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Page 1: Newcomers Trainings and Information E.Perrin-EN GMS.

Newcomers Trainings and Information

E.Perrin-EN GMS

Page 2: Newcomers Trainings and Information E.Perrin-EN GMS.



Departmental Rules Trainings checked by supervisors and EDH

requests Pilot French Integration course: created by BE

for the sector Newcomers Visits and Trainings: creation and

evolution since July 2013 Feedbacks of participants What comes next?

24 June 2014

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EN Departmental rules for trainings

24 June 2014

Will be in catalogue

Will come soon

Will come soon

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Newcomers Trainings checked by Supervisors

24 June 2014

1) At the beginning of each Month, an Email is sent to the supervisorsDear Supervisor, Please find below a link to May's newcomers list and associated training list.Based on the Department rules, we have assigned your newcomer to a set of training courses. We would be grateful if you could check if the selection already made is applicable for your newcomer. In case you want them to attend additional trainings, please tick the appropriate boxes. *For Fellows: 1st language course is to be charged on budget code 10208 and not on their own group budget code. Once you review done, please select "Checked by Supervisor" in the "Status" tab. Could you please review your newcomer's training by Wednesday 30th of April EOD. A paper version of the training list will be distributed by the DAO office to each newcomer the day of their arrival. This document will also be available in the SharePoint mentioned above. We will centrally enrol (EDH training request) the newcomers to the training courses selected.  Thank you for your contribution,Best Regards The DAO Office

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Newcomers Trainings checked by Supervisors

24 June 2014

2) By clicking on the link :, access to a sharepoint list to tick:

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Newcomers Trainings checked by Supervisors

3) DAO Office creates the EDH training requests

24 June 2014

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Participation to the Pilot French Integration course since June


24 June 2014


DATESJun-13 0 2         2Aug-13 0 1         1Sep-13 2 0 2       4Dec-13 1 1 1       3Jan-14 1 3   1     5Feb-14 2 0       1 3Apr-14 1 1         2May-14 0 2     1   3Jun-14 0 2 1       3


7 12 4 1 1 1 26

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Evolution of Newcomers visits and trainings

July to December 2013: Only one presentation by Emanuele and Gaetan

about CERN, EN and Informatics Environment Ajustement of tasks between an English speaker

versus a French computer expert Creation of computer guides in French and English

24 June 2014

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December 2013:

Discussion at ENMB about a visit tour of CERN/EN installations

Visit test with Roberto Saban + all group leaders to decide the schedule of the morning (Point 1, SM18 and CCC…)

New presentation created by Groups Leaders to differenciate informatics from CERN and EN information

Organisation: 20 helmets, doodle, guides for Atlas (F. Butin or B.Nicquevert) , booking rooms, creation of schedule template, coffee break,….

24 June 2014

Evolution of Newcomers visits and trainings

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January 2014: first visit ….a success !

24 June 2014

Evolution of Newcomers visits and trainings

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Schedule of the visit day

24 June 2014

The schedule is established by the group leader and then given to the newcomers in paper version the day of arrival.

It is also sent by email as a reminder.

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Checklist of actions to organise the visit

24 June 2014

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«Newcomers Trainings & Visits» since January 2014

Visit Spots

Months Group Leader Point 1 SM18 CCC ATLAS VC ATLAS Caverne Workshop Zone BE

January Simon X X X X

Februray Francesco X X X

March François X X X X

April Mauro X X X X

May Roberto L. X X X

June Sylvie X X

24 June 2014

Break July and August: No Visit

November 2014: ATLAS caverne closed – Visit to be replaced by ??

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Participation by status to the «Newcomers Trainings and Visits»

since January 2014

24 June 2014

12 newcomers1 group leader1 accompagnant


MONTHSJanuary 0 5 3 3 1   0 0 0 12

February 3 4 1 0 0   0 4 0 12March 1 4 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 12April 0 4 2 1   1 1 0 1 10May 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 6 12June 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 9


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Feedbacks of participants to the «Visits and Trainings for


“Just wanted to thank you for all the support and hard work today; it can really make a difference for a newcomer at CERN and it really is a wonderful idea”. (Cristovao Barreto-TECH-visit Jan)

“Thank you for organising the newcomer training and visits. I found it a nice way to get to know the department as well as other newcomers.” (Juha Kemppinen-DOCT-visit Jan)

“It is one thing to see the CERN on Internet or video, there is another to see it in real , it is much more impressive. This is my first visit to CERN and I greatly appreciated , thank you also . The dynamism and clarity of speech of different people did a lot too. Finally , it was rarely given me to interact with a department head in my previous job and personally I enjoyed this approach and this interaction , it was very rewarding” .(Cedric Patou-STAFF-visit February)

“I was a technical student some years ago and nothing even close to this was done. Even if I now knew many more things about CERN, I can really appreciate that this is very valuable! I particularly enjoyed the ATLAS part and the enthusiasm of the engineer explaining it.” (Daniel Garcia-FELL- visit April)

“ La visite d’Atlas m’a beaucoup impressionnée. J’avais pourtant vu de nombreuses photos sur Internet, mais ce n’est rien comparé au fait d’en être aussi proche et de se sentir si petit ! Donc en peu de temps nous sommes parvenus à voir un grand nombre d’installations, je regrette seulement que la visite n’ai pas été plus longue ”. (Alexandre Giraud-TECH- visit May)

24 June 2014

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What comes next?

Only one list accessible in the Logistics Sharepoint to group all information by tabs:

24 June 2014

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17 24 June 2014

What comes next?

Secretaries: to fill in offices, keys, phones…..

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18 24 June 2014

What comes next?

Supervisors: to check and tick the trainings

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What comes next?

24 June 2014

Participants to the visit

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20 24 June 2014

What comes next?

DAO office: fill in French course, trip, etc..

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What comes next?

24 June 2014

This tab will compile the participants’ names and status all through the year making it possible to create satistics.

It will also be an helpful tool to avoid duplication of invitations in case of change of status.

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