Download - New Testament Survey no.25: Paul - First Letter to Timothy


Review : Paul’s Life

Review : Paul’s Life

1 Timothy


2 Timothy

Letter From To Style Theme

1 Timothy Paul 5th Mission Journey

Timothy in Ephesus

Official Orders

Proper Leadership, Ministry & Teaching

Titus Paul 5th Mission Journey

Titus in Crete

Official Orders Godliness

2 TimothyPaul

Final Imprisonment (Rome)

Timothy in

EphesusPersonal Sharing Perseverance

Summary : Paul’s Pastoral Letters

Introduction (first 2 verses)

FROM : Paul on 5th Mission Journey

TO : Timothy + Church in Ephesus

- use of ‘you’ plural in Greek = final greeting in 6:21

- written by Paul to be read aloud to congregation

DATE : A.D. 62 (29 years after Christ’s death)

STYLE : Formal Letter of Commission

Giving direct instruction on what must be done

Timothy sent to Ephesus

Timothy Acts 16:1-3 – Beginning of Timothy’s Ministry

(1) Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. A disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek.

(2) He was well spoken of by the brothers at Lystra and Iconium.

(3) Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him, and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those places, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

Timothy : Person (Acts 16:1-3 + 2 Tim.1:5-8)

From Lystra in Asia Minor Timothy’s mother = Christian of Jewish origin (Acts

16:1 + 2 tim.1:5) Timothy’s father = Greek Gentile – pagan faith Converted from Paul’s 1st Mission journey @ Lystra Strong Faith: churches @Lystra & Iconium spoke highly

of him Paul discipled Timothy and decided to take him on

mission Joined Paul on 2nd mission journey - through to Paul’s

execution + Received Last of Paul’s letters – pass on the baton

Timothy : Ministry (Acts 16:1-3 + 2 Tim.1:5-8)

Became one of Paul’s most trusted co-workers

Sent by Paul to deal with difficult problems / issues in Thessalonica, Corinth and now here in Ephesus.

Received Prophecies + Gift + Calling from God (1 Tim.1:18 + 2 Tim.1:6)

Character (2 Tim.1:7) = young, timid, in need of encouragement.

Yet Paul trusted the work of God in Timothy to delegate to him this challenging work (God looks to inside faith over outside nature !)

Circumcised by Paul (Acts 16:3) - to do evangelism to the Jews ( not for salvation - which Paul taught against)

‘To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews’ (1 Corinthians 9:20)

Church of Ephesus History Started by Paul in 2nd mission journey (Acts 18:18-21) Paul’s Headquarters in 3rd mission journey (Acts 19) Paul stayed to build church for 3 years (longest of any

church) Deep personal bond with church + leaders (farewell in

Acts 20) Only church in NT to receive letters from Paul + John

(Revelation) Consisted of house churches across the city each

overseen by leader Problem Now False teaching destroying + dividing the church

Situation Timothy sent to Ephesus – as Paul’s apostolic

representative To – Resolve problems of Jewish False Teaching –

destroying & breaking up the church

To – Build up solid leadership – of elders & deacons Since – time delay before Paul meets Timothy – he sends

letter to instruct & guide Timothy in leading church & resolving problems

For – Reading out in church – to warn about false teachers & guide leaders in new responsibilities

Problem: False Teaching Acts 20:28-31 - Paul warned Elders before on 3rd Mission


(28) Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

(29) I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;

(30) and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.

(31) Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears.

Problem: False Teachers The future Paul warned of – came to happen 20 years later Intensify in the end times (1 Tim. 4:1) From within the church - not outside (as in Galatians) Believers who have left the faith (1 Tim.1:19-20+ 1

Tim.4:1+ 2 Tim.2:18) False teachers were :

Ignorant of scripture (1 Tim.1:7) Self-important & very divisive (1 Tim.1:4 + 6:4) Meaningless & foolish controversies & quarrels (1 Tim.1:6+2

Tim.2:23) Forbid marriage + certain food = ascetic (1 Tim.4:3) Yet use positions for financial gain (1 Tim.6:5) Focus on godless O.T myths & genealogies Deceive and draw believers away from faith in Christ

Intensify to end times = Reality now in churches

Characteristics to be aware of in false teachers

Not Academic Problem – fully decides faith + living

Purpose Instruct Timothy to confront False


Instruct Timothy to bring end to false teaching & the destruction its causing to believers & church in Ephesus

Give guidelines on leadership roles & responsibilities in the church

Encourage and advise this young leader in his difficult task

Theme Proper Teaching,

Ministry & Leadership


Chapters1. Teaching

2. Worship

3. Leadership

4. Godliness

5. Relationships

6. Righteous Living

Ch. 1. False Teaching FALSE TEACHERS = (definition: see above slides)

EFFECT – especially upon group of women - young widows: vulnerable & gullible (1 Tim.5:15 + 2 Tim.3:6) led astray from faith

CONFRONT – False Teachers: destroying church & people’s faith - this is Spiritual Warfare against demonic teaching (1 Tim.4:1)

RIGHTLY HANDLE – God’s word (2 Tim.1:15): correctly interpret

TEACH – Sound Doctrine: counter false teaching with Bible based truth

AVOID – irrelevant, godless quarrels (1 Tim.4:7)

BE EXAMPLE – in speech + conduct + love + faith + purity (1 Tim.4:12)

Ch. 2. Worship Focus on Church Worship & Prayer

First = Intercession for leaders + all in government

‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour.’ (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

Ch. 2. Worship (verses 8-15)(8) Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up

holy hands, without wrath and dissension.(9) Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper

clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,

(10) but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

(11) A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

(12) But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

(13) For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.(14) And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman

being deceived, fell into transgression.(15) But women will be preserved through the bearing of

children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.

Ch. 2. Worship (verses 8-10) Verse 8: “therefore I want” – Paul’s Direct response to

the church context & problem of false teachers (begun in ch.1:3)

Responding to context & problems in the Ephesus church :

Men engaged in anger + quarrelling + dispute ( infighting over false teaching)

Women using expensive clothing – braided hair, gold & pearls

Amongst Greek upper class especially in successful city of Ephesus - traditional Greek & Roman dresses often highly ornamented with gold & precious stones; hair was often crisped and curled in complex manner

Problem (a) sign of rich status – in the face of believers who were poor & slaves (b) clothing used to attract interested men – opposite to purpose of worship

Ch. 2. Gender Controversy (verses 11-15)

Paul Instructs here -

Women learn quietly & remain quiet – in submission

Not to : Teach - or - Exercise Authority - over a man

Which Women Refer to?

Universal interpretation = Every woman

Contextual Interpretation = The young widows in Ephesus (1 Tim.5:3-16) who have been led astray from truth by the false teachers (1 Tim.5:15 + 2 Tim.3:6)

Ch. 2. Gender Controversy (verses 11-15)

Decision ? Decide NOT by culture - or background - or church

attend Decide by - Interpret Scripture as foundation for

faith & life 2 Interpretations of this passage -Universal MeaningMessage of this passage for all people across all time

Contextual(Situational) MeaningMessage understood according to the context, to the situation of believers in Ephesus at that time.

Universal Meaning Paul is writing to all women to behave in this way Universal because verses 13 – 15 = Referring to Adam

and Eve Letter = universal guidelines for order & behaviour in

church Just as role of Elders + Deacons = universal Problems / Issues

1 Tim.2:8-10 = Contextual for men & women in Ephesus 1 Tim.2:15 = for a woman to be saved via childbearing

makes no sense 1 Cor.12:7-11, 27-31 + Rom.12:3-8 + 1 Peter 4:10-11 =

Spiritual Gifts & Spiritual Ministry for all (not gender exclusive) - including teaching

Acts 18:26 + Rom.16:3 = Aquila role teaching & leading Luke 2:36 + Acts 21:9 = Women prophecy (leadership role

above teach) Rom.16 = Ten of list are women - fellow missionaries with


Contextual (Situational) Interpretation

Writing to the young widows in Ephesus to behave this way

Because - led astray by false teachers (1 Tim.5:3-16 + 2 Tim.3:6) – resulting in leaving faith + spreading slander + meaningless talk

Contextual because letter specific for situation: Ephesus + theme specific to dealing with false teachers

v.13-15 = Refer to these widows deceived by Satan just as Eve was

v.15 = Refer to 1 Tim.5:14 – advises young widows to marry & engage in family life so as to avoid risk of idleness & being led astray. This will preserve their faith from led astray by false teachers

Problems / Issues 1 Tim.3 = Is the role of Elders / Deacons also Contextual or

Universal ? 1 Cor.14:34 = Is the context of Corinth church also for women

to be quiet ?

A.Full - Hierarchy

B.Mid - Hierarchy

C.Full - Equality

Views Women are :- Silent (not teach)- Not Leaders / Elders

Women are :- Teaching + All Ministries- Not Leaders / Elders

Women are :- Teaching + All Ministries- Leaders / Elders

InterpretationAll passages = Universal1 Tim. 2:11-15 = Universal1 Tim.3:2 = Universal

Both = Universal & Contextual1 Tim. 2:11-15 = Context1 Tim.3:2 = Universal

All passages = Contextual1 Tim. 2:11-15 = Context1 Tim.3:2 = Context

Challenge- Issues

> Women in Ministry1 Tim.2:8 = Context for men1 Cor.12= Spiritual Gifts for all1 Cor.11:5= Women prophecyRom. 12:3-8 = Ministry for all1 Pet. 4:10-11=Ministry for all Acts = Fellow missionaryActs 18:26+Rom.16:3 = Aquila Luke 2:36 = women prophecyActs 21:9 = women prophecyActs 2:17 = women prophecyRom.16 =women missionariesPhil.4:2-3 = women ministry

> When Contextual / Universal ?How can switch between Universal & Contextual ?If the message on women is contextual – by logic – the message on elders being men should also be contextual to this situation ?

> Headship = Universal1 Tim.3:2 = Men:EldersTitus 1:6 = Men: Elders1 Cor.9:5= Apostles:Men1 Cor.11:3 = Headship:Men1 Cor.14:34 = Women: quiet Eph.5:22= Submit:HusbandsCol.3:18=Submit to Husbands

Applicationof View

Women restricted to teaching other women & children. Only in ministries where no authority. Leaders: always men

Women involved in every area of Ministry. Elders, Leaders & Pastors are only men.

Equal involvement of women & men in leadership & every ministry

Ch. 3. Leadership: Purpose

Original Purpose = Delegation of Service & Ministry Acts 6: 1-7 = Deacons chosen – so that the Apostles

could devote to prayer & ministry of the Word. Result = Acts 6:7 church grew

Structure = team of elders to govern + team of deacons serve

N.T. Leadership = Never 1 individual >> Team (as with 12 apostles)

Question = In your church is there delegation so that the elders & pastor can devote to prayer & ministry of God’s word ?

Universal across N.T = Taught in: Acts 6 + Titus 1 + 1 Peter 5 Referred to in: Acts 20:17-35 + Phil.1:1 +

Leadership: Role ELDER = Governing, Overseeing Role

DEACON = Service Role

Within the Local Church

Only Types of Church structure across N.T

RESPONSIBILITY + ROLE in local church >> NOT position of status !

NOT replacing Ministry (Eph.4:11 + 1 Cor.12 +Rom.12:6-8)

COMPLEMENT / Alongside Ministry

Leadership: Selection ELDER = Appointed – by Apostle / Leadership Team (Titus

1:5) DEACON = Elected / Chosen by Congregation (Acts 6:3) Process = Prayed for, Commissioned (by Laying on of

Hands) = After careful prayer & consideration – not hastily (5:22)

Similar Requirements = between Elders & Deacons 1 Tim.3:8 ‘Likewise’ .. Requirements for deacons

Different Requirement = Elders must be able to teach & preach

NOT considered = income, education, position, background, social status, culture (slaves can be elders over directors)

ESSENTIAL = Godly Character (in the present – past unbeliever life irrelevant) Godly living - lifestyle reflects the Gospel message

Leadership: Requirements Large overlap between requirements. Difference = Elders: able to teach

Leadership = Elders 3 Names INTER-CHANGEABLE : used in N.T for same

Role ELDERS (‘presbuteros’–highlighting man’s spiritual maturity:

Jewish term)

OVERSEERS (‘episkapos’ - administering & supervising aspect of the office) < BISHOP = same Greek word as Overseer >

SHEPERDS or PASTOR (‘poiomen’ – points to vital role to feed, lead & protect the sheep).

Appointed – by Apostle / Leadership Team (Titus 1:5) Duties - Govern + Direct affairs of local church

- Guard church from error / false teaching - Shepherd (pastor) the flock

(congregation) - guide + care for - Teach + Preach

Leadership = Elders Church and Believers: Attitude / Behaviour to Elders

(chapter 5: 17-22) Show Respect

Not Accuse without evidence of 2 – 3 witnesses

Provide Financial support (at same time elders must not be lovers of money)

If Living in Sin – publicly rebuke & discipline elder

Leadership = Deacons MEANING = Servant (in all areas both practical &

spiritual e.g. Philip) ROLE - Serve in church & Assist Elders – so they can be

free to focus on overseeing, prayer & teaching STARTED - in Acts 6 ELECTED - not appointed REQUIREMENTS – Godly character + Acts 6= full of faith

& Holy Spirit MALE - verse 12: ‘husband of one wife’ Also FEMALE ? - verse 11: in Greek means women

- Romans 16:1 – Phoebe was a deacon - Philippians 4:2 – Euodia & Syntyche - women deacons - Could refer to husband+wife deacon or deaconess ??

Ch. 4. Godliness How to ‘Train yourself for godliness’ (4:7)

By >

Proclaim the Truth (verse 12- 13) : in Teaching + Conduct

Practice the Truth (verse 15) : Immerse yourself in Truth

Progress in Truth (verse 16) : Keep a close watch & Persist

Godliness How to be a good minister of the Gospel :

By >

Be TRAINED in Truth (verse 6) SET an Example (verse 12) DEVOTE to Duties of Ministry (verse 13) Do NOT NEGLECT your Gift & Calling (verse 14) Be DILIGENT / Hard-working (verse 15) WATCH- your Life + Doctrine <beliefs /

teaching> (verse 16)

Ch. 5. Relationships FOCUS – Love one another together as God’s family

(verse 1) WIDOWS – care for widows + needy = a central ministry

of church! ELDERS – (see previous slide) SLAVES – large number in church

- in Christ: citizens of heaven + equal in God’s family - in Roman Empire – Respect + service to master

Ch. 6. Righteous Living Instructions for the Wealthy (verses 6-10 + 17-

19) : Be CONTENT with money+possessions – not covet /

greed (v.6-8) Be CAREFULL about effects of Money & Wealth to

sinful desires RESIST Temptation of Desire for Money & Riches NOT to be PROUD based on the money they have NOT to TRUST wealth & money for security instead

of God Be GENEROUS + Ready to SHARE STORE Treasures in Heaven not on Earth (Matt.


Righteous Living How to stay on the road of Faith (verses 11-12) :

FLEE evil & sinful behaviour + cravings

FOLLOW + Pursue Righteousness

FIGHT the Good Fight

FOCUS on the Real Prize = eternal life

Key Messages1. Deal with False Teaching in your church 2. Intercede for Government + Rulers3. Modesty in Clothing – Focus on God in Worship4. Team of Elders to manage the church5. Team of Deacons for serving in the church6. Practice – Proclaim – Progress – in the truth7. Love and Respect one another as God’s family8. Be careful of the temptations of money & wealth9. Flee evil – Pursue godliness – Fight the faith – Focus on

real prize

1. Fee. 1988. New International Biblical Commentary. 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus.

2. Benware. 1990. Survey of the New Testament.

3. Berding & Williams. 2008. What the New Testament Authors Really Cared About

4. Tenney. 1985. New Testament Survey.

5. Jensen. 1981. Jensen’s Survey of the New Testament.

6. Wiersbe. 1992. Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament.

7. Wilkinson& Boa. 2002. Talk Thru the Bible.

Recommended Books : References

Revision Questions What is the style of this letter ? Where was Timothy sent to ? When in Paul’s life was this written ? What was the main theme of the letter ? What was the main problem in this city church ? What was the main / first purpose of this letter ? How was Timothy instructed to deal with the problem ? What are the 2 opposite understandings of the role of

women here ? What are the 2 leadership roles set-up in local church ? What is the main type of requirement for this

leadership ?