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Week 14

Writing strip 38Spelling wordsWhen you pronounce these word pairs, the words sound similar, but the words do not mean the same. Can you use these spelling words in oral sentences to explain the difference in meaning? Practise writing these spelling words in your best cursive handwriting. Trace the words and then write it yourself.

Read the sentence, trace the sentences and complete the writing strip. Remember to also write the sentence once in print handwriting.


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Revise phonics / / , / / and / /

1. Colour the box with the correct word, then write the word in cursive handwritingbelow.

hair hare bear bare pair pear hard heart

ray rain pale pail sale sail pear pair

doe dough neat note rode road pool pull

2. Circle the correct word in brackets.

a. The (fairy/ferry) has long soft (hare/hair).

b. The queen has a crown on her (head/heat).

c. We paid the (fare/fair) for the taxi.

d. The man was (deaf/death).

e. I can (hear/here) you singing.

Week 14

Spelling rule

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Week 14

Writing strip 39Read these sentences quietly and copy them as neatly as you can below. Don’t skip lines. Try to copy the story in the time allowed, but still write as neatly as possible.

Ants live almost everywhere in the world, but not in the North and South poles.

There are ants that are almost six centimetres long, others are so small you need a magnifying glass to see them.

Ants are very strong. They can lift things f ifty times heavier than themselves. That would be like you being able to pick up a car!

They eat worms and other insects. They also drink the sap of many plants.

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Week 14

Worksheet 16Reading lesson, search-reading, degrees of comparison and

reading comprehension

The ants work hardThe ants’ queen has seen a picture of a beautiful house. It is more beautiful than the ants’ house, it is the most beautiful house the queen has ever seen. The house is in Egypt and has a sharp point.

“I want a house just like that,” the queen says. “We must store the food for winter in it.” The ants start off and begin to build. They carry and push and shove and groan and grunt. They carry seeds to the nest too.

All are working hard, except for the fat Abby Ant. She drags one seed and eats two seeds!

“Abby, you are eating all of our food. Look at Chain Ant’s big pile of grain. Lebo Ant’s pile is already bigger than Chain’s and Franny Ant has the biggest pile of them all,” the ants scold Abby Ant. “No, I’m working hard too,” she says with a mouth full of food and pretends to pick up a seed. She grows fatter and fatter. She is now the fattest ant in the nest.

When winter comes, Abby Ant’s pile of food is small. The food outside the nest becomes scarcer and scarcer. The ants are hungry. They must now eat the food that is stored in the house. Abby’s pile of food becomes smaller and smaller. She becomes hungrier and hungrier. She grows thinner and thinner. Later on, her pile is the smallest and she is the thinnest of all the ants. She is the hungriest of them all!

The other ants feel sorry for her and give her some of their food. “Yes,” Abby Ant says. “I was really dumb, I was dumber than the small ants. I was the dumbest of all, but that’s alright, now I have learnt my lesson. From now on. I will be clever and store my food.”

1. Search-reading:Five words are underlined in your reading lesson. Can you fi nd the words? List thewords in cursive handwriting in your exercise book.

2. If you look carefully, you will fi nd the degrees of comparison of the six words inyour reading lesson too. Write them next to the list of words.

Here is an example for you: clever, cleverer, cleverest.

3. Answer the following comprehension questions in yourexercise book and number your answers.a. Why does the queen want a house with a sharp point?b. Where did Abby Ant fi nd food when she was so hungry and thin?c. What lesson did Abby Ant learn?

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The child has now revised the single vowels, the double vowels oo and ee and the digraphs ch, wh, sh and th. We will now pay attention to magic e words (words with a silent e at the end).

When we add an e to the end of a word, especially a word with a short vowel, it works its magic and changes the sound and meaning of the word: • It makes the vowel sound long so that the vowel says its letter/alphabet name: pin/pine, cut/cute, mad/made,

etc.• It makes the final “th” more voiced: cloth/clothe, bath/bathe, etc.• It makes the g soft: hug/huge, rag/rage, etc.

In later activities, we’ll look at words in which a magic e is added to• make sure that every syllable has a vowel, and• to show that a word is not plural.

Activity 9: Introduce the magic e with a colouring, cutting and pasting activity YOU WILL NEED: Page 17, scissors, counters such as small buttons or small pieces of papers, colouring pencils or felt-tipped pens, a nontransparent/paper bag to keep the pictures in, four sheets of A4 paper and some glue.

BEFOREHAND The child cuts out the four picture strips on page 17 (together with the words below the pictures). This must be done correctly, or you won’t be able to do the first exercise. The word cards at the bottom of the page will be cut out later on.

To begin with1. Start with the first picture strip. The child reads each word and colours in the block with the correct word.2. What is the difference between the two words? Some have a magic e at the end. We don’t pronounce the e

sound, but the addition of the e changes the pronunciation of the first vowel so that it sounds like the letter name.Where applicable, indicate how the magic e changes the sound of the th (bathe) and g (huge).

3. Can the child use both words in oral sentences?4. Do the same for all the pictures.

The game1. Ask the child to colour in the pictures.2. The child now cuts out the pictures, cutting off the words below them. The child also cuts out the word cards in

the bottom half of the page.3. Place all the picture and word cards in the bag and shake it to shuffle the cards.4. The child writes the following headings on sheets of A4 paper, one heading per page: a*e sounds, o*e sounds,

i*e sounds and u*e sounds.5. Hold the bag with the picture and word cards out to the child. The child draws a card, eyes closed.6. If a picture, the child names the picture. What vowel sound does the child hear in the word? Does the word have

a magic e? How did the magic e change the sound? Ask the child to use the word in an oral full sentence. If amagic e picture, the child pastes the picture on the correct sheet of paper and writes the word below the picture.

Tip: Check the spelling!

7. Word cards are read by the child. He/she then uses each word in a full sentence and pastes the word card onthe correct sheet of paper.

Stick the sheets of paper on the child’s bedroom or classroom wall to reinforce incidental inculcation of these words.



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Picture and word cards (Activity 9)

stag stage mad made plan plane bath bathe

spin spine win wine pin pine slim slime

hop hope not note cop cope rob robe

cub cube plum plume hug huge cut cute

grape whine whole platewipe spoke write smoke

stripe frame cute cakestove wrote huge madewine hope dice plumecope cube whale grade



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Week 14

For the teacher: Speaking – insects: The ant. Reading – factual text about ants with emphasis of ee/ea. Phonics – word-building and editing. Writing – extending sentences with conjunctions.

Hard-working like an antAnts are not only hard-working; they also work as a team. There are three kinds of ants in the nest and each kind has its own job. • The workers are all female. They are the smallest ants but they do most of the work. They build the

nest, gather food and they are also the soldiers.• The male ant is bigger than the worker. Of all the ants, the male ants do the least. They see to it that

the queen ant lays eggs. A male ant only lives for a few weeks.• The queen is the biggest ant. Her job is to keep on laying eggs. She can live for up to twelve years.The workers are the smallest, but they work the hardest. It is hard work to build the nest. It is even harderwork to drag food to the nest. The hardest job is to defend the nest. Worker ants live up to one year.

An ant is very strong, much stronger than a human. An ant can lift heavy objects, as heavy as if a human lifted a car! Even the strongest person can’t do that!

1. Work with a partner. Read the sight words to each other. Choose two sight wordsthat your partner must write on their writing board, then your partner asks you twowords to write.

Sight words

need eat meet green read see week clean been keep seen

2. Work with your partner again. Choose a box of spelling words. Your partner mustmake oral sentences with the two words in the box. Then your partner chooses a boxof words and you must make the oral sentences.

Spelling words






3. Here are the sentences a learner in Grade 3 has written. Ten words are underlined.Six of the ten words are mistakes. Can you see the six spelling mistakes the learnerhas made? Your reading lesson can help you if you feel unsure. Write the sentencescorrectly in your class workbook.

Their are three kinds of ants in a nest. They work as a teem. The workers ar the

smallest. They do moast of the work. They bring food two the ants in the nest.

They live up to one yeer.

4. Use the conjunction in brackets to join the sentences. Write the sentences in yourclass workbook.a. The queen is the biggest ant. Her job is to lay eggs. (and)b. The workers are the smallest ants. They work the hardest. (but)c. Ants work together well. They bring much food into the nest. (therefore)

Week 14

31Insects Topic 6

Week 14

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Insects Topic 8

For the teacher: Beginning Knowledge, Personal and Social Wellbeing – insects – praying mantises

Explain the life cycle of the praying mantis based on the illustrations. The stages of metamorphosis differ from those of other insects. How do they differ? Let learners read the text: in groups, pairs and individually. Ask comprehension questions about the text. Write keywords on the board as the learners answer the questions.

Praying mantis, are you really praying?From the egg to the mature praying mantis

The female praying mantis lays 40-60 eggs in egg packets. The eggpacket consists of a type of foamor silver gluey liquid she excretesthrough her abdomen. She pastes the egg casing in a safeplace. The case becomes very hard toprotect the eggs against predators.

Mature praying mantis

Eggs in soft case

The case hardens

Nymf hatches

Answer the following questions in full sentences in your class workbook.

1. Is the praying mantis an insect? Why do you say that?

2. Why is its name “praying mantis”?

3. Write a paragraph of five to eight sentences about the praying mantis.

From the egg, the nymph hatches. The nymph stays near the hard foam case of the eggs for a few days. It immediately starts to look for small insects such as fruit � ies to eat. At this stage, it is very vulnerable. Many nymphs are eaten by birds, spiders and bats.

37 Topic 8 Topic 8

3737 Topic 8

37 Topic 8

37Week 14

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1. Connect the word with the body part of the insect. Draw the lines with yourpencil.

head leg

antenna wing

mouth thorax


2. Follow these directions and make your own terrarium.

You need:• Empty 2ℓ cold drink or fruit juice bottle• Small pebbles• Potting soil• Charcoal to keep the water fresh and to prevent fungi from growing (available

from pet shops)• Plants• Sticks• A bottle cap for water• Gauze and masking tape

Make your terrarium like this:1. Close the cap tightly.2. Cut out an opening with a pair of scissors.3. Put in a layer of tiny pebbles, then a layer of charcoal, then a layer of

potting soil.4. Plant small plants and grass in the soil. Small cacti work very well.5. Put in dry sticks.6. Pour water into the bottle cap and push it into the soil, like a tiny swimming

pool. Cover the opening with the gauze and attach it with the masking tape.Keep two sides open so that you can put in insects.

7. Carefully put a few insects in the bottle, attach the two open sides of thegauze and watch the insects.

Week 1312


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Week 14

1. Read the interesting factual text about ants. Underline a keyword or phrasein each sentence. The first paragraph has been done for you.

Every ant has a jobThere are three types of ant in every ant colony. Each type of ant has its own job.

The queenThe female or queen is the biggest and most important ant in the nest. Everyone takes care of her and protects her. Her only job is to lay eggs. The queen can live for many years. In large colonies, there are many queens.

The malesThe males are bigger than the workers, but smaller than the queen. They use their big antennae to find the queen. Their only job is to mate with the queen.

The workers Most ants in the colony are workers. They are very diligent and do all the work. They build the nest, see that the queen and the larvae have food and carry dead ants out of the nest. They are also soldiers that protect the nest. The workers do various types of jobs.

2. Write sentences in your own words about the ant queen.

3. Draw your own underground ant nest with subscripts.



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Topic 7Insects

For the teacher: Operations and problem-solving.

Use these activities as written application of the oral work described in the teaching plan. Read the word sums with the learners and make sure that they can read the more difficult words. Complete the first operation step by step with the learners. Make sure they know in which book to work. They work independently, while you assist others.

Doubles and near-doubles1. You have a minute for each number. How many bonds can you think up for each number? Write

the bonds on your writing board or in your class workbook.

2120 + 1

10 + 10 + 118 + 22 + 18

5 + 6 + 105 + 5 + 5 + 5

26 25 24 23 22

2. Complete the word sums in your class workbook. Remember to number your sums. You mayuse a number line if you wish. Or do you perhaps want to count out the operation with counters?Or draw it? Or break down the numbers? You may complete the sums in any way you wish!

a. I can see 30 legs. How many mosquitoes are there?

b. Jo and his friends caught 50 fleas. They want to release them in the Grade 2 classes.

There are 5 Grade 2 classes. How many fleas will be released for each class?

c. The average month has 31 days. Ants live for about 3 months. How many days is that?

d. A ladybird eats about 50 aphids in a day. There are 100 aphids on the rose bush. How many days will the ladybird take to eat them?

e. Every day, the frog catches 5 crickets. How many crickets does the frog catch in a week?

Gold star!

36Week 14


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39This page on number concept for numbers 300−400 reinforces the work covered on p. 35 in the Learner’s Book.

Week 14Number concept and number operations

Fun with numbers on a number chart

1. Complete the number chart. Then answer the questions.

301 305

312 320



342 349




a. Ten more than the honeybee’s number.b. The number the ant is sitting on.c. Five less than the butterfly’s number.d. One hundred more than the centipede’s number.e. Round off the mosquito’s number to the nearest 10.f. Five less than the ladybug’s number.g. Halve the dragonfly’s number.h. Reduce the centipede’s number by 20.i. Double the locust’s number.j. The butterfly’s number plus 30.

2. Now see if you can also do these sums!

a. Choose any number from the number chart and write it down.

b. Write the honeybee’s number.

c. Add the two numbers in Activity A and B together. Do your calculation in this block.

d. Write the centipede’s number.

e. Choose any number from the number chart and write it down.

f. Subtract your number in Activity E from the centipede’s number. Do your calculation in this block.

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Week 15Number concept and number operations

This page reinforces p. 43 in the Learner’s Book and will help to instil plus operations without carry-over.

Break numbers down into Hundreds, Tens and Ones

1. Write down the numbers represented by the Hundreds, Tens and Ones blocks.Write them in different ways, as shown in the example.

2 H + 2 T + 3 O= 2 Hundreds and 2 Tens en 3 Ones= 200 + 2 + 3= 223

a. b.

2. Now do these plus sums by breaking up the numbers. One sum has been doneas an example.




431 + 215 =1 First break the numbers down:

431 = 400 + 30 + 1215 = 200 + 10 + 5

2 Now add the Hundreds together:400 + 200 = 600

3 Now add the Tens together:30 + 10 = 40

4 Now add the Ones together: 1 + 5 = 6

5 Now add all the answers together:600 + 40 + 6 = 646

a. 213 + 356 =First break the numbers down:

Now add the Hundreds together:

Now add the Tens together:

Now add the Ones together:

Now add all the answers together:

b. 423 + 351 =First break the numbers down:

Now add the Hundreds together:

Now add the Tens together:

Now add the Ones together:

Now add all the answers together:

c. 376 + 212 =First break the numbers down:

Now add the Hundreds together:

Now add the Tens together:

Now add the Ones together:

Now add all the answers together:

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