



Visit us onVOL.8 NO.11


Are You Enthusiastic? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3The Seven Lessons of Anger . . . . . . . . . . 5Essential Oil Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7The Mind and Healing Illness . . . . . . . 14

Inside The March Issue: SpiritualSpringCleaning 16

Most of us pride ourselves on seeing people as individuals rather than as types. But Caroline Myss, author of Sacred Contracts and Anatomy of the Spirit, says we’re always labeling people. She discusses this at length in her most recent book, Archetypes (Hay House). Caroline says, “An archetype is a pattern of power that everyone is familiar with. Another way to say it: it is a label. We’re always labeling people. We just don’t realize that we’re archetyping them. “When we see a woman walking down the street, we say ‘What a great mother she is.’ Or we see a guy and say ‘What a geek he is.’ An archetype is a power category and what’s communicated is an entire library of mythologies. “Look at the television shows: Survivor, Biggest Loser; these are archetypes. When you use one word, you’re actually communicating what that person believes, what their myths are, what that person eats, what they dress like. What you’re communicating is a whole base of power in one word and that’s an archetype.” Krysta: Aren’t you putting people into boxes and limiting them by doing this? Caroline: Look at it this way. Bill Wilson built an entire organiza-tion around this concept. He took one word: addict. He said this is an addict: here’s the pattern of an addict, this is what an addict does. Understand what the addict needs and separate yourself from the addict. You’re more than the addict. But if you have the addict in you, this is how you will behave. So, people say, “That isn’t my son, that’s the addict in my son.” Bill Wilson built Alcoholics Anonymous in that he took one archetype and built an entire organization around it. Labeling or limiting is when you judge the person. There’s no judg-ment here. It’s about learning to discern a pattern very clearly so you don’t judge. This is about not judging. It’s about understanding. “I get this archetype.” It is impersonal. It isn’t about negativity. There’s nothing personal about how addicts behave. But if you’re dealing with an addict, they will behave this way. If you take it personally, it means you don’t understand that archetypal pattern. It provides you with this extraordinary ability to understand people. And people do the same thing to you. As soon as someone meets you, they are spotting your archetypes. They are see-ing patterns in you the minute they look at you.

What’s Your Archetype? An interview with Caroline MyssBy Krysta Gibson

Continued on Page 2



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People will say they are being driven to do something. They are being driven by a pattern. An artist is driven to make art. The kind of art they make is individual but the pattern that drives them to make art is the universal artist that has driven every artist. Anyone who has ever known a real artist knows that they are eccentric, they need time alone, and they are prone to bohemian behavior, and they are eclectic. It has nothing to do with the artist you live with. If you take it personally, you will put yourself into a lot of pain because it has nothing to do with you personally. You’re taking a cosmic pattern personally. If you say, “I’m married to an artist and he never wants to be with me,” you don’t get it. That’s what the pattern is. You are taking something universal and making it personal. KG: It sounds like recognizing archetypes could be very freeing. CM: Yes, that is what I’m saying. By understanding the archetype in someone you can say, “This is what drives them. This is who they are. This person is an artist and the artist in them drives them as crazy as it drives me. He’s being driven by his own madness, his own pattern. I cannot tell him to be other than the way he was born to be. It’s in him, and he needs to be alone, he needs to go off in the woods and commune with nature. It’s part of this pattern.” If you tell him he has to change to suit

your emotional nature, you will destroy your relationship because you don’t understand the archetype. So you have either got to learn what the archetype is like or get out of a relationship with an artist because you can’t handle the nature of creative mad-ness. KG: Along with Cristina Carlino you have devel-oped a website called What’s that about? CM: It’s about learn-ing to navigate the world through the archetypal lens. Cristina chose the 10 archetypes I cover in the book. She felt they reflect the 10 that are very current in our soci-ety at this time. People can go to the website, answer some questions, and learn which arche-types are most dominant in their lives. Then they are led to web pages, articles, and information that support their interests. They can also learn what other people with

What’s Your Archetype? their archetype are reading and doing as well as learn more about other people in their lives. KG: It sounds like this really is about under-standing ourselves and the people in our lives. It’s about meeting people where they are. CM: Yes, it’s about true understanding and is the opposite of judgment. Oh, that’s the pattern this person has. That’s why you don’t judge them. This is the path of wisdom. “Now I under-stand why I am so drawn to this person or why I’m not.” Or why this person is not drawn to me or why two people rub each other the wrong way. I see where our conflict is. It’s a life skill. It’s a lens into life. Everything in life is threaded to one of your archetypal patterns. Power is a fundamental ingredient of the human experience. Everything is rooted in your archetype. Everything. What isn’t connect-ed to this? Absolutely everything is. Everyone is always trying to understand what happens and the world around them. The archetypes are the lens through which accuracy is offered. Detaching and seeing more clearly and being able to plug into a deeper level of reality is what working with archetypes will give you.

Listen to this entire interview in the audio section at Visit to learn your main archetypes and visit Caroline Myss’ website to learn about her online courses including Sacred Contracts, She will be speaking at the I Can Do It! Conference in Vancouver, BC Canada April 20-21. for details.

Continued from Page 1

Caroline Myss explains, “Everyone is always trying to understand what happens and the world around them. The archetypes are the lens through which accuracy is offered. Detaching and seeing more clearly and being able to plug into a deeper level of reality is what working with archetypes will give you.”


“The most fortunate people on earth are those who live most of their lives in a state of energizing enthusiasm.” – Earl Nightingale

What about you? What are you enthusiastic about? It seems that most of the everyday details of our lives are pretty mundane. Not many hours of our days are spent in activities that engender enthusiasm. Who can get enthusiastic about washing dishes? Or commuting to work? Or changing the oil in one’s car? Boring, right? Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn’t it all depend on attitude? Is it the activity that makes us enthusiastic or do we imbue the activity with our enthusiasm? I’ve experimented with this and here’s what I learned. I can be enthusiastic about anything. Enthusiasm can be called forth at will. This is life-changing. Imagine being able to be enthusiastic about taking out the trash. Or being enthusiastic about brushing the dog. If you could do this, how would your life change? In a huge way, that’s how. By bringing this uplifting, highly energetic, positive spirit to everything we do, life becomes alive in an entirely new way. We don’t have to wait for something to come along about which we naturally feel enthusiastic. We can feel enthusiastic about whatever we’re doing at the moment. Then we will experience the truth of Earl Nightingale’s statement above. We will be energized and fortunate. How to start? Begin by how you start your day. Get out of bed with energy and a sense of purpose. Ask what wonderful things will happen today. Then fully expect and watch for at least one wonderful thing to happen to or for you. When it does, express your gratitude and delight. Make a note of it so you don’t forget. With everything you do, approach it with a heightened sense of awareness. Notice sounds, textures, aromas, tastes; pay attention and revel in your ability to experience your five senses. This can create a quiet sense of enthusiasm simply for the fact that you exist and are doing whatever is in front of you to do. When you move on to a new project, even if it is washing the dishes, approach it as

if you’ve never done it before. Instead of assuming the posture of, “Oh, time to wash the dishes again,” accompanied by a big sigh, say to yourself, “Oh, I wonder what it will feel like to put my hands into sudsy, warm water...” Let yourself get into the experience and see what new perceptions arise. Finally, never say you have to do something. Always say, “I get to do (whatever it is).” Far too often we approach our daily tasks as “have to’s” which puts us in the position of not really wanting to do whatever it is. When, instead, we say “I get to take out the trash,” it reframes our duties and it is much easier to approach them with a sense of excitement (or at least less dread, if that is where we have to begin!).

Questions from readers: Readers and clients have asked me questions I thought it would be interesting to share here. I have their permission to share the questions and my responses to them, both edited to suit this space.

Dear Krysta, My life is in upheaval right now. It seems like everything is changing all at once: home, relationships, career, even my health. I am feeling desperate and can’t seem to focus enough to know what to do. Help! – Changing Tides

Dear Changing Tides, When the tides are changing, I always say go with the flow. Don’t fight what’s happening. You are in transition and if you can allow yourself to hold on lightly right now, you will soon find yourself on a different shore! Your life is your spiritual journey and it is full of the unexpected. This is part of what makes it a journey. Be sure to take care of yourself right now. Meditate, eat properly, exercise, and be sure to have some sort of support system: friends, church, family, maybe a counselor or minister. Most people who go through what you’re experiencing right now find themselves in a wonderful new place when the upheaval settles down. It’s all going to be okay.

Dear Krysta, Lately, I’ve had a series of health


• Interviews with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Swami Kriyananda

• New column: “Nutrition for Body and Soul” by Deanna Minnich

• How to Have Lucid Dreams

• What Your Palms Say About Your Health

and more....


This ecial weekend retreat will be filled with stories, seldom seen slides, and answers to yourquestions about Edgar Cayce the man and how the message of his work is relevant to you today.

Singing, workshops, great food and fellowship. Limited space.

Contact Alice Skiff, Registrar, at: [email protected] or 360-320-2081

Association for Research and Enlightenment Presents

Edga Cayce: The Man and the MesageSpeaker: Sidney Kirkpatrick

Seabeck Conference Center on the Hood Canal,March 22-24, 2013

Living The Good Lifeby Krysta Gibson

Introductory meetings with video and free literature will be held at: Issaquah Library Seattle Public Library Broadview Branch 10 West Sunset Way; 2:30-4:30 pm 12755 Greenwood Ave. N.; 2:30-4:30 pm Sundays, March 3 & April 7 Sunday, March 24

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Are You Enthusiastic? challenges. I am so tired of metaphysical types telling me my thoughts are making me sick. Now I not only feel sick but I also feel guilty about being sick. What’s your position on this? –Sick and Tired

Dear Sick and Tired, I think that the state of our health is a complicated issue. I believe our thoughts are very powerful and I do believe we can do things that can create the environment for illness to occur. However, I don’t believe it is as simple as many people would like us to believe and I think it is a disservice to people to blame them for being ill. I also think being sick can be a positive experience, at least once it is past. When you are sick, approach it in as multifaceted a way as possible: body, mind, and spirit. Realize there could be a deeper reason for your illness. But don’t ever feel guilty over your physical condition. That will only make you feel worse, as you have

learned! Be open-minded and open-hearted. Approach your illnesses as part of your life journey. Ask what you can learn from them. And don’t spend time with people who say or do things that make you feel bad about yourself. Maybe they are trying to be helpful but let them know they are not succeeding. Accept life on its own terms and see where this leads you.

Krysta is the publisher of New Spirit Journal as well as a teacher and mentor. On March 2, she began teaching a six-week series called Superconscious Living. Learn more at If you would like Krysta to address a question here, send it to her at [email protected]. Your personal information is always confidential. If you would like a private Skype or phone session with Krysta, go to



Articles are due: The first Friday of each month.

Ads are due: The second Friday of each month.


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By Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT

Thank God, I am healed from bipolar disorder. When I quit drinking, a psychiatrist diagnosed that I had bipolar disorder. His first suggestion was to prescribe lithium, which became toxic to me, even in a therapeutic range. After three blood tests, he immediately took me off the treatment, as he was terribly afraid of the possible toxic results. After several trials of different prescriptions, the doctor put me on Depakote for about 15 years. A friend advised me to discontinue the drugs because my side effects of trembling and lack of clear thinking became worse than the cure. I followed his suggestion and stopped the medication. It saved my life. This was the worst withdrawal I have experienced. I have healed many addictions, and withdrawal from Valium was difficult for several years because it has a half-life. However, through this withdrawal from Depakote, I could not drive, write a check, or think straight for four months. Thank goodness, I kept my spiritual program in focus throughout this difficult time or I would not have been able to walk into a sober, clean, and healthy life. Each day a loving God was like the carrot before the mule. I went through extremely hard transformations from leaving the past violence, abandonment, and shame that had driven my life of survival and victimization. In changing to a new life focused on principles of love, I found that bipolar disorder is a way to run away from reality. Moreover, medications were like alcohol;

band to keep the paper in place. Over time as you drink this water, you will feel more spiritual. It is a daily choice to live in reality. A major new learning was that you could “react” from history or “create” your present. Listening to the guidance from within brings miracles today. In the

right state of choosing to be in unity and wholeness in consciousness in that holy moment you are in divine reality, also called Christ consciousness. There are no symptoms to heal when you are in this higher consciousness, the presence of God. It became my purpose to be a whole person

Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis: Not a Lifetime Sentence

Continued on Page 5

both were drugging me and keeping me stuck in my insanity. I found hope when I read a quote by Edgar Cayce, the father of holistic health, who stated, “There are, in truth, no incurable conditions.” I used support from a 12-step program to help me keep my head and actions moving into wellness. It was time to give up my old mindset, from my family, of living a fear-based life of alcoholism and mental illness. My surrender to a caring higher power was my answer. I found that wellness is my spiritual inheritance. Love would heal my life. If I stay sick, I am not in the moment, but reliving my woundedness from the past. My ego wants me to remain stuck in this mindset of powerless, hopeless, and victimization. Discovering that the past is history — but my brain replays the trauma in which I still react to everything around me — was important. Because I knew the prescriptions were poisoning me and I was dying, I had to find another way. Now, I could fire my old messages from the ego and move into my heart where it is loving, safe, and my real power dwells in me as me. I vowed to move into reality where I would regain my power to be real. Prayer and meditation are the key to recovery because they move you into a higher consciousness. I humbly asked God to remove my bipolar disorder and thanked him for replacing it with his love and grace. I also do many supportive actions that raise my vibrations into the Christ-consciousness. Flower essences became essential to move out the old energy. They push out stuck, unconstructive, emotional energy, leaving space for loving energy to replace the old trauma, crisis, fear, and other negativity from the past. Over time, I moved into grace, which restored the natural chemical balance in my body. There are no vacations from being conscious. Asking God to daily guide my thoughts, words, and actions changes my motivation into projecting love instead of my old emotions. Another practical suggestion is to drink lots of water, which will flush out your system. If you carry a bottle of water, write “peace, love, joy, health, and prosperity, the fruits of the spirit,” on a piece of paper and wrap it around the bottle facing it inward for the water to connect with the vibrations of the words. According to Dr. Emoto, words will transform the water. Use a clear bottle as colors also transfer to the energy of the drinking water. I use a rubber


Continued from Page 4


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living in harmony, balance, and in the moment. Bipolar disorder was another lesson to learn to love and forgive others and myself. All conditions are wake-up calls that identify where we can come into harmony with the cosmos. Even the difficult lessons are gifts for growing into the new person you are becoming. Daily thank God for every opportunity to grow. Bipolar disorder became my gift to learn there is no life sentence, only the occasion to become one with God.

Marilyn Redmond has written a book with the steps to help others overcome their maladies including bipolar disorder, Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You. She has healed eight addictions, bipolar disorder, domestic violence, arthritis, fibromyalgia, hyperglycemia, depression, stress. She is an internationally board-certified regressionist who assists people to find the root cause of any illness so it can be replaced with a loving solution. For more information, her web site is

By Teresa Morrow

Life can be tough. Life can be crazy. Life can leave you stressed, frazzled, and even angry. A colleague calls you a nasty name, a driver cuts you off in traffic, or a friend lies to you. There are many things in our world that can lead you to become angry. While the initial reaction can anger you, staying in the anger doesn’t benefit you. Below are seven lessons to learn from anger: 1. it’s a choice, 2. self-growth, 3. apologize first, 4. take a time out, 5. go for a walk, 6. focus on blessings, and 7. write it out.

It’s a Choice The good part of being angry is it’s an emotion and emotions

can be changed. You can choose to stay in your anger or you can choose to release the anger. When you are angry it makes you feel good because it takes the blame off of you. You may think you are punishing the other person by being angry but really you are only hurting yourself.

Time for Self-growth Most of the time we become angry by what we say someone else did to us, however, we allow ourselves to react to what they did. We can learn how to react differently in the future so we have a different reaction. By doing so you free the space where the anger resided and open your soul to allow positive things into your life.

Apologize First This can be easier said than done when you feel that you didn’t do anything wrong. However, in any relationship, whether work or personal, most likely you do have something to apologize for in a disagreement. Sometimes all it takes to get

conversation going again between you and the other person is to say, “I’m sorry.” Even if you don’t agree on the topic of discussion, you can at least leave your relationship intact and agree to disagree. And not leave it in an angry mode.

Give Yourself a Time Out The first sign you are feeling angry is the perfect time to take a few deep breaths. Inhale to the count of five, then hold for five, and exhale to the count of five. Do this three times. Don’t speak until you have completed this exercise. This gives you time to calm your body and think about how you can better approach the situation.

Take a Walk If you need more time to cool off, perhaps you need to get some fresh air and take a walk. Many times when we give ourselves time to become more visual and change our perspective/environment, we can air out our emotions and the anger decreases significantly.

Focus on Blessings Many times things don’t work out the way you may think they should, but when you are stuck in an angry mode, it is the best time to focus on what you have to be thankful for in your life. This shifts your concentration on the incident that made you angry; you turn your attention to those things that make you happy.

Write Your Anger In this send first and think later society, it may be better to vent on paper instead. Instead of just reacting to a situation and saying the first thing that comes to your head, sit down and vent it out on paper. Writing gives you permission to spew out everything you want to say without hurting someone’s feelings. The writing time could benefit you by uncovering where you may have been wrong in the situation. Anger can suck up a lot of your time if you allow it to keep you hostage. When you allow yourself to learn the lessons of giving yourself time, realizing


The Seven Lessons of Anger it’s a choice, apologize first, taking a walk, focus on blessings or writing it out, you will find you are in control of your anger instead of the other way around.

Teresa Morrow, a native Floridian, shares her true life purpose as an advocate for others to realize and celebrate their own uniqueness. As an inspirational writer, poet and coach, this author of Life Lessons from the Heart (Smashwords 2012) serves as a reminder that one’s true purpose can be experienced every day. You can read more about Teresa and her work at







“But while nutritionism has its roots in a scientific approach to food, it’s important to remember that it is not a science but an ideology, and that the food industry, journalism, and government bear just as much responsibility for its conquest of our minds and diets.” – Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food

This past month I had the pleasure of being a guest lecturer at a university to teach a class called “Redefining Nutrition” to a group of budding nutritionists. I jumped at the chance as it would give me permission to do what I love to do most: get people questioning their attachment to their particular eating style and to allow them the space to release any eating-righteousness. In this specific class, I was purposefully asked to shake up people’s definitions of how one should eat, to enable them to create flexibility and tolerance. Quite honestly, I was wondering whether I would be able to “shake” someone’s firmly-held beliefs about their eating over the course of a weekend seminar, but I thought I’d give it a try. I knew deep-down that the purpose of the experience was perhaps not so much to change their minds about their ingrained eating, but to prepare them as future nutrition professionals to cultivate detachment about their own eating and personal values so that they could best identify what is best for their clients. I found what I had expected: the room was full of proudly self-proclaimed vegans, a cluster of whole-foods, mostly-plants eaters, a lone raw foodist, four pescatarians, paleo pals, and much to my surprise, a group of what we eventually referred to as “eat everythings.” Everyone had made their wholehearted declaration and we were on the journey... After they all heard from each other what their eating styles were, they had to assemble themselves into “tribes,” or groups of the same eating mindset. They gravitated to each other quickly, forming a bond and likeness, much as we might do in our everyday life. Their assignment was to do presentations to persuade the rest of the group on why their way of eating was superior and why everyone should follow it. Each group eventually presented their case, with each of them using scientific arguments on why the body needs fish and not other meats; or why the body needs only fruits and vegetables and not meat; or why the body needs meat and not grains. What was unfolding before all of our eyes was the ease at which we will use science through a subjective filter, picking and choosing our favorite studies to support our favorite foods. You could feel the tension in the air. There were comments from the audience listening to the groups that there were moments they felt judgment or negativity coming from the presenters. Individuals commented

that specific words would cause them to “tune out” and stop listening. Not many individuals were persuaded to plead allegiance to any other group. Their stake was in the ground, perhaps even firmer now. Just when the groups thought they were done, I had asked them for another activity which they would be graded on by me and their peers. It was to defend the opposite of their personal eating style. That’s right, the opposite. The vegans had to defend why one should be an omnivore. The paleo followers had to shed meat and embrace veganism. The “eat everything” group had to justify following a low-fat diet. The pescatarians had to extol the virtues of eating pork instead of fish. As I walked around the room to evaluate how the groups were preparing, I noticed the large room take on an uncomfortable silence. People wore a garden variety of expressions on their faces: grimaces, quizzical looks, and bewildered expressions of disbelief. Slowly, the silence turned to snickers and laughs. Would they really be able to go against their personal grain? After all, their grade depended on it. It took some time before the room began to flow with animated activity again. Much to my surprise, the presentations came to life in

Redefining Nutritiona different way than the first set; they took on a tone of play, creativity, and open-mindedness. I never expected to see such compelling, engaging presentations, but they did it. They were able to release the harnesses of constraints and limitations they had set for themselves to be open to other approaches. You might say they transformed into “possibilitarians” from their original vegetarian, omnivorian, and pescatarian states. Instead of clinging to their diets, they opened up to laughter and camaraderie. We had broken down the barriers of eating identity and ventured into a landscape where we all came together as humans honoring our unique eating experiences. In their own ways, they expressed how powerful their ideas about food were and how divisive their beliefs and values could be in just this small group of 43 students. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; we had arrived at our hopeful destination: a space of tolerance, loving detachment, and flexibility. The group bonded together even closer, irrespective of their self-prescribed eating labels. Indeed, our eating can be as charged as our choice for a particular religion or political party. As a nutritionist, I see this attachment almost every day: people vigorously stating their doctrines about food. I’ve often wondered, why the charge? Why do we feel the need to defend our eating? And, deeper still, do we need one

more thing to separate us as humans or could the act of eating be a conduit to unification? Rather than eating being an act of conquer and divide, could it be a celebration of our differences without fear, judgment, or righteousness? Could it be an opportunity, a blessing, to expand into our greatest potential instead of shutting us down into a limited box, confined category, or miscellaneous classification? Perhaps nutrition has morphed into a rigid nutritionism as Michael Pollan has suggested. What if we redefined nutrition into the more expansive terrain of life-promoting, all-encompassing nourishment? How might we transform our relationships and everyday eating by choosing nourishing thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about food rather than using them as blockades? Perhaps we need to redefine what nutrition means in our personal lives and assess what truly nourishes us on all levels.

Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT, is a mind-body-spirit nutritionist and author who bridges together modern science with ancient spirituality in her novel approach to food and eating. See her website,, and Facebook page, Food & Spirit with Dr. Deanna Minich, for more details.

Nutrition for Body & Soulby Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT



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Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Understood.

Even the most independent life traveler can benefit from a sup-portive consultation. Sometimes telling our story and receiv-ing feedback from another experienced traveler can give clarity, validation, and direction.

Krysta Gibson has been helping individuals and businesses for over 30 years. Besides offering compassionate understanding, she uses her intuitive skills and tarot archetypes to gain deeper insight into her clients’ situations. By sharing this information

she helps them make better decisions and move forward in their lives with greater confidence.

Honoring all paths and belief systems, Krysta respects everyone regardless of religious affiliations or lack thereof, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, age, philosophical ideation or world view. Let her help you:

• Gain deeper perspective on your life situations

• Attain greater clarity on decisions you need to make

• Meet with your angels and guides

• Perceive your larger soul-picture

• Be seen, heard, and understood

Krysta Gibson is publisher of New Spirit Journal, a spiritual teacher, and author of the books 22 Steps to Success, Business Success for Body, Mind, & Spirit as well as numerous audio programs. Learn more about her and sign up for her free email list at and

To schedule a consultation or an initial assessment

email [email protected] or call her at 425-356-7237

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initial consultation!

By Dana Pelligrini, LMP

Imagine with me, if you will, that we truly are living in the Garden of Eden and it’s our very own planet called Earth. Everything that we need to support our health, growth, ease, and delight is present in the living energy of nature surrounding us. Now open your eyes and become aware that this indeed is true. Nature’s living energy is available to us in tiny bottles of a miraculous substance called essential oils. Many people are aware of herbal medicine and the general public has probably heard of using, for example, the peppermint herb in tea form for an upset stomach. The information that may be new to some is that the essential oil of peppermint is about 70 times more concentrated than the herb form. It takes a significant amount of plant material to yield even a few drops of this precious concentrate. Since essential oils are so concentrated, it should be noted that they also possess a very complex chemistry. If you were to read the side of a bottle of Ibuprofen, you would see the main ingredient listed as, well, Ibuprofen. However, there are hundreds of different chemical constituents in peppermint essential oil. What does this mean in everyday life? Ibuprofen is a single acting constituent that is like an arrow shot from a bow. It flies in one direction and may or may not hit its mark. On the other hand, with its chemical complexity, peppermint essential oil is adaptive; it can change its course mid-air. This explains why there is such a vast array of uses for Peppermint. To give you a taste, try certified pure therapeutic grade peppermint essential oil on digestive challenges, lowering fever when applied topically to the feet, relieving headaches and sunburns, internal use in water for cooling the body or for improving athletic performance, relieving aching muscles or joints, increasing oxygen uptake to the brain, opening respiratory pathways, ridding the house of ants or killing aphids in your garden or houseplants, in food for flavoring, keeping cool during hot flashes,

Reinventing Healthcare with Essential Oil Educationof the staff felt work-related stress very often. After implementation, three percent felt work-related stress. Twenty-five percent felt overwhelmed at work before essential oils were diffused, and afterwards two percent. Feelings of being able to handle stressors at work changed from 13% to 58%. Perceptions of staff optimal energy level increased from 33% to 77%. Following the implementation of the essential oil initiative, 84% of the staff strongly agreed and 10% agreed that diffusing essential oils contributed to a more positive work environment. It’s also interesting to note that patient satisfaction increased as well, they no longer perceived the “bad hospital smell” and were more patient. Perhaps essential oils can be the key to unlocking the merging of the integrative medical model we all seek.

Dana Pellegrini, LMP has been teaching aromatherapy for over 10 years to massage therapists and the general public alike.

She considers nature’s medicine chest of doTERRA essential oils to be a saving grace that should be present in every home. She is teaching many free introductory classes to the public, including one on May 22 at East West Bookshop. She is also partnered with animal aromatherapist and massage expert Joan Sorita in teaching Clinical Aromatherapy in Touch Medicine classes. Dana and Joan will be presenting a two-day class at Bellevue Massage School on March 9 and 10. Additionally, Dana will be speaking at the Northwest Women’s show March 1, 2 and 3. Dana can be reached at (425) 246-2436 or at [email protected].

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relieving congestion. The list goes on and on. If you could choose only three essential oils to get you started on your journey toward reinventing healthcare in your home, I would recommend peppermint, lavender, and lemon. To quickly summarize the uses of lavender essential oil, just remember it is all things calming. Use lavender to help ease stress, sleep better, soothe burns and cuts, eliminating motion sickness, controll allergies or hay fever, and for so much more. Use lemon essential oil to clean fruits and vegetables, add to water to detoxify the body (be sure to use a glass or stainless steel/ceramic container as lemon will attack the petrochemicals in plastic), removing gum from hair, cleaning your home’s counters and surfaces including its use as a safe furniture polish, clean and repair scratched CDs and DVDs, remove marker from any surface, and for emiting an uplifting, cheerful scent into the air. It is my goal that by now you have a greater appreciation for the role that essential oils can play in your home’s medicine cabinet as a safe and natural alternative to Western Medicine in life’s daily challenges. Although I’m not proposing that essential oils be a replacement for Western medical care, I am proposing that they be an adjunct. If fact, it’s already happening. Recently, Fox News covered a study using doTERRA Essential Oils done at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (available at In this study, Vanderbilt’s wellness committee defined a study to analyze the direct effects of diffusing the essential oils in their medical environment for 30 days for the perceived outcome of stress reduction and increased energy levels. The medical staff was surveyed for 30 days pre- and post-implementation. Before the use of the essential oils, 41%



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Expanding Consciousness andThe Three Elements to Healing

By Nicole Wane

Be positive. Check... got it. Nurture myself. Check... got it. Have integrity. Check... got it. “But I did all that and still nothing is changing,” you may say to yourself. “I’m saying my affirmations, I’m taking good care of myself and I swear I’m in integrity with myself.” To understand the three elements to healing takes much more than a short article, but here is an overview to get you started.

What are the three elements to healing?1. Positive future focus and continual appreciation for life.2. Nourishment.3. Integrity with oneself.

Why are these three elements essential to expansion of consciousness?

The three elements to healing are integral to understanding where to focus to shift an area of your life where you may be stuck, or to take an active approach to achieving a goal. In realizing something new through expansion of your awareness of yourself or of life in general, you experience a shift in consciousness. If you have been attempting to change a specific part of your life and are unsuccessful, it is time to look more closely.

First identify the chronic pattern that you want to change. Second, state a positive intention for what you are wanting (do this using only positive words). Then examine the questions for each of the following elements.

Positive future focus and continual appreciation for life

• Do you know what you want? • Can you connect to the positive emotions of what you want? In other words, how you will feel in the achievement? (This is when you bring the future to the now and is more important then the details of what you want). • Can you create a list of appreciation of past experiences that relate to the subject at-hand you wish to improve upon? • Are you able to appreciate 10 things in any given moment? • Can you commit to practicing appreciation every single day?

Nourishment • When making choices, are you aware if you are choosing from a place of fear or from a place of love? • Are you able to remind yourself how precious you are and how proud you are of yourself regardless of any perceived errors? • Are you able to make feeling good and self-nourishing activities your number one priority every day?Who decides your worthiness, you or outside sources? • Are you able to forgive yourself for your imperfections

and be gentle with yourself about it?

Integrity with oneself • Do you believe that you are eternal, worthy beyond measure, divine, talented, and an essential part to the whole of God/The Universe/Source energy? • Are you able to speak words to yourself consistently that reflect

knowledge of your worthiness and divine, eternal nature? • When you are upset are you able to acknowledge and express your feelings in a safe manner without judgment of yourself? • Are you able to identify your emotion in each moment? (I guarantee you are feeling something.) • Despite having emotions such as rage, hostility, resentment, hate, fear and sadness, are you able to acknowledge that you are worthy? • Are you able to understand that you are responsible for your life, your choices, and your reaction to your experiences in every moment and that this leads to empowerment? • What is it that breathes life into your heart? Do you know your passions? Are you able to indulge in them and feed your dreams with positive thoughts and expectations? Once you identify the questions that seem to be where you struggle, make them into statements and implement daily with action steps. For instance if you

Continued on Page 10

Nicole Wane says the three elements to healing are positive future focus, nourishment, and integrity with oneself



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Honestly, this particular column is somewhat difficult for me to write. First of all, I am uncomfortable with the title I chose, “Alternative Pets.” It is the word “pets” that I object to. It de-notes an energy that I do not like. “Pet” implies to me a feeling of owning an object or thing, not stewarding, caretaking, or even parenting a thinking, feeling, living being, which is what I believe living with animals is all about. That is why whenever possible I refer to these creatures as our animal friends, animal kids, or companions. Secondly, there are many animals that people choose to keep as “pets” that in my heart, I feel should not be. Sometimes this is because of what the animals themselves, have told me. My best example of this are hedgehogs. They became quite popular as pets in the 1990s. I was preparing to do a radio show about owning them back then. I went to visit a local breeder to learn about them. While I was handling the normally docile hedgehogs, they began biting, urinating, and defecating on my hands. This was quite a shock to me. I asked them why and was totally unprepared to hear what they had to say. This is a direct quote as I have never forgotten the experience. “We are sad and angry and don’t want to be in your houses, let alone your country!” They explained to me that their genetics were created in Africa, the southern hemisphere and that even though they were now being bred on this continent, their genetics had not changed. They were physically uncomfortable in this hemisphere. They asked me not to encourage people here to own them and to tell my listeners their story. I cancelled the show and explained in great detail to my listeners. Just last night I saw a report and warning that humans living with hedgehogs have

been getting sick. They have now discovered that hedgehogs carry salmonella. It is now advised not to bathe them in your sinks or tubs and to wash your hands thoroughly after handling them. Seems to me like a good reason not to own them. There are a number of animals that are traditionally and often kept as pets that since allowing myself to feel their feelings and listen to them, I personally could not keep them even as companions. Some of these animals are birds, fish, reptiles and exotics. Please understand me here; I am not saying that owning any of these animals is bad or wrong. I am not judging anyone who does. One very big reason I will not have them is because I do not have the space and am not capable of providing what I would consider to be a minimally acceptable environment/habitat for them. As an adult I realize that I could not properly care for them. I did not, of course, feel that way as a child. Now, I wonder, what is the point of having a bird that cannot fly or a fish that cannot swim in open spaces as they would in their natural habitat? This is not to say that many birds and fish cannot live a reasonably happy life with humans. They can. However, it is often costly and takes a lot of time and space to make this happen. I plan to talk more about these details in the future. Reptiles, in my opinion, are even more difficult to provide for. Birds and even fish can and do bond, interact with, and have quality relationships with their human caretakers. Reptiles, not so much. Well, it is possible to some extent but I think you know what I mean. I just do not see how living in a small aquarium type tank and

Our AnimalFriendsby Martha Norwalk

Alternative Pets

Continued on Page 10



Chakra Talkby Ruth Stender

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discovered that you have difficulty making up your mind to whether you are acting and making decisions from a place of fear or from a place of love, make the following statement: I am learning to take notice of when I am acting from a place of love or fear by deliberately doing things that feel great to me as a reminder of what love based action feels like. Now, every day do something that feels great to you. It will soon become clear when you are forcing yourself to act despite it feeling not so good to you. Another example would be in reference to the inability to feel your emotions. Make the following statements: It is safe for me to acknowledge my emotion

in any moment without any judgment. I am an emotional being and knowing my emotion is the greatest skill I can develop. My emotions matter and I am patient with myself as I learn to acknowledge my emotions on a day-to-day basis. Now, every day through-out the day take several minutes to check in with yourself with the intention of knowing what you are feeling in that moment. Feel your body as you do this. Is there tightness, pain or a feeling of emptiness? Or are you feeling expansive and energized? Take note and repeat. Journaling and meditation help tremendously with this as well. All of the questions regarding the three elements are best utilized when used not only on a specific subject, but generally as

well for greatest expansion of consciousness. Please stay tuned for future articles on how this is intertwined with the cycle of reconnection, which helps us to understand how life and consciousness follow a cyclic pattern to deeper knowingness and understanding of oneself. There is no end to expansion of consciousness, so becoming aware that we never get it done and that we are always engaged in multiple aspects of multiple cycles helps us to come to peace within each moment. Then it’s just about enjoying the ride.

Nicole Wane, MS, EAMP, is an intuitive energy healer, spiritual teacher and coach, spirit channel, acupuncturist and Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner in the Seattle area., (206)-979-6937.

Understand your animal friends

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist with over 35 years of professional experience and service. She also hosts her own radio show, Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She is available for private sessions, either in your home or over the phone. With her holistic approach, Martha can help you understand your animal friends and solve any behavior, training or healing issues that they might be having. Martha’s rates are surprisingly affordable so call now for a free/no obligation telephone evaluation.

Martha’s Canine, Feline and All CreatureCounseling

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being stared at is serving them in any way. A totally fabulous habitat is a must as far as I am concerned. Speaking of being a child, you should know that as one, I lived with as many critters and creatures as I could talk my parents into letting me have. We did live in the city so that was somewhat limiting. Included in my personal menagerie have been: dogs, cats, rabbits, a goose, a chipmunk, mice, rats, fish, birds (wild and exotic), turtles, chameleons, snakes, a horny toad and horses later on. I hope I didn’t forget anyone. There is no getting around it. Living with some of these types of “pets” can be a wonderful learning experience for children. If you want to introduce yourself or your kids to living with and caring for animals it can be a great way to start. I think the best first alternative and/or starter animal friends are, mice and rats, hamsters, guinea pigs and sometimes house rabbits. Rabbits require more knowledge,

space, and work than the others. All of these little animals bond well with humans, can be lots of fun, and do not require huge spaces for living. The most intelligent and therefore having the most potential as great friends are the mice and especially the rats. Nowadays, most shelters and rescue organizations have all of these types of small animals waiting to be adopted. I prefer this option rather than purchasing at a pet store for what I hope are obvious reasons. If you do adopt for yourself and especially if it is for your children, please teach them that animals have feelings too and must be treated like family, with love, respect, empathy and gentleness.

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist and host of Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings, from 9 a.m. to noon on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She can be reached at Martha’s Canine, Feline and All Creature Counseling at (360) 217-7258 or For a free, no obligation telephone evaluation or to make an appointment for Martha to work with you and your animal friend, give her a call.

Three Elements to Healing

Continued from Page 9

Alternative Pets

Continued from Page 8



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Do you know someone who’s a narcissist? Ever considered that you might be? If you’re on the path of self-improvement, which often results in major changes – not only for you, but those around you – you may have been accused of being a narcissist. Maybe you are. Maybe you’re not. It depends on your intentions for being self-involved. What does it mean to be narcissistic? In Eric Maisel’s book, The Van Gogh Blues, he writes “The term narcissism is made up of two contradictory ideas: the idea of healthy narcissism, which is a core strength, and unhealthy narcissism, which is a profound deficit.” The truth is, we all have a little of both. The best we can do is work to uncover “profound deficits” as we draw on our “core strengths” on our journey toward self-mastery. The third major energy center, the lumbar chakra, located around the navel, is associated with how you feel about yourself. Its negative traits – arrogance, being overbearing, shyness, defensiveness, self-doubt –are traits of unhealthy narcissism. Its positive traits – confident, humble, intuitive

– are traits of healthy narcissism. Unhealthy narcissistic behaviors are detrimental to the third chakra and its surrounding anatomy while healthy traits burn up negative energy, helping the fiery third chakra thrive. Two tools that help on the road to self-discovery are the Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Scan and the Awareness-Action-Affirmation (AAA) Plan. Using these exercises helps you learn when to apply more gas (give a little more effort) or lift off the pedal (and observe the scenery) as you power up the arduous mountain of self-improvement.

Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Scan The MBS Scan helps identify healthy versus unhealthy beliefs. It’s easy to judge yourself while you ask yourself the following questions. Try not to do so. But do be honest. Mind: What does integrity mean to me? Do I have it? Do I feel like a victim of circumstances? What would happen if I stopped thinking that what others do and say has anything to do with me? Are my thoughts and actions in response to someone else’s behavior? In what ways do I give away my power? Body: Is my posture upright or do I sometimes round my shoulders and let my chest sink in? Do I cower in the face of others? Who? Why? Do I claim my territory? How? Is it easy for me to look people in the

eye? If not, why? In what situations is my stance wide? Do I have a firm handshake? What messages do I send with my body’s movements? Do I honor the functions of my body and understand how hard it works to keep me alive? Spirit: Do I believe that my body and mind are meant to serve my spirit? What does that mean? In what ways do I see myself in others? How can I use this information to better my life? Write a few pages as quickly as you can about what the MBS Scan revealed.

Awareness-Action-Affirmation(AAA) Plan

The AAA Plan helps organize the MBS Scan results. It brings Awareness to negative traits that hold you back (profound deficits) and helps you recognize positive traits (core strengths) that will help you choose a meaningful action and write a relevant affirmation. Awareness: Using the written results of the MBS Scan, circle words that jump out to you that indicate healthy narcissism – poised, confident, controlled use of personal power – and underline words that indicate unhealthy narcissism, such as feeling unworthy, shy, or ashamed in certain situations. Action: Think about what one action you can do right now, this moment, to start getting more aligned with healthy traits

(core strengths) you’ve identified. Affirmation: Keep your

affirmation relevant to the third chakra; in particular,

draw on your personal power to help improve a situation. Let’s give it a try. Using the example of discovering timid behavior at work as an issue, the AAA Plan might look like this:

• Awareness: When _______ walks in the room

at work my body tightens and my breath gets shallow. I’m afraid

to stand up for myself. This timid behavior makes me so angry because it

empowers my nemesis, who doesn’t want me to excel at work. I appear so weak and helpless but I don’t feel that way inside. Frustrating! • Action: I will read some books on building self-esteem. I will stand in front of the mirror and practice holding my body tall while I imagine the difficult person at work confronting me. I will practice drawing on my inner power to speak up for myself while not losing my sense of poise and calm. (Tip: use a voice recorder) • Affirmation: “I am a radiant, confident, yet humble being who recognizes the strength of my God-self. My voice reflects an inner power while my actions benefit the greatest good of all.” Keep your AAA Plan where you can refer to it often. Say your affirmation over and over until you really “believe” it. You’ll know your core strengths are overpowering the deficits that hold you back when you can feel confident in being still – inside and out – as your nemesis enters the room.

Chakra Talkby Ruthie Stender

Do You Know Someone Who’s a Narcissist?

Continued on Page 12



14911 Chain Lake Rd., #431, Monroe, WA 98272 • • (425) 356-7237Publisher and Co-editor: Krysta Gibson • [email protected] and Co-editor: Rhonda Dicksion • [email protected] content ©2012 by New Spirit Journal • ISSN: 1930-370XColumnists: Krysta Gibson; Deanna Minich, Ph.D., CN, RYT; Martha Norwalk; Ruthie Stender.

New Spirit Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to self-empowerment, joyful co-creation, and thoughtful Earth stew-ardship so that everyone can reach his or her maximum potential. Readers are responsible for their own decisions when read-ing the publication, contacting advertisers, or otherwise pursuing their path through life. Advertisers are responsible for the claims they make and are expected to operate in good faith, tell the truth about their work or products, and treat their clients and customers fairly.

Articles are due by the first Friday of the month.Ads are due by the second Friday of the month.

New Spirit Journal is distributed the last week of each month for the following month. Advertising rates and writer’s guide-lines are available upon request or can be viewed at www.newspiritjournal. com. Sample copies will be sent for $2. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Subscriptions are available for $21.70/one-year bulk rate. Washington State sales tax is included.


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Setting Fire to the Pain The third chakra is associated with the fire element. Clearing out any beliefs that you are unworthy, lazy, or incompetent is to stoke your inner fire. Just one small bit of effort stirs the embers. Before you know it, a gentle flame takes hold. A little flame is all it takes to ignite a whole bonfire. Your continued positive actions are like pumping the

bellows to keep it burning.

“If you can’t fly, then run.If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” –Martin Luther King Jr.

Recommended reading: Confidence, by Barbara De Angelis Ph.D.; The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, M.D.; Self-Esteem, by Jack Canfield; and The Van Gogh Blues by Eric Maisel, Ph.D.

Ruthie Stender is a certified meditation teacher and registered yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance and author of The Eight Aspects of God, A Pathway to Bliss. She teaches clients how to balance mind, body, and spirit using specific aspects of each chakra, breath work, intuition, and easy-to-use self-healing techniques., (206) 708-3277.

Do You Know Someone Who’s a Narcissist?Continued from Page 11

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By Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT

Whether you’re looking back to New Year’s or looking ahead to the first day of spring, the process of setting goals, writing out intentions, or making resolutions often includes a desire to get rid of things that no longer seem to fit: unwanted pounds, for example, or clutter around the home or office, or even old beliefs and patterns of behavior. As part of supporting my therapy clients in reaching such goals, I often ask them to first consider “the pole in the middle of the room.”

There are, of course, other ways to hold up the ceiling; the building engineers might tell me they could install cross-beams that would distribute the weight of the ceiling out to the nearest load-bearing walls. Once they did that, the pole could be safely removed. What are your “poles?” How did they get there? What purpose do they serve? Do those unwanted pounds, for example, insulate you from feeling uncomfortable feelings? Maybe your weight loss plan needs to include help with feeling those feelings. Does that clutter conceal the fact that you don’t really know what you do want in your life? Maybe your plan for “getting rid of all this junk” could include some help with identifying what you’d like to take its place, or at least some help with tolerating the relatively empty post-clutter life while you figure that out. Does your failure to confront protect you from dealing with other people’s reactions when you do speak up? Maybe you need to get some help and support for hanging in there after the initial confrontation. Here are two more things

you safe; now, years later, when circumstances have changed, it’s getting in your

way. Today’s problems were often yesterday’s solutions. Before you look to remove them, spend a few moments considering how they got there in the first place, why they are still there, maybe even design some sort of ritual to honor their years of service... and then consider what the alternatives might be. You may also want to seek the counsel of a professional psychotherapist to help sort all this out. Whether you go it alone or with help, taking some time to look at, reflect on, and respond to “the pole in the middle of the room”

increases the likelihood that your attempts at change will have a greater chance to make your list of “Top 10 goals accomplished in 2013.”

Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT is a Jungian-oriented psychotherapist and astrologer in Seattle. Information on his practice, his workshops, and his free e-newsletter can be found on his website,

The Pole In The Middle of the Room to consider. First, the “pole” in my fictitious office example was put there by

someone else, but many of the poles in your life, many of the things you now want to get rid of, may be things you put there yourself. And that’s fine, because the second thing to consider is that those “poles” were, at the time, a solution to a problem (they held up the proverbial ceiling), the best solution you could come up with back then. These solutions were often downright creative, even life-saving. For example, “failing to confront” may have been your solution to an abusive parent standing over you and screaming, “One more word out of you and I’ll give you something to cry about!” Back then, shutting up kept

Dan Keusal explains that today’s problems were often yesterday’s solutions, and before you look to remove them, spend a few moments considering how they got there in the first place.

“Imagine that there’s a pole,” I tell them, “that stretches from floor to ceiling here in my office, and it’s rusted and ugly and directly in the line of sight between my chair and yours, so that every time we go to look at each other, the pole is in the way. Wouldn’t it be tempting to just get rid of the unwanted pole by knocking it down?” “The problem,” I continue, “is that while the pole may be problematic now, it was originally put there for some reason. Imagine that I check with the building engineers at my office and they tell me that the pole is, in fact, holding up the ceiling, that years ago when the suites on this floor were configured differently, there was a wall around that pole (so at the time the pole didn’t seem out of place)... and then when suites were reconfigured, the walls were moved, but the pole stayed.” See the dilemma? I don’t want the pole there, but I also don’t want the ceiling to come crashing down.



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Churches andSpiritual HomesSEATTLE GNOSTIC CENTERSpiritual Psychology & MeditationTransformational Study & Practice, Wednesdays 7-9pm, Kabbalah, Alchemy, Mindfulness, 206-365-0826

Energy WorkARE YOU READY TO BE PAIN FREE? I have found this is possible with my “integrative massage”. The key is combining words, energy, touch, and sound all in one session.

REIKI MASTER, ACUTONICS AND SHAMANIC HEALING in Steilacoom, Wa. visit Embrace the new year and release old patterns that are no longer serving you, reconnect with your authentic self call Mary at 253-318-4568 to schedule an appointment or contact me through the above website and make room for the changes that are awaiting you.

Events, Classes,& WorkshopsMARCH 5, APRIL 2, MAY 7, 11:30-1 PMGOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. TASTER’S WOK, 15128 Hwy 99, Lynnwood, WA 98037. For directions: 425-787-6789. Please reserve your spot by email: [email protected]. You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you. For more infor-mation visit

MARCH 19, APRIL 16, MAY 21, 11:30-1 PMGOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH! Join us for lunch and networking. Cost is the price of your lunch. GOLDEN CITY BUFFET, 1407 West Main Street, Monroe, WA 98272. Chinese buffett and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you. No reservations required. For more information visit

MARCH 26, 11:30-1 PMGOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. EAST WEST BOOKSHOP, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 98115.

SATURDAYS, 9:30-NOONMARCH 2-APRIL 13, SUPERCONSCIOUS LIVING is a six-week class designed for people who seek spiri-tual growth and fulfillment in the midst of their daily responsibilities. Dzily chal-lenges provide priceless opportunities for spiritual realization. Learn practical techniques for releasing energy blocks & establishing new habits of willingness and creativity. Taught by Krysta Gibson, publisher of New Spirit Journal. or call 425-806-3700. $100

Events, Classes,& WorkshopsAPRIL 3GNOSTICISM: PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE. The pursuit of liberating knowledge or Gnosticism has been the thread woven through the heart of all spiritual traditions. Join us for a 4 week course, Weds at 7pm beginning April 3rd, as we study the practical and mysti-cal impact Gnosticism has had upon humanity and the profound transforma-tion it can provide in your life today. 206-365-0826

Life Coaching BRENDA MILLER, RADICAL AWARENESS® COACH, assists people to feel fulfilled and at peace as they journey toward peak performance, bet-ter relationships, job satisfaction, and forgiveness of self and others. Call to discover what’s possible: 206-529-8282.

Ongoing Events USE YOUR INTUITION TO know and heal yourself. Learn a conscious active form of meditation you can do anywhere. Take the Level 1 class or continue to take all 8.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE THROUGH the practice of Transmission Meditation, the most potent service you can do for the world. Groups meet throughout Pacific Northwest. Call (347) 455-8287 or visit

THE COSMIC CONNECTION is a channeled meditation and healing group. You are all welcome in joining this powerful ongoing experience. For further details visit our website for locations.

REIKI CLASSES AND CIRCLE. Free Reiki Circle 2nd Sunday of every month. Level I & II Classes plus 3-month Master and one-year Master Teacher Training programs. Free Mini-sessions. Northwest Reiki Center (425) 736-6980.

Classified Ads are only $15 for 20 words or less, each additional word 75¢. To advertise, send your ad to New Spirit Journal at 14911 Chain Lake Road, #431, Monroe, WA 98272 or place your ad online at

Deadline is the second Friday of each month for the following month’s issueThe ClassifiedsChurches andSpiritual HomesTHE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY encour-ages open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation. Offerings includes classes, workshops, and bookstores named Quest Bookshop. 630-668-1571.

WICCA: Aquarian Tabernacle Church, open to all. Free monthly Lunar celebra-tions, classes, other events. For more information call 360-793-1945.

SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP founded by Paramahansa Yogananda and based on the teachings he brought to the West from India in the early 20th century. Centers offer services, classes, and fellowship teaching that the pur-pose of life is the evolution, through self-effort, of man’s limited mortal con-sciousness into God Consciousness. www.yogananda-srf-org. 323-225-2471.

UNITED CENTERS FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. Offers classes, workshops, ser-vices, and fellowship focused on positive living within a spiritual framework . 720-496-1370.

FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF PUYALLUP Sunday Service 11am ,314 second ST SE Puyallup WA 98372 253-845-4444 All are Welcome, A Spiritual Pick me up every Sunday. Come as you Are. Just Behind City Hall in Downtown Puyallup or on facebook at puyallup spiritualist church

ANANDA CHURCH OF SELF-REALIZATION founded by Swami Kriyananda, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda ia a movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda that helps you bring God into your life through meditation and spiri-tual living. Offers classes, services, Living Wisdom Schools, and spiritual communi-ties in the United States, India, and Italy. Call 530-478-7560.

CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL TRUTH. Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. CAMP EDGEWOOD NSAC - 1228 26th Avenue Ct., Milton, WA 98354. Everyone welcome. 253-927-2050.

“AMPLIFYING DIVINE LIGHT IN ALL” CHURCH, Kirkland, WA. A unique, inde-pendent gathering of peaceful Starseeds. Rev. Alia Aurami, 425-466-4001.

CENTERS OF LIGHT teaches Christian mysticism and finding truth through experiences, not dogma. One-on-one teacher/student relationships offer the personal counseling and love that is rarely found elsewhere. Spiritual communities support each other with integrity, honesty and joy.

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Churches andSpiritual HomesLIVING INTERFAITH, Lynnwood, WA, gathers to share and celebrate our diverse spiritual paths. We are Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Humanists, Seekers. Our services cel-ebrate holy days from our many spiritual paths, and deal with timely Interfaith topics. We come together not to convert or convince, but to share. All of good will are welcome. 425-343-3915.

AMAZING GRACE SPIRITUAL CENTER is a New Thought church where we honor the Universal Truths taught by all religions. Check out one of our Sunday services: great music, great message and great community. Dynamic, progres-sive, open and affirming. Find us online

UNITY is an open-minded, accepting spiritual community that honors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and pur-pose. A positive alternative to negative religion, Unity seeks to apply the teach-ings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. 800-248-6489.

CHURCH OF DIVINE MAN is a non-profit organization focused on spiritual freedom. The emphasis is on teaching spiritual techniques to allow spirit to awaken and create consciously in the physical world. These techniques and teachings are based upon ancient wisdom and presented in a modern-day format. Take charge of your spiritual creativity by meditating with purpose. or call 425-258-1449.


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ReadingsJOHN JENNINGS Psychic Channel 206-417-4903

WantedWORKSHOP PROMOTER OR SPONSORS for Seattle, Portland and other areas. I am the author of the books Creating Your Light Body, Ancient Wisdom, From the Mouth of God, and The Cure. Richard Dupuis 206-643-0438 or [email protected].

Fair Vendors READERS/HEALERS/DEALERS. Vendor Space Available for Emerald Spiral Spring Expo in Kent at Kent Commons March 30, 2013 For information and application go to EXPO page or call 206-508-1270.

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WHAT IS GOOD COMPANY?A relaxed networking lunch where we gather to share great food and even great-er company. We visit, network, and make referrals. Find out why many people say this is their favorite networking group! Sponsored by Krysta Gibson and Rhonda Dicksion of New Spirit Journal

Join us for lunch and good company!A Monthly Gathering of People Of Positive InfluencePeople of Positive Influence (PPIs) are those who are living their lives in such a way as to be a positive influence on the world around them. It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do or where you do it. If you are helping to make the world a better place, if you are reading New Spirit Journal,you are a PPI! Join us for a monthly network gathering.

• Lynnwood: Tasters Wok First Tuesday: March 5, April 2, May 7 11:30-1 p.m., 15128 Hwy 99, Lynnwood, WA 98037. Reserve your spot: [email protected] Please no outside food or drinks. For directions only: 425-787-6789

• Monroe: Golden City BuffetThird Tuesday: March 19, April 16, May 2111:30-1 p.m. , 1407 W. Main St. , Monroe, WA 98272. Please no outside food or drinks. For directions only: 360-805-0888

• East West Bookshop Fourth Tuesday: March 26, April 23, May 28 11:30-1 p.m. 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Delicious sandwiches available!

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By Mary Carlson

For the past three decades, Richard Dupuis has devoted his life to helping people understand their true nature. His words are simple, and his understanding is unques-tionable. These qualities are most apparent in his fourth book, The Cure: The Power of Mind to Cure Cancer and All Other Diseases. The truth and healing are simple and available to us all. Mary Carlson: Your book starts out with the question, “What are you going to do when your doctor gives up on you and sends you home to die?” Isn’t this called the kiss of death? Richard Dupuis: Actually, the kiss of death is when your doctor says you only have a short time left to live and then sends you home to die. Every year, here in the United States, over 500,000 people die of cancer, yet in spite of such a dire statistic, many people survive it through sheer deter-mination and the mind’s will to live. MC: Where did the inspiration to write this book come from, and why did you decide to write it? RD: Early one morning just before I woke up, the Universe/God came to me and sug-gested that I write the book and open a healing center. MC: What has been your greatest motiva-tion in sharing this information? RD: The knowledge that every year in the United States, thousands of people die needlessly from cancer and other diseases, and that 90% of all prescription drugs and all medical procedures treat symptoms only. MC: Must a reader be ill in order to ben-efit from the information in The Cure? RD: Absolutely not. In fact, the best time to read it is before a disease occurs. The book offers its readers a viable alternative to the toxic life-threatening procedures used by modern medicine to treat cancer and other diseases. MC: You talk about the placebo effect. Tell me about that.

RD: Clinical trials show that 40% of all healing is the result of the placebo effect. This is a powerful indication of the mind’s ability to heal the body. MC: What did you mean when you said in the book that modern biology has caught up with A Course in Miracles? RD: A Course in Miracles was published in 1976 by Helen Schucman and William Thetford, professors of medical psychology at Columbia University. It says, “All disease is of the mind.” In The Biology of Belief, published in 2005, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and teacher at Stanford Medical School, talks about how the subconscious mind affects cell biology and creates disease. He says that the body attacks itself because of our subconscious thoughts and beliefs. MC: What do you believe are the main triggers that allow life-threatening diseases to take hold in the body? RD: Stress is probably the number one trigger, but suppressed feelings are also one of the major causes. Stress comes from thought, and of course, thought comes from mind. Stress plays a major part in disease because it suppresses the immune system. You have cancer cells, pathogens, viruses, and bacteria in your body all of the time and when your immune system is sup-pressed, they take over and cause disease. MC: What do you suggest for relieving stress and strengthening the immune sys-tem? RD: One of the best ways to release stress and strengthen the immune system is to practice meditation. If you have cancer, I suggest you join a support group, one where you can learn to safely express your feel-ings and explore your subconscious mind. MC: Your book touches on the subject of reincarnation. Is it necessary to believe in reincarnation for your healing techniques to work? RD: Absolutely not. I share some of my life experiences to show people that the potential for life goes far beyond our rigid belief systems. MC: In The Cure, you talk a lot about ego. Why is it so important to understand ego? RD: Ego can be diabolical when it comes to healing. One of the problems you face when deciding to heal is ego’s resistance to change. It is the guardian of the status

quo and no matter how sick you become, it will resist change. Many people derive their sense of identify from being sick; in this case, ego will staunchly defend its territory. Once you become aware of your resistance, it will begin to diminish. MC: Tell me about your process for help-ing people to heal. RD: I use a three-pronged approach. I start by helping those I am working with explore their feelings. The second part is to explore and clear the subconscious mind of thought forms, patterns, and beliefs that create disease. The third component is to transmute the disease energetically. I do this by transmitting the energy of my “light body,” into the disease. This raises the fre-quency of the disease and allows the body to heal. MC: I hear that you can actually do your work over the phone. Is that right? RD: Yes. I have worked with people all over the world by phone. People often won-der how that works, but quantum physics shows us that time and space are an illusion

and don’t actually exist. MC: What is the most important thing you want your readers to take away from this book? RD: That a viable alternative exists, and you don’t have to suffer in order to be cured. Modern medicine ignores the real cause of disease, the mind. The mind cre-ates disease and it can cure disease. MC: Is there anything more you would like to say to your readers? RD: Yes. I want to urge everyone to take responsibility for their own healing. With 1.3 trillion dollars being spent on medical procedures every year in the U.S., there isn’t much incentive to change.

Richard Dupuis is also the author of Creating Your Light Body, Ancient Wisdom, and From the Mouth of God. He lectures and teaches healing throughout the United States, Canada and internation-ally. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call (503) 366-1842 or [email protected].

The Mind and Healing Illness: An interview with Richard Dupuis

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Multiply Your BlessingsA 90-Day/Prayer Partner ExperienceBy August Gold & Joel FotinosHampton Roads

Explore this 90-day practice where you find a prayer partner and explore the benefits of praying with another person. The book helps you understand how prayer partnering works, how to find a compatible partner and keep each other motivated, the sorts of praying you can do together, and many ideas to keep your practice alive and beneficial. Based on the idea of “Where two or more are gathered in my name,” the book is based on solid spiritual principles and could offer a new aspect to your daily spiritual life.

Divine IntuitionYour Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and ProsperityBy Lynn A. RobinsonJossey-Bass

If you’ve ever asked yourself how to learn to access and follow your intuition, this book offers plenty of answers. The truth is each of us has a pipeline to divine intuition and only need to learn how to listen and interpret what we hear. Using many of her own stories and those of clients, Lynn Robinson walks her readers through accessing and using one’s inner guidance. This is the second edition of the book which was originally published in 2000. This one has been updated with lots more information, ideas, and techniques. If you’re looking for a spiritually-based approach to learning to follow your intuition, this could be the answer for you!

Awakening ShaktiConnecting to the Energy of the GoddessBy Sally KemptonSounds True

We hear a lot about how this is the time for the rise of the feminine energy in both men and women, that it is the energy of the feminine that is going to reverse many of the negative trends we see in the world. If this is true, and I think it is, then

this book is destined to play a huge role in making this happen. Sally Kempton is a well-known meditation teacher and writer who has turned her attention and skills to working with 11 of the hundreds of goddesses in the Hindu tradition.

She helps us understand the role of each goddess and how we can bring the manifestation of her energy into our daily lives. You’ll work with Lakshmi and Kali, Saraswati and Parvati, as well as some lesser known goddesses such as Chinnamasta and Sita. Through story, guided meditations, mantras and visualizations, the book guides us into bringing forth our own inner goddess energies and learning how to

manifest them into the world of our daily lives. Richly written and underlaid with the author’s own deep inner work, this book will be treasured by many.

Feeding the Hungry GhostLife, Faith, and What to Eat for DinnerBy Ellen KannerNew World Library

A combination food memoir-vegan recipe book, Feeding the Hungry Ghost will appeal to anyone who enjoys food, has a good sense of humor, and is interested in knowing more about healthy eating. Although she is vegan, Huffington’s Post’s Meatless Monday blogger and columnist The Edgy Veggie, Kanner is married to a committed omnivore and has a delightfully open attitude to people not ready to adopt


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her lifestyle fully. She addresses topics such as what to have for dinner, how to bring the family back to the dinner table, how to involve children in cooking and growing food, connecting food with the seasons of the year, and the cultural and spiritual aspects of the food we eat. This is a delightful book to read and offers some great and easy recipes you’ll want to add to your family’s regular favorites, I am sure. Several well-known chefs such as Jacques Pépin have endorsed the book so this should tell you the level of expertise offered within its pages!

The Mind of ThuseThriving Within EffortlessnessBy Linda SmarzikOne Breath Village Publishing

What if you could be creative without feeling stressed? What if you could find your creative zone no matter what you were doing? By a thorough explanation of how our various brainwave states work and by leading us through processes designed to unlock our creativity, Smarzik shows how to approach our lives with greater focus and imagination. She coined the word Thuse which she says is “ internal energy of a high vibratory rate that also manifests externally when working with a cherished idea or passion.” Although connected to enthusiasm, they are not the same thing. By using what she calls “The Triangle of Thuse,” Smarzik explains how the Hindu concepts of sattva, rajas, and tamas can be adopted and used as points of balance and creative accomplishment. This is an interesting and useful book that explains the processes behind our creativity. It can support readers in better accessing and using this state to accomplish dreams and goals.

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invitation to perpetuate abusive behavior? Furthermore, how will I keep my behavior in-check without beating up on myself? Argh! How do I muscle my way around this?” Even if we walk the path of light, we are not exempt from this kind of thinking. At times, we wrestle with how to really let go and love fully. What is true forgiveness? One answer is that reframing the words forgive and forget helps to reveal the gift that forgiveness has to offer. What gift? Here’s the reframe. Separate the words for-give and for-get. Forgiveness is for giving to Spirit for getting your life back. Give to Spirit that which you no longer wish to carry. Stop trying to figure out how to let it go. Give it away. It lightens the load. Do this right now as an experiment. Take unwanted feelings and memories and dump them into your Easter basket, put a colorful bow on it, and it send it off into the light. Let the angels handle it. Decide it’s done. This clears negative energy so you can hook into your light. The light within you has clear, insightful answers to all your dilemmas. Repeat if necessary. You may also have associated forgiveness with the word “repent” When I hear the word repent my mind conjures up a vision of a man thumping on a bible shouting “sinners repent!” That’s not the original intent of the word. The real meaning of the word repent is to “turn around.” Turn around and see the light within you and remember who you are. You are the light. And there’s a secret hiding inside of forgiveness. What secret? The secret is that forgiveness is an illusion. What! If that’s true, then why forgive?

According to A Course In Miracles (ACIM), we need the illusion of forgiveness to help us. ACIM says this about forgiveness, “Unlike all other illusions it leads away from error and not towards it. Forgiveness might be called a kind of happy fiction; a way in which the unknowing can bridge the gap between their perception and the truth.” (Pg.. 79, Manual for Teachers). I’ll close this article with a few more reframes to consider should you commit to the process of forgiveness. Dr. Fred Luskin, author of the book Forgive for Good: A PROVEN Prescription for Health and Happiness, outlines important points about true forgiveness. In it he states: • Forgiveness is for taking back your power. • Forgiveness is for you and not the offender. • Forgiveness is for taking responsibility for how you feel. • Forgiveness can improve your mental and physical health. • Forgiveness is not condoning unkindness. • Forgiveness is not forgetting that something painful happened. So, I invite you to lighten your load this spring. Forgive and forget. Your relationship frustrations are for giving to spirit for getting your life back.

Gianna Rosewood helps individuals “leapfrog” past failed relationships, fall in love with their self, and find the love of their life. She is a gifted intuitive whose skillful, grounded guidance supports singles in illuminating their soul’s deepest desires.

Spiritual Spring


from eating meat on Fridays. I usually gave up candy but never really followed through with my commitment. Every Friday during lent our family attended church to reflect on the “Stations of the Cross.” For me, it was a horrifying experience. It was like going to the theatre every week to see Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of The Christ. I even had nightmares of being hung on the cross next to Jesus. It’s a relief to no longer follow these traditions today. It’s also wonderful that I can sit back and teach myself new customs. According to the website, the word “Lent,” which comes from the Teutonic (Germanic) word for springtime, can be viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning; a time for taking spiritual inventory and then cleaning out those things which hinder our corporate and personal relationships.” One miraculous way to do spiritual spring-cleaning in our relationships is to enter into a period of focused forgiveness. We may not welcome this idea. Anger, resentment, and grief of relationship woes may keep us stuck in the past. We might ask ourselves, “Why must I be the one to apologize? And how can I resolve to dissolve old, painful, failed relationships. If I forgive, then what will happen? Isn’t that an

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By Gianna Rosewood

It’s spring! During this season, it’s easy to catch me humming Irving Berlin’s melodic tune, “In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it, you’ll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade.” It’s a time of celebration. Also, interwoven into this season are pagan traditions of fertility and renewal. I personally grew up in a home that revolved around Catholic conduct. This required 40 days of modified fasting in preparation for Easter. We did things like abstaining