Sandy) GallanterLinda GallanterJudith GelmanBenny GidronSusie GilbertDavid GoldbergMark GoldbergBruce GoldbergerAmiram GoldblumPhyllis GoldmanFrances GoldmanJoanna GoodwinSally GottesmanDavid GottliebBarbara GreenJeffrey GreenSherri GreenbachLiz GreensteinRichard (Dick) GuntherLois GuntherHanoch GutfreundDavid Har’elYisca HaraniGilad HarishDorothy HarmanTova HartmanShlomo HassonRoni HefetzJackie HellerNehama HillmanMichael HirschhornAvraham InfeldMarvin IsraelowHaim IzraeliJune Jacobs

Daniel KahnemanArlene KanterEmile KarafiolJudith KarpJane KatcherYadin KaufmanLeslie KimerlingSara KleinJonathan KleinKen KlothenEve KlothenYehoshua KolodnyJim KoshlandJoan KurianskyLuis LainerBetsy LandisNoam LautmanPaul LehmanTerry LenznerSteve Lev CohenMarion Lev CohenShelley LevineJudith LichtmanJan LiffRobert (Bud) LiftonRussell LindenBryna LinettNati LinialBarbara LipmanDavid LipmanSusan LissSara LittPierre LoebJonathan LopatinYossi MalkaRobin MargoRonit MatalonJ. Rolando (Roly) MatalonKobi MetzerAviva MeyerSami MichaelCindy MillerDale Mnookin

Robert MnookinHarriet Mouchly-WeissJacob Ner DavidRaquel H. (Racky) NewmanLouis NewmanCraig NewmarkLisa Orlick-SalkaBonnie OrlinIsraela OronAmos OzSarah Ozacky-LazarAaron PankenIlan PazKathleen PeratisMotty PeriAlon PiltzStuart (Stu) PollakDaniel PriceUriel ProcacciaPaula RackoffFrances RadayClaude RakovskyElaine ReubenRobert RifkindJune RogulIrwin RosenblumNoreen SablotskyMoshe SafdieBettylu SaltzmanItzik SaportaLela SarnatGerard SarnatOrna Sasson-LeviRick SchafferJoshua SchoffmanLawrence (Larry) SchwartzNancy Schwartz SternoffDaniel SegalAmnon SellaHannan SerphosAlla ShainskajaAlice ShalviShimon Shamir

Peter ShapiroAliza ShenharRuth SheshinskiVarda ShifferJonathan (Yoni) ShimshoniAvraham Beiga ShochatJoel SiegelGabrielle (Gay) SigelMarsha SofferHoward SohnRonny SomeckGideon SteinShaanan StreettSimone SusskindIngrid TauberBonnie TenenbaumGordon TuckerKaren TuckerDoron TzabariDavid UmanskySanford (Sandy) UngarFrank VoglAl VorspanPaul WachterIrving WallachMichael WalzerDenis WeilAmi WeinsteinSharon WeintraubDiane WexlerCarol WinogradTerry WinogradRuth WolmanVincent WormsMenachem Ya’ariDan YakirAlex YoffeMarcie ZelikowFrank ZemansDina ZissermanNeta Ziv


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Endowed Funds & Planned Gifts

Anonymous (8)Ralph AlpertJohn & Betty Ann AltmanRobert & Judith AppelbaumMaurice & Flora AtkinDiane & Jean-Loup BaerJoan I. BergerDavid W. BerkowitzMichael Bien & Jane KahnDeborah BlankDr. Ellen BorenfreundMartin & GeraldineBrownsteinNorman L. CantorNatalie CaplinClaudia I. ChavesMary I. CoombsJohn W. CottonIlana d’AnconaStephanie DavisShulamit DecktorDouglas E. DuckettAudrey EisenstadtRoberta ElliottWilliam & Barbara FairmanEugene I. FischerSylvia FischerGlenn R. FleischmanGail A. FoormanJohn A. FrankenHenry N. Friedel

Sonia FuentesSanford & Linda GallanterLeonore B. GersteinGhita D. GinbergZelia K. GoldbergMarjory GoldmanSylvia GoldsteinRena G. GolubLois & Richard GuntherHelen Mayer HackerGerald & Carol HalpernEllis and Ellen HarrisRuth HarrisonSheldon HearstDr. Gabor T. HermanJuliane M. HeymanSuzanne R. HirschDavid Hochberg FoundationNathaniel & Lotte HoffmanDonald & Mary AnnHorensteinJudith S. HozoreMiriam E. JencksLinda KacserKaren KalishMichael KaplanMs. Yahara KatzeffSharon KleinbaumAlyse LaemmleHenry A. LandsbergerWilliam E. LeavittAllen LeboffPauline W. LedeenRuth LedermanEmanuel & Pauline Lerner

Jan Abby LiffMargit LowensteinInbar Telem & MartinLowensteinRuth B. LurieMitra Makbuleh, Ph.D.Bernard & Roberta MarcusDaniel & Noémi MattisThe Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin FundShirley & Mitchell MillerLinda B. MillerPatricia A. MillerTheodore & Marylyn MillerAnne P. MintzHarriet Mouchly-Weiss & Charles WeissLeila MustachiJamie NatelsonLouis Newman & Rabbi Amy EilbergBarry L. NobelRoberta R. OliffHenry & Sophie OlshinRachel Oriel Berg, Ph.D.Estelle Nachimoff PadawerAllan & Jane PaulsonArthur PeckDoris PfefferDan M. PulcranoLaurayne RatnerA. David & Esther ReddingLeon Reinharth & Francoise RothmanIrwin J. Robinson

William RosenMarcus M. RosenblumMolly RosenthalHoward & Kathy RosofLori A. RothJane RubinDavid M. SapersteinLela & Gerard SarnatDaniel D. SchechterHanna ScheppsSenator Elliot Schewel & Rosel SchewelMark Schleisner & Vivien HoexterTheodor SchuchatMildred A. SchwartzHarold ShamesJoanne ShapiroRose L. ShureEmily SkolnickDavid & Lea SoiferEllen Soren BedaHilde StaniulisAnita SteinerSteve TeichnerBruce TemkinBob & Sandy TemkinElizabeth VorenbergPaul & Dorothy WachterBenjamin WardMonique WeilKayla M. Weiner, Ph.D.Marilyn & Raymond Weisberg Ginia D. WexlerStephen S. WinterPeter & Gail Bates YessneMargot & Paul ZimmermanJanet Zobel

Estates & Trusts

In 2014 NIF received the following estates.

Edith AtkinRosalind BiskindDonald L. Cohen

Renee F. CooperAudrey EisenstadtLotte FieldsLeonore FoormanAdele GinsburgGeraldine P. Kay Revocable TrustLinda G. KleinMyer S. and Dorothy Kripke Charitable FundEstate of Hadassah LevinMargit LowensteinLee MautnerHelen Rehr

Endowments, Philanthropic & Memorial Trusts

NIF is grateful to many individuals & foundations for establishing endowments, family endowments & memorial funds. These funds honor or memorialize individuals whose lives & values are reflected in the work of the New Israel Fund.

Rosalyn Amdur Baker Endowment FundMoshe & Tzippora Ayalon FundEdith S. Coliver Human Rights FundThe Mitchell & Esther Fisher Law FellowshipFord Foundation ACRI FundFord Foundation Endowment FundFord Foundation Shatil FundPhyllis K. & Howard A. Friedman FundDafna Izraeli FundGallanter Family Philanthropic FundHerbert Z. & Rita Gold Fund

The A. Hiatt FundToby & Nathan Jelinski FundKahal Foundation Special FundThe Karsten Family FundNaomi Kies Endowment FundMiriam Fligelman Levy Cross-Cultural PrizeYaffa London FundLinda B. Miller EndowmentRaquel Newman Fund for Professional DevelopmentJosephine Bay PaulEndowment for the Center for Law & the ChildThe Pomegranate B FundThe Hirsch & Braine RaskinEndowment for Youth & EducationRadov Family Philanthropic FundEsther Leah Ritz FundElizabeth Selig FundClara Spitzer Lauder (Tanaka) FundWendy Weiker-Gordon Memorial FundMarianne Wolman Endowment FundRudolph & Sarah Wyner Fund

The following individuals have generously provided for the

future of the New Israel Fund by naming NIF the beneficiary

of a will, life insurance policy, retirement plan or by establishing

a charitable gift annuity or trust.


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$100,000+Anonymous (6)Kathryn Ames Foundation, Inc.Basser Arts FoundationThe Jacob & Hilda Blaustein FoundationBarbara & Eric DobkinPaul & Joanne EgermanEstate of Audrey EisenstadtThe European UnionEstate of Lotte FieldsThe Fine & Greenwald FoundationFranklin M. Fisher & Ellen Paradise FisherFohs FoundationSanford & Linda GallanterWilliam & Serra GoldmanSally GottesmanLois & Richard GuntherStella & Charles Guttman FoundationMimi & Peter Haas FundHiatt FamilyGeraldine P. Kay Revocable TrustMurray KoppelmanLeichtag FoundationCaroline & Brian LurieAmy Mandel & Katina RodisMiddle East Partnership InitiativeLisa & Yaron Minsky-PrimusMoriah Fund, Inc.Libby & Leo Nevas Family Foundation, Inc.New Israel Fund Australia FoundationNew Israel Fund of CanadaNew Israel Fund Switzerland

New Israel Fund United KingdomDebra F. PellThe Rita Poretsky FoundationEstate of Helen RehrSylvia Sabel & Joel RubinsteinAlan B. Slifka FoundationLaszlo N. Tauber Family FoundationBonnie & Marty TenenbaumDrs. Carol & Terry WinogradCarole & Saul ZabarRuth B. Ziegler

$50,000– $99,999Anonymous (7)The Louis & Anne Abrons FoundationRobert ArnowThe Beverly FoundationMichael Bien & Jane KahnNaomi & Nehemiah Cohen FoundationLois & Richard England Family FoundationThe Everett FoundationThe Moses Feldman Family FoundationPhyllis K. FriedmanGermanacos FoundationJackson & Irene Golden 1989 Charitable TrustJane Gottesman & Geoffrey BiddleJoel & Julia GreenblattStephen Gunther & Linda EssakowWalter & Elise Haas FundThe Irving Harris FoundationHellman Foundation

Michael Hirschhorn & Jimena MartinezJoan & Irwin JacobsDaniel & Anne Marie KahnemanThe Lee & Luis Lainer Family FoundationMaor FoundationYaffa & Paul MaritzJoseph & Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable FundsOpen Society FoundationsBonnie OrlinRosenzweig Coopersmith FoundationSegal Family FoundationFJC: A Foundation of Philanthropic FundsOlive Bridge FundSwiss Fed Department Foreign Affairs

$25,000– $49,999Anonymous (12)Samuel I Adler Family Supporting FoundationThe Audrey & Sydney Irmas Charitable FoundationDavid Berg FoundationMichael & Judith BermanDiane & Norman Bernstein FoundationThe Morton K. & Jane Blaustein Foundation, Inc.The Andrea & Charles Bronfman PhilanthropiesThe Cannon Family FoundationThe Crown FamilyThe Nathan Cummings FoundationIlana d’AnconaBarbara & Maurice DeaneDorot Foundation

Friedrich Ebert StiftungRobert & Marjorie FederFischman Family (Steve, Nancy, Laura, Ben & Wendy)Fox Family FoundationClaude P.J. Ghez, M.D.Estate of Adele GinsburgLisa & Douglas Goldman FundGreater Miami Jewish FederationGreen Environment FundJohn & Kathryn GreenbergLisa & Joshua GreerLorraine Honig— in memory of Victor HonigMarvin Israelow & Dorian GoldmanJewish Federation of Greater PittsburghJane & Gerald KatcherJim & Catherine KoshlandLandau Family FoundationEstate of Hadassah LevinWinter Cove FoundationJan Abby LiffRochelle Kaplan & Arthur LipsonEstate of Margit LowensteinKey FoundationThe Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin FundIlse MelamidLeo Model Foundation, Inc.

Stacy & Keith PalagyeKatheleen PeratisRobert Pindyck & Nurit Eini-PindyckRita Poretsky Memorial Fund, Inc.Repair the WorldElaine ReubenCharles H. Revson FoundationSamuel Rubin FoundationFrederick Schaffer & Barbara Schatz, Geraldine Family FoundationDan & Gloria Schusterman Charitable FoundationShelley Levine & Larry SchwartzDaniel & Sheila SegalPeter Shapiro & Bryna LinettShepard Broad FoundationRose L. ShureJeffrey Solomon & Audrey WeinerThe Sam Spiegel FoundationAryeh & Betsy SteinSidney & Lillian TopolAgnes Varis Irrevocable TrustDr. Bettyruth WalterMarcie & Howard Zelikow

$10,000– $24,999Anonymous (25)Walter & Alice Abrams Family Fund

Susan Adelman & Claudio LlanosSheldon AlsterANONYMOUS SFRonald M. AnsinIzhar Armony & Naomit Armony-ErelArnow Family FoundationArnow Family FoundationPeter & Lucy AscoliEstate of Edith AtkinThe Barn Road FoundationRichard & Eileen BazelonMelissa A. Berman & Richard KlotzMindy Berman & Andrew SumbergEstate of Rosalind BiskindSy BlechmanAll Voices WelcomeSally Weiskopf BockHeinrich Boell StiftungJon & Bobbe BridgeBeth BurnamThe Bydale FoundationDennis & Jane CarltonChampaign-Urbana Jewish FederationCogan Family FoundationDavid Cohen & Ellen GoodmanJonathan Cohen & Eleanor FriedmanMarshall & Shirley CohenAaron CohnEstate of Renee F. CooperCRA InternationalIlana DeBare & Sam SchuchatAbigail Disney & Pierre HauserDaniel & Alisa DoctoroffIsabel P. Dunst

2014 donors

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Moise & Carol EmquiesConcepción & Irwin FedermanFiredoll FoundationForrest & Miriam (z”l) FossFowey Light Fund, Inc.Thomas & Ann FriedmanBenjamin & Rachel GeballeJudith Gelman & Steven SalopRoger & Brenda Gibson Family FoundationThe Jacob & Malka Goldfarb Charitable FoundationRobert Goodman & Jayne LipmanRobert & Doris GordonMark & Janet GottesmanDavid & Rita GottliebTerry E. GrantJoseph & Beth GreenThomas C. GreenMarc & Diane GreenwaldHadassah FoundationDr. Jacqueline HellerThe Louis J. & Ruth G. Herr FoundationIndependent Charities of AmericaFrederick J. IsaacDr. Sherry IsraelSara Jamison & Matthew SemelDr. Morton & Merle KaneDoron KempelSteven & Priscilla KerstenPaul & Susanne KesterSara & Jonathan KleinEve Biskind Klothen & Kenneth KlothenMargaret KohnPeter B. KovlerHarry Kramer Memorial Fund

Barbara N. KravitzMyer S. & Dorothy Kripke Charitable Remainder Unitrust #1The Louis J. Kuriansky FoundationLinda & Frank KurtzGordon LaferRoger LangsdorfHarry & Sadie Lasky FoundationSusan Morse-LebowPaul Lehman & Ronna StammLew & Laurie LeibowitzDavid & Barbara LipmanAndrew & Sara LittTed LiveHelen Lowenstein in memory of Louis LowensteinWalter S. Mander FoundationDr. Marcia Kramer MayerMAZON: A Jewish Response to HungerBeth Sieroty MeltzerThe Mills Family Charitable FoundationJonathan M. NadlerAnita NavonAnnette Newman Philanthropic FundMarion Newman Philanthropic FundRaquel H. NewmanFred & Gilda NobelRabbi Suzanne & Andy OffitThe Vivian & Paul Olum FoundationLisa Messinger & Rabbi Aaron PankenJoseph & Eda PellMarc B. PorterDavid Roberts & Sue FischlowitzRosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld LLPNorman RothfeldRothman Family Foundation

Nancy & Miles RubinGaia FundBettylu & Paul SaltzmanLela & Gerard SarnatSHIFTDebra R. SchoenbergSeed FoundationHanns Seidel StiftungCharles & M. R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc.Ben & Norma ShapiroJoan & James Shapiro FoundationJoan Blum ShayneBeverly Shurman LavittAlan SierotyPeter J. Silverman & Janet HeettnerKaren SlossBruce, Steven, Gerald & Diane Solomon FundHerbert Solomon & Elaine Galinson Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of San DiegoSparkplug FoundationJim & Debby Stein SharpeHenry SteinerArthur & Edith Stern Family FoundationSusan StockelSandor & Faye StrausThe Tartell Family FoundationThomases Family Endowment of the Youngstown Area Jewish FederationTides FoundationTNA North America Inc.Karen Tucker & Jerry AvornElisabeth & Gareth TurnerUncle Mike FoundationUnited Jewish Endowment FundMiddle Road FoundationEmily & Frank Vogl

Paul & Dorothy WachterThe Chrysalis FundDenis WeilJohn Weinstein & Heidi StewartAmos & Ruth WilnaiOtto & Marianne Wolman FoundationGail Bates Yessne & Peter Yessne

$5,000– $9,999Anonymous (21)Steve & Joanne AbelKaren Adler & Laurence GreenwaldAlmoney FundAlpern Family FoundationAmcha For TsedakahEvan AptakerDeena Aranoff & Adam BermanNoah & Tamara ArnowAronson Foundation, Inc.B&D FoundationBarry & Elizabeth Bar-ElNan BasesAlvin H. Baum, Jr.David M. Becker & Leslie C. SeemanRuth BelzerFroma & Andrew BenerofeSandra J. BerbecoJulie & Jeffrey BercowJessica Bernhardt & Theodore GoldsteinMartin & Eleanor BernsteinNancy Bernstein & Robert SchoenThe Billstein Family FoundationGay Block/The Shlenker Block Philanthropic FundHarvey BockErnest & Rita BogenAmy L. CahnChicago Mercantile ExchangeAlan Cohen & Robert BankPeter & Barbara Cohen

Yehudah B. CohnEdith Simon Coliver FamilyCongregation Beth El Tzedakah HevraMichael & Rhoda DanzigerAnonymous 13Renee & Michael DernburgReuben & Rivka DoriEdward & Rose DreyerJohn R. DreyerPeter EdelmanCatherine S. EnglandFabrangen Tzedakah CollectiveJerome & Nancy FalkLois & Irving Blum FoundationSusan Feit & Eitan SternLois FrankDavid Friedman & Paulette MeyerRabbi Dayle Friedman & David FerlegerMarty FriedmanRobert & Janine FrierThe Generations FundCandice GoldStanley & Ilene GoldJudith F. GoldbergFrances E. GoldmanMarcia & John GoldmanThe Marvin Naiman & Margery Goldman Family FoundationNatalie & Stephen GoldmanMeredith J. GoldsmithRobert & Ruth GoldstonNadine Joseph & Neil GoteinerCarol & Allen GownAlexander GreenbaumSteven Greenberg & Avra GoldmanDiane Asseo GrilichesEvelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. FundMr. & Mrs. Mark A. HarrisJames & Marlene HenersonHerst Family Foundation of the

Jewish Community Endowment FundAnita HirshMarvin Hoffman & Rosellen BrownHolzer Family FoundationJoanne Hovis & Andrew AfflerbachHarry HutzlerThe Howard G. & Samita B. Jacobs FoundationRabbi Richard J. Jacobs & Ms. Susan K. FreedmanSimon & Marie Jaglom Foundation, Inc.Jewish Community Foundation of Greater PhoenixJewish Women’s Foundation of New JerseyJewish Women’s Foundation of New YorkJan KallishKaminer Family FoundationKaplan Family FoundationEmile KarafiolKat Charitable FoundationKates Diamond Family FoundationDennis & Barbara KesslerLinda G. Klein Charitable Lead TrustLauren Kogod & David SmileyLeslie S. KogodThe Nathan & Helen Kohler FoundationKenneth & Naomi Koltun-FrommRobin KosbergCharles & Naomie KremerLizbeth & George KruppLouis KruppThe Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation IncEdward LabatonPnina LahavDorothy & Brian LandsbergElliot & Frances LehmanSheldon L & Pearl R Leibowitz Foundation

Nobel Peace Prize nominee and NIF International Board member Amal ElSana Alh’jooj (bottom left) was the keynote speaker at San Francisco’s annual Guardian of Democracy Dinner in September.

2014 Donors

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$5,000–$9,999 continued

Rabbi Marion Lev-Cohen & Prof. Steven M. Lev CohenThe Renaissance Foundation, Irving Levin & Stephanie FowlerJoshua Levin & Debra Fried LevinCynthia & Sanford LevinsonLisa J. LiebermanRobert B. Lifton & Carol RosofskyDr. Russell M. LindenPhil & Carol LyonsCarlos D. MalamudDaniel & Lenore MassHenry MassieSteven Matthews & Rebecca SteinThe Milton & Sophie Meyer FundWilliam MindlinRuth MinkaAbigail S. MooreMorse Family FoundationThe Matching Gifts Program of the Charles Stewart Mott FoundationMorey & Sondra MyersJudy W. & Jay A. NadelJeffrey NewmanJohn & Kayla NilesIlana Nossel & Jordan KolarBenette PhillipsDinah PoKempner & Robert KushenJustin Pollack & Suzanne ReismanThe Honorable Stuart & Lee PollakJill J. Prosky & James R. Posner, Posner-Wallace FoundationDaniel C. & Lisa R. PriceSuzanne & Harvey PrinceElsbeth Reisen & Mark DyenPaul Resnick & Joan KarlinRobert S. RifkindShai & Judy Robkin

June & Marvin RogulTobey H. RolandLyle & Gloria RosenzweigSeymour & Sylvia Rothchild Family 2004 Charitable FoundationRothfield Family, Melbourne, AustraliaPhyllis & David RothmanThe Rubin Family FoundationDr. David & Mrs. Catharine D. RushWilliam & Alice Russell-ShapiroDavid Salem & Laurie AloisioMichael & Julie Salinger Steven J. SamuelHarriet (z”l) & Leonard SchleyStanley & Kay SchlozmanThe Seiger Family FoundationDavid ShainokDeborah Shapira & Barry SternJonathan B. ShefferGabrielle Sigel & Howard EpsteinThe Nancy & Richard Silverman Charitable Foundation, Inc.Jackie & Manny SilvermanSmithfield Trust CompanyDaniel Sokatch & Dana ReinhardtGary B. SokolAmbassador Alan Solomont (retired) & Susan SolomontEugene & Marilyn SteinJerry V. SternbergHazel S. StixDavid P. StoneHenry & Marilyn Taub FoundationRachel B. TivenStephen Tobias & Alice WebberJanet TraubDiane TrodermanLloyd & Lassie UlmanRoberta Elliott Wantman

Weisman Discretionary TrustWhizin Philanthropic FundAnn F. WimpfheimerFrances A. WolginWorld Institute for World Peace FoundationStanley Wulf & Linda Press WulfMax YaffeAllan & Ray Ellen YarkinRobert & Edith Zinn

$2,500– $4,999Anonymous (14)Steven & Valerie AbrahamsWilliam & Susan AbramsCarol & Seth AlbertsArthur Applbaum & Sally RubinWalter & Diane ArikerMark & Judith AronchickRabbis Justus Baird & Julie RothMeredith BallFrank K. BambergerHarry & Lore BauerWilliam & Debbie BeckerDavid BergerEve Bernstein & Alex GersznowiczThe Wexler-Beron Family FoundationEric Berzon & Danielle RuymakerCongregation Beth SholomBFK FoundationDavid & Rachel BialeAsher J. BirnbaumStanley & Roberta BogenSue & Benjamin BoleyStephanie & Alex Borns-WeilJoseph L. BowerDr. David & Mrs. Ellen BraunRichard & Barbara BraunLaura S. Brown, Ph.D.

Rabbi Gustav & Sheila BuchdahlHon. Minna BuckPamela S. BurdmanNorman L. CantorRabbi Kenneth Chasen & Allison LeeDonald L. Cohen Irrevocable TrustIsaac CohenThe Silver Tie FundSaul & Miriam CohenBarbara CohnCompton FoundationMary I. CoombsCravath, Swaine & MooreMark DavidowJoan Davidson & Neal BarskyJames DubeyDina DublonKevin R. DwarkaMarcy EisenbergMs. Lisa Erdberg & Mr. Dennis GibbonsLeroy & Edna Mae FademDavid Fisher & Pearl BeckSamuel Fleischacker & Amy ReichertDeborah & Marc FogelTom & Myrna FrankelDr. Morrie & Carol FredBarbara FreedmanLynn P. Freedman & David S. FrankelPeter Frey & Carrie ShapiroMorris F. FriedellAnita Friedman & Igor TartakovskyHoward Friedman & Sherry LeibowitzRabbi Michael S. & Haley FriedmanJonna Gaberman & Bruce WintmanTerry Gamble BoyerRosalie Katz Family Foundation

Jeffrey GaynesJanice Gepner & Eric NewmanAliza Geretz & Ben MayerJack Z. Gilad & Douglas D. HauerDavid GildinDavid Glaser & Leslie Ann EltonNathalie & Emanuel Goldberg Advised Fund of Jewish Federation of Greater RochesterBruce N. Goldberger & Esther SperberSusan Sachs GoldmanLynda M. GoldsteinThomas J. GoldsteinBetty B. GolombRabbi Judy Shanks & James GracerBarry Green & Jennifer AltshulerJeffrey & Beth GreenLinda & Richard GreeneDavid GreenfieldMartin & Audrey GrossmanBrenda Gruss & Daniel HirschMark HeimanHerman FoundationWillard J. HertzMichal & Jack HillmanLinda Lurie HirschDale & Stephen HoffmanHoward Horowitz & Alisse WaterstonStephanie Ives & Yehuda KurtzerDaniel Jackson & Claudia MarbachAdam Jacobson & Beth LevinePeter & Karen JakesElana Caplan Jassy & Andrew JassyJewish Federation of Greater Ann ArborPaul L. Joskow

Linda & Thomas KalinowskiLeslie Kane & M. Manuel FishmanSally B. KaplanWarren KaplanMichael & Donna KaplowitzKaruna FoundationEzra Jack Keats FoundationMichael & Esther KennyLeona & Ralph KernSusan & David KraemerMaris & Jesse KrasnowMona B. KreadenLinda & Jake KrigerSusanne & Bruce LandauBecky & David LandisLederer FoundationTerry & Margaret LenznerRich & Kathleen LevinRobert & Bonita LevinRochelle S. LevinToby & Jerry LevineBernard & Lory LevingerRabbi Noa Kushner & Rabbi Michael LezakRichard & Helen LynnMadelyn MalloryGayle & Jerry MargerAlbert E. Marks Charitable TrustSilvia MarxArlene Alpert & Dr. David MehlmanDaniel Meltzer (z”l) & Ellen SemonoffHoward MetzenbergRabbi Rachel Mikva & Mr. Mark RosenbergDale S. MillerVicki F. Miller & Warren ZinnThe Mishan FamilyRobert & Dale MnookinJane & Norman Moscowitz

At the Celebrate Israel Parade, we showed New York that there is a strong and vibrant progressive community supporting Israel and the thousands of Israelis working for a just and peaceful society.

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Evelyn Musher ShechterJoshua MusherDavid Myers & Nomi StolzenbergJack NeedlemanJane Newman & Amy LangeSharee & Murray NewmanLawrence & Melanie NussdorfEric & Kathleen OrlinBeth PachecoWilliam R. PadnosJulia Parzen & Daniel JohnsonDan Perlman & Lili ZoharRonald PoretzTUW Posnack FoundationArleen & Aaron PriestLisa & John PritzkerYale & Barbara RabinRoy R. Raizen & FamilyAlan & Nancy RaznickRobert RebitzerPaula & Daniel ReingoldDavid Reisen & Ann Peck ReisenEugene & Libby RenkinMarjorie & Stephen RichardsDorothy Richman & Michael SteinmanDan J. RobertsA.J. Robinson & Nicole EllerineDavid & Marian RockerThelma S. RodbellNathan Rome & Bonnie AlpertSusan Romer & Donald UngarHarold L. RosenRabbis Jennie & David RosennGerry RosensteinJoyce Zinbarg Rosenthal & Steven RosenthalJennie RothschildJerry & Bernice RubensteinToby & Robert RubinPeter Rukin & Sharon Djemal

The Robert Russell Memorial FoundationMoshe SafdieThe Samuels FoundationFain Malsky Charitable FoundationLouis & Barbara SavrinMachelle N. SchaefferSteven & Bonni SchiffMark & Isabel SchifferLeonard & Celia SchuchmanJolie Schwab & David HodesRenata & Jack SchwebelJoshua Segal & Jennifer GeetterStephen & Patty SegalGreg Sharenow & Julie GerstenLauren Moskovitz & Scott SholderSusan & Y. Judd ShovalLouis & Jean SlossSteven SlutskyNaomi SobelRobert S. & Jean M. SolomonAlfred & Ruth SporerAbbe & Peter SteinglassLeah StolarThomas H. & Donna M. StoneStrear Family FoundationLawrence H. Summers & Elisa F. NewDr. Anna Newman TaylorArthur Telegen & Abigail OstowTemple Beth AvodahThe Joseph & Anna Gartner FoundationJeffrey ThomasesTree of Life Education Fund, IncT’ruahSteven Tulkin & Sydney KapchanDavid & Bonita TurnerMark TushnetMichael & Judith WalzerGeorge S. WarburgMary Ann & David Wark

Leonard M. WassermanRoger Weisberg & Karen FreedmanDr. David & Estare WeiserWestchester Reform TempleNaomi WiseRudolph & Sara Wyner Prize Fund at the Boston Foundation, established by their children, Elizabeth Wyner Mark & Justin L. WynerRabbi Irwin ZeplowitzDeborah Zimmer

$1,000– $2,499Anonymous (42)Ruth & Henry AaronSonia S. AbramsNancy Abramson & Mitchell GlennKaren AbravanelDavid Abromowitz & Joan RuttenbergS. James & Mary AdelsteinRabbi Rachel Adler, Ph.D.Avner AharoniAlbuquerque Community FoundationHenry & Rachel AlcalayDebra & John AleinikoffRichard Almond, M.D. & Barbara Almond, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Myer M. AlperinJoan AlpertLiora AlschulerAnita Altman & Gil KulickDavid & Linda AltshulerFred H. Altshuler & Julia W. CheeverAM Kolel, IncBeulah & Ezra AmsterdamGary Angel & Sharman Spector-AngelSanford AntignasMichael Appel & Ruth KrautRuby Apsler

2014 Donors

Aryea AranoffDan Arnon & Tao Kai LamJoshua & Elyse ArnowRabbi Melanie Aron & Professor Michael DineHoward I. AronsonDorothy Rose AschermanBennett Ashley & Ruth WeinrebAlexander AstrakhanEileen Auerbach & Lawrence BurgheimerPamela & Erez AzariaMaia AzubelVictor Daniel AzubelMitchell A. BacharachMichael & Charlotte BaerLawrence Bailis & Susan ShevitzJudith BainBarbara BalabanJoAnne & Michael BanderEphraim BaranPeter J. Barrer & Judith NicholsHarvey & Sonya BarshaJacob BaskinAbraham & Elizabeth BassDavid BasseinHowell Baum & Madelyn SiegelWendy BearJonathan Beard & Rachel TheilheimerBarbara BeckRuth R. BeenHoward Belfer & Laurie Leventhal-BelferGadi BenMarkRichard Bennett & Deborah GaffinJudith A. Benstein, M.D.Marc & Elizabeth BergerMark BergerRobert L. Bergman, M.D.Esther BerkowWilliam BerleyNorma & Rabbi Donald R. BerlinJim & Diane BerlinerRalph & Gail Bernstein

Susan V. BerresfordBeth Haverim Shir Shalom TempleHannah (z”l) & Ernst BibersteinRichard & Elaine BinderJoseph & Joan BirmanLinda Blackstone & Paul CastlemanMadeline & Alan BlinderBarry Block & Toni Dollinger BlockRabbi Bernard & Bailey BloomJordan & Judy BloomSteven & Karen BloombergSeymour S. BluestoneLauren BlumJames Blume & Kathryn FrankShirley BobThe Milford & Lee Bohm Charitable FoundationRobert L. BookSeymour & Sylvia BoorsteinJeffrey Bornstein & Veronica SanchezRabbi Jill Borodin & Cary AtlasSheila & Edward BraunVicki & Joel BremanBrener Family FoundationNaomi Brenner & Ari Berger

Martin I. & Shirley B. BreslerDavid Bressler & Susan Adler-BresslerLeona & Murry BrochinMeryl BrodMarvin & Lois BroderDavid BrodskyJoan & William BrodskyRabbi Les Bronstein & Cantor Benjie SchillerShifra BronznickKatherine BrowningMarcia BurnamRobert & Ann BuxbaumBurton & Shulamith CaineAllen & Dorothy CalvinCarolyn Cavalier RosenbergZehava Chen-Levy & Eyal LevyBonnie & Mervin CherrinMichael J. ChurginAlice S. CohenAnnebelle & Arnold CohenGale Mondry & Bruce CohenJonathan & Victoria CohenMarshall & Avis CohenRachel CohenJulie Shapiro & Shelly F. CohenStephanie & Charles Cohen

NIF’s Donor Appreciation Reception in New York was followed by a film screening and a live performance by David Broza and Mira Awad. PHOTO CREDIT: MICHAEL BROCHSTEIN

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$1,000–$2,499 continued

Steven Cohen & Mary AkersonSteven Cohen & Elsie SternBarry & Debbie CohnJonathan CohnLen & Roberta CohnSusan Coliver & Robert HermanCongregation Beth AmCongregation Beth IsraelCongregation B’nai IsraelBen N. Teitel Charitable Trust, Gerald Cook, TrusteePaul & Valerie Crane DorfmanLarry Cuban in memory of Barbara CubanBurton & Diana CutlerCharles & Ada Beth CutlerClaudia Davidoff & Joseph KahanCharles & Jonis DavisJoel Deitz & Barbara BerkoJay & Phyllis Denbo

Diamondston FoundationNancy DickensonHilla Dishon & Uri KolodnyRuth Donig-White & Robert WhiteKenneth Douglas FoundationDaniel DrakeAdam & Shelley DuckerHarriett M. Eckstein

Sandy Edwards & Gary LevinDavid & Audrey EggerTom & Ellen EhrlichJack Eiferman & Fern FisherWill & Ann Eisner Family Foundation, Inc.The Elovitz FamilyDiana R. Engel (z”l)

Clement & Caroline ErbmannLee & Esther ErmanSherri Ades FalchukDeborah FalikDavid & Judith FalkDr. David S. FankushenLeonard & Stephanie FarberEllen FarbsteinRuth Fein & Professor Rashi Fein (z”l)

Andrew FeinerLeslee & Wayne FeinsteinSumner FeldbergMartin & Kate FeldsteinMichael D. FelsenPeter Felsenthal & Jennifer Litchfield

Marc Fenton & Gail McClelland Fenton Sybil FieldsHarriet & Michael FinckCharlie & Paula FischSheri FischAbigail & Stephen FisherBruce FisherEric Fisher & Rachel MeschQuentin & Gail Fisher

Harriet & Albert FishlowLeora FishmanRabbi Nancy A. FlamMichael Flamm & Jennifer McNallyShalom Flank & Deborah HittlemanDavid FlitterMartin & Helen FlusbergAlvin & Parvin FogelDavid FoxNathan A. FoxSamuel FoxRobert FramRichard & Phyllis FrancoAaron & Julia FrankMeryl & Steven FrankDiane & Charles L. FrankelRuth FrankfurtBarbara & Herb FranklinMarc D. FreedThe Honorable & Mrs. Frederick A. FreedmanGerald & Anne FreedmanHenry & Helen FreedmanZiva Freiman KatzHarvey & Brenda FreishtatErnest Fried & Laura BarbanelElizabeth Friedman Branoff & Steven BranoffFridman Family FoundationBenjamin M. FriedmanDiana FriedmanElizabeth & Glen FriedmanRabbi Stacy & Frank FriedmanRabbi Dara FrimmerDaniel & Rosele FrishwasserSherry & Leo FrumkinDr. Jonathan D. FuchsDr. Victor R. FuchsJonathan A. FunkBarry & Joan GabermanBarbara Gaffin & Douglas Cahn

Lorraine Gallard & Richard LevyElkan & S. Zelda GamzuWilliam Ganong & Marilyn NewmanDiane Gardsbane & Paul SullyBarbara & Richard GarrettMia & Joe Buchwald GellesJerilyn GeltStephen & Rhea GendzierBob & Veronique GerberRuth & Jack Glantz Family FoundationMarian & Arthur GlasgowMyron & Penina GlazerGMC Industries LLCAlfred & Joan GoldbergAvram & Carol GoldbergEdward Goldberg & Barbara G. SaidelMilton & Jean GoldbergNancy GoldbergSteven Goldberg & Sandee BleechmanVictor J. Goldberg & Patricia A. WaldeckRabbi Rachel Goldenberg & James TalbottHarry Goldin & Jane KaplanAmy Goldman & Joel BrillDebbie J. GoldmanIrle Goldman & Janet YassenKarla A. GoldmanPhyllis & Alvin GoldmanRobert & Rebecca GoldmanEdward & Joanne GoldsteinHelen GoldsteinJeffrey & Doris GoldsteinRabbi Lisa L. GoldsteinMelvin & Caryl GoldsteinSandy & Jorge Goldstein

Susan Goldstein & Andy KivelAbner & Roslyn GoldstineLirona Kadosh & Ethan GoldstinePeter J. GollonThe Goodwin FoundationEnoch Gordis, M.D.Linda & Gregory GoreDavid B. GorodetzkyElaine & Werner GosselsMarcus GottliebRoberto & Evelyn GraetzRichard & Mary GrayArthur & Kathy GreenBarbara & Isaac (z”l) GreenJerry & Pamela GreenStuart P. Green & Jennifer A. MosesSherri Greenbach & David GoldsteinPeter GreenbergDavid & Zelda GreensteinLiz GreensteinRobert GreensteinWin & Jerry GreenwaldTed & Catherine GreenwoodSuzanne Griffel & Saul WeinerNatasha GriggEllen GrobmanRosalyn GruenDr. Carl & Gay GrunfeldWerner GundersheimerRonald & Amy GuttmanFrederic Haber & Jill JacobsPhilip & Judith HahnJoel Handelman & Sarah Wolff HandelmanDean HansellEliyahou & Britt HarariHelen HarkaspiHerbert HarrisAlan HaubenstockRobert & Carol HausmanHavaruh Or HadashJay B. HeimowitzShai Held & Rachel Forester Held

William H. HelfandClifford Hendler & Deborah Neipris HendlerAlice H. HenkinJudith N. HerrStuart S. HersheyFrederick HertzJosh Herzig-Marx and Carla NaumburgSandra D. HessSylvan & Marjorie HeumannHoward HiattJeremy Hockenstein & Joanna SamuelsPaul HomerEllis & Margot HorwitzLarry Horwitz & Naomi PinchukSylvia HorwitzGrace A. HughesArthur HurwitzToby R. HymanHana Ivanhoe & Adam GreenstoneValerie & Thierry JahanRobert & Ellen JasperNaomi JatovskyJewish Federation of Greater PittsburghThe Jewish Federation of Nashville & Middle TennesseeEarl M. & Margery C. Chapman FoundationArthur & Lorie JuceamBarbara & Clive KabatznikDaniel & Katherine KaberonArlene KahnMax Kahn & Kathy LampeRachel Kalikow & David de GraafMichael & Jacqueline KallayMordechai Kamel & Sara WeinbergerSheila B. KamermanGrace KaminsMurray Kane & Norma Kane (z”l)

William & Phyllis KantorHelen KaplanPaula E. KaplanStephen & Rachel Kaplan

Study Tour participants explore the most pressing issues facing Israel today, meet the leaders of Israel’s dynamic social change movement, and enjoy the beauty of Israel while gaining a deeper understanding of its challenges and its hope for the future.

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Chavi Karkowsky & Josh GreenfieldJoshua Karlin-ResnickJudith KassRichard Kass & Elaine SofferMarc KatzDr. & Mrs. Sidney W. KatzRonald & Barbara KaufmanElie Kaunfer & Lisa ExlerKehila ChadashaTracey Keij-Denton & Eelco KeijRachel & Tom KellermanBill & Lisa KellySamuel & Anna KelmanKenneth Kenigsberg, M.D.Allan D. KenskyHarry & Doraline KestenLeslie M. KimerlingRuth G. KingRabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman & Benj KammSusan L. & James K. KlauNaomi R. Klayman, Ph.D.Susan Klee & David StoloffRabbi Jason KleinJonathan Klein & Amy SchottenfelsKaren Wilk KleinKenneth Klein & Harriet BogradDaniel & Lisa KlermanJonathan Kligler & Ellen JahodaRobert & Joan KlivansMartina & Michael KneePersis KnobbeJerry & Sharon KnoppowJanet L. KolodnerJoshua & Tova KolodnyArieh Konigl & Alice Roston

Mary KostmanNathan & Mary Lynn KotzRobin KramarowDaniel Kramer & Judith MogulMarvin & Gerry KrausArthur Kreiger & Rebecca BensonDoris & George KrevskySamuel & Marilyn KrimmSusan G. KrinskyJules & Lynn KrollJoseph A. KrugerSheila & Daniel KurtzerDavid & Lucy Kurtzer-EllenbogenHilary Kushins & Scott HerscherRabbi Lawrence & Karen KushnerRob Kutner & Sheryl ZohnPatrick Lacefield & Dinah LeventhalAlyse LaemmleJohn Antignas & Rabbi Susan LaemmleRobert Lafsky, M.D.Ruth & Peter LaibsonEllie & Mark LainerDavid & Faye LandesEva & Arthur LandyEugene M. LangRichard Lapedes & Maureen LynchKenneth L. LarnerSuzanne & David LarsenEvely Laser ShlenskyMorelle Lasky LevineElliott & Phyllis LasserGary & Laura LauderRabbi Sari Laufer & Ben CutterStuart LaurenceRichard LavensteinStacy Lawson & Steven SarkowskySerene Lazar

Allen LeboffDavid S. LefkowitzNorman LefsteinKenneth & Lucy LehmanRobert & Ellen LeibenluftMarcia & Alan LeiferSuzanne LernerIrwin & Rachel LevinSally LevinLeonard & Beryl LevineEdward P. LevineLeslie & Marsha LevineJudith LevitanHerbert L. LevyPaula & Joel LevyDavid & Eleanor LewisGeoffrey Lewis & Amy CaplanLee LichterJeffrey & Anna LieblichMarc Lipsitch & Meira LevinsonAlan Gordon Lipson & Judith D. HarrisJacob LiptonAlan & Sharon LipworthSarah LironSusan LissPaula & Barry Litt, Joseph & Jacqueline Kirshbaum Memorial Fund of the Liberty Hill FoundationEllen Livingston & Jason BrownMichael Livingston & Anne WeissJeremy LiztAviva & Noam LockshinHenry & Elsie LoebAndrea & Daniel LondonAnita LorberGerald & Selma LotenbergMatthew LouchheimSteven Lubet & Linda LiptonAndrew & Janet Lubetkin

Marilyn LuebeckLeon & Helen LueyLynchburg Jewish Community CouncilLen & Maxine LyonsBernard Lytton, M.D.Lois & Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund of THE ASSOCIATEDDagny Maidman & Molly WoodDonald & Rhoda MainsMichael & Anita MalinaCarol MalnickThe Bernard & Vivian Manekin Foundation, Inc.Judy MannMichael & Maxine MantellRalph P. MarashPaul & Annette MarcusSteven & Jeanne MarcusMichael & Ruth MargolinJudith & Michael MarguliesAdele & Sidney MarguliesJonathan Markowitz & Ruth WengerPaulina K. MarksSara J. MarksSuzanne MarksAnthony & Lenore MartinRachel MastersRabbi J. Rolando Matalon & Talia HatzorMilton MatzWilly & Susan MautnerDaniel & Karen MayersEmily & Bernard Mehlman Family FundJoseph A. MeisThomas Meites & Lynn FrackmanSamuel I. MendalesSherry MerfishAndrew Lachman & Ruth W. MessingerGail S. Meyers & Andy HallAriel & Alison MeyersteinGoldie MilgramCharles & Lyndall MillerGeorge & Roslyn Miller

Geraldine & Larry MillerLindsay & Aaron MillerMarla Miller & David KremerNorman & Shirlyn MillerShirley & Mitchell MillerGlenda & David MinkinRabbi Joshua & Betsy MinkinLeora MirvishJudith MishkinDon MorrisBill & Susy MorrisonMoser Family Philanthropic FundDavid & Jenifer MumfordEllen & Michael MundellJoseph MuskatelJerold & Carol MuskinN. James & Ellen MyerbergMaxine MyersPSN Family Charitable TrustBelle & Murray Nathan Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal FundCarol NavskyDr. Hemda Arad & Yuval NeemanBettyrose NelsonStanley & Adella NemerJean & NerenbergJan NeuenschwanderDeborah Newbrun & Sue ReinholdMs. Iris NewmanMyra & Bruce NewmanSamuel Norich & Deborah UgoretzLibby NovackChristopher Noxon & Jenji KohanArthur & Judith ObermayerRabbi Janet I. Offel & Michael R. NebenzahlBernard & Renee OppenheimLloyd & Cynthia OrenstenJeffrey A. OrlinDonald & Shari OrnsteinElissa & William Oshinsky

Estelle Nachimoff PadawerSheryl Parker & James GrayerRichard & Martha PastcanDavid Paul & Katherine SchultzMarilyn Paul & David StrohKaren Paul-SternArthur PeckWendy PeikesRabbi Ephraim Pelcovits & Rachel WeberJoel & Jean PerwinGeoffrey P. PicketTalia & Edgar PierluissiWilliam & Karen PodolskySandy PolishukLana PollackThe Jean & Henry Pollak Division of the Lucile & Maurice Pollak FundAdam Pollock & Michal Lewin-EpsteinCarol A. PortFrances R. PoselSharri S. PosenNorman PostoneThe Isaac & Leah M. Potts Foundation, Inc.Russell & Joni PrattHarriet Prensky & William PomeranzTerry PristinNaomi PruskyWilliam RabinowitzEdward RaboyJudith RafaelElisa Rapaport & Michael SchoenbaumJack RapaportRabbi Lawrence & Dr. Terrie RaphaelMichael & Joyce RappeportMarshall A. RauchMichael & Lynn ReichgottJoseph & Gail ReimerMichele Reimer & Jeffrey WinklerFred N. ReinerJulian & Frieda Reitman

2014 Donors

Page 34: NIF 2014 Annual Report


$1,000–$2,499 continued

Daniel & Lauren ResnickKalman & Rachel ResnickPaul Resnick & Caroline RichardsonThe Returning Wealth Philanthropic FundCatherine RibnickElizabeth & Hershel RichmanJoseph & Naomi Skop RichterRobert & Ellen RinskySteven M. Riskin & Claudine IsaacsArthur & Judy RobbinsRachel & Richard RobbinsJeffrey Robinson & Carol StocktonRonald RolfeBarry A. RosenLawrence & Corinne RosenProfessor Robert E. RosenGeorge & Dorothy RosenbaumPaula Hyman & Stanley RosenbaumDiane RosenbergLucille & Jack RosenbergNorman S. Rosenberg & Tanya GeorgeIrwin & Cecilia RosenblumRachel Jacoby Rosenfield & Paul RosenfieldElden & Marjorie RosenthalLinda A. RosenthalSheldon & Rose RosenthalRuss W. RosenzweigHoward RosofJeffrey M. RothMeyer & Naomi RothbergEdward RothfarbJohn & Judy RothmanSteven Rothman & Kathleen TierneyDr. Rothschild & Dr. BaouendiDan Rothstein & Ana Karchmer

Janice & RousJudith & Michael RowlandJane RubinDaniel RubinfeldWendy Rudolph & Graeme BushEdmond RussellRebecca & David RussoJonathan L. & Barbara RyderJay & Jessie SacklerAdene Sacks & Joseph HellersteinAndrea & Kenneth SaffirCharlotte Salomon & R. Scott FetherstonAlfred & Marta SamulonMichael SaridClaire Satlof & Jeffrey BedrickJudith & Richard SchachterCharles E. ScheidtJim & Emily ScheinmanMary Beth SchiffmanPhilip Schild & Shirley Dichek SchildJean Schiro-Zavela & Vance ZavelaAlice & Robert SchlossRichard & Diane SchmalenseeGeraldine C. SchneebergAmy Schwartz & Eric KoenigJ. Sanford & Susan SchwartzJonathan SchwartzLynn & Paul SedwayBeth Ann L. SegalThe Jean & Charles Segal FoundationEmily Segal & Andrew EllisWilliam & Madeline SeldenRenata & Edward SeligRita R. SemelKaren SenterMargaret & Howard ShainbergLeslie ShalomRisa Shames & Neil Silverston

The Abraham Shapiro Charity FundEdmond & Marla ShapiroGary & Dana ShapiroHarold & Myra ShapiroJoanne ShapiroStanley & Gertrude ShapiroSteven J. ShawLoni ShelefSteven Sheriff & Michele AlperinReuben & Leona ShevitzVarda ShifferAudrey Shiffman & Peter LangmaidYvette & Ron ShiffmanAndrei Shleifer & Nancy ZimmermanHannah P. ShostackEdwin & Ellen Sue ShulkinAdam Shyevitch & Nicole LambergSteven & Nancy SicherPeter Siegel & Hope StevensMolly Silver & John BursteinZachary SilverAriana SilvermanAviva Panush & Mitch SilvermanJ. SilversteinErnest & Eve SimonDaniel & Maxine SingerJulie Sissman & Phil RichterMichael & Kathleen SlaterRonda Small & Ira WolfmanSeymour SmidtMalcolm & Betty SmithRichard & Greta SmoloweSusan & James SniderRobert Socolow & Emily MatthewsEugene Sofer & Judith BartnoffHoward & Ann SohnAviam Soifer & Marlene BoothMay SollSolomon Schechter Day School Parent Association

Rabbi Abigail N. SoslandMarcia Cohn SpiegelHelen & Thomas SpiroArthur Spitzer & Elisabeth BoasMarc & Wendy StanleyJames Steiker & Wendy EpsteinElliott & Shayna SteinHarold & Vera SteinAdele H. SteinbergEdward SteinhouseJudge Edward Stern & Judge Maxine ChesneyJane R. SternKenneth Stern & Linda SteinMaurice & Merrily SternsRobert Stillman & Janet SurkinRuth Waddell & Eric StockelMarshall Stoller & Mikiko HuangRabbi Ariel StoneBetty L. StoneShirley & Frederic StorkeMichael Strassfeld & Joy LevittWalter I. StraussMike StrohJoan & Steve SubrinJoe Sultan & Sandy ChilewichRichard & June SwartzMichael & Bryna SweedlerJoel M. SweetSylvia Weider-Amber Family FoundationUri A. TalilSteven & Sheila TaubeRichard & Ann TavanRayla G. Temin, in memory of Howard M. TeminTemple SinaiJudith Tenzer Benn

Gregory & Rachel TertesSusan ThalThe Hyman Levine Family Foundation: L’Dor V’DorWalter (z”l) & Anne TickUdi ToledanoAaron & Ziva TomaresGail TombergGary & Evelyn TrachtenJudith TullerRichard & Gail UllmanSanford & Beth UngarMichael & Marion UsherJack & Margrit VanderrynDianne & Daniel VapnekStephanie A. VendigMilton & Judith ViorstRabbi Burton Visotzky & Sandra EdelmanBarbara VolinElizabeth VorenbergStanley WachsMilton & Miriam Waldbaum Family FoundationRobert Waldinger & Jennifer StoneAndrea & Arthur WaldsteinThe Sarah Wall Memorial TrustJohn H. WalterRon & Marilyn WalterJoan WarshawGerald J. & Naomi WasserburgLaurie J. WassermanHenry Webber & Christine JacobsEmily Aber & Robert WechslerKevin & Susan WeidenbaumMarilyn Weiker, in memory of Wendy Weiker-GordonAlan Weiner & Nancy MaizelsLouise Weiner

Sanford & Karen WeinerToni K. WeingartenThe Emanuel & Anna Weinstein FoundationMarilyn (z”l) & Raymond WeisbergCarl & Jamie WeisbrodBarbara C. WeisenfeldJan I. WeissJed Ariel Weiss & Ilana Braun WeissRichard & Beatrice WernickRebecca Westerfield & Ivy FineHannah WhiteMartha WhitmanDavid & Beverly WienerNoam WienerCarole F. WilderIrving WilliamsJacqueline WilliamsMordechai & Barbara WinterJudy Wise & Sheldon BaskinDoug Wissoker & Alys CohenIris WitkowskyBrenda A. WolfsonWolin Family Tzedakah FundFredric Woocher & Wendy DozoretzLinda YenkinNorma & Arnold ZackB. Andrew Zelermyer & Daniel RomanowJonathan F. ZimmanEmer. Prof. Stanley Zimmering/Brown UniversityMargot & Paul ZimmermanMark & Margie ZivinRuth A. ZlotnickMark & Stacey ZolandJane & Stacey ZonesIrwin & Barbara ZonisEleanor L. ZuckermanSteven Zuckerman & Paula Gorlitz

NIF New England hosted its first dinner for 230 participants honoring NIF board member and former board chair Franklin M. Fisher and featuring Peter Beinart and Rachel Liel.

Page 35: NIF 2014 Annual Report


HOW YOU CAN HELPThe New Israel Fund is a powerful engine for

democratic change in Israel. NIF believes that Israel

is strengthened by its diversity, and by fulfilling its

promise of equality and dignity to all of its citizens.

It is also a network of people around the globe who

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bites to examine the realities of con-

temporary Israeli life. Meet the leaders

of Israel’s dynamic social change

movement. Learn about key challenges

facing Israel as a Jewish and democratic

state and the steps Israelis are taking

to meet these challenges.

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more just society in Israel.


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a potent way to express your commitment to

building a better Israel.


Page 36: NIF 2014 Annual Report


Board of Directors

Talia SassonPresidentBeit Zayit, Israel

Itzik DanzigerVice President in IsraelRa’anana, Israel

Paul EgermanVice President in North AmericaWeston, Massachusetts

Stephen GuntherTreasurerSanta Monica, California

Elah AlkalaySecretaryKfar Mordechay, Israel

Amal ElSana AlhjoojBe’er Sheva, Israel

Naomi ChazanJerusalem, Israel

Peter EdelmanWashington, District of Columbia

Franklin M. FisherCambridge, Massachusetts

Joan GarsonToronto, Canada

William (Bill) GoldmanSan Francisco, California

Daniel LevyLondon, United Kingdom

Menachem LorberbaumJerusalem, Israel

Brian LurieRoss, California

David N. MyersLos Angeles, California

Debra PellBeit Zayit, Israel

Carole SegalChicago, Illinois

Clive SheldonLondon, United Kingdom

Daniel SokatchNIF Chief Executive OfficerSan Francisco, California

Mary Ann SteinBethesda, Maryland

Yael SternhellTel Aviv, Israel

Yossi SucaryTel Aviv, Israel

Jenna WeinbergNew York, New York

Reem YounisNazareth, Israel

Carole ZabarNew York, New York

U.S. Offices

New York (HQ)New Israel Fund

6 East 39th Street, Suite 301

New York, NY 10016


212.714.2153 fax

[email protected]

Boston437 Newtonville Avenue, #4

Newton, MA 02460


[email protected]

ChicagoPlease send mail to our SF office

703 Market Street, Suite 1503

San Francisco, CA 94103

[email protected]

Florida1400 NW 107th Avenue

Miami, FL 33172


305.392.4004 fax

[email protected]

Los Angeles3250 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1630

Los Angeles, CA 90010-1577

323.NIF.1616 (323.643.1616)

323.964.0042 fax

[email protected]

San Francisco703 Market Street, Suite 1503

San Francisco, CA 94103


415.543.6066 fax

[email protected]

Washington, D.C.2100 M Street NW, Suite 619

Washington, DC 20037


202.842.0991 fax

[email protected]

International Offices

IsraelNew Israel Fund

P.O. Box 53410

Jerusalem 91534


972.2.672.3099 fax

[email protected]


PO Box 53395

Jerusalem, Israel 91533


972.2.673.5149 fax

[email protected]

CanadaNew Israel Fund of Canada

801 Eglinton Avenue West #401

Toronto, Ontario M5N 1E3


[email protected]

United KingdomNew Israel Fund UK

25-26 Enford Street

London W1H 1DW


44.207.724.2299 fax

[email protected]

SwitzerlandNeuer Israel Fonds Schweiz

Postfach 425 CH-4010 Basel

41 61 272 14 55

[email protected]

AustraliaNew Israel Fund Australia

Level 10, 65 York Street,

Sydney NSW 2000

+61 2 9216 9034

NIF Global212.613.4400

[email protected]