Download - News Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #22

  • 8/4/2019 News Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #22


    Subject: NewsBulletinfromAidanBurleyMP#22

    Date: Thursday,1September201109:40:09UnitedKingdomTime

    From: AidanBurleyMP

    To: [email protected]

    In this edition:

    Aidan Burley MPs DiaryWebsite of the Week:Lichfield PrintersMP invites local groupsto have their say on thefuture of the Chase

    Photo news:Midlands Today interviewon police response to riotsRioters to be deportedfollowing Cannock ChaseMP pressureMP supports boost to localpubs in Cannock ChaseReminder:Aidan Burley MP's Cannockand Rugeley Jobs FayresAidan in the papers:

    High life for officialsAidan in the papers:Family adoption fury as girl,six, faces being sent toAmerica to live withunrelated manHow to contactAidan Burley MP

    Issue 22 Thursday 1st September 2011

    Since the last edition, Aidan has:

    Been interviewed on BBC Midlands Today about the policetactics in responding to the rioting Aidan argued thattheir initial strategy of stand and observe the looters waswrong and that the Police should have been quicker to makearrests.

    Congratulated all local students who received theirA Level

    and GCSE results over the past fortnight.

    Announced a second Jobs Fayre, this time in Rugeley forFriday 30th September 2011, to compliment his Cannock

    Jobs Fayre on 23rd September. For more see below.

    Been quoted in the Daily Star, criticizing House of Commonsofficials formis-using taxpayer funded credit cards.

    Written to local groups and organisations in Cannock Chaseinviting them to put forward their views regarding how best tosecure the future of Cannock Chase forest.

    Met with a group ofex street wardens to set up a new groupin Rugeley called Solutions 4 u. The group is in its very

    early stages, but are wanting to replicate the role of streetwardens, making sure that residents had correct informationon what is on offer locally.

    Website of the Week:

    The website of the Rugeley based printing firmLichfield Printers.

    MP invites local groups to have theirsay on the future of the Chase

    Aidan has written to local groups and organisations in Cannock Chaseinviting them to put forward their views regarding how best to securethe future of Cannock Chase forest.

    After much trying, Aidan finally managed to secure a meeting (in July)

    with a senior representative of the Independent Panel on Forestry, setup in March 2011, to advise the Government on a new approach toforestry policy in England.The Secretariat of the Panel has now written to Aidan asking him toidentify a small number of key local groups who will be able to putforward their views on the future of Cannock Forest directly to thePanel. They were not planning to do this before Aidan's intervention.

    Aidan said: "I am delighted that the Independent Panel on Forestryhas asked me to identify a small number of key local groups who willbe able to put forward their views on the future of Cannock Forestdirectly to the Panel Secretariat.

    I know from my postbag that there are many local people who carevery deeply about the future of Cannock Chase that's why I wasdetermined to do all I could to ensure their views were heard.I want local groups to make the best case for retaining and improvingthe facilities of our forest and so have written to them today invitingthem to engage directly with the Panel."The Panel's decision to finally engage with local people in CannockChase comes after Aidan secured a meeting in the House ofCommons with their Secretariat. This followed their decision not tovisit Cannock Chase as part of their round of fact finding visits.

    At the meeting, Aidan presented the representative with a dossierabout Cannock Chase and urged that as a visit was not possible,representatives of the Panel should, at the very least, speak to localstakeholders so they can contribute their views to the report.The report will include looking at how woodland cover can beincreased and the options for enhancing public benefits from allwoodlands and forests.

    Photo news:Midlands Today interviewon police response to riots

    Aidan being interviewed on BBC Midlands Today about thepolice tactics in responding to the rioting Aidan argued that

    their initial strategy of stand and observe the looters was wrongand that the Police should have been quicker to make arrests.

    Rioters to be deported followingCannock Chase MP pressure

    Government Minister confirmsplans to deport foreign rioters, afterAidan Burley urged the Prime Ministerduring Parliamentary recall debate

    Click on the image above to watch Aidan Burley MP questionthe Prime Minister during the recall debate on riots.

    Aidans question begins at 2:44.32.

    Chase MP Aidan Burley has hailed the Governments plans to deportnon-UK citizens who rioted in Britains cities this month, as a victoryfor decent, law abiding Britons.The Governments announcement that action would be taken toremove foreign rioters comes a week after Aidan raised the issue withthe Prime Minister, in an emergency House of Commons debate.Commenting, Aidan said: I am pleased that the Immigration Minister,Damien Green, has taken up my suggestion of sending home foreignthugs who participated in rioting and looting this month. It is a victoryfor decent, law abiding Britons, and sends a clear message to otherswho would be tempted to do the same.The Government is correct that firm justice is whats necessary in this

    case. Im just pleased to play may part, representing the views ofordinary residents in Cannock Chase.

    MP supports boost to local pubsin Cannock Chase

    Aidan Burley MP doing his bit for British Pub Week last year byworking a shift behind the bar at Mill Farm pub in Cannock.

    Aidan Burley enthusiastically supports the Government's review whichwill boost the number of local pubs. As part of its commitment to theGreat British pub, the Government last week launched a review ofrestrictive covenants, a legal clause that can be used to preventcommunity pubs reopening as public houses following a sale.In just 5 years under Labour - between 2004 and 2009 - some 572pubs are said to have been permanently lost following a sale with a

    restrictive covenant, potentially depriving thousands of regulars of animportant community asset.Commenting Aidan said: "Pubs are hubs of community life, asimportant to the local social scene as they are to the local economyhere in Cannock Chase. But time is being called at too many of our'locals', depriving people of treasured places to get together in thecommunity."We are putting the people back in charge, giving them the power tostep in and save their much-loved community assets. By reviewingthis restrictive red tape we will enable people to use their collective

    powers to ensure that their locals remain local and continue to thrive

    at the heart of every local community".


    Aidan Burley MP would like to remind all local people about the twoJobs Fayres he has organised in Cannock and Rugely, to be held on

    Friday 23rd

    September and Friday 30th

    September 2011.

    Aidan was over-whelmed with the positive response to his organisingthe Jobs Fayre in Cannock, and has taken up a suggestion byRugeley Traders Association to organise another Jobs Fayre,specifically focussed on Rugeley businesses and residents.These Jobs Fayres come on the back of the latest unemploymentfigures announced recently, which show that the number ofunemployed claimants in Cannock Chase constituency in July 2011was 2,357. This represents a rate of 4.9% of the economically activepopulation aged 16 to 64, the 310th highest of the 650 UKconstituencies. The number of claimants is the same as in July 2010

    and 19 higher than in June 2011.For further details about the Jobs Fayres, or to reserve a stall, pleasecontact Claire Wixon on 01543 502 447 or [email protected] already confirmed for the Jobs Fayres include:

    You can also read more about the Jobs Fayres here.

    Aidan in the papers:High life for officialsDaily Star

    Monday 15th August 2011

    House of Commons officials have sparkedfury by using taxpayer-funded credit cards

    to pay for wine and luxury hotels.Parliamentary workers have spent awhopping 1.5million on public plastic inthree years.The bill includes a 7.21 Nandos tab and a 3.02 Burger King meal.They also spent 10.50 on posh La Perla tights and 450 at boozemerchants Majestic Wine.Other barmy buys include 189 on French lessons, a 3,701 stay inThe Claridges hotel in New Delhi, India, and an 885 blender.

    Tory MP Aidan Burley said: No-one begrudges officials spendingmoney on items essential to their work.But I fail to see how that includes language lessons or luxury hotels.

    A spokesman for the Commons said spending on the cards wastightly controlled.

    Aidan in the papers:

    Family adoption fury as girl, six, facesbeing sent to America to live withunrelated manSusie Boniface, Sunday Mirror

    Sunday 14th August 2011

    A six-year-old girl is being sent fromEngland to the US to live with a stepfathershe hardly knows... after social workers

    refused to let her blood relatives adopt her.

    A court ruled that the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons,should be raised by the man even though shes had barely anycontact with him for the past three years.Social workers refused attempts by the girls grandmother, great-auntand great- uncle to look after her and now her family are terrifiedthey will never see her again.The girl who we shall call Laura was born to a young woman withlearning difficulties who became pregnant after a casual relationship.Five months into the pregnancy Lauras mum began seeing the

    American and, six months after Laura was born in 2005, the couplegot married.But two years into the marriage, after accusations of violence on bothsides, the mum who has a low IQ left, leaving Laura with herstepfather.For a while the American and Lauras grandmother shared her care and Lauras mum remained in regular contact.But in 2008 the stepfather announced he was returning home.

    Lauras family called police, accusing the American of intending to usea re-registered birth certificate naming him as the father to get her apassport in his name and take her with him.He was not arrested or charged with any offence but the police stilltook Laura to live with her gran, who had won a temporary residencyorder. She had worked most of her life as a carer and hoped toformally adopt Laura.The American has launched his own custody bid, backed by socialworkers who say hes her psychological father and that she hasexpressed a wish to be with him. All that stands in the way of himtaking her home with him is a US visa.

    This week the grandmother said: Only a miracle will keep her here. Iam speaking out now to stop this happening to another family.I also want my granddaughter to know one day, when she is grownup and comes looking for us, that we loved her and did everything wecould to look after her.We have a close extended family and none of us has ever been introuble with the law, so we never expected any problems adopting.The social workers said she was traumatised at leaving herstepfather, but when the police brought her she ran to me all excited,shouting Nanny! Nanny!Nonetheless, social workers said that while the grandmother hadgiven excellent physical care to Laura, she had not given herappropriate emotional care.They said there werent enough pictures of the American in thegrandmothers home and she was opposed to his looking after Laura.The family have since seen reports from a foster carer about the littlegirl saying how much she missed her nana.In 2009 social workers won a full care order and, much to the distressof her family, Laura was put in a foster home while her stepfathers-

    background was assessed.Laura has been in foster care for the past 21 months. Hergrandmother is no longer allowed to see her, and the girls mother isable to see her for just an hour a week. She talks to her stepfatherover Skype. Moves by Lauras great-aunt and great- uncle to adoptwere rejected because of the contact she would then have with hergrandmother.

    And Lauras mum says she was persuaded, under the threat of neverbeing allowed to see her again, to sign a document allowing the

    American to take her abroad.

    As her special guardian he needs a visa for her, but US authoritiesruled that her mother must consent or it be proved unnecessary.Social workers took Laura to the US embassy in London last month topush the application through.Two MPs have come out in support of the family. James Paice wroteto social services, saying: I cannot understand how somebody of noblood relationship can be considered for custody over a blood-relative.

    And Aidan Burley raised the case in the House of Commons,criticising social workers for taking quite extreme action based on a

    rather loose interpretation of the term emotional abuse.The grandmother said of her daughter: It has not sunk in yet that sheis about to lose her little girl. She doesnt understand. She says,Shes my daughter and we love each other how can they take heraway?How social workers decide who the girl will live withSocial workers have to decide who the child has the most secure-attachment with and in this case felt the stepfather was that person.However, other relatives with close contact, as Lauras family had,

    would also be considered.

    A child of Lauras age would also be asked herself who she wouldprefer to live with.

    5 ways to contact Aidan Burley MP:

    By Phone: 01543 502 447

    By email: [email protected]

    By post: Aidan Burley MP6 High Green Court,Newhall StreetCannock, WS11 1GR

    In person: Click here for details of how tobook an appointment at AidanBurley MPs regular help andadvice surgeries.

    More news from Aidan Burley MP, coming soonPlease forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. Ifyou have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be addedto the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] JOIN in the subject heading.To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subjectheading.

    Aidan Burley MP Putting Cannock Chase First!

    Published & Promoted by Aidan Burley MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA