Download - NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9



  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    1. I, Orly TCalifomia and3rd Circuit Copersonal knowl

    information thro6. I went on

    trial to the follow2. I receivedwell as rccently

    his ]ife Barack Onumber 042-68

    3. The firstadministration to4. BasedConnecticut.

    5. Concemedsecurity number

    website providesmilitary.

    7. Onesuch registrat io n ith the Selective Service.

    AFFIDAVIT OF ORLY TAITZam over 18 years old, I am an attomey, licensed in the state ofined in all courts of Cal.ifomi4 fth Circuit court of Appeals,of Appeals and Supreme Court of the United states. I have

    of the facts described below and I can competently testiry at:

    nn lrom licensed investigators Sankey and Daniels asdeportation officer John Sampson, that for most ofand is cunently using a Connecticut social securify

    ired seniora used

    25.digits of the numbet 042 werc assigned by the Social Securitystate ofConnecticut.information and belief, Obama was never a res ident of

    that we have an individual fraudulently using a stolen socialm a state, where he never res ided, I d@ided to verify thisoffrcial sources ofthe U.S. governrnent.official website for the U.S. govemment This

    verification of the Selective Service registration with the U.S.occupy an xecutive position with the U.S. governrnent without

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    8. For verificsecuritv numberinformation on fi9. I personallynumber 042-68-4

    10. I got a1. Date of regis

    11. From biCo nnectic ut.

    12. I also rccRarack Obama is

    13. I also rec

    on his securitvvisible social secindividuals. A

    12. As anthat above is truerequesting an im

    copy ofsuch

    unprec edentedfraudulentfu obtaioccupying the pochief.

    /s/ Dr. Orly T

    ion one is supposed to enter the name, birthdate and socialthe individual. If all three parametem natch to the identificationit will show "Matched record"-ed name "Obama", bilhdate 08.04.1961 and social securify

    25, given to me by investigato$ Sankey, Daniels and Sampson.onse "Matched record" - selective sewice number 6l -1 125539-

    ion 9.4.1980.and until date ol registration Obama was not a resident of

    ived a swom affidavit from expert Chito Pap4 showing, thating the same Connecticut social security number 042-68-4425returns, which were posted on the official web siteis tax retum was later reposted with the file flattened and theer electronically whitened, however the original file with the

    number was doudoaded by Mr. Papa and multiple otherand conect copy ofsrch affidavit is attached hereh.

    a swom affidavit from Ms. Linda Jordan. A true and conectit is attached herein.

    mey and offcer of the court I declare mder penafty ol perjury,coffect statement ofthe facts. As an officer ofthe couft I amiate hearing on this matter, as it shows that we have an

    h of the U.S. National security, we have an individual with aSocial Securitl number from a sta{e. where he never resided-

    ition of the President of the United States and Commander-in-


  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Selective Seryice System: gislmtion Verificatior


    ?IJ I] C7 lJ 'TJ

    Page 1 ol l

    Selective Service Online Registration Verificationsedics allosyou to lool uOa man s Selclive Servico Dumbr,a3 @llas the dal neterd. Enter a lasl name, soclal se@nry number and date of birlh fo. the ,egiste,ed man, andregistrations of m6n bom on or alter January 1 , 1960, Gn be verified thrcugh this syslem ToSlective Service inlomalion about men bom earljer, !, r r( il 1.{ and follow theofi our"Records page.servie is ope.ational seven days a week lt is noi avaibbb when system maintenance is

    selective Service onlin Registration SearchSocial Security Number:


    wno have legislered remain eligible for redelsludent aid, most federaljobs, and fedeltob

    uled ltom 2 a n to 4 a m , U S. Central Tlme, Tuesday throuOh Saluday.

    Male non{ittens living in lhe U.S. who arc 18lhrcugh 25 nuslregislerlo remain eligible

    "l.ruru",ttt"",iun.o.p*ttps://www.sss. gov/Reg 9/5/2.011

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Selctlya Sorvice Record Search Rosultst.rrch cdt.d.s.dilstrri----{4tD&AhtM4t6t

    k h.d

    . rid'nbi c!c( rE G od r.r'!*'hfltrd'd6@itdtumdh'r|r.rb$?!41!

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9



  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    SSN Inlbrmati on Obama

    C,qSSN lnforma on on Obama17 messagesGREG HOLLISTER [email protected]>To: [email protected] 'John Hemenway,Susan Private lnvesti

    Page 1 of6

    Orly TaiE

    I have a copy of Obaaccess to the Sociel SeObama used forthat numberObamaLet me be direci - Ifollow your effo(s to seTherefore, if you thinkboth the Selective

    Dear Ms. Taitz.I have been monitoringPOTIJS. I see that you

    SincerelyGreg Hollister

    President, Hollister1 19-359 -2185

    Wed, Feb 9,20t1 at 5:39 AMCouncil" , Larry Elgin ,, "Linda Bent, SONORAN NEWS"

    our efforts at a distance reference the eligibility of Barack Obama to serve asre now filing suit reference h;s many SSNS.seleative seNice card with the SSN afiixed. I, as a small business owner, have'ity Number Verification System. As a result, I checked the SSNVS for the SSNg with Selective Setuice. The SSNVS search resulted in a report sheet that statesto register forSelective Seruice was never issued.

    not agreed with many of your tactics in this endeavor. However, I have continued towhere there may be synergy and this is one.documents will be helpful, please let me know and I will send you the PDF files forCard and the SSNVS reportthat states that SSN was never assued.

    Gregory S. Hollister, USAF, RetiredLLC

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    91 50 oi 123-OOO350la you hav. alr.ady .ache.9 26 or sill do so in thcurrent calandar, voui're' !.e no longer raqlired tonotify select ivc sqrvice o,hv futu.e ch.n@s or.Ja .ddress o. ch'n;.s to anyothf i tems on yourregi stration reco.d

    BAFACI< illiSStr


    ol' lnlbrutidn Inn'rilr 1i{lilil

    (;iO . s,in.+r, .- .,

    l)ear Regisrraitrilr.sitq.Ll lrrrrrl ol r,,rrr,rr' ( )r. \1irr rrr.n ktr'1r,rtr1r rlrtlr.rll't 'irrr,4. ',,t!r '' r' 1,,, r;'t,,r ' , I ^ ,,r ', ,.rriorr ,rf rlri, lr'rttr r,r rrPrl:rtc rrrrrl,or rotttli rr,ttt itrlirttrtali,rtr. l'lt:lv rcriLi' irtirkc\ irrr(I\1ritt irr tlrc,()rr(Ll irrli,rulllrirrl. l1 \r)LI rlrit(l( lrlrr rlr;rrrqL''. rtlr olrl rrreil it r,' l1t( Si l ( l i\ r ' \r r \ it.t \\5trnr 1r\irrg {hc ernrl,ll lrrr'rrrlirl It'orrrret rn thiti form, llllrrtr: *1rctt lrttl ,,l rottt itlltttrttatiolt rltatr!t', t'rtt litc\ri\iL1's\.tnlt litlrirr ttt riar'. l1 chlnqine rrnlr r,rrrr rrLlrcr', roir rrlil\ r.irr lr

    regi\trrltit,rr.trIt .r' 1lr(' tol) li,correct, do noto rroti{r llr< Stllrirr\\\'g( n '

    NON.I]II \T I(;RANTthi.. r:uiih Iirrtrr :rnrl rr rSclectilc Srt lirr' Sr str-rrr.hir\{ rll(\ri,nr. illr)Lrr r]hrrl

    i'lr'.r'c keclr I lri

    ^ ii r:

    NSI ll ro:r .rL! orr.t rlrii(l ris.r alrrl lxlrrrr tlLlt \{)lr scr(0l \,, r I-1r 1. I 1).:.\. ()! Il(,llI r' ( :r,),,i g (..!r(] {l)\l'. l;l)l]1,'\ i)-l(;:li'i. l';rler inr'. Illir!,i. i;ol)g {'\rr'r1\l ilr cu ()l

    5t.le1Liri. \( r\ ji ( \rsri'rrr.Llrli l-fil_i-li:r'l)lni

    ia:-1rla--:i9-l o8-a4-al

    BAll:;( H,iSS E I iiO'12-6il-1124


  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    BSO - SSN Verificati Resulrq Fage 1 of 1

    :' r'iiriSl\1|.ii\ (l| I|,www.socialsecuraty.q


    IJrisiness Serrices OnlineASO Inrornration Coniact UsNavigatiol1 Loqo!t

    Social ecurity Number Verification Systemls S

    Record! Submited 1Farred: 1Verifd R6codsr O

    SSN Verification ResultsIhe_lo own! iabte dEptays your 3ubmited r6u[s the tiEt co]umn indrt6s jf the slbdiiled Gcorov,e f@ & s d mooyee 6 oeaseo rre . 6r 'ive d,91s ofi"" ss., ",r * "".r"" ,". ,"ii*- '_e6!s ano @rdswih a vo,ir6t,on resuns @de oi2 3 . or 6.

    . Dala ds not malch Socratsecurity Admin6lrarDns rMrds Setecl What to do,llan SSN Farls to Verifv td horernfomation. OeBed . Oara rac-e_3 Soc,d Serul AonrEt?. on > , Mr3 ano ou, .eco.ds rd,te rhall"^F":"1.: gig":$_rg19r! .r.oharon prea*.onracr o. sen.d ssa .nro_"r.n i;-ar'{uo7_,7-12.3-OD.rry l{0G325,0778ioi vo-rt@,socisd]ly,.etoo*e seecrfreto orrce Locator rc rnd tne o,frce ra.esr yo!. V6rifid - Oata maEhes Soo.t Setu.dy Adm n6uation,s Gcords

    Mm El TAMt DV Easin-T'me tosFat wrh CFp,oy. CuslomsJ SeN.G prsornet Forruulr rY e 1_400.325{f73

    Venfv l'4ore SSN5yelifoFlel4QElg!oi!ts!


    SSN not h frle {nv6r'ssuedJ. I 2zISSNVS/interactiveVcrifi

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9



  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    WETJET HOLDS ON TO DIRT BETTERthanthe leading midoliber spra! mop

    i,l\ti B

    _--_-bamas Tax Return RE ED For 2009: President Pulled In $5.5 Million Last Year Page 1 of3


    August 22, 2011

    lrLe415KCONNECisearch lhe Huffington Posl Slbnil

    Obamas Tax R turn RELEASED For 2009: President Pulled lnYear5.5 Million Las

    Hufilngton Post I Ryan lvlccWhats Your Reaclion?P.esidedl Obama s laxes been filed and oLr nrlions tummandecin-ch;el and the f,.st lady ioselher ported anadiusted qross income of in 2009

    y Flrsr Postedr 04-15 1001:20PM I Updated:0415-1002:24 Pl'l

    me ($5 661 666 on a gss basis) i6 fiorn book sales which rcquired $866 dollars in oflce

    $333,182 in income and paid $71,147 in federal incorne iaxes. (SEE a PDF of lheir rctums

    loq, the Obamas paid $1,792,414 in iederal income taxThe majod9 oi the Obamas'expenses, the lonns showThe obamas save S3?qr 0c io 0 ch4rlre!, the largesl were $50,000 donations lo CAREand the United Negrc College Fund.lhis $1.4 million Nobel Pdze funds to 10 chadties.additio. lhe psidentThe Bidens, ior lheir pad, repobqe.)READ:The presideni's iax retu

    cori,i20l0l04/15/obamas-tax-retum-release n 539213.html 8/22/201I

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    t* Original TaxGeneral FDF


    freated:l'1c'dified:{ppliEatjun:PL:IF HTOtrUiETFAlt !rel' ! le'

    osting.pdf F roP ertiesBetEils

    Tirursday, April 15. 101u, 11: 15:lg Af'lflrursdal, April 15, 201u, 11:15119 At"l

    l"lai OS .r, 1r3, 5,3 Quartr PDFfontextf ls FDF tr'ersion: 1.l

    matjt'n on this page reffects the acbJal rc,ntents l,fAdcbe PDF file, This Fage ma?' differ from ofrerof tlris proFrertq sheet that displal' informaitc,nthE iriindcrris file stsiem.Intirq r,ta.


  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    STATF, OF FI,cotrNl'Y o!- DU

    fbllowins under theDL #PtO0-?45-45

    2. On April 15,

    I submit

    Tax Rctum

    Then lh

    7. I submitrvith his


    at web developer having graduated with a bachelor's degree in lT from lT-1'

    rn ofltesident Barack H Obma:sites/defaul/fi les/preside tobama-20 65-page pdffiie on my compuler. I observed that all information about thc

    ))s. s)

    8 years old aJld resident of7579 Watden Road, Jacksonville, FL 32244 with FLI do notsuffer from any mental impakment lnd I competently attest to the

    le in lndianapolis,IN i have ove. ten years of experience of in web de.sign! andI have often used software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illust.ator.0, the Wh itehouse website, www.whitchouse.qov, releasd the2009 Form 1040

    e first lady's social scu.ity numbers were redacted. All blocks orspaces fbrbrs were blank, or "whi!e-out.

    initisl MLO o.lhe sidofFom 709/4 inch dark square with nolation on it.

    A (attached herewith, paee 43 part of 2009 I 040) Form 709 U.S. G ift TaxObama. The space fo.his socialsecurity number is redacted or blank.ib it B (aftached herewilh, pag 49 part of 2009 Fo.n I 040) Form 709 U.S. G iftilst Lady Michellc Obama The space for her social scuriiy number is redacted or

    be Illustrator software,l opened Exhibil A and B and found that these two pdfeach, notjust one layer. When tle lop layer is turni off or dragged away,oumbers ofboth persoos are rvealed.

    A I (altached hercwith) Form 709 U.S. Cifi Ia){ Retum of P's. Barack Obamdscrurity number re!edled. lhe followrng in(ormalion are revealed:Obama's SSN. 042-68-4425

    elle Obarna\ SSN 350-60-2302

    SSN or PIN P005709?436-2',700600no 3l2l3t2-O440

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    I AldrB!tud$d slr.!t4d1688 PAN}ISYL A1'EM'8, NT'a cE ssb. dd ziP 6d3'JASEIIiIGTON , 'C 205009 { J@ elsrd.d rh B* in10 rFl d'. @nnbs{t

    di* !r6e > L_ ! 4fit{r*{#otda!rtrh trt its. clE t re > fliseds&iB Jia a tdrn4dr 9as dd| .lm >

    t iJ ten'sd lt,iE 1:ais ided, rom ;!9 {d iagal ,r ?ry rrp fB2 r,'!n.- dd9 [e 1 $- h* ,!r idds ct4qed strfe ydJ lad d.d arB icg ra tlgApeit! Ir hs![d .r.ite b']{s stcure i6 t1{d rers '*u4. D. Fn @Mt b rE* lla $dl' iu:ai!@!q 4rsrtio'r-*@!irq rrsirs! f@ tr r@ and brint tr* 6d6{b !a.metard 4 rEe 4'? ha!!ry t .h o,rop {5.e calrudtr6-1{d 6? 3lE5 6@slb lnsjed led rad spae dld sgr !* ljiltMl snis t6tllr- ge! rsr h'*!,'stt13 ltaE at {ss,trr sa.@15 ive%lrwid lrrerB ll 15 6 rto, ddi.trdr617 lti[ a 4t[ a, atri f& tr5 Yrs,'r* &sb Ettrc F tlE gr

    3lddbdb,estasr{diti0 eaa@ Sllt".lliDes7 ln illM f,ifiedsrdilI Bahre S*:e.ltDat0 a$El 2m t20) 3t1tr.i1 a*d ntF..iln ia12 !k;6ds4l rnsdEl,, Iord qEBs Add 5nt616 $d! rrl

    Sn ad reM.iitr stl

    { }htt i. :.n I t

    M te3 ls* l&le tu Cutplltrg Gi? taiq s+errs r4Fod;ensl6 tne? l* ,*b td cb.tlodliE cd l*tr sa&b drsfidois),lE s !5run41t

    st B allordii ,...r lriq rsio& tt_6F s4lL & -@ 1. ..L ct:]itr,44 as , 5p61ii. adnFij.r;r 4d$ @6e ifer 59ta4bs 6, la and

    tn 6.!o$I6bi6strs@Ds , lM sihedub c, i>'l I :oL ,1. I rbstaosts es 9r.pad D$ e:a.l@ ot !D t nb

    r, ellr n.l!s dn. !s )rsauir@r


    ,* 709


    Stales Gifi (and Generalion-Sildppng Trarrste4 Tar Feturn> Sr! ..r.r& is!fiEi.R 2{t093 ltomi! .cr-r '.{it r!!Ss.

    t rr@, te*n3 idrdrte)ILIJINOIg? CAnBBlrF ]G.*ur1im)StlITm sT_eTES9


    h. ltE qdb {rd g$sd,l'dcFs'1! !-ar*Gl nE& it @ ed ty dry 9de E d*d @ltE drbsfiEdjr&.tyaoi ol,! r{e s.r bonlrse oltheD{d.nd 5@{dlrbiEtJidrt rdde{t!ydE el4{i$ 6tfrb d6FaM. > y'- 7-/o



    CAGO, ]Lrc( dPatrMrinnhltdlrt106.r-34prlc i2dtgrerdEirBFcct t6.dbioro_1 =.- 76{} :66

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    .- 709 2009States Gn (sd GlrE snir}SLht&lg Trensfod Tax Retum> t!. $ta& a.ta.clor.-



    t Doioas tu rsFE rn tud(uISHELIE L. OBAI{A ! 0.../r gd., rdit ..ddI ArkLss lnmbr, st d, ar1600 PENT{SYLV? IIIA AVANSA, NI{ 5 t 9d r.sbD {lb.-+,ILLTrlOIS3 [n}. sEe aqtl9 c'd.WASEINGTOII , DT 20soo 7 CiisldrA (s ft*ldtE,I'IIITED STATBSt n nlr dod drd drinc !8,s tts{orts jtdtrEmaloffl0 lnit fD t]1d Brdd.l d..

    4 dEd h.4 > L l.nd6FdaE.ldrdtn6 Fin rtg. crrd ia! > =rctrit or scie&!r. a, cdlnr idi 9d!on odtt !ffc > 211. {aftr@ llErbn lrreAt Inrtl]sEb iE lra 6"1 t fjst. tc,n ,!9 is /l1+,A) ior 3nr sts ,ir2 n 1o.'90 !E i rb;,'hd )!ir reB .rE!.d !d roo ii lb6 fr4 7@ td tl,+{i? xfl &b!'rl$.rlo.ribadr.rr 9o$ b nBn tad6 d'Y6'dE l ttfto ntdcrtori6 r$ rl ad i b s.Ldd ttrtd. Do,Gr *Edi b h# ft qrlts t.t h6{ 06l.rah.rj(o0rE i,r8lEc) dErb hyfl.fft bvmq dE eldrB , conqb.d 6 @t @{Eilt,dn otrtutls asrsddE| r't rE a;}srd 6n{sl b. tur*elai dd /or 5oo@ tr!,st r9. trr rysd ffi h.@r. rli..lcrb''6.'.rt xt3 !1b Ol EolerEn 3OOrs IARACK E. oBAtA


    ss;rr--15 llt a 'r0 'Eier! b ol'. a|d a:lrrlt tE 6!rt xt y!r? !s ristEtE6) xla r, 15 b fa'chdt lrl.drd L--J irnd Ll itdEdd Ll ,i*!r.d,thr66ed" rnd o! de >r? Wi. ofi tu eirr lor b6 r r be Hed 4lqI9ol6d? tll'Y.'FEI bo[l anIG h !t. lart dftho.) xF{ afrcds} REd. b, @ drd tr ny ep.ir5. b sid pfE dttB !}.alardtoltrE zxt $d, rat-y tr Er 6rd ty Gt !I.arb. ot 4a cdgtot> 4/Es*,#JflE*r\l-2{tlozr3I5,,I



    hedlh 8. lrE l6 art 3 $r.rartb ld Cor4t1i,s cct ta, seF.t crrdiG)M W2la rzatb td Grt ta !l s.srr iEhxtixrs)h ux*,1dr,sfutd ir66. s dstbc&ts)rE{!da$*$'.d!ixalhrnsd!a,tfte t.core)



    i{a rl a:F .aorn b h chd.i

    rn.tro,'!d G a sa.dto edt rin tu rib nEd..tu S.rOmbc & r9r6.,..d. i6t4!!Gl!hv{9.rboirr6d-.rrrd i3m id 6. to ror ec. less dlar a"' b6 ttw sdsr* C. Pr 1 Br rt tod,15b r-*tr oro r*,0 omt onl* or r* o r*f. sir !d.e d! t* ftsrcer6/




    !0 r a'3 -tut6r.

    til :y:arlza i:44rl+=g4*n.le.L-\Y ): a,> .-/LL(AJ,UL ett^ *iEv-Er,r"

    ;*.'> Ltlz. *u/-/,- iH*n-u,#F)H &BERG SOLHEIH SOI'StI & SSAIN, PCN I.A.SiAILE ST, STE 22OO:s rlt.A td ilrr@e. Pn+ r.r r.a P.!.tud A.l!.d{ t rtl.d... et:aE r.r&r. i-rrd@6r rh t m. r._ Z('9 |c1

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    ,"* 709 Stats Gift (and eneralion-Sklpping Transfer) Tax ReturnlFd qft F& dne .abi@ F& ?@)> S.s ssp.r.L h6lr0llont. 2009



    1 Donois inlnrmeandnriddh iBARACK E. OBA!4A 3 Donorrroclrl!.curityiumlar1 Addre$ lnumbe( steeL and ar1600 PENNSYLVAN :A AVENUE, NW 5 Lelar rosidonce (domicit.)II,LINOISI Cily, strte, and Z P codsWASHINGTON, DC 20500 7 Cihenship (seo idsbuclions)UNITED STATES8 lf$e donordlad durinq the yearI liyou xreoded lha rim6 to ile t10 Eni$ lhe ioEl numbor ol done! lisled on Schedule A Counl each Dorson ont! oic. >.heck here > L I and enter dare ol dranrrrom 709, check [er > D 211. Haw you (he donoi) previol'st! ll Ihe answdr lo |tne 1 1a is "Y.s " ledaFom709(or709-4)ioranyotneryeaf I No,'skip tine 1lb.E your address chanqed since you hst ihd Fdm 709 io. /0SA)? x12 Girb by husltid or wjl6ll) $krIt)ur sPouse lo fiird Pattrs duri1es.' fte lollowino rnforruoon rlh8 M8 rrd !o io Sct.duloCri,$.DoyouconsenrtoFavohegtt5rrrudroseneuDon-sto0m0Uestersr.udetjvv ano b-0 lie caleld.l yenr considered a! nadsonFralbyeicfo,youttSdersuuclrols.)rttniriswrirsJ(lb6iLrlshed d vou spohe musr rqn he @nsenr sho@ he o4 Itdr!.rr!.rl.'llo,'ltrD x13 Nade ol consenlino s...s,. I{ CHELIIE L. OBAI4A l1a ss{

    15 Wd.o h! md.d ro dn an.rhc juin9 the enlfe calendar yeaf (see irstuctions) XJd lf 15 is llo, che* whelhtr L--.1 ftried L-.J divorced or L__l widowed/d*ss4 and oiw dat >17 Wll a Ofi lir relur n ,or dh !rr e ilod by yo!. spous? (lt Yes,'mair boti rEturns n tE safle Bnv,ooo.) ....... x18 Cotrr. olSpo$r. !comsntbyear consldered as ma& one-hacoN.ntin. .ooorot eionitrru >)

    ofls /and oensaton shlD'no Fansidrsr nade by Fs and by my spousg to ln{d Darto( du nq heca rrfirolur b tre bo$jwae olhelqlald.d ssvaii'br'itv lor l/ ftealod by m erecu0on ol lhis co.seoL4tt/tt-LLt/t tnter Se ahol]ntlmm Schr2 tnter b0 amooni Lom Sdhr8 iotallarabh Oitls- Add lines,l Id compuled 0n amunl05 iar compstsd on amoonl ot Ealancs. Subtacl iins 5 irot7 Marithum lni,lrdcedn (not nhr lhe uninsd credil agatI Ealance. Subtr@i rine I rron10 Enrff 20% (.A)) or he amorbelore January 1, 1977 (sn

    1 1 Bahnce Sublracl line 10 io12 Uniiedcredlt tnrer th. sdal8 Credh ior toelOn Olit lrxes {l1l Tobl cEdirs- Add ln6 12 art5 Sahnd. SubLacl lins 14 fio1t Genenhon'skiplino rmshr17 lohllal' Add lines 15rnd 118 Giit an d qe nerarirn.skio DlnoJg illine lSishsslhanlhe 17,

    f im 13ls ors{.. ih,tr-irt

    1iuleE,line 3 2l and21l^e 3lse6 Tabta tq Conpulhg 6,,n Ia in separato mslructonttiB2 lsee fabte tq canputing oit Id h seoaal6 insruct0ns)

    !!!6?s d..lalldns. soo nslrucdo.s)I tai lo' all pnor penods (hoh Srh. B, re L.ot.C)liq. /rt a lowd as a specillc Bxmpllon tor Oins mads anr Ssptember 8, 19i6, and


    rins I 111213

    13 1ar line 6. Do oot.nter less than zerodes{lromSdhedulec,Pan3,col,N.Iorat) . . .

    sler hEs prepaid widr extflsi.n ot drc lo titenlrr b.hnc6 dua (s inslruc[ons)>nte. l,noorr lo !. .riuidrd . . ....



    0.Sign >*s h!lsjidudhqaya6mp4'4kq(YY-- t +/z-t'io "'-"*'" [E v". f] r"ur.ont

    w;) //,, 4roJuwrfil!Pi":"Y#")m BERG SOLI{ETM HOWELL & SHAIN, PCN IJASAILE ST, STE 22OOLii:ir:irq LHA foroilclo.llt.. aIdPaCModRrducdonActMnc.,3!r.!.1zofih.e.prnrsi..t.ucioi.tor$i.tom. r.- 7Og dB)I

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    8. 81 (attached herewilh) Fom ?09 U.S. Gift Tax Rebm of First Lady Michellehcr social securiw numbr.eveald. The followins infomation de reveald:

    lle Obama's SSN 350-60'2302Obma's SSN. 042{8-4425SSN or PIN P005709?436-2'100600n..312/37?-4440

    that lhe td prepee. for Poms 709 of Prcs. Obama may hde forgotten to loct orins lop Lyds befo.e posting thd on the Internel. t later noticed lhat aftq APrilpdf nle posted ai the white House has been modified. The top Iayd on PrcsidotTd Rhlm have been locked or flsttn dd @uld no lonse. be d6esed out. Hiswifet SSN we.eno lonservhible.I5,2010,SsN ed




    RIBED AND SWORN TO beforc me on August 24, 2011."/,1L

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  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    RISCLLI:R5OF'florlc:roN Docu&ENi scaNNE ksv'lloE aoFiJAt scAr,rNEgsC ECKSCAi!NF:StrJAG NG SOF]WAAE


    P.O Bcr4o135BrLLCvuE.WasHRGroN 93015

    1.12s) 643.113r:FAX (24n)334 7297Forresponse Io this bner . ,, :

    wDB Pr(;risr^vvl achivrndex comv vw lvhoresalo. h -..k5canners.c on

    May 22.2011

    I. Douglas B- Vogr, am o!Re ised and Expanded Affidavit

    lli ycala old, do not suller liom any rnental impajrmenl, bave personalncrs and document imaging prograns. Ilased on my l(nowledge andc and correci

    I know t)pe and four design very well. I culTcntiy own Archile Indexsells all typcs of documcnt scanncrs *oridu,idc and also dcucloped( I heRcrrositorl-)- I know how thc scanners \'york aod their calabiliries. I

    what has happcned rvith Obarna's Cenilicate ofLive Birth. I also have aAdobe Photoshop and lllustrator.'ii:r "5itrry

    Kno\!ledgc rn ire rbjto\!i ,}nJ alteiL ul{ler pcr,ai{} ol'periury tiraL I have krorvicdge ard cxpe*iseir docuurcnts, inraging. sccxpctise the follo\vin-,t is

    'l )'pcscttirlg) lor ll ycarsSvsrenrs sirce 1993. whidocnnrent imagingprocedules r-.itb inraginginrpoflant in undelslandingoocl rvolking krrowledge

    1 hlve a unLquc back unrl lirr analyzing this docul,I]ent. I owned a typeselring conlpany Oova

    har,e also sold other doc ent iDraging programs, such as Laser Ficbe, Liberly and Alchemy. I havesoldadinstalleddoc t inuging syslenls in city and counly governnenls, so I know their'slems and cvcryllring a-bout the design of such pR)gmlrrs. This will be

    Figlre 1 lrif image ol lhe Figurc 2 rhe micrctilmcd Cediticale ol Live Bidh ol SusanNordyk daied Augusl11, 1961.B nh daled Auols18, 1961.

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Whol I DlJcovered oboui Cedifkote of Lile Birth qnd why it i5 s Forqery.'"Vir;:r thc Oh:nra a nrioi\tritrion !elcasecl js:r PD| irr.rgc that ilier are tiyirg lo pass olias aCertilicalc I-i!c Binl1 fo rl prinled on grcen seculity paper'b1' the County Hcalth Dcpaftmen{,but fiis 1blll1 is a cr lbrge\'. honicall_v the cou1l1l,v l1as a lot to thank Mr. Donald liurrp and\4r. Je|orxe Corsi and is ne\{'book. bccarLse thel,nla.ic i'resident libama's bidh cetlificate a publicissuc $'hich i| turn ed rhc Whitc llousc to produce this lorgc|y to answcr both olthem. aerlific.le o1' c Br l ' r- . r- rs:r ' ig.rl r.,j rr. t;ll h,lc ird\rr. .

    q le. l'hc inr apc 'r,e arc lookn.q rt rva-. scanned in grat,s c.rle anrl somep.rd in binar)' whichrhado\\'ing along lhco did the original scanning ol all the folms, did not lal.-e thc indiviCual pagcs'hr rcslrlt is ihat all rh!'pnges in rhat booir display a FrralLa:( dislo{eci nagecurvc and dlop do,"vn to the lcfl. Il you look al line 2 (Figure 3) on lhe

    l1 nolicc the letrers dlop dorvr onc pixcl bul thc typed word i,4ale does not.Also notice thc line just belorv,i/a1c r1tops dol'n 3 pixcJs.


    FI csfBlgure 3 Line 2 ol lhe fo . Base ne differences.Thu rce0rrLl ir':i,ictrt r)l'1his l-'arallrx problcrr is scer itl linc iic;\',l;;tg af Ilosii;iui o) libiilulion(Irigure ,1). 'lhc *ord , ?3 Cro]]s dolv 2 pixcls, but the typcd hospital natlc. KaPl.r/.rtl, does ilotdriip d.)t\'rl ai all, and in rhe line just bclo$'drops down 2 pixels, but noi lhc nalne i'aliolarlThe conciLrsiou you ltsl corne lo is thal $c rypcd in lbnn was super-imposed ovcr an exislingive Birth ibrm. ln licl. s;nce I lolnd so o ollhc form hcadings scanned inthe ib r ilrell is a composite bur the person who crcalcd it did not 0altened

    l- (lurvcd and non-cuthe county employce woLrt olthc post irindcrs.ol' the Lines ard type.lorrn that says .!r-.: lcu

    origirral Cenificalc ofas bil]arl and grayscalthe i age ofthe blankihc conrp,rsilc lolm. lllypc$rrller lypc ],rc secdates and that is \\'hy I

    nuncr! bc on the same iDlage. Ihe reason I know tllis is because ol'thetter (lcii hand side) is produced by scaming in gmyscale. It also rreans that

    rm and save it as one fi]e befbre lhcy sta[ed piacing thc iypewritcr texi orlinctiYidual(s) who p{jr?clli]tcd this lbrgery could nol cvidcntly iind a blanklorn iLr thc clrrLs irr ng database- so they wcre lbrced io clcan up exislirg lblnls and overlay thelorgci.lidD'r i ust 1]

    'Ihc lorger \\,ils also bokirlg fcr cerlificates \.vith the conccl slanlpedihirk they used more than one origiml lornr. At firsl I \'vondercd why thcthe emiLe fbrn fiorr scratch andr'crlay 1he iype and il.,i ha\'c 1cl won-yb1cm. fhcn I rcorenbcred that in lhc carl)' 1960s there \\'as nolbm1l\'as set ir hot rrelal lroln a lift)tlpc nrachine. The ly,.'e design I thinl(dbolrt 1he parellax ppholot)'peselting and th

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    is Tines Ronran blt the couid nel'er replicale the exact dcsign. 'il1cy 1vqrc stuck having to usecxjsting lbL'lns Ihar \ ere :anned in ,rsirrg bina|y and grayscale.

    rf,E mr of Horplt*leniolsnlFioure 4. Line 6c at 5O0% typev'/riler name ol ihe hcspital does nol drop down 2 pixels.2. Thcre is a rvhire ha ng nrouDd all thc tyDe on lhe form- FiSure 5 is an exa,nple of this. Thisellect should not appcar240 dpi You $ill notjceis seen tiuough the type.through lhc iypc and noIhe i|ipo(a thing tounless tile image is a coup ol srnaller pafs. Fishould look likc conl

    Fr- nrBl Rd CNCI O:n a scanned grayscale iulag. Fjgurc 6 is a g|ayscale i,rage scarlned in atthat there is no haloing ellect ar'ound the type aDd aiso the security patteln:igurc 7 is a color imagc whcre you can clearly see the security green colorlurng. I iFr,ie 8 sholr( :r Bl;r-k .ind whire r binarl I iIrJSc oI thc srrne type.Inber is drat you cannot have grdyscale and binary olr (he samc scarposite. fhis nrcans thal differert compoDcnts of the whole image are made9 is an enlarged vcrsion of Figure 6 showing *hai grayscalc letter-sto llinary.

    ll'd. (?tp. oi ptint)BAIiACI(

    Figure 5. Obana's lormre next qu(stron \\4Lrici b(': $hal would iuve caused the halloing elltct? We lcrow that all theoriginal Cerrifiuares ot]Li!e Brrth (('oLB) r,cre microfilnred because wc can see the NotdykcCcrtificat( (Figu'e 2) \a'4s microtilrned. ll1en some limc after 2004 {he paper o.iginal copics, in postbinder books. u'ere scNnned using a conrrncrcial docull)cnl scanner lvith a natbed. scamed asgrayscale inagcs. The fdrger rvas working wiril Nvo lypes ofjmagcs. Hc/shc may have used images

    priuted tilj:1 thc nricroflr::ed copy and rhcn scanned ihc printour in gra),scalc. A1 that poi[t thelorger $olrld have 1{) in.l,ef the image so as to have a whitc backgrcund. black type. Figlrre l0 is ancxample of an in imagc of l'igurc 2. The result rvouid be like Figur 9 bui a whiterbackgrolrnd. The image]l am u,o|kiIg wlth in Figurc 10 is only 94 DPt but thc lorger was workingwith ruuch highcr rcsoldtion (>240 dpi). Al that point the forgcr converled lhe grayscale to a binary


    liliju lrY F-:ACIVr'itll!i ;t,,i ll('i1lrl..,r:1ri1 iir !i'nir.,r,r tl.':lir':r ril; (l ().rl.rj. (liFigure 6. Grayscale.

    9:CU IIIi Y PACI\,1r'r rltJrn il r_i( r L)l li', \.': 11 ii5'\',rrririr._, l::i'is ir0rntllrr alr:;::i. (li

    Figure 7- Color image.

    rrnage and plaeed ii !-nlh the hackground lbrn1 iniage. Thc problcnr was that thcre werc still image

    lr, -tt'r. rr.tls:-rr.G r.r' ! r

    values for the pixels thc placed type so rvhen he/slre placed the l.Jpc iluage over the

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    irJelier.,rnJ .n(l irsrr uc rhe l\pe Jr)rl\rr(l rr blank!d t'urthc plogmnt to blingcllict i]lound thc t),Pc.ntaee. hcncc rlrc halllrirl

    r+l l!,-1tI t! . lrri. i 4. l t .{. ,r-. 1.'J:

    $-:SECURITY PACIVenlura &15165 Vontura BoSherman Oifi* .!i,Frg!,e I 8inary rilage l gure9 An en a.ged version oJ Fglre I showing grayscale iype

    Flg!tur T0 lnveded ima cl Figrte 2.#Atr:-

    3. Thc Ob,'nl2l ( ertifisnroking grn thirl llris li)using gra) scale. bul onlylerters. FigLrre ll aud iighrstitrtion. /// ald again

    c is k'jrllcd with bolh binrlrv ard giayscrl( icaters lviliclt is i,rsr anothcri..r l".icr1 lr .rl\p( r, lh. l.r'.s - J s,u - . I lrre b,,\c.. q rc .cln.r..Llsonrc of the form headings u'cre gravscale arrd sometinrcs it is oi:li' sourere + givc orc crample. You will Dolice rhat lhe // and, 4/ in Flospiral, / inlhe , and / iD hospital !,"rc gratscale iDaScs, bul thc rcsl ol rhe linc isbinar1,. -l hc l1'pewrite' li i bclo\! was scanled in as a binary irnage. I ca al:io tetl you ibr cefaint]thirl the ibr'm lvpc !\'as scpi\els on the letrcrs weriillcri in This nra; ri:microfilnre(lcopiesHorpltd o lnrtltutlon {-[i not ln hoipltsl r

    nncd in at a lo\ler resolulion (:-200.1p;). lhisisbccaLrs.ofrhesizcolthesuch lhal lhe openings on ihe a.rnd r oD lhe first line arc no1 visibl a darnlhrr ;ndicaie lhat lirrgcr rook sorr]e ol_ thc ryp. iurages lionl lhe

    rlsnl ternity & ftmeco

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Anothcr cxanrple isSrayscalc inage and rheand the rcsl \\'as not unlil

    'I he quesliou again is:

    Figu,e r1 sholvrng a m,xlu

    jost err.c tlrc Nh{rlL'forhrsr.lLIe ,'l th( t)te lL,l.xpcrienccd gmphic a iilttr3.ftFgure l3 Anolher exam

    ,\nolh,Jr c\arr)ple isgralscalc inrage brt thejob. It also mcans *'e doothcr lbrN boxcs thal disARThI6tF glrre i.1. The lasr "1" is g-1. l hc Soqucriiel Nunolicc thill Barack Obar1lan(l lhe k)cai rcgisrmr(lc(iUcatc rrurnbcr ' 61 Iou SutLuday xt 2: l2 p-nr.Ccrtiiicatc nurrbcr is'_66l 106ii8. Keep 1n nrind$oUl Jll hc rfiq'r( ThLiOblnra s ('enilicatc rr()received by the Clerk I$crc mailcd srrnr,:rirnc enunrbel..s less than Obanlh ighcr thJn r eerlillcatc canrc in i days latcr.

    urrJ in lorrlis binalyt \\'r1s rddeLi.Wh! did tlrc fblger lcave some grayscale q'pc imtges il thlj lorDr and

    oi grayscaie and btnary type on the same\ la. lris ia c ts,lllAcK. lor sorrle rcason thc'R_ is a(figure l3). lhar meaDs thc la'was originall] on rtre lbrtD

    thc answor is that hc/'she lccded thc grrr),scalc jnragcs to re,esrrblishc slrPcrinlposed birrary t],pe. lhis also lold e thaL lhc. fbrgct.q,as'*fi?f; fttrlh

    olgrayscae and brnaf/ on lhe sime lne.e Ccrlilicatc nLirnber i.seil (Figorc i4). T|e last 'i on the


    olthc nurubers aLc not. fhis is.iust anolhcl cxanlplc ot a cut l;iir is arnd pastc'lhere atet kno\ \drat tbe real Ce|titicate nrrnrbe| is ifthe|e elen is ore.lay thc same leaturc. boxes:5b- 7c. I l. 13. 16, l8^.ilT OF HEALTtofi{tr$_ys.a F butlhe rsi aie brnary.

    er is a lraud. I s,,,'uld likc )ou 1() rcler back 10 Figurcs I and 2. You qill\l,as supposed k) havc becn born on lriday ai 7i24 p In. AugLrsl 4. 1961ly accepted ir or1 Juesday August 8, 196l and hand slanlped thcl ll,eir n, rir. rhJl rlk uth. r'crrificdrc('r'susrn L. NurJ)kc $is hornngu$l -

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    As sr.{cd itl #:l the las(Fig rc l;). ;rsain irreiirrhencc a Jorgery. i his fbr ry coDles uDder a sc?arale ol]ensc and car]ies \\,ilh il s-yesri in prisonlsec Appcndix D: .Iitlc l Ch.47. Sec. l02litulllLThc facts I Lravcasscmblcd. 1. So cprogralrl. searched tl\c.l llrbase lbr sourcoDe closc lo lhe uctual hinh datc ot Obanla ald loundsonreonc neaf lhe 4rll cf rust. il in f.,it lt( \u\ h"rn rnr,itc 4 "anJ we {houlJ nor as.iumc rhatrt dll

    ''l ' on tbc ibl|n is a gral,scalc inrage but thc rest ol lhe nunrbc* ale ln)lbic prooi lhal thc Cariil-lcate Dumbcr is a conrpositc r)f hvo nuDrbcrs ancl

    I'ou in #3 and 4 tcll nle scveral ihings lbout how this lorger), \\,ass) in tlre llealth l)eparlrDcllt. rvho hal acccss to rhc docurnenr inragirgthr: ,tr'i' rrf ALrgust bccausc lhey ltad a bab)' lyho died closc to his dalc ofcrosse.l relelerccd thc Cealh dalabase 10 fird sollreoDc who had died and

    r aud birthplncc olthc Nord),kc lwins- Wc could nrakc lwo assruliDg here.e Wahia$? I lospital lvould lmve lilled the COLII lbl',ir as c|lstonrary andcal(h Dcpartment and rhe Kapiolani iv{edical Certcr rvorrld have lilled o rothcr lcss prcbable u'ould bc that hor nledical rccords rverc lransfcrrcC 10

    Obanra nrav har,e choscrbinh The clelk nrav hahdd a bi h datc closc to\\?s bor'n on ^Lrguljl 4- I

    barna s. ll has been reporled Ihar an inlant girl naned Virginia SunahamI a1 Wal.r:tlva Ilospilal in \lJ.rhia\\?- ()alrr. l.ll q,ho dictl on ;\ugus1 5.l96l at lhc KaDiolani W tcn and Children-s iVlcdical Cc .er, due 10 corl1plicati(nrs l his happens toc0ircide \\ ith clale ('fbiI hc llist ri{rulil be lhar ilnrailcd it to drc Counq' Ithe dcatl) ccltilicatc. fhcKapiolani Hosfital and ilaler included ill thc grou'l he Federal Co\,elnrbclor.r') which indicatesdif'frcnt conrponents

    I \\'anlcd the Sl Les to crc)-ss rclcrcnce thc birtl) and dc{lh dal{bases \u thedalabase woul(l hale LhN 'rlr, lrlrrrior.. l'h. d1lJ ,rrr))pr l-dve rbo Jilfcrcn .olor. "nd silc. ricc "5

    *'ould prodlrcc thc binlt ccllificale and later the (lcath oortificatc wasol birth ce!!illcares lhat conlained the Nordyke t\!ins.

    \ere used and also do thc databasc searches ro find rhe right Ccrlificatcse jficate ol-l,ive Bil'lh and tlilally son]cone who si8ned the ltaudulcnlt both dates canle fiom di{}arcnt Ccftificates. We carr conclude from thislhat morc lhan anc per: u:s inrn.vrci rr' he llaur,i Drpartruc rr '\f llealrh rn asse,rbl. h,.:

    bc localcd anywherc. ln t this was a multi-stale conspiracy lo dclraud the Unilcd Staies.lo credle the fiaud le!1ccl'tificale. I belicve lhata isi io u.iuail) asscrnbi flcr all the conrponents wcrc as:icmbled they were then givcrr lo a giaphicthc whDlc ihing and create lhe finished lbrgery. t hat gmphic artisl could

    nd font sizs ir Form bor 22 .J.nd 20 Datc Acceplel hy Reg. Geneml,. Tlvo dillernt colors\fhi,1 is \eri rc\calir)g ii\\'hcre therc should bc ndilTerenl colol:; (Fisur!rogether \\as looking ibronly thiDgs ibat arc printrcsl oi ihe ,)pe is ill blacopied fionl hari a coio|

    rl lhjs bori r0d date entD is ihcrc are t\\,o diJlcrcnt cojo[ orr both linescolor at all. Bollr lincs wcrc scanred usirlg binary nrode. bu I see lwo5). Vlial i tliirk ihis is st),r\\,ing us is lhat tl,c pcr;orr ri6n plr! this f.audfonr1 rhat had drc righl darc nanely _'AugusllJ 19 I. ' As you can see drcin dark grcen (R-71, G=92, B..73) arc "DrLe A" and "AUG.8 6." Thc. fbis lells nre that rl)c lorger u,as \ orking in color urode and *hat theyaluc lor solnc reason unless thc)'put a color valLr on it. fu.|fili.fu.

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Eg.FlgLrre 15. Two dilierent co

    The sarle dting is tbulhat the date has tlvo dilfithe 'l'' is in hlack Yetthc salnc t\vo oolor irDrucTO,Fiqur 16. Anolher example6. Ihe {,lficial sal is noSeal of the Depannlerrt

    a) lhe officiaj seal ofdiameter. At lie cuA,esidc l,ortion shxll he a,.S1' TE OF LIAWAII

    riguro 1/ Scnlon Obioa.'fhe lirsl Ccrlificate oFornl" ot the COi.B. lril about 3" fioln lbe bclectiic enrbosser. whichcmbossers havc on1)' l14Health Depa( eni scai s uot appe$ obvious on the Obarna COLB. A good e bossnrent $,jll

    ':; ri:-.

    -l ,:,i i

    , dark g'een and lbnn box 20 "DaLe Acceprnd by Local Reg.' Figrrre 16 again sho$,sLnt colots. Ilrc AUG -8 196 i" iu dart preen {R 87. (i-ll . B 87t rrJin anolher ilrefutable proof this forrn is a forgcN- For'I11 box I 7a displays

    ru thc word "None". i he "Non" is in dark green

    lwo colors on the same line.

    Ir#IAcccpted by Itrd Reg,


    p^rt of the Certificaie of Live Bir(h. -l he Hawaiian la*'(Section I l - l-2Hcalth) states:dpanmenl al hcakh slall be cil'cular in shape, xvo and otre-fourth in.hes inIl 1op porlion there shall be lhe \\'ords "DEPARTMENT OF llEALl l't' dnd alpon'on llrcre sh ll be rhe words s-l.^lEOl_ HAWAll." Airllecu.vcoD eachr. lr the cenie. oi the sealshall be rhe Caduceus. a singcd md n[vined snh rwog been .ecoanizcd a5 a universal synlbol ol dedicine. Tne Clducens slEll beion, $,hich slall sparare it fton rhe rvords "DEPARTI\,1ENT OF HEALTH" ^nd


    nli Te-riiiiyr,e sar rrom rs66 aigui. i e: obana s ccLs long lc-n ^rr.2c1 1l-ive Blrth Obama lhe candidare produccd in June of 2008 was fie "Shorl


    rhe Dcpa(mcnt ofHcaiih's seai embossed on il (Figure l7) appeadng onr of the I 1 inch paper'. Tlmr told rne the Heahlr Dcpa(ment is usiDg aapplies anrplc pressure ro leave a clearly visible embossment. Hand sealnch or less. clcararce lbr a 2% iuch seal, fionr the edge ofthe paper The

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    brc.usc a color Lilter


    dre f iti inrage on theO=PANTI\,4ENT OF HEAL

    \ow l1 us look at tdre rugistlars lLtbbcr snot shorv up on theenlargenrent of thc rvoliiiing in pixels so it asrra -!lrt on th. tornr Tl'Ihe stanrp r'ises orly

    distort the typc nnd li on a tbnn and is clearly visible (l;igurc 2l). E\'4rr on lhc Ncrd).kcCertificatc (ligurc l8) insc.n. I igLrre l9 .horv'rrsecl to sce rt. othrrwi\e it roltr;-.letely disrppcor's iii th.

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    the gr phic afiist 1olike this wouici be placed

    iPR .',,] 4 2rlr1

    as straight as possible-that pcrlecl on tltq page. Thc only problcm is that no halld stamped noticc

    istrar stamp rvith the errors on il,

    1ir..Fi.rure 24. Enlarqmenl rh.,6 "TXE "Olher ir!estigators h e nentioned what Looks like an italic "Il'uodcr lhe capitirl n in AlviD. lnFiflrre 22 rhe same ani

    scurity irnagc the lo1reason ihat we don l kn yet.

    and they desu vc the ii for djscoverirg il. What they discovcred is that whei you open up thePDF file in Adobe lliucorspond to diflercr)( and you lurn on lal'ers, you see a iong list of nine dillerelll layers thatoDs ofthe fbff1, includiig rhe signatures on the form. Figu.e 25 shows

    Figure 23 Obama's

    201 1'fhe llllowiDg are the.45ublype/ln'ragerLedglh 615 0 obj

    i.! ] ,,!

    tl. Vlultiple lalers in thF PDF tilc {rom the White Hous. I an'l rot the first orc to find this fact

    t does no{ appcar. We have ro assuDre either the anifact *'as alrcady on theused. aod forgot lo crasc it, or-it was placcd there delibcrately Jbr sonrc

    fie layer lhat contains rndsl oflhe Tt'pewrircr anC fomr texa.

    disappear liom the lbirn but the lines stayed j!6t as I had concluded.the i,ie. llere I discosurprise I discovered

    dircctly ro Washingto

    28T09158 24 07rCo

    r codes fol the 9layers embedded tkoughout thc lile./DcToe.odelBilsPerconoonenr 8/Colo6pa.e 9 0 Rlwidth 1652/Be'9hl r 276lTyp/XobjeD>stream.leDe odF.l dgevas.h r'B,6Per(o "por" r', /orl l5zlreqf'18ol!oe/\ob,e,r'\)reol

    tflregisPeoftponenl l/Wdlh lgglerghl 776lTyperxoqecD>sl@am9

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    < : slrc2m

    screln shots displayed i.) inagcs and lc\l |rr your o\! report or pllblic notice.ofthc laJ'eljug can be lou)d orl the ibilowinS Youlirbe web sites'l-his lcttcr nlay havc en accolnpanicd by a CD lvith the files and inlages I worked fion and thclhir rcNrl. I lnve also inclLrd.d MI'4 files ofrhc thrce videos listed bclo$.

    160 obl

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    statcnrent fiom a Can"rdiAfril 29. lt \\as reported,,:.,.i i:. ,

    no OCR proccssing at thai'1y rlualiflciiii()lrs o|TheReposilory, has an'f),pcRcaoer iuto olrr pro

    A Rebutlollo the D scovery of the Multi Laye Found in the PDF Flle.'i he oDly rsbutiai ii) nine la\.ers dis.o\eie(l i r the PIIF file reieascd bv rhc Whiic i-iousc $'as agraphic arlists frolrr Quebec by the,rame ol lean Claude Tremblal'onFox News ard orl rheir \{eb site al:r.,.,,. I r ..,:.,r:, ,r, ., ,i . , :..i,:.Hc t.ics io excuse IRecognition) crginc arrd lnultj-layers as nlcrelv ar aftif-act ol en OCR (Optical Characler.n saved as a PDf. Tberc a.e rwo major reason I1e is \rong and I kiowlrom his statcmcnt he kno norhirg aboul OCR engines and how thcy work and thei. iile strrrciule.tirst ol ali the ObanaDeparlments office. As sOCIled and ii thel' rveleTlFl inlagc siDred ; r ihciCR pr'oglaDrs arc considcrable. Our orvn docturent irnaging ptogram,ll{ oplion fioll] ExpeNision thel is called lypeReader. We integmtedl1l but io dr, lhis we |ad lo sign a roo discl.slri statencnt wiih lhctr aud

    then u.e got lLreir look Kfile conlains thrcc mairTIIrf. l'hc second llle is acoordirlates ol all lhe iD lhe docunent. Ihe Starting point for the nnage fi1e and the lnalrix fileis usLral\' the uppe| lelt co|ner oflhe imagc mcasr.ried ir, pixels. Thc lexl file and nlalrix ljieswo ld nevcr be sccr as se a|ate layer-s and there is cedainly no nine layers. The three files \!,ould bein a PDF "wrapper" and t's ,r11. All OCR progams rvork on lhe sane plinc;pie.

    The Ceriiicaie (-)t Live lrthUballrbpri (n,(oorlere\l":o,l ^nAr'il 1a _01I i, r ^r,gJ.)

    ln rvitllcss \-lhereol he has 'cto sel his haod and seal.Nane ofNotary:l-itie:

    t. . a Noiar] Public of King Couni), and lhe State ol

    DF celtificate rvas supposed to have coore directly flonr thc Health

    wirnrsq nrv han.l and o icial seal rhis thc 22'd dayofMay,2011.

    l"{l aiDrrlissiorl Expi Nolar)'Public: / DAil

    Washirgton aforesard,

    1ed be[)e, lhc lccords the],have would have absolutel),no r-eason to bcsked to give ll1e cuslomer a PDF jmage it rvould be lloln their erislingdorrunenl in:agin:r pro{rair: oi1tlie -cerver. llhc Fr'rglanr lvax!{:1hale Cone

    I and APL When an OCR proglam saves a file as a searchable PDF, lhecs wilbir it. Thc hrsl llle is an i.rage file. lrsunlly a comprcsscd G.oxp4ASCII Lext tilc and the last iile is a nahix file thal conla;rs the X aod Y

    by certify thal Ilouglas ll. VoBt personally klrown to rne io be lhe afliantpersonally appealcd belore me this day and having becn by me d lyrh. Acls scl ft,1h in rhe nbove aft'rdavit arc hue and thc foregourg affidavrlsrvorn rleposes ancl sa) tha

    Aus 9,2Ol Ias ll. Vogt

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Rl-sIr.1.[Rsot,T/ II5 'OF'JAIICANNFFS

    LJIEU^ S'Atri:-]]Si 6asao DocuMLNi LMAcrNc soiiw^rr

    '[ ttuRcPostlonYrMAtrcfitvE INDf,x SYSI.Eilrs, INC.P.a) Box 4t134

    BErLEv0.. WAsnNcroN 901 5{a25)6,13 1131; FAX (24C) 384 7297Fo' rErcnse lo rh6 bner:

    lvEa?.tcIsww!! wholosalechcckscante,

    l. L)(rLrglas B Vogt, an o

    ycars so I kno$,tyPe and\\hich sclLs ail rypcs osoliNarc ( I hcRcposjtor,\'proSrajis. such ns Lasersyslcnls in city and cou

    Brdh daied Augusr a. 1961. P

    lvl.Ll 10. ll)l tAffidaviter I 8 ycars old. do nol suller 1lom ar)' ontai irnpaimlent- have personrl

    q alrd attest urldcr penally ofpedury lllat I have kuor|lcdgc and expertiserrrers and docLrnrcnt imaSints progralns. Based oo nry klorvledge and

    form design vcry rvell. l clulently own Archive Index Systems sinc 1993,ciocllnlcr)t scanners $orldrr,ide aud also dcvcloped documcn! ilnaging. I ]'ou\ no\'\ Ihc \cennels *ork I hav,: a,su solJ otlter Joiurrlcnt rrn'rgirrg:iche. Lil.enr ancl Alchenrv. I havc sold and installed documeni imagingty govclnmerlls. so I know their procedures wilh i])nging syslems and

    Figure 2. Another Pe6ons microlilrnd Cenilicate ol LlveBinh daled Algus1 i l, 1961

    kno$,ledge in tlrc fillowiin documeuts. in)aging.exptri sl rhr follo\\ing isI hr\c fl trnique brc ulrd for arral]zir1g this docttment. i otlned a typesciii.g colltpan)' lbr I I

    u\ er) tbrnir ob,rul lhc gn ol such progranrs. Ilris Nvilt be impoftant in undcrstarrding $4r!1 hashapllcncd \\'ilb Clbanra s lcflificatc ol Li\ c Bidr.

    Figlr. 1 Tll image or lhWhdt I Dir

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    l. Curved and noo-cupar1 m blnarl \'\hich cashadowinJr along the gutoriginai scanning of all lbnns- did not lake lhe individual pages ottt ol'the post binders. thcreslrlt is tllat all lhe pages in that book display a pal?llax distorted iDagc of lhe lines tutd t)?e TheycLrNc and droP down lo ieft- if lou look at line 2 (figure 3) on lhe lbr,n lllat says .9?r,: yotL \\'iilrh,Li!c rhe lctters druf do n onc prxel buL the lyped \.!ord iuiale does not. Also not;ce the lire juslb(lo\r 1/d/r Jrups down pixcis.

    d tJ pe. -fhe ilnage we arc looking ai was scanned in grayscalc and soilcro! be on the sane image. -lhe lcasoll I know tbis is becausc of theL (Left-hand side). It also nleans ihat the colnti/ clrpkryces who did lhc


    I he concLusiorr ]ouorjsinal Cc(ificate of Li rst come 1o is tha! the Iyped in fbfln was supe|inrposedover an existing,e Bir'th lorm lrom the county- In fact, since I found son1e of the folm

    ,art alrd graysca]c, the lomr ilsell is a composite but 1he pcrson lvbott,. i"r"g" oi ltr" blank fonn and save it as one file belorc they slarted1 on thc composite forn]. 1he trrdividual(s) who Perpetraled this lorg(rryblarlk lbrm in the clerks imaging database' so they were lotccd to clcan upey the type\rliler lypc \{e see hele The lbrger was also looking for,i "tu'"p"a- aot". ,n.i it al is why I lhink lhey uscd ore than one original

    headings scanncd in ascrealed il did not flaltelplacing the typewritel tc0uld nol evidenlly find aexisting fblms arrd trcc{ificales u'ith the concfomr. At first I wonder-edthe lype and nol havc io ,fy the lorger didn't jLsl tyPeset thc entire lorn] fioin scratch and overlaynuor]y nUout ihe pa|allax problcnr' Then I remembered thal ir lhe errly


    IIiigulc 3.Pl*s fBll-inc 2 ol lhc jb I:]as.'hnc dll l'!l en(c'.The second incident o 'tlris parallax frobleln is secn in line 6c rVarnc of HosPital ot lnttituti('1re d|ops tlown 2 pixels, bul the typed hospilal nano. Kr?piolL,?/, does not(liigure i). Ihc wor'.i r\rd thc iinejusl below drops dorvn 2 pixels. but notthen e Kapiolunidtop down al all. And agai

    - of Horplt*Iiolsnlligurc 4. Line 6c at 50 rnl Ecddc$ct o:'lhe typeNri{er nan1e ollhc hospital does not drcp down 2 pixeis

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    I960s {here rvas no pho{ ypcse(ing and titis forrn was set in hol nreral a lirct),pc maciiire.lhc tl|e d.sign is limcsharirrg to use existing lbaround all thc tlpe on thc form. Figure 5 is at eranrple ofrhis. Ihis

    ornan hul rhy could nelcr rcpiicaLs tire exacr dcsign- Thcy werc srrckthal rverc scanned irr rrsirg Lrina|y and grayscale.

    a sca.rred grayscalc iDragc. Figurc 6 is a grayscalc imagc scarxlcd in atat thfc is no haloing clfecl iuornrd lhe iype and:rlso lhe sccority pattern

    ite. lhaL nleans thtll dilfcrent coD]ponenls ollhc wholc inrage are nrode9 is an cnlarged \rersjon of Figurc 6 showing what gralscaie lellers

    2.'l'here is a lvhite haloielfect should not appcar240 dpi. You \rill scen through tlle typc.through the i)1)e and no

    shoulcl look like compaN.F. (TtF or pinr)

    SECURITY PACI IVentura & Spulveli 5165 Vantura Bo!sherman Oaks. Cafig!irc 8. llir.rD image.

    -1. 'fhr Oi,nmn il., iifi(rLrsirrB !!ralscrlc, irdl onl)'lcflcrs. Fjgurc l0 and li-qInslitulion. a4 and itgairl

    illed in.

    Figurc 7 is a color rnage whclc you can clearly see thc secrni(y green coloring. Figu|e 8 shows a Biack and white (bi ary) inage oflhe sanc type.l_hc inrporlu( lhirg 10 re :rnber is tlral ]''or cannot har.e grarscaie and binar)'or] lhe sanc scanunloss the intge is n cornLro of srrallel pans. Fi ro l)in l,.

    - l i. it'i.ltatL*r 'gol-rl igure 5- Ob.rma's fonn lrigtlre 6. (ialscale.::' i-1,';i'i

    "il1:i. i ,..;i. tii,. !;tli\, i.,- :', : \4, i,:iii l I i: | -ijt I l'1..i. i;.Irigure 7. Color inragc.

    is iuadcri niih boih b:nary rfl,i gratscalo letters whicii i5.iusi i.ti(,liieris a lbr'gcty. lt appears tha lines and sonrc of thc boxes rvclc scannedmoking gurt thai this Ii urt of lhc lirrn hcadings \\'cre graysclle rnd sc*tetimcs il is clly sonrerc 4 gilc one c\anrplc. You \\ill nolice rha! the ll a]o(1. al irr Hospilal, 1ir/r and / in hospital r\'ere gral'scale images, bu( 1he rcsl of the lhe isbinar\ Thc 1)'pewriler l; bel{)!v was scarued in as r binar), ir)rrge. I can also tcll yot lor cellaintythat th lbr typc \Yas in a( a loqr rcsolution (:200 dpi). This is bccause oflhe sizc oflhep xels 0n tltr l(tlcrs \^cre uch tha! lhe openings on llrc r, and.\ on lhe irst linc are not risiirlc aDdHorplr*l or f nrtltutlon {-if nor ln horplrrl rrlenl ternlty & Smeco

    figurc I0 showing a Dtix ure ofgralscale and binarl lJ'pe on thc same IiDc-

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    Anotber example isgraljscalc ilnage and the,nd lhc rest was not ltntilBAFigure I i. Anotber exanr

    Anothel example isgrayscalc inragc Lrut thcjob. 1t also mcans wc do

    4. The Sequentinl Nu

    orher furrn bo)ies lhat d

    AETIAENstI'igure 12. the las! "1 'islvas lnailed sometiulc eilnunrbcrs less {han Obahigher lhan a Ccrtiticalc'fhe lacts T have sho

    Saturday ar 2:12 p.m. ACenificale numbcr is "61olfice so the numbers wo

    and lhe local .egistlarnurrher'"61 10641."

    unrque qeLrsI rlunlher. oVl,'r'dir]. urL / JilLl rL!.

    assenlbled. L Sorrcprogr'am, sealch thesomlone near the 4'r' osomeone who had diedCovernInel11 wanted thehave lhai illormalion. 2indicates tha! both dales

    notice that Darack

    Hawaii Depa{ment of Ilsearches to tind the riBirth and finaliy sign liaudulcnl certilicale. I bclieve lhat allcr all ihe conponents rverc

    und in lomrest is billaryit was added.

    r( o g,:) { alc drd o ,ar) o l h( sanl. lir''Cefiilicale runber itsell (Figur 12). Tlrc last "1" on lhe fonr is aest of ihc lunrbels are not. lhis isiusl allother exarnple ola cut and pastI klow what ihe real Certificate number is ifthere evcn is one- Thcre arelay the samc teature, boxes: 5b, 7c, 1 l, l l. 16, t8a.

    box la his narne BLRICK Fot soure reason the "R" is a(Figure 1 I ). That meaLls thc 'R" \\'as origlMlLy on lhe lorm


    OF HEALTo6+f_grayscalc- but thc rest are is ft fraud. I would like you to relcr back to Figures I and 2. You will

    \'!as supposed 10 have been bom on Ftjday at 7:24 p m. August '1, 19613pte.l it on lircsday Auglrst 8, t96l and hand stamPed thc Cefiificalenotice that the olher Ceftiiicale of Susan E Nordyke was boll1 onus1 5, 196l a d anothcr legistral date stamped il on August 11' bul heri063?." Keep in mind there would be onl)'one balcs stamp machinc in the

    Id all be Lrniqre. Thele cannot be dny duplicales so cvery Ce(iilcale has aama's Ccitificate would have mosl likely been mailed oLr the lollowing,..i b) rj,. i i.-L iJ. 'Jx. r]'< 3" S,""rr'J"'j)i. : C.,ri'i.'r' lJ"i's l;kJ ilttcr rirar wcel a'ro nol :,c.Lirrcd unlrl thc ll'l'hul snc hrs a ( enillcllc 4's. ft is irnpossibll- lo have Obanra's Certificlrie number to be lour l1u!lrbersat cdnre in I days in #l and ri lell me severai things about hoN tilis iorgery wast in rhe Hcairh Depanment, \,r'ho had access to llle documenl imagingbase fol someone cl;se to the acnlai bidh dale of Obama and foundAlrgusr. They r'nay have crosserl relercnced tbe death database to fLnd

    and had a bifth date close to Obanla's. If vou rclrlen1ber, the Federaito cross reIlrence the bi{h and dcath dalabascs so the database would'i he date stamps have lwo different colors and sizes (see #5 belorv) whicharne fiom dillerent Certificates- 3 More lhan one pcrson is iivolved in lheth to assemble the diflerenl components thai were used, do the dalabaseCeiificatcs io crcate Presidc[t Obanla's lraudulent Cenificatc oI Live

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    rsser)bled the)' lvcrc (hcn givc)r to a grxphic atlisl to aclually asserrblc the Nhole ;ng and crcrlcthe linisheci IirScTy. ln s this was a conspilacy to dciialLd the Urilcd Staies.5. T\ro diflrr(nt {olor'\What is very rcvcaiiug ab t thr: b, r irnd C.,lL rnrr) rs rher'ilrc ls,,.lilrcrc l culo". on boLn li .".Bul]r lilrcs \\rrc scdlrlrcd ng binary nrode, Lrul I see two difl'ercnt colors (Figurc ll). whaL I rhi'rkrhis is showino lls is thal l

    font sizes in Form bo\ 22 and 2{l Dt c AcccJrrcl b)' Rcg- Gucral.porson r\'ho pul tllis fiaud together lyas looking lbr a fornl that had the

    g incolornlodc.@is-aeerntrd siB8'+he-{irr* j*bo*?}-{ii+ree

    - thcsc lcmcn*s wre {ahc*

    right dale nanrcly'Au 8 l9 1. As )rou can sce the only things that are printed in clark green(R. 71. (;=92. B-7.1) arc tc A" and "AIJC -8 6." Ihe resl offie type is iD biack. Ihis tclls nrelhal lhe lblgcr was \V(\]"'l23,. i Jl:, )., cccp ?$#ft-: i

    Fiqurc ll T\\o dilfercnt lo[s. dark green and black-fhc sanre Lhing is lbun ir fbmr box 20 "I)are Accepled bl, Local Reg.'- lrigure l4 agrjn shows

    thar thc drrc has 1l!o dillcrlre "l 'i\ ir l)lrck. Yctlhc sanrc ilvo color inragc thc rvord "None". fhr: "Non" is in dalk glcen.,fr, Ilrtel'ilrurc I4 r\nothcr c)iim6. ]trltiple la1'el's ir theand they deselve lhc crcd t 1br discovcring it. Whar thcy discovcrcd is lhat when you open up thePDF liic in Adobe IllLrstr or arrd you tLrrn on layers, yol] see n long lisl of ninc dilTercnl loyers thrtcorcspo.d lo dilarctrl ions ol rhc lorn), iDcluding thc signa(urcs on thc fonn. I dissovercd usingjtafdard lhrrt I could:rlso seo lhe dilferent cornpontnls disappeir lvhen I

    1{X)% and uscd thc 'hand" l(1ol 1() quickly move around rhfirlagp. WhcnI nrovcd thc ir agc l'ast, I vrrioils {}pc componenrs $,ould disappcl ll.'m the ibrnr but the linesstrled.just 3s I had conclu

    'tetcptcd by l,ocrl Rcg,fIc o! t\lo colols on lh. saInc linc.Pl)F filc {rom thc White llouse. I an lro1 thc llrsl one to find lhis faci

    l colors. -l hc ..Atl(j -8 1 96' is irr dark grcen (R-87. (;-l I l. l]=87) andlnoLher irrclirtable prcol this lonll is a iirgery. lirnu box l7a clisplays

    hc Mun' LoyeB Found rn the PoF F&ninc l yers discovcrcd in thc PDF file rcleflscd by L)rc Whit +l(nrso q'as a

    iust nr) A.lohc Acrobll 8eDlafgcd thc iDrage ro.iusl

    A Rebuttoiio the Di(overy ofslatsnlcnl lionr a (lauadiApil 19. It was rcpo(ud

    Thc onlv rcbrllal !() I g|aphic arists lronl Quebcc b)r lhc namc ol.lcqltliidi 'l rcmblay onl_ox Nc$s arl on drcir *eb site aq

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


    IIc tlics to cxcrrscllccoguition) engine- and lrlrlli-lalcrs as nrcrcll an a]1ifact ol an OCI< (Op(ical Chrraclerelr sd\cJ as a l)l)f. -l itrc l\ro urajor reaso0 he is lrrollg aDd I kllor\,iionr his stalenrenl hc vs nolbinS aboLrt OCR eugines and how thcy work and thcir {jl|r slructulc.i)l)lr ce illcate \\,as sllpposed 10 havc corre dirnc{l}, li$nr the Hcutli}irsi oi .lll the ObanraDcpa.tnlents olllcc. As hclorc. the rccolds they havc wouid have absolulelJ,no rcason Io beOCRcd :rnd if iliey rvcre'flFl image stoled iu thcno OCR processing al Ii\4y qualilicariors orr OClt programs ale considcrable. Our own docunlenr inragjng progmm,'l hcll epr)s;tory. has anlj,peReadcr inro our ptl)

    i1 ald AI'1. When an OCR program savcs !l filc as a scarchablc PDI:, theics wilhin il. 'fhe lirst filc is an imagc file, usuall) a coDrprcssed (iroup4ASCII lcxt file and lh last filc is a ntatrix filc ihat contains rhe X anJ Y

    CR oplion lionr lixpervisirrrr rhar is called TypcRcadcr. Wc inlegratcdln but 1o do this we had lo sign a nou-discloslr'e sratenent with thc t andthcn \vc got rheir Iooklile-contairs three urainIlrF. Thc sccond file iscoordinates ofall thc \ iD lhc docLrneDl. lhe StaIIing point lbr lhe inage ii]e and the matfix file

    askeci to givc thc cuslonlcr a PDF inragc ir u'oLrlcl be tiom fieir cxistjngdocuntcnt inaging progrant ol] the serycr. The program woulcl havc donel inrc

    lcit hand cor-ncr of dre inragc nreasrrrcd in pixeis. I hc lest lile and matrixs usually the upper rightlilcs $,ould nevel b,: scewoLrld bc iri a PDlr "urap

    -Ihc Ce{ificale of Li

    as scparate laycrs aDd rllcrc is ce(ainly no Dine laycrs.'lhe lhrec lllescr" aud lhal's all Alt OCR progLams work on ihe sane pdnciple.Binh Obanra prcsenled on telcvision on Aril 27, 201 I is a tblgery.

    by cerrily that Dougl3s B. Vogr J,crsol)ally kno\\n 10 m. b he 1he aflianipersonallv alpeared before me this da) and ha\'ing becn by me dulythe lacts sci lbrth in the above alfidavit are truc rnd ccrrcsL.

    Ll \!itiress whereofhc ha \crct,' set hrs hald and ,rrl. --) - | -ra,,r,; or Nor, ,,:. us6aI03fl,tr.,8&ucrr i\,l.aL t1.sl3AlrK-s el/g- , a Notary Puhlic of King County arrd {he Stale oi-washingtorl afbresaid. hein the foregoing afficlavisr|o| dep,;rscs aird sal t

    \\rilllcss nrv bnnd and ilicia! seel rhis thc lOth ditv

    My Comm;ssion Expi -t-r! ,zo1ll'

    "*w,& ^6r,,Douglas lJ- \t)91

  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9



  • 8/3/2019 NH - Taitz - 2011-11-13 - Election Ballot Challenge Exhibits 5-9


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