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Magazine research

Benjamin Chandra

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Masthead- is bold and clear, stated in a simple font but with some colour to make more appealing.

Main Image- takes up centre of page and is the main focus. Image of a normal student ready to work

Keylight/box-out- highlighting main article to catch readers eye and to show it is more important

School magazine front cover

Various side articles to attract the reader, also different colours to make it more appealing

Background is plain white so other colours stand out more.

No particular Genre, just important articles relevant to each school like for example, in this magazine’s case high tech gadgets.

Font- is simple yet effective because by adding colour or making font bold it becomes eye-catching. Also it is easy to read

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Title-Clearly stating it is a contents page. Written large- black with white outline and a weird font to be eye-catching

School Logo to make the magazine exclusive and to show it is a certain schools magazine so readers know what magazine they are reading

Background is light blue with different design to add a tranquil effect to the magazine.

Font is similar to Title so links in with the theme. Font is quite fancy and this suggest it is aimed at a younger target audience also due to the bright colours

Images- no central image so is not similar to the music magazine genre. Different snapshots of pictures linked with the articles.

Menu of what content is in the article

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Masthead- is bold and unique so readers know which magazine they are reading.

Headline- Largest piece of text and is short, snappy and interesting as to intrigue the reader.

Main image is central- typical of a music magazine and links with Headline. Also the body language and facial expressions link in with the Indie Rock genre.

Genre of the NME magazine is usually Indie Rock because The Automatic is an Indie rocker band and also the clothes they are wearing, but they can sometimes have different genres depending on what the latest news is.

Various sub-articles, including the secondary lead, interest the readers further by stating more of the latest news

Barcode is here and the pug- date, price etc.

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Masthead is bold, clear, simple and is the largest piece of text so the reader can easily see which magazine they are about to read/buy

Vibe is a Hip-hop magazine because as can be seen in image the artists are famously known for their Rapping and Hip-Hop and has articles focused on Hip-Hop artists.

Main image in the centre of the two artists featured in the main article. Can clearly see they are Hip-Hop artists due to the; facial expressions, body language, brand of clothes- NY (New York Yankees) and Nike. Also the large about of jewellery or ‘Bling’ used shows they are Rappers.

Strapline that is unique to VIBE magazine so readers can easily identify what magazine it is, even without the masthead

Splash that contains main article about the artists in the main image. diifferent colour and font so it catches the readers eye

Competitions and freebie’s to make readers want to purchase the magazine

Barcode to make magazine legal to purchase

Side articles to further interest reader. Linked with Hip-Hop Genre

Background is white so other colours stand out more.

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Front page linked with this contents page. Photographs are similar style to each other so it is clear they are part of the same magazine.

Menu of content in magazine.Title in a unique

layout to interest reader and to show it is the contents page. However it is Bold and clear so it is clear.

Font is same colour as the background and is simple so the reader is not confused and so it is clear to read.

Back ground is a photograph linking with an article in the magazine. Interesting photograph and people in it wear clothes and jewellery linking with the Hip-hop genre

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Title stating what article is about. Large bold text in a keylight to catch the readers eye and so they know it is the title.

Main image to do with the article. Genre is rock because of the clothes the people in the picture wear and their eccentric hairstyles.

Masthead- to show what magazine it is. Links in with the colour scheme

Lead Story in a small but readable font

Box-out of articles on the other pages in the magazine. Contains secondary lead. In a black box-out to show it is not part of the main article.