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Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


Newsletter 2008

01-2008CONFUSABLE WORDS: office - bureau An office is a room, a set of rooms, or a whole building where people do professionalwork, for example administration or computing.

· Dominic wants to see you in his office.· I was alone in the office when Mark Rutland came in.· …a massive program for the insulation of houses, factories and offices.

Bureau is used, especially in the United States of America, in the names of organizationsthat deal with collecting or giving information.

· She worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs on a reservation in Arizona.· You can ask the Citizens Advice Bureau if you need help with the letter.

In Britain,bureau is also used in the names of organizations that introduce people to

each other. For example, an employment bureau is where employers can find temporarystaff.· Freelance Work for Women Bureau was started by a married woman who needed a

job.· … The first marriage bureau specifically aimed at young black professionals.

In American English, a bureau is also a branch of an organization which has itsheadquarters in a different city or country.

· Luce was infuriated to hear from his Washing ton bureau what Marshall reallythought.In British English, a bureau is also a writing desk with shelves and drawers, and a lid thatopens to form the writing surface.

URLs Recomendados:The List of Economics Jou rnals: h ttp://


Vocabulary Exercise Financing Needs1. To transact: tratar, negociar: to transact business with sib., hacer negocios conalguien -> transaction2. Cash flow: flujo de efectivo. La definición americana también incluye las entradas

y salidas correspondientes a inversiones o a operaciones financieras.3. To support: sostener, apoyar 2. sustentar, respaldar (teoría, proyecto de ley)supporting document, comprobante, documento justificativo.3. mantener(económicamente a alguien) 4. permitir la utilización de (inform).4. Sale: venta. Sales: 1. ventas 2. rebajas 3. (EU) = sales revenue, turnover, volumende ventas. Por lo tanto, sales expenses = operating costs, running costs/expenses.5. To secure: 1. poner (a alguien o algo) bajo condiciones de seguridad 2. fijar,amarrar (una carga) 3. obtener: to secure sth for sb, conseguir algo para alguien 4.garantizar, procurar (jur.) to secure a loan, garantizar un préstamo.6. To involve: comprometer, involucrar, mezclar: to involve sb in sth, involucrar aalguien en algo 2. suponer, implicar = to entail: traer consigo,ocasionar (gastos) suponer(dificultades) implicar (lógica).7. To revolve: 1. (v.t.) hacer girar, dar vueltas (objeto, idea en la cabeza) 2. (v.i.) girar

(objeto, Tierra).

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Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


8. Outset: comienzo, inicio.9. To entitle: autorizar, habilitar: to entitle s.f. to sth, autorizar a alguien para algo, toentitle s.f. to do sth, darle el derecho a alguien de hacer algo.10. To peg: fijar, fijar con clavijas 2. controlar (precio) estabilizar (mercado), vincular: topeg prices to sth, vincular los precios a algo.11. Tasa preferencial o bonificada: El estado disminuye la carga financiera de algunospréstamos, ayudándole al organismo prestamista a otorgar préstamos con una tasainferior a la practicada en el mercado.12. Lead time: plazo de fabricación y en general cualquier plazo a futuro; to lead, llevar,conducir, guiar.13. To relieve: 1. socorrer, auxiliar 2. aliviar, liberar (s.f. of a problem, a alguien de unproblema), librar (s.f. from an obligation, a alguien de una obligación) 3. relevar 4.destituir (separar a alguien de su puesto).


CONFUSABLE WORDS: except – except for – unless – besides Except is normally followed by a noun group. You use except with a statement tointroduce the only things, people, or ideas that your statement does not apply to. In theexample below, the only thing that dosed not relax was the person’s right hand

· All of his body relaxed except his right hand.Except can also be followed by prepositional phrases and clauses of time, place, andmanner.

· The hot weather had made traveling impossible except in the cool of the morningbefore the sun rose.

· We led almost completely separate existences, except hen we came together toclimb.

You use except for in front of a noun group when you are mentioning something thatprevents a statement from being completely true.· The classrooms were silent, except for the busy scratching of pens on paper.· I had absolutely no friends except for Tom.

Unless is a conjunction and is followed by a clause. You use unless to introduce thecircumstances in which something will not take place or is not true. In the first examplebellow the statement “there was something wrong with Louise” would not be true if thespeaker had made a mistake. Otherwise it would be true.

· Unless I was mistaken, there was something wrong with Louise.· In the 1940´s and 1950´s a woman was not properly dressed unless she wore

gloves.· You must not give compliments unless you mean them.

You use besides to introduce further things in addition to those you are mentioning.

· Soft fruit will give you,besides a lot of pleasure, a source of vitamins.However, if you talk about “the only person besides me” , or the only thing besides that”you are referring to the only other person or thing in a particular situation or contest.

· He was now the only person besides Gertrude herself who regularly talked to Guy.

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Tuition ® Training & Translations

Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies:to enter: (v.t.) 1. entrar a (un cuarto, el ejército) inscribirse en (Universidad, concurso) 2.inscribir, registrar, entrar 3. (v.i.) to enter into sth: entablar (una conversación) concertar(un acuerdo), celebrar (un contrato).subsidiary (company): subsidiaria, filial # branch (office): sucursal (que jurídicamenteformar parte de la sociedad que la crea; subsidy: subvención, prima, subsidio (parapermitir la venta a un precio competitivo o mantener una actividad económica norentable).joint venturing; to venture: atreverse a, arriesgar, aventurarse. Joint venture: negocioconjunto, empresa de participación conjunta, filial; asociación entre varias personas osociedades que puede revestir diversas formas jurídicas, para llevar a cabo un proyectocomún. En particular, se dice de la alianza que realizan dos o más empresas para crearuna filial explotada en común.Ownership (derecho) de propiedad, participación en una empresa, control.Equity: 1. equidad 2. parte del capital que es retenida. To have an equity in sth, tenerintereses en 3. acciones ordinarias (de una empresa).Corporation (EU) = company (GB y EU) : sociedad o asociación/ # society sociedad oasociación no lucrativa (EU: not- for –profit corporation), pero corporation (GB):organismo público o semipúblicoResearch (generalmente en sg) investigación (científica,etc.) # search: búsqueda: insearch of , en busca de 2. hedge against: protegerse de (un riesgo), ponerse a cubierto, es decir,contrabalancear la venta de otro para compensar los efectos de la fluctuación de losvalores cambiarios; hedge: cobertura del riesgo cambiario # coverage: cobertura(seguro)formulae o formulas: plural de formula, fórmula.rate: 1. proporción, tasa 2. tipo de cambio, tarifa. 3. velocidad: the rate of industrialchange, el ritmo del cambio industrial 4. categoría: first-rate, de primera categoría 5.rates (GB): impuesto municipal.policy: 1. política (de un gobierno) línea de conducta/de acción: a firm´s policy, laestrategia de una empresa; their economic policy, su política económica 2. póliza deseguro # politics: política (ciencia o actividad): to go into politics, lanzarse a la politica;to talk politics, hablar de polí be willing to do: querer/estar dispuesto a hacer.


CONFUSABLE WORDS: still – yet - already If you say that something is still happening or is still true, you mean that is has beenhappening or it has been true since some time in the past, and that it continues tohappen or be true. Still is often used to add emphasis, or to suggest that something issurprising.

· She was still looking at me.· There are still plenty or horses round here.· An hour passed, two, and still she slept on.

You use yet in negative sentences and in questions. If you say that something has not

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Tuition ® Training & Translations

Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


happened yet, you mean that is has not happened at the time you speak. Yet is oftenused to add emphasis, or to suggest that it is surprising that something has nothappened, or that it is likely to happen later.

· Why should I die? I’m not eighty yet.· The troops could not yet see the misty shores of Normandy.· It isn’t dark yet.

If you ask if something has happened yet, you want to know if it has happened at thetime you speak. In British English you use the present perfect tense for these questions.

· Have you told her about her father yet?· Have you done that yet?

In American English, you can also use the past simple tense for these questions. Forexample, some Americans say “Did he do it yet? Rather “Has he done it yet?If you say that something has already happened, you mean that it has happened beforethe time at which you are speaking. Already is often used to add emphasis or to suggestthat it is surprising that something has happened, or that you expected it to happen later.

· The field beyond the orchard had already been sown with barley.· He had shaved already before dinner, bit now he went over his chin a second time.· Lesse and Maury were already eating.

URLs Recomendados:Google es una empresa formidable. Aplican un concepto de "riqueza social" queconsiste en devolver a la comunidad, la información organizada. Ya hemos hablado delos "mapas" de Google y ahora sumamos dos de sus servicios adicionales:- Mapas y Guías de la Tierra: Este es un programa que se puede instalar en el propioequipo y hay versiones gratis y otras -más completas- de pago. La gratuitaes maravillosa. - Mapas y Fotos de la Luna: Y para no quedarnos sólo en la Tierra, en este sitiopodemos visitar la luna, más concretamente los sitios en donde alunizaron lasdiferentes misiones espaciales (con algunas sorpresitas que no revelaré en estemomento).

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies: Necesidades de financiamientoA. Fill in the Blanks:1. A firm often uses……credit to improve its cash…..2. Pegged rate credit offers a …… rate of interest.3. Firms can engage in indirect foreign investment by ….. ….. .4. Selling ….. is one way to protect the firm from exchange rate ….

B. Multiple Choice:

1.Pre-financing credit can be subdivided into:a) peggedb) specialc) revolvingd) b&c onlye) all the above.

2. Direct Foreign Investment includes which of the following:a) licensingb) contract manufacturing

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Tuition ® Training & Translations

Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


c) joint ownershipd) none of the above

e) all the above.

3. When a bank aggress to provide an exporter with an exchange rate that he will receivewhen a contract is entered into, it is called:

a) hedging riskb) buying forwardc) selling forwardd) loan provision

4. Pre-financing credit may allow a firm to borrow up to ….. of this monthly cash needs:a) 80%b) 90%c) 100%d) 50%e) 75%

C. Translate:1. (El) debe haber estudiado la situación de su flujo de efectivo.2. Otorgamos créditos.3. Este crédito nos permitirá lanzar la fabricación de estos productos.4. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que ( ellos) fundaron una subsidiaria en los EstadosUnidos?5. (Usted) le venderá a su banco por anticipado las divisas recibidas del importador.

Answers:A. 1. Pre-financing, flow2. guaranteed3. joint venturing4. forward, fluctuationsB. 1. e2. d3. c4. bC. 1. He must have reviewed his cash flow position.2. We extend loans.3. This credit will allow us to start manufacturing these products.4. How long ago did they establish ( set up) a subsidiary in the US?5. You will sell forward to your bank the foreign currency received from the importer.

El español aspira a suplantar al inglés en negocios - La Prensa Diez años es el plazo en el que el español aspira a convertirse en la segunda lengua deintercambio económico del planeta, desplazando al inglés en número de hablantesnativos.Es una de las proyecciones de uno de los proyectos de investigación lingüística másambiciosos emprendidos en España, El valor económico del español.El plan es financiado por la Fundación Telefónica y con el apoyo de la Academia de laLengua, el Instituto Elcano, la Secretaría General Iberoamericana, el Instituto Cervantes yel Ministerio de Cultura, cuyos máximos representantes auspiciaron la presentación delos trabajos que coordina José Luis García Delgado.Esta iniciativa ha producido ya sus dos primeros frutos: Economía del español, unaintroducción de los profesores García Delgado, José Antonio Alonso y Juan CarlosJiménez, y Atlas de la lengua española en el mundo, de Francisco Moreno y Jaime Otero,

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Tuition ® Training & Translations

Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


trabajos que pretenden sentar las bases metodológicas para un análisis veraz del pesoeconómico del idioma y de su alcance como vehículo de prosperidad en el futuro, através fundamentalmente de las nuevas tecnologías de la información.Un dato revelador: si Latinoamérica tuviera una tasa de líneas de teléfono similar aEuropa, la presencia del español en la red casi se multiplicaría por tres.La necesidad de tan cauteloso arranque quedó clara en la intervención del director de laAcademia, Víctor García de la Concha, quien tuvo palabras de recuerdo para el pioneroÁngel Martín Municio, que fuera presidente de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas,Físicas y Naturales, vicedirector de la de la Lengua y autor del primer estudio sobre elimpacto del español, sosteniendo que ascendía a un 14% del producto interno bruto.García de la Concha se congratuló del presente esfuerzo de rigor, que concluirá en lospróximos 15 meses -con la publicación de diez libros-, pues se trata de un área en la quemenudean “datos hinchados”.Hizo honor a ese rigor el director del proyecto, José Luis García Delgado, hablando ensu intervención de la necesidad de poner al día “el trabajo de los pioneros” y sentarunas bases estadísticas y conceptuales sólidas sobre las que sustentar los estudios queirán publicándose durante los próximos meses y que deberán dilucidar en qué medida elespañol, como señaló el ministro de Cultura, César Antonio Molina, es “una auténticaempresa multinacional”.Las cifras- 399 millones de personas hablan español como lengua nativa. 9.8% es el crecimientodel número de hablantes nativos en ocho años, ritmo solo inferior, entre grandeslenguas, al del árabe.- 90.8% de los habitantes de países de habla hispana son hablantes nativos de español,un porcentaje muy superior al del francés (20.9%) o el inglés (19.3%).- 170% aumentaría la presencia del español en internet si Latinoamérica tuviera unnúmero de internautas similar al que tiene Europa.


CONFUSABLE WORDS: comment, mention, remark If youcomment on a situation , or make a comment about it, you give your opinion on it.You may express a careful thought, or you may just say a few words.

· He knew his father expected him to comment on the meal.· It´ s going to be pretty cold if you have to stay there all night´ he commented .· I´ ll believe it when I see it,´ was Mrs. Pringles´comment .

If youmention something, you say it, but you do not spend very long talking about it.You have usually not been discussing it before.

· She casually mentioned : ´I thought I had something of interest for you.· Johnny mentioned that he might be in New York right after the holidays.

If youremark on something, or make a remark about it, you say what you think or have

noticed about it, often in a casual or informal way.· Visitors generally remark on how well the children look.· Mr. Nixon hastened to remark that he was not against television.· Gerald Sutton ´s first remark was: “ Your pals have found you”.

URLs Recomendados:· TELLING TIME - The Human Clock ( here to see what time it is. With each passing minute, you get a new image —ranging from shots of a person (or group of people) holding up a sign ("4:17") toinanimate objects arranged or labeled to convey the relevant information (license plates,household address shingles). You can keep things going in a smaller window on yourdesktop by clicking "gimme a cute window." Visitors are strongly encouraged to submita photo — provided they follow the do's and don'ts, as in, please don't submit pictures of

license plates, they have too many already.

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Tuition ® Training & Translations

Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


· TECHNOLOGY- Digg ( this "social news" site the users, rather than a computer algorithm, determine howimportant or interesting the stories are, and Digg posts them on the homepageaccordingly. The articles are tagged with number of "diggs," or thumbs-up by readers.View the tag "cloud" to see which stories are gaining traction (the headline appearsbigger). And don't miss the new Digg Labs page, offering two visual alternatives todisplaying the same info: one is called Swarm , the other Stack. For a tight and jauntysummary of the week's best blog posts and news articles, visit the Rojo Blog. Want to godeeper? TechCrunch reports new website launches and covers emerging Webtechnologies with an eye on what actually might be ready for, and useful to, consumers.· PUBLIC COMPANIES- Footnoted ( Michelle Leder, a business journalist since the late 80s, consumes public filings andother corporate statements then spits back the meatiest, tastiest bits for finance types tofeast on. Written for a knowledgeable audience (the kind that knows "SOX" is short forthe Sarbanes-Oxley, not a baseball team), it manages a conversational tone while servingup the good stuff.

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Finanzas y formas de pago:01- capital: Capital, fondos02- account receivable o receivable ( abrev. A/R ): cuenta por cobrar, cuenta deudora,deuda por cobrar, deuda active, deuda que le deben a uno # account payable .03- note: 1. nota, anotación, memorándum 2.factura, bono, vale: credit note, nota decrédito 3. billete (dinero) 04. pagaré: notes receivable, documentos por cobrara. Pagaré :título de crédito en el que el suscriptor se compromete a pagar al beneficiario una sumaconvenida o a la vista o en una fecha determinada.04- to replenish : abastecer, reponer ( existencias), llenar de nuevo ( vaso).05- against : (fin) para, mediante: to issue a ticket against a payment of $ …, emitir unboleto mediante el pago de $ … = on (foreign notes).06- Cuentas por cobrar en el extranjero, efectivas después de la entrega de la mercancíao ejecución de la obra.07- income: 1.ingreso : taxable income, ingreso sujeto a impuestos 2.producto =proceeds ( ver notas 11 y 13, p.54) 3.beneficio(s) ( de una empresa)08- to substitute sth for sth else: sustituir algo por otra cosa.09- to effect : 1.efectuar, realizar, llevar a cabo: to effect / make a cash payment, realizarun pago en efectivo 2.producir, causar.10- extensive : 1.vasto profundo, considerable, de una gran amplitud 2. frecuente (empleo) 3. ( agricultura) extensivo; aquí = comprehensive ( ver nota 12,p.16)11- to submit: someter, presentar # to subject : someter, dominar.12- to supplement: 1. aumentar, complementar (ingresos) 2. añadir a, completar ( unlibro, un conocimiento).13- Es lo que suele exigir una sociedad o compañía de factoraje.14- to roll ver: dar una vuelta, darse la vuelta; rollo ver credit, crédito en condicionesvariables, renovable cada seis meses o anualmente # crédito de prefinanciamientorevolvente ( ver p.61).15- to tie up: bloquear, atar, inmovilizar ( a alguien, capital …).


CONFUSABLE WORDS: border, boundary, frontier A border is a line that separates two countries or other political regions such as states orcounties.

· Stanley wanted to spend the night across the Florida border .· …his parents´ crumbling ancestral home somewhere on the Welsh border .

· So, legally or illegally, they crossed the border .

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Tuition ® Training & Translations

Tuition ® Huergo 349 Piso 3 B– C1426BQE –Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contáctenos en: [email protected]


A boundary is a line that separates any two areas, for example towns, farms orcountries.

· Matthews showed us a fine old hedge which once marked the parish boundary .· In international law, three miles is generally taken to be the boundary of a country’sairspace.

You refer to a border as a frontier when it is guarded and separates countries which havedifferent political systems or are in dispute about something.

· Military activity on thefrontier diverted troops from their internal security role.· I have to get off the train at the frontier and cross on foot between the guard posts.

A frontier can also be a limit beyond which nobody has explored or established politicalrights.

· Space will not be the last frontier, it will simply be the next frontier.

URLs Recomendados: para los mas chiquitos de casa – Karaoke On line!!Turn your home computer into a karaoke machine with these fun, sing-along sites. Allyou need is an Internet connection and your multimedia computer. And although you cansing without it, a microphone connected to your sound card completes thetransformation.- Kiddy Karaoke Song Corner: "Ants on the apple. A, A, A." Kiddy Karaoke offers twenty-six illustrated alphabet songsto the tune of "Skip to My Lou" and a nice selection of other childhood favorites arrangedalphabetically. To enter, chose either Phonic Sing-Along, or Song Menu. This popularGeoCities site is occasionally the victim of its own success, and is unavailable because ithas exceeded its data transfer limit. If this happens to you, just remember to try againlater.- Kididdles: Musical Mouseum Song Lyrics: "Hi! I'm MoJo, and this is my Musical Mouseum -- a place where you can find the lyrics toyour favorite kids' songs!" Lyrics are arranged both alphabetically and by category, andfor those songs marked with a musical note icon, the Mouseum includes a MIDI too.Categories include traditional, silly, lullabies, action, finger plays, food, and lots ofholiday songs. If you know just a snippet of the lyrics, but not the title, try the SongSearch tool.- Lidwina's Disney Song Collection: "Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil. If she doesn't scare you no evil thing will." Lidwina'scollection of 120 Disney melodies and lyrics is sure to keep you singing for hours. From"Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" from the 1933 "Three Little Pigs," to four selectionsfrom the 1999 "Tarzan" movie, this site is a wonderful romp through more than seventyyears of Disney songs. The songs are in standard MIDI format. To view the lyrics whileplaying the songs, I suggest right-clicking on the MIDI links and opening them in a newwindow.

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Finanzas y Formas de pago: 1. bond: 1. lazo, vinculo 2. compromiso: to enter into a bond to do sth,comprometerse a hacer algo 3. obligación: mortgage bond, cédula hipotecaria 4. fianza,garantía 5.(aduana) almacenamiento, depósito.2. security: 1. fianza, garantía: bid security, fianza de licitación 2. fiador: to standsecurity for sb, ser fiador de, garantizar a 3. securities: valores (bolsa).3. to underwrite: 1. sustentar (una decisión) 2. apoyar (económicamente) 3. garantizar,suscribir (una emisión) 4. suscribir (bonos) 5. (seguros) suscribir, asegurar (de nuevo)4. commitment: compromiso, promesa; to commit oneself to sth/to do/ to doing,comprometerse con alguien por algo.5. to indemnify sb. for sth : indemnizar a alguien por algo.6. lump: trozo, pedazo (grande) – lump sum, cantidad global (pagada de una sola vez),

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precio global.7. to require: 1. necesitar 2.exigir, reclamar: to require sth of sb, exigirle algo a alguien8. draft: 1.borrador, boceto: draft contract, proyecto de contrato 2. letra, giro: banker´s draft. Cheque bancario; to draft, hacer un borrador, prepara ( un proyecto) 3. redactar (un contrato, un acta).

9. deed: 1. acción: brave deed, hazaña 2. acta (notarial), contrato, escritura: privatedeed, escritura sin legalizar, deed of partnership, contrato de sociedad.10. to build up inventory: note la ausencia de articulo.11. ready: 1. listo: ready to hand, a mano/a su disposición , ready cash, dinero enefectivo 2. rápido, inmediato: ready sales, ventas fáciles.12. Los establecimientos de crédito pueden reunirse en pool bancario para soportarjuntos los riesgos y beneficios de una operación de crédito. El banco director es el queasume los trámites de la operación.To denominate a loan in ( currency) : denominar un crédito ( en dinero); to give effect too´s offer/bid: hacer efectiva la propuesta de alguien.

Noticias: El idioma español, el petróleo de España - Antonio García Fuentes, MelillaHoy - 08/05/2008Así ha sido considerado recientemente por el diario "El Mundo", en un muy detalladoartículo, firmado por Emma Rodríguez; donde se afirma que el idioma Español, hace quese multipliquen por tres las exportaciones al conjunto de países hispanohablantes;porcentaje aún mayor que lo que ocurre con el inglés entre los países anglosajones. Sebasa en los contenidos del estudio, "Economía del Español" (Fundación Telefónica).Asimismo, este estudio afirma que; el idioma español hace que se multiplique por casi2,5 la cuota de los emigrantes que nos llegan de países de nuestro idioma común, lo quees otra ventaja económica, puesto que aparte de la mejor integración, aminora los costesque todo ello conlleva y que pagamos los españoles, vía impuestos.Afirma igualmente que nuestra lengua común ya es hablada por 438 millones de hispanohablantes; entre nativos, residentes y todos aquellos que la han elegido como segundoidioma… y que va en un constante y gran aumento. Es por lo que se considera como"nuestro petróleo", puesto que es el recurso internacional y de mayor valor, de quedisponemos para "la exportación" (fue publicado que es tan importante o más que elturismo que se dijo ya representa el 15% del PIB); puesto que el uso del Español no sóloaumenta de forma demográfica, sino también de calidad; aunque ya España, sólorepresente un escaso diez por ciento del conjunto de todos los hispano hablantes;mientras que en USA, es un idioma pujante y es por lo que EE.UU. hoy es el tercer paísde habla española y pronto, será el segundo tras México, pasando entonces España altercer lugar. Nuestro idioma es estudiado en casi todas las universidades del mundo, oal menos en las de más prestigio de cada país; denotando entre ellos, los de USA, quecuentan con el mayor número de departamentos que lo estudian; ello lo propicia lafortaleza que da una lengua que ronda ya el cinco por ciento de la población mundial yque internacionalmente, es la segunda más empleada, tras el inglés.Tras todos estos datos, que he condensado al máximo y viendo la desidia que sobrenuestro mejor tesoro, mantienen desde los gobiernos centrales, mayor parte o granparte del pueblo español, que cada vez la conoce menos, cuando no adopta jergas ypalabras extranjeras… y no hablemos de los regionalistas separatistas, que como plaganacional, quieren incluso eliminarla, cuando ello es imposible… y lo es, por cuanto lanecesitan vitalmente; ya que una lengua vernácula, no es otra cosa que… "un idiomapara andar por casa"; y además, fuera de sus núcleos cerrados o acérrimos, el habitantede cualquier lugar de España (igual debe ocurrir en el resto de países cuyo idiomaprincipal es el Español) y en sus necesidades de calle, tiene que por "bemoles" haceruso del Español, que no olvidemos es, patrimonio de todos los españoles e hispanohablantes. Por ello esa plaga de separatistas y vividores (otra cosa no son) tratan deconstreñir a sus súbditos, reduciéndolos a un idioma limitado y no todo lo contrario, que

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es lo que necesitan… sin que ello sea renunciar a lo vernáculo y a otros idiomasinternacionales; por aquello tan simple y sencillo que afirma… "el saber no ocupa lugar".Ese constreñimiento o castración lingüística, se nota de forma significativa, cuando uncatalán, vasco, gallego, etc. intervienen en los concursos varios que en la actualidad hayen las cadenas televisivas y que se basan en respuestas, con palabras del idiomaEspañol… observen, que pese al bajo nivel nacional y que afecta a todos; estosinfluenciados por su idioma vernáculo, destacan en un atraso que debiera preocupar.Por otra parte y como comerciantes natos; estos "vernáculos" que son capaces devender, "rabillos de boina vasca"… o lo que sea, por aquello de "la pela es la pela"; oque van a los confines del mundo buscando negocios o recursos (vascos, catalanes,gallegos, mallorquines, valencianos)…

no han querido ver, que también en algo que les pertenece y que es el idioma común oEspañol, tienen en sí mismo una explotación comercial que está a su alcance y para laque no son necesarias grandes inversiones… ¿tan cortos de caletre están esos políticosy comerciantes miopes? ¿No han sabido ver aún ese fabuloso negocio? ¿Por qué no loexplotan?Hoy cuando escribo, veo en los noticieros televisivos, estampas de la gran tragedia quesufre gran parte de Bolivia, inundada totalmente y donde las gentes piden auxilio…¿estos gritos de auxilio, cuando cogen una emisora o un teléfono, que los claman, enaimara, quechua, o en los más de dos docenas de dialectos que tienen… o lo hacen enEspañol, idioma que les (nos) sirve a todos como vehículo mejor de entendimiento?Curiosamente hoy los hispanoamericanos hablan mucho mejor nuestro idioma que lospropios nativos españoles; cosa por la que debería "caérsenos la cara de vergüenza"…pero aún así, en mi propia ciudad (Jaén) hay una treintena de estudiantes chinos, quehan venido a esta universidad a aprender y perfeccionar el IDIOMA ESPAÑOL.Sonriamos y esperemos, puesto que nuestro idioma tiene vida propia y es de unavitalidad asombrosa… ¿merecerá el que le ayudemos… o somos tan idiotas para nocomprender y negar esa ayuda, que es en definitiva ayudarnos nosotros mismos? ¿Esde extrañar la decadencia española… no es en gran parte por ese gran cerrilismo yceporrismo hispano? Yo creo que sí… aquí hay un virus destructivo que asusta.


CONFUSABLE WORDS: elder, eldest, older, oldest, elderlyYou use elder and eldest to say who was born before others in a family. For example, ifyou have an elder brother or sister, you have a brother or sister who was born beforeyou. The eldest child in a family was born before the other children.

· His mother had impressed upon him how hopeless he was compared to his brother.· Angela was very fond of her parents, though bitterly jealous of her elder sister.· They were pretty girls and I guessed that the eldest , Marianne, was no more than

twenty.You use older and oldest to say who was born first in any group of people, not justfamilies.

· One of the older boys had to be continually on watch for wild animals.· Some years ago I had the privilege of meeting the world’s oldest man .

If you talk about “older people ”, you mean people who are no longer young.· The older people , like Miss Clare and Mrs. Pringle, shake their heads sadly.

Older can be used to show differences in age, in comparisons using “than”. “ Elder”cannot be used in this way.

· Jimmy was at least five years older than I was.· She was a couple of years older than me.

If you describe someone as elderly, you mean that they are old. Some people considerelderly a more polite word than “old”.

·… a small , energetic, elderly man with a heavy moustache

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The elderly are elderly people .· … a psychiatrist who specialized in the care of the elderly.

The Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator Este programa, descargable solamente para todo aquel que utilice una versión auténticade Microsoft Windows, permite modificar o cambiar completamente la configuración delteclado. Se revela útil para todos los que, por trabajo o estudio, deben escribir enlenguas diferentes y necesitan configuraciones personalizadas.Magictyper En este sitio inglés, así como por magia, se puede escribir en hebraico, árabe, ruso ogriego, utilizando su propio teclado, sin deber descargar e instalar algún software.Lingro: un diccionario y no soloEs un servicio gratuito que permite tener a disposición, en todo momento, un diccionariointeractivo en cualquier página Web, después de haber escrito la dirección URL de estamisma página en Lingro. Los diccionarios presentes, todos con salida audio, sondisponibles en varias combinaciones lingüísticas del inglés hacia francés, alemán,español, italiano, polaco y sueco. La combinación sueco-polaco es también posible. Esteservicio es muy útil para todos los que leen páginas en otros idomas sobre la Web y notienen ganas de consultar un diccionario cada vez que encuentran una palabra que noconocen. Lingro genera también automáticamente una lista de las palabras consultadasen el diccionario. Con estos términos el usuario puede crear fácilmente una listapersonalizada. Los juegos lingüísticos con "falshcards", creados a partir de esta listaayudarán al proceso de aprendizaje del nuevo vocabulario y facilitarán la memorización.

Vocabulary ExerciseVocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Necesidades de Financiamiento :A. Fill in the Blanks : A firm that accepts responsibility for collecting accounts receivable is called a………………………………………………An exporting firm may seek a …………………….. to grant time for payment to itsimporting customer.A ………… ……………. binds the bank to pay for contracts that have been poorly………………… ……………….Loans are also available for firms that wish to ………………………. ……………………….inventory.B . Multiple Choice Firms can replenish their cash needs with all the following EXCEPT:a) Domestic loansb) Export loansc) Selling accounts receivabled) Discounting products.To finance long and medium term receivables a firm can secure a :a) Supplier creditb) Buyer creditc) Sales agreementd) A & b onlye) All the aboveA guarantee or security in the form of a bond is underwritten by:a) the exporter’s bankb) the importer’s bankc) a bond housed) a factor.To get export credits, firms must usually submit which of the following?a) balance sheets

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b) income statementsc) annual reportsd) export contractse) all the aboveC . Translate:

1. (Usted) puede vender sus cuentas por cobrar a una compañía de factoraje.2. Este crédito es un anticipo sobre sus cuentas por cobrar contraídas en el

extranjero.3. Aceptamos la responsabilidad de cobrar las cuentas por cobrar.4. (Usted) debe proporcionar una garantía bajo la forma de una fianza.

Answers:A.1. factor2. supplier credit3. performance bond, carried out4. build upB.1. d2. d3. a4. e

C.1. You may sell your accounts receivable to a factor.2. This credit is an advance made against your foreign notes.3. We accept responsibility for collecting the receivables.4. You will have to provide a guarantee in the form of a bond.

Español es el segundo idioma de Google El español se posicionó como el segundo idioma más popular entre las búsquedas enGoogle, afirmó el director de la compañia, Eric Scmidt. Asimismo, América Latina quedasituada como la región con mayor crecimiento para la empresa.Para el ejecutivo es fundamental que todos los países tengan acceso a Internet, así lomanifiesta diciendo que es " Muy importante que todos los gobiernos tengan unaestrategia para ampliar el acceso a Internet de la misma manera que construyenautopistas".Los planes de la empresa son asegurar el acceso a todos los productos de Google enlos teléfonos celulares. Esto, por la gran cantidad de gente que posee uno.Schmidt explicó que uno de los retos de Google este año será lograr una mayorpenetración de sus productos entre personas de diversas edades y con necesidadesdiferentes.

07-2008CONFUSABLE WORDS: reward, award, prizeA reward is something that you are given for doing something which people approve of.For example, an employer might give a worker some extra money as a reward for beingefficient, or parents might give a child a toy as a reward for being good

· He had given me a day off – a reward I accepted with suspicious gratitude.· There were never any rewards for being good at games.

A reward is also a sum of money offered to anyone who can give information aboutstolen property about someone who is wanted by the police.

· Hurst announced a reward of $50.000 for information· A satisfying experience can also be considered a reward.

· But the walk brought its reward : a splendid view.

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An award is a certificate or medal that is given by an organization such as a university orcouncil.

· … a newaward, the diploma of Higher Education.· Food and service fully warrant the Egon Ronay awards as Hotel of the yearWhen an award is given in recognition for an outstanding achievement, it may be

referred to as a prize.We are sometimes asked why it is right to give a prize for tennis, but wrong to give onefor geography.

· … the NobelPrize for Peace.A prize is also something that you are given for winning a competition or a game. Prizes include free holidays

· I entered two competition and won prizes .Both reward and award can also be used as verbs. If you reward someone, you give thema reward. Note that reward is often used in the passive.

· Work hard and you will be rewarded .· They rewarded the winners with gifts of fruit and flowers.

If youaward something such as a prize or certificate to someone, you give it to them.Note that award may be followed by two objects. It is often used in the passive..· Five campaign medals were awarded to those who fought in the Free French


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A Landmark Study of the Human Journey Where do you really come from? And how did you get to where you live today? DNAstudies suggest that all humans today descend from a group of African ancestors who—about 60,000 years ago—began a remarkable journey.The Genographic Project is seeking to chart new knowledge about the migratory historyof the human species by using sophisticated laboratory and computer analysis of DNAcontributed by hundreds of thousands of people from around the world. In thisunprecedented and real-time research effort, the Genographic Project is closing the gapsof what science knows today about.

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Necesidades de Financiamiento : Carta deCrédito y Credito Documentario1. agreement: 1 acuerdo: to be in agreement on/ about sth with sb, estar de acuerdo conalguien sobre algo, ( com , ind) acuerdo, convenio2.( jur) contrato, convenio.2. to discuss sth: discutir, debatir algo.3. practice: 1. entrenamiento 2. costumbre 3. regla (s): restrictive practices, normasrestrictivas 4. clientela (profesiones liberales).4. to release: 1. liberar 2. descargar ( de una obligación) 3. poner en venta 4. emitir (uncomunicado) 5. entregar (mercancías), liberar (fondos), transferir.5. former: anterior, precedente: the former, el primero de los dos, opuesto a the latter, elsegundo.6. clean: limpio, puro, sin mancha - clean bill, letra de cambio simple (no acompañada dedocumentos).7. to undertake: 1. emprender (un viaje), encargarse de ( una tarea) 2. to undertake to dosth, comprometerse a hacer algo 3. to undertake that … garantizar que…8. in behalf of sb (EU)/ on behalf of sb (GB) : a nombre de alguien, de parte de alguien, enfavor de, por; on my behalf, para mi.9. to instruct : 1. instruir ( a alguien) ( in sth, en algo) 2. to instruct sb ( that…) , informar a

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alguien ( que…) 3. to instruct sb to do sth, encargarle a alguien que haga algo 4. ( jur)darle instrucciones a.10. to issue: 1. ( v.i) salir, resultar ( from, de) 2. (v.t) emitir ( acciones), poner encirculación, (jur) dar una orden ( de arresto), publicar ( un comunicado); se construye dedos formas: to issue sth to sb o to issue s.f. with sth, proporcionarle algo a alguien.11. to advise: 1. aconsejar : to advise sb on/ about sth, aconsejar a alguien sobre algo 2.recomendar : to advise sb against sth, desaconsejarle algo a alguien 3. informar : toadvise sb of sth avisarle a akguien de algo; to advise sb that …. , avisarle a alguien que… = to notify.12. to comply: obedecer, acatar, to comply with, ( persona) observar ( reglamento),acceder ( a una petición), (material) estar conforme (a las especificaciones).13. relevant: 1. pertinente (to, a) , (jur) justificativo 2. apropiado 3. util, necesario ( for,para).

English is a Crazy Language There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.English muffins weren't invented in England nor French fries in France. Sweetmeats arecandies while sweet-breads, which aren't sweet, are meat.We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand canwork slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it apig. And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce andhammers don't ham?If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. Soone moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices?Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you can combthrough the annals of history but not a single annal? If you have a bunch of odds andends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? If teachers taught, why didn'tpreachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If youwrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for theverbally insane. In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park ondriveways and drive on parkways?How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy areopposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a feware alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another.Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent?Have you ever seen a horsefull carriage or a strapfull gown? Met a sung hero orexperienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated,gruntled, ruly or peccable? And where are all those people who ARE spring chickens orwho would ACTUALLY hurt a fly?You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn upas it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clockgoes off by going on.English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of thehuman race (which, of course, isn't a race at all). That is why, when the stars are out,they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it.

08 - 2008

ONFUSABLE WORDS: teach, instruct, educateIf you teach someone, you explain a subject to them as teachers do in school, or showsthem how to do a particular task like cooking or driving.

· He couldn’t read at eighteen; his wife had to teach him.

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favor de ; a banking correspondent, un banco corresponsal ; to present documents,entregar documentos ; to discount a bill, descontar una letra ; encashment, cobro.

09 -2009CONFUSABLE WORDS: lawyer, solicitor, barrister, attorney.In both British and American English, lawyer is a general term for a person who isqualified in law and is entitled to represent people in legal matters. American lawyers canboth prepare cases and represent their clients in court.

· I have nothing to say, I told him, until I see my lawyer.· … a witty speaker and the most successful criminal defence lawyer in Scotland.· I think you should talk this over with your lawyers in New York and your bankers.

In Britain, a solicitor prepares legal documents, for example wills and contracts, andprepares cases that are heard in court. Solicitor can also represent their clients in certaincourts, but not in the highest appeal courts.

· My solicitor phoned, and told me that the police wanted to see me again.· Arrange for the seller to leave the keys with either the estate agent or the solicitor

for you to pick up when you want to start moving in.In the higher British courts, the arguments for each side are usually presented bybarristers .

· A solicitor will arrange at least one conference between the barrister and thedefendant.

· There is a right of challenge that a barrister can use to have seven members of thejury change.In the American legal system, an attorney is a person who is qualified in law and whorepresents someone else in legal matters.

· No one wanted to accept the position of defense attorney.· Gordon ´s attorney had had long discussions with the police.

· A justice Department attorney had confirmed that the Watergate prosecutors weresuspicious.

Other Words:· In Scotland, a barrister is usually called an “advocate”.· He was a skilful and experienced advocate.

URL’s Recomendados:Lonely Planet - Visit LonelyPlanet before you take your trip - Great Travel Information - There's still time to plan a vacation trip this 2008, and one of the best places to start yourresearch is Lonely Planet ( ). This site is written by travelers,

for travelers, and it's got scads of great information about every destination on theplanet. Just type in a destination, and you'll get traveler's recommendations for what todo, where to stay, what to eat, and where to shop, just for starters. There are pictures,videos, maps, discussion groups, itineraries, sights, airline & hotel listings, first-personstories, insider's tips, and lots more. Lonely Planet has been publishing travel guides fora number of years.

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Necesidades de Financiamiento : Carta deCrédito y Credito DocumentarioA. Fill in the Blanks :1- The …………. ………… ….. ……….. is the method of payment most often used inforeign trade.

2- The buyer ´s bank, called the ………….. bank, issues the documentary credit.

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3- The documentary credit that may not be modified is called ………………… .4- In many international transactions banks act as …………………….. without assumingany commitment.B . Multiple Choice1- Upon notification that credit has been provided, the supplier:

a- Ships the goodsb- Receives the shipping documents.c- Bills the customer.d- A & B only.e- A, B & C.

2- The operation in which the importing firm pays immediately before receiving thegoods is known as:

a- Documents against shipment.b- Documents against payment.c- Sales documents.d- Documents against acceptance.

3- All of the following documents must accompany a bill of exchange, EXCEPT:a- Commercial Invoice.b- Bill of Lading.c- Sight Draft.d- Insurance Policy.

4- After a Letter of Credit has been approved and the exporter paid, the issuing bank…………………… the client ´s account:

a- Credits.b- Debits.c- Opens.d- Consolidates.

C . Translate:1. Usted está autorizado a cobrarnos una letra de 90 días.2. El banco notificador le avisará del otorgamiento del crédito.3. ¿ El contrato comercial estipula plazos de pago?.4. Desempeñamos el papel de intermediarios, sin asumir un compromiso directo.

Answers de exercises:A.1 documentary letter of creditA.2 issuingA.3 irrevocable

A.4 intermediariesB.

1. d2. b3. c4. b

C.1. You are authorized to draw a 90-day draft on us.2. The advising bank will notify you of the issuance of the credit.3. Does the commercial contract stipulate times for payment?.4. We act as intermediaries without assuming any direct commitment.

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Las reglas de Charles J. Sykes en una Universidad

Regla Uno- La vida no es justa, acostúmbrate a ello.Regla Dos- Al mundo (salvo a tus padres) no le importará tu autoestima. El mundoesperará que logres algo, independientemente de que te sientas bien o no contigomismo.Regla Tres- No ganarás US$5.000 mensuales justo después de haber salido de lapreparatoria; y no serás un vicepresidente hasta que con tu esfuerzo te hayas ganadoambos logros.Regla Cuatro- Si piensas que tu profesor es duro, espera a que tengas un jefe. Ese sí queno tendrá vocación de enseñanza ni la paciencia requerida.Regla Cinco- Dedicarse a voltear hamburguesas no te quita dignidad. Tus abuelos teníanuna palabra diferente para describirlo: le llamaban oportunidad.Regla Seis- Si metes la pata, no es culpa de tus padres, así que no lloriquees por tuserrores; aprende de ellos.Regla Siete- Antes de que nacieras, tus padres no eran tan aburridos como son ahora.Ellos empezaron a serlo por pagar tus cuentas, limpiar tu ropa y escucharte hablaracerca de la nueva onda en la que estabas. Así que antes de emprender tu lucha porlas selvas vírgenes contaminadas por la generación de tus padres, inicia el caminolimpiando las cosas de tu propia vida, empezando por tu habitación.Regla Ocho- En la escuela puede haberse eliminado la diferencia entre ganadores yperdedores, pero en la vida real no. En algunas escuelas ya no se pierden años lectivosy te dan las oportunidades que necesites para encontrar la respuesta correcta en tusexámenes y para que tus tareas sean cada vez más fáciles. Eso no tiene ningunasemejanza con la vida real.Regla Nueve- La vida no se divide en semestres. No tendrás vacaciones de verano largasen lugares lejanos y muy pocos jefes se interesarán en ayudarte a que te encuentres a timismo. Todo esto tendrás que hacerlo en tu tiempo libre.Regla Diez- La televisión no es la vida diaria. En la vida cotidiana, la gente de verdadtiene que salir del café de la película para irse a trabajar.Regla Once- Sé amable con los nerds (los más aplicados de tu clase). Existenmuchas probabilidades de que termines trabajando para uno de ellos.


CONFUSABLE WORDS: west, western, westerly.The west is the direction you look towards in the evening in order to see the sun set. Thewest of a country or area is the part towards the west. You use west, western andwesterly to describe things that are in or come from the west .You use west to describe a part of a place that is in the west, whether it is a large place

like a country or a smaller place like a building. Note that west is often used to make acontrast with the east, north and south: · the west face of a mountain is opposite theeast face.

· The had established themselves almost everywhere in West Africa.· The only way it could be reached was by a dangerous and grueling climb up the

west face of the mountain.· This seaweed is often abundant on the middle and lower shore, especially on the

West coast.Western means relating to the west and refers to a more general area than “west”.

· He commanded a tank troop at Anzio while Dixon was an R.A.F corporal in westernScotland.

· On the western side was the precipice known as the Frog ´s Head.

· … a location off the western coastline of the mainland of Scotland.

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You can also use western to describe things that come from the west or that are foundthere.

· Down from the Artic Seas the fish will move into the western waters of Britain andIreland.· The sun is setting over the western hills.

· Winds that come from the west can be described as west or westerly winds.· Mother said the west wind was bad for the nerves.· During the night a warm westerly wind blew across the downs.

You can also use westerly to describe directions and locations. If something moves in awesterly direction, it moves towards the west. Unlike “west” and “western”, westerly canbe used with “more” and “most”..

· In order to avoid a storm, we flew over the east side of Lake.· Turkana rather than take the more normal westerly route.· The mountainside facing the harbor has a westerly outlook.· We were standing on the most westerly point of England.

URL's Recomendados:DNA Interactive - DNA Interactive explores the exciting history of DNA science. Visit to examine theTimeline of DNA discovery, jump into the Code for a more in-depth lesson, or click onManipulation to learn about the tools developed to work with DNA strands. With freeregistration, teachers can pick up lesson plans and worksheets. My favorite clicks arethe PDF templates for making an origami DNA model in either color or black and white.

Vocabulary Exercise Vocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Necesidades de Financiamiento : Letra de Cambio, Cheque , Transferencia Bancaria.1- to draw. Up: 1. pararse ( un auto) 2. hacer ( lista, cuenta), preparar ( presupuesto),redactar, elaborar.2- to cash (in): cobrar ( cheque, letra de cambio, etc. ), cobrar en efectivo 2. cambiar (billetes en el banco)3- Es un título de crédito porque es negociable. Además, se evita un movimiento denumerario y operaciones financieras a nivel individual.4- promissory note: ver nota 3.5- payable on presentation: pagadero a presentación = payable on demand, pagadero a presentación o a la vista = payable at sight, pagadero a la vista .6- Es pagadera a la orden ( payable to order), cuando se menciona el nombre de unbeneficiario y si no hay ninguna restricción para la transmisión.7- También puede estar endosada en blanco , sin identificar al endosatario.8- Primera, segunda y tercera de cambio (first, second and third of Exchange).9- null and void o simplemente null; nulo y sin valor. 10- Si acepta pagar sin condiciones, su aceptación es general ( general acceptance). Sipone condiciones ( cambio de la fecha de vencimiento o pago de sólo una parte de lasuma), su aceptación es parcial (qualified acceptance).11- endorsee: endosatario , persona en beneficio de la cual se efectúa un endoso #endorser, endosante, persona que efectúa un endoso.El endoso es un modo de transmisión de las letras de crédito.12- El portador también puede depositarla como garantía en un banco para obtener unpréstamo.13- La ley suele prever un plazo de tres días de gracia (three statutory days of grace)después de la fecha de vencimiento.14- notary (public): funcionario que da fe de los documentos pero que, a diferencia delnotario en la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos, no tiene el papel de consejero depersonas particulares.15- to protest a bill: protestar una letra haciendo levantar un protesto (to have a protest

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drawn up), acta auténtica que constata oficialmente la falta de pago o la negación deaceptación de la letra de cambio por el deudor.

11-2008CONFUSABLE WORDS: raise, rise, arise.You use raise , rise and arise to talk about moving upwards.If youraise something, you move it so that it is in a higher position. Raise is a regulartransitive verb. The past tense and past participle are raised .

· He began to raise a massive first.· Raise the legs, trying to lift the thighs off the floor.· Hooper raised his camera and pressed the button.

If something rises , it moves upwards. For example, if smoke rises, it moves up towardsthe sky. Rise is an irregular intransitive verb. The past tense is rose and the pastparticiple is risen .

· In the distance he could see the smoke from his bonfire rising up in a white column.· Clouds of birds rose from the tree-tops.If yourise , you get out of bed or you stand up after sitting, kneeling, or lying down. Thisis a formal use.

· She could not have told you at what time she had risen that morning or how shemade her way to the station.

· When he saw us arrive, he attempted to rise but couldn’t ´t quite make it.· Ash had bowed, knelt and risen in imitation of the other worshippers.

Arise can also be used to say that someone gets out of bed or that they stand up aftersitting, kneeling, or lying down. When arise is used like this, it is very old-fashioned orliterary. Arise is an irregular intransitive verb. The past tense is arose and the pastparticiple is arisen .

· I arose at six.

· He arose to greet her.Raise and rise can also be used as nouns. A rise is an increase in an amount or quantity.· …price rises.· …the rise in crime.

In British English, a rise is also an increase in someone’s wages or salary.· He went to ask for a rise.

In American English, this is called a raise .· He thought about asking his boss for a raise.

URLs Recomendados:Pangea Day Films - On 10 May a worldwide event celebrated the power of film: Pangea Day. It featured 'filmsthat were funny, sad, gorgeous, stark - and powerful'. The films are available for onlineviewing. Watch them, debate the themes, enjoy human diversity and unity, and getinspired.

Vocabulary ExerciseVocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Necesidades de Financiamiento :Letra de Cambio, Cheque , Transferencia Bancaria.1- deposit: 1. depósito, yacimiento 2.(fin),depósito : to make a deposit of $..., depositar $...en el banco 3. depósito, entrada ( apartamento) : to leave/make/pay a deposit of $... on sth, dejar un depósito de $... sobre algo.me2- ans ( sustantivo invariable que puede referirse tanto a un singular como a unplural): 1. medio, método : a means of communication, un medio de comunicación 2.medios, recursos: means test, averiguación sobre la situación económica .

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3- a check (EU) = a cheque (GB) y a checking account (EU) = a current account, adrawing account (GB).4- demand: ver nota 2, p 54.5- to withdraw: 1. quitar, retirar ( mano, tropas, oferta, cantidad de dinero = to draw) 2.retirarse .6- notice: 1. aviso, notificación 2. aviso, previo 3. plazo: at 3 day´s notice , en un plazo de tres días. .7- Esto es para evitar los cheques falsificados (forged, checks) en los que ha sidoimitada (to forge) una firma auténtica .8- to cover a check (EU) = to pay a cheque (GB) .9- Salvo en el caso de los sobregiros autorizados (authorized overdrafts). Los chequesno pagados son devueltos al beneficiario con la mención NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) . 10- En los Estados Unidos también se reciben los cheques pagados por el deudor (cancelled checks). Además, los bancos cobran una comisión mensual por el manejo deloa cuenta y/o una comisión por cada cheque emitido, que a veces puede ser dispensadasi se mantiene un saldo de cierta cantidad en la cuenta.11- officer: 1. oficial: first officer, primer oficial ( marina mercantil) 2. funcionario, agente :customs officer, agente aduanal 3. responsable , dirigente : Chief Executive Officer (CEO),director general .12- collection: 1. colección 2. recaudación, cobro : collection of debts, cobro de créditos 3. acción de recoger o recolectar algo a domicilio . .13- Schedule: ver nota 8, p 20.14- item: 1. artículo, producto 2. (cont) escritura, partida asiento 3. rubro, artículo (de uncontrato).

· To stand (null and void): ser nulo y sin valor ; to fall due, vencer, caducar ; todishonor a bill, negarse a pagar una factura ; drawee bank: banco deudor .

Checklist for a Green Office It seems like everyone and everything is “going green” these days, and for good reason.Getting in the mode of using green products and habits in the workplace can not onlyimprove the environment, but positively affect the bottom line. Here are 25 ways to help sreduce your company’s environmental impact and save money. By Susan SilvaIs your office green? Here are 25 ways to help reduce your company’ s environmentalimpact. By implementing one or more of the following “going green” suggestions, youcan make a difference, save your company money and save the environment.1- Turn off your equipment, computer, printers, scanners, calculator, etc. You can plugthem into one power strip and turn it off at the end of the day.2- Unplug charging devices (such as a cell phone charger when not in use)3- Do not leave your mobile phone charging over night, charge during the day and whenthe battery is full, take it off the charger.4- Use natural sun light when possible.5- Turn off office lights at night.6- Use washable coffee mugs.7- Bring your own set of silverware.8- Avoid printing in colour. Print drafts in black and white at the economy level.9- Re-use boxes for when you have to ship items out.10- Plan video or online meetings, instead of travelling.11- Create recycle bins for:

a- Cansb- Cardboardc- Glassd- Newspapere- Paperf- Plastic

12- Recycle old equipment such as computers, cell phones, pagers and PDAs.

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13- Print out only what you need. Only print essential emails.14- Print or use both sides of paper.15- Buy recycled paper.16- Re-use supplies as much as possible. Take large envelopes and create interofficeenvelopes or take used paper, and cut them into pieces for note pads.17- Buy eco friendly supplies such as refillable pens, papers and refillable tapedispensers18- If you are responsible for buying lighting, replace any incandescent light bulbs withEnergy Star rated light bulbs or fluorescent bulbs.19- Recycle toner and ink cartridges.20- Buy remanufactured toners and printer cartridges.21- Turn off your screen saver and use hibernate or sleep instead.22- Install a water filter instead of using bottle water.23- Ask to be removed from any snail mail distributions you do not read. If you getcatalogues, asked to be removed from the list and use the website to look at theirproducts.24- If you have a personal printer, set the quality to draft or economy. If you need highquality, you can set it for each individual instance.25- If feasible, make arrangements to work from home one day a week.

12 – 2008

CONFUSABLE WORDS: comprehensive, understandingSomething that is comprehensive includes everything that is needed. For example, acomprehensive study examines every detail of a subject; comprehensive plans considerevery possibility.

… a comprehensive insurance policy.· Chapter 4 examines the last attempt to implement a comprehensive anti –poverty

program in Britain.You do not use “comprehensive” to describe people who understand others and showthem kindness and sympathy. You say that they are understanding .

· Mrs Viccary turned out to be a delightful person, wise, tolerant and understanding.· I want so much to be as brave and as understanding as you are.

Other words Instead of saying that something is comprehensive , you can say that it is donecomprehensively .

· We need designers able to deal with the design process comprehensively.

URLs Recomendados:Twitter - Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate

and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers toone simple question: What are you doing?

Vocabulary ExerciseVocabulary - Companies: Vocabulario sobre Necesidades de Financiamiento :Letra de Cambio, Cheque , Transferencia Bancaria.A. Fill in the Blanks :

1- A negotiable form of credit subject to stamp duties is a ……………. …………… .2- When no particular payee is named a bill of exchange is made payable to ………….

.3- A specimen signature and an …………. ……….. are required to open a …………

account.4- The operation that sends funds directly from one bank account to another is called

a ………. ……… .

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B . Multiple Choice1- Foreign Bills of Exchange are commonly made payable in:

a. 30 days.b. 60 days.c. 90 days.d. a & b only.e. a, b & c.

2- To open a company’s checking account all are required, EXCEPT:a. An initial deposit.b. Proof of identity.c. Only one signature.d. All are required.

3-The value of international bank transfers can be affected by:a. Political events.b. GNP.c. Exchange rates.d. Price of gold.4- To endorse a bill of exchange, the endorser signs:a. “endorsed” across the face.b. The back.c. The faced. None of the above.

C . Translate:1. (Usted) puede utilizar una letra de cambio para pagar las mercancías.2. Esta letra de cambio es pagadera al portador.3. (Usted) puede iniciar un pleito.4. Su pago se efectuará por transferencia bancaria.5. ¿ Cuánto tiempo hace que usted me envió ese estado de cuenta?.

Answers de exercises:A.1 -clean billA.2 -bearerA.3 -initial deposit, checkingA.4 -bank transfer

B.1. e2. d3. c4. b

C.1. You can use a clean bill to pay for the goods.2. This bill of exchange is payable to bearer.3. You can initiate legal action.4. You will be paid by bank transfer.5. How long ago did you send me that bank statement?

You Can Color Your Way To Success Everyone has what is known as a personality color. Allof these four colors(red, green, yellow, blue) represent different personality traits such as the waya person interact with others, how they learn, or how they focus their energy.If you can manage to identify someone's personality color then you'll be ableto talk to that person the way they need to be talked to. By Duffy Rogan Everyone has a personality color.

There are 4 color personality types. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow.At this point, this information tells you nothing. No worries; it didn't mean anything to me

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either when I first heard about personality colors. But man I wish I knew about this yearsago, it would have saved me a ton of aggravation.Everybody has a color type. And with that color type we act in a certain way. Certainthings are important to us. We like to be talked to in a certain way. We like and dislikecertain things.Take me for example.Let’s say you were calling me as a potential prospect:What if you knew how I liked to be talked to. Knew what was important to me. Knew whatI didn't like. Knew what I liked. Knew if I was over sensitive. Knew if I needed support.Knew if I would be teachable. Knew if I was money motivated. Knew if I would be aleader. Knew if I was creative. Knew if I needed all the facts and figures....I could go onand on.What if you knew all this information and so much more about me after only talking to me(anyone) for only a few minutes and then gained more and more insight to me the longeryou talked to me?Do you think this would impact your business and your personal life in a positive way?Rhetorical question obviouslyWould you not agree you'd have an unfair advantage on everyone else? Yet anotherrhetorical question.There is a lot more to learn about personality colors and whole books have been writtenon this subject. But here is the condensed version. This will give you great insight intothe power of personality colors.So here we go, oh and these are not in any particular order.First there is Yellow.Yellow's make up 35% of the population. They are open and indirect with their feelings.They are the best at using both sides of their brains. They are relationship and familyorientated, logical, analytical and team work is very important to them.Yellows have jobs like teachers, social workers usually any nurturing job. They likegiving back to others. They don't like pushy people, aggressiveness, sudden change oranimal cruelty.Some of their weaknesses are, they are over sensitive, take things personally and willbuy other peoples excuses.Talk to a yellow slowly and relaxed and let them know they are appreciated.Next is Blues (that's me).Blues make up 15% of the population. Blues are open and direct with their feelings. Veryright brained, talk fast, very creative, must have fun doing things. They are strong onfamily and relationships, spontaneous and enthusiastic.Blues have jobs like sales (of any kind), singer, and songwriter, anything that is creative.They don't like not having fun, fact and figures and being sold.Their weaknesses are being unorganized, scattered and poor savers. When you talk to ablue focus on fun and talk about excitement. Never try to sell a blue.Next is Greens. Greens make up 35% of the population. They are indirect and self-contained with theirfeelings. Right brained, very logical, analytical. Precise and need to have all the facts andfigures. They are savers. They are also organized, task orientated and accurate. Let's getthe kids to college. They're the best negotiators.Some of their jobs include, engineers, accountants, CPA, professor. This covers prettymuch basically anything to do with logic and reasoning.They don't like pushy people. Not having all the facts and figures. Not being on time,aggressiveness. Get depressed easily and are hard to please.Some of their weaknesses are, they over analyze everything (to death) and are hard toplease and pessimistic about everything.When speaking to a green, give them the facts and figures, you cannot overload a greenwith information.And finally the Reds.

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Reds make up 15% of the population. Reds are direct and self-contained with theirfeelings. Reds are right brained. Their slogan is "It's my way or the highway" Forceful,stern and to the point. No chitchat, money is power, take action. Task orientated,Impatient, un-teachable, show me the money.Their jobs consist of being CEO's, Attorneys, military leaders, president of the bank.Reds do not like losing control, indecision, small talk or crying. They don't like talkingabout time, freedom, family or vacations.Some of their weaknesses are having a big ego, domineering and un-teachable.When you talk to a red you need to let them think you need them. They like being sold,close them, focus on money, stroke their ego. Talk about your leaders income.Now everything I just outlined about the different color personalities is not a judgment onpeople, it's who people are.Just imagine if you had this information the next time you talked to a prospect? How doyou think your next call would go?So the next time you're talking to someone and they say something in a certain tone orway, you'll know exactly why they're acting the way they are and why they are asking thequestions they do.Instead of taking things personally or getting frustrated, you'll say to yourself "Heyyou're suppose to act like that or say that because you're a green" (pick a color)Master this one skill and your business life and personal life will skyrocket.Guaranteed!!!Duffy has been helping Network Marketers build and grow successful businesses formany years now. He is also an expert in generating website traffic, and is a mentor andcoach to some of the most success people in Network Marketing today.

Source: Glos Contable – S Debonis. Dicc de Banca – J Rosenberg – Cobuild Collins – Confusbale words. – Exportar - Larousse