Download - Newbie Induction check list-example

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Newie Induction Cycle Description

This tool is a checklist of the learning and development needs for your new members across all functions.

Your individual timeline and activities may differ, but crossing these required minimums off

your list is a step in the right direction to ensuring our Talent Capacity drives GCDP/GIP!

Explanation of the sheets:

All the sheets provide suggested content and links to previously done sessions and materials that you can use and tailor towards your entity. Similarly, each content is given a suggested aspect of the Global Learning Environment. When creating a tailored local

induction program please try to balance and engage all aspects of the Global Learning Environment for an amazing experience!

1. Newie Induction Checklist This sheet incorporates all the learning & development new members need to engage with. Each activity is spilt into Knowledge/

Skill/Attitude or Action step that your VP TM needs to consider.

2. Functional Sheet Checklist These sheets incorporate the learning and development needs of specific functional members. It uses a similar format

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Newie Induction Check-list

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