Download - New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1850-05-15 [p 3]. · 2017-12-14 · Ameiicon, when our Loto Mu.iat.-r is ailuded to. I hope, ai.d 1 know that this hope i« »hared by ven inam,that

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1850-05-15 [p 3]. · 2017-12-14 · Ameiicon, when our Loto Mu.iat.-r is ailuded to. I hope, ai.d 1 know that this hope i« »hared by ven inam,that

.- [abor,f Window Shade Painters meet «o-rrls^t m

«JMMat xt eorricr of Henry, tbe U-arrymcn'i,Loa Pro«««»*00 Bociety at ¦¦¦i>* betwcer

¦Tbteeatb and Nineteonth-sU- 8a«h an«l Blint

Maker» at Hü'er.brand'«, and the Wotchmaken

,l ihe 8hak«p«re Hotel.

The flis****1' Ci"aR ttxttte rar,t 0D Mon**a3ightat Hü!*?»'*»*«11'*'*»- where thf-y received th«

Gommittse o/ «he American Cigar Maker« and laid

«Oefcreth« assembly the translation of th(

Qtitfuoon. It was arreed that the two Com

Bitte*» »bould consult together ou the Constitotior-pojc night tins we« k, and lay the result bofore th«.

Pnitid Meeting. The (ioriuaa (*o tuaattOO electofcrttii» purpose con«i»t« of Me»»rs Laapo, Warnafrhi, Mehlhausen. Tru.-bia.-u, A'.exa «ier an] Tra.«I. The Dated OoOMSÜtM will hold iu meetinjJeThnisday night, at 120 H «yard «t.

TheTailoks held their weekly meeting at th«

gtoove place, and adopted the new By-Laws of th«

Society, and paid their contributions. During th««cisión, an American gentleman appeared an«;

g»vcd that the Tailor« should unite with an Amerison Central Committee (T| i or«ler to induce th«!Common Conr.cil to grant th use of the City Hi»for the rueetiriK« of tbo Laboring Classes «ins

rather .arpri.irig rnoti«,.. waa lai.l -n the table, and

the mover referred to the Ocntrol Committee of all

tbe Trade«. _. .

Smiths' ewntrtCUt f-*oc,rTT-Thi. Incorpo-rated Benevolent Society held it« re-u'ar monthly¦neetmg at Keen*« Hotel, on Monday night Pre.i-

icnUohn T. Minad«; VirePresident, Sum Pear-

»all; Secretary, Peter V. Onrr.-tt. Treaiurer, Ja«.Wallace: Aa«i«tant Do. ltoger Hjgan, who are

ele U J yearly 00 t! I fl st Tu s.lay in August. It

has «boot (SO meml>ern, and »STUO in funds; was

i unded August, ltt**, and incorporated February53, 1831, The object« arc charitable, and to aiï\rdrelief to its members in cases of sickness an i in-

fr.ity. The Aiosciation is comprised of Inn andMetal Worktr», (r.Tacksmiths. \Vlntc«:nitli«, .V.o.)ond these mechanic« «re elt.ibie for ¦M*¦¦«Upif o'.t r 21 year» ni.d not over 4", «and OÍ gOO I rn iraicharacter, by beim.' p-o¡. «cd at otro meeting pre-.»ii.u» to being if« :¦¦«!. i0/ballotand determii.«' «I by two-tbirdl ol 11 se present, andon et« trance after election ko OWOl pro» 9* togetboFwith his pro-,.«*. laVni fe-- Making in all IS, an-l payanontbly doe« of M cent«, and «idVanoo th«; intere»tof the Society as far a« he can witjioat injuringhim«« If and family. Wh n si«'; (a't-r tmir monthsEoemberahip) he is t t«t,: t week for tbo¦pace of luir HMSkths, a «f il the «Sooietjr think it¦canary they un..> r :-ice i« benefit« to *-' SO,¦beeJd ho roaoin .'¦'¦ Tbe oan of aM io al¬lowed («ir the fii.i« » "t a wem!» r, amion tho death of a "MOber*! wire tie- nn-mbersoy«i bin «rifo t«l hove tbo j-rivu -g.« to «iravsrfrom the above 980 such «um a« lie may repair«)not to exceeil £'-'."'¦ I ft t!i- d ktt of a r-i-inber or

a wife of a tn«rmber ea« li meinlier muH pay'0rents m case th«- Im «-rai benefitshoold be ooeopted, wbiihi« dodarod tobe '. ;i matter of rigtat,"every mt-mlx-r is entitled to ¡uncli.«. Toe animalinoime of tbe real an«! ptraoooj estato the S «« it-tymay hold must nt 100 according to (boact f ii .iii'purut. o, tad io se tbe funis of the8<cit-ty «bould at any tiui«* lie re luc««d to tlOO eachmember will be eijually a»se-«se<l so -'efray the cur¬rent expenses until tin- fi.ids exceed tbe « «,The Society »liall not be dlioolrod a» «mm a« nin«full member« remuin on the bonb, nor then untiltwo-third« give «-oini'i.t thereto. Ko arm irlin« ntto i«a«« without the no tubers bOMg regularly noti-tied at the time of it» faaHj buauosslns; 0 la«sr anddol_> infoi rued of it« iiatur»-, hin-ri addition or altera¬tion mu«t require two-tbtT>li of the v«»te« taken..Special inectiiig» can be caled wb,-never five mem¬ber« «igtiify their intentio'i to the Pn-si lent in wri¬ting wbo shall direct the Secretar/to mako duenotification to thu meaiber* accordingly. TheH>riety «hall receive no metiev« on ae»*ouiit ol mom-bcr« after, tiny ow«« :i7¿ eei,t« lot- tin«-» an«! oflnorS75 cent*. Th« OS un.l ¦ o-y utfaor excellent regula¬tion» are contained in tin-Cotistituti «n ami liy T.a.vaof this old established b< di Bdol I'nion.

TitsXiDORE S. Fay..An Aiueric.tu gontl«vman writinf» boBM from Ot-rmany, thus.peaks of our Bootetet] of Li-gatiou at the1'nis- uni Court

B' h iu, Thurxlay, Aortl 1R.. . . . Arid her«, t»y the way, 1 wish to »ay

a« pietbiiig atxiut Mr FaT.oar Se.r«tary at Berlin.1 could not but tool asbamt-d of my country, whenI saw him performm«.' ail tbe «luti'-s aid la'xirs ofth«- Minuter, and y« t roOjOÍa«J non«- OÍ th ' rewardor hi'iiora. Be it is v» Ko OsOM was able to conductthe cotrciti>oiidi n«¦«¦ ol th oBoO.fcf H.t n-van

oooW «co/co*rj spook bis own laasraue oonootly,much l«-f» hold coirm «iiiiiiti :i ... th «h PrussianGovernment, or maintain a:... Diplomatic inser-cour«e throuj-b tbe im-oium «.I a lorei-rn langaagtv«4s Mr. Fay «peaks an«l writes Uitli Kreuch and(¡er io nu, it becSMM absolutely necessiry fi«r bimto do what there » as i 0 OWeioo to do, aud yetwhat DHtSt bo «lone. A««! it was owing to btrnt'iatour otiiitr-, wi-.a nut di.grMod utterly. Wo ar»ithe only nation that In liovt- i« tinneeessary for a¦nan to bave a diplomatic training and educationto enable bim |rop«rl\ to ptrtm tli«- «lotie» of a

diplomatic jKi«itií n We d«'«-ni it unnecessary thata man should mod* Têttoà the language of theCourt to erbiofc he is MOO.Ii it he shoulil knoA- it»political butor) and condition.anJ last ami worst,that ko «Jkoald bo aiilt« to inaiiitaiii a «*eoilomanlyaid rt-«p»-ctaUii loterooatioo with -entleraen..What i-vi-ry «Sort iga Q oit bai at least the rieht toclaim ia, that 00 perooo n««t t.- ily a gentleman. l(ii'dh\ti« Hi«poiiitmcnt a« r«-pre«entative of thrust into tbe .. oj 'eiilh'meii..But so loosj a« «¡m dipi.aotic app 'iitments aremerely tie reward el port/ ser-.ce«, .¡ven for nofitness of p»rii o, wr la-, e only a chance to thankwhen WO are not 01

It wa« an abs i utr benetit a«, well a« pleasure toevery American in Prus«i», «/ben his country wa«"represented by su« h a a« holar i-.s Mr. Wheatonand I think 1 ma> safely say, that DO American doesnot blush ai.d bug btobeod, t«. own hiiu«ell'aaAmeiicon, when our Loto Mu.iat.-r is ailuded to.I hope, ai.d 1 know that this hope i« »hared byven inam, that Mr. Fay inuv be pMOOd iu a fitterposition ihan he now occiñies. This would bemerely an act ofjostiee. If l.«nu' year« of ar.luou«lalior, nt va'osble « bOfOM the requirement«of hi« ofliec, a «chiiar'y .dueation, a literary name,aiid a lu.l kiiowlt daie Of the 1*...rodean language»entitle a man to p.« itical r»»v*ard, Mr. Fay aliou'.dnot be to t-,«Mf ncelect.d I« there no diplomat io«iftice in Dm g .t of «loverument with which itcau reward fidelity, u,nimbuios» a:«! talent, whenit ha» iu bands lull n! lar «>s for those who havefch en up to party what wa« meant !or mankind ?A« I am »«aeak-nj- of Mr Fay. let me tell yoathat ho ha« for some mon'hs past h.»eii ocivipied, at

soch time« a» he c*i mil e«omnt.Ml in th«; loop« ofbusn . «s. os«*a a poen wfa ob be «ulls Ulric, or theT«*o Voi«-. « '* This be ha« now nearly «>«mplet«-il,and, anjonK otberoof h;a IrieuJ», I have had thept i» ileg« of reaotng ¡t 1 am n,.t at lib rtv to «täteto yon what i« tbe »lory, b ,t 1 may «av "that it isnot only very u.tereatu.u', bot V ol (>oetrv. ami de¬velop« a moat pare and i leveled i.iea. It hu thement ot beio»; pecaHariv arltjiasi in iu |-|ii|limwheh, m these «la\« >«i iiuiutnm. ia no small meritThe chara« t«rs are very boppsty g^.arie«^ and dis-erimtimfed, and the intereat iucreaaea to the end.I l«ope he will ««khi give it t«> tin- world, for althoughonly a portion is *,et firushed. that portion is com¬plete in itself. 1 prop' cv it v, ill be read with entboaiiim ail over our country.

Matât:.The J int Co__ttUo appointed bf thea«e|i»latur«* ol Maine t«) o.i.t the votes cast foríí«'en»or U»t tS.ptenib.r re¡-)rted on tbe 9th that***** »S««rvaat, . «rere as I* ¡low«r~ J<>h«i HuWard, iLcx-o,|.37,«3«Jm Hh>ah L. Ham!in, iWbig.i.2H.0M^.»XK:. .K.T^;:^ |f* ; ; ; ; 7,<177Hnbbard rl«ct«*d over all others by MM maj.Tie foar «OCOMii a u, tbe Senate have been nUed

Bym eboKe of th, Liaro-Foro camlidato«.«o». Dana has nturncd with object«««« two bills

~_7. by *. '"« T,M\\ûm%^eri^tb« pre.«*nt License law, and rrpc%Hng thfi inhi^ion oftbe e-_pk.y»ent of pe«ao_ Uai. .Ueen rfAge in factorie. more than toa hoar, per day.

k^aÄ^''*1^ ** kt Utlc* » «w««arred.«a which Mr. (oxsees, one of th- -,,«...-,._ i.v ,i_-¿r.tioa, was knocked A^ï


I Rep«'1***- «W Wedneadsya Tribune]W-.MiMtH.Toa Babbet, Tue« lay, May 14.

The general appea-ance of tbe market at th

season is not remarkably inviting. Old »tock»»olid provisi'-ns are either gr-stly red-*«-e.l or há¬

lenme «o famili»r to th? eye as to excite no attei

tion ; aid new art cíes arc a« y tt matters of carioail

orluxury only. The miserable old »hi «I whi< hst«n«ion the iroui d whi. h should be oocupie«! by a ma

ket, is encogh to frighten any person not pinched »

hunger from tl.e lor.lity, and iu loir, dirty roof, si

even floon and crowled an! tortuou« «Hey« cove

and «urround everything with rep».«" eheeL-Indeed, the attraction, of a visit to Waih.nto,

Market are juat .bout - » if w,th ** ,ndur.ement, for L explorauon of the great »ewer,.

Canel-.t Neverthele... thoua.ndaof ourv »racou,

citizens must co there tn buy or starve. O, aran,

ble or a/»»tic there we gathered some items o

prices wbicli it»How :P ArPLEi_Ru»»eU, per bbl. «*4 50; per -J peck37' ct«. 1H*9i apple« It] ct«. per qt. Everybo.4know« that Green Apple« are remarkably eeetee

«r.d more remarkably high. We undertook t.

tr«,at a little- boy to a common-sized rus»et a day ntwo since, an«l had to pay *» cenU for our prosumption.Asi ARAGtS.Not much in market, and whal

th« re is looks as if it had been waked up too earlyTrices range from t\ 25 to »3 per dozen bunches

retail, l*. to 31 ct«. per bead*, as in quality.Btir-W Loyale, per «juarter, good «¡uality,

ft- re tot». Steak», retail, pnrtcr bonae, loot«;«irloin, I'M round and cross rib, ö to 10 ct». per lb.H« fasting piece«, '» to 12] ct». per lb. a« in «-uality.ttrr. Best, l toOct». per lb.

Hi i i i F..There is no difficulty in f-oolLutter, nt reasct.a!»la rates-, the frcah gra«» ofOrange Conutj. traismute«! into roll« as yellow a»

tl .¦ dan lelioc« that clow ruaon; it, lempU p Seal1-, the f.pirtitt« that has sickened all Whter over

.-, n-nsumptive lookinr» artirlo that linked liker: jsl c' tnn i-.s mixed with lard. Fresh (Joshentee« down st M cts per lb. by the tubs, or 8** ct«

A fa'r srti«.!«. of new Western may be hidfor 15 t«. I9SIS. wholesala,aad 1-4 to M retail.OMo is worth 7 to 10 tt«. wholesale.BrbbaSAJ -NctM'.-y ifi>i'i'g in ap'-eararre.

may be rood. I"¦ ever; frl «VU to «Ç- M per bunch.Carrots.Fine ¡Yoking out I, at * 1 perbai»tet.Ch ion em.Some very good, at To cU. to ti por

pair.(.'1. a ¡us.From the lizc of a penny to hat crown,

vary in ¡..rice from 80 cts. to 11 per 100.( itA.Niiihui».«*.Tho beat of tlicio longfice

n.aken »vo at ci cts. per' peck tone ht 25 cts.

per quart.Cm i-».-Common is held at f* to 7] cent«,

wbolei 11 --. to I retail ¡ Knfjluh retail» at 10 t->12»} cent« per lb.

i KS, TAW )?Bf pair, they go at f 1 to $1 25.1 Pit-tity and cheap; wholeialo pries 13 for

12' cent!, retail 11 for . shilling, (¿uenj. WillIBjalalj tell us why Ki.'«.'« Bit sod so many for a

ihittiafl ' Why not seil Be«f at so miny ouncesfor Schilling, initead of ao many cent» per 11». ?FlIM, I'm Ml.A grtSBt vnriety in mirket. Th>>

retail jrires por lb n«-<:.Halibut, a cent« ; Ponrie»,I: l'.cis, H to 10; Mackerel, 6 to 8 B'urir.jou, r,.Tu r«i It] .-»n!mon, (.nets.; Striped lUss, f I10; Hea Bass, f» to 10 ; Weak Fi«h, »caree. H -, Codtier-». 4 , Lut uteri, .*. ; Bhad, 12" to 25 eta. each.

Fi«h, Bait. Pickled Cod, $:i M per bbl.; re¬tail. 4 < ta. per lb. Pickled Salmon, 10 ct«. per II».fot a whole one; Smoked Salmon, »ame r»nce..Sncrd Fi«l¡, 6 cts. pet lb. retail Mackerel, No. 1..18 per Lbl. 8 ct». per lb. retail No. 2, ¿.«J 5 to * »

I pi r bbl. ; No. 3, t« 50 to #7 per bbl. Dry Cod, *.'3 j¦< r quintal, 4 cts. per lb. retail.UKESR. (lut of season none to ba»o price»

<'I<"'-I Orees**.Sprout« (cabbace) p« bbl. fin centsSpn arh. Tí to 87' ct« ; Beet«, 4M 25. llotail prcei ol all »I a«l«-s. There is good supply of thes-jSpring vegetables in market.Hams.Cit\ cured, wholesale, 10' cts. per lb. re¬

tail, II ct«; first «'uality Weitern, ü¿ ct«. whole-.ale; retail, 11 ct».Lard.Good Lard will bring 8 ct«. per lb. by the

barrel.Lamb.A fint rate article of juvenile Mutton,

costs 19 < ts. per lb. retail.Lemons.Will bo ha«l lor tt 50 to in per box.Lettuce.Some very nice is on hand, from 38 to

73 r's p« r dozen head» retail, 4 Ui 8 et», per Tin*«'.The average of good «polity retails

from 9 to 10 cts. per lb.Oramies.Per box, tl to *', plenty and fine.OSIOM.Green sprouts, 2 eti. per bunch of a

few.Oysters.In »pite of the r. they ¡rood, how-

c-vir presented. Prices range from 50rt«.tot 1 25pi r hundred, ordinary kind», as in size.

Peas, Green. A censid-rab'e supply, and pricesvarieos.say fnmtl to $2 50 perhusel, wholesale;retail, about .';8 cts. per half peck for (.-rod.PlBI to be plenty, but rue high

.*lo per 100 18 to 25 ct«. each.1'oi'K, Fresh. Hstlicr over tbe »ca-xon, but will

biin«.- ll el», per lb. retail.Potato! », «Viw-dome good restai were on »ale

at I-I »r'0 per 1.1.1PoTATiiKS, Otn.Mercers, per bbl. *1 5ut)SI 0;

K.lnexs, «1 Í-7': Carters, 13; Wente.-o H i,*1 31 Mour tain June, 91 19.Potaioes, SwiitT.Stil at about 31 cts. per half

peck.Peachis, Dry.Are very high, aud retail at "11

rt». per «piait.Pi i ms. Dry.The retail jirice is C5«t». pr-r pnj-t.Pi. m es.Tl.e principal varieties are: Cacan

bera, 38 to n.'i ct«. per 100-, Onions, ready to eat,.'0 cts per gallon Meet». 38 ct». per dozen; Man-frit s, 75 ct». per rft y.en Beans, 50 cts. per gallon.

I'h.BOBS-Sell at <1 to tl 25 per dozen, a» inquality.BaÍ.imit«.All sort« of retail price» wli»!e»ale,.C t«> tl per bbl.But harm.We did not »ee any of the fir»t qnal

it> there w«* tome pretty fair at 18] cts. perbunch.TiBKY«. As in quality, from f 1 23 to 12 each.Ti-rmi's- White flat are »caree; ltuaaia* Ball

at 50 ct». per bbl.Vf a i..A gcxd article retail» at 7 to f ct» per I1..\ » MsoN.A small lot left, at IM per cwt.. re¬

tail 11' ct». per lb.

The Expedition ts t'nbn-l.'cn Qaltmaa laCommun«!.

Corropondence of ihe lLt|ulrer.Washisí.ton, May U

Frcm reliable «utliority, I 'earn that four vesselsfull ot armed men have actually cleared from Nesr-' Orleans.their destination being Cuba; and that

j Ventral (¿bi/bim ij tfw Commander in Chief ofil the force.General Lopez being »ccond in com¬mand.Of cour»e thi» force i» wholly in»de.i«iftta to

make, by itself, any »eriou« demonstratiou uponCuba, but Gen. Loprz, when in this city »ornoweek» «go, expressed the utmost confidence thatrot only all the cret.te populstion would immedi-stely rise and join the "Patriot«, but that four-tilth« of tbe army would declare in favor of themovement.

I am acquainted with «ereral gentlemen fromthia city. who. it is »id. have «ailed with the ex

j pedition. Whether they have or have not, oneII ihing i« ceruin. that they were connected with theHoui.d l«l«nd all'air, aid have left here for thobe uth within a few week«.The expedition ha« tx-en conducted with tho

».restest.ecrecy. Nearly all the leading men ofme 1-M.uth are more SB leas privy to it, an.] have

j met it peeuni«rly. The great object oí th.- SouthV.VP *. ht^e C-b-'ftdy lo enter the Union at

! fir.Etiî^a^^te,rr^,n^de. W,h*n the expedition w»«

»ander inS llS^Affi ^r-,m"however pcimely refu.ed. Gen. WaVth wu the-rikentfTfor wsnt of funds, a» has been .V.» i «iWertkmiee*Keteee**V%^mm\2^ lie"-When Gen Worth died «e^S^^^cited lotskeü,e Ce'm..B,i,.^T^riW"^'h.« don, snd .alad with thee,-^^^I a br ... but ha« no knowledge of mijiUrv !_?ence. '

«a -_

Pribtik«. Cloths.The Provident* Journalss} s tbe «ale« ai printing clotb« in that city for t4*.week ending «lav 11 bave been larger tb-sa everbefore known. One hnndred and twenty ei«.-httU'Ussi.d piece» bave been sold st a dowdsd isvpiosemci.t in prici *

I «Fresas Y«*estfM.Tbe brig Tobden arrived thunirirnirte;«t«'«

from Ssal to Apnl 94 She brines srcawiito üitt

the war of r.ce« still ratre«!, bet with thi« dillor-that while at the commencement »Í the war

tl [p'iiars in nverwhe'roina; trambe»« attache«!the whitvs in their wal.-.l citie«, they are now at-

tacked in their tnrn in the fastnesses of the moan-

tains to which thev have retreatH. It is thoogbtthat the whiles -ai'! oiootooltj ne vi torihow near or far «¡'»tant tho time when the countrywill be restored to peace, cannot b«; now statedThi« long and exhausting civil war has paralyzedthe country, and trade is dull in all its branches.Ttin ff H orhnonor Flirt »u at Sisal, April .'4,bcnt.d on a cruiae. [Boat Traveller, 13th.

AkoTHKR .U'DIMAi. Ml'RIiER AT THE *W«\«T .The Milwaukee Commercial AAvertxter say«Kiiti«!.- Kr.ndeion Soldi ür. wa« last week tri«*dat the oh. 1» »yean Circuit, for the murder of JohnNewman, and convicted. He was »enteored to bohung open the l'.'th of July next. The evid-neewa» entirely cireamttantial.


8acramento citt.Grocer? and Ci ib mission Merchants.

| 1RERAL ADVANCES mad« on conelrnment», and allI L-i anericy hustiK-M prompllv euvnded to. Referió

B A F.iiMisioca A Co. New-York.Fiar A Voc.o. PhiladelphiaC. O. Ho-msv, F M Hows, William LisiMr». Jr. B.

HiiniTov, Pitishurfb. my¿6m


A'a NTS,saw rasw« ne«« and bkisicia,

Cn.s. W. lliriits. L'r-per California. B. W. MCOG a.

KEFERlO .M«-»*r« N« u A Co. B-aJs, Bush A Co.BeaJe, M»*!ick A Dewttt, New-York; J. W. C.ark A Co.

and Oils Rifh. Esq. BostonB V» Ml D«»EI«einr located rx-rmanentiV at San Frar>

.»ttend lu any c^:;» ¿'..uerj-.s for ilia' f .are.12f fmlaWedlSet


s««« rasiscisco, oammojua.

REFERENCES. tí«in. Aàl.«rt L.« «wood, 8ln/-W')»,N. Y; l.'i'ii. WIM*«**. M« 'a m. P«*ekssl!l, N Y: Isaac

Sejmour, Peekskül, NY: Merrllt, Ely A Co., GCol«li A Johnson, J. A A. Lower/. Jo_ A. C. «ir»y A Co.New-Yora Ci.y ; floor»;«« Lcs'ry, Trey, N. Y. »'.


Rao Francia*. , Cail'oiolv a9 Ca*RE7ERENC I I I itlsr, i. If. Owes



aarta to:W. CA«m»Tf.B A Co N»w-Y>rfc City.B R BvLKrt.p.w. San "fraurnvo. Jüflro*

< "«OLD WKHiHTM FOR <:a LI FURNIA, BMBOfee-I tur»d and for sain by the «ubecn'iers. Complme sets

of Troy weighs, from J dwi t f a

corr-rt alaiidard. METZ, «JrUIT.l i.""". A CÜ.»19 1m 139 Wl'liv-r-al WashMiiiie SOWQO

BLAKi.3 PATENT FIKÍ.-PK0OF PAINT.riMllS EXTRAORDINARY St'BáT tNCE, which Ina1 few rmiMhsoilerappltes toresto s sie «ir st »nu, pro-

: nln,r whe'e-er cu.eied fruu Lie ncU.u of the weatherand h re.

LOOK OUT FOR FRtri»,As scores of In., i-.'dual« are »-eti'no; up a kinds of worth¬less r« urjterfett stuff, arid »ellin«/ It as bre proof i tlnL ibe statement* of mo-e tha twemv of UBS tiU'h-.MstwSleg te UhlolB I si bare

»dm«- us.d, th'.i, ci-iiiii-rf-'it stuf, who Bars :r.n aS'ulemer.t saury lr,iitih«-re r ,»d l»*eti .rich a complet»»(allureIn all .. kinds of »lull" «. i i-> ar, « d here, celled Irslri«, nicppi Blake's, that his only Is ««mattered w-« -hlisiup. Every .».rson, thrrcfur««, to I.. »aV. sliouli see thatBiy uarrit» Is ¿u ever/ p irk*.¡e, for If they act lint n«»«vd««rthat v»ill rusk«« the iri-riuin«« tiro-proof paint tik«s aniske Hi« ii.ii-Ivm ltabio to a prostcutloi for an lufrtuifo-melt rf ray pait-Btr and Iftbey fit 0 COSlose th'ir m««ncy Th.« jeniiir« artice «f ditPrcnt Cf.lors,both rrnucd In oil and Id dry powder, kepi con«tiiiUy on

I band at it»«» «encrai depflt. ?| pear'^«l In,* WM. BI.AKE. PhicdM»« KirivPruof PaJnL


LlA.lNU MADE «Xtewslvs arr ai(j«>infiita fur ih>* in-XI rrtajii,^ Sprint trade are prepared to eaneat» al or.dera li il.elr lin« ch«^»per than aoy <>th«»r similar "libltsh-neat Id lb« city. Call and «m «p«-rimei.a, »n.l i<«avs yourordere which will be promptly executed. Store 600 OiiaSOWich St. one do.»r belnw Cliristi.pher^«!. Corj.iant.y on banda lartra- aasortment of pi-.trr. «ill., alas«. Ac myï Im*


HIS ESTABLISHMENT havinr h«**n pui in eo np>te-order, Is now comnitmrln«; Its sUlb M-umi. It haaT

stmndarce of th«» n«ire*l water, and ampia» acc.oinin »dalloisfor I-'< Dauert» It Is access))«'» all the way '«y rallrrtadBrei AjMaSV, New-Y«,rk and B'i.ton. A deuileö r.-p<>rt ofupward of 3«io caaes treated there during the v^ ,r w

be a« ni bv mall on applica'ion to Wm. Kadd«v.'-Broad¬way, New-York. For Inf.irmaiion apply '.u . le «it».srrfter R. WESSELMOERT, M D

BrtUleborr»«, Vermont. March. MM mH .- « *. i I


THE 8URSCRIBER take« this ni-lbod of lnformln< t >e

public tl.athe has opened a new Ment Srvip, l!l eattill» uf 1 t.nd av. betwteL TweLtv bfrli and TwiMtti -.ixUiata wl ere lie ii.tesd. furnl.htni' the beat of every kind «>fmeal In lis season, determined that mithin« shall be want-ii j.- on his part to give entire ta'.i.faciionA so, at the same place. Beef, Calves, Sheep an I L*.-*i'n

at wlolt-iale . n fsir terms, fur cash, or at it.«- »laI fourth at between Second k'd T'lird eve.



McCALL A STROM", M William-«. New York,Averts of the Vieille M «niea-'ie Company'» /.,nr

Mt«X » a' d K. ui.-Jrifi «>f, B.i^iuin. b« ¿ lu Call ih«< »t-leniun ol owners, archit«««» ar,d buud re lo iri«Mr »yetas»

Í« l %m tur, used un th«- principo i'ubl e B'iil iini¡. «m ibeCeeaMeM ai.d < lieel Britain, ai «o« uf pure M»l.eai>le Zinc,2«' niiri-i tu lli«- aquare fiMjt, wuh>ut » >!der or naile, w\r\ig»fare for c<m'r»<--i d ar.d expan.tnn of the m-tal. A n«uf

I «if IM. kind will last thirty years, and r-quiree ne «ailing[ orrepaire Modtle and uiher Infortnali-n may .« « d«i'l«eA(eDISm'O 'ni»«-l

PATENT EAST INDIA REFRIGERATOR,II UeS ttiltpriierr* Is» .is SSSSOtS m Hsl t/iua.ii'i

'I'HE trfM ¡la«-! j i.«-a» aril i,«-ed ufa perf«-cl »'licle ifrhs1 k.r.0 a I will admli, and, after «real care and ezpin-^r-,tu maiit-li«Hirer feela conSdenl

FAMILIES, HOTEL KEEPKkU, OROCRRS. Ac,«« aval ' m t«e on« of the mo« ueelul «aM

lcitlsix'i.»ahie artiriee iney can pueeeae ¡.ida-ed, they willnot on without oie aA«T Moe ma/le ar ¡i»iot*«<l with tie

superior advanta^ee. The Ire !i. «MS |» l,.:.-d wlh . patentsi.f.s'ar e. tieirik- a ni-n-cinluctur uf h»*at, l.iii-arlliir to th-sek h-'b each elde a cool air. which preeerve« in a rn>«t

manner all thai la placed in t!i«-m allh«-.arnn urn«

avncir* «AI tuai ULpi.a«ant «dor liiai necea.«/!.<° «x*<* ira init ¦ r< n mug meal cheat when tha contenu and ics are« r.

All who have seen and need rht» article are convince 1 ofit» ^r»-a- niperii.nty ovsrsaytMas ever before letwdetod,

SMITH'« EAST INDIA WATER «SOOLSA1have been used wun the m«>»t perfect aatierari.on, aa th"7rer.der Ibe wa'er dellyhlfiilly rn d for eevera» daye bv theadrtlt'on ol a veryaniall pleca» of im, and by atlachin« h:t»rsto ihem make them en l-di-rmcaablearticle Manu:SBwaoUk* T. tJMITH A C», 77 KjIwu-iL, andaï.lireod* DAVlli LEAL 0" Annet


EAbT RIVER, NEW-YORK-The e-^ve Worke arelow tn >u< re..ful opérait on, and tiie prupr.«-t'>r w.ri.d

re«j>ectiu!ly call the attention aw Machim.ui end all cm-u-

¦uer.of the article to an rum.nation of hi. .leel, wnii h hete warranted by the lew'iu'ioy of the principal mac1» n «-a

- tiriil makers nf this city In rwc«imm--iidlnc as! :u »very respect to any used in th'.e country. Afall aaeairtmenl of the dUTerenl «uee conaunlly on rian-t,which ü.<- public are rMpa>etraily In-rtied to call and "tvan»ailheoRceof DANIEL ADEE,

a*« '«x«!flir» reltrm-es. it T.

IOHN AI.LEN>> A.-ffKUJCAN INLAND PA.«UsF ^A(JE LI.NE.Licca»e<l by the authority of the Sta*and City of New-York.Fur the Protection of Emt/rar,isand other Peeeera-ere.Office 157 Cedar-eL New-Yora .The eubecrtbtr bas beam enaratred In iorwardin« Merch«-dl»e sad PaMetiL'ers from New-York to the Vvnetern and8outK-western State», over twenty-five year», bot al tos

present ttire directs tis whole attention to the Forwarlmfof Paseeirfere and and their MMOgO»Uu facxiiuo« for

i which are unsurpaaeed by any bous»« In the busineee; hecan accommodate the traveler with any mode of eoover-aece.etramboat, railroad, or canal.brat or «wood class

I cabin or «teera/e- so thai be cao «rode hie eapeneea ny ii«

choice of tb« duT«n snt mode» of conveyance.ail of whichare f rei-claee of the-.r, and on moderate lennaPereone residlnn in this country friend« ernl-

¦retín«: from Ear«»m to the Interior of tn« Unlied rUue«,wni render them a «indues» by dirt-cliny lAem, on ihetr ar-

rival in New-York, to call al Hila orfice nefure m-w*Ihetr pj»ej*e elsewhere.aa here lre-y will be auvi.ytre«UM, honeetly dealt with, and all contracta esm«! «ai« «o

loe letter. Any erraDcemenuj made wilh the toll iwlalgIfOOll »bail be daly compiled with By JOfiN ALLEIA

as aa«re.Eleiter Jone«, 2S Caloo-a«. UverpooLHebry Allen, Albany.Thoe. Hyde, t) Rin^-etTowerhi!!, LonJoavJohn Ricnev, Rochester.William Jonn Doyle, BeitascWilliam Alien. Buffalo.Blcha/d ¡L. Rolo»«, DetrotL

1> tie rs r*«-»t-paid aliended U». ml« *t **»

POI»ON», PKKll'll *.» MtTAI.M, SOAr-Ji ANÜDli-lM-EcTl.lii LIUClD.-Tbe«iva.^».oui«'>."s

a., abapes end In any «¡uanutyDtelLfectlnf Fl'iic.the beat arflcle to nee, and nppt°*m*

aa superior by tbou««nds of peretio«. JSeamU par («lion.a.eo is borua» and by tb« barrel. _ .

Cod Liver OU.warranted eaperlor 10 any »o.d aa tee

cilv, ftr eaie bv U>e rallón or bottl«»pBirbouty CornjHjund #ov Motila.Th a powder can r>->

dej et ded «-a ss effectual In««) tn« tu«'.ti* i"""1 "'""'¦

eaa. liMsIs, hair araor.r, fura, Ac Bv atiendln« "> " 'a

proper a.aaoo, «Ü save many a ra.uab)e «wrnsavji or cat-

petTh« «eiebrated flv pape«- wlilch U treaurpaaeedThe «SoL Coear.ach and Improved Bad bu* rolsta» are

warraLted »ffrcual. . _w

Traispareat we.hb.Iia, eand at>d mtrnéek ** mtnKi honey, be»««»» end al.itary «oos«, browa WioJa'f *n

Ire»parent »oar, for aole a» me<vi4enrer's PrKr"\ 'T"*"seeS retail, by DB. LEW10 FELCHTW AN«>ER^»wikö- M1 ÍO_t«>-__

CLOTHING.».,r.~.THE BE«T PLACE TO BUS*.( ,'rl. IIN'-i AT WHOLr.SALf* OR RKna.IL. I» at

.rJvr.i'' -r L ROUf.RS. 7»* ri'l.TdS-ST at ini

. , i'B T*"""r I *'*.\ aiaial he.i-.«".,"., i-,at mr

rrrf^Jßfem *»* Suaimer Clo-liing Is the ch.apeal aj.lSfc^,?«^' l"'lh ln «V1«1 and prices, ihat bas ever bees

i>r»ss and frocn (Jo,,,, from french and Eng'Ub.a«> is» 10 jo

¦.rT?«fjaWfs ¿«a*.ffsa i'aava-u-nara, CMh-iieretl,v. ." «C.ê*4'"«"»» *nd Linen, kc |l 00 u> M»jv sets (Von, pnun sad rancy Bilks, Bstln, and

.«"*. »*-'...-.. 75to 5 00¦.... a BOYS' CLOTHING«.

A'5,f^Lir'"n'»»<-....t~«. -"to***»31? J v444*"1 ».»* Pants, fr-.m «!, to « OB

Al.o . T* r'"m *-''»*. 9"»aD .n«- Msfselues "¡«i to * ««0

vj...' ,P|4-"1,'1d sssonment of Cloth«. Cassimeres and:,."'*'. «-««»«snily en hsnd. and made si toe sbo-iealDv.l(,*h. /.I» ROUERS, 7», rutoc-sLcr ofO >M.

* ' Summer Clothe« for Si «2« îmMWP*

^tV>Tl.E>tK>*4 M'KlSi; A>11 ¦»! 'IIIKRu ¦¦¦< WaTA T Jenningsk Co. Draper» snd Tsllors,

First quality ready nude «-JcÜ-Jag, lie. 231 Br»s,lway,American tlotel, aollelt an Inspection of ihetr s*wrtmentof caw and «eesonable goods, which to point of richnesssod variety far ex-eed« acy pr«e«7ious offering commeuso,raie M tt v» .».j, exWna«Te .¿difjonj w ¡^ pranjt,^which afford, « «arM«., trope for thetr hu«1ness,ln which theywill endeavor to merit s c.-Hlnusnee of the líber-»1 pairo.cage which bas i«e<«ogTi'ied their -raj-menu as the mostewDomlcal, cut and finished a» they are ln a style Sut ra-erj4.quailed, sad wltasl disposed of at proverbially TlllliM«."S! .._


GENTLEMEN'S WEARINQ APPARKL('HAHI.FH K. FOl.WF.I.I,, Drsper sod Tsllor,.A r.t qaatlty work made to orUer, M Fulion-at. brt.r..-« Hold, bss J'j«tpnreha»-d. for c«b, » rh.,;r- «*..onmer: of r ths c*s«4in»-re« and «Testings, wabkw rent acd »elling for cish, he Is e«j»tii"*<* i0 make up vaper ci-nL las« than Broadway prices. He hss f«»r the lasteight year« enjoje-i a repstaasa (even «,v «ho-*e of the sainetrade) of catnn« Hie l.e.1 litUn«: garments, and as t >r t*»teaim »lyle he will guaranl.-e caauUbe beaten, If equalM.ave lm*4

CI OTI11M. KOKTHh CALIFORNIA MAR.KET .We would ref-r thorn desirous ..f ot'ia'ji.n« the

sty a ad s t.. y ofi. «. accjuaU agree upona« SSI rr.-ai ls»*Bra*4s EM the California market, m ourwb«-i«^aje <1»partn,ert, which contains a mor-» -i « ¦.leek of 6r»i uualliy rar-Dc-,:» th'i an be rVi- 1 -Isevanere.


WM. T JENNINU8 « CO.BJ2«*till 231 Bcsdway, Amer.m H «el


1/ EI.T Y k lUaaUa, toi C'.«.h*un-«t call the sUeo»!jn of¦'"a'l ¡ er«--.» war in»» Sl.a.1.«» to th> tr aisor'ment ofBfcsdc«, and material« for Disking and BBBftag Shades..They mski» the best q'iAÎ'.iy only, srd sell at prices full ii

'per i*ent less than any othef manufacturer». Ad Shade»W»rri>r--'l noi to stick oreurl. my7t)el*


Of rVFRY PMCRIPTION A*»ID QfTAMTf. om-pris s, Kioral, ««, Interior

\ i« w« tad other styIss ecuaiiy near acl rl-i In ib^ir d*«-sUd«. sre now selling at pnces hat csnnot fill to meet thea- (.»r« »lion of tha n «i ts-or-omicil. Purchasers are «o-

¦' >r .h-mseltr.-« at JOHN (IRK A-SOh'fl «.*. '! w Bisada Sa »¦« R.Kirn, ^17 Uroenivir .1 l.e-Iw-.i Msrrsy and KoMnaon sis al 2^'seod«

VV i.M'O-V SMÂOKrsl 01LT tXMlNlCES! UrU-I» Pr.RY MC.-I.IN8, Ic-Kamllies aliout furnubir.g

thtir wmdiw» with tl.e sl.ov» srucie«, Will h.-.d al J. (T.WOODFORD'a -'. B.-ostwav, ihe Ivgest snd best aa-

sorimi-Dt In ;be«Ity ; severs' n-w itylos never b<-fore Intro-duced in New-York. Lace and tnusiia curtatna drapery,i«»«. « btUd«, cornice«, ic gamlllet'p'ir-chaati.« of the «iiL*cr.Her mnv re.v upon geiling s first ratearuce, »¦ d as low hji ti Is |/o»»ll..e to iaiport or man.ifac-

¦i«cl» "»uvlng at wholetale will find Ude.-t led-ly to ihelr advanUN'r to call tefore purcaaatQg «.«-»W.iere,

alt>If Jt Wiji>()K«»ltO. ¿c> Br.'Hlway.


THK 81'BSl RIHERS have removed from their old «land£«j and 58 Broad-tt. to i) Broadwsy, at wnlcb place th.«y>

offer for sale s lart/e »ni we.I BMMtM aj«(irtin-nt of Bool««Bit Sbt c«, rioth of their own snd other msnufaclun-s.The ceiruniy of ib-'lr g. <>ds having b>-co-ne fuiiy e*tab-

lUtii-d, th«-v a 111 u«e every endrsvor to mslniain their repu.tauon and invite the attention of merchants lo Iheir stoca of

PRIMK GOODS.It- sdditlon to their atual slock, they will be supplied with

, cev/ manufacture! by iheir liouaa at I..; n.; and also, having the exclusive agency of theAshlsnd Tanner,-, offer for sale superior Bole irealher, pe-cutarij adapted'!.» custom work.

BURT, BROTHERS .««. CO.m\4 1m* «13 Broadway.

DknolALc-Dr LI rr.NER, ttargeon Aurta^aaar«»AA aSill Ins '.' '- fn.ui SB Ka»t BrosiYway t.» .'»*». lî »v Hour» of attendrnce for the future will be from H ur>ti .1«: v. Bsaaw] a ex.:epied Ot.aerve Dr. I.ntenur'a EarIr firriia.y, .'»'«> Broadway, near Nl"lo's Sixteen vears ofsuer*»«bil praci'ce in ihe exclmlve treatment of denfnessand dlsesies of the Ear, enables him to cure all curable dis-e««e« or l»l» lmr««rant organ t'npald letters refused. Coo-suitailou fee $1, I.v letter sriMberwlse. null Iw*

Kr .vlOVAI..-Dr LUTBMEÜ. surgeon Aunsi, BBS re-

aoved hi« BBC« fr'/in i'i Kd«i Uronilwsy to .*>'<" Broad¬way. Hours of attendance for Uim ftture wl!l be from 8Until 3, dallv, Bn.'Uys eicepled. O'.ia'.rve Dr. Lutouer'sKsr || rn.ary .'»* 'Irosdwsy, ntsar Nihlo's Blxteeen yearsrf »i.rc»«s*ul traen.-»In the exclusive treaiment of d»-af-neisaiiddlseKses of ihe Ear, enables him to cure ail cura'iledlaasara of 0.» traiPOrti -:i>rg%a. I'npald leti-r« r»fu»ed..Conkul'kilon fee ti. *J letter or otherwise. my9 1W

^OTI4 P OF KF.ttOVAL.-MARTIN!« BURKESej to laf.inn th»-lr pstron« snd the public that Ihey

have removed to Nlnr»i.»enih-«t. between Klfth-sv. andBro«dws>, where all >>r.: rs for Huuse and Sign PalutlngBill be exec«.'«*! in the 'i-«t «ty'.e and on the iiioit rea»o-s-

BB..H. I The cut i..*r« of the late firm of To'iip-kin« k Co. wi!l f.rd in the above one of their old and m«-slexperienced workmen. all lm*


nnet! to ï C'edsr-at wlere lliey have Stoat k Co'«Pa'ei.t Cotton Twice and Sio.-.ks arm Dial co-.«unity »a

hsnd. my 11 Iw*

Kh>iOVAI .-HEWITT, LEEd J«. CO. have V8 Broad»«av. m 2 l«V


THIS LINE I» eatet'lished f r lb« rs;'id tfacspjrtaMonof Irelirhl or. «-«amlioat« and railroad* from He v-

"i « I ¦ A.'an'., Troy, Buffalo and Ii.'troit, tot»cd BL Lo«ii» , also, via Buffalo, to Cincinnati and L^uu-»Ule.

iy .">' M»a«f r.uhljrt re>'ired' JOTht« Ci in¿ .»> -m.ut n¡a!e i-» a range nems with the

several railroad and steamboat lln.-s on th« propo»-slIs sow resdy s* r«-celv» n-.-od» to bedeilvered al U.e loliovv-Irg srd itileiui« díate places. «.

A.liSDy, Osweyo. Ma^sll, Lot«a-«ort,Tioy, Oi'drLttiurgh, New BuiTalo, LiWalle,Se|ië»et-tBdy, Kliiiííton, M:ch'r»uClly, Peona,Lies, Toroa;.., tfilca^o, A;wo,S-racuse, Hsni.ton, Wsukegan, St. Lou'»,Auburn, Lew«»;..a, Kenosha, Elgin,R< cbet'.er, l). '.roll, Racine, tJaJeri»,Buffa.o, Jacksoo, Milwaukee Uunuque, and

Backett's Harbor.The line for Clnrinraii ard I^'ul«ville will be ready In a

few oa\« of wh;cb d'je notice will be t« believed that the " Merchants' Express Line " offers

¡ to ifce m< !.- e miimniiy, snd «sjlalsllj u» the mer-

thsLts res; llr.g w«M of BuRa'o, sad alootr the grsit Lskesand i e O .-.It« »id Northern Mistissipf I Rivers, whst bsa

| lorg been a a>»iJcr.i/»a. »U ; a mods of trar«port*tion f »rallih« lighter i ar. wMth «Saaaaasjasllsl| erd to a. > bereu^fore offered th-tn, and al Ibe same lime

' Bioch rbea; er. A« an example, we «u'imt the fill >*-|-.if

TAKlt-y (JP FRICE.-.TOTHE PRINCIPAL TOA S-iVrnt i. aTf a*>» ¦*"'' ." 'D"-

! N Ycrk to Buffalo.#1 *¦». YorktoMilwa'ik«}e.*i2 -»>

Detroit ... 2'Hi " La Sa!le-BIOChicar». 2*" " BU Louis... 4 «li

and Inienr.etl;».. a a. -«al pr-.porllenate rales (J-oods willbe cfeivered st sr.y >f lb- al'.'Te naruixi places anih regu.¡arils »r.u ths grestett dupalch. The propr.eUira respect-full» call U.e attention of Wesieni merchant« to thetr planOf oteratuna. They believe n is Jua what ts damaaded» ite e»v> r ce« of Western Irsde, and trust that their es-

tért laSBWlsl n.eel with the approbslion and support oljluepnblir. BSBBBBBCBa!

¦»«vidLiavitt. Pr-at Am Ex. Bk N. T.C T L «-hit«. rT k Co tH ;«'a»«au-«t. N. Y.E T Trrrr k Co. Ill Broadway, N Y.J'ois V\«>»or«, PreaL r* k I. R.R. SyracuseHobace White, Csatier Bk. of 8yraei'.se.Jihs Paise, Csahier Bk of Troy.J W Bkooss. Supt Mich. Cent- R.R. Co. Detroit.Oeo. Smith, Chicago.

Or.'er« for shipment lo be left at the Offire of the Com¬pany. V Wal! st. T. C. at'BSELU PrestN-a-Yrrk Mavl. l'Un mrt if


GKEENWICU--MT. comer of Murrav, and1217 Oreen» icb-sL corner of Barclay, llala 1*>8 (ituew


House snd ship plumbing, locksmi-h and be.l-bangef,¦tuTc« pip»*, rop'-er a.-.d xioc ware steam tahlea snd

Devlops, Wrlgt.1 wsre. ¡snips, pumps, AcBoots repaired sad rjsi/ited with tv«9-pr«*»**t; soapstrnxs

srd other.pamts my4 lm*



ALL (Um of ba.dneas, weak or ihui hslr, will be rs-

stored snd «¡lengthened, grsy hslrs isnii oe preveo'edltd changed to their original euioe. Scurf and Daodra*4will be »niuely rerm-ved, and the hair ander sil clrciev»u»r.c«» and at all a««-» will ba kept healthy, soft, glossy sndrsry, lo ibe isiast period of ll»s_ ~

Ths Tilcorber^u. is . holly different In lu «-°«'»<>»«¿0"frt m sil other sme es of ibe same name orfof a similar p-»*-rxie liistLtiri«^edw*»eiibr»»sgh'J»»»»h'aap:»nfJ^«»«-^^blood vrtaela sod sb«ort»eiiU cwoaeted Will, the ****** .*.

ks.b of the ha.r to rouse sad s«iA»laln a asailhy uto»* ¦U« produce s new sad_LIXIBIANT HEAD Of HAIR.M i en.en wl»hiug advice, aid addr««»«elilcM mu.t r.e par icuiax m staliag aay pecutU«¦« ct,i.i.eci«a wun IS« decay or fa-.tag >ifottmu j

ite»e, r«bd Ibu« produce a uewLIXIBIANT HEAD Of HAIR.

Ledie« or ger i »a.»n wtshiog adviee. «u.d aderestasjgfri.m a dUlar.ce,(.rtLa.slaacr«, «uch as tha present «tale ol beaiiii. s«e. >a4>iu. Barata*.

lanes sod ten-peisssesi «-> '">. r*0**1^! ^.'TÎXabe »sown. aEceV»t<x»d sad isksn *<;axmtoruuf «e»o-e

inch sdviee ran lead to a »ucc«»astol »BSSSa,.«st».»«gslatieiid st in; lit Br.sdwsy, eveiy dsy, fat

lion. Bersraie ro. a»» for I^dtea _..---

."old ai iKe we pal dé-»* 17** Broadwav. Y-hva'lDregglsfs ase PstfumafS la lbs Cslisa «.*»«*» «-"Til la*-sorlA

Ci 11 11 A HF1KI I«*.» bi/a. f»«****» t'i* rueñ-rut -

.SS u\i b, Sassnu a roct-w. lo ci-.tA-ri-avss

AUCTION SAI.KS.A. M Mrs* in, aiAcuc»»«**.

BTBAFKi-*, PLATT <V «'O. "«oreJ94BroadwayPlrfeate- ai-j-rtioe jWeo to Ü* »a.-« of Pi-lraa» Ub*>

I r*»« r.ab advance* marie w «-«a iWinsd"vVEriNEBDAY, THIRSDAY AND ". RIDAY EVEN-

ISils. May IV I« and IT. at T «yt.oek.Assise««»' Bal« or Booa,s«LL«as' Stock. -Con*.»üng

of a very large aaaorunent of »tan tar 1 and mt«ce.,*oax**A«bock«, saoMly recent and popu u edltioc* of woras j .tin

I varíen» hratrt-e» r':inr*tt'.re icAlso, afreaiTan-ii of ne-v «jcioal boo's« !n cuar-aiiss,

Bible* of variou« al/ea Jn.enUe». Blank Book*. Ac.«.,

''.'».ecaialoe-'iea sersaebeveaiee-aaele will Uei*«»ae4.TIESDAY E\ ENINU, Mev i\ and following eveningsEnsLtse ssbj Amkbican Books, School Books, Bra'

7"",ELr« kc -B p k Co are bow prepartn«; the Cstia-l«*«ve for a tale of new. frees, «And deniable Mock, to takepiece el ihe above date.inciudtn« large end attractive .

voice, of Enrlieh Book«. )u»t receivedfrora Europe; avisa-«,extensive renal«rimem* of popular American publl-atl.xv».

j and agree;i vaneivof (,,rei«-T. a-d«*tlc 8-jadooery.A«.VVEÜNESl)AYlKENIN<»,/JihM«r.| Law Lisaaey .A very fallend c«>mrlew library of««««.>bettanof the bar, recently deoa*e«l, eru'«re<- ,rg t'y IV«e«iSta-es Report* of Peser«, Crane«*!, Dállate, the State Report«of John*«« and Wendell, Dlgeats, Siandard TrcaiiAV», Ac j

at raivATa s«i.a.Lardner« Popular Lecture* on Science and Art, 2 vole.

«vo Ew'uank-« Hydrauli.-« and Mrx-r-.antrs, 8vo ¡ Job»..on'«Farmer» Encyclopedia; Uuenons Great Work oa¦¦'**h Cows, Theer's Principle«! of Agriculture-, PeUbo'dl'»Agriculture; Lerlnree D«To«iue»llle'« Democracy in Ana«.rice. Book et" the Feet ; «Jermen Phraae Book ; ZloaSongster i Benoet's Double Entry B«xiS-k«*epinK, Ac. at)

Al*o, The Farmer e EniyrN.pedia and Dictionary ofRural Affaire, with emblematical designa, svo. «beep, fancyI'll-

PKUttTIPTOK**« "»AI.h OK*í:{<)0,l»00 «EVENPER CENT RAILROAD BONDS-By a reeoluuoo

of the Board of Director» «>.' die Cayur« and Sus«i lehannaRailroad Compenv, the Finance Committee of said Boardwere authortxed lô sell all the bonde of the Company ailuMlceurtlun on THURSDAY, May 1«, on which daytbevwt., te offered for eale by WM H. FRANKLINA8t'N. at 12 o-c'.ick. at the M-rrhant«' E«rhen»-e.This Road waa formerly known a» the lihti-aend Owero

Rel n-ed, and originally coet more than #7no,(K)0. A por-Bon of the fund« were borrowed from the State, and on do*_.**.¦,;D payment, the n-oitj-»*-« wa» tbreeloeed and theÏV'.e "IT **T"<h1l,-u, by » o«»w Comcanv, and lu nain«

£££__ _!.__! «n«««m«it The New Companyr»,-ï!o^b1»*^^'^*^0 *"««*. the Erie-have r«M«_tí-.e »Dtire line with a heavy T rail, ar.d have r- ivided new^.BoÜW'^^,^,1^Ll^tt.**l^¦7-^.»a-ryforruJt^e¦tag; the road, lue length le 3| mtlee, ¿Ädtheunount eT~hdedt, addition tu ¿? oAriSe*ecet of U.e Rued, le about i"«r-..i,iii««. mmMOWTLi» road, wtiii ihe «teamrioata on Cayura Lake rm

neciitfceEr.e Railroad wnb the Central twe. at (V °,iBride*. eiiea.linK we*L making the «horte.t root» f, JinNew-V ork to B-inVo. The uwuer« uf ihe^-a and s7Tcnehanae Kaüroarl are ltkew1»e mainly ihe proprietor» ofll.«¦ I. IaTSUI lap RoUroad, row bate«, ined from theLarkawH« «ic.alSeli'atoeupply VV»»iern Ne-.r-Yorkend theLakes with anthraritecoa .mostofwhi'-h'sd-stinedtopaeaover the Cnyu;a «r.d Sun; jeimnna Railroad.and whilei. . r. ad Is now earnhiK it* expenses and a fair dividend <>nIt« capital Stock. It w'.'l be, wberr the Lt|¡e*ett« (lap'roedIs final.eo, oeo uf iho most pr^dtab.e and liu^oiiaol ruadaIn the country.The «nitre amount of bonds Issued by th« Company la

I"""1 .'Mi. In sums of #1,Pfö each, payable In tift.-en years,with interest, seml-ancually. al 7 per ceot at the Mecnaoic*'B*r > in tti'« Cuv Tli« morii*»«?« I» made to Shepherdhti.sf pand I) S Miiier Esos Trustee».The Irin end furnliare t f die road, which the tnonengn

cove««, are worth mure then the entire amount of themortr«).-'-. and the under.)tmed ci-ifidenlly r«commenlthree b«.n<!« eebeinjr ec.Jtti, in a.l re«peO« to any securi¬ties In merket. By a special act of the LearjaleraN, t)MCompany are authorized to »ell these Bond« at Uielr dte-r ht »» ¡.»'ever price.For further particular», and f««r term» of »ale, Inquiry

may he made of either «f the underetxned, director» :u theCompany. WM E DODOE, )


Uiyqilf._H HOTCHRISS. I r,Ptr"-'TCB-

i)KV a,*lMH)«S.

JH. SHAfTF.R, Conirtiaaton Merchant, '-Jopear« et-eet, ha* col «lautly fur (ale,Raw S.Ik». In quantltiee and qualities to suitTrem and Oraanr nea. ui i», b.<i,ed ut, and In colora.Large ak« in BearSagS. no do do8m»ll skein Sewings, In a.l varietiesSaddler«' tnree cord SewiOif«. ail colorsEmbroidery Silk, for shawl« and scarfsFloss Silk, for letleriutr and tvtn«/ piece goodsWorsted Yam«, No«. I« and 'J)i, dyed or iu the greaseCoitou Yarn, N". I««, all co.yra, ou »poolsCotlea Thread No». 30 to 60Si k Pipinir, No*. 4 to 11. m>10 2w

C'llKAP TKI.Tl>IINli MTOHK.-E. HEYN,¦* 4o7{f Broadwty, between Canal and Urand-el, offer«

lor «ale the lateat elyle« of ladle» Mlk Trlin-iiwv* and B'lUtona. Embrotderie», Thread and Needle*. Comba, a leur»

variety new patterns. AU these good» will be »old at thevery loweet prleee. alSIa*

SIPKHKINK III F.A( IIFI» -««III RTINÍJ«*.ít'i cásea Ynrk Premium«. Wacbuaetta, Dover and

American Mill« «up-rfine üKTt'.n Inch Shirting». Also, es-tra-anper 37 lech Sbirtlniie, for «ale bymu,_


ÛTAÛK~MÏîTi,M DKILLINOfJ.-~SM package*I» 7 brown, bleeched, elate and blue, extra eiout, and une-

qualed In perfection of manufacture Fur «ale bymjb'NESMITH A CO 'jO and ii Pln«ML

I, IM: I.MII i:\dlhl) t OI'TO.N«i.-t*0<) bale»S Rhodi- Island Paiu Al-«>, K.xklnxham, Hooksett, Mod.way, Hop«, Waltham and nthrr siyje*, for *ale y

my6NESMITH U CO .»> and ¦><" Plne-st.

C^Al.H«) PKI>TKK*.' ISI.\M\ir**< l«>/ ping and Sieve Cloth, Typo Printer« and En.ravera*

Blsnkets, Roller, Cleaver and Jacket Cloiha, for «ale by| myll C. B. LR BAROW, A3 fMeet.

BLl'K FBINTH«.100 case» Adame'e bee and whiteand blue and orange Prinu, for ea'e bv

myllC B LE BAlttJN,'«-» Plne-eL

IMtOUN MUEKTIN-UM..13» bale« Sa .'nry.Evl"f\r> Mohawk Val ey, and other «tvle«. fir «ale i«»w,bymyll C.B.LI BARON,MPleéetBLI E AND t AMAIlY â'KI NT.-J.-A lb* and

superior inicie, fast color«, for *«le bvmyll C. B LE B ARON, M Pino-st.

GUKh.N PRINT*..Vi ce.e» ,;reen and bl»-k andrreen and blue at b*. to 8 ct«, f»r (Ale bv

myll C It LK It A ROS. V, Pine at.

?> A JU.EAt HKII MllUTI>(;t.-I->Oca*e« fiue*>¦"» and low priced at J ton ci«, «»le h*

¦¦vil « il LE BAROM, '.'. Pin^ at.

/'UUlKtil 7'ATIHKM **>. i-> i*M««BUgM osaiV^ «''.re aasorunenu, from 4J io«i «it«, for sale by

myll C. B LB BABOtS.» Plne-st»> « Bi.EAt hid-*niit rix;*« iv ... . .»

«!>"*l priced Slirun»-», c imp'lsinx a variety of at/iea, forse'eby |miH| NESMITH i. CO M«jadMP_Ml

Oiiiu fsTATis loan of o-A\eeèeeê.--rm.i ii ««.i.M-r« oftbsi "!iio «.' Fu-.d, by v.'iieof ei

act of the Oeneral Assembly of Ihe Susie of Ohio, pausedMerck 11, lb-.», hereby ntvn notice that »eeled prrr>o«\U

' will be received until the Uihof June next, at

noon, at the office of the Oniu Life In.ura -e an t TrialI Company, New-York, lira loan of Two Million» Six U<m-dred T"'«i; «and Dillar», for which trur-aferab.e ceruScAJe»of Oblo Siete Stock will be i«sued h* follow» ¡

One M Ilion Biz Hundred Th« useud Dullarato hearln-tere.i at ihe rate of »It per cwl per »nnnra, peyab.e eemt-

antualiy in the City of N-w-Yurk, and U,o principal retar-buraed ai the pieaaure of the Sialeafler theyear M7AOne Million OS D "I»'« i" «e«S MSSfSSl «I the ret« of ñve

percent set «tunim, payable00Okoee» and the principalreinitiursemebi* at the pleasure ».f the Stale efler 1 ir>«.

The certificate, of stork will bear ir. ere»t from Ihe 1stday of July, 1&**0.Tte p-eirr-mi« ooHed fbr said loan must be paid In ciati,

or in Ohio «n per cent s-.o«.ks «f l.'m, at par, on the day ofopening- t!,e proposals, bv éMOatttag tti« «aune with the

Oslo Lile Ir.aurancea&d Truat Coinpany, New-York, to'.hecredit «f t.-.e Ohio Cenal F«J-id Commissioner« The bal-anre or principal to be («lid a« above, either In each er

Oui s.x fer ceLt. «seca m MM at per, un the 1st day «.if; July next, when the eeruticaia« of stock wi.l tied«ii/cred.

The proceed« ef the aoove loan are rei| itred for the re-

demptioD of the five and six per cent Stocks of Ohio, insr

luring after December 31, 1860 Proposal* may, therefore, If desirtd, be made wiih ine understanding, tuai, after

| tie payment of the premium of lb« aix per «->¦ »l etuck, andIfce premium and five per reat. of (he principal of lb« five

i per n nt. sleek, the balance raey reineio on iniereet at five' per cent per annum, from the et Jury, to be paid tn «urn«of! «olles« than live thousand dolar, at the pleasure of the

b.riJei, at any time before the Hat day of December, loW«)the stocks being withheld a« collateral «ecurity for «uchpay ment.

I 1 be propoaaJ«, which m»y he for any part of «aid loaa

,'nolle». li.»u Le'Jujuaand dollars, must «täte th« amount

tret wnl te paid for each one hundred doliere of »toe», d.«-

erim'relirg tietweer, ihe five.nd six T"rcent», a*1*rtngU>e .

nicttBi ol the party making ihe prnpoaeJ, an 1 be «ae.->*edin «n en-.e,i.p marked .. Vro[,o,*l, ßr <.Km Statt «V»J<».

«rdsddre»*edto the Ohio Cao«) Fund C<!iim_t'Hiere, cars

ot OEO. 8 COE. E.q MM |l^_I?!_____wE N SILL A«-!"; Canal Find Co«iiJ*al**aOoer.JOHN .»iiOl». Auditor <>f »t.te. I

A. A. BLISS. Treaaurer of Son*. a»l Ü il»

CFIAKLKM HXI.KM, dealer in Je«jq,n<.'« now jh«leniPr«mlum ealeiy I.« -amps., tampon«,

Srirlt Os«, Ol and Lard Lamp», Had aid other Ua.erne,<¦ hand« les.Cbsndrl'rrs,Ae of the !¦«,.ten provedpaiten«»!

! Britannia »id Ola»* Ware. Cutlery and Fancy Ornanenu.

AUo Camiter... *vv* Os«, Pbosa-eo-« O,., OH, Wlcaa,OtsM*» kc^ Ï7J Ore«-nwk»*t beiw«sen W«^r»joai4dCI«aiu-ber. .«.'. _mylO 1mA

1'llt »LB^CMIHKM ~s opencl an oOkM I l -

Diautice of Law, at IU WeU-e« Ja-rr^ey court .New-York Meyl. I««- CHARLES P. RlRKLAND7^r Suh*eriher,(1flri}BnecOoTiwah Charle* P )

! baa opensd an ol&cs for the practice of the Law a; j!) Wall-«t J.ur.cey-CoiArt..New-York, May 1. H ¦".


FLhll« ISolKF.. -.«rl CKKHK «..' Kl r... nutter .»I Ma IM \ --lenajaS C«an»maRy ot-.?>»< ity '

M sVw Tors, rahtr«. w t*e ofmtnt] at S.«.aO« .«»»o, o Lb*-¦ f H't T.rli. fr.,m-Jie r. .rrl^r« bo.aatar«;

le cf lar^ta «IreMy retM to mi C", *>« Chara«. H. HaJa. at US*.. --' '¦ - -ur «el. of :*Aai «i*»ä -r.U< SoSe-a .

a»»«*»» 11*»« by Trv» Major A»«.r«» .«I Cnr.-iu., .It« of«.

*>» Tort. »un«, «at to »'.«tut» j, But h ees» na*, aaaf ffoaid*«, UutIfcaaaaT).« Mapr.r, Aldermv-ri.acl C'lam. I at IhmTort !..».>. u> »-.a«, a*.'. «u.r, ta -la. hpr'aa uf U>4 Stau 4t>». t' « ![*.< *1 Tar«, of th. aeud Oxirt,tn be -,.ll at«SeCi*JHaP. titkrCi«; o/>_ T.rk.'.eS«t.»<ijy, Ua. SMk la, of H.ett»»«reB«a« «f»fc. C«arto.!hat «ay, -r ua« UtenafVr a. « «.««

a.1 co te- brvJ, dir UV Bff ntiKut .: (.'tnni aaumera V lAnuia IIW A»«.«.ul a. Ua. «*jn.. ntitwal a».: 1er OM tn. aaatar. a»i «J |».». .>« Urn :aa)i*o««*M>t aatheOymnta, oíLu. Ilk an*-»., u u«»T«»»lril«War.a4 u. ti«. U *>». T.-ei, fr,«n U^ nortterij wnvlarj i.ubbítan.« «!re»j7 ,rird Lu aa»S C.:\, b) LTurO» H Haul', a« l*a*M at»'«, to

la« aoilkerfji .-mtmm nt lajotAi «tew«, aa bud »art *p«m (a. -v^l» <*

r«. ufU^ nmmtnt aa ArtautO. * «i *¦ « r*ia«.>

ar,pm«ra.*ata, uvh« teaiR.pmirna-.:«. -mar h. aw Ua. baria«; eat of aMW a«»« "*«« -» ¦*

Clj of «!.-¦ Tort. HaaT.r »»tiwpainwes ¦_*»! A(.nl Hal. 1-1-».(e* H.m 1,rtv,krniñAk, Utu. ^tgliitT g DAVIS«,

CHAIN < AHI.atf-v-A le/g» aeawtasent ot Eofipro-.trd, five, i-e to 11-» lurte* For «ele by

m¿ -aULNTADER£]CR80"ll5JB*«riB*««-


- 8. r.TOWNS*Nf»'SSAR3APAR!LU,lamianoaaroaai siietrf is to u, and raak» fia«,aee of D». Towasisn's bams to secare -basal« uturmT**ABTicxss.


Tbasa c«»«»t»T«eltB sad lml'.aitog« nety raov« sat in»,oftha oeiuiSAL; snd no ><ii.hkb coxriiMiar «a»aa«hîpaid to Dr S P Towrserd'« Extract of Sarsapar-Ujà^B**,the laborlon« effort» that bata r>**ri made to get a» stTBIKS LIES IT. AS to tbe DltH.iNItT «Tlt.rl« Ojalbeen made »o toase Dr T"au«asd4s w«ws la fa «aCOsri'SlON to '.be puli'.c njir.d to refereora In the «sssàas«ira s, »e pot- tb below a .-ard of all its» prtsahad»Uoi.tSAl.l D«t'6«il»T» tu New-York. -~

We» the nederslgsed WN.|.-sa:e Dregglsu, to tha «it* «.New York, hsve sold Dr S P T «a stt.r»'« F.stba.-t o»BassAraail i a tor aova««! year», aud coaldar u Bw ORIS.INALand OENl'INE Dr T. wusend4» i**«v»aparllla, satthat It ws» the r.rst introduced to public notoriety sadavthai rame.BOY D k PACK 4«* Counisadi-stWALTER B TOWNSENDfc CO 211 Paerl-st.LEEDS fc HAZARD I'I Matder-iana.JOHN CARLE A CO iMWsaafBt.M. WARD k C> «3 Msiden-lsoa.J kJ F TRIPPE, fa) Mai'len-lane. .

GRAHAM !» Co o-o- sitaOSOOOD k JENNINGS. IÍ8 Pevl-StA B HAV1LAND A Co Ofbce IT7 Broadway.JACKSON. BOBBIN«* A III I«M Water-sLTHOMAS A MAXWELL.« Wiltism-stWILLIAM L'NDKKHH.L.Jr I .-3 Wr-ur-aLDAVIDT LANMAN ft» Wsier-stMARSH k NOKTMROP, fix Peerl-stNOW N. IABCU4 K 1 WOOD, »»» tin i BVieasr«tOLCOTT. MeKESSON A CO 1/7 Maiden l«*J*-a.B4 HIFFFKI.IN. BROTHER i« CO. l«>4»nd lUBJotSTM«.LEWIS k PRIl K. \S Pearl,,.A. B A D SAMiS. |.». Kalion-stHAVILAND, REESE V. CO M Maldan-lane.RISHTON. CLARK A CO K Rr.» Iway, ,lt»«Ae»or

Ufuae, idJ Ä1 Unadw»«. n«r rhainlteraaLPHILIPS«.IHlEFPELlN A CO. 101 Waler-eLIPOt A PALANCA. «Si .lotin-sL8HERV\»;OD A COr'rlN.S» Pearl-al.Rl ST k HOL'OHTON, i» Joftn-st.I. MINOR A i«. . i Fa lo» »i1NOERSOI.L A BROTHER. V30 Pearl-srJOSEPH E Tllll'I'E 1- -ta. ten-lane.HAYDOCK.Í OKI.ll> f» CLAT.BI l4-»n «tGKEKNLEA** * M.s» » i I «unandt-atCCMMtV«; A VAN lilV ER I7»l ()c«»nwk'>-«tHAbKELLA MEHRH K aOnMalB. A KAHN' r»J -hnst

fropiietors ol " Ka.'u.. at < «'« V> fxt/ugs.-4TO Till: PCBLIC.

The public sre hei»'\ n. ,|..l :h«itSe prepararla«! e*.terv.v.iy known ss PR S P Ti ilVS»'END'S COM-rOCND EXTRACT OF BARSAPA BILLA, Is now earns-tacturou under tsy dliecit..n sou »u(»er»i,.or, from lh« Oi"lf>ral r»« parAa^ll tfOBlDf S p T..wn.and¡ and I certifythat H U c»wp«.««".t «it i ladl.m, itkk.I Y VFOETA*BLE, aud WITUOCT UXM I KY ; «u«t also that the in-gredleuf» are J, »o as to »btaln rrotaIhein their greatest medlclns! effect

JAMES R. « UILTO»«4*, M. U,Cbea«lMDr Chtlton'a name is surely '.ha: the element» of this Ri-

tract an- combined In ihr m. «i correct and scientific m&o-oer, ard that il is adapted to the wams of the invalid, ..*»>ti., . h* «I r. .¦

This we hope will be sufficient ovábante» to the prataOe,V I'r S P. T"Wu«eod's Co'uptiUDa

Exirscl ol Sarsspsrlils Such l no fear of getttngoue of the spurious snd basera] inmutes wbtch fill lasetisnnels of trade, and »*e cast is'las' w.thoutaay ssow-1I1..K elilier of lln- ralur«- <,f ai.Mi o«aL ««¿Esva, er teaWANT« OF THI Hl'MAM »TSTSM When LABOSINO VMOBaDi>EA.»r. Dr Cutí ros'» cram icats. will In futurabe Riund "n the on » da w-*;>|ier. in «.¡.llrj.m It» Dr BP.It,h MjiMi'i signature ou lbs «p tUiJki sieel plais laasiBen that the signature of llr S. ¡' Tnmueud U 00 *«wAa

bott.e. a« none o'Ii -r I» ge'.iiii.e8o:«l bv ail tbe druggisU throughout lue Unltad Buiea,

Canada, Ac. Ac. AcPnnci¡ »i m: ce. 12 Nassau »*. N Y.Agent for Ncwaik-J R V,» Bt »kiss, corner of Broad

ar.l Market »u. -

H..-.K.»»:- .Mrs BaTBB IU Ku t>naL mv8 «tWAS*


¦Menai «Nr CHASOB.


THE Ortglnsl and only Get.uine m a new envelope andniurb laiger boxes.

PiAiD.Ci umerfeits of Dai.i.rv'« Exlrsctor, In thooi4wrapper, flnod the msikei avoid lias you would poison-for, u» use U, u as dstigeroti«'

GR()SS IMPOSITION.Caution to Deals rs!~ Ci.scrupulous VMdarsnfco«a&-

terfeii Exlrsctor, put up Hie spart i« snd le'.elertous »uef,win. slew boxes of lie Oenuii.eDaley aaivetneaahdoaaa.under s well mutated lui C .unterteil Wrapper of the ola.i/«-, und Ibus ofl«*r H to dealers al a reduced prtee. Tillsba'.i iskes wtlh maoy d.-ai« r«, baillas .-.ntidingautrnrer whoban et.« to use Hie ¿oSDlerfi It n-id p.isottou» «tuff pay» skapeiiSlly of the frsud agravatad ttiMsaa.uiasghlly «e-fi.i inliy reaull'ng from e«v, re bums snd wontids.snd,loi uofrcquunUy, loss of (.- »e.(, «rs Um woful eoo-sequemce«!Miun the poiv.Doiis couiilerftdls sod buy the DaUnf

Salve only in the new Bavaiope n< .1 l'ie larie BoxesMask..The emblema ..s the new wrapper. Triaagie,

Se« peut. Sun, Dove, Lion and I- .««..«.IMPORTANT CASH.

Interesltng particulars .1 of the n »at «everely b«rn.*d stid Injured sufferers, by ih»< Iste melancholy aud dla>.sti ous

HAOUE-ST EXPLOSION,will sppesr In s few day« in ib.- papers. Tbe ease wupr«n. um-e.i h. [ ri.... but Dsllay's lienuias Extractor e«J-fecled a pe»f. ct cure: Not a «car Is teA la tell the tale!MiNti.The New Wiapper~tbe Large Boxes.sod tb«

Gnuice Arur «!.

CT~ tuu the new prt-.ted Circutsrs or la4«}.ÍL 1!. Tha naint-s of wliol* some «lealsrs who proesre

lh»w »tipplie« from lb«- proprtator ».II he publish«»» In lb«fupers sa s guide to ike public in guard ajratnat frsud.

II DALLEY, IIS Hroadwsr, N. T.To be bad, « »... of (lav lar «i, heeae A Co. at Ru«hv>n'a,

A H «. II Har.d«, ar V. V |".-k r <* Co. am4w2»sw*


THIS FAVORITE REMEDY .»»sed or pure c*dLiver on, ci.iiibii.e.i « other «-amable Ingredients,

wl cli completely di«i|Uia*i liie r«pul»lva taste of lbs OILwtihout delraril'ii/ fr. in Us rn. i si " r'u"». nreaentlng IIIn a form by which it car ba »'nur sBSfS**] to the nsosl detl-csie luvstid w.itioui latosvSBjsnc* Il bas now MBB be¬fore the public lor four niuni» ». duruig whlcb UfselAa raoslflatlenng teattu.t nlalaof 1 » aupt-rbi ..*¦ .-Hence ha*»«e beaatereued and II r «iw suads unrivaled a« a cursi!re for ra¬ced colds, oli« mate congl.s, bronchitis. Influents, ssthsas.

j and all afleetton« oí toe llir«.ai«...l rbesi. The medicinallnflutnce of Il.l» Cabdy pui«u*»a the exact track of the In¬flan.n.alory ac'u.u «aastas* c.-oj-h e'ir«t saouilaa; tltaor-g«c* of tl.e v. K--, t'.- se«'si vf -r! le: .¦¦.« paaaea along Usan irt/ua iliilii« of Inn windpipe lnu> ibe broncbll, sod ailay-|r"f, Irrlistlon, giving ease and comfort Ui toaCtiatS. I»*r*a0rtag ifie voice lo ! « ac. u»lomed doamaws andpowers; c« Sited phP'giu, «inl<nouV In the fluids aad ob..ou. u .na m t: e gland« h . ¦'.i »afely dtsebs/gad byta«y asptctorruHaa. Im« «ardías «-.-a »iibibe siamaeh.acosis.on cod yie.d» tu il« b« -r uu Influence los few boars.m d v I en r." r'.d u» before Um ompisjsl U tut advancedali dsri/.-r of con»iim['ti>>r. I« sotln .y |>revenind.

BEVVAKE OF l til NTEKFEIT8.Since lie Ib-rixturiion of no» poMiiar remedy srtveral

worthless to li.tlons have msde iheir spsearsnee, fu m .le original 11." p-ibn«; will ba particulartrd .nqniro lor BliM« « < od Liver «Oil Candy,snd ooasera U« fac simile ol the ¦

. naiure at Iba proprie-tor im «very pHcas««» of the genuine article.

Fret «reo on v by B K blias, Dru/.tst, Bprtsgaold,Mm. For sale In this . n\ by A S. k D. BANDS, l(Jo Fui-li n »t ; «i t'.e Astor sr.d Irv. ¿ IJou»* Drug Stores, sodI Hi Broadway, snd by sil the principe! drugguu Ikrough-ou; tfc* Iuioii «u, lassods

A4 l.llTAIN I l KLEIIll ltlll.L »1 AT1*4.**!.-lie Au., r» au Kneuuisllc Balsam Is tha meat sxUsoi-

dlbary n.eiliclre kiown l«.r a >.. r in vier i rure of all rhee-niatic ct, sa. b a» it.flarooiau.ry, chronic, acala,n,t n.i .a, rl.« un.xiiim, «-< ui, ¡«.inbsgv. apt «si affection, kA.Tbis n edldr» Is purely »»jetable, snd s new discovery,li only wants s Loua, to ci. «,«.. «¦ tria riiost preja4»ee«lmlr.d« of II efficacy lo ture, and II has never bean knoarnlo tail when as>d bcri.rdmg to directions. Nsawgenuine bincss slgneu by toe propiletor, R. TURNER, on

ire wr»n erieuld wt.«l> »ale Slid n-lrU.' by B"yd A Paul, # OirBsisfl

»! ; «;.o bv l.eo D»:«" ¦-.-. . «» I « O-avao-ie J. O.Brain 3«i liée, od avertie, and Mr» Hsye«, ITS Paltort-st.Bii-o»i»r,; Uro Iiexier, 5J arate-« A.'-say alao, I» M alo-si Bi¦fíalo, « F 11»i.-... if« ll.iiit Cincinnati, Ohio;II sin\a»r orrier of Tlúrd acd Mala Ms. Pias-harglE»«\*.4».«'

___^___ _

VI BJl MfcLl.'*** OKItilNAI. A NU ONLT»* OEM INE OPODELDOC, lor Rbeura»ul*«a,S|>ra.nel

Crsmr«, ir (f*#e Re., ii/-r.d.'.l by Prof Mitchell, ofNew-York College >.f Med.. in». Prt«-e .fteeoU s hatlla.W l.uwel. . Ar> u.atu: SflliA tW Ree/iuroaodad by Pent

Wstertiouae, «if Harvard- In' -erslty For HssdscBs, CvUrrh »r.d Neuralgia Frica 'Jfi a/.d 40 'eoU a bollisCW U'-wsre of unl'anor« snd buy only that which baa

tie *i«n»'ure of J. p Whirweii on the wrapper.Bold wbokaiAe aid retail by Rusloa, Ciarh A Co ; A S.

A D Hand«; Thomas A MaxwelL Jff loiVVAS'

'I O .Mill llhll-a. «1 -r«^dNiirseswr«esrSlr»ja-J t. . d c..idi«-ii wbo MBB re much eoaxisgla» uae

nisdieir.e should, by all ir.eaua, purchase the se ebraiadMahteen Syrop of Dr. J Re-ad It cires cods, coughs,tv retbrna', mr-lpleot ooauitp.loo. lalmuaj ouetlissM« if*

pre»«Uio, Ac Principal, H Cba;i.t«er«-at. Ageou Kilb ¦ ntv: Dr SanCer«, In the Bowery, eorasrof ttsssasl-st,Ur Tr n-a^r. J» Wbilaba.1 «L la H l^aaisbii/gb. '-« Dar-bee 14« Four'"«-««. _T1- ¦'*

1i «,i,l» «tea of V*. BV<-. Aa»"'«»*» a- f/T'«T.4*4**4»» "*,""Sof ti* Y, n ,. ». « » t. tú .1-ewe« *f Si*ik **.»**. fr*m °**Barîlwe a^l-T-at ai!«írJ *. Ä**444**4 «"JH EïÎ^r^'rtrX'mv^'t.TJt:í'r^¿é Mansa«, uval liw m4 TÍ. I«««, AW*e

I tae« .t» -i sea T r». »>u»l lo i.«A.«i>fk

illll.l«. {.«.la« » -».mis» «ilMI. -la «-a -aatu« .IS»«cm *è* Ou** waa% «if Ua t .I»

, ».. w. i. .

,, ,., Tl.rV-n. Ki-t, m turn TealSk

,;.' T TnttmVjmmJ&im;i7. m'.m\ÏeZZZilè r~*mi. «a- Uw m*i îL¡M ****

i»»Áa\I » 0»Twr^ A"4"« ."* "*. .*"*** ^ *. *'"*. s» . 'P*» -Í4 ; .;.¦", . - - « assv.sisss'ga, v

I'm t et ..: .rt.» tkairA4. «a» -t «***,. l«SS. et 0**9**»* et

.1 V. - rù .1 i.î ia>« ii.-ra.iU/ «a t>.«aale«a «a <***.^fc^,^¿¿am*~^ufeemnum **t .«¦-¦¦,tl»r. Uu< 11. aimMl Ml«a rf !««. «

M«S a. **. «*i«»-a*l f «i-" «>. A>.«e». l»»0» f~* !»1 k»r. .!' r«¦*'*, '*'«'*,«>» »a»IC»tg,aa lal««*",-4«

ZSSeÏTl.- - "-J4-*f «.> «**.' -*ÍTZmÍUimA. al»»»«''» "' .*"** »«»a,«»»i lor .Aim»******, r****Apt^M I-' ¡'.-'«-.'I .» A|.rü*'*a.l**»_..Li«"J*»"-* Hr*it> ? i«A»i». i.-,.^»-«*>-.'¦¦*-«»-»***'.*.


U suhaa-r ffers h!, »er.1«-.». t» ******* 'flZZPaie« la !*'. c*mli-7 UKl «-M» °m*LrV!£Z eaeSea.«- «xi*f c«»ovio»-oi»: Siaies. **B»»iBsBs*saaw*»^._JCo a ned c^and«deifSS»t'Kde' or» sil le«TSl " »

poiBU i»«->fíJ»ec.»>l»|-J: lirewe«n|i.'-»'U^j*rj^^r»oiaTiarAai«*»;-* -»**-» 3CXtmem\mâ