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Page 1: Newsletter Gillwinga

Mr Fahey a lot of the under growth has been removed from the front garden. We are currently looking at updating the main entrance area to the school with a new main gate and improving the entrance into the main foyer. All of these activities are just some of the ways we are trying to improve the image of our school but the best way we can do that is to ensure that we are all working together to provide the best opportunities we can for all our students.


There are a number of important cultural activities that students have the opportunity to be involved in coming up very shortly. The Grafton Community of Schools is putting together a combined choir to perform at designated community events. A number of our senior students have the opportunity to participate in the choir and Miss Watters has already provided information notes and dates for rehearsals and performances for those students concerned. This is a great opportunity for our students to be involved in performances combining the three Primary and two High Schools in the Grafton area. MUSIC WORKSHOP Commencing next week a small number of Gillwinga students will have the opportunity to work with Deborah Cheetham and the Short

GillwingaPublic SchoolA Leader in Excellence, Innovation + Opportunity


Issue 7 Term 3:

27 August 2013


Parents and carers are reminded about our mufti day on Thursday 29th August. Notes have already been sent home. Students are asked to bring in a gold coin donation and money raised will go towards helping to pay for the hire of the bus for the skipping tour.

We will be holding a theme based disco on Tuesday 17th September. Big Al will be providing the music on the night. An information note will be coming home this week. Please note the date on your calendar. PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE

Congratulations to the 108 students that completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge that is a fantastic effort. Thank you to Mrs Davis for coordinating the challenge and well done to all those students who participated and read the required number of books from the list of selections for each particular stage. As Dr Suess says “The more that you read the more things that you will know. The more that you learn the more places you will go”.

SCHOOL GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS We have been making a number of aesthetic improvements to the front of the school which has seen new signage being erected and thanks to the efforts of

Hyde Street, South Grafton NSW 2461 • 02 6642 2344 • [email protected] •

Principal: Mr Phil Cavanagh

Page 2: Newsletter Gillwinga

Issue 7 Term 3

27 August 2013

Black Opera Company. The Opera Company will be conducting a week long school residency program from Monday 2 till Friday 6 September. They will be working with local Aboriginal children from several primary schools exploring rhythm, movement, singing techniques and the world of opera through pieces from Australia’s first indigenous opera, Pecan Summer, written by Deborah Cheetham. The workshops will conclude with a free Community Performance for family, friends and other school students at 12 noon on the last day. The project is fully supported by Clarence Valley Conservatorium, Musica Viva Australia and Arts NSW.

STAGE 3 CAMP Parents and carers are reminded that the cut-off date for deposits for the year four, five and six proposed camp to the Nymboida Canoeing centre is fast approaching (Friday 30th Aug). It is important that the $20 deposit is paid in full and on time. Bookings will be made based on the number of paid deposits received by Friday 30th August. If you would like your child to participate in this excursion please ensure that the front office has received a deposit by the due date. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Not many of us have had to overcome as many obstacles as Jessie Owens did on his way to winning four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. I found this quote that I thought summed what winning is all about “In the end, it’s extra effort that separates a winner from second place. But winning takes a lot more than that, too. It starts with complete command of the fundamentals. Then it takes desire, determination, discipline, and self-sacrifice. And finally, it takes a great deal of love, fairness and respect for your fellow man. Put all these together, and even if you don’t win, how can you lose?”. Jim Courier also said “Sportsmanship for me is when a guy walks off the court and you really can’t tell whether he won or lost, when he carries himself with pride either way.” If we can all follow these examples we will be winners in life.

FRUIT & VEG MONTH Week 3 winners for fruit & veg month are 1st Trey Isenhood, 2nd Taj Isenhood, 3rd Zoe Quinn. UNIFORM As Spring is approaching it is a timely reminder about children coming to school in their school hat and correct uniform. Please note that shoes should be predominately white joggers or black school shoes, white socks and girls hair ties and clips should be brown or gold.

GillwingaPublic SchoolA Leader in Excellence, Innovation + Opportunity

Hyde Street, South Grafton NSW 2461 • 02 6642 2344 • [email protected] •

Principal: Mr Phil Cavanagh

Page 3: Newsletter Gillwinga

Issue 7 Term 3:

27 August 2013


Congratulations to our weekly award winners: Ashley Dawson, Trent Pearce, Boyd Adams Purssell, Marsel Leach, Carter Smith, Zoe Quinn, Ashley Bowling, Jaime Lowe, Griffin Wheatley, Kayla Kaptein.

Bronze Award Winners: Congratulations to Zoe Quinn, Tarni Napier, Hayley Woolley, Kyarne O’Brien, Angelina Quinlan, Alyssa Chalker. Silver Award Winners: Congratulations to Nicola Woolley, Anthony Napier.

Times Tables Champion: Melanie Laurie

Writer of the Week: Johen Connor P&C NEWS Don’t forget to return sold or unsold raffle tickets and money to school. There are some really great prizes on offer.

COMMUNITY NEWS Tucabia Copmanhurst Cricket Club Junior and Senior Cricket Sign On 2013-14 SeasonJJ Lawrence Nets South Grafton: Thursday 5th & 12th September from 4 PM Or Phone Andrew Buchanan on 0413306183 Rhonda Adamson on 66423296 Or Email [email protected] Registration forms can be found on the clubs new web site

FEES: Junior fees $60 no weekly charge – includes shirt new players

* Girls can play down in age groups by 2 years.* Registrations required ASAP so teams can be finalised.* New players need to supply proof of age* Coaches-Managers needed for teams in ages 10-12-14-16’s. Senior fees $50 registration and $10 a day’s play.


GillwingaPublic SchoolA Leader in Excellence, Innovation + Opportunity

Hyde Street, South Grafton NSW 2461 • 02 6642 2344 • [email protected] •

Principal: Mr Phil Cavanagh