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  • 8/8/2019 NEW HR PPT_1


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    Ms. Radhika Bhutani Group-5

  • 8/8/2019 NEW HR PPT_1


    Develop outlines showing how trendsDevelop outlines showing how trends

    like work force diversity, technological like work force diversity, technological innovation,innovation, globalization globalization and changesand changesin the nature of work have affected the in the nature of work have affected the college or or university.

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    Globa lizationGATSArgumentsBenefits

    Impact on Education

    Techno logyTraditiona lNew

    Impact on Education

    Work force Dive rsityImpact on Education

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    It created a global platform that allow more people to plugand play, collaborate and compete, share knowledge and

    share work than anything we have ever seen in thehistory of the world


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    Globalization means integration of economies and societiesthrough cross country flows of InformationIdeas

    TechnologiesG oodsServicesCapital


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    The principal objective of education has always been the development of the anindividual s learning environment.G lobalization has changed the size, nature and quality of that environment.

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    The current phase of globalization of education is closely associated with the General Agreement onTrade in Services (GATS). Therefore it would be relevant to see the conditions laid down by GATS.

    MODE1: It covers the aspect of Cross- Border Trade;For example, an educational Institution in India provides an on-line educational programmes tostudents in another country.

    MODE2: It pertains to consumption abroad. This takes care of all those cases where a consumer goesabroad to obtain a service.

    For example a student from one country visiting a foreign country to obtain a degree.

    MODE3: It covers within its scope the aspect of commercial presence. This implies that a serviceprovider from one country sets up business subsidiary or branches in another country.

    For example, if IGNOU establishes its branches in foreign countries, it indicates the commercialpresence of IGNOU in that country.

    MODE4: It deals with the Movement of Natural Persons.For Example, a Distance Learning institute of India sends its administrative officer to Dubai tomanage the affairs of its branch there for a period of Five years.

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    The study was conducted using a multipurpose questionnaire.

    The sample technique adopted for the selection of the same is SimpleRandom Sampling.

    The Sample

    The study was undertaken on the Atomic Energy Education Societyteachers who had been deputed to attend an Information andcommunication technology training programme under the support of IGNOU Regional Centre Cochin .

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    Q 1. The first question that was put forth to the participants was theiropinion regarding the overall impact of globalization on the field of education.

    OpinionOpinion FrequencyFrequency

    Gateway to unlimited opportunitiesGateway to unlimited opportunities 70 70

    Signifies both threatSignifies both threat And opportunities And opportunities 3030

    An approach towards completeAn approach towards completeDisasterDisaster


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    R esponsesR esponses FrequencyFrequency

    Highly DesirableHighly Desirable 60 60

    Partially DesirablePartially Desirable 30 30

    Highly UndesirableHighly Undesirable 1010

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    It was indeed surprising to note that mostteachers, that is more than 97% felt that theywould be in a position to gain from the process of globalization of education in some form or theother.

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    T he entry of foreign institutions into the country mayresult in the improvement of teacher- student ratiowhich is at present very bad.

    T he foreign firms may bring in new technology,especially those related to IC T that would improve thedigital infrastructure of Indian schools.

    It may enable students to compare the performanceof Indian institutions with that of foreign ones andthereby could be a choice of quality.

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    T he introduction of innovative teaching techniques

    will result in an improvement in the quality of theteachers.

    It may also make Indian students more confident

    and competitive.

    It will enable the teachers and the students both tounderstand the latest trends in educationaltechnology

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    Only partially desirable since our emphasis should beon primary level education whereas the emphasis ofthese institutions would be on secondary leveleducation.

    A combination of Indian traditional system andforeign inputs is most desirable.

    T hose who view the entry of foreign institutions ashighly undesirable primarily base their arguments ofthe issue of erosion of Indian cultural values. T heystate that India has its own unique set of values andethos, which needs to be preserved.

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    Demonstration and practical based teaching would emerge.Teacher s role should be that of a motivator.Satellite based education would emerge.Greater focus would be on demonstration and interactivetechniquesThe teacher-student gap would be greatly reduced.There would be a shift from a marks centered approach to aknowledge centered approachNew concepts like theE-Libraries, Online Learning, Virtual Class rooms etc wouldgain importance.

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    The new probable challenges that the educational system could face in thecontext of globalization.

    One important challenge is to fine tune our teaching methodology in accordancewith global teaching learning systems.

    They also have to take care of the skill up gradation aspect.

    The teachers may have to adapt themselves to an entirely different teachingculture.

    The teaching community will have to better compete with the teachingcommunities of other/foreign institutions.

    The teaching community will have the challenge of upholding the Indian culture,values and customs.

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    The most important impact of globalization is that it has brought inthe latest technologies,the latest educational techniquesand also the latest attitudes into the Indian education system.

    It has promoted new teaching tools and techniquesE-Learning,

    Online education,practical based learning etc, could become common as a result.

    In fact the major challenge of globalization would be that of adaptation to the latest techniquesand the need for common up gradation of skills.

    The finest aspects of the Indian teachingtradition when blended with the western

    tradition can indeed bring out amazing results.Now we also study different foreign

    languages in order to become globally competent.

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    The impact of globalization on education has increased the size of the globalmarket for higher education.

    Consequently, thousands of students from India are looking towards the US, Europeand Australia for higher studies, though very few students from these regions arecoming to Asia. USA has been the favorite destination for foreign students followedby UK, France, G ermany, China, Australia, and Japan as shown in Figure 1.

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    Consequently, many countries are trying to open up markets for foreignstudents by emphasis on attracting more foreign students, and maximizingthe market potential of foreign study. Flow of students to foreignuniversities may have economic implications in future and India & Chinamay be major education markets for foreign study.

    Consequently, thousands of students from India are looking towards theUS, Europe and Australia for higher studies, though very few students fromthese regions are coming to Asia.

    Internationalization of education has created a worldwide market forhigher education. Therefore, universities are building links with universitiesin other countries to enhance their global reach in the area of highereducation.

    The introduction of the latest developments in the field will hasten India sentry into the comity of developed nations.

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    Education infrastructure only comprised of the following things:1. Written material2. Paper and pencil exam3. Only source of learning was text books.4. No substitutes for manual lectures and black board study.5. Distant education was cumbersome.

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    Earlier for distant education the only source of learning was textbooks andscope for study was confined to the textbook knowledge.

    Apart from textbooks if a student wants to

    gather more information he had to do lots

    of physical search which was both time

    consuming and costly .

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    In recent past when there were no use of technology in learning in educationalinstitutes then the learning process was very slow and had very limited scope,confined only to the class room study

    If education institutes across countries wanted to collaborate with each other toexchange knowledge then the process was totally physical and manual involvinglots of time, cost and physical hardships.

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    B lack Board to White B oard



    Smart Boards

    Public address system


    OMR sheets

    Online exams

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    Learning process is facilitated by webbased material with multimediacomponents.

    Class lectures are heavily supportedby power point presentations.

    Internet has made informationgathering much easier and costeffective.

    It has made learning process moreinteresting and interactive.

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    Also now a days, virtual classes are possible.

    Thus facilitated personality development of the students.

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    Continuing with the same e.g. of distant education today, this hasencountered great breakthroughsbecause of the revolutionized

    innovation in the field of I.T. andCommunication.

    Today we have e-learningsoftware's and web based learningwhich has facilitated distant

    learning education.

    Most of the courses today are alsoavailable through distant learningbecause of technology.

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    Now we have various professionalcourses that to with latesttechnologies.

    Foreign universities are giving theiraffiliation to various colleges.

    Various Indian universities areopening there branches in othercountries.

    Continuing with previous exampleof traditional model we haveexperienced a lot of change in theclassroom studies also.

    The interesting presentations hastaken the place of monotonous textbook studies.

    Classroom study is more fun now.

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    Similarities and differences among group of people in terms of age, cultural background, physical abilities and disabilities,

    race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.

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    Who are the workers?

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    They are multilayered processesthrough which we achieveexcellence

    in learning;

    research and teaching;

    student development;local and global communityengagement;

    workforce development;

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    More richly varied educational experiences has enhanced thestudent s learning and better prepare them for participation ina democratic society .

    Individuals of different racial and ethnic groups often havediffering opinions and viewpoints about a wide range of issues.

    Exposing students to a wider range of opinions .

    Diverse college campuses provide unique challenges andopportunities that improves the quality of those students .

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    Interracial interaction on campus is interracial friendship

    Enhanced self-confidence, motivation, and educational

    aspirations to greater cultural awareness and commitment toracial equity

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