Download - New Purchasing Procedures

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What You Need To Know

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Budget cuts are taking their toll.

We need to be mindful of EVERY penny.

Going forward, tighter controls will be in place.

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New feature is the explanation memo.

Focus on the necessities first.

When possible, get Ms. Gibbs’ approval, whether by signature or via e-mail. Especially on residential needs.

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Think that you’re shopping with your own money.

Be as specific as possible. Give client name, apartment number, etc. The more

information, the better.

Be flexible AND reasonable. If you get by for a while on less, do it!

The $600.00 chair is nice, but the $150.00 chair will serve the same purpose.

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This must be attached to EVERY requisition going forward.

Serves two purposes:

Audit back up. Validates the purchases to the auditors.

The Sales Pitch. Demonstrate the items are needed and why they are needed.

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The reason for the purchase should revolve around client needs. No other reason.

The following should not be in your memo: “The furniture doesn’t match”.

“I don’t like the current color”.

“The other facility has one, why can’t I”?

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Reasons that are acceptable for your memo:

“It will make the servicing of clients more efficient”.

“It will improve the quality of client care”.

“It will improve the overall environment, which will benefit the client’s well being”.

To reiterate, “Be thorough in your explanation”. It will only benefit your cause.

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If a requisition is submitted without an explanation memo, I will contact the person to confirm it was not lost.

Without the memo, the requisition will be rejected and the process will have to begin again.

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Once I have received the complete requisition package, I will begin soliciting bids. This may take a couple of days depending on the amount of items requested.

After the bid process is complete, the requisition moves onto the next step.

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All requisitions are turned over to Patricia Bacchus, C.O.O. for the first approval.

She will review and decide if the items are warranted or if changes need to be made.

Worse case, it is rejected at this point.

Once Ms. Bacchus has approved, the requisition goes to Fiscal for final approval.

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In Fiscal, Leidy Montes will look over the amount to be spent and compare it to the available budget.

Once everything checks out, the approved requisition package will be sent back to me for the ordering process.

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Once I have the requisition package back, I will begin sending the purchase orders out to the vendors who have won the bids.

After the vendors have received the purchase orders, they will process the order and ship it to the requesting facility.

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Once the order is received, validated, and signed for, send the delivery/packing slip down to me.

Keep a copy of any order documents oh hand at your facility for future reference

The faster the documents get to me, the faster we can pay our bills, the more likely we are to receive preferred pricing in the future.

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There will need to be an extra effort taken by all sides going forward with this process.

The memo is now as important as the requisition itself.

We all need to watch the amount we spend and what items we spend it on.