Download - Newsletter Term 3 Week 7 - Booleroo Centre District School 3/Term 3 Week 7.pdfOccupational Therapy Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Bachelor of Physiotherapy (including

Page 1: Newsletter Term 3 Week 7 - Booleroo Centre District School 3/Term 3 Week 7.pdfOccupational Therapy Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Bachelor of Physiotherapy (including

Newsletter Term 3 Week 7

Dates for the Diary THURSDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 2019

Adelaide Show—Ag students out

3rd—5th September

Primary Assembly

Thursday 5th September

Three Way Learning Conference

Tuesday 10th September

Primary Musical performance

Tuesday 10th September

Flinders Mobile Library

6th and 20th September

Sapsasa Soccer Carnival

9th—13th September

MNSEC Showcase

Thursday 12th September

Primary Interviews

17th & 18th September

Cross Country Colour Cup

19th September

Student Free Day

Friday 20th September

School Closure Day

Tuesday 24th September

Principal’s News

Hello Everyone,

Slowly but surely I am becoming more and more acquainted with how the school

operates. Not only teaching-learning practices, but how our admin functions, how

our finances are being managed and so on. I am certainly looking forward to

meeting the Governing Council next Monday, which will add greater depth to

understanding the Booleroo Centre School Community. In time, I will be able to

assess where we are at, and what we need to do to get to our next steps of

improvement. While life is always busy, I will always make time for parents who

want to meet with me, and discuss any issues or concerns.

Please be reminded that our mandated requirement, in terms of assessment and

reporting to parents is 4 times a year: 2 face-to-face and 2 written reports. As a

parent myself, I know the anxiety we sometimes feel when we perceive that our

child is struggling, or there are uncertainties around a child’s progress. As educators

we assess students formatively every day. By that, I mean we adapt our teaching

and learning around the students in the course of our lessons. We detect those who

have ‘got it’ and those who ‘haven’t yet.’ So regular interventions and support are

provided to all students according to where they are at on the scale of learning- be

that a topic, concept, skill, or process. This practice is called ‘differentiation’ and it

takes skill and precision to manage it effectively.

We, as educators and parents, are all ‘works in progress.’ And being able to model

that effectively underpins the ‘growth mindset’ we hope to instil in all our students.

Teachers make fine adjustments to their practice every day to find ways in which

they can achieve the maximum impact upon every student’s learning. To report

back to parents about student achievement every day, however, is not sustainable.

Which is all the more reason for you to check-in with your child with questions like

“What did you learn today?” rather than “How was your day?” Checking in about

learning is important because it provides a specific focus to the conversation you

can have. There is a degree of accountability that the child has to own as well.

Share the Positives:

Anti-Poverty Day, well done to students and staff on another enjoyable and successful day.

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Principal News (cont)

I have visited most of the classrooms, and the four key questions I like to ask, regardless of the students’ ages are:

“What are you learning?”

“Why are you learning it?”

“How do you know you are successful with it?”

“What are the next steps for you?”

By doing this we are encouraging educators and students to be intentional about the teaching-learning, and be clear

about what success looks like. This is part of making learning ‘visible.’ Hence, I encourage you to try the same

questions. It may take time for these conversations to flow. Students can be a bit coy or defensive when under the

spotlight. Can’t we all!? But through authentic, routine chats we develop confidence through practice and

predictability. And we certainly hope all our students can eventually develop expertise to manage these

conversations about their learning.

Please trust that we as educators are always seeking to do our best. I assure you too, if we can’t resolve a teaching-

learning challenge, and require your input or support, we will contact you.

I have been delighted to receive daily updates from Mr Geddes and the Ag students at the Show this week. I have

been impressed with the athleticism and cohesion between the Stage 2 Phys Ed students who I saw being

moderated with Badminton and Volleyball. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to participate in the Anti-Poverty Day

fundraiser last week and have admiration for their gestures of kindness and empathy around the event. I’ve also

rolled the arm over with some of the Primary cricketers, knowing that sport plays a key part in their social agenda

and connects people of all ages, gender etc. My first 2 weeks have been pretty amazing in fact.

Hoping we get some rain soon, and you all have a successful week,

Peter Blackburn


Primary News

The primary production is starting to take shape and each class is busy rehearsing their scenes in preparation for our performance which will be held on Wednesday the 16th starting at 6:30pm in the gym.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is quickly drawing to a close, children need to ensure they have read the required 12 books and completed their forms by tomorrow the 6th of September.

On the 11th of September the 3/4 students will be heading to Appila to attend the annual Corridors of Green Environmental Field Day. Our students will be involved in several workshops that relate to the local area including topics such as native animals, plants and rocks/minerals. Consent forms and additional information was distributed this week.

On Tuesday the 3rd of September the 5/6 class travelled to Port Pirie for the East of the Ranges choir. The students sang their little hearts out with students from Burra PS, Melrose PS, Orroroo AS, Peterborough PS, Jamestown CS, Kadina MS and St James PS. Congratulations to Jasmine F and Matilda on their solo performances. Well done also to Bayley D for her compere role on the night and a massive thankyou to Craig Roberts and Kathy Kupke for driving the bus over.

Bayley D, Matilda VDW, Shayla A, Eve SD and Scarlett J will be representing BCDS in Adelaide on the 16th of September, singing at the Festival Theatre in a choir of almost 500, a once in a lifetime experience. We wish them well!

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Parent-Teacher interviews will take place Tuesday

17th and Wednesday 18th September from 3.30 to

6pm. Letters will go home today with instructions on

how to book a time online, instructions are to the left

if needed. If you have difficulty, please contact the

school and we will help you through this process. This

is the only report format for Primary Students this

term so please try and arrange a time to meet with


Emma Branson

R-6 Primary Coordinator

Secondary News

Bachelor of Speech Pathology

UniSA are commencing a course in Speech Pathology in 2020. If any students are interested, they should contact Kathy Kupke at school for further information. Applications will be open for a second semester intake.

Country Health Scholarships

Please consider these excellent scholarships for students interested in the field of health. There are flyers attached to this newsletter.

Rural Health Undergraduate Scholarships Scholarships are offered to full time students currently studying or about to commence an undergraduate degree at university in 2020 in a relevant discipline, and who have resided in regional South Australia prior to undertaking their tertiary education. The scholarship provides students with $5000 per year for up to four years’ study for their undergraduate degree. Acceptance in to the course is not required at this stage. If an applicant is offered a scholarship then they will require proof of acceptance into their course.

Approved programs of study

Scholarship applications are invited in the following disciplines:

People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply.


MEGT are currently offering these apprenticeships (Olympic Dam). For further information, contact Kathy Kupke or search MEGT Career Hub: Boilermakers, Fitters, Electricians, Auto Electrical, Heavy Diesel Mechanic, Communications Technician

Dietetics Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics

Nursing Bachelor of Nursing

Midwifery Bachelor of Midwifery

Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

Physiotherapy Bachelor of Physiotherapy (including Masters)

Podiatry Bachelor of Podiatry

Speech Pathology Bachelor of Speech Pathology

Social Work Bachelor of Social Work

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School News

VET (Vocational Education and Trade)

The following VET courses are offered through MNSEC: Shearing courses- March and September, 2020 Booleroo Centre District School Construction: Booleroo Centre District School (depending on interest); Quorn Area School Hairdressing: Jamestown Community School Automotive: Peterborough High School Agriculture: Jamestown (Certificate II in Agriculture in partnership with Viterra) Kitchen Operations: Peterborough High School Please contact Kathy if you are interested in any of these courses, 8667 2124.

Kathy Kupke Senior Coordinator

Anti-Poverty Day 2019

The annual Anti-Poverty Day was held last Friday with amazing support by our school community once again. This is the 13th consecutive year the event has been run, in conjunction with support from our SRC. Each class organised their own stall, which was ably run by students and staff. Anti-Poverty Day aims to raise awareness of global issues and the living conditions in other places of the world, and to teach the importance of empathy and putting others first.

The total profits for the day were approximately $850. An amazing achievement! The money will be used to purchase items to fill the shoeboxes with 6 categories including something: to love, to play with, to wear, for school, for hygiene & something special. Early in Term 4, the shoeboxes will be packaged by students at school and sent to children living in poverty in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand in time for Christmas.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in this fundraiser. Your incredible generosity and support is greatly appreciated.

Kate Fitzgerald, Teacher

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Year 10 Knock-Out Netball

On Sunday 25th August our Year 10 Knock Out Netball team travelled to Adelaide so they were ready to compete in the State Finals at Priceline Stadium the following day. The girls had some good team bonding with their cabin accommodation, walks around the caravan park and spending time in the games room. We were lucky to have Meridee Groves coach the girls and one of our Year 12s from last year, Ella Peacock, umpire for us on the day. Thanks also to Melissa Koch who was the official scorer for our games.

We came up against some tough competition and lost to both Heathfield High School and Millicent High School. Considering Heathfield has over 900 students from years 8-12 we think we did OK! The girls worked hard on improving little things throughout the day, which resulted in some great passages of play. In the final match the girls went down by only 2 goals to Eastern Fleurieu.

It was a great experience for the girls to play indoors at the stadium and they should be very proud of their efforts on the day. Thanks again to Meridee, Ella and Melissa. Also thank you to the BMW Netball Club for lending us a first aid kit, bibs and balls.

Margo Sismey, Teacher

MNSEC Showcase MNSEC Showcase is just around the corner and the Year 8 and 9 students Bryce Winen, Nick Hudson, Kayla Linke and Pippa Roberts have been rehearsing their solo and duet musical performances in their own time and at lunchtime in preperation for the big night of entertainment. It never fails to amaze me how motivated our music students are when it comes to the countless hours of practising, and refining their craft. It has been excellent to see the positivity, and enthusasim from the students through out the rehearsal process, as they have been willing to work constructively with me, music teachers John Odai (Guitar) and Margrette Carpenter (Piano) and their peers. MNSEC showcase provides a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their ability to perfom in front of large audiences, and make huge leaps interms of meeting challenges and building confidence in other aspects of life. Please come along to Ororoo Town Hall next Thursday the 12/9 at 6:30 to not only support our students, but to be truly entertained. MNSEC Showcase is Thursday 12,9,19, at Ororoo Town Hall, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm, Tickets $5:00 available on the night at the door.

Anthony Edgcumbe, Teacher

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Rowan Ramsey Award

We are seeking nominations for the Rowan Ramsey Award. Nominations are open to a staff, parent or community

member who has ‘gone the extra mile’ dedicating and volunteering their time and skills for the school. If you can

think of anyone who you feel meets this criteria, please complete the nomination form below.

Your Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Nominee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Reason for nomination:

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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School News

School jumpers

There are currently a large amount of un-named and un-claimed jumpers in the front office. If you would like one, a donation is all that is required. Please note that there is only 1 size large of the new style jumper, the rest are all the old style jumpers. Please feel free to come and see Lisa or Maureen at school.

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Community News

Information regarding the new meningococcal vaccine was provided by the Booleroo Medical Centre and was sent home to the year 11 and 12 students on Tuesday after-noon. Please contact the Booleroo Medical Centre on 8667 2046 if you require more information.