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Perm Krai Ministry of Culture NewsA trimestrial information service for Perm Krai Ministry of Culture

issue 01/2012

Alexander Protasevitch, Minister of Culture of Perm krai:“The top-priority goal is to preserve and enrich the histori-

cal and cultural heritage left by the previous

generations.We need to create some points of attraction

that would diversify architectural and social sphere.

Culture may provide the settlements with events and 

installations to ensure the “pulse of life”, attract tourists,

create working places and new sources to replenish local 

budget. In the previous century our nation had a peculiar way to treat culture:

temples were destroyed or used as collective farm warehouses, any manifesta-

tion of unconventional thinking or civic engagement was suppressed, successful 

managers were condemned, our government was experimenting with private

 property and our towns and villages were filled with the same faceless quarters

and smoking plants…

“Basically our culture had been restricted by the walls of the cultural institutions

that often followed some one-sided ideology. This is the cause of many problems

of our modern life. Today we wish to bring culture (in the broad sense of theword) back to our settlements. We want culture to saturate people’s life and 

actions and to contribute to social and economic development of the region”.

ur blog

In this issue

erm Krai Ministry of CultureWeb site:

dress: Kuybysheva str.,14

14000 Perm, Russian Federationel./Fax: (3422) 217-78-83mail: [email protected]

his publication reflects the views only of he author, and the Perm Kraidministration cannot be heldsponsible for any use which maybe beade of the information contained


Boris Milgram, Vice-Premier of Perm Krai:

“What results do we try to achieve? We wish to ensure the

quality of life. People want to live in a city where life can be

interesting, where they have places to go and something todo. But this is not all. People need good salaries and inter-

esting jobs. The status of the capital of culture provides

both.. We believe that Perm has an interesting opportunity

due to historical reasons (our vast cultural heritage, the

evacuation of major cultural institutions to Perm during

the World War II) and due to the processes that began in recent years (the rapid 

development of theatres, the emergence of several ambitious projects dedicated 

to modern arts that you know may know well). This shows us that Russia has a

great number of available creative resources that seek a place where they could 

grow and develop. Creative people are looking for the capital of culture, they

wish to come over and many of them are already coming to Perm. Our city has

all the necessary foundations to implement the strategy we talk about”.

 The Perm municipal cultural

project p.2

Perm capital of culture… p.5

Industrial heritage in Perm

krai: how to maintain a

balanced renovation? p.3


"Perm-36": creative

approach p.8

 They visited Perm… p.7

Perm krai young

 journalists@school project p.9

Perm Krai Cultural Heritage:

places p.12

External cooperation of 

Perm Krai: new projects p.13

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The Perm municipal cultural project

Alexander Protasevich’s Master class on technologies of the “Cultural capital” for

art workers of the city of Perm

 Within “The municipal cultural project-2012» carried out

from February, 24th till March, 2nd on the basis of the

Pushkin library there was a number of meetings of repre-

sentatives of different branches of Perm culture. All the

discussions and other works were held in six sections

formed by a sectorial principle: “Libraries”, “Museums”,

“Cultural and leisure institutes”, “Tourism”, “Art and music

education”, “Social and cultural planning”, where not only 

urgent problems were discussed. Such positive cases as the

successfully implemented cultural projects that could makea contribution to social and cultural development of the territory spent a significant amount of time.

The section of “Social and cultural planning” led by an

acting minister of culture of Perm Krai Alexander Protase-

 vich became a base for all who tried to solve territory prob-

lems, to change space round itself using social and cultural

planning. Within the section of “Social and cultural plan-

ning” master classes on technologies of “The Cultural capi-

tal” were carried out. At the master classes the general

principles of work in a given direction, schemes of projects

and examples of filing of an application were discussed.

The acting minister of culture of Perm Krai Alexander


Certainly much work done within “The municipal 

cultural project” has already served perfection should or

a separate document devoted to municipal cultural policy

of the region.

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Industrial heritage in Perm krai: how to

maintain a balanced renovation?

One of the aims of the growing industrial tourism project in Perm krai is to promote historical knowledge

development in the field of Soviet industrial heritage, resulting in concrete recommendations for munici-

palities, local companies and other stakeholders. A lot of non-operational factories offer visitors an experi-

ence with regard to the past, the production process, the applications, and historical backgrounds of thePerm krai.

Perm krai is a region with a considerable industrial base. Industrial tourism comprises interesting possi-

 bilities to strengthen the economic structure (direct and indirect employment) and to increase the supply 

of tourist products. For Perm region, industrial tourism is a potential growth sector that matches with its

identity: the sector offers opportunities to strengthen their distinctiveness and image, notably by building

on their existing assets.

 After the economic dislocation of 90's many urbanized areas were affected. The

 Perm krai Ministry of Culture tries to support sites of industrial heritage and detected a special "regional route" that includes dozens of factories, buildings and 

other curios to renovate.

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Industrial heritage in Perm krai: how to

maintain a balanced renovation?

Choussovoy, one of main industry towns in Perm krai with its ferrous metallurgy.

There are also engineering, metalworking, production of building materials and 

others produced by the Metallurgical Plant since 1878.

 Industrial District History Museum with its permanent open air exhibition of 

 Soviet military engines.

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Perm capital of culture

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 An ambitious idea of making culture a top-

priority direction for the development of the

Perm’s region not only intends to create a

new mentality, images or ideas and trends. Itis a practical step to enhance the quality of 

life of the citizens. However, once Perm’s

culture reached a certain stage of develop-

ment it became evident that the essence and

scale of the cultural policy needed to be

revised. Thus Perm began to aim for the

status of the European Capital of Culture.

Historically Perm was a closed city until the

1990s as it was a center of the high-quality 

production of aircraft engines, “S-300”

missile systems and other military products.

Nonetheless Perm preserved traditions of classic theatre and musical arts, museum and library services

and provided a high level of university education and art education. Only at the turn of the XIX century,

after the fall of the Berlin Wall, did the city start to integrate into the cultural and social and economic area

of the Europe. The vast experience of Ruhr had shown us that culture is an important component of devel-


The year of 2008 was another stage of further

reconsideration of the role of culture in Perm

Krai that gave birth to a new concept that wasofficially formed in 2010 as “The Perm

Project” that was meant to make drastic

changes in the target audience. This project

 was not exclusively oriented towards creative

specialists. It was oriented towards all inhab-

itants of Perm Krai. Workers of culture in

cooperation with the authorities commenced

to work for the people of the region!

How is the theory of “The Perm Project” beingput into life? Starting from 2008 several irreversible reforms were introduced to the cultural sphere and a

great number of cultural institutions and projects were organized. The international contemporary drama

festival “New Drama”, which always took place in Moscow, had moved to Perm. As a result, a new theatre

of contemporary drama “The Molot Stage Theatre” had been created. The building of the abandoned river-

side station now houses the Museum of Contemporary Art “PERMM”. The Perm Design Development

Center was established in 2010 and thus an active renewal of the city commenced. The interregional coor-

dination center “Cultural alliance” was formed and the agreement on cultural cooperation between Perm

and Saint Petersburg was signed; there was an exchange of massive campaigns “The Days of Perm in St

Petersburg” and “The Days of St Petersburg in Perm”. June of 2011 was the beginning of a unique sociocul-

tural project “White nights” that comprised within a month 40 events with Russian and foreign partici-pants. This festival had about 230 thousand visitors, more that 80% of Perm citizens took part in various

events. 73% of the respondents said that they would like to visit the festival next year.

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In 2010 the interaction between Perm Krai and its European partners

reached a brand new level: the “Europe Days” festival took place in

Perm. It gathered the representatives of the embassies and cultural

centers from 15 European countries. For the first time ever a Russian

city housed the European “MitOst” festival in association with Robert

Bosch Foundation (Germany). Cultural institutions of Perm took an

active part in “Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in

Russia”. Representatives of Perm’s culture have become permanent

participants of European festivals and forums just like the participation of European partners in our

projects became essential for Perm’s cultural life. The presentation of Perm Krai, that took place on Octo-

 ber 15 in Berlin “Kulturbrauerei” complex, gathered more than 120 representatives of European politics

and art. The idea of Perm becoming the European Capital of Culture is being lobbied in Europe. We began

to enjoy the advantages of the European net partnership to the full.

Here, in Perm Krai, we believe that in terms of development,culture is a basic element for the quality of life of inhabitants, as it

forms leisure-time activities and creates comfortable city space

and modern infrastructure. Culture is also a part of creative

economy since it forms innovative and self-developing creative

space. It is a major factor of stable social and economic develop-

ment. The very idea of becoming the European Capital of Culture

makes those who are involved to change their way of though and

alters the principles of the cultural policy of the region as a whole.

Thus a new generation with a different pattern of thought is being


Organizational Board for the implementation of the initiative

to nominate the City of Perm to the title of European Capital of 

Culture 2016

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Perm capital of culture

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They visited Perm

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Jacek Szymorek , teacher of Polish languagein Perm State University 

(PSNIU), on the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languagesand Literature, Ministry of Science and Higher Educa-

tion in Warsaw:

“For me Perm is a city of kind, hospitalityand talanted people. It’s also Perm StateUniversity- an interesting world of scienceand Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre - a

 fascinating world of art. It’s charming

music of Tchaikovsky – his “Swan’s Lake” and “Eugene Onegin”, Rubenstein’s “Christ” and Don Kichot of Minkus. Perm is alsohome of S. Diaghielev, railway Perm the2nd, Boris Pasternak and his “Doctor

 Zhivago”. Perm is a fairy land of breathtak-ing scenery – it’s winter’s squeaky snow,white nights of spring, amazing river –

 Kama, majestic forests and beatiful hills”.

David Beard, University of Oklahoma, West Hollywood:

“Well, I think very highly of  Perm city as well as theentire krai. It is one of the

most beautiful areas within Russia and oneof historical importance throughout manycenturies. Personally I spent a lovely even-

ing at the theatre seeing an original perfor-mance, enjoyed almost every museum,toured each of the churches, did the entire“green line” walk as well as seeing all theinspirations for Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivagoand STILL didn’t see everything! It is anamazing city that should berecognized.Another thing that makes Permcity that much more splendid is it isuntouched – it is international yet purelyand truly Russian. By coming to Perm you

are seeing the “real” Russia. Could you ask for anything better? It is exactly as it should be and I hope it stays that way. I could seethat as an advertising slogan – Perm, the

 Real Russia.” 

 AnnemikeBookema, languagetrainer:

“The history of Permmakes Perm different fromother cities I’ve been to.

The people whom I met were very warm. It looks like they love each other. The restau-rants are very, very good. Beautiful restau-rants and the meals were not only delicious.They were also so beautiful to see. I had thought that Perm was a poor city… Theschool was very content and that was mymission in Perm”.

May Wylie, ex-Oxford’s twinningofficer (Oxford city Coun-

cil) and latterly interna-tional officer:

“Chekhov wrote ‘There isnothing new in art except talent’ Theseyoung people from Perm certainly had worked hard to hone and display theirtalents for our benefit and to set a standard 

 for those at this international festival toemulate”.

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creative approach


 Address: village of Kuchino, Chusovskoy District, Perm Region.

"Fidelio" is a Perm Opera project supported by Perm Opera House. The idea

of the creators of the project was to make a site-specific production of the opera

in the former political camp "Perm 36" with its premiere just before the "Pilo-

rama" festival. The Gulag’s Museum annual “Pilorama” event, which uses art,

culture and music to interpret the history of the GULAG and engage new audi-

ences, especially youth, in dialogue on democracy in Russia today, broke previ-

ous attendance records by attracting more than 10,000 participants.

Michael Hunt, English director of the production of Beethoven's only opera

"Fidelio”, kindly accepted to explain us his performance.

Perm Krai Ministry of culture(PKMC): Dear Michael, would you kindly explain the Fidelio performance and

this photo, in particularly?

Michael Hunt: This is the opening of FIDELIO at Perm 36. It

shows Leonora after she has transformed to the Angel who enters

the prison to release her husband Floristan. It is one of my favorite

pictures of this production.

PKMC: For you how does the former Gulag differ from

traditional stage?

Michael Hunt : On a traditional stage we work hard to create

atmosphere with lights, scenery etc. With site-specific work we

respond to the atmosphere created by the space. Perm 36 is an

emotionally and atmospherically very powerful place. If we find

the right piece to present in these places the effect of our work is


PKMC: Did this power place exhaust your desire

to have the singers act? Opera has always been

theater and was composed to be acted, but in acertain, rather formal way, with a lot of time to

express sentiments slowly, in accordance with

the musical structure… Have artists lived up to

 your artistic expectations?

Michael Hunt: Fidelio was the first truly international

opera event in Perm. It was an extraordinarily complex

project and received world-wide attention. I was

awarded the Perm State Prize for this work. The thing

about acting in this environment is that the audience is very close and the performances have to be com-

pelling. The event is also epic with over 500 performers across a very large area. The audience was moved

from place to place throughout the show. It was the largest site-specific opera production in the world!

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This is an interactive journalism workshop programme for children

in Perm: a new media multilateral project for young journalists at

school initiated in Perm krai region. This project aims at enhancing

the European dimension of education by promoting jointco-operation via writing and web activities between schools of Perm

and European Union’s countries.

“Perm Krai International: young journalistes@school” will give

pupils and teachers of Perm’s region and partnership countries an

opportunity to work together on one or more topics of mutual inter-

est. It will help pupils and teachers to acquire and improve skills not

only in the topic or subject area on which the project is focused, but

also in terms of teamwork, social relations, planning and undertaking

project activities and using information and communication tech-

nologies (ICT).

Participating in “Perm Krai International: young

 journalistes@school” project also gives pupils and teachers the

opportunity to practice 3 foreign languages (Russian, French and

English) and increases their motivation towards language learning.

This partnership aims also to wake up the interest of young people

towards the writing, the development of texts, journalism etc.

 Where news comes from and why news is important? How to write

good headlines? How to construct a news story? How to write persua-sively? How to create an advert?

Journalism workshops provide pupils with the basics on writing,

understanding what is news, some interviewing experience, and a

hands on photographic workshop. On its practical side, the workshop

tackled the news article, the report, the interview and the critical

review. It is a creative way to bring journalism alive in the classroom.

The special blog created by children allows pupils to practice other

skills like teamwork, independent thinking and communication. At

this stage, the workshop stimulates interest in news from a variety of sources, encouraging children tolook beyond their own experience and to think about the world around them.It will be a sort of “exchanged

glances” between pupils of Perm and European countries which will teach pupils how information can be

presented in many different ways and encourages them to look beyond newspaper presentation to assess

the real meaning of texts.“Perm Krai International: young journalistes@school” is astimulating resource

for teachers, who will benefit from a tried and tested workshop that fulfils many of the required learning

objectives in Learning press programmes of study, as well the promotion of the key skills.

Perm Krai International

young journalists@school

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Perm Krai International

young journalists@school

In the southwest of Permsky Krai there is a monastery.

It stands on a mountain which is called “The White

Mountain”. It takes 3 hours to get there, but it’s worth

it. I spent 3 hours there, but I did not have enough time

to visit all the attractions of this monastery. I left Perm

at 10 am and returned at 6 pm. At this time the tem-

perature in the city was about 25 degrees below zero.

 When I arrived at the White Mountain, it was no more

than 6 degrees below zero. This was my first surprise.

By Lev Ufimtsev White Mountain

Read the rest in our blog

“Positive!” – say visitors of the new exhibition

in Modern Art Museum PerMM. Positive is the

title of the exhibition of naïve style modern art

from private collections “Give Yourself Joy”.

Galina Yankovskaya (PerMM Museum) said

that workers could not keep smiling when constructing the exhibition. People are tired from

negative emotions and grey winter and come to the museum to see sunny colors, funny creaturesand smiling people. Easy to understand pictures from childhood, forgotten emotions and images

inspire spectators, among which Perm’s mayor Igor Sapko.The exhibition was organized from

Russian private collections by Sergey Tarabarov, who took the author on a tour of the exhibit after

the opening ceremony.

By Bogdan Kolmogorov Naïve and Positive

Read the rest in our blog

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Perm Krai International

young journalists@school

On February 17th, I visited the “Stage-Molot” theater.

There was a performance called “Natasha’s Dream”.

It’s a monologue of three women, Natasha and her

 worst and best sides. Natasha is a teenage girl who lives

in a children’s home. She tells the audience her life

story, specifically about her dream. Her mother died a

few years ago, and she misses her so much.

By Anna Abrazhenchik “Natasha’s Dream”

Read the rest in our blog

 Wood is a native material for Russian culture. From wood, dishes,

toys and sculptures were made. In the Perm Gallery wooden sculp-

tures are very popular. The collection of the Perm State Art Gallery 

contains over 370 carved images from the eighteenth century to the

 beginning of the twentieth century. The most famous sculptures are

the crucifixion of Christ and Christ in prison. Perm sculpture repre-sents the connection between the two arts – sculpting and painting.

The Perm wood works of art are unique in the world.

By Karina Aysina

Read the rest in our blog

Wooden sculptures of Gods inThe Perm Art Gallery

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Perm Krai Cultural Heritage: places

The fictional town Yuriatin where the

novel Doctor Zhivago takes place was

 based on the real city of Perm, near

 by which Pasternak had lived for

several months in 1916. Note that this

can be understood in Russian as

"Yuri's town." The public reading

room at Yuriatin was based on the

Pushkin Library in Perm.

The Ethnographic Park of the Chusovaya River:a few historical

 buildings have found refuge in the Ethnographic Park, they are: a

country house (izba), a grocery (lavka), a belfry and a fire station

(kalancha), the museum of wooden arts, and a couple of chapels.

 With all their original items (old irons, Russian samovars, dishes,

tools, garments used by country people) collected from all over

Perm region, the buildings represent everyday life, traditions and

customs of country people who lived in the 19th century in Permregion.

Bohemia by ZUK Club Group (Moscow) in Perm Huge graffiti

on the building of the former Rocket College (12, Ordzhonikidze

St., closer to the quay) depicting the pantheon of ancient and

modern gods, that’s a synthesis of old and new mythology.

The festival of Tatar culture and folklore “Tugerek yuen” is held

every year in Perm. Kazan Tatars live in Russia's Perm Krai from

13 century... Some also comprise an admixture of Komi Permyaks.

Some Tatar scholars (as Zakiev) name them Ostyak Tatars. Their

number is (2009) c.130.000 people.

The Ethnographic Park of the Chusovaya River

The Pushkin Library The former Rocket College

The Tatar Folklor festival

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External cooperation of Perm Krai:

City of Perm joined San Sebastian's

creative wave and demonstrate its

support to one of European capitals

of culture 2016!

External cooperation of Perm Krai:

new projects

Some creating links are already 

established with Wroclaw and

other cities of Poland. We

participated in several of their

events - the International

Theatre Festival "Konfrontacje

Teatralne", days of historical

memory and Mitost festival in

 Wroclaw etc. Polish musicians

and creative organisations have

already participated in Perm

international jazz festival “Jazz

Fever” devoted famous Russian

musician of Polish origin Gen-

rikh Terpilovskiy etc.We also

hope to develop some ideas of 

further cultural co-operation

 between Poland and Perm! 

In 2012 we shared some experi-

ences in youth policy with the

Mons 2015 project and youth

project “20 years in 2015”!

Different young projects

enhancing the European

dimension will be initiated

soon between Mons and Perm

 young people.