Download - Newsletter @ 22.11 · 11/22/2019  · Title: Microsoft Word - Newsletter @ 22.11.19 Author: Kath.hankinson Created Date: 11/22/2019 2:32:50 PM

Page 1: Newsletter @ 22.11 · 11/22/2019  · Title: Microsoft Word - Newsletter @ 22.11.19 Author: Kath.hankinson Created Date: 11/22/2019 2:32:50 PM

St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School: Newsletter 11 Autumn 2 2019 Page 1 of 2

Newsletter 11 – Autumn 2 2019

St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School Cheetham Hill Road, Dukinfield, Cheshire, SK16 5LB T: 0161 368 4824

It was so great to see so many people at the Parish Fair and meet you all. I hope that you all enjoyed the event and managed to win something on the raffle or tombola stalls! This week has been a week full of writing. Both Mrs Kelly and I have read many pieces of work which have shown fantastic learning and application in books, from children across school. Well done to all our excellent writers!

Ms. Hamilton-Hall Head of School

Upcoming Events

Date November 24th Reception

Welcome Mass at Church 10:30am

26th Yr 3 Sacramental Meeting 6pm. Please note change of date

26th+ Book Fair Week 28th SATs meeting

for Yr 2 & 6 parents 4:30 – 5:30pm

29th Mass Year 5 Date December 1st Enrolment Mass

Yr3 5th Film Night 3:30

– 5:30 £2.50 per ticket

6th No Mass in school

10th Nativity & Choir Service (all children) at Church 7pm

12th All children at the Panto, returning at approx. 5.30pm

13th Mass Year 4 20th Yr 2 Nativity

Mass School closes at 1:30pm

St. Mary’s Word this week is ‘Forgiveness'. Please take a few minutes to discuss this with your child at home. We will be focussing on this word during the week.

Parish Christmas Fair.

Thank you for all of the items that you sent in, to make this year’s fair such a success.

It was so good to see everyone and together we have managed to

raise £ 3,766.67 for St. Mary’s Parish.

Thank you

Save the Date This year’s Nativity and Carol Service will be

held on Tuesday 10th December 2019 at 7pm,

St. Mary’s Church.

All the children need to attend. Tickets will be on sale very soon at a cost of £3.50.

Can you help?

Year 4 (am) and Year 5 (pm) will be starting Forest School in January. We desperately need a volunteer to help each set of children in the forest. This is for 5 weeks (10 max). Would you be able to help us and support the children in the undertaking of this phenomenal learning experience? If you can, please do get in touch with school.

The Book Fair is coming to St. Mary’s During the week of 26th November, we will be having a Book Fair in school. Please do look at the posters around school for further information on when the after-school sessions will be available.

Page 2: Newsletter @ 22.11 · 11/22/2019  · Title: Microsoft Word - Newsletter @ 22.11.19 Author: Kath.hankinson Created Date: 11/22/2019 2:32:50 PM

St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School: Newsletter 11 Autumn 2 2019 Page 2 of 2


Our Whole School Attendance Target is 97.5%.

Will we be successful?

Do you know how you can help us reach this?

11th – 15th Nov 2019

Reception 98.6%

Year 1 99%

Year 2 96.7%

Year 3 92%

Year 4 98.1%

Year 5 98.3%

Year 6 98%

Whole School

Total 97.3%

Congratulations to Years Reception, 1, 4, 5 and 6 for achieving above the whole school target of 97.5% this last week.

Let’s all try really hard to join them next week.

Tickets for the Film Night can now be purchased via Parentmail and collected from the school office. Please do pick them up and enable your children to join us to watch …

Toy Story 4

This is a ticket only event. Tickets are priced at £2.50 per child. This will provide a drink, popcorn and small bag of sweets.

Don’t forget to bring your own cushion or pillow to be super comfy.

Sporting News On Wednesday 20th November, it was the Tameside Hockey Final. Once again, our team showed great skill, passion and good teamwork throughout all of their matches. Well done to the team. During the group stages, we were up against two established, long running teams. We managed to score in both matches. Unfortunately, these matches both ended in a draw and therefore we didn’t qualify for the semi-final. We did, however, come second in our group! We are so proud of our team, as hockey is a new sport that we have added this year into our P.E lessons as well as an extra-curricular activity. The TEAM have therefore, achieved so much with just 1 term of practice. Thank you to the team and all the supporter who came to cheer on us on, in the freezing conditions.

Can we ask a favour? As you know, we are trying to raise money for school. It’s not always easy to ask for donations these days, so we use easyfundraising, a really clever website that turns your online purchases into free donations for us, at no extra cost to you. It means you can help us reach our target really easily – simply shop with any of over 4,000 online retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S, and when you make a purchase, the retailer will send us a free donation. It’s as simple as that! Please visit our easyfundraising page at and click the ‘support us’ button. You can also add a really helpful ‘Remind Me’ button so that you won’t forget when purchasing online – we really do need your support. We are very grateful to the parents/carers and family members who already use this service. We receive notifications when people have added to our donations and we can see that our two top supporters have raised donations of over £70 each for school so far! Thank you!