Download - News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

Page 1: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

HomegroundSummer 2016 issue

News for where YOU live

Homeground is published by Campbell Park Parish CouncilRunner-up in the 2015 national ‘Star Council’ awards

Campbell Park Parish

– far more to it thanmany might realise!








Page 2: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

Clerk to the ParishDominic Warner

Deputy ClerkElaine Webb

Environment Officers

John McLinton

Mitch Mitchener

Finance Officer (part time)Lisa Bradley

Receptionist (part time)Tracey Waistnedge

Community Officer/Committee Clerk(part time)Tracey Jones

2 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

Elected Members ofCampbell Park Parish Council


Vacant Seat

Vacant Seat

Vacant Seat

Terry BainesVice Chair

CPPC 07846 697237

David Priest07508 312412


Isabella FraserChair, CPPC,

01908 60727107596 137741

Tom Fraser01908 607271

Tubo Uranta01908 982626

Larry Harris01908 675766


Adan Kahin01908 608559

Edward May07985 127279


01908 669067

Martin Petchey01908 60548807712 485255

PenelopeHalton-Davis01908 696034


David Pafford01908 608559

Chris Brown01908 608559


Phil Shrimpton07813 093304

Derek Taylor07977 255550


07956 384000

Campbell Park Parish Council serves some5,800 households in the Fishermead,Newlands, Oldbrook, Springfield, Willen,Winterhill and Woolstones areas.

By telephone01908 608559

By fax01908 694248

By [email protected]

By post – or call in at1 Pencarrow Place, FishermeadMilton Keynes, MK6 2AS

On twitter: @campbellparkpc

Office opening hours:

Mon-Thurs: 10am-4pm, Fri: 10am-3pm

Check out our new website and tell us whatyou think

How to Contact us


Home Ground is created for CPPC by Intermedia (ICS Ltd) 01908 270000. Printed in England

CPPC Staff

● For councillors’ / staff members’ email addresses, put their name followed by the CPPCgeneric address.For example Cllr Phil Shrimpton’s address is:[email protected]

● Please come along and see how theParish Council conducts its business.Parish Council meetings are held on thethird Tuesday of each month, starting at7.30pm, at the Oldbrook Centre,

Oldbrook Boulevard (opposite OldbrookGreen). Visitors are welcome. The nextmeeting dates are:

July 19 & Sept 20 – no August meeting

Page 3: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

As Campbell Park Parish Council(CPPC) starts a new council year,and its councillors a new term of

office, we look forward to working withand for residents.

Contact details for all CPPC councillors,including the new member, can be foundon the opposite page.

You will also find (below) dates, times andvenues for our meetings for the next threemonths. CPPC’s meetings are open to thepublic, and we would warmly welcomeyour attendance and input.

The Parish Council is looking to completea number of tasks in the coming year.

● Our Oldbrook, Fishermead and

Springfield residents will have alreadyseen the defibrillators we have fitted at ourtwo centres and the Parish Office.

Similar machines – for ‘first response’treatment of heart-attack victims – havebeen purchased, and CPPC is currentlyconsidering potential sites in Willen,Woolstone and Newlands.

● CPPC has been working on anemergency response plan and has alreadycreated and equipped an emergencyresponse team.

To help take this work forward we arehosting a major conference: bringingtogether our principal stakeholder partnerswith Milton Keynes’ parish and towncouncils to encourage shared joint

working and planning in provision ofservices to residents.

● We recommend the Summer ParishPicnics to you – please come and meetfellow residents and enjoy a cup of teawith us!

● CPPC’s environment officers andmembers are engaging with two localschools in a tree planting project, forwhich CPPC has received a number ofsaplings from the Woodland Trust.

● Working with neighbouring ParishCouncils and MK Council, we areexploring ways to address the problem ofthe dangerous entrance into Woolstonefrom Chaffron Way.

The above are just a few of the issuesand projects we will be working on in thecoming year.

Please remember we are always here totake your calls, hear of your issues andyour ideas, which will be welcome ■


The meetings of Campbell Park ParishCouncil and its committees are open tothe public unless otherwise notified or, inspecific circumstances due to theconfidentiality of information beingdiscussed, the Councillors present pass amotion to exclude the press and public.

Council (7.30pm start): ✖ July 19, September 20

Planning & Policy Committee (7 pmstart):✖ July 4, Aug 1 & Sept 5

Finance & AdministrationCommittee (7.00pm start):◆ July 5 & Sept 6

Community & EnvironmentCommittee (6.30 pm start):✖ Jul 25, & Sept 26

Communications Committee (6.30pm start)◆ July 26 & Sept 27

Personnel Committee (6.30 pmstart)◆ July 11 & Sept 12

✖ = Held at the Oldbrook Centre,Oldbrook Boulevard

◆ = Held at the Parish Office, 1Pencarrow Place, Fishermead

3CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

‘Unacceptable’face of the

school run

New Parishdefibrillators

could belifesavers

CPPC in emergency



page 5 page 11page 7

CPPC meeting dates


Another house-fire on Fishermead hasled to the tragic death of a resident.

The latest blaze was the result of a chippan fire, and CPPC is remindingeveryone of the risks which can resultfrom trying to put pan-fires out unaided.

Please remember: OIL AND WATER DONOT MIX. You must NOT try to put a panfire out with water or water-basedextinguishers.

If you are unsure of what to do, call thefire service on 999 and GET OUT of thehouse. Do NOT return to tackle the fire.

ONLY if you feel able, you can use adamp towel or a proper fire blanket toput the fire out...but ensure you turn theheat off first, and then leave the towel onuntil the pan has cooled down.

If you have, or use, a chip pan please considergetting a dry-frier or an air-frier instead.

The safety of yourself, your family, andyour neighbours is paramount. Youshould also seriously consider gettinghousehold insurance if you don’t alreadyhave it ■

Reading THIS could save YOUR life!

● Fire &RescueServiceshow whathappens if you puteven a smallamount ofwater on a chip pan fire!

Page 4: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

4 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

Yes - life CAN be a picnic!Saturday July 30: Kernow Crescent – Fishermead

Wednesday August 3: Willen Primary SchoolSaturday August 20: Woolstone, near Barge Pub

Wednesday August 31: Oldbrook GreenSaturday October 29: Springfield Centre

● Parents responsible for their children at all times


Come and join us for...

A parish


All picnics 2 pm to 4pm

Just bring yourself

and a picnic – the

Parish Council will provide

soft drinks, cake, biscuits and

a children’s entertainer

Page 5: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

The quicker proper assistance can be given, the better area heart-attack victims’ chances of survival and of making

a recovery.

That is why ambulance services have developed the role of‘first responders’ and have taken to stationing vehicles andcrews on standby around their areas rather than keeping themwaiting for calls in a relatively small number of ambulancestations.

Medical experts know that every second saved in getting helpto a victim can be crucial to a positive outcome.

And that is why Campbell Park Parish Council has installed‘community defibrillators’ in its buildings.

Thankfully most people only see the machines used intelevision medical dramas. But they can be life-savers in reallife too, when used properly to ‘shock’ a heart – whichhas stopped beating – back into life.

Obviously they need to be used properly, for the sakeof the user as well as the patient...and communitydefibrillators come with clear instructions andguidance.

They are now available at:

● The Parish Office at 1 Pencarrow Place, Fishermead

● The Oldbrook Centre on Oldbrook Boulevard,Oldbrook

● The Springfield Centre on Springfield Boulevard,Springfield.

CPPC is currently considering potential sites on Willen,

Woolstone and Newlands, and will publicise the locations ofdefibrillators as and when they are installed.

The Parish equipment is intended for members of the publicto use if someone in their vicinity suffers a heart attack.

The machines are fitted on the outside of the buildings,near the main doors, so that they are available at any hourof the day or night.

The machines are kept in locked yellow cases, and to gainaccess to them a potential user should:

■ PHONE 999 and ask for ‘ambulance’ – the service’s controlroom will then give them the code to open the box

■ Put in the code and open the box

■ Remove the defibrillator and take it to the casualty

■ Follow the instructions on the defibrillator until professionalhelp arrives.

If you are using a mobile phone the control room will almostcertainly stay on the line to provide guidance ■

CPPC defibrillators could helpGood Samaritans to save lives

5CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community



NO APPOINTMENT NEEDEDOldbrook Councillors regularly hold

surgeries to talk to residents, on the thirdSaturday of the month

1pm to 3pm @ Oldbrook Centre, OldbrookBoulevard

If you wish to discuss problems, need advice,or have ideas to improve your Parish, we will bepleased to meet you for coffee and biscuits in a

friendly and informal atmosphere

Dates for the next three meetings:● July 16 ● Aug 20 ● Sept 17

Looking forward to seeing you

Live on Oldbrook & want to talk?

● The Oldbrook Centre now lookscompletely different after dark – andit is a change for the better!

LED lighting has been fitted to allfour sides of the building, andresidents will undoubtedly havenoticed the improvement in lightingon the stretch of footpath betweenOldbrook School and the Cricketerspublic house.

Previously the whole area had beenshrouded in darkness at night.

The move has significantlyimproved safety and security, notonly of the building itself but of thegeneral surrounding area.

The lights themselves being LED areonly 1.5 watts per ‘lamp’, makingthem relatively inexpensive to run.

As to the inside of the centre, plansare in hand for refurbishment of thedisabled toilet to get underway atthe start of the school summerbreak.

That work will involve new sanitaryware, hand dryer, tiling, flooring andadditional widening of the WC door.

Both upgrades are representative ofCampbell Park Parish Council’scommitment to providing safe,secure and up-to-date communitycentres for its residents ■

Every second can be crucialfor heart-attack victims...

Shining a light on Oldbrook

● CPPC environment officerMitch Mitchener displays aportable defibrillator set

Page 6: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

6 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

CPPC committees 2016/17

As part of councillors’ ongoing training,CPPC members attended a Saturday

morning child protection session at theParish Council’s refurbished SpringfieldCentre.

The training was free, open to the publicas well as CPPC members, anddelivered by AFRUCA (Africans UniteAgainst Child Abuse).

AFRUCA’s aim is to promote the rightsand welfare of African children – and to

help parents understand the rights ofchildren in England, and British lawsdesigned to protect children.

Among other things attendees learnedabout internet safety and key culturalissues on horrific crimes such as corporalpunishment abuse, Juju, witchcraft, andfemale genital mutilation (FGM).

The training was hard-going in places,mentally and emotionally, but informativeand should help CPPC members in trying

to assist those residents who haveconcerns on the subject.

CPPC thanks AFRUCA for its hard workand the training provided ■


Elections to Campbell ParkParish Council – held onThursday May 5 this year –produced the results listedbelow by wards


ElectedTerry BainesPenelope Halton-DavisDarron KendrickMartin PetcheyDavid Priest


Elected unopposedIsabella Fraser Tom FraserBrian GreenwoodLarry HarrisTubo Uranta


Elected unopposedAdan Kahin Edward May


Elected unopposedPhil ShrimptonDerek Taylor


ElectedChris BrownDavid Pafford

CampbellPark ParishCouncilelectionresults2016

T Baines FishermeadI Fraser OldbrookA Kahin SpringfieldD Kendrick FishermeadD Pafford WoolstoneD Taylor WillenT Uranta Oldbrook

T Baines FishermeadB Greenwood OldbrookD Kendrick FishermeadE May SpringfieldP Shrimpton WillenT Uranta Oldbrook

T Baines FishermeadC Brown WoolstoneI Fraser OldbrookT Fraser OldbrookD Kendrick FishermeadD Priest Fishermead

I Fraser OldbrookT Fraser OldbrookB Greenwood OldbrookL Harris OldbrookD Kendrick FishermeadD Pafford Woolstone D Priest Fishermead

C Brown WoolstoneP Halton-Davies FishermeadL Harris OldbrookE May SpringfieldD Priest FishermeadD Taylor Willen

C Brown WoolstoneI Fraser OldbrookT Fraser OldbrookE May SpringfieldM Petchey FishermeadD Priest FishermeadT Uranta Oldbrook

Finance & Administration

Community &Environment

Planning & Policy


CommunicationsEmergency Response


Finance & Admin, Communications,Personnel:Parish Office

Planning & Policy, Community &Environment: Oldbrook Centre

Emergency Response: to be arranged

Child protection training

Page 7: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

7CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

While the vast majority of localparents are responsible andconsiderate...there are a small

group – which sadly is growing – whosebehaviour on the roads is extremelyinconsiderate, if not dangerous.

All our schools are in residential areas andthe roads around them can be extremelybusy during ‘school-run’ periods, with theever-present risk of traffic-relatedaccidents involving vehicles and children.

And some people’s thoughtless behaviour– both when parking and hurrying to andfrom the gates – greatly increases that risk.

PLEASE: think at least twice before pullingin or out; parking; opening car doors;stepping off pavements; and especiallybefore letting your child run ahead.

The life you save could be your own, ora child’s...

■ ■ ■

Oldbrook School gets crowded but, on aslip road, does not disrupt traffic flow onOldbrook Boulevard. However CPPCmembers have witnessed inappropriateand hazardous behaviour on the crossingto the green at ‘school times’.

In one incident, while driving along theBoulevard, an Oldbrook councillor cameclose to hitting a young child who had shotacross the pedestrian refuge. The childhad not stopped...and it has to be askedwhat his parent was doing at the time?

Thoughtless, selfish use of use of twonearby disabled parking bays by ‘schoolrunners’ makes matters worse.

■ ■ ■

Jubilee Wood School gives rise toproblems on Fishermead Boulevard withthe situation made worseby builders’ (working onthe new building) vehiclestaking up parking spaces.

The school provides twostewards in hi-viz jacketsat arrival and leavingtimes, but that does notalleviate the melee andchaos on the roundabout.Nor does it improve the safety of walkers –including parents and children – on theextremely busy footpath, which isunacceptable.

■ ■ ■

Springfield school has a similar melee.The Orchards’ entrance is on toRavensbourne Place (off SpringfieldBoulevard) near the One Stop shop andthe Springfield Centre.

CPPC councillors regularly see parentsand elderly people having to walk on theroads because of inconsiderate parking onthe slip road and Ravensbourne Place.Again, that is unacceptable.

In an effort to alleviate the problem, CPPC

councillors have gained agreement from theOne Stop shop’s management that deliveriesto the store will not be made during school-run times, and persuaded the manager of thepublic house opposite to let school staff usethe pub’s car park.

■ ■ ■

Willen School: anti-social parking is nottoo bad. Any difficulties are an extensionof the general parking difficulties Willenresidents have to suffer.

■ ■ ■

CPPC councillors have been monitoringparking at local schools in general.

All have had to dodge around irresponsiblyparked cars: something disabled people

or mums with children in pushchairscannot do...and one CPPC member washit by a car!

Of real concern is the small number ofparents arriving in the morning in a rush,still in nightwear; children either eatingbreakfast, getting dressed, or trying to dohomework as they go.

That is a concern because not only is thehurrying parent or guardian a danger to

other road-users and pedestrians, butchildren arriving late are disadvantaged bynot being properly prepared for their day.

■ ■ ■

Willen parking: the estate has a finitenumber of parking places. Increasingpopularity of the new Sainsbury store, andthat store being used by people from threeor four estates, makes matters worse.

CPPC is checking out reports that, forvarious reasons, Ship Ashore customerschoose to use the general local centreparking rather than the pub’s car park.

It has also been reported that workersfrom the Mercedes UK headquarters (justacross the V4) and some Willen Lakevisitors, are parking in Willen’s local centre.

The two disabled parking bays have fadedmarkings and no prominent signageindicating their purpose, furthercompounding the problems. CPPC asksnon-blue badge holders NOT to use them.

CPPC will investigate Willen’s parkingissues as a matter of urgency, andcontinue monitoring the parking chaos atsome schools.

■ ■ ■

All the above apart: IT IS DOWN TOPARENTS to drive – and park –responsibly on the school-run.

While a vast number of residents do, thereis real cause for concern over the small butgrowing number who don’t.

YOU know who YOU are: PLEASE think,and don’t put your children at risk, let-alone the other drivers and pedestriansat our schools!

One possible move to reduce school-gatecongestion is a ‘Walking Bus’. That wouldinvolve volunteers in walking to school,picking up children en-route, with avolunteer at each end of the column –taking children to school and back homeagain afterwards.

Anyone who feels they could volunteerfor this should, in the first instance,contact the Parish Office. Thank you ■

Campbell Park Parish Council

‘Unacceptable face of school-run’One of the most consistentand ongoing complaints toCPPC is about the levels ofanti-social behaviour ofsome parents during the‘school run’

Bad parking outside Springfield’s school

Congestion at Willenlocal centre

Page 8: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

How does the sun damageyour skin? Skin cancersare caused by damage

from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV)rays penetrating deeply anddamaging cells, which are then atrisk of becoming cancerous. Youcan’t feel it...but it can happeneven when the sun doesn’t feelhot.

Sunburn also causes top layersof the skin to release chemicalsthat make blood vessels swelland leak fluids. Your skin turnsred and feels hot and painful, andsevere sunburn can lead toswelling and blisters.

Young Children

That is especially harmful inchildren and young people andcan greatly increase their risk ofdeveloping skin cancer in later life.

You should take extra care whenout in the sun if you have pale,white or light brown skin, havefreckles or red or fair hair, tend toburn rather than tan, have manymoles, have skin problemsrelating to a medical condition,are only exposed to intense sun

occasionally or a family history ofskin cancer.

People with naturally brown orblack skin are less likely to getskin cancer, however, skin cancercan still occur.

No Safe Way to Tan

Sunburn doesn’t just happen onholidays. You can burn whenyou’re not expecting it, such asduring a walk or sitting in yourgarden, even if it’s cool or cloudyduring the UK summer.

There is NO safe or healthy wayto get a tan from sunlight, so takeextra care to protect babies andchildren. Their skin is much moresensitive than that of adults.

Children aged under six monthsshould be kept out of directstrong sunlight. In the UK, fromMarch to October, childrenshould cover up with suitableclothing, spend time in the shadeand wear at least SPF15sunscreen.

To ensure they get enoughvitamin D, those under five areadvised to take vitamin D

supplements even if they do getout in the sun.

Suitable clothing includes, awide-brimmed hat that shadesthe face, neck and ears, a long-sleeved top, and trousers or longskirts in close-weave fabrics thatdo not let sunlight through

Use Plenty of Sunscreen

Most people do not applyenough sunscreen. The amountneeded for an average adult toachieve the stated sun protectionfactor (SPF) is around 35 ml or sixto eight teaspoons of lotion.

If you’re worried that you mightnot be applying enough SPF15,you could use SPF30. If you planto be in the sun long enough torisk burning, sunscreen needs tobe applied twice, 30 minutesbefore going out and just beforegoing out.

Water-resistant sunscreen isneeded if sweating or contactwith water is likely. Sunscreenneeds to be reapplied liberally,frequently and according to themanufacturer’s instructions ■

BewareofgettingTOOmuch sun!

8 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

health information update ... health information update ... health ...

We are opening a new 15 placenursery class in September, with

children able to attend eithermornings or afternoons.

Those born between Sept 2012and August 2013 can start this


Interested? Inquiries welcome on 01908 604689 or via

[email protected]

FREE open day - July 2410.00 to 16.00

Prizes, raffles, refreshmentsplus Fire & Rescue, Police & British

Transport Police18 Carters Lane, Kiln Farm, MK11 3ES

● MK Community Bank is a locallybased branch of a credit union financialco-operative owned and run by itsmembers, of which number more than1,200.

Every member is a saver (from aslittle as £1 a week) and we can helpthose in need, to borrow immediately.

Hundreds of members have beensaved thousands of pounds by using usinstead of high street banks. More at:[email protected]

Oldbrook First SchoolHAZARD ALLEY

Campbell Park Parish Council’s annualmeeting of electors was attended by three

electors, eight councillors and a number ofCPPC staff.

Electors asked questions about: councillors’allowances; the parish precept beingincreased by two per cent more thanCPPC’s mandate; the costs and justificationfor Homeground, the Parish Council’squarterly magazine.

Among its answers, CPPC announced that ithad signed a new contract for production ofHomeground which should save some£10,000 over three years.

CPPC’s budget-setting process was

explained, along with its efforts to obtainalternative funding. After the formal meetingelectors were able to talk with variouscommittee members.

● A ‘Tea & Tech’ computer training session– open to all parish residents – has beenhosted at the Springfield Centre by CPPC.Delivered by ATTIGO, the training wasdesigned for those who find technology a bitof a challenge and covered computers,laptops, tablets, pads, ’smart’ phones andthe like. A number of CPPC members whoattended felt the training – very informal andon a one-to-one basis – was very helpful.

One commented that what hadpreviously been ‘a bit of a big grey fog isnow a blue sky’.

Such initial sessions are free, and can befollowed up by more in-depth two-daycourses for a £50 fee.

● Some homeowners have to spendhundreds of pounds a year on energy,maintenance and repairs because theirproperties are served by ‘private’ pumpingstations.

From October this year many of thoseprivate pumping stations will be transferredto Anglian Water, and become its responsi-bility. The company will take over all themaintenance and the running costs.

To help customers identify and report thepumping stations, AW has created thewebsite: ■

Questions answered

● Article based onNHS and CancerResearch sources

Page 9: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

Work is continuing on improving Fishermead sports groundand making it a well-used amenity for local people to be

proud of.

So far this year the CPPC has cleared the area at the north-endof the field back to the boundary, a boundary which is partlyowned by MK Parks Trust and MK Council.

Since taking over the sports ground three years ago, the ParishCouncil has installed two junior football pitches which are usedby MK Galacticos under 13’s and under 10 teams for training

and matches. Unfortunately, as the ground is prone to flooding,some matches have had to be postponed or playedelsewhere, and CPPC has commissioned a survey toinvestigate the possibility of providing a drainage system.

If that turns out to be feasible – and depending on costs – suchprovision would probably be a two-year project.

CPPC had acquired the sports ground from MK Council underthe community asset transfer scheme.

At that time it had become derelict and neglected, and amagnet for anti-social behaviour: including ‘drug camps’ inovergrown woodland surrounding the field.

Literally hundreds of hypodermic needles were found whenclearing the area, which prompted the Parish Council to clearall the undergrowth and dead and dying trees – making thesports field a more inviting and safer place.

Work had started in 2014 to clear the overgrown shrubs alongthe area behind Newlyn Place and flanking the V8 MarlboroughStreet, with contractors needing two weeks to clear the treesand shrubs and to remove the tons of dumped rubbish whichhad accumulated there.

Work was also carried out along the path adjacent to PenrynAvenue and Gurnards Ave, which had become so overgrownthat it was near-impossible to use ■

9CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

Campbell Park Parishcame alive on May-Day

bank holiday Monday asthousands of runners – watched by hordesof spectators – took part in the MiltonKeynes Marathon.

All the routes passed through, or alongside,Oldbrook, Fishermead, Woolstone andWillen, and with more than 4,500 finishersin the 13 and 26 mile events, local roadswere busy for several hours as everyoneenjoyed the spring weather.

All the competitors ran the same coursefor the first seven miles, after which theirroutes split in Newport Road, with the

runners coming together again for thefinish at Stadium:MK.

Many of the runners were there to raisefunds for worthy causes, and perhaps themost notable was ‘Ben’ who was past thehalfway mark in his world-record attemptto run 401 marathons on consecutivedays...and who had a £250,000 target. Heis pictured, right, crossing the bridge fromWoolstone to Middleton.

Notification of the event sent to residentsalong the route prior to the marathon was verygood, but if you experienced any problems

resulting from theevent please let usknow.

And...if you arelooking for achallenge – whichcould leave youfitter, healthierand feeling oh sogood – why notget in training fornext year’sevent? ■

More improvements to sports ground

Could this beYOUnextyear?

Woolstone Party VenuePicturesque 13th C Listed Building for Hire

Why not book this outstanding venue for your next event?● This community centre/church can accommodate

functions ranging from birthday and anniversary parties to

wedding receptions and evening functions

● The perfect setting for your event photos

● Facilities include: seating for approx 70, car park,

fully-equipped kitchen, free wi-fi, beautiful maple floor,

disabled access and toilet with wheelchair access

Call 07840 924532 or visit

MK Marathon

Page 10: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

Income and expenditure account for year ended March 31st 2016

To 31/3/15 To 31/3/16£s £s

Operating incomeCentral costs 523,350 534,158Oldbrook Centre 19,288 12,717Springfield Meeting Place 3,202 32,292Allotments 1,295 1,575Grants 0 0CD&E projects 2,001 49,672

Total income 549,136 630,414

Running costsEmployment costs 237,198 261,935Democratic costs 14,974 13,007Central costs 85,320 86,471Parish Office 16,751 16,460Communications 13,654 13,839Oldbrook Centre 50,474 17,687Oldbrook Pavilion 299 537Oldbrook Green 9,733 8,106Oldbrook Green Studio 2,977 3,368Springfield Meeting Place 289,758 24,693Woolstone pond 495 534Dog/waste bin provision 4,448 4,150Open spaces 6,082 3,923Allotments 2,595 2,836Fishermead sports ground 9,774 6,184Woolstone sports ground 2,894 2,351Grants 21,812 17,381CD&E projects 12,873 3,440Earmarked reserves 0 0

Total expenditure 782,109 486,900

General fund analysis

Opening balance 718,561 415,798Plus income for year 549,136 630,414

1,267,696 1,046,213

Less expenditure for year 782,109 486,900

485,587 559,313

Transfers to/from reserves 69,789 90,053

Closing balance 415,798 469,260

CPPC Draft Accounts 2015-2016

10 CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

● The draft accounts are now to be finalised by the external Auditor.

● Any inquiries about the above accounts should be directed to the Clerk tothe Parish Council – contact details on page 2.

Page 11: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

Recognising the short-comings in local‘disaster planning’, Campbell Park

Parish Council has been at the heart ofmoves to remedy the situation andimprove safety for all.

As part of that CPPC took the lead byhosting a city wide ‘spotlight’ conferenceon Emergency Planning and Response –held at the MK Christian Centre onOldbrook.

In recent months the Parish Council hasbeen working on completion of a Parishwide Emergency Plan.

With CPPC’s policy written, and itsemergency team created and fully kittedout, the next step was to find out wherethe Parish, as a smaller authority, fittedinto the emergency plans of its principleauthority partners: Milton Keynes Council(MKC), Thames Valley Police (TVP),Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service(BFRS) and South Central AmbulanceService (SCAS).

Knowing that is a necessity, as asubstantial part of the Parish falls within the

400 metre exclusion zone for anymajor emergency in the City Centre.

That zone affects three CPPCwards which, in their own righthave potential for problems/risksinvolving: fires in Houses inMultiple Occupancy, Willen Lake,the Grand Union Canal, and OuzelValley flooding in The Woolstones.

So CPPC took the initiative andhosted a major, city-wideconference to enable MK Counciland the three main emergencyservices to present theiremergency plans, and toencourage parish and town councils toprepare their own plans to complementand support them.

And that proved to be a huge success!

Not only did CPPC gain the information itrequired...but its members and staff came

away with new andi n c r e a s e dknowledge.

Among thoseattending were anumber of MiltonKeynes town andparish councils, MKCouncil, the Police,Fire and Ambulanceservices, MKGeneral Hospital, theMK Gallery &Theatre, the

Stadium, the three City Centremanagement companies, and a number ofother major players in Milton Keynes.

There were also representatives of TheDepartment for Communities and LocalGovernment, the National Association ofLocal Councils, and the district and countycouncils associations (MKALC andBMKALC).

Major successes stemming from thegathering included: the knowledge gainedby all attendees, contacts made, and theideas coming from workshop sessions.

It also afforded CPPC members and staff ahuge learning opportunity and gained theParish considerable recognition –confirming its leadership role as a StarCouncil ■

Cllr Tom Fraser

Lead member, CPPC Spotlight Programme

11CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community

CPPC in spotlight as it takes leadon emergency planning

MK Dons’ boss PeteWinkleman addresses

the conference

FOR HIRE: the Springfield & Oldbrook CentresSPRINGFIELD CENTRE● A bright, flexible, spacious, modern communitycentre with two meeting halls, each with its ownkitchen, separated by large entrance hall

● Hall 1: 6 x 16 metres – seats 72 comfortablyHall 2: 6 x 8 metres – seats 40 comfortably

● Landscaped areas front and rear (fenced patio atfront) and adjacent parking

● Available to hire for meetings, group activities,parties and weddings, presentations, seminars etc.

OLDBROOK CENTRE● Overlooking Oldbrook Green this intimate communitycentre consists of two meeting rooms, kitchen, andfenced outdoor children’s area, with parking at the rear

● Hall 1: 9 x 9 metres – seats 72 comfortably. Hall 2: 6 x3 metres – seats 12 comfortably

● Available to hire for meetings, group activities, partiesand weddings, presentations, seminars etc.

● Not available on the evenings of the first Monday, third Tuesdayand fourth Monday of each calendar month

To book either venue: 01908 608559 or email [email protected]

Looking for places to party - look no further!

Page 12: News for where YOU live Homeground - Campbell Park · Larry Harris 01908 675766 Fishermead ... Chris Brown 01908 608559 Willen Phil Shrimpton ... lifesavers CPPC in emergency planning

Something for younger

residents of the Parish...

Hello Children. The summerholidays are almost here, so put

on your sun hat and get outside.Remember to feed the birds, wateryour garden and play in your greenarea.

● The Parish has five picnics youcan come to, with lots of fun thingsto do. ‘Mr Bubbles’ will be there toplay with you, and other activitiesare planned – and its all free. Seeadvertisement on page ?.

● Remember to keep safe whenyou are out without a grownup...and don’t talk to strangers!

● If the weather is hot, drink lotsof water and if you have a pet, likea dog or cat, make sure you havea water bowl in your garden forthem – they need YOU to lookafter THEM. It is not safe for yourpet to drink from a puddle.

● If you see Mitch or John whenyou are out, say hello. You cantalk to them about your greenarea or, if you think somethingmight not be quite right with yourplayground area, like broken glassor a broken swing, they might be

able to sort it out for you.

● I hope to see you at one of thepicnics, so please come and sayhello to me and don’t forget topick up your free bottle ofbubbles at the same time. CllrLarry will be at the picnics, tool.You might remember him fromone of the school assemblies?

● There is another word puzzlefor you to do, so send/or takeyour answer into the Parish Officeby September 1.

● If you have a pet send in aphoto with your pets name andage and don’t forget to put yourname and address on the back. Ifit is printed in the nextHomeground, your pet will win aPets at Home gift card.

● You can also send in a letter,poem or a drawing – and if theyare printed, you will win a booktoken – there are lots of ways towin in Kids Corner!

Talk to you next time. Bye for now ■

Cllr Penny

● Mitch and John – the Parish environment offi-cers – will be out and about as usual, so say helloto them. But, when it comes to other people youdo NOT know, please remember STRANGERDANGER and keep away from them when youare out playing. DO KEEP SAFE ■

?CAMPBELL PARK PARISH COUNCIL – working for your community



Summer time is here

John Mitch

FIND: map, photo, July, pond, pool, stranger, sun,fish, water, park, castle, picnic, church, popcorn,tea – send your answers to us by September 1.

Enjoy solving this puzzle and finding the missing word

Word search fun

● Jan is in the garden at No. 9 Willen Lake. It is a lovely warm,sunny day. Jan has got her sun hat on to keep her head andeyes out of the sun, and is watering her salad, vegetables and


Jan has found lots ofjuicy slugs and snails togo with her green saladand tomatoes for Domand her dinners.

Dom is hoeing aroundhis vegetables to clearthe weeds. He also hashis sun hat on. It is areally hot day.

They both need a glassof ice cold water, andare enjoying being ableto do a spot ofgardening together.

If you go out on a hotday remember to coverup, or put sun creamon and your hat on ■













More tales from Hedgehog Land

Easter competition winners

Pets’ Corner




● Our Easter egghunt (spring issue ofHomegound) waswon by Kay Mustoeof Fishermead. Kayfound all 26 ‘eggs’and won a £10voucher ■

● Above: Cheekygrey squirrel stealingfrom Cllr Penny’sbird feeders. Right:10 year-old ‘rescue’dog Rolo picturedby Peena