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Page 1: New worldview 7

Scientists found out that there is visible and invisible light. The invisible light

refers to the background

radiation which is older

than any light that we know. It can be recognized

by its wavelength and the very low temperature of minus 270 degree Celsius

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Should we not have an open Heart and mind to acknowledge the invisible

realm of subtle

matter which can be already measured

by high-tech instruments?

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In recent years scientists are talking increasingly of the

existence of a Multiverse, referring to the hypothetical set

of multiple possible universes and the many-worlds interpretation

of quantum physics

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The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of multiple possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience) that together

comprise everything that exists and can exist:

in the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws

and constants that describe them.

The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.

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The structure of the multiverse, the nature of each universe within it

and the relationship between the various constituent universes, depend on the

specific multiverse hypothesis considered.

Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion,

philosophy, transpersonal psychology and fiction, particularly in science fiction and fantasy

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In these contexts, parallel universes are

also called ‘alternative universes’, ‘quantum universes’,

‘interpenetrating dimensions’, ‘parallel dimensions’, ‘parallel worlds’,

‘alternative realities’, ‘alternative timelines’,

and ‘dimensional planes,’ among others.

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The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics

that asserts the objective reality of the universal wave-function

and denies the actuality of wave-function collapse.

Many-worlds implies that all possible alternative histories and

futures are real, each representing an actual world or universe

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The many-worlds interpretation is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the theory of the universal wave-function,

many-universes interpretation, or just many-worlds.

MWI is one of many multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It is currently considered a mainstream

interpretation along with the other decoherence interpretations

and the Copenhagen interpretation.

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Before the many-worlds interpretations, reality had always been viewed

as a single unfolding history. Many-worlds, however, views reality

as a many-branched tree, wherein every possible

quantum outcome is realised. Many-worlds claims to reconcile

the observation of non-deterministic events, such as the random radioactive decay, with the fully deterministic equations

of quantum physics

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Some of the theories set up by famous people

like Heisenberg and Einstein turned out not to be correct as scientific discoveries

came to new conclusions. The models and interpretations

which are presented by scientists have become more and more complicated,

impossible to understand by ordinary people, containing theories and hypotheses,

which lack confirmation

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String theory is an active research framework

in particle physics that attempts to reconcile

quantum mechanics and general relativity. It is a contender for a

theory of everything (TOE), a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental forces

and forms of matter

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String theory posits that the elementary particles (electrons and quarks) within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects,

but rather 1-dimensional oscillating lines (‘strings’).

String theories require the existence of several extra dimensions to the universe

that have been compactified into extremely small scales,

in addition to the four known spacetime dimensions

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Since the mid-1990s, in particular due to insights from dualities shown to relate

the five theories, an eleven-dimensional theory called M-theory is believed to encompass all of the previously

distinct superstring theories. Some see it is the only candidate

for a complete theory of the universe while others have criticized it for not

providing novel experimental predictions at accessible energy scales

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Many theoretical physicists believe that string theory is a step towards the

correct fundamental description of nature. This is because string theory allows for the consistent combination of

quantum field theory and general relativity, agrees with general insights in quantum gravity (such as the holographic principle

and black hole thermodynamics), and because it has passed many non-trivial

checks of its internal consistency

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Whatever the names that are given to so-called scientific theories that

try to explain the ultimate origin and fundamental laws of the universe, they remain theories in which you may or may not believe,

similarly to philosophies and religious dogmas

created in the minds of people who claim to have some insights

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When we realize that from this perspective

there is not much difference between these different disciplines then we can take a mature approach

and understand that what we need is not more theories or another religious teaching

but a correct understanding of man from the viewpoint that Heart and Love are at the very core of every human being

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This fact is proven in many ways including a documented experiment

which was made decades ago where new-born children were given only food but

no personal attention at all. They all died within a rather short time,

proving that human beings cannot really exist and function properly

when the realm of emotions is excluded

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Emotions and feelings are

even more fundamentally part of a human being than the ability to have thoughts and to have some theories

about the world and its origin

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We need to know what things look like from the viewpoint

of True Love

The realm of Heart must be the very foundation

for our understanding of the world.

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Our focus must be a deepening of our understanding

concerning the realm of True Loveand its practical application

in order to enable all people to live in a surrounding

where they are loved and cared for from the very beginning of their lifestarting in their mother’s womb

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Rather than searching for the elusive Higgs-bosonin order to prove or disprove the string theory we need to move from the brain to the Heart

and make sure that in every home the reliable bosom of a caring Mother

touches a string in the Hearts of the children, strengthening them to become loving sons

and daughters of the Family of Man