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Issue 231, Dated September 4, 2014™ – American English edition Activities

Advanced version

Newsademic.comThe informative easy to read introduction to world news

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 2: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Russia, Ukraine and NATO (Page 1)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Russia, Ukraine and NATO’. Answer questions 1-16.

1. Who is the president of Ukraine?

2. How many countries are members of NATO?

3. What do the letters NATO stand for?

4. What do NATO member countries agree to do?

5. When was the Cold War?

6. What happened during the Cold War?

7. In which Eastern European countries are there many Russian speakers?

8. Where are Donetsk and Luhansk?

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 3: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Russia, Ukraine and NATO (Page 1) continued

9. What is happening in Donetsk and Luhansk?

10. When did Mr. Putin become the president of Russia?

11. What happened when the Soviet Union broke up in 1991?

12. List some of the countries that are members of NATO.

13. Why is Mr. Putin admired in Russia?

14. What is meant by the phrase “military doctrine”?

15. Why do some people say the EU and the U.S. were wrong to offer their support to the new Ukrainian government?

16. In what circumstances does the Russian president say he has a right to intervene in other countries?

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 4: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Coup in Lesotho (Page 11)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Coup in Lesotho’. Check either true or false for the following statements.


1. The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy.

2. Lesotho became an independent country in 1966.

3. Tom Thabane has been the prime minister of Lesotho since 2012.

4. When a military force takes control in this way it is known as a coup d’état.

5. Jacob Zuma is the prime minister of South Africa.

6. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a group of 15 North African countries.

7. Letsie the Third is South Africa’s king.

8. Thabana Ntlenyana, the highest mountains in Africa, is in Lesotho.

9. In the past the army has taken control of Lesotho several times.

10. Lesotho is about the same size as the American state of Maryland.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 5: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

1. Q.

A. About ten months after the invasion of Poland.

2. Q.

A. August 23, 1989.

3. Q.

A. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

4. Q.

A. Mikhail Gorbachev.

5. Q.

A. 15 minutes.

6. Q.

A. 1941.

7. Q.

A. Around two million.

8. Q.

A. The Baltic States.

Baltic Way anniversary (Page 17)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Baltic Way anniversary’. The answers to the questions are given for 1-8. Write the questions.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 6: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

European Union Belgium

European parliament European Commission

Donald Tusk EU

Federica Mogherini Portugal

José Manuel Barroso Foreign policy

Jean-Claude Juncker Baroness Ashton

Herman Van Rompuy European Council

HR Strasbourg

New EU appointments (Page 16)

Instructions: Read the article ‘New EU appointments’. Draw a line to connect the correct links. The first is done for you.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

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Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________



Burning of the White House (Page 14)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Burning of the White House’ and fill in the spider diagram below with the details.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 8: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Fingerprinting for food (Page 9)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Fingerprinting for food’. Answer questions 1-8.

1. What is a subsidy?

2. What do smugglers do in Venezuela?

3. What are “price controls”?

4. Explain Venezuela’s connection with oil.

5. What is inflation and what is its cause?

6. Why are there many empty shelves in shops in Venezuela?

7. Who is the president of Venezuela?

8. What will start on November 30?

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 9: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Mystery country = R

1. A M L R AT R M A L T A

2. E M C I X A O

3. I T D VA L A

4. E U E VA Z B E N L

5. A R S D E U B M

6. H O S A E L O T

7. A M O O L O I C B

8. S N O E T I B A

World Map (Page 13)

Instructions: Solve these anagrams. Each answer is a country that appears on the World Map. Each anagram has one extra letter. Together the extra letters form another anagram. The answer is a mystery country. One is already done for you.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 10: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

Odd one out =

Glyphs UNHRC Lesotho

1997 Supernova Yetis

Channel Islands Homo sapiens Himalayas

Dead star Kurds Brussels

Fresh water Modern humans Polypterus

Jersey Birchirs White dwarf

Heinrich event Enclave Neanderthals

Strasbourg Gamma rays Maya

Geneva Hand over Peshmerga

Issue 231 Elimination

Instructions: Read issue 231. Now eliminate from the list 13 pairs of words or phrases that go together. You will have one word or phrase left over. That is the answer. One pair is already done for you.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]

Page 11: Newsademic 5 September 2014 : Advanced activities

Issue 231™ – American English edition Activities

Name: __________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: ________________

1. Which African country is known as the “Kingdom in the Sky”?

a. Lesotho b. Eritrea c. Uganda d. Mozambique e. Rwanda

2. Who was the second president of the U.S.?

a. Andrew Jackson b. Abraham Lincoln c. George Washington d. John Adams e. James Monroe

3. Where did the Phoenicians live? a. Island of Sicily b. Along the coast of Lebanon c. Venice d. Crete e. On the coast of Spain

4. In which European city is the United Nations’ Palace des Nations building?

a. Geneva b. Paris c. Rome d. Berlin e. Stockholm

5. Of which South American country is Nicolás Maduro the president?

a. Venezuela b. Argentina c. Brazil d. Colombia e. Chile

6. Who has been appointed as the new high representative (HR) of the European Union (EU)?

a. Dominique de Villepin b. Donald Tusk c. Federica Mogherini d. José Manuel Barroso e. Jean-Claude Juncker

7. Of which country is Ulaanbaatar the capital?

a. Kazakhstan b. Laos c. Myanmar d. Mongolia e. Nepal

8. Who is the prime minister of France? a. François Hollande b. Manuel Valls c. Herman Van Rompuy d. Arnaud Montebourg e. François Fillon

9. What are arachnids? a. Sharks b. Spiders c. Jellyfish d. Yetis e. Snakes

10. Approximately when did some creatures first move from the seas to the land?

a. 900 million years ago b. 720 million years ago c. 678 million years ago d. 525 million years ago e. 400 million years ago

Issue 231 multiple choice quiz

Instructions: Read issue 231 and circle the correct answers for questions 1-10.

NID: 1000124-110-Newsademic Issue 231 A activities advanced. Prepared for: [Your Name or School Name Here]