Download - [email protected] or visit the website at South Molton Swimming Pool Open Day, Saturday 10th June To celebrate the completion of the recent refur- bishment work,

Transcript For local events and information please see inside


AND COUNTRY CLUB (open to non-residents)

New luxurious restaurant and bar open 7 days a week

Breakfasts, lunch and evening meals Wednesdays 6-9pm

all you can eat curry Monday-Thursday 12noon-2pm

meal deals: 2 meals for £12 Cod and Chips on Friday £8.95

3-day live Irish music weekend Friday 26th May

Saturday 27th May Sunday 28th May

Booking advisable Phone: 01769 579269

Email: [email protected]

New Wednesday Morning Clinic at

Chulmleigh Pavilion!

For more details: Tel: 01769 572176

or visit:

The 2017 South Molton Vintage Rally will be held on

3rd & 4th June at Combsland Cross South Molton (EX36 3NW)

The nominated charities that the Club are supporting are the Children's Hospice South West and the Devon Air Ambulance Trust, hopefully, if all goes to plan, other local worthy causes will also benefit. The planning and preparation for the rally weekend is well under way. Exhibitor entry forms have been circulated to owners and custodians of vintage vehicles and machinery.

Do you own a classic or vintage vehicle that you would like to show at the Rally? If you have not received an entry form please do no hesitate to con-tact 01271 378019. Craft and Trade stall pitches are available, for details contact 07974 026060. The various services needed to transform an agricul-

tural field into a show site have been organised, the only aspect that cannot be arranged in advance is the weather but all involved are hopeful for favourable climatic conditions. There will be much to see, a craft and model marquee, a medley of stalls offering a range of goods and items of interest for all ages, children’s rides and amusements. With a range of delicious food on offer, a chance to enjoy a cup of tea and something to eat from the range of refreshments for sale or perhaps enjoy a delicious Hocking ice cream.

Definitely a fun day out for all the family!

Chimney sweeping

Hetas and APICS registered Brush & vacuum

Certificate issued Insured

Call: Taylor Made Projects on 01271 900450

Devon County Show Thursday 18th - Saturday 20th May at the Devon County Showground at Westpoint, Clyst St Mary EX5 1DJ. Buy your tickets online NOW to beat the queues. Gate Prices: Adult: £21, Over 60s: £19, Child (Thursday/Friday): £8, Child (Sat): £4. Car parking is free and children under 5 also free and there are no booking charges. Tickets also available at the Amory Centre, East Street, Stags, the Square or Mole Valley Farm-ers, Pathfields, South Molton

Beekeeping Experience Days We all know how important bees are, but have you ever wondered what goes on inside a bee-hive? This experience day offers a complete in-troduction to the craft of beekeeping. It’s a great introduction before committing to keeping bees yourself. At Quince Honey Farm, South Molton on Thursdays 11th May, 15th June, 6th July or Saturdays 13th May, 17th June or 8th July from 10am-5pm, cost £135 including lunch. For more information or to book for yourself or as a gift call 01769 572401 [email protected].

Bishops Nympton Parish Church Invites you to an evening of music and en-tertainment on Friday 5th May at 7.30pm

at St Mary’s Bishops Nympton with Jubilate, Ste-ve Dyrde, Harmony 4 plus some lighthearted readings. Light refreshments will be available at the end of the evening. Tickets are £5 on the door. Proceeds from the evening, and the draw, go to the Church’s Open Church Community Project, making the Church even more user-friendly for the whole community!

South Molton Swimming Pool needs you! VACANCY: TRUSTEE

The Board of South Molton Swimming Pool Trus-tees School is actively looking to appoint one, or more, new trustees to our board. Last year the board was successful in obtaining a grant from NDDC to renovate our twenty-five-year-old facilities. This marks the beginning of the further development of the Pool as a viable resource for the next decades: maximising the use of space; increasing footfall; bringing in more revenue; extending the services of the Pool and meeting the needs of an increasing population. At our current stage of development we would particularly – but not exclusively! – welcome trus-tees with financial and/or HR experience. A new trustee could expect to be part of an enthusiastic and positive team. Please contact the Chair: Mrs Susan Sewell ([email protected] or 07768 591908).

South Molton Swimming Pool, Mill Street, South Molton EX36 4AS 01769 572522

[email protected] Registered Charity Number 300972

Simonsbath Festival Tickets are now on sale for the Simonsbath Festi-val. The Festival runs from Bank Holiday Mon-day May 1st to Friday June 23rd. To receive a festival programme email info@simonsbath or phone Victoria on 01643 831343. Information is also online at www.simons To book go to the website, telephone Marian Lloyd on 01643 831451 or email tickets@simonsbathfestival.

Health Awareness Coffee Morning On Thursday 18th May in S Molton Assembly Rooms, 10am - 1pm, free health checks, advice and information from a wide range of local organ-isations will be available - plus refreshments. For more information contact Lyn on [email protected]. Organised by the Rotary Club of S Molton, S Molton Community Connections and North Devon Voluntary Services, supported by S Molton Town Council.

South Molton Flea Market The next flea market takes place on 7th May from 10an until 3pm. This will be celebrating our 4th birthday! Steve Valentine will be singing and we have our usual varied assortment of stalls with our regulars and some new stall holders! Free parking and market café.

Look forward to seeing you all then!

For information and bookings please call 07920 034808

Beekeeping Experience Day Quince Honey Farm South Molton

Get hands on with a hive at one of the UK’s leading honey farms, a brand-new event for 2017. Running on six days throughout spring and sum-mer, the one day course aimed at people aged 16 and over, provides the perfect opportunity for any budding beekeepers out there to get an intro-duction into the craft. It also promises to be a stimulating day out for those who would simply love the chance to spend a day in the stunning North Devon countryside learning about bees. Led by a professional beekeeper, the day begins with some fascinating facts about beekeeping and bees, before it’s time to get suited up in full protective clothing to be shown, up close, the in-ner workings of a hive. Following a tasty, freshly prepared lunch in the café and a guided tour of Quince Honey Farm’s unique Bee World exhibition, the afternoon ses-sion provides the chance to conduct a supervised ‘Beehive Inspection’. This is an opportunity to do some real beekeeping, and to learn how to care for the bees and keep the hive healthy all year round. The knowledgeable resident beekeeper will be on hand to answer any questions, offer up hints and tips and leave participants buzzing with excitement on a day well spent. With bees and beekeeping hitting the headlines now more than ever, it really is a fantastic time to get involved and help bees to thrive in our countryside. The Beekeeping Experience Days cost £135 per person, including lunch and refreshments. Ideal as a gift for a loved one or as a treat for yourself. For more information, or to book, con-tact Quince Honey Farm on 01769 572401, email [email protected] or visit the website at

South Molton Swimming Pool Open Day, Saturday 10th June

To celebrate the completion of the recent refur-bishment work, there will be an Open Day on 10th June from 8.30am to 12.30pm. With free coffee and croissants for our early morning swim-mers, followed by face painting, balloons and games in the pool from 9.45am onwards, not to mention soft drinks and cakes, there's something for everyone! Why not come along and see what's changed and pick up a copy of our latest timetable. There will also be a prize giving for a competition we've been running with the South Molton Schools to help us design a new logo for our newly upgraded pool! If that's not enough to entice you along we are offering a reduced price for any pool party booked on the day and 25% off a block of 20 swims!

We look forward to seeing you there! info@southmolton - or find us on Facebook!

01769 572522

North Devon Voluntary Services After the success of NDVS’ first Vol-unteer celebration event last year, we are hosting another event during National Volunteers’ Week. Our main sponsor, the Cedars Inn, Barnstaple, will host the event on the evening of 7th June. Our aim is to celebrate the work that our volunteers do in the North Devon district area. This year we will have a new category for Young Volunteer of the Year. This is for young people aged 18 years old and under who have been pas-sionate about a cause and gone above and be-yond to support this. For the overall winner of this category there will be a special award presented by the Cedars Inn. All those nominated will be in-vited to the event and presented with a certificate. If your organisation would like to nominate some-one, please complete the appropriate nomination form to be found on the NDVS website at www. The closing date Friday 28th April. Any person nominated must volunteer in the North Devon district area. To find out more, call 01271 866300 or email [email protected]

New Garden Waste Service North Devon will charge for col-lecting garden waste from June. A

green bin collection of garden waste every two weeks will cost £36 a year. You are asked to reg-ister at Food waste will be collected separately every week from June.

S Molton Foodbank, YMCA10am-12.30pm 07542 184276/ 07874 206438 and every Thursday

Rural Outreach advice, Amory Centre, S Molton, 10am-3pm appts 07817 991631 and every Thursday

Citizens Advice Bureau, Amory Centre, S Molton appointments 03444 111444 & every Thursday

Plough & Share Credit Union, Amory Centre, S Molton, 10am-12noon and every Thursday

Coffee morning, Squire Ct, S Molton,11am & every Thursday Thursday Craft Group, Age Concern, S Molton, 2-4pm 01769

575952 and every Thursday Sequence Dance Club, Church Hall, S Molton, 7.30pm N Devon Folk Choir, Amory Centre, S Molton, 7.30 and every

Thursday 5 Library Stitchers, S Molton Library, 4-5.30 & every Friday Quiz and Carvery for S Molton Rotary, Sportsman's Inn,

Sandyway, 7pm 01598 711835 Evening of Music and Entertainment for Community Project,

Parish Church, Bishops Nympton, 7.30pm Bishops Nympton Gardening Club, Parish Hall, 7.30pm Diary of a Space Ambassador, Jo Richardson, AGM, Tiverton

Astronomical Society, Blundell’s Prep School, 7.30pm 01884 242226

Three Hares talk, Methodist Hall, S Molton, 7.30pm 6-7 International Guild of Knot Tyers AGM and exhibition,

Assembly Rooms, S Molton, 10am-5pm 6 Pannier Market, S Molton 8am-1pm & every Saturday Sat Plant Sale, Village Hall, Chittlehamholt, 10am-12noon 01769

540389 Lego Club, S Molton Library 10-12am & every Saturday Coffee morning, Methodist School Room, Chittlehampton,

10.30am-12noon Jumble Sale for E Worlington Pre-school, 2-4pm S Molton Circuit Choir for Refurbishment and Development

funds, Methodist Church, 7.30pm Mankala, African music, St Luke’s Simonsbath, 7.30pm 01643

831451 Simonsbath Festival Dance for Hall funds, Parish Hall, Knowstone, 8 Bett & Audrey Ian Higgott live, S Molton Conservative Club, 9pm 7 Coastal Archaeology, Porlock Weir Car Park, 9.30-11.30am

book 07817 386199 Car Boot sale, old Tesco, Barnstaple 10-2pm 07999 445489 and

every Sunday Flea Market, Pannier Market, S Molton, 10am-3pm 07989

619745 Point to Point, Devon and Somerset Staghounds, Holnicote, 2pm

01398 341317/ 01643 831262 8 Yoga, YMCA SMolton, 6.30-7.30am 07808663021 & everyMon Molton Meddlers, Pannier Market, 9.30am and every Monday S Molton Community Connections, Amory House, 10am-1pm

01769 572501 and every Monday S Molton WI AGM, Methodist Hall, 2pm Badminton, Parish Hall, Filleigh, 7.30pm and every Monday Bingo, Village Hall, Chittlehampton, 7.30pm Boy on the Farm, S Kingdom, AGM, Friends of S Molton

Church, Parish Church, 7.30pm 01769 573558 Mediterranean Plants, T Underhill, Chulmleigh and District

Garden Soc, Pavilion, Chulmleigh,. 7.30pm 01769 580719 9 Musical Memories for those with dementia, Age Concern, S

Molton, 2-3.30pm 10 Coffee House, Methodist Hall, Oldways End, 10.30am-12noon Chulmleigh and District Garden Soc, outing to Trebah and

Glendurgan 01769 580719 Mining and Mystery, Wheal Eliza, guided walk from

Simonsbath, 11am-1pm David Kennard talk, St Luke’s Simonsbath, 7.30pm book

01643 831451 Simonsbath Festival 11 Memory Café, Amory Centre, S Molton 10.30am-12.30pm

MAY 1-23rd June Simonsbath Festival 1-6 Edge of Exmoor Artists exhibition, Heritage Centre,

Dulverton, 07969 243887 1-6 Refuse and recycling collections one day late this week 1 Early Spring Bank Holiday Plant Sale and Coffee Morning for Church Tower Fund, Lamb

Cottage, Charles, 10am S Molton Strugglers walk, from S Molton Square, 10.30am,

01769 572506 2 miles Fundraising walk for Filleigh Village Hall, Swallowford, 2pm

01598 760332 May Day Celebration, Simonsbath, 2pm 01643 831451

Simonsbath Festival Point to Point, Stevenstone Hunt, Vauterhill 2 Parents and Toddlers group, Parish Hall, Kingsnympton, 9-11 Molton Meddlers, Pannier Market, 9.30am & every Tuesday Coffee morning, Old School, N Molton, 10-12noon & every Tue Rural Outreach advice, Amory Centre, S Molton, 10am-1pm

appointments 07817 991631 and every Tuesday Yoga, Parish Hall, Bishops Nympton, 10.15-11.45am 01884

253229 and every Tuesday Bounce & Rhyme, S Molton Library, 10.30am & every Tues S Molton Hearing Loss Group, Age Concern Pop-in, 2-4pm

01271 373236 Meditation, Simon Millward, Rose and Crown, S Molton,

6.30pm 01769 579829 and every Tuesday Zen meditation, Being Well Clinic, S Molton, 7pm 01769

540135 and every Tuesday Bishops Nympton Dance Cl, Parish Hall, 6.30pm & every Tues Dance classes, Village Hall, Filleigh 01769 572384& every Tues American Square Dancing, St John’s Community Centre,

Barnstaple, 7-9pm 01769 579680 and every Tues Silver Spurs 3 Coffee morning, Chapel Schoolroom, Burrington, 10-11.30am

and every Wednesday Computer and Gadget Help, S Molton Library, 10-12noon and

every Wednesday S Molton Men’s Shed, Scout Hut, 10am-12noon Exmoor Pony Stallion Parade, Ralegh’s Cross, 10.30am-

12.30pm 01884 839930 Cook and Eat, S Molton U3A, Parish Hall, Bishops Nympton Feel better with a book Library, S Molton, 10am 01769 572128 S Molton Volunteer Bureau, Amory Centre, 2-4pm 01769

573167 Writing Group, S Molton Library, 2-4pm 01769 572128 Heritage Tour walk, from Heritage Centre, Dulverton, 3-4pm

07969 243887 T’ai Chi/Chi Kung , W Anstey Village Hall, Yeo Mill, 5.30-

6.30pm 01398 332104 and every Wednesday Short Mat Bowls, Parish Hall, Bishops Nympton, 7.30pm 07772

757124 and every Wednesday Social Badminton, Parish Hall, Kings Nympton, 7.30-10pm

01769 580581 and every Wednesday Dance classes, Village Hall, Filleigh 01769 572384 & every Wed 4 -29th June Three Hares exhibition, S Molton Museum 4 County Council Elections Country Market, Pannier Mkt, S Molton 8.30-1 and every

Thurs N Devon Voluntary Services drop-in, Amory Centre, S Molton

10am-1pm 07531 447222 & every Thursday

Traditional country pub with an attached campsite and swimming pool

Sky Sports Open 7 days a week with great locally sourced foods

Tel: 01769 550297 Email: [email protected]

South Molton, Devon EX36 3NW


Royal British Legion Welfare drop-in, Amory Centre, S Molton, 12-2pm 0808 802 8080

Seated Heritage Tour, Heritage Centre, Dulverton, 4pm book 07969 43887

Fascinating bats, Devon Wildlife Expert, Chulmleigh Society, Red Lion, 7.30pm 01769 581398

12 Colours of Love, E Devon Choral Society, Parish Church, Dulverton, 5.45 for 6.30pm

Puddings, Songs and Savouries, Parish Church, High Bray, 7 Quiz and Carvery for Exmoor Benefice, Sportsman’s Inn,

Sandyway, 7 for 7.30pm 01643 831330 A United Kingdom, (12A), Town Hall, Dulverton, 7pm Light between the Oceans (12A), Rural Cinema, Pavilion,

Chulmleigh, 7.30pm 01769 580005 Veronica Sbergia and Max De Bernardi, country blues,

George S Molton, 8pm 01805 624624 Plough Arts 13-14 National Mills Weekend Plant Sale, Plant Heritage, Rosemoor, Torrington 10am-3pm Garden open, Old Vicarage, W Anstey 01398 341604 NGS Simonsbath Sawmill open 10am-4pm 01643 831202 Spring Gala, Lynton and Lynmouth Railway, Woody Bay

Station, 10am-5pm 01598 763487 13 Coffee morning, Chulmleigh and District Garden Soc, Town Sat Hall, 9am 01769 580719 Breakfast Morning and Stalls, Village Hall, Morbath, 10am-

12noon 01398 332334 Creative Writers Group, S Molton Library, 10am-12noon

01769 572128 Spring Plant Sale, Victory Hall, N Molton, 10.30am-12noon Plant Sale/Coffee Morning, Village Hall, Exford, 10.30-12 Point to Point racing, Minehead Harriers, Holnicote, 2pm

07735 619613 14 Lyra Ensemble from St Petersburg, St Luke’s, Simonsbath,

7.30pm Simonsbath Festival 15 Deadline for June’s edition of the Community News Open Day, Simonsbath Sawmill, 10am-4pm 01643 831202 AGM, Chittlehamholt Village Hall, 7.30pm 16 AGM, Bishops Nympton WI, Parish Hall, 7.30pm 17 Coffee morning, Village Hall, Chittlehamholt Hostas, Peter Savage, Knowstone and Rose Ash Gardening

Club, Village Hall, Rose Ash 01884 881325 Red Deer, Jochen Langbein, talk, St Luke’s, Simonsbath,

7.30pm Simonsbath Festival 18-20 Devon County Show 18 Health Awareness coffee morning, Assembly Room S Molton,

10am-1pm See Hear on Wheels, Southley Road S Molton 01271 373236 The Lowest Pair, American roots, George, S Molton, 8pm

01806 624624 Plough Arts Acoustic Night, Old Coaching Inn, S Molton, 8-11pm 19 Library Book Group, S Molton Library, 2.30-4pm Dracula and the Bloody Truth, Community College,

Chulmleigh, 7pm book 01769 580215 Beaford Arts Quiz and Carvery for Filleigh School, Sportsman’s Inn,

Sandyway, 7 for 7.30pm 20-3 June Quaker Tapestry exhibition, Temple Methodist

Church, Taunton, 10am-4pm 20 Dougie Dugdug, S Molton Methodists, Assembly Rooms, 6pm Sat Plant Sale, coffee morning, Knowstone/Rose Ash Gardening

Club, Village Hall, Rose Ash, 10am-12noon 01884 881325 Beetle Drive, Parish Hall, Knowstone, 7pm Quiz Night, Parish Hall, Bishops Nympton Nightwalk for N Devon Hospice 21 Antique Market, Pannier Market, S Molton, 10am-3pm Dougie Dugdug, S Molton Methodist Church, 11am Open Garden, Furze Bray Farm, 2-6pm 01769 573558 Point to Point racing, Dulverton West, Bratton Down, 2pm


Dominick’s Close, Parsonage Lane, South Molton

01769 573636

Day &Night



Seater Buses


A Traditional Sweet Shop ... where you can be a child again!

01598 740204 Dowsing, John Bowers, Filleigh History Soc, Village Hall, 7.30 23-26 Flying Scotsman on West Somerset Railway www.flying 23 Coffee House, W Anstey Village Hall, Yeo Mill, 10.30-12noon Musical Memories for those with dementia, Age Concern, S

Molton, 2-3.30pm S Molton Town Council meetings, Town Hall, 6.30pm 24 John Knight talk, Rob Wilson-North, St Luke’s Simonsbath,

7.30pm Simonsbath Festival 25 Ascension Day Coffee morning for Dementia UK, Assembly Rooms, S Molton Market Stall, Village Hall, W Buckland Heritage Tour walk, from Heritage Centre, Dulverton, 3-4pm

07969 243887 26-29 Beer and Cider Festival, Black Cock, Molland 01769 550247 26– 3 June School Half Term 26-28 Live Irish Music weekend, Riverside, S Molton 01769

579269 26 John Knight Lost Mansion and Gardens, walk, ENP/Exmoor

Soc, Ashcombe Car Park, Simonsbath, 1.30-4.30pm 2.5km Simonsbath Festival

La La Land (12A),Town Hall, Dulverton, 7pm Quiz and Carvery for Dulverton Farmers Foxhounds,

Sportsman’s Inn, Sandyway, 7 for 7.30pm 01598 740347 Elizabeth Harrison from Preston, S Molton Organ and

Keyboard Club, Methodist Hall, 7.30pm 01769 574677 S Molton Jazz Club, George, 8-11pm 01769 572514 27 Farmers Market, Lion Car Park, Dulverton, 10am-2.30pm Sat Sam Green and the Midnight Heist, Devon rock/blues band,

Parish Hall, Kings Nympton, 7.30pm book 01769 572414 Beaford Arts

Dime Notes Jazz Band, St Luke’s Simonsbath, 7.30pm Simonsbath Festival

29 -3 June Refuse and Recycling collections one day late this week 29 Spring Bank Holiday Duck Race, Bray Bridge, Brayford, 2pm; dog show, Methodist

Car Park, 1pm Point to Point racing, S Tettcott, Upcott Cross, Halwill Junction

01409 281235 30 Tarr Steps Discovery Day, ENP, 11am-3pm 31 John Knight talk, Rob Wilson-North, Exmoor U3A, Fishers

Mead Community Centre, Dulverton10.15 for 10.30am

JUNE 1 Activity Afternoon, Exmoor Pony Centre, 12-3pm 01398 323093 2 Emperor's New Clothes, Illyria Th, Castle Hill, Filleigh, 5pm Quiz and Carvery for N Devon Hospice, Sportsman’s Inn,

Sandyway, 7 for 7.30pm 01271 347213 3-9 Crediton Flower Festival 3-4 S Molton Vintage Rally, Combesland Cross, Bishops Nympton 3 Dance for Hall funds, Parish Hall, Knowstone, 8 Bett & Audrey 4 Yard Sale, Charles, 2pm 01598 710350/092 Point to Point racing, Exmoor Farmers Hunt, Bratton Down,

2pm 01598 763502 Pentecost celebration, S Molton Churches Together, Pannier Mkt 5 Community News AGM, Amory Centre, 2pm 8 Coffee morning, Olde Englishe Fayre, Assembly Rooms. 10am-


The Cheese Larder Purveyors of Fine West Country Cheese Find us on Facebook!

We’ve moved to

The Old Dairy 12 Broad Street

South Molton EX36 3AE

South Molton Citizens Advice Amory Centre, Thursday 10am – 4pm Call 01769 572501 or 03444 111 444 for an appointment

Castle Hill Gardens Filleigh, EX32 0RH

50 acres of privately owned gardens ideal for garden lovers and perfect for youngsters to explore. Stroll amongst woodland, temples, follies and statues and climb to the Castle for outstanding views. Dogs on leads welcome. Refresh with a visit to the tearoom.

Open daily except Saturdays from April 9th 11am–5pm. Adults £6.50, Child (5-15) £3.00, Seniors £6.00

Groups welcome by prior arrangement.

Full calendar of events from April-October. 01598 760336

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The Three Hares What are they? What do they represent? Where do they come from? Come and explore the fascinating stories sur-rounding this mysterious symbol at South Molton Museum during May and June, and by attending a thought-provoking illustrated talk on the subject by well known photographer Chris Chapman. The talk is on Friday, May 5th, at 7.30 pm, in South Molton Methodist Hall, Duke Street, South Molton. Tickets cost £5 (adults) and £2.50 for under 18s, and are available now at the museum; early booking is advised due to limited space! Any remaining tickets can be purchased at the door on the night, at £6 and £3. The exhibition at the museum runs from May 4th- June 29th , during normal museum hours: Mon-days & Tuesdays 1030-1600, Thursdays & Satur-days 1030-1300. Numerous wonderful photos, and a map showing the extraordinary distribution of the symbol is bound to provoke interest. Entry to the museum and exhibition are free – come along and see for yourself!

Thank you Bishops Nympton Parish Church would like to thank everyone who supported their quiz and car-very evening at the Sportsman’s Inn, Sandyway on 31st March. It was good to see so many friends old and new. A total of £635 was made for Church funds, much needed as the church tower needs repairing this summer!

The Umberleigh Garden Show Saturday 5th. August 2017 Photography Competition Once again, the Umberleigh Garden Show will be hosting its popular Photographic Competition, so now's the time to start hunting for this year's "Perfect Picture". Watch out for the full Show Schedule, to be is-sued in June, with details of how to enter.

South Molton Meddlers Please come and join us on Monday 8th May and or Tuesday 9th May to help The Meddlers paint several exterior walls on the old site of SMR Phoenix Recycling shop. Owned by the North Devon Council (across the road from the rear of the Pannier Market) the whole fenced in area is "plum ugly" and if ever anywhere needs a make-over this is it. The NDC have given us a "window of opportunity" for a limited period only to get it sorted. The Meddlers have started work there but would appreciate a little help painting. We have the paint, donated by the public, we have brush-es, pots, rags etc. We just need YOU. We start at 9.30am and will go on for around two hours. For more information Brian 6-7pm 01769 573541

Thank you Many thanks to all who attended the coffee morning for North Devon Hospice at the Assem-bly Rooms in South Molton on 30th March. It was a joy to have the children singing their hearts out to entertain us all. £440 was made toward Hos-pice funds. Thank you all!

Village Yard Sale Plants, flea market. Furniture, antiques, clothes, anything and everything… Cream teas, barbecue and fun! Come and join us at Charles on 4th June from 2pm! Please look in your garage, loft and cupboards for anything to donate that you don’t use any more. Let us know by 19th May; any clean and usable items welcome to make this the biggest yard sale ever. All proceeds in aid of Charles Church Tower Fund; contact Jonathan on 01598 710350 or Jane on 01598 710092.

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Funding success for North Devon domestic abuse support

North Devon is set to benefit from £433,000 of government funding to help domestic abuse vic-tims in the district. District Councils, working with expert partner agencies, have been successful in a bid for fund-ing to continue local service provision and devel-op new practices to keep domestic abuse victims and their families safe. This will enhance exist-ing work with local services, including North Dev-on Against Domestic Abuse (NDADA), which provides refuge for local domestic abuse victims and the commissioned service providers of Dev-on Domestic Abuse Services (DDAS) and Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE). The funding will support domestic abuse victims and their families in Devon, bringing together housing services across all eight of Devon’s districts as well as specialist domestic abuse services and two grass roots agencies, Sunrise and Survival Bags Home & Away. The success of the bid will allow consideration of how to do this is the face of dwindling funding and cuts to services. Working together and speaking the same language is key. If you are affected by domestic abuse contact NDADA confidentially on 01271 321946 or go to

Exmoor Arts Trail is a new initiative, designed to make it easy for people to engage with art, craft and photography on and around Exmoor. It includes an interactive map on the website giving details of art and craft galleries, shops, open studios, workshop venues, painting holidays, and cafés, pubs, hotels and restaurants which have art for sale. Visit www, to use the map or to find more information.

PLANT SALE Chittlehamholt This year’s sale will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday May 6th from 10 am until noon. Once again we have all the regular stall-holders booked so we can look forward to a breath-taking choice of plants. This will be backed by the ex-pertise that the stallholders so willingly share. After 25 years of successful sales we can surely say it has stood the test of time.

Sam Green & the Midnight Heist A Devon rock/blues band from Beaford Arts will be at Kings Nympton Parish Hall on Saturday 27th May at 7 for 7.30pm; student sup-port act on stage at 7.30pm. Pay bar; draw. Tick-ets are £7.50 child £4.50—for food option add £5 (jerk chicken & sides) Please book by phoning 01769 572414. Cocktails & food in the garden!!

The award winning

Quaker Tapestry is on show in Taunton, where this global commu-nity project began. More than 350 years of social history and fascinating stories are brought to life in 20 vibrant embroidered panels. Join this visual journey through Quaker influences on modern times from the industrial revolution, develop-ments in science and medicine, to social reform and peace-building. This free exhibition is open from 20th May until 3rd June 10am-4pm (closed Sundays) at the Temple Methodist Church, Up-per High Street, Taunton TA1 3PY. Children’s activities, gift shop, refreshments. For more de-tails contact Joanna Rossiter 01823 275765, [email protected],

How to register to vote You need to be on the electoral register to vote in elections and referendums. The list is a public document and you must ensure that you are in-cluded on it. If your name is not included on the list you will not be able to vote. You can register to vote if you are 16 years of age and over, resi-dent in the UK and you are: a UK citizen a qualifying Commonwealth citizen a citizen of the Irish Republic a citizen of the European Union (EU) not legally excluded from voting You can now register to vote online at uk/register-to-vote. You will need your National Insurance number and date of birth.




125 East St, South Molton EX36 3BU 9am-5pm Monday-Friday 01769 572501

Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111444 Thursday, by appointment only 01769 572501 Community News S Molton & District 01769 575528 Councillors’ surgery 2nd Saturday 10am-11am 01769 572501 Library 01769 572128 Tuesday 9am-5pm Wednesday 9am-1pm Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-1pm Member of Parliament surgery Quarterly by appointment 01271 327990 Memory Café for those with memory problems 2nd Thursday 10.30am-12.30pm 01271 311630 North Devon Council Customer Advice Mon, Tues, Thurs 9am-5pm 01769 572501 North Devon Voluntary Service drop-in Thursday 10am-1pm 01271 866300 Plough and Share Credit Union Thursday 10am-12noon 01837 658123 Royal British Legion welfare drop-in 2nd Thursday 12noon-2pm 07884 886050 Rural Outreach Advice Service from Encompass SW Tuesday 10am-1pm Thursday 10am-3pm Appointments recommended 07817 991631 S Molton Community Connections Monday 10am-12noon Thursday 10am-1pm 01769 572501 South Molton Town Council Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm 01769 572501 South Molton Town Clerk Surgery Tuesday 2-4pm 01769 572501 South Molton Volunteer Bureau 1st Wednesday 2-4pm 01769 573167 Yoga Thursday 10-11.30am 07984 994520


South Molton Pannier Market 10am to 3pm

21st May 18th June 16th July 20th August

17th September 15th October 19th November 17th December

Visit to buy and sell antiques

COMMUNITY NEWS S Molton & District Please get news, adverts and events for our June issue to us by 15th May. To advertise in the 24 parishes around S Molton, or to contribute, please write to us, or drop off messages, at the Amory Centre, 125 East St, S Molton EX36 3BU, email us at moltonnews@, or call 01769 575528 answerphone. Events can also be entered in the Events Diary at the Amory Centre reception. The News is also published on the internet at www, & Facebook. Thank you for your support!

Nightwalk Get your friends together and join the biggest la-dies night of the year! Walk, Celebrate, Care on Saturday 20th May in support of the North Devon Hospice. This year’s Nightwalk will include UV light shows, prosecco, fire performers, live music and different routes to choose from. Routes range from 3 to 11 miles in length, registration is £20 and signing up is easy at - or pick up leaflet locally.

Don’t Forget! Refuse and recycling collections will be one day late after the Bank Holi-days on 1st and 29th May.

LEAP A new energy and money saving service free for some local residents. All the Devon councils in the CosyDevon partner-ship are offering local residents the new Local Energy Advice Programme (LEAP). If you are on a low income, have a child under 5, receive Housing Benefit or an income or disabil-ity related benefit or have a long term illness or disability you may be eligible. Call 0800 060 7567 to book a free home visit to see what ener-gy saving measures you can benefit from. Apply online at www,