Download - New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-03-03. · «Kto^-Otâ fflriïMttt VOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav ^ir,^0^0:^^'nd NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MAI« II 1913.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT4\'T

Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1913-03-03. · «Kto^-Otâ fflriïMttt VOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav ^ir,^0^0:^^'nd NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MAI« II 1913.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT4\'T

«Kto^-Otâ fflriïMtttVOL LXXII..N0 24,211 rodav ^ir,^0^0:^^ 'nd NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MAI« II 1913.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE ONE CENT4\'T InCltTof >'ew*iork. .Ii-raeytlty and Hehokes,



Utterances of the "PeerlessLeader" Significant in

View of Likely Cab¬inet Post.


Should Set a Shining Exampleto the Powers of the

World of ReducingAnna meats. He


iS C. March 2. WilliamJennings i.rv;,t«, th« 8* rctarj of Btat<m Mr Wilson's Cabinet,.rding to

at« ni rer-orta, spol r- «-iRiit thousand .. r ,

ring .. ~i lal gi e« ,.;. the \

Carolina Psa<*e Conference. « tutsm aalon in this ., two da

Mr- Introduced i.» Governor Cxa g.a-ho refarred to Mr Bryan aa itu«greatest apoatle «.f the «Prince of i'- a"ti earth t«*Hday, thi a*orld's foremen

n «sis*] the highest > x. mpk of n

imanahipMr Bryan de lar« d thai

imperative dtHy of the l'i ted -

Mil] t«« e-"i <¦! at« in ry wayble with tl .. i«, '«r'.l poweri

ti. a of th« a orld «¦.¦¡mi aig-r for. to «set «hinlna amph oi

rHssi'iaam«gBt He fl< r d ih Cnit« «i«States «was «peculiai Ucd in local ion

d ^taniiim; among ion* of h¦:: lo boMI) take this itand

The speaker n inn rated s the g¦'i t«-.r»- tl

«al .¦. h« teresl ..,-.-.

x ...

had advanced I rom .. «

luipment to that point » hi :¦

e of <«,]. r-annon a.- man and natlona arere runningdebt i" bi .''. monai r gun« incr«

¦;.¦. .... i. er-gi "v\ n Bon ": th« herhoi

LANE FOR CABINET NOWLatest Guess it Interior Post

Pip.cos Single Taxer.

ihlnffton, Mal il -' !'r;,;.i lit Is

Lana, of California, for ¦*;-' «retarj ofinV'fior la the it test ides a-bifh; ii-«mf«iini» in Consresi ha

I'ffet regarding the Wilson calMi «is a i." n ocrai andTaxer, and waa ap* n\i InteiMate «""omiriT'" C<onimiesion. of - w hha is i'"4v rhaliman PrealdemTi oosr \ .". ! I. Rl :,

ougblv «sound ot oni n stion .i i

!«¦-. tie radl a oitw bul hewillmeet the approval f th« Pro) m .¦

lessrall«porter of Betiator I«a I cdlctt« at on«

time. It Is suggested that, ha ing been< omreü-'d to drop Brandéis, Mr. Wil-«...n turned lo Lane as a «Progreaslve.

;' la also saaerted that, .? predIn The Tribuns, Colonel tleorgt W,

<:hais baa declinad the portfolio olWnr. and nothing definite aaam« to >

Vnr.nn re arding thi man rhoaen in h.«-

pta«*».Tbs Bryanites are d«sclaring to-night

*iw Mi. Bryan has protested bo I. rousl;« against the selection ol Mr.M«"Adon for Bacrstary °f Ih« Treaaur:that th«» Piasldant-slecl I.««n-'i-«r^ij his d'-rision, but the cotiser^titres M) thai gfustsneiit must be tak« n«erirh s larg«- «grata of allowance.The nalejctton m* Jamas MeRaynolda

U AUormy «renrral instead ft Chan«»¡lor Walker is regarded M pra« ittebUy

asp tiro«;'. Xotiiini- «infinit«- is knownah "«t the s«-' ret.irv of Aa*rieulture, bulthere are rumors tlint \\"nlt««i II PageIs rie.-ig (onsi«i«'r«'íl for th«« piad Dali-ru v Btoek haiirif- suffersd a slump hitbs i-Tst tew hours.

it is Intimated that the ansas ai thefun r'abinet will be made public to-

Morro**-, unless there is a hit« h ret; ird-ng one or more piares.

This Morning's News.local. «Page

ataa Studaata Osard VWilaon.. -

.fifty in Grin of T'.'-mil«- Otis 2

Taaaaaas-y «Off for sfashlagtoa.«¦.*»uffraKi*-í«i «iff to Washington. 3

Dr. I"ri«sdrnan»i IUK ouimgud. *

'\'hitmnn Aftei Tba« «Briber«. *.

inturhoro ¦¿«B-nres <'«,ni«j ¿sasprsmlas. 4

^'«gn«-r Committee «Opposes Oaynoi 5

ffar-hiT ruts Vi< «. t'y« to Mayar.« 5.Vhitir.nn \*«« 'i';,..' Bribers. .*

(Cardinal r;* » -j r: from Porto Rica.... 7

Town«pasple Invita Wltosn «Bach. 7

RsfJUbllcan LOSS«« Small. 7

RspuMfcr-au Loaass Baaall. 8

tsayta t«, I'nci« Trial. 8

"ne Dead ;«n«l «Five Hurt 111 lir«- 14

-.sjsadmaal to «Salllvaa i-a?..14Tro iirui m Jawsl Robbery.14r"tn RrlctS ÎH l'.imllií-M.14

GENERALitryan foi Diaarmamsal. 11 I Troop« Kill Maalteatas. 1.v'ufTrftKltts «Pias Frost. 1

Inauguration st»«?'- Bad. 2

H'.usc Thr«-.nk--«'i .-«t Sight Besoton.... a

».OH Buffragbita t«> Marek To-day...« 3May Bad Sunday Katertnlning. 3^.'"M-an l»\iriR ¿irid %t'',.'i«(> fJKMM.4

I (:«« linrraatsr Maths«la. *

Ton Kxtol« BIS <*reed. 7Nassau's MB r.'iH«"»»!» Senate. 14

roKEioir.o iif Oarbaaa Army« Increase » 5

i^ndon H«jffrag««tt«ra Injurad.I.Ventral Shir'*« Klri-'l Or,. 5

MISCELLANEOUSI «litorial . 6Obituary . 7>iu«j« .7v»-wk ii,i \\ .men. . 8.«¦lions .S and 10'.»-..l«.10I inancUl and MaiaSJlB.IS and 13^.«tr-ir .13i>iiipplng .m9


Guaro of 600 UndergraduatesReadv to Escort Him toWashington on Special


President-Elect Still Silent onCabine, Make-Up. but MayMake Announcement Be¬

fore Hi? Departurefor Capital.

is Tribun«itm « ton, x. j, March ..'. Great

i< na rations ha« bren m<ade by the'¦! f« Pr< id« .¦:. '.. WJh-on'ilure from h« ..¦ not row men n«

I H« a III be .. guest until ¦pc ol und« rgra lust« a formally

t h, ., ... ,. r .., ,_,,. om."'',' VVi ihington at ::.t.". .« lex k'" morrón Bftcr md Ihej n- «¦

plann« «i to ma .. hi Is in ,; . Ird ' for him they

«¦.'¦Mill' -1

^ 10:311 ....... ;, o«tnoi «roe .t ningone tho isand undcrgra'luutes

«HI Bsa« m -i- in front f the Wilson" « !lei eland «Lane, tu act ma an

r for th« i'i« rittent-el« « « an«; hispartj to the train. The part-, will r d«.'¦ '

.« itom.I« t, nd i rompt'] aiI": Kl o «. '.«. Il .-,'..: for th« tr.-ii i,\\ ¡ih the stud« nts as urt, Paul K

omroii;.mr*. .'. Hall IV. M !.. at« r, \VI1 ci Pon«

Rol i. '.' er v. ill ..

Mr. V n and I pai SV'itdei i will M '.

,.,i Hi.Marga] >. Jes».« and '

on, «'i-.... -s«-: Stockt« \ ...

... r \i, .iroa Bon« a. th« «president«« I« I s

Car Wir.dov. Pe.-'ipps.Th« siudei :-'...: «nil« lepurt-

m v Ith tí.- Ir i g«, and oik .-.¦

and .-«s the train j out f ti »tatto«¦. i i ! , I tong deal

i'i ¡it -i -n m< :.. :. dby. »l«l Nas-

a .¦! ... r H .¦ riroiig'i..'. .. dot .. Mr »'¦ llanti

roi unitradition that when «i

st '.. « '... pi here with hihi? tlier nl t:." itsm i - »It« aa (h the ar »* n-

«i"«\ and ii"isi hfin through the.. " .«. vinjgnifc an IPI roprlat« .. ..

It HiaJli .".. of the mo t itis « « ooimi m .-.i nl a Than

it le llke.ll.which W«*«odnen Wilson rec-elved .1 v. di f"i ii at «gradual« f

"SJ rep« .i" d is thernf his remiden n

"v oble fcix H:in:«reti.« ¦. | ates will >v--

.. ( ¦- ¦¦ II,to Washlni

\ stop v ill be mad« at v. en i'i, a«tak« on M Annie Howe,

. i« «., he It sident el« ' ,,ii«i ht i

daughter, Mrs, Perin Cothran. with herfoui t«.>-ii-iii,«tiTiis'-.«i.j daughter, Sont'phine Cotbran, who is i great farwith tii«' Prealdent-el« ind a III ¦] .¦ 11onskh raW« ol .. m« at th«Hou '.

'«Mon« Th«»mai H. Bird .'.i¡ ,1 i'-ton'a personal ««a., will also lioartl lietrain at W eel Phil id« Iphl M« a ill.barge ol Mi Wlson «and hfr

frit «¡'it ir.-j the Inauguration cere«n»..t,j«r-.- Th«; train will alee stop ai

Baltlmo long «.-n«« j»;¡i to drop off th«I Princeton nrwtHng team which Is go«¡mil' to meet the "middies at Annapolis.

The «Presl«flentlal train la due la¡Washington at ¦'¡.i"« «'clock. Mr. Wil«

will go at on« . th« Pi esidentleiroom in th« atatIon. where the commit«tee of denti will formally relinquish,,n tu Tilomas Kelson «Peg, .-«n«J the

irai ommittee.rormalitlea over, i«<* will motoi i«, the

Hotel Siioichi.m. where he aril] stayuntil i"" «foai to ii" Pii"1 eton ;«¡ .nm¡¦m ker In th« evening. Before «goingi,, th. miokei h*. ail] be Iba guaal of

coualn, .i««iin Wilion, at i reunion,i the Preel.Bent«el«*ct'i r-r-iM i vet al iho«Shoreham Hotel, In addition lo lb«live memberi of th«- «Pre-idsnt«al«wit'ifamily, there will be twenty-five r«ia-

tlvei by marriage or otherwlae at thisdinner. Th« - a ill Includ«**.

.Í. im Wilr-on. Franklin. iVnn: Stook-t.,u Axson. Mrs. Wlteon'i brother; Mr«.Annie Howe, »Philadelphia; J. R. Wil«si.ii. Nashville; Mm J. R. WUáon anddaughter -.nil Wilson Howe. Wanning«ton; Q-aOrgg »Bow«*, CohitaMa, «**.. C.;Mra TVrrtn Cothran. RaMgh, N. «".;¡Mrs Tli'.maH WeodrOW, Dornet", Mr?.

j-,.,-,;"«-' W-oodrow, Columbia, «8. C:

IJamef Woodr©** and ntgerilliag« Me«I Masten Wo dron*. Columbia, B. C, «andMis-. Helen \vo*o<in«w «Bonaa, Rome. «¡a.

Mra. Wilsoo's Inaugural Gown.Mis. Wllaon'a IrMiiBttrnl gown, which,

I of «sovraa, iha nrill not «need on Tuee«\ony, becauaa Mr. Wllaon cut onl theIinaugural ball, ,v»**, deacrtbad by Umfuture tii«>-trosH «,f «the White Houac to«

.tiiKltl a* "artis-ii« ;«n«l Kimpl«'. Ria.«:«fii!without w^iiiK -*lnhorate." II is mad«..t ».ilk <«f ¦ bennthTnl i>ro«n«i«' «rtwe pat-lern, the prcdoniiniititia,' «olor nf light¦reen- II I* U>w In th«- neck, which if

trimmed "ith lace. The IM «'1 ^»" b*Asmall appllQUe hf-adw.irk a« irimminr.

The K«^" ^a., ¦ ,C"'K train' ,V|,h *

ittatgeatlon of la«:«- down the «ht&ofc. '. hifronl of the «foam is tiinuiH«! -vith lar«.

Butterfllei '" ttrtwn i*oaea are on eaicnaleeva a' th* .-«iiouid««!'. and are elecutttd to good ctfft on th« trlmmlniatxmnd th.« nnok.

Th« Mlh for m« g««t\ n «in 1 N«"'''

(uniiniird en Kioad PM*« »hlrtl toluma,




WERE CHRIST IN CABINETPhiladelphia Clergyman Gets

Varying Opinions.».ii lad« Iphla Man h 2. The Be' \

B i rnett, of the Epi» opal "hureh of!:¦..« m« r, took «aa bl text I

th«- th« in. What » ould haprial rasa member ol «Pr«rsld«anl Wil

abinel The dtergyman had*4 .it.. tit»v- |.i oral«

nenl .'¦'ng the repl


pre l

B It would nottl ..

I ... .... ¦..

He i? on the tinI don't I "«


« 'hrist in ihe all « nit«,-i .' if ii¡. President t ouM '.¦

l .« «. .n all that ;. do« 'hi let'sprinciple! «omething would happen."Jacob 4. Bil« There «vould >>.

. hqtiahe If i'hrlat wai in thai..

.1 -, Bun kgh 1 the lug-. .¦.¦.» Imm« dial «.. ould '¦¦

..n« 4«i« Itjktl I.

FAIR WEATHER FOR WILSON ¡Moore Musi Make Good if He j

Wants Cabinet PlaceIB« Bu

Waahington, March '_' 'Fall withlying t< mpei a unSu« h ia the l'i edli i ion of the prog«

nosticatora at the W«?ai .. y. reau Inregard i<> climatic conditions In WashIngton > i. Tu« sdaj rp t.. to-nigh i

Willie I. Moon ;,.. ( ol the W atheiBur« a lin. aibei ing ihe "fall and !somewhat .1er" prssjnoaticration «>tM'mir year« agu win. h went bo wofull)aatraj*, has Issai decldedl) allant, hull4\itii(i¡i an; 'probably" or "maybs" It]la announced thai thi weather "will bel¡.m for ih- inaugurathm ol Oovnnior\\ IIm.'Ii.Mr. Moore baa i>een mentioned sa a

possibjlit) fcr s.e. retar] of Agrii ultureunder thr ne« administration, ami it

has been facetious}! «suggested lo imu

thai he Had bettei produce rtia '».¦»,'

brand ol s eath« r He loot the «tuf«Irag« vote through the chilling brasses!in- mi vd up thia afternoon, i

The foreeasi far lo->m*irrow is f.ur IS&d «-lili« r i:i the forcii'.on. with rising]tamperatura la the afternopn and niirht. IThe meréury 4viii drop to 20 degreesaoortttng i" lb« «prediction, and win Ithen gri'iiiinb rist

HONOR FOR TUB AT LAST;Findlay, Ohio, to Place Maine;

Relic in Square.i: 1 .:¦ c o 1.«« Ti In is*

iti'iii«:.. Ohio, .Min« I. l. admiral.siisf«4i">'«'s bathtub, ¡» v\'\r ui the brittle-1ship Maine, baa Juinpod (toan the try«-]ins? r1'«'' Into ti"1 lira, :«-» it ware.

To '" in":*' exact, the ablutionar .

utensil which the »..«><i sdmlrsl formai«ly ii««"ii in tin privat-j «if Ms Mint.« mi

thi» Maine has b« ? n hustled «from obllv« iion In ."" ITrbans chicken coop t«> equoblivion m the <'it» Hull hare And,\4hai Is mora, n<« mortal eye shall reiston th«- «relic until Memorial «Day, when«by order <>.' tin Mayor, it shall osass

iSatlng ¦.¦ etnte :" «he municipal build¬ing to be unveiled on rti*- public «squarev, |th Rttlng car« iiiotit«.-».

Jusl now th«*- tub Is .. r.ii'i't i in Imantle of burl'" and «Is occupying «anlhonored place In «the «City «Hall Moth« |room. »


SOUTHERN RAILWAYThr «cp'n.1 steel highway oí th« South.

Makea all ..i the important Southern '*.in-

Ϋ-t resorts cv-\ ll* own ralla N v.Offer. N4 Kittii Ave-Ad4t.

VU !''.'|"-i!»í vr V1AR5 M.I.. RS. UARS'fïAÎ.L \N'l-> '<'...»> Kl «.h .1 I I.I I \ I !<i-

\ iiw'; tut*: rri.vKK < \í)F.tí¡ \t Washington.


Get Cold Feet at Open Air Rehearsal inGreek Costumes and Retreat

to a Hotel.r Bum

«> labingtoti M.«r« h '-' A ..

¦la« k l'i mi i th« i"« ing «¡"n.m«! «,f tin

fuir »uffragi l mdertook to r«

their tablei on th«" | mile | il«

thli .'«fif-rnoon in Greek costume. Thi

Irreverent .T." k «PYoet a« «k» d ihr tiny

lootsi« even i. fore tii«'ir fair oa n« ra

«¦«mill itep oui '¦. ih« taxis and "nlghllinera"- which alao run by da\ duringn augurâtion I Im« In a hi- h th« had

.in,, to ti" i. ndetvous, ati«i ¦< m.l-

ingi*, th« h< I wi tranif« rred to

Ra is h**T*i and "i'.'iii' '-i li door«Had women i.«-^ini earlier i«< assertthe!i right* and ecured ;« woman to

preside ,,'.ei the «««i'i and frost thianever * "iii«i hav« happe-ned th* wf«fragette* 'a>.Th« n«'<s.-n' of "Ulme the dree*

rehenraal Indoors, th« ongnllant «-««n-

«ni'i of the rtf'.nsniii Jack Kroat, the

r*ont«**mptlble eonduet <i th «weathero.m ind the general dlsappolntmen'1,-ii to an anlinatad debate i «indu« io<i

with aM that rtmpeci f««: parliamentary j-,,..d'lr.- which always eharaeterlaeaIii meeting of excited women, aver the

proposition:...fteaalvtd That natural n*ool nni'»n

suit! .-.t. nu«.« gppiuprlati épient of; . ¦..;. oatum« han goosefli

«lu«( is th« déliât« ¦. gan to assumeerent | oport n a mere ion \v r«

barred rom th« oooi and in- femaled w«ie ... rmitted

«.> depart only after they haíd been In«trul roll« t«\ sly «worn to

Aa a i «'ii»' im m of th.»»

t.- a 11 .m interested public will be

compelled to ;i\»..(ir the Ublégux bsforait« lirsathlesa suspense Is relieved,The weather man litomises to .ibate

to-morro* the chUHhg broesei n-hlch..«. rnted the ««i» n all r^hi n.-.ii lo-ti;i\. but he crtjell* intimat,*ta lhat themercur) arfll he Just as Ion «and thatth. re nia> hi even dUTTlea «it BMOW inthe mi". The dauntless suffragettes de-

clare iIimi Ihey ulii not bs dsterrfdfrom «posing In Greek «ostuni« y even

bj ii snowstorm, and ««n '.ia«i popu«lace !. loolclng fontard to the oppor«Inn ii of In pectins some of th««- pink«s i. i'ii !«t.H'«fi .m public «szhibi«

tt««n.p, s l.ii.' this t'.enirm ««frltial ;«n-

nounoemi nl was from iulTr.aHT»itte head*quartern apropos of th«« tableau! that«"M, the « hara<*t**ra «¿vill bs draaaad In

cUsai' costume, bdt their (ir;i->e :.

will be w.itni" I


Rumbling Heard, but EruptioiUnlikely lor Many Years.

rTaplie. March 2..«The rumbling <«i

Mount v«-sii\ ¡us. which haa bean per

¦latent for Mtne time paat, hai cwnntionsid« laid« alarm. Man cracks .»ml

Baaurci aro to be Men and i up^at maaa

"f baaall haa rolled doam, us «lark «mt-

iii..- cootraating agalnet the arhlt* i«<i

of nowP**oCeaaor Hallada, aaalatant dir«« tor

«if the «<l«s«-r\ atorj. mad«' an n««i"ni «>t

the mountain and dtMctuitrled into Hi"

crater, which has been totally inactiva

ntn« «. the «uu|«ti«»n of \90b\ II«« found it-

fill««! with enow ami «the lower strati«

ihowed nf> kikii-s f»f BMlting."Thb" Indicatea,'1 «íii«i «Proiingor Mar«

call!, dii'"t««r of tin' obaefvatdty, "thatC.c r.on' «if fire ih null a v< r> i «.tistd, r-

able dtatance from the i»«jtt««m ««r «thecrater, it in loevltabl* Usât 11..- a»-1tivity of th» \oKaim will lir r«siini«-<J.

hot Hint Í5 not piobal-l" toi from ft\, |to twenty >.;»!-


Man Hysterical When TerrierPlays Part of St. Bernard.

H T «.j.-upr '.. Th.- Tri!

Berwick, Penn., March - -Be auaá 4

ahlvering little t»lack-and«tan terrierw:is «iubatltuted and snsj fur the «partof ¡1 llfesartng si. Bernard In s meio-iirani.'i hers Isst «night, .'¡(¦or-?«' Crons,of iTUkas«Barre, Patin., laughed solinns and heartily thai both audienceIgQd BCtOTi united in efforts to qulptlhlni. and when lie persisted In hij» in« 1-

rlmenl he araa arrested. «fJrone tras ar-

r.iitjTi«--«! In the police court, and, -«tillM«lia*hlng, paM S lifnw tin*-, de lantii"

between -"i-ísles that >t was the fun-nlest show he ever saw.Tin- St. Bernard which was cast to

«TSSOttS the hero from the -mow-dadAlps sraa índif-po«.«-!!. and at the lastmoment til«- property man «rubstltutsdth«> t.ny bint k-ainl-tan. Crone laiiidii 1through that set and another whichfollowsd, Bhowmg th«- hero basklag tnFlorida sunshine.

ANTEDILUVIAN WHISKEY\- a I»«-« crag«* or for medicinal purposes

nothing puier. Luytics Bros., N. Y..Advt.

SOY KILLED FLYING KITEUsed Wire. Instead of String,

and Got Electric Shock.I' : -. it March !. While

flying kit« to« day, Sidney Bright, ilx«ic.-ti ¦ eat ¦ ol« .* M |ni tantlj killed bj


The bo; atta d i thin s Ire t.« tit*

tite, inatead «t .-¡¡ma. and whan the

dte lu an electric arlra, llMSroll* paased through hi* body.


Puts Signal Torpedo on Tra«:*and Washington Train

Escapes Disaster.t..«i> '.. Tribuna

»Princeton Junction« N. J, Maren 2..By i'i«"1 narrowest <<f margins «the P«?ntvlytrvanta night limited from Iféw York

|to Washington, while running at sev¬

enty mile* an hour, m-night egcMpadrrasbing Into ¦ freight wre« k inn he-i<.«v here. The praaaoce <«f mind dis-played bj John Schränk ¦ flagman,

i-.mi bj the limited'* engineer aided ma«teriall) In av**rttng dleagter

f iii«' freight train was running al a

ii^ciii ipeed when, with a jar thai ti.rewBchrenk froni th«- cupola <>f th«- «snhoggg,th«> !<«nK strin;- of cara hroko in themiddle an«! the head ar arga thrownacross the outeld* track. us«>d i>> «south«ii..uti'i peaaengrer traille.Prom his iaa.1 In the cupola Bchrenk

!i...i :. .n the h« adllght ol the limitedhardl) a mile In the «rear coming on nt

full apead «>i« the outside track. As hoateggered to ins foot, half .tUMMta. m-

sliti« t told him that \vhatov«M had hap¬pened it was almost otlftaln t«> havesffected the path <>f the onc«taninglimited. He thf-ioiipon ran «i«.«« ti thotra«.!; toward the a|tp*****a>**iiing egpieen,árhlcti waa i««;i'i''i wlfji «pgaaanganbound for the knsMigratntlon.

«Bchrenk ha«l simia! torpedoes In hisp.«, ket. ifter running I hundred yardsii.« planted one «>n the rail and thonrushed on. «Finally he stepped in the.centre of the tra ¦'.. and waved hta arma.n the hope the e-nginoer of «theaxpraga would «wa him in the alar« ofth«' headlight. He ha«l no tima to planta second torpedo liofore he had to leapaside.Tho engliteer «>f the itmiio«! \».is .tru¬

ing at top ipoed, with no stop .«<li««inird before North «Philadelphia. H«"- «H'lnot s«'«.- thr- gagman, nor was be s»i|i-

«pogad to .step ««t. the signal «>f otM tor¬

pedo, vin« h ordinarily maruta to slow(¡own. Buttheenginearr had a 'hunch,"and that on»' lorpcd«« was enough. Hoshut down tho hrak« s hard and haltedhis train h haro H«.» feat from thefreight oar across his tra« k.

... a

CASTRO BACK IN UNITED STATES.,|\. -\ \\>;'t. Mal«li .' <'i|«t ¡ano «"-.atio.

onIIo«! I«.in.« I'i -Klont of Vfiioy. lolu. ai -

rivtid h>«o last ,«\ .'nin=r «>n the steamer

fjovernov CObb from Havana. i.'«.iba. andl.-ft at one* f««r Washington, »here b*wiil remain «luiinii the inauguration fen-tMtUm.


Sharp Fight Along ArizonaBoundary Between 9th Negro

Cavalry and Huerta'sRegular Patrol.


Arm Themselves to Resist "In¬vasion'".Diaz Hero of Day

at Bull Fight in MexicoCity--Rebels Kill

.50 Regulars.B| l.i».« iVx, Mardi % In ¦ rnnntng

tight .«n the border near «Douglas, Ar:«;..early to-day, tsrturees Mex¡«-an »oldieraand troopers of th«- itth t'mt«-d «-täte«Cavaln. four Mexicans wire killed.None of the American iroopg watkilled or wounded,

f't'iir .\m« tu.m army ediosrg walking"ii the Amaticaa line three mile« fromDouglas are rsporbed to ha4« as»-1fired on b: forty regular Mss*fcoa ol»db>rs patrolling the border out of Agu*Prista, opposite Douglas.

BfXtSStl of the Mgro trooper« of th«*9th rushed to ths place of the firingsud a spirited skirmish ensued. TbaAmerican soldiers were holding thunposition at the international line whenrelnforcisd bj taro troops at the i)th.The Mexicans wer., routed, leaving

four killed on the field and others-traggling through the brush wounded.Tt is said that th* American troops bfame ?o excitad that they oversteppsd

the «boundary »n.¡ purauad the m.-ai-i ans for aoess distanceThe tight causad great excitement «gj

«Douglas, to which ths telegiaph :lu«;*at- not open t<.-da>. The townspuu-pls arm<*d themselves and tssnt to lbsboundary, bebo* inn th»- Mexican añi¬diera urere attempting to invade th*United »--tat« s. Within a «tew minut««hundrsdg "t dtlaens wets a? the poauo,Isrmed and «randy, Ctowboys ata> rushedin from searb) ranches,

Mexico City, March -..«Usneral Ke..x.r>ia/ recstvsd .. «grant o\auon tins ,:t-ternoon «it the bullring, th«: «trat psiforma «nee of the matador? sport Maas.h. bombsrdinanl of the r-ipltal T«nthousand apt «tators stood and ehssrsjdlustily a/hea Mènerai Lilas ««Uarsd a

box in th« arena, attended only b> hlaSecretary. bis chief of staff and a fastIflaSnds, and he wsa orr«»d to rise timeanj again to a< knowledge the demc'»-s-tationt».Several groups 01 prlBOOSfB who «»-

leaped from Batan Prison «during tapsrecent bombardment and wore being

1 retornad to ptrtasn to-day made a 4,»-

lfnt^attempt to resist their guard. Thepolice fired a volley, killing thrSS an Iwounding BVS of ihem. None g| -ii-

'prisoners 4\as prominent political!*».Paace Parada Rsviswad.

At noon Fre?idfnt Huerta, Genet ai1'iaz. Osnsml Mondragon and «MèneraiPlsnqtta stood on the balcony of theNutlonal I'alace and reviewed the pc-rads organized by the Felix Ciu«-in honor of the m- n who were mos'.

closely identified 4\ith the recent r-#-

[volt. Several thousand persons, rer,-

ireHentmg the ditYcnnt branches of th»Imilltarj service, civic soeietieh andfraternal organizations, afoot, mountwdand ¡n carriages, paraded through tliuprincipal streets. Thousand« of spoS«tators lined the stre.-ts surrounding lb*

[ palsIf. but 4». ere not markedly dem.«:..«.tratlv«-;. although the \Y-.-hs -a »:

numerous.In front of «he Palace women in a

carriage heading a delegation of fae(-tory employes IsiSOOSd four dOTtg ofpeser Among the transparencies wehesosas bsartag such inscrlption.»4 *.-,,'Honor and Glory to the Restorers oíreact" and "Our Country Is Saved."

Press Appeals for Pesca.The Metropolitan Pies»» Asso« i.iuoii

has joined in th« patriotic endeavor-» to

reatore- complete ptMdftontloO «it thecountr> and ha» sent ta GoveiuorVonostlono carranza of Coanu.ia «

te-legram imploring him to detist in iliaopposition to the ne«' f-ixernment andgive hit« support to Prealdspt Hua.taThe newapaper s of th.- country, with

out notable uxct-ption, am PI*ÍTS|p|***gfrom criticism «>f the ne*A' adinliii?tr.ition and are lending their active sup-poll t«. th« ati.n prsgrssassa

«¦aSQtatval Obrsgon, MInletnr oí Wienance, sent a m« .»-.sag., to «'ongi sa Utayesterday asking an authorization totloat «tars loans, one for 1im>,0Oi),»jui»pesos to be placed abroad and the otheifor 'JIM-00,0(10 pesos to b« floated ai

home. The larger loan would be usedfor general purposes, including «the evp.nse of tin- army. The other wouldha eSBPSSysd in the payment of ind« nv

¡niticH arising from the revolution 01

ll'lo, including the Chinese claim of

j.J.Ot'0,01-0 pesos.Fifty soldiers have Icen killed in an

attack on a militan' tttÚU by the Zapa¬tistas south of AJOS« o. on the line ofthe Mexican «'entrai *" Cuemava«aTlie train was stopped ii» a cut. the.rebels tiring from nil Sides Th»* en

gSgemsnt lasted appi"Xlmately an

hour. The regulars BU<*ceed«*d in driv¬ing the attaching party to the hill».There lb much interest in a long con¬

ference whi« h Señor de la Barra, Min¬istor of Foreign Relations, had last,night with Ambassador Wilson, andthe subaequenl Cabinet meeting, whichhurtad till nearly morning. All partie»are reticent çn the subjects under dis¬cussion.

PhsaMtX, Ariz., March «1.¦A force ol

Maderista»« captured the custom house oB

th«- Msgteoa side of th<* line at Naco to»day, after S brief Bght, according to a

tH-M'lio"" aaSBSag« from Bi»!x«e to-nlclit.No one was killed or soriously Injured.The victory gives the Sonora rebel«

their first port of entry and controls allshipments to Cananea-