

The Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport, GRB, (“Airport”), a division of Brown County

(“County”), Wisconsin, is soliciting proposals for news, gift, and retail concessions from interested parties

that meet the minimum criteria set forth in this RFP. It is the intent of the County to award a single contract to

provide news, gift, and retail concessions at the Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport. The initial

term of the concession lease shall be ten years, beginning on January 1, 2022 and terminate on December

31, 2031, with two, five-year options to renew thereafter.

There will be a mandatory pre-proposal meeting on August 30, 2021 at 10:00am CST at the Green Bay

Austin Straubel International Airport administration office large conference room. County representatives will

conduct a tour of the Airport terminal building and existing news, gift, and retail concessions and will be available

to answer questions at this time. All firms interested in submitting proposals are required to be represented at this meeting. Only those firms represented at this meeting will be allowed to submit

proposals. Attendance must be in person, virtual attendance is not sufficient. All CDC COVID protocols

will be enforced.

RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: The County reserves the right to request clarification of and/or solicit

additional information of any Proposer, to have Proposer(s) make presentations to the selection committee;

and/or to negotiate with any Proposer regarding any terms of their proposal, including but not limited to the cost

and/or scope of services, with the intent to achieve the best proposal that shall result in a contract that is

deemed by the County to be in its best interest.


GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND CONCESSION CONCEPT: The County intends to grant a qualified and

responsible Proposer (“Concessionaire”) the non-exclusive right and privilege to finance, design, construct,

operate and manage, at its sole cost and expense, a high-quality news, gift, and retail Concession, at the

Airport. The selected Concessionaire would assume operation of all news, gift, and retail concessions on or

about January 1, 2022.

No food or beverage sales for immediate consumption are allowed except for prepackaged snack sales by the

Airport’s News/Gift/Retail Concession. In addition, the News/Gift/Retail Concession is allowed to sell sealed

water and non-alcoholic beverages in bottles.

The Airport encourages Proposers to incorporate a mix of established local, regional and national brands in their

Proposals. This can be best achieved by offering a good balance of Northeast Wisconsin/Wisconsin based

products and brands in the concessionaires offerings. Proposer should also consider automated gift ideas

on the two Airport concourses.

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Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport, located seven miles Southwest of downtown Green Bay. A

total of 710,742 passengers for the calendar year 2019. The following major airlines serve the airport:

American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines (seasonal), Sun Country Airlines (seasonal, beginning

12/15/21) and United Airlines.

Passenger enplanement and deplanement history for calendar years 2016-2021 YTD are attached on Exhibit A.

The present operator of the news, gift, and retail Concession at the Airport is DMH, Inc. which is under an

agreement to operate the existing news, gift, and retail concessions until December 31, 2021. Gross

Receipts from the news, gift, and retail Concession for calendar years 2016-2021 YTD are attached on

Exhibit C.

CONCESSION PREMISES: A total of two news and gift retail locations are available with approximately 2,004

square feet of retail concession space, see Exhibit B1 & B2. Additional storage support space is located

in the basement of the terminal building for an additional fee.

• Existing Retail Space (E130 approximately 1,147 square feet on Exhibit B1): The Proposer shall provide

a retail concession concept in this existing retail concession space. This is existing finished retail

space, and proposer may re-use all finishes, fixtures, and millwork that are not proprietary to the current

concessionaire. The Concessionaire will provide all improvements required to rebrand this existing retail

space, if said rebranding is necessary.

• Existing Retail Space (E163 approximately 720 square feet & E164 approximately 137 square feet

on Exhibit B2): The Proposer shall provide a retail concession concept in this existing retail concession

space. This is existing finished retail space, and proposer may re-use all finishes, fixtures, and

millwork that are not proprietary to the current concessionaire. The Concessionaire will provide all

improvements required to rebrand this existing retail space, if said rebranding is necessary.

FACILITIES EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION: The Concessionaire shall make improvements, at its sole

cost and expense, and provide and install all equipment, fixtures, utilities, conduit, wires, antennas, and any

other infrastructure and materials in a minimum amount of $150,000 for the build out of both concession areas-

1. The build-out and installations in areas E130 and E163/E164 will ideally be completed and operational by

April 1, 2022. During the build-out, Concessionaire may need to install a temporary retail concession kiosk

while the improvements are completed.

At the end of operating year 10, if the Airport elects to renew the term, Concessionaire will be required to perform

a refurbishment of all areas. The refurbishment investment shall be no less than $100,000 for both locations.

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UTILITIES: The Airport shall provide the basic air conditioning, heat and overhead lighting of the Premises.

All other utility consumption will be separately metered and is the financial responsibility of the

Concessionaire. If Concessionaire’s operations require additional utility service, the expense of providing

additional utilities shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Concessionaire, provided, the Airport’s obligation

to allow Concessionaire to add utilities hereunder shall be limited to the availability of any required or

requested utilities in the Airport, and nothing herein shall obligate the Airport to provide any utility to

Concessionaire that is not otherwise available to the Airport. If Concessionaire requires any core drilling

through the floor and the Airport has approved such core drilling, Concessionaire will be required at its sole cost

and expense to x-ray the floor prior to the drilling to avoid any structural elements within the cement floors.

SANITATION AND REFUSE REMOVAL: The successful Proposer will be required to comply with all

sanitation requirements. The successful Proposer will be responsible for removing refuse from its premises

using covered, leak-proof receptacles and conveyances and delivering such refuse to the proper containers on

the West end of the terminal building.

HOURS OF OPERATION: The Premises shall be continuously and uninterruptedly open for business and

provide all services and sales activities as required by the Lease Agreement at such hours as may be established

by the Airport, from time to time, at its sole and absolute discretion. Proposer should understand that the

premises shall be open seven days per week, including local, state, and federal holidays. Proposer shall be

required in each of the individual locations that comprise the Premises to prominently post in an area visible to

the traveling public the hours for that specific location. It is the intent of the Airport to require the Premises

to be open approximately one hour before first departure and thirty minutes before last departure, daily.

EMPLOYEE PARKING: Employee parking is located East of the long term parking lot and is free of charge

at this time. County reserves the right to implement employee parking fees at its discretion.


PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: Each Proposer shall, at the time a Proposal is submitted, furnish the Airport

satisfactory evidence of its financial responsibility and competency to operate the Concession. In order to be

considered qualified to operate the News, gift, and retail Concession hereunder; each Proposer shall meet the

following minimum qualifications:

MINIMUM QUALIFICATION FORM (Appendix A): Each Proposal must be accompanied by a completed

“Minimum Qualifications Form”, including required attachments, concerning both the Proposer’s experience in

the operation of a news, gift, and retail business. All information must be complete, accurate and in the form

requested. The Qualification Form may be found in Appendix A of this RFP.

Any Proposer (or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or, in the case of a joint venture, at least one

joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) must meet all of the following eligibility Page 3 of 26

criteria for a news, gift, and retail concession:

• It must have been in continuous existence in the news, gift, and retail business (either through

direct operation) for at least the last 5 years; and

• The business must have generated annual business volume in one of the last three years equal to or greater than $300,000; and

• Proposers must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Airport that it has the financial resources to finance, develop, and operate a news, gift, and retail concession program as contained in this


Proposers may not rely on the qualifications of the licensor or franchiser. In addition, Proposers who are

proposing to operate a licensed concept or franchise must provide a letter from the licensor or franchiser granting

the rights to operate the concept at the Airport, or indicate that the Proposer has met the requirements to hold

or operate such franchise or license and such franchise or license will be forthcoming upon award. The

Airport reserves the right to seek clarifications from Proposers and to conduct its own due diligence before

ranking Proposals.

LETTER OF CREDIT: Proposals must be accompanied by a certified or cashier’s check on a bank, or

Proposal Letter of Credit payable to the Brown County in the amount of Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars

($5,000). Said check or Letter of Credit will be given as surety that if the Proposal is accepted, an agreement

will be entered into and the performance of it properly secured. Proposal Surety will be forfeited as liquidated

damages should the successful Proposer fail to enter into an agreement. No Proposal will be considered

unless accompanied by such certified or cashier’s check or Letter of Credit. Letters of Credit of all

unsuccessful Proposers shall be returned as soon as the successful Proposer has been determined and the

Agreement awarded, or in the event all quotes are rejected, within ten (10) days after date of rejection.

Letters of Credit of the successful Proposer will be held to guarantee execution of an Agreement. Letters of

Credit may be retained by Brown County as liquidated damages in the event that the successful Proposer

fails to execute an Agreement. The Letter of Credit will be returned to the successful Proposer after

execution of an Agreement.


(Appendix B):

The requirements of 49 CFR Part 23, regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, applies to this

concession. It is the policy of the Airport to practice nondiscrimination based on race, color, sex, or national

origin in the award or performance of this contract. All firms qualifying under this solicitation are

encouraged to submit bids/proposals. Award of this concession will be conditioned upon satisfying the

requirements of this proposal/bid specification. These requirements apply to all concession firms and

suppliers, including those who qualify as an ACDBE.

An ACDBE concession specific goal of 1% of your anticipated annual gross revenues for the current

triennium (FFY 2020/2021/2022) of purchases of goods and services has been established for concessions

operating at GRB. The bidder shall make good faith efforts (see Appendix B) to meet the concession Page 4 of 26

specific goal for ACDBE participation in the performance of this concession.

(1) Award of the contract will be conditioned on meeting the requirements of this section;

(2) All bidders or offerors will be required to submit the following information to GRB:

(i) The names and addresses of ACDBE firms that will participate in the contract;

(ii) A description of the work that each ACDBE will perform. To count toward meeting a goal, each

ACDBE firm must be certified in a NAICS code applicable to the kind of work the firm would

perform on the contract;

(iii) The dollar amount of the participation of each ACDBE firm participating;

(iv) Written documentation of the bidder/offeror’s commitment to use an ACDBE sub-concession

whose participation it submits to meet a contract goal; and

(v) Written confirmation from each listed ACDBE firm that it is participating in the contract in the

kind and amount of work provided in the prime concessionaire’s commitment.

(vi) If the contract goal is not met, evidence of good faith efforts. The documentation of good faith

efforts must include copies of each ACDBE and non-ACDBE sub-concession quote submitted to

the bidder when a non-ACDBE sub-concession was selected over an ACDBE for work on the


(3) Non-Discrimination

The Proposer, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and

assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that it shall

operate in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to 49 CFR Part 21,

Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation,

and as said Regulations may be amended.

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(35% selection criteria)


A Minimum Annual Guarantee (“MAG”) payment shall be provided by each proposer for the use of the

concession premises outlined in Exhibit B. The concessionaire will pay either its proposed MAG or its

proposed percentage of gross, whichever is greater. MAGs and % of Gross shall be provided by the proposer

as indicated on Appendix C – Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) & % of Gross Form. A minimum MAG of

$100,000 and a minimum percentage payment of 10% of monthly gross receipts will be accepted.


COSTS OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: The successful Proposer, at its cost, will be responsible for the

design of its facilities, and for the acquisition of all necessary approvals and permits, construction, and

financing. As part of this process, the successful Proposer will be required to coordinate its activities with

other airport tenants, contractors, and the Airport so that the successful Proposer’s work will not interfere with or

cause a delay in any other construction activities authorized by the Airport or the flow of passenger traffic.

CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMMITMENT: Concession facilities at the Airport will be subject to intensive use every

day of every year of the term. Therefore, the Airport desires that facilities be not only attractive and functional

but also constructed with high-quality finishes that are durable and capable of handling the continual use by

passengers with their baggage, allowing efficient movement within the space utilizing open-concept designs

and professional looking merchandising.

As stated previously, a minimum Capital Investment Commitment of $150,000 is required for the build-out.

Proposers are encouraged to obtain experienced professional advice with regard to the cost and challenges

of construction improvements at the airport. The Airport will not be responsible for costs that exceed the

minimum investment requirement.

The concessionaire will be required to document its construction costs and submit the final document to the

Airport. In order to ensure that the committed investment is made, the Concessionaire will be required to pay the

Airport any difference between the investment minimum and the actual costs of construction.

10 YEAR REFURBISHMENT: If the Airport institutes the first 5 year renewal term, a refurbishment

minimum of $100,000 will be invested in the concessionaire’s facilities. This is a firm commitment to reinvest

in the facilities and replace worn and damaged finishes. The refurbishment minimum is not for ordinary or

deferred maintenance, which is an ongoing requirement, but a commitment to renew and replace worn

surfaces such that it would constitute additional capital investment. The refurbishment requirement, is subject Page 6 of 26

to prior consultation and approval by the Airport.


EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS (20% selection criteria)

Proposal Section 1, Experience and Qualifications, must provide Proposer’s experience and qualifications as

specified in this section. (The information required by this section need be provided only once in the


COVER LETTER/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Each Proposer must submit a cover letter identifying the

Proposer and the proposed concepts included in its proposal. Proposers may include other important general

information which is deemed significant enough to be highlighted. The cover letter must be signed by an

authorized representative of the proposing entity.

Each Proposal must contain an Executive Summary, which summarizes important features of the Proposal.

The Executive Summary should also include a statement documenting how the Proposer meets the

minimum qualifications set forth in this RFP; and Acknowledgement of the requirements relating to the

Airport’s ACDBE Program as described in this RFP. The executive summary should not exceed two pages.

STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Each Proposal must contain a Statement of

Experience and Qualifications which describes the Proposers relevant experience and qualifications relating to

the requirements of this Proposal.

LICENSE AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS: Proposers who are proposing to operate using license or

franchise agreements from other companies must submit letters of intent from the licensor or franchisor which

confirms that such license or franchise will be granted. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. It is the

intent of this section to avoid ambiguities or conflicts in the representations made by Proposers, and to ensure

that Proposers are capable of delivering on the commitments made in their Proposals.

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Proposers and any Joint Venture partner or material subtenant shall submit its

audited financial statements for the two most recent years.

REFERENCES: Responding Proposers must provide three airport news, gift, and retail concession operations

references similar to the Airport. Information should include, for each of the three airports; name/location, type

of operation, annual gross revenue, and annual MAG/rent paid to the airport. Provide references including

name, title, e-mail, addresses and telephone number of contact person for each airport identified and

described above. References will not be considered unless complete reference data is provided.

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CONCESSION MIX AND CONCEPTS (35% selection criteria)

Proposal Section 3, Concession Mix and Concepts, must describe in detail the rationale for the proposed

overall concession mix and describe each proposed concept and how it will complement the terminal and the

concession program overall. The information in this section needs to be provided only once in the Proposal;

Proposer must submit the following information:


description of the rationale for selecting the proposed concepts and how the proposed concepts will enhance the

overall concession program, appeal to the traveling public, and optimize the sales and, therefore the

revenue to the Airport. Also, describe any unique attributes of the proposed concepts. The Proposer shall

provide complete descriptions of typical items to be sold and prices. The Proposer shall provide the

Proposer’s experience in directly operating its proposed concepts, or, managing such concepts, in the case

of a developer, including locations of similar concepts operated by Proposer.

FACILITY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: All Proposers shall submit the following preliminary conceptual plans

for each proposed location/concept in sufficient detail to facilitate evaluation of the design and quality of the

proposed improvements:

Conceptual architectural rendering and space layouts of each proposed location. Include the following:

Exterior: Full-color rendering of the storefront and the surrounding area that depicts the immediate exterior of

the concession. Interior: same as above. Each such rendering also shall indicate:

• The overall design concept for the space

• general color scheme

• internal layout showing access and egress routes, fixtures, counters, circulation, table and displays.

• Graphics and any other signage.

• photographic copies of material boards detailing the type, character and composition of the materials to be used in construction. (Note: actual material boards may be requested by the Airport).

CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMMITMENT: Provide a table that includes, for each facility location:

• Facility Name/Brand

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• Facility location, using the location numbers identified in Exhibits B1 and B2 of this RFP

• Square feet to be developed for public service use

• Square feet to be developed for support/storage use

• Total amount to be expended for improvements, exclusive of architectural, engineering and any in- house construction or design fees (“hard costs”)

• Total amount to be expended for architectural, design, consultants, engineering, program management and construction related fees (“soft costs”)

• Total Capital Investment Commitment for the named facility will be based upon the following minimum

amounts. Proposers will invest a minimum of $150,000 for the build outs.

Please note, the capital investments for each space are requested under this section to help clarify the

concept mix for each location. The scoring assigned to this capital investment will be applied under the

“Minimum Annual Guarantee & Capital Investment” selection criteria weighted at 35%.

Note: “Hard costs” must average at least 85% of the minimum Capital Investment Commitment.

CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND PHASING PLAN: Proposers shall provide an estimated construction

schedule for the proposed facilities showing how design and construction will be expedited and a detailed

graphic for each phase of development must be submitted summarizing the construction phasing.

Page 9 of 26


selection criteria)

Proposal Section 4, Staffing, Operations, and Customer Service Plans, Proposer must provide detailed

information with regard to how the proposed operations will be managed. The information in this section needs

to be provided only once in the Proposal; Proposer must submit the following information:

STAFFING PLAN: The staffing plan should include:

• Organization chart for the proposed operations including all personnel to be involved in all aspects of the operation and the reporting structure for such personnel. Please describe the staffing plan

for each location or combination of locations.

• Detailed resume for proposed on-site manager and any other key management staff, or approach to filling these positions if specific individuals are not named.

• Sales and customer service programs, philosophies, training and re-occurring training. • Describe the proposed cash control system, including the type of cash register or point of sale

equipment to be used, and procedures for ensuring the integrity of cash and the report of gross


• List the operating hours for each facility. Note: All locations must operate seven days each week,

365 days each year. At a minimum, sufficient coverage must be provided from one hour before the

first scheduled departure of the day until 30 minutes prior to the last scheduled departure of the day.

• Describe how the facilities will be cleaned and maintained.

CUSTOMER SERVICE APPROACH: The Customer Service Approach must include:

• A description of the Proposer’s approach to ensuring excellent customer service.

• Training programs to be employed to achieve customer service goals.

• Source of management and non-management labor.

• A description of the employee uniform and the employee dress code.

BUSINESS PLAN: The Business Plan must include the following information with regard to how the

operations will be managed in a way that maximizes sales and service to the traveling public, employees, and

visitors to the Airport. The Business Plan should include the following:

• Quality Control – the Proposer should describe its approach to quality control and corporate

monitoring and supervision in order to maintain high levels of service, gross receipts, and revenues to the Airport.

• Financial Pro Forma – The Proposer shall prepare and submit, as part of its Proposal, a Financial

Pro-Forma, which projects the amounts of gross receipts that will be generated by each concession

unit that is proposed, the major categories of operating expense, and the required Minimum Annual

Guarantee and the percentage rents to be paid to the Airport.

• A statement describing how the Proposer will maximize total gross receipts retail concession for the Airport. Page 10 of 26


Proposal required forms:

1. Minimum Qualifications Form (Appendix A)

2. ACDBE Compliance Statement (Appendix B)

Section One: Minimum Annual Guarantee & Capital Investment Proposal (35 points):

1. Minimum Annual Guarantee - (Appendix C)

2. Capital Investment Proposal – (Appendix D)

Section Two: Experience and Qualifications (20 points)

1. Cover Letter/Executive Summary

2. Statement of Experience and Qualifications

3. License and Franchise Agreements

4. Financial Statements

5. References

Section Three: Concession Mix & Concepts (35 points):

1. Description of Proposed Concession Mix & Concepts

2. Facility Design & Construction

3. Capital Investment Commitment

4. Construction Schedule & Phasing Plan

Section Four: Three (10 points):

1. Staffing Plan

2. Customer Service Agreement

3. Business Plan

Page 11 of 26


PROCESS: All proposals will be reviewed and analyzed by a selection committee for content and

completeness. F irms may be scheduled to meet with the selection committee for an interview and may be

requested to furnish additional information prior to, during, or following the interviews. All review and

evaluation will be according to the selection criteria contained in this RFP. Based upon the response to this

RFP the highest scoring firm will be selected for negotiations. Upon successful completion of negotiations,

the selected firm shall enter into a formal lease agreement for the project.

SELECTION CRITERIA: Each member of the selection committee shall evaluate each proposal according to

the following criteria. Each item of the criteria has been assigned a weight based on the importance of that

item to the County.

The award of this contract shall be made to the Proposer whose proposal, in the opinion of the Brown

County, best meets the established criteria listed herein. A review committee selected by the Airport will

conduct an initial evaluation of all proposals received, using the criteria outlined. Firms considered most qualified

by the selection committee may be invited to meet with the Committee to make a presentation of their

proposals. Following these presentations, scores assigned in the initial evaluation may be revised. The

committee will evaluate the information provided, and rate each firm by the following criteria:

Proposal Requirements:

1. Minimum Qualifications Form (Appendix A)

2. ACDBE Compliance Statement (Appendix B)

Section One: Minimum Annual Guarantee & Capital Investment Proposal (35 points):

1. Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG) (Appendix C)

2. Capital Investment Proposal (Appendix D)

Section Two: Experience and Qualifications (20 points):

1. Cover Letter/Executive Summary 2. Statement of Experience and Qualifications

3. License and Franchise Agreements

4. Financial Statements

5. References

Section Three: Concession Mix & Concepts (35 points):

1. Description of Proposed Concession Mix & Concepts

2. Facility Design & Construction

3. Capital Investment Commitment

4. Construction Schedule & Phasing Plan

Section Four: Staffing, Customer Service, and Business Plans (10 points): Page 12 of 26

1. Staffing Plan

2. Customer Service Plan

3. Business Plan


Appendix A - Minimum Qualifications Form

Appendix B – ACDBE Compliance Statement Forms

Appendix C - Minimum Annual Guarantee and % of Gross Form

Appendix D - Capital Investment Proposal Form


Exhibit A –Enplanement and Deplanement History

Exhibit B - Terminal Concession Premises

Exhibit C – News, Gift & Retail Concession Gross Receipt History

Exhibit D – Sample Lease Agreement

Exhibit E – Selection Criteria Form

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1. Experience

(name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) has the following experience in the airport retail concessions business (Note: the Minimum Qualifications Requirement is continuous news, gift and retail experience for at least the last 5 years):

(Here fully state experience)

2. Qualifications

(name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) has operated airport retail concessions (or, in the case of a developer, managed subtenants) at the following airport terminals in the past five (5) years.

List all airports at which Proposer (or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) currently operates airport retail concessions and the annual gross sales for each.

(Here fully state experience)

(name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) has generated airport retail concession sales volume for each of the past three years as follows:

Calendar Year

Annual retail sales volume




(name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) has had an airport retail sales concession lease or operating agreement terminated either voluntarily or involuntarily prior to the expiration of its terms in the past (5) years, together with an explanation of the reasons for termination and the name and telephone number of a person associated with any such airport who may be

Page 14 of 26

contacted for verification:

(Here state all relevant information; if “none,” so state)

3. Financial

The following is a listing of all defaults and lawsuits under all Space Use Permits or any other occupancy or concession agreement, or that have arisen pertaining to fee payments, rental payments and/or performance between (name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) and any other party during the past five (5) years.

(Here state all relevant information; if “none,” so state)

(name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) has had the following bonds or sureties canceled, forfeited or drawn upon, or letters of credit issued as sureties drawn upon during the past five years, including the name of the bonding company, date, amount of bond and reason for the cancellation or forfeiture.

(Here state all relevant information; if “none,” so state)

(name of Proposer or its principal owner or predecessor in interest, or in the case of a joint venture, name of one joint venture partner with at least 40% interest in the joint venture) has been declared a bankrupt or declared itself bankrupt, including the date of declaration and the court.

(Here state all relevant information; if “none,” so state)

4. Financial

The following is a listing of three (3) credit references for (name of Proposer):

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Nature of relationship





Nature of relationship





Nature of relationship

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The undersigned bidder/offeror has satisfied the requirements of the bid/proposal specification in the following manner (please check the appropriate space):

_____ The bidder/offeror is committed to a minimum of ____ % ACDBE utilization on this contract. _____ The bidder/offeror (if unable to meet the ACDBE goal of ____%) is committed to a minimum of ____% ACDBE utilization on this contract and submitted documentation demonstrating good faith efforts.

Name of bidder/offeror’s firm: ______________________________________ State Registration No. ____________________ By ___________________________________ ______________________ (Signature) Title

Page 17 of 26


Name of bidder/offeror’s firm: _________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip: ______

Name of ACDBE firm: __________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________State: _______ Zip: _____

Telephone: _____________________________ Description of work to be performed by ACDBE firm:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The bidder/offeror is committed to utilizing the above-named ACDBE firm for the work described above. The estimated dollar value of this work is $ ___________. Affirmation The above-named ACDBE firm affirms that it will perform the portion of the contract for the estimated dollar value as stated above. By __________________________________________________________ (Signature) (Title) If the bidder/offeror does not receive award of the prime contract, any and all representations in this Letter of Intent and Affirmation shall be null and void. (Submit this page for each ACDBE subcontractor.)

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Based upon the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County’s Request for Proposals, the proposer agrees (in addition to paying the other fees and charges) to pay the following percentages of its Gross Revenues (as defined in the Request for Proposals) for each contract year of the Concession, or the following minimum annual guarantee (MAG) for each contract year of the Concession (whichever is greater).

CONTRACT YEAR MINIMUM ANNUAL GUARANTEE % OF MONTHLY GROSS RECEIPTS ($100,000 minimum MAG) (10% minimum % of monthly gross receipts)

1/1/22 – 12/31/22 $ __________%

1/1/23 – 12/31/23 $ __________%

1/1/24 – 12/31/24 $ __________%

1/1/25 – 12/31/25 $ __________%

1/1/26 – 12/31/26 $ __________%

1/1/27 – 12/31/27 $ __________%

1/1/28 – 12/31/28 $ __________%

1/1/29 – 12/31/29 $ __________%

1/1/30 – 12/31/30 $ __________%

1/1/31 – 12/31/31 $ __________%

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Capital Investment. The Concessionaire hereby proposes the planned capital investment to be made by the Concessionaire in accordance with Section FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION of the General Conditions. The minimum investment amount of Improvements shall only include (i) directly contracted construction and design costs with a contractor and, (ii) furniture, fixtures and equipment purchased specifically for use in the Premises.

Concessionaire shall make a total minimum required Capital Investment Commitment of $150,000. Of this amount, not less than 85% must be expended on construction “hard costs” of materials, direct labor, equipment, finishes, signage, lighting, HVAC, and other construction costs exclusive of “soft costs” of design, engineering, construction supervision, permitting, specialist consultants, overhead, corporate construction administration, and other fees. If such minimum amount of investment in the Initial Improvements is not expended, the remaining amount not expended shall be paid in cash (in the form of a check) directly to the Airport within 30 days of the completion of the Initial Investment. The Airport will not be responsible for costs that exceed the minimum investment requirement. Provide a detailed matrix for each location listing the dollar amount of (i), (ii), and (iii) above. The total sum of each location shall equal the total minimum capital investment proposed above.

Hard costs Soft costs Total E130 E163 E164

Mid Term Refurbishment (min $100,000)


Provide the following Sources and Uses Statement for Initial Improvements and start-up Costs financing.

Source of Funds: Equity: $ Borrowings: $ Other (specify): $

Use of Funds: Fixed Improvements Trade fixtures: Initial Inventory/Supplies: Working Capital: Professional Fees: Interest Expense: Other (Specify):

Note: State what interest rate is being contemplated on all borrowed capital.

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2021 (6 mos.) 112,955 114,485 227,440

2020 144,316 141,333 285,649

2019 356,914 353,828 710,742

2018 324,840 327,517 652,357

2017 291,064 290,547 581,611

2016 303,160 298,087 601,247

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1,147 SF


















1 2




1/8" = 1'-0"1E130 RETAIL SPACE

0 1684

Exhibit B1

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720 SF



137 SF





















1 2




1/8" = 1'-0"1E163 RETAIL SPACE

0 1684

Exhibit B2

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Historical News, Gift and Retail Concession Gross Revenue

Year Gross Sales

2021 (6 mos) $100,147

2020 $144,884

2019 $469,778

2018 $439,096

2017 $487,026

2016 $536,378

The historical statistical data furnished are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a guarantee of business to be generated. The Airport does not guarantee the accuracy of the figures.

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Date: Score:


1. Minimum Qualifications Yes/No 2. ACDBE Statement Yes/No 3. Letter of Credit Yes/No

SECTION ONE: Minimum Annual Guarantee (MAG), Capital Investment Proposal ( /35 points)

1. Minimum Annual Guarantee:

2. Capital Investment Proposal:

SECTION TWO: Experience and Qualifications ( /20 points)

1. Cover Letter/Executive Summary:

2. Statement of Experience and Qualifications:

3. License and Franchise Agreements:

4. Financial Statements:

5. References:

SECTION THREE: Concession Mix & Concept ( /35 points)

1. Description of Proposed Concession Mix & Concepts:

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2. Facility Design & Construction:

3. Capital Investment Commitment:

4. Construction Schedule & Phasing Plan:

SECTION FOUR: Staffing, Operations, Customer Service, and Business Plans ( /10 points)

1. Staffing Plan:

2. Customer Service Plan:

3. Business Plan:

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