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Sentences should be handed in by Thursday each week.

This week’s winners are: Kavish Conhye (Key Stage 1); and Jemimah Hatooho (KS2 winner)

Winning sentence (KS1): Kavish: “I can write my ‘Word of the week’


Winning sentence (KS2): Jemimah: “A true friend is reliable and shows

devoted compassion.”

Here is the target word for Key Stage 1 pupils to use by Thursday 12th March 2015:


The Key Stage 2 target word to use is:


Good luck, everyone!

Holiday Dates 2014/15

Fri 27th

Mar –Fri 10th

Apr 2015 Easter Holiday Mon 4

th May 2015 Bank Holiday

Fri 23rd

May – Fri 29th

May 2015 Half Term

School closes for the Summer Holiday - Mon 20 Jul 2015.

School is closed for Staff Training, as follows: Monday 23rd March 2015 Monday 20th July 2015

6th March 2015

Diary Dates

Training Days: 23rd March & 20

th July.

Wednesday 18th March – Confirmation (Year 6) 7.30

Monday 23rd March – School closed for staff training

Wednesday 29th April – Years 3/4 production (pm)

Mon 11th May – SATs Week

Saturday 6th June – First Holy Communion 12pm

Friday 3rd July – Annie the musical! (evening)

Message from the Acting Head Teacher


Consultation for 2016-2017 runs until 27th March 2015. Please see website.


As you know, Miss Dawn Richards will be the new full-

time, permanent Head Teacher at St Francis Catholic

Primary School from 1st September 2015.

Miss Richards will be joining us from an ‘Outstanding’

Catholic school, whose academic results are

phenomenal (St Anne’s in Streetly).

She will also represent a significant upgrade for St

Francis in terms of Catholic leadership.

I am delighted that she will be able to bring her

significant expertise to this school and we welcome her


In due course, she will make several visits to us so that

she can ‘land running’ in the Autumn Term.


Thank you so much for completing and returning the

latest questionnaire for parents and carers.

The deadline for this is today, and so there’s time to get

yours in, if you haven’t had time to do this yet.

Thank you again for your comments, commendations

and recommendations, and for taking the time to


We will take your views into account and we will let you

know the outcomes shortly.

Thank you for helping us to raise standards at St Francis Catholic Primary School.


STOP PRESS: We understand that the plans for the

Four Crosses Care home have been withdrawn.


As you know, the two best pupils in every class from

Reception to Year 6 are rewarded in assemblies every Friday.

This week’s ‘Stars of the Week’ are:

Reception - Bobbie Fairburn and Shannon Aston

Year 1 - William Geraghty and Heidi Jinks

Year 2 - Donavan Bevington and Jake Roberts

Year 3 - Logan Alcock and Isabella Lyttle

Year 4 - Charlotte Coley and Ellis Roberts

Year 5 - Alfie Dunn and Oliver Blatchford

Year 6 - Blaise Biju and Olivia Bradburn

Congratulations to them and their families!

Junior Leadership Team SUGGESTIONS BOX

Thank you to all those who contributed

suggestions to the JLT’s box this week.

Suggestions included:

- producing pencil cases and other

merchandise with St Francis logos

to use as special prizes for pupils;

- introducing a special ‘Behaviour

Award’ for pupils who best

exemplify Catholic values.

We will keep you abreast of any



MEDICAL INFORMATION Thank you to those of you who have

completed the medical information form

that we sent out last week.

We encourage all parents/carers to reply

to us in full, as medical updates can

literally be vital.

Please remember to hand in any

outstanding forms so that we can have a

full and complete set for every child in



Thank you everyone who came along to

the meeting on Tuesday, and for your

input and suggestions.

Thank you, too, for bearing with us whilst

we make the changes. We hope to ‘fine

tune’ things as we go along and need the

new arrangements to work well for

everyone. Come and talk to us whenever

you like, so that we are all working

together for your children.

The Nursery newsletter will be upgraded

to include organisational information.


The Mass on Thursday 12th March will be for pupils in Year 1 and

Year 4 (with Year 1 leading). Parents and carers of pupils in

these year groups are welcome to come along at 1.30pm on


Many congratulations to Lily-Bo Nolan and her family on her

Baptism yesterday!


WORLD BOOK WEEK: Thank you for supporting this work by

providing costumes and enthusiasm! It was a great success.

Special thanks go to Mrs Conboy and Cllr Clews.

CHINESE NEW YEAR: These celebrations were also a triumph.

Thanks to all concerned, especially Mr Probert.

WEBSITE: Please see our website for our version of

“Springwatch Live!” Many thanks to Miss Wellings & her team.


Skye Henworth

Morning Nursery Afternoon Nursery

Reception Year 1

Year 2 Year 3

Year 4 Year 5

Year 6

World Book Day

Year 6