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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 1/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Country: The Netherlands Name of legal analyst: Wybe Douma Date Table completed: October 2008 Contact details: [email protected]

Short introduction on transposition context Directive 2004/38 has been transposed in the Netherlands by several instruments. The main instrument transposing the rules of the directive is the Vreemdelingenbesluit 2000 (Aliens Decree 2000, AD 2000). This decree follows the system of the Vreemdelingenwet 2000 (Aliens Act 2000, AA 2000). The decree originally came into being as a codification of those parts of the Aliens guideline that had crystallised. The decree lays down in binding regulations the answer to the question who can legally enter and stay in the Netherlands. A number of practical issues like charges for receiving documents is regulated in the Voorschrift Vreemdelingen 2000 (Aliens Regulations 2000). Certain aspects of Directive 2004/38 fall under general rules, notably of Dutch administrative law. These rules and principles are laid down in the Algemene wet bestuursrecht (General Adminstrative Law Act, Awb). The Dutch legislator was in time transposing the Directive (that set 30 April 2006 as a deadline): the necessary amendments to the Dutch legislative instruments came into force on 29 April 2006. Please note that apparently the official English version of the Directive was not consulted when the translation of the Dutch legislation into English was made (we used existing, unoffical translations where available). As a result, it sometimes happens that there are differences between the English translation of the Dutch legislation and the English version of the Directive. Please also note that Articles 18-24 of the Passport Act are also unofficial translations. List of transposing provisions

1. Aliens Act (Vreemdelingenwet) 2000 2. Aliens Decree (Vreemdelingenbesluit) 2000 3. Aliens Regulations (Voorschrift Vreemdelingen) 2000 4. Aliens Circular (Vreemdelingencirculaire) 5. Compulsory Identification Act (Wet op de identificatieplicht) 6. Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) 7. Consular Fees Regulations (Regeling op de consulaire tarieven) 8. Criminal Code (Wetboek van Strafrecht) 9. Equal Treatment Act (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling) 10. Fees and Educational Expenses (Allowances) Act (Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijskosten en schoolkosten) 11. Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wet arbeid vreemdelingen) 12. General Adminstrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht) 13. Implementation and Delegation Decree, Annex to the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Delegatie- en Uitvoeringsbesluit Wet arbeid vreemdelingen) 14. Passport Act (Paspoortwet) 15. Registered Partnership (Conflict of Laws) Act (Wet conflictenrecht geregistreerd partnerschap) 16. Student Finance Act (Wet studiefinanciering) 17. Work and Social Assistance Act (Wet werk en bijstand)

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 2/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 3/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national

provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Chapter I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 2. Definitions Art. 2.1

For the purposes of this Directive: 1) "Union citizen" means any person having the nationality of a Member State;

Article 8.7 para 1, Aliens Decree 2000 (AD) (Vreemdelingenbesluit 2000)

1. Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op vreemdelingen die de nationaliteit bezitten van een staat die partij is bij het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap of bij de Overeenkomst betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte, dan wel van Zwitserland, en die zich naar Nederland begeven of in Nederland verblijven.

1. This paragraph is applicable to foreign nationals who are nationals of a State that is party to the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or of Switzerland, and who move to the Netherlands or reside in the Netherlands.

Y Effective transposition For discussion about the application of the Directive to Dutch nationals, see Article 3(1).

Art. 2.2 (a)

2) "Family member" means: (a) the spouse;

Article 8.7 para 2, sub a, AD 2. Deze paragraaf is eveneens van toepassing op de familieleden die een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid naar Nederland begeleiden of zich bij hem in Nederland voegen, voor zover het betreft: a. de echtgenoot;

2. This paragraph is also applicable to family members who accompany a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 to the Netherlands or join him in the Netherlands, in so far as the family member is: a. the spouse;

Y Effective transposition This provision also applies to third country family members; in Article 8.13 more detailed rules are set out for aliens referred to in Article 8.7 para 2 (and 3 and 4). Article 8.13 literally reads “A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph…” (i.e. not a national of a State that is party to the Treaty establishing the EC or the EEA or of Switzerland).

Art. 2.2 (b)

(b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of a Member State, if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant legislation of the host Member State;

Article 8.7 para 2, sub b, AD 2000; Article 2 para 1 Act Conflict Law registered partnership (Wet conflictenrecht geregistreerd partnerschap)

b. de partner, waarmee de vreemdeling een naar Nederlands internationaal privaatrecht geldig geregistreerd partnerschap is aangegaan; Article 2 para 1 Act Conflict Law registered partnership 1. Een buiten Nederland aangegaan geregistreerd partnerschap dat ingevolge het recht van de staat waar het geregistreerd partnerschap is

b. a partner with whom the foreign national has entered into a registered partnership valid under Dutch international private law; Article 2 para 1 Act Conflict Law registered partnership 1. A registered partnership concluded outside the Netherlands that was in accordance with the law of the state where the registered

Y Effective transposition.

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 4/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



aangegaan rechtsgeldig is of nadien rechtsgeldig is geworden, wordt als zodanig erkend.

partnership was concluded or became valid afterwards, is recognised.

Art. 2.2 (c)

(c) the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b);

Article 8.7 para 2, sub c, AD 2000

c. de rechtstreekse bloedverwant in neergaande lijn, van een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, of van diens echtgenoot of geregistreerd partner, voor zover die bloedverwant jonger is dan 21 jaar of ten laste is van die echtgenoot of geregistreerd partner; of

c. a blood relative in the direct descending line of a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1, or of his spouse or registered partner, in so far as this blood relative is younger than 21 years or is a dependant of that spouse or registered partner; or

Y Almost literal transposition According to Article 3 para 1 of the Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) Book 1 legitimation, legal establishment of paternity or adoption shall be equated with birth. The case law of the ECJ regarding the concept of “dependant” as applied in Lebon and Jia has to be taken into account by Dutch courts (and the Dutch authorities). In Article 10/5.2.2 of the AC 2000 it is explained that the alien family member as referred to in Article 8.7 para 2 sub c (and d) when applying for a residence document is to hand over documentation proving that he/she is in fact such a family member, leaving open what the documentation is to consist of. This seems to be in line with the ECJ case law, which allows authorities to ask for proof. NB No further explanation of what constitutes dependency is given. No Dutch jurisprudence was identified with regard to the dependency criterion.

Art. 2.2 (d)

(d) the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b);

Article 8.7 para 2, sub d, AD 2000

d. de rechtstreekse bloedverwant in opgaande lijn die ten laste is van de vreemdeling of van het gezinslid, bedoeld onder a of b.

d. a blood relative in the direct ascending line who is a dependant of the foreign national or a family member as referred to under a or b.

Y Effective transposition The case law of the ECJ regarding the concept of dependant as applied in Lebon and Jia has to be taken into account by Ducth courts (and the Dutch authorities).

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 5/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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As explained above, the AC 2000 demands that such relatives produce written evidence of their dependency.

Art. 2.3 3) "Host Member State" means the Member State to which a Union citizen moves in order to exercise his/her right of free movement and residence.

In all relevant parts the host MS is the Netherlands

Article 3. Beneficiaries Art. 3.1 This Directive shall apply to all Union

citizens who move to or reside in a Member State other than that of which they are a national, and to their family members as defined in point 2 of Article 2 who accompany or join them.

Article 8.7 para 1 and 2, AD 2000

1. Deze paragraaf is van toepassing op vreemdelingen die de nationaliteit bezitten van een staat die partij is bij het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap of bij de Overeenkomst betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte, dan wel van Zwitserland, en die zich naar Nederland begeven of in Nederland verblijven. 2. Deze paragraaf is eveneens van toepassing op de familieleden die een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid naar Nederland begeleiden of zich bij hem in Nederland voegen […]

1. This paragraph is applicable to foreign nationals who are nationals of a State that is party to the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or of Switzerland, and who move to the Netherlands or reside in the Netherlands. 2. This paragraph is also applicable to family members who accompany a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 to the Netherlands or join him in the Netherlands […]

Y Effective transposition. The transposing paragraph applies to EU citizens and the family members required by the Directive. Article 8.7 AD 2000 also applies to any person who has the nationality of EEA-countries or Switzerland. In principle, Article 8.7 AD 2000 shall not apply to Dutch nationals staying in the Netherlands (Staatsblad 2006 215, p. 31). In practice, an exception is made for Dutch nationals who exercised their right of free movement. On the same page 31 of the Staatsblad quoted above, it is explained that family members of Dutch citizens in general cannot derive rights from the Directive, but there do exist exceptions to this rule. The Minister refers to the ECJ cases Singh (C-370/90) and Akrich (C-109/01) in this respect. The form “Application for verification against Community Law (proof of lawful residence)” that is available at the website of the IND ( contains the following explanation under the heading “Exception”:

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 6/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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“In the Netherlands, Dutch citizens are not regarded as being EU citizens. This means that you will not be able to use this form if you are not an EU citizen and you wish to reside in the Netherlands as the spouse or (registered) partner of a Dutch citizen. There is one exception to this rule. If the Dutch citizen with whom you wish to stay has previously resided in another EU/EEA Member State or in Switzerland on the basis of Community Law (as an employee, self-employed person, student, economically non-active person) and is now residing in the Netherlands on the same grounds, he or she will also be regarded as being an EU citizen. You must submit a copy of his or her residence document together with your own, issued by the other Member State or Switzerland. In addition, you must enclose proof that the Dutch citizen is continuing his or her activities in the Netherlands, or has sufficient means of existence.“ At the end of the textbox about this exception, in the English form it is written: “If this exception does not apply to you, you must use this form.” In the Dutch version it says: “Als deze uitzondering op u van toepassing is, moet u wél gebruik (“If this exception applies to you, you must use this form”) maken van dit formulier” (which translates as: “If this exception applies to you, you need to make use of this form”). Thus, only those foreigners using the Dutch language form are correctly

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 7/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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told what to do – the English version is obviously incorrect where this last sentence is concerned. The AC 2000, part B/10, nr. Terugkeer naar Nederland (Return to the Netherlands) also sets out the need to treat Dutch citizens who excercised their right to free movement in this way. Legal residence in another MS. In the explanatory memorandum to the amendments of the AD 2000 necessary to implement Directive 2004/38, it is explained that following the ECJ decision in the Akrich case C-109/01 it could be argued that the claim could be made that family members must have been residing legally with the Union Citizen in another Member State, if one would assume that Community law does not cover this issue (Staatsblad 2006, nr. 215, p. 17). However, the Netherlands took notice of the letter of the Commission dated 14 June 2005 in which this position was contested, and of the Jia case C-1/05 in which a preliminary ruling was asked that was expected to clarify this matter. Until that case was to be decided upon, the Minister explained, no residence permit would be demanded from this category of citizens from third countries who are in a relationship with EU citizens. In other words, until the Jia decision it was not demanded that family members must have been residing legally with the Union Citizen in another Member State. It seems

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 8/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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unlikely that based on Jia (decided on 9 January 2007) the Dutch authorities would have assumed that they had been right in their suspicion that the matter of prior legal residence is a matter of national discretion. One knowledgeable expert on a Dutch forum for persons with foreign partners stated in January 2008 that the Netherlands was not demanding prior legal residence. So it seems that the Netherlands policy is in line with the most recent Metock judgment. Third country national who is residing in the NL and then meets a Union citizen and get married. The Dutch provision applies to EU citizens who reside in or move to the Netherlands, and to family members from third countries who accompany their EU partner or join him/her in the Netherlands. It does not follow from this provision that the situation described in the question is excluded. From the forms on the website of the IND, it follows that the non-EU partner who has an non-Dutch EU partner can apply for verification against Community Law (proof of lawful residence). In the form “Application for a regular residence permit without a provisional residence permit, or for a change to the purpose of residence” it is explained that if you are “related to someone who is an EU/EEA or Swiss national? If so, EU community law means that you can, should you wish to do so, apply for proof of legal

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 9/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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residence instead of a residence permit. Do not use this form to do this, but use the following form: ‘Application for assessment under EU community law (proof of lawful residency).” These forms indicate that it does not matter if the non-EU partner was already staying in the Netherlands before the non-Dutch EU partner joined him/her. No jurisprudence was identified in which such a situation was discussed. It is possible for non-Dutch citizens from non-EU countries to get married or enter into a registered partnership in the Netherlands; they must have a legal residence title to do so. This condition does not apply to EU/EEA nationals.

Art. 3.2 (a)

Without prejudice to any right to free movement and residence the persons concerned may have in their own right, the host Member State shall, in accordance with its national legislation, facilitate entry and residence for the following persons: (a) any other family members, irrespective of their nationality, not falling under the definition in point 2 of Article 2 who, in the country from which they have come (in the Dutch version: in het land van herkomst), are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen having the primary right of residence, or where serious health grounds strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

Article 8.7, para 3, Article 8.12, para 1(f) and (g),

3. Deze paragraaf is voorts van toepassing op andere familieleden dan bedoeld in het tweede lid, die een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid naar Nederland begeleiden of zich bij hem in Nederland voegen, in geval zij: a. in het land van herkomst ten laste zijn van of inwonen bij die vreemdeling; of b. vanwege ernstige gezondheidsredenen een persoonlijke verzorging door die vreemdeling strikt behoeven. 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in

Entry and residence for up to three months 3. This paragraph is also applicable to family members other than those referred to in paragraph 2, who accompany a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 to the Netherlands or join him in the Netherlands, in the case that they: a. are dependants of or live with that foreign national in the country from which they have come; or b. because of serious health reasons, strictly require the personal care of that foreign national. Right of residence for more than 3 months 1. A foreign national as referred

Y Effective transposition “Living with the foreign national” means “living as part of his household”. Article 8.7 AD 2000 is meant for the right of entry and residence for up to three months and applies both to family membes who are Union citizens and to third country family members; Article 8.12 AD 2000 covers the right of residence for more than 3 months. Regarding faciliatation, in both cases, the Dutch legislation treats these persons as family members and therefore garnts the right of entry and residence. Article 8.12 AD 2000 applies to

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 10/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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artikel 8.7, eerste lid, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, indien hij: a. in Nederland werknemer of zelfstandige is dan wel Nederland is ingereisd om werk te zoeken en kan bewijzen dat hij werk zoekt en een reële kans op werk heeft; b. voor zichzelf en zijn familieleden beschikt over voldoende middelen van bestaan en over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt; c. is ingeschreven voor een opleiding die is opgenomen in het Centraal register opleidingen hoger onderwijs, bedoeld in artikel 6.13 van de Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, of in het Centraal register beroepsopleidingen, bedoeld inartikel 6.4.1 van de Wet educatie en beroepsonderwijs, om als hoofdbezigheid een studie of beroepsopleiding te volgen, beschikt over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt, en hij met een verklaring of een gelijkwaardig middel naar zijn keuze de zekerheid verschaft dat hij beschikt over voldoende middelen van bestaan voor zichzelf en zijn familieleden; […] f. familielid is als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, derde lid, en hij in het land van herkomst ten laste is van

to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry if he: a. is an employee or self-employed person in the Netherlands or has entered the Netherlands to seek work and can prove that he is seeking work and has a realistic chance of obtaining work; b. possesses adequate means to provide for himself and his family and insurance that fully covers medical costs in the Netherlands; c. has registered for an educational course that is included in the Central Register of Higher Education Courses as referred to in Article 6.13 of the Higher Education and Research Act, or in the Central Register for Vocational Training as referred to in Article 6.4.1 of the Adult and Vocational Education Act, in order to follow as his main activity a study or vocational training course, possesses insurance that fully covers medical costs in the Netherlands, and provides assurance through a statement or equivalent document of his choice that he possesses adequate means to provide for himself and his family members; [...] f. is a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 3, and in the country of origin is a

family members who are EU citizens, EEA citizens or Swiss citizens. Article 8.13 2000 applies to third country family members (who are not EU citizens, EEA citizens or Swiss citizens). Although Article 8.12, , AD 2000 does not make a distinction between “dependants” and “health reasons” (like the Directive) it categorises them separately in sub f and g. Note that a correct English translation of Article 8.7 para 3 AD 2000 refers to “the country from which they have come” (which in this case is the same as “the country from which they arrived”, the term used in the English version of the Directive in Article 10(2) sub e. The fact that the difference in wording in the English text still needs to be interpreted as meaning the same shows from the other language versions. The Dutch law uses exactly the same term as the Dutch version of the Directive in Article 3.2 sub a, which in its term is the same terminology as used in Article 10(2) sub e, namely “land van herkomst”. The German version of the Directive uses the same term “Herkunftslands” in both provisions, and so does the French version (“le pays de provenance”). No interpretation is provided for in the Aliens Circular where this matter is concerned. Article 8.7 (2) is “hard core” family members (notably spouse and

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 11/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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Article 8.13, para 1, AD 2000

of inwoont bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, b of c; g. familielid is als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, derde lid, en hij vanwege ernstige gezondheidsredenen een persoonlijke verzorging door een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, b of c, strikt behoeft; [...] 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.12, eerste lid, onder a, b of c.

dependant of or lives with a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 under a, b or c; g. is a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 3, and because of serious health reasons strictly requires personal care by a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 under a, b or c; [...] 1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of that article, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry in so far as he resides in the Netherlands with a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.12, paragraph 1, under a, b or c.

registered partner, but also children and parents under certain conditions), (3) is other family mem bers who are dependants/for health reasons; (4) is durable relationships... According to Article 8.13, para 1 AD 2000, these family members who are not EU nationals may reside for more than 3 months if the person resides with a Union citizen (etc) who meets the conditions of Article 8.12, para 1 a - is worker/self-employed, or para b - has sufficient resources, or para c - is a student.

Art. 3.2 (b)

(b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has a durable relationship, duly attested.

Article 8.7, para 4, Article 8.12, para 1(h),

4. Deze paragraaf is eveneens van toepassing op de ongehuwde partner die een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid naar Nederland begeleidt of zich bij hem in Nederland voegt en die een deugdelijk bewezen duurzame relatie met die vreemdeling heeft […] 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in

Entry and residence for up to three months 4. This paragraph is also applicable to an unmarried partner who accompanies a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 to the Netherlands or joins him in the Netherlands and has a properly proven permanent relationship with that foreign national […] Right of residence for more than 3 months 1. A foreign national as referred

Y Effective transposition No case law of Dutch national courts was found in which it was determined how long a relationship has to last to be considered “durable”. But according to the Commission it should be at least one year (Workshop summary 6 February 2008, p. 5). In the Aliens Circular, no indication is given of what constitutes a durable relationship. In practice, the IND has considered a relationship of at least one year sufficient (according to a contributor to a forum for persons living in the Netherlands with foreign partners). A declaration

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 12/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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Article 8.13, para 1 AD 2000 Article 8.13, para 3(f), AD 2000

artikel 8.7, eerste lid, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, indien hij: […] h. partner is als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, vierde lid, en hij een deugdelijk bewezen duurzame relatie heeft met een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, b of c […] 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.12, eerste lid, onder a, b of c. 3. voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft als partner als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, vierde lid: […] f. een bij regeling van Onze Minister vast te stellen relatieverklaring; […]

to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1 (do you mean 4?], has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry if he: [...] h. is a partner as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, and has a properly proven permanent relationship with a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 under a, b or c [...] 1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of that article, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry in so far as he resides in the Netherlands with a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.12, paragraph 1, under a, b of c. 3. When submitting the application the foreign national must submit: [...] f. in so far as he resides in the Netherlands as a partner as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 4: a statement of the relationship to be determined by order of Our Minister; [...]

of partnership can be asked for in practice. Article 8.12 AD 2000 applies to family members who are EU citizens, EEA citizens or Swiss citizens. Article 8.13 2000 applies to third country family members (who are not EU citizens, EEA citizens or Swiss citizens). Regarding faciliatation, in both cases, the Dutch legislation treats these persons as family members and therefore garnts the right of entry and residence. Regarding the information to be submitted, under Article 8.13 para 3(f) see more detailed comments on Article 8(5) and 10(2)

The host Member State shall undertake an extensive examination of the personal circumstances and shall justify any denial of entry or residence to these people.

Article 3:2, 3:46, 3:47, para 1, General Administrative Law Act

Article 3:2 Bij de voorbereiding van een besluit vergaart het bestuursorgaan de nodige kennis

Article 3:2 When preparing an order an administrative authority shall gather the necessary information

Y These are guarantees given by the Directive to limit the MS discretion and thus have to be transposed. The NL legislation is not precise enough

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(Algemene wet bestuursrecht) omtrent de relevante feiten en de af te wegen belangen. Article 3:46 Een besluit dient te berusten op een deugdelijke motivering. Article 3:47 1. De motivering wordt vermeld bij de bekendmaking van het besluit. […]

concerning the relevant facts and the interests to be weighed. Article 3:46 An order shall be based on proper reasons. Article 3:47 1. The reasons shall be stated when the order is notified. […]

to comply with the requirement of carrying out an “extensive examination of the personal circumstances”. However it depends on the treatment given by the NL to other family members, i.e., the facilitation. In principle the NL treats them as the core familiy members Therefore, then they have a right and thus there is no need to carry out the exhaustive examination. The margin of discretion for authorities seems already quite limited. The order to issue a visa is to be considered as a (administrative) decision ex General Administrative Law Act.

Chapter II. RIGHT OF EXIT AND ENTRY Article 4. Right of Exit Art. 4.1 Without prejudice to the provisions on

travel documents applicable to national border controls, all Union citizens with a valid identity card or passport and their family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who hold a valid passport shall have the right to leave the territory of a Member State to travel to another Member State.

Article 18-24 of the Passport Act (Paspoortwet) Article 18

Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van het openbaar ministerie, indien het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat een persoon, a. die wordt verdacht van het plegen van een strafbaar feit waarvoor een bevel tot voorlopige hechtenis is toegelaten, of b. die onherroepelijk veroordeeld is tot een vrijheidsstraf of vrijheidsbenemende maatregel van zes maanden of meer, of een geldboete in Nederland van de derde categorie of hoger, dan wel een daarmee overeenkomende geldboete in de Nederlandse Antillen of Aruba, of c. die de bijzondere voorwaarden verbonden aan een voorwaardelijke veroordeling, een

Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of the Public Prosecutions Department, if there are valid reasons to suspect that a person, a. who’s suspected of a criminal offence for which an order for pre-trial detention has been approved, or b. who’s irrevocable sentenced to an imprisonment or custodial order of six months or more, or a category 3 fine or more, or a similar category fine in the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba, or c. who doesn’t comply with the special conditions attached to a suspended sentence, a suspended detention under a hospital order or a suspended pardon,

Y Effective transposition Grounds for refusing a travel document to Dutch nationals are listed in Article 18-24 of the Passport Act (Paspoortwet). There are no further exit restrictions in the Netherlands. Concerning the related question about the scope of the right to cross the borders of the Netherlands exiting the country, Art. 2 par. 4 of the Dutch Constitution states: “Everyone shall have the right to leave the country, except in the cases laid down by Act of Parliament.”Although this primarily sees at the options for Dutch nationals, the exceptions cannot include a limitation for other EU nationals because Article 18 par.

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Article 19 Article 20 Article 21

voorwaardelijke terbeschikkingstelling of een voorwaardelijke gratieverlening niet naleeft, zich door verblijf buiten de grenzen van een der landen van het Koninkrijk aan vervolging dan wel tenuitvoerlegging van de straf zal onttrekken. Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van de rechter-commissaris, indien de betrokken persoon in staat van faillissement verkeert dan wel op hem het bepaalde in artikel 106 van de Faillissementswet (Stb. 1893, 140) of een overeenkomstige regeling in de Nederlandse Antillen of Aruba van toepassing is. Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van Onze Minister die het aangaat, indien het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat de betrokken persoon zich door verblijf buiten het Koninkrijk zal onttrekken aan zijn militaire verplichtingen, dan wel zijn vervangende dienstplicht. Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van Onze Minister die het aangaat, indien het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat een persoon ten aanzien van wie in buitengewone omstandigheden krachtens de wet of landsverordening een verbod

shall evade prosecution or the execution of a sentence by residing outside the frontiers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of the examining magistrate, if the person involved is bankrupt or the provisions of Article 106 of the Bankruptcy Act or a similar regulation in the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba shall apply to him. Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of Our Minister in question, if there are valid reasons to suspect that the person involved shall evade his military obligations or non-combatant roles during conscription by residing outside the frontiers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of Our Minister in question, if there are valid reasons to suspect that the person involved for whom under exceptional circumstances in accordance with the law or Act of the Netherlands

1 TEC has direct effect in the Dutch legal order and because the Dutch legal order does not contain any reference to such a limitation.

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Article 22

geldt het land te verlaten, dit verbod zal overtreden. Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van Onze Minister die het aangaat, onderscheidenlijk het college van burgemeester en wethouders, gedeputeerde staten, het eilandbestuur dan wel een ander tot invordering bevoegd orgaan van een rechtspersoon die krachtens publiekrecht is ingesteld, dat het aangaat, indien het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat een persoon, a. die nalatig is in het nakomen van zijn verplichting tot betaling van in een der landen van het Koninkrijk verschuldigde belastingen of premies inzake sociale verzekeringen, of b. die nalatig is in het nakomen van zijn verplichting tot terugbetaling van door de overheid aan hem verstrekte geldleningen, subsidies of renteloze voorschotten, of c. die nalatig is in het nakomen van een wettelijk op hem rustende dan wel bij uitspraak van een rechter in het Koninkrijk vastgestelde verplichting tot betaling van op hem verhaalbare uitkeringen, door de overheid gemaakte, op hem verhaalbare kosten, dan wel voorgefinancierde of anderszins verstrekte gelden, of d. die nalatig is in het nakomen

Antilles/Aruba a ban has been issued on leaving the Kingdom of the Netherlands, shall break this ban. Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of Our Minister in question, burgomaster and aldermen, the Provincial Executive, the governments of the islands or another competent body of a legal entity under public law which is authorised to collection, if there are valid reasons to suspect that the person involved, a. who is disregarding his payment obligation to one of the countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of his taxes or his social security contributions due, or b. who is disregarding his repayment obligation of loans, subsidy’s or interest-free down-payments issued by the authorities, or c. who is disregarding his legal or judicial obligation to pay recoverable social payments provided by the authorities, or pre-funded or other provided grants, or d. who is disregarding his legal or judicial maintenance obligation as enacted by order of a court in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, shall evade the legal circumstances to collect his down-payments by residing

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Article 23 Article 24

van een wettelijk op hem rustende onderhoudsverplichting dan wel een bij uitspraak van een rechter in het Koninkrijk vastgestelde onderhoudsverplichting, zich door verblijf buiten de grenzen van een der landen van het Koninkrijk aan de wettelijke mogelijkheden tot invordering van de verschuldigde gelden zal onttrekken. Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van Onze Minister die het aangaat, indien het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat de betrokken persoon buiten het Koninkrijk handelingen zal verrichten, die een bedreiging vormen voor de veiligheid en andere gewichtige belangen van het Koninkrijk of een of meerdere landen van het Koninkrijk dan wel de veiligheid van met het Koninkrijk bevriende mogendheden. Weigering of vervallenverklaring kan geschieden op verzoek van Onze Minister die het aangaat, onderscheidenlijk een met de uitvoering van deze wet belaste autoriteit die het aangaat, indien: a. het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat de betrokken persoon zich schuldig zal maken aan gedragingen welke naar Nederlands, Nederlands-Antilliaans onderscheidenlijk Arubaans recht misdrijven opleveren en tot de

outside the frontiers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of Our Minister in question, if there are valid reasons to suspect that the person involved, shall act across the borders of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which will threaten the security and other vital interests of one or more countries of the Kingdom or friendly states. Refusal or annulment may be effected at the request of Our Minister in question, a relevant authority charged with the implementation of this Act, if: a. there are valid reasons to suspect that the person involved shall be guilty of actions which are crimes according to Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles or Aruban Law and the penalization is required by a binding Treaty to the Kingdom and he has been irrevocable

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strafbaarstelling waarvan een het Koninkrijk bindend verdrag verplicht en hij binnen of buiten het Koninkrijk in de voorafgaande tien jaar wegens zodanige gedragingen of medeplichtigheid daaraan onherroepelijk is veroordeeld; b. het gegronde vermoeden bestaat dat de betrokken persoon handelingen heeft verricht of zal verrichten met of met betrekking tot reisdocumenten die het vertrouwen in reisdocumenten hebben geschaad of zullen schaden dan wel opzettelijk een ander in de gelegenheid heeft gesteld of zal stellen om zulke handelingen te verrichten met of met betrekking tot een aan de betrokken persoon verstrekt reisdocument.

sentenced of such actions or as an accessory within or outside the Kingdom in the last ten years; b. there are valid reasons to suspect that the person involved has performed or will perform acts relating to travel documents that have breached or will breach trust with regard to travel documents or if the person in question has deliberately enabled or will deliberately enable a third party to perform such acts relating to a travel document issued to the person in question.

Art. 4.2 No exit visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on the persons to whom paragraph 1 applies.

Article 2 para 4 of the Constitution (Grondwet)

4. Ieder heeft het recht het land te verlaten, behoudens in de gevallen, bij de wet bepaald.

4. Everyone shall have the right to leave the country, except in the cases laid down by Acts of Parliament

Y Effective transposition There are no exit visas (or equivalent formalities) in the Netherlands (Article 2 para 4 of the Constitution (Grondwet).

Art. 4.3 Member States shall, acting in accordance with their laws, issue to their own nationals, and renew, an identity card or passport stating their nationality.

Article 3, para 6, Paspoort Act Article 9, Paspoort Act

Article 3 para 6 6. In reisdocumenten die aan Nederlanders worden verstrekt, wordt de Nederlandse nationaliteit vermeld. […] Article 9 Iedere Nederlander heeft binnen de grenzen bij deze wet bepaald, recht op een nationaal paspoort, geldig voor vijf jaren en voor alle landen.

Article para 6 6. Travel documents issued to Dutch people, shall mention the Dutch nationality. […] Article 9 Every Dutchman has within the limits of this law, the right to a national passport, valid for five years and valid in all countries.

Y Effective transposition

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Article 16a Paspoort Act (Paspoortwet)

Article 16a Iedere Nederlander die als ingezetene in de basisadministratie persoonsgegevens van een gemeente is ingeschreven, of die woonachtig is in een land waarvoor de Nederlandse identiteitskaart geldig is, heeft binnen de grenzen van deze wet bepaald, recht op verstrekking van een Nederlandse identiteitskaart, geldig voor vijf jaren.

Article 16a Every Dutchman who has been entered as a resident in the municipal personal records databases, or who is residing in a country for which the Dutch identity card is valid, has within the limits of this law, the right to a Dutch identity card, valid for five years.

Art.4.4 The passport shall be valid at least for all Member States and for countries through which the holder must pass when travelling between Member States. Where the law of a Member State does not provide for identity cards to be issued, the period of validity of any passport on being issued or renewed shall be not less than five years.

Article 9 Paspoort Act Iedere Nederlander heeft binnen de grenzen bij deze wet bepaald, recht op een nationaal paspoort, geldig voor vijf jaren en voor alle landen.

Every Dutchman has within the limits of this law, the right to a national passport, valid for five years and valid in all countries.

Y Effective transposition

Article 5. Right on Entry Art. 5.1 1. Without prejudice to the provisions on

travel documents applicable to national border controls, Member States shall grant Union citizens leave to enter their territory with a valid identity card or passport and shall grant family members who are not nationals of a Member State leave to enter their territory with a valid passport.

Article 8.8, para 1, AD 2000 1. Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, die in het bezit is van een geldig document voor grensoverschrijding, kan de toegang tot Nederland slechts worden geweigerd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, dan wel volksgezondheid […]

1. Entry to the Netherlands of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7 who possesses a valid border-crossing document may be refused only for reasons of public policy or public security or public health […]

Y Effective transposition According to Article 2, para 1 and 2, of the Passport Act the following documents are considered to be valid border crossing documents for Dutch nationals: national passport; diplomatic passport; service passport; travel documents for refugees; travel documents for aliens; emergency passport; other travel documents, to be issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs; and a indentity card. No restrictions to valid border cross documents for foreign nationals were found in Dutch legislation.

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Article 8.7 AD 2000 applies to EU citizens and their family members required by the Directive. Among family members, as meant by article 8.7 AD 2000 no distinction whatsoever has been made between respectively EU, EEA and Swiss citizens on the one hand and nationals not originating from these categories of countries on the other. Article 8.7 AD 2000 applies to any person who has the nationality of EEA-countries or Switzerland. - For the technical aspects regarding border crossing documents we refer to Article 2, paras 1 and 2 Dutch Passport Act. - Concerning the related question regarding the scope of the right to cross the borders of the Netherlands exiting the country, Article 2, para 4 of the Dutch Constitution states: “Everyone shall have the right to leave the country, except in the cases laid down by Act of Parliament.”Although this refers primarily to the options for Dutch nationals, the exceptions cannot include a limitation for other EU nationals because Article 18, para 1 TEC has direct effect in the Dutch legal order and because the Dutch legal order does not contain any reference to such a limitation. The only limits foreseen in the law as those based on public order, public security and public health as per Article 27 of the Directive.

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No entry visa or equivalent formality may be imposed on Union citizens.

Article 8.8, para 1, AD 2000 1. Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, die in het bezit is van een geldig document voor grensoverschrijding (kan de toegang tot Nederland slechts worden geweigerd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, dan wel volksgezondheid) […]

1. Entry to the Netherlands of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7 who possesses a valid border-crossing document (may be refused only for reasons of public policy or public security or public health) […]

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7 AD 2000 applies to EU citizens and their family members required by the Directive. Article 8.7 AD 2000 also applies to any person who has the nationality of EEA-countries or Switzerland. These grounds for refusing entry are constituent elements of the the subject matter of the Directive (Article 1, sub c).

Art. 5.2 2. Family members who are not nationals of a Member State shall only be required to have an entry visa in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 or, where appropriate, with national law. For the purposes of this Directive, possession of the valid residence card referred to in Article 10 shall exempt such family members from the visa requirement.

Article 8.9, first sentence, AD 2000 Article A6/2.2.2 and A2/4.3.1 Aliens Circular

Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, en die beschikt over een geldige verblijfskaart, afgegeven door de bevoegde autoriteiten van een staat als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, waaruit het verblijfsrecht als familielid blijkt, wordt de toegang niet geweigerd wegens het ontbreken van een geldig visum. […] Vreemdelingencirculaire (Aliens Circular) A6/2.2.2 Onderdanen van de EU, de EER en Zwitserland (en familieleden) Het familielid dat onderdaan is van een derde land dient echter als hoofdregel te beschikken over een geldig nationaal paspoort dat is voorzien van een visum (zie A2/4.3.1 voor het visumvereiste). Zoals is aangegeven in A2/4.3.1,

A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in paragraph 1 of that article, and who possesses a valid residence card issued by the competent authorities of a State as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, showing the right of residence as a family member, may not be refused entry due to the lack of a valid visa. […] A6/2.2.2 Nationals of the EU, the EEA and Switzerland (and family members) « The family member who is a third country national should in principle have a valid national passport with a visa (see A2/ 4.3.1 for the visa requirement). As has been indicated in A2/4.3.1, family members (who


Effective transposition According to Article 5, paragraph two an entry visa can be required for certain family members in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 or, where appropriate, with national law. The last sentence of this paragraph informs that the possession of a valid residence card exempts one of this requirement. No specific piece of Dutch legislation exists with regard to the group of persons identified in the first sentence. They thus fall under the general rules on visa, i.e., the rules of Regulation No 539/2001, which is directly applicable in the Netherlands since the Netherlands is a Schengen country. Therefore, Dutch law is in compliance with the Directive. As for the second sentence of Article 5 para 2 of the Directive, it is transposed by Article 8.7 first sentence AD 2000. That provision

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zijn (in beginsel visumplichtige) familieleden als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde en vierde lid, Vb vrijgesteld van de visumplicht als zij in het bezit zijn van een geldige verblijfskaart afgegeven door één van de EU-/EER-landen of Zwitserland. » A2/4.3.1 Het visumvereiste …..vrijstelling van de visumplich (t..) Tot slot, zoals is neergelegd in artikel 8.9 Vb, zijn personen die normaal gesproken visumplichtig zijn vrijgesteld van de visumplicht wanneer zij een familielid zijn als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde en vierde lid, Vb van een onderdaan van de EU, de EER of Zwitserland die zijn recht inzake vrij verkeer uitoefent. Hierbij geldt als voorwaarde dat zij in het bezit moeten zijn van een geldige verblijfskaart afgegeven door één van de EU-/EER-landen of Zwitserland. (Hier wordt gedoeld op het document vermeld in artikel 10 van Richtlijn 2004/38 van 29 april 2004 betreffende het recht van vrij verkeer en verblijf op het grondgebied van de lidstaten voor de burgers van de Unie en hun familieleden)

have in principle a visa requirement) as meant in Article 8.7, para 2,3 and 4 of the Aliens Decree, are exempted from this visa requirement if they are in possession of a valid residence card issued by one ot the EU-/EEA countries or Switzerland. » A 2/4.3.1 A2/4.3.1. The visa requirement\ …..Exemption of the visa requirement…..Finally, as stated in Article 8.9 Aliens Decree, persons who normally have a visa requirement are exempted from this visa requirement if they are a family member as meant in Article 8.7 para 2,3 and 4 Aliens Decree of a national of the EU, the EEA or Switzerland who exercises his or her right to freedom of movement. As a prerequisite, they should be in possession of a valid residence card issued by one of the EU-/EEA countries or Switzerland. (This is the document as mentioned in Article 10 of Directive 2004/38 of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.)

applies to family members not being nationals of an EU/EEA Member State or Switzerland (as set out in Article 8.7 para 1, a provision to which 8.9 first sentence refers), The exemption is therefore correctly transposed. NB The English translation of the text of Article 8.9 AD 2000 used in a previous concept version of this ToC was not correct. Instead of “valid Residence Card” by mistake the term “valid residence Permit” was used. This was changed in this version of the ToC. The Aliens Circular only confirms in general wording that the transposition is in line with the this respect.

Member States shall grant such persons every facility to obtain the necessary visas. Such visas shall be issued free of charge as soon as possible and on the basis of an accelerated procedure.

Article 4:13 General Administrative Law Act (period of time);

Article 4:13 1. Een beschikking dient te worden gegeven binnen de bij wettelijk voorschrift bepaalde termijn of, bij het ontbreken van zulk een termijn, binnen een

Article 4:13 1. An administrative decision shall be made within the time limit prescribed by statutory regulation, or, in the absence of such time limit, within a

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The implementation of Article 5, para 2, third sentence of Directive 2004/38/EC is incorrect. No specific provision has been foreseen to

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Article 3a, para 3, Consular Fees Regulations (Regeling op de consulaire tarieven) (free of charge) 4.3.8 Aliens Circular 2000

redelijke termijn na ontvangst van de aanvraag. 2. De in het eerste lid bedoelde redelijke termijn is in ieder geval verstreken wanneer het bestuursorgaan binnen acht weken na ontvangst van de aanvraag geen beschikking heeft gegeven, noch een kennisgeving als bedoeld in artikel 4:14, derde lid, heeft gedaan. Article 3a, para 3 3. De vergoeding, genoemd in artikel 1, aanhef, onderdeel s, onder 6°, is niet verschuldigd indien de aanvraag betrekking heeft op een categorie machtigingen tot voorlopig verblijf die ingevolge een verdrag of besluit van een volkenrechtelijke organisatie kosteloos moeten worden verleend. 4.3.8 AC 2000 Ook aan de grens worden onder voorwaarden reis- en doorreisvisa afgegeven. Bevoegd inzake visumafgifte aan de grens zijn de ambtenaren belast met grensbewaking. AC 2000 Aan de grens kunnen (…) onder bepaalde voorwaarden (zie Verordening 415/2003 en BNL-bijlage I GVI) worden afgegeven: – eenvormige visa, zonder territoriaal beperkte geldigheid;

reasonable period after receiving the application. 2. The reasonable period referred to in subsection 1 shall in any event be deemed to have expired if the administrative authority has not made an administrative decision or given communication as referred to in article 4:14 within eight weeks of receiving the application. Article 3a, para 3 3. The compensation, as mentioned in Article 1, preamble, para s, point 6°, is not due when the application concerns a category of temporary stay visas which should be granted for free in accordance with a treaty or a decision of a international organisation. 4.3.8 AC 2000 Under certain conditions, travel- and transitvisa are issued at the border. The civil servants dealing with the guarding of borders are competent to issue the visa. AC 2000 At the border under certain conditions (…) (see Regulation 415/2003 and BNL-annex I CCI) the following can be issued: - uniform visa, without territorial limitations;

implement the obligation to grant every facility to obtain the necessary visa. Only general provisions of the General Administrative Law Act (GALA) apply. This specific obligation has not been implemented at all, neither the part on the issuing of visa nor the part on granting every facility. From the Aliens Circular 2000 it can be deduced that in practice it is possible to obtain visa for instance at Dutch airports. The rules on issuing such visa and the conditions that apply follow from Regulation 415/2003 and the Common Consular Instructions, CCI (in Dutch GVI, the Gemeenschappelijke Visum Instruc-ties).

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Translation into English of national provision

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Comments/Problems AC 2000 De voorwaarden voor verlening van een visum aan de grens zijn opgenomen in artikel 1 van Verordening 415/2003 (zie ook BNL-bijlage I GVI). De belangrijkste voorwaarde hierbij is dat de vreemdeling kan aantonen dat door onvoorziene en dringende redenen hij niet in de gelegenheid is geweest een visum aan te vragen voorafgaand aan zijn komst naar de betreffende Schengenstaat. Overigens kan dit niet worden tegengeworpen aan familieleden van EU, EER of Zwitserse onderdanen die vallen onder het Gemeenschapsrecht inzake vrij verkeer van personen. AC 2000 The conditions for granting a visa at the border are laid down in article 1 of Regulation 415/2003 (see also BNL-Annex I CCI). The main condition is that the alien can demonstrate that because of unforeseen and urgent reasons he was not capable to apply for a visa in advance of his travels to the Schengenstate concerned. By the way, this can not be demanded from familymembers of EU, EEA or Swiss nationals who fall under the Community law concerning free movement of persons.

Art. 5.3 3. The host Member State shall not place an entry or exit stamp in the passport of family members who are not nationals of a Member State provided that they present the residence card provided for in Article 10.

Article 8.9 AD 2000 Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, en die beschikt over een geldige verblijfskaart, afgegeven door de bevoegde autoriteiten van een staat als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, waaruit het verblijfsrecht als familielid blijkt, wordt de toegang niet geweigerd wegens het ontbreken van een geldig visum. In het paspoort wordt geen aantekening gesteld omtrent inreis in Nederland of uitreis uit Nederland.

A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in paragraph 1 of that article, and who possesses a valid residence card issued by the competent authorities of a State as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, showing the right of residence as a family member, may not be refused entry due to the lack of a valid visa. No note may be made in the passport concerning entry into or departure from the Netherlands.

Y Effective transposition The transposing Article 8.9 applies to the foreign nationals mentioned in article 8.7, para 2, 3 and 4 not possessing the nationality of an EU MS who have a residence card of an EU or EEA Member State. Article 8.7 AD 2000 applies to EU citizens and their family members required by the Directive. Article 8.7 AD 2000 also applies to any person who has the nationality of EEA-countries or Switzerland.

Art. 5.4 4. Where a Union citizen, or a family member who is not a national of a Member State, does not have the necessary travel documents or, if required, the necessary visas, the Member

Article 8.8, para 4, AD 2000 Een vreemdeling die niet beschikt over het vereiste document voor grensoverschrijding, wordt niet uitgezet dan nadat hem gedurende een redelijke termijn de

4. A foreign national who does not possess the required border-crossing document may not be expelled before he has been given a reasonable period of

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The NL act has not transposed the possibility of having the necessary documents brought to them within a

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 24/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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State concerned shall, before turning them back, give such persons every reasonable opportunity to obtain the necessary documents or have them brought to them within a reasonable period of time or to corroborate or prove by other means that they are covered by the right of free movement and residence.

gelegenheid is gegeven dat document te verkrijgen of op andere wijze te laten vaststellen of bewijzen dat hij het recht op vrij verkeer en verblijf geniet.

time to obtain that document or to establish or prove in another manner that he enjoys the right of free movement and residence.

reasonable time. Although this omission may open up discretion, it seems to be minor.

Art.5.5 5. The Member State may require the person concerned to report his/ her presence within its territory within a reasonable and non-discriminatory period of time. Failure to comply with this requirement may make the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

n/a NL has not made use of this possibility.

Chapter III. RIGHT OF RESIDENCE Article 6. Right of residence for up to three months Art. 6.1 1. Union citizens shall have the right of

residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of up to three months without any conditions or any formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid identity card or passport.

Article 8.11, para 1, AD 2000 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, heeft rechtmatig verblijf gedurende een periode van drie maanden na inreis, indien hij: a. beschikt over een geldige identiteitskaart of een geldig paspoort; of b. het bewijs van zijn identiteit en nationaliteit ondubbelzinnig met andere middelen levert.

1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, has lawful residence for a period of three months after entry if he: a. possesses a valid identity card or a valid passport; or b. proof of his identity and nationality is provided unequivocally by other means.

Y, More

favourable ( Not

for jobseeker


Effective transposition, except for jobseekers The transposing law also allows the EU citizen or EEA national to prove his identity unequivocally by other means. More favourable. The minor incompleteness consists of jobseekers who need to prove that they are seeking work and have a realistic chance of obtaining work who stay in the Netherlands more than 3 but less than 6 months.

Art. 6.2 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall also apply to family members in possession of a valid passport who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen.

Article 8.11, para 2, AD 2000 2. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel en beschikt over een geldig paspoort, heeft rechtmatig verblijf gedurende een periode van drie maanden na inreis.

2. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in paragraph 1 of that article and possesses a valid passport, has lawful residence for a period of three months after entry.

Y Effective transposition. Article 8.7 AD 2000 applies to EU citizens and their family members required by the Directive. Article 8.7 AD 2000 also applies to any person who has the nationality of EEA-countries or Switzerland. 8.7 paragraphas 2, 3 and 4 are family

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Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 25/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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members (respectively core family members, members of the household/serious health reasons, and durable partners).

Article 7. Right of residence for more than three months Art.7.1 (a)

All Union citizens shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of longer than three months if they: (a) are workers or self-employed persons in the host Member State; or

Article 8.12 para 1, sub a, AD 2000

1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, indien hij: a. in Nederland werknemer of zelfstandige is dan wel Nederland is ingereisd om werk te zoeken en kan bewijzen dat hij werk zoekt en een reële kans op werk heeft;

1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry if he: a. is an employee or self-employed person in the Netherlands or has entered the Netherlands to seek work and can prove that he is seeking work and has a realistic chance of obtaining work;

N, Incomplet

e (for jobseeker


Incomplete transposition The minor incompleteness consists of jobseekers who need to prove that they are seeking work and have a realistic chance of obtaining work who stay in the Netherlands more than 3 but less than 6 months. Article 8.12, para 1, sub a, of the Alien Decree also applies to jobseekers. However, notice that according to the Commission’s interpretation of the Directive, job seekers have a right of entry and residence for up to 6 months with no more conditions. After 6 months, the MS can a impose registration obligation and to prove that the person is seeking job and has a realistic chace of obtaining work as per Antonissen (see also recitals 9 and 16 of the Directive) – so in this case, it is correct but not for job-seekers in as far as the conditions of seeking work and having a realistic chance of obtaining work are applicable to jobseekers who are less than 6 months in the Netherlands. Note that this Dutch provision does not regulate expulsion or requests to leave the country. Such measures can only be taken if specific conditions are met, and it seems unlikely that such action against jobseekers in the period mentioned would meet these

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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conditions. NB In the past, before adopting amendments to the AD 2000 in order to transpose Directive 2004/38, the old AD 2000 used to grant EU and EEA citizens a right to stay in the Netherlands for a period of six months (Article 3.3 AD 2000, old). This became clear when studying Dutch case law. A Spanish citizen who claimed to be looking for work having arrived in the Netherlands on 5 July 2002 was put into custody (after being arrested on grounds of committing crimes, theft and handling stolen property) on 3 September 2002 in order for him to be deported. This decision was judged to be a violation of this person’s EU rights as transposed in Article 3.3 AD 2000, old (case LJN AE9585, District Court The Hague, session in Zwolle, AWB 02/68411) because he was to be allowed to seek work during 6 months.

Art.7.1 (b)

(b) have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State; or

Article 8.12 para 1, sub b, AD 2000

b. voor zichzelf en zijn familieleden beschikt over voldoende middelen van bestaan en over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt;

b. possesses adequate means to provide for himself and his family and an insurance that fully covers medical costs in the Netherlands;

Y Literal transposition Please see the Dutch version of the Directive (the wording is the same).

Art.7.1 (c)

(c) - are enrolled at a private or public establishment, accredited or financed by the host Member State on the basis of its legislation or administrative practice, for the principal purpose of following a course of study, including vocational training; and

Article 8.12 para 1, sub c, AD 2000

c. is ingeschreven voor een opleiding die is opgenomen in het Centraal register opleidingen hoger onderwijs, bedoeld in artikel 6.13 van de Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, of in het Centraal register beroepsopleidingen, bedoeld in

c. has registered for an educational course that is included in the Central Register of Higher Education Courses as referred to in Article 6.13 of the Higher Education and Research Act, or in the Central Register for Vocational Training as referred to in Article 6.4.1 of the

Y Effective transposition. The Central Register of Higher Education Courses and the Central Register for Vocational Training applies to accredited private and public educational courses.

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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artikel 6.4.1 van de Wet educatie en beroepsonderwijs, om als hoofdbezigheid een studie of beroepsopleiding te volgen,

Adult and Vocational Education Act, in order to follow as his main activity a study or vocational training course,

- have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State and assure the relevant national authority, by means of a declaration or by such equivalent means as they may choose, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence; or

Article 8.12 para 1, sub c, AD 2000

beschikt over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt, en hij met een verklaring of een gelijkwaardig middel naar zijn keuze de zekerheid verschaft dat hij beschikt over voldoende middelen van bestaan voor zichzelf en zijn familieleden;

possesses insurance that fully covers medical costs in the Netherlands, and provides assurance through a statement or equivalent document of his choice that he possesses adequate means to provide for himself and his family members;

Y Literal transposition Please see the Dutch version of the Directive (e.g. the wording is the same). The EU citizen has to prove to the Dutch authorities that he possesses adequate means to provide for himself and his family members.

Art.7.1 (d)

(d) are family members accompanying or joining a Union citizen who satisfies the conditions referred to in points (a), (b) or (c).

Article 8.12 para 1, sub d, e, f and gAD 2000

d. een familielid als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede lid, is van een vreemdeling als bedoeld onder a of b; e. de echtgenoot, de geregistreerde partner of een kind is dat ten laste is van een vreemdeling als bedoeld onder c; f. familielid is als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, derde lid, en hij in het land van herkomst ten laste is van of inwoont bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, b of c; g. familielid is als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, derde lid, en hij vanwege ernstige gezondheids-redenen een persoonlijke verzorging door een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, b of c, strikt behoeft; of h. partner is als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, vierde lid, en hij een deugdelijk bewezen duurzame relatie heeft met een vreemdeling als bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, b of c, dan wel rechtstreekse

d. is a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, of a foreign national as referred to under a or b; e. is the spouse, the registered partner or a child who is a dependant of a foreign national as referred to under c; f. is a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 3, and in the country of origin is a dependant of or lives with a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 under a, b or c; g. is a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 3, and because of serious health reasons strictly requires personal care by a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 under a, b or c; or h. is a partner as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 4, and has a properly proven permanent relationship with a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 under a, b or c or is

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7 para 1 AD 2000 applies to Union citizens, and para 2 to their “core” family members. Article 8.7 para 3 and 4 AD 2000 refers to non-core family members (notably durable partners). According to Article 8.12 para 1, sub d and e, AD 2000 an Union citizen: a. is an employee or self-employed person in the Netherlands or has entered the Netherlands to seek work and can prove that he is seeking work and has a realistic chance of obtaining work; b) possesses adequate means to provide for himself and his family and an insurance that fully covers medical costs in the Netherlands. Sub d and e apply to family members in accordance with Article 7(4) of the Directive. This right of residence also applies to other family members as referred to Article 3(2) of the Directive (see

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Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 28/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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bloedverwant in de neergaande lijn, jonger dan 18 jaar, is van een zodanige partner.

a blood relative of such a partner in the direct descending line, and is younger than 18 years.

comments on the transposition of that provision above); these family members thus also have the right of residence under Article 8.12. para 1 sub f, g and h AD 2000. Note that EU/EEA/Swiss students (the category of 8.12 para 1 sub c AD 2000) can thus have their spouse, registered partner or a child who is a dependant, but not father/mother (8.12 para 1 sub e), and, although Article 7.4 of the directive allows for a restriction in this respect, also other familymembers than spouse/registred partner/child/father/mother if these persons are dependants of or live with the EU/EEA/Swiss student in the country of origin or for serious health reasons (sub g), the student’s durable partner (sub h) legally reside with them for more than 3 months. All of these persons can stay as family members, hence not ascendants (e.g., the father/mother). Note however that Article 8.13 para 1 allows all non-EU/EEA/Swiss core and non-core family members, including parents (so without limitation of the personal scope of family members), to reside legally in the Netherlands for more than 3 months with EU/EEA/Swiss students. The combined effect of these two provisions thus is that direct ascendants who possess a non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationality can join their children, but EU/EEA/Swiss parents cannot on this legal basis. Why the Netherlands opted for this remains unclear; it might be accidental.

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 29/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

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Art. 7.2 2. The right of residence provided for in paragraph 1 shall extend to family members who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen in the host Member State, provided that such Union citizen satisfies the conditions referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) or (c).

Article 8.13, para 1, AD 2000 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.12, eerste lid, onder a, b of c.

1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of that article, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry in so far as he resides in the Netherlands with a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.12, paragraph 1, under a, b of c.

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7 para 1 AD 2000 also applies to aliens who have the nationality of an EEA-country or Switzerland, and para 2 to their family members. Article 8(13) grants the right of residence to core family members (8.7 paragraph 2) as well as other family members as referred in Article 3(2) of the Directive (see comments on the transposition of this provision). 8.7 paragraph 3 refers to members of household, dependants and person needing care for serious health reasons. 8.7 paragraph 4 refers to permanent relationship. According to Article 8.12 para 1, a, b and c transpose Article 7(1)(a), (b) and (c)- see more details in the provision just above;

Art. 7.3 (a)

3. For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), a Union citizen who is no longer a worker or self-employed person shall retain the status of worker or self-employed person in the following circumstances: (a) he/she is temporarily unable to work as the result of an illness or accident;

Article 8.12 para 2, sub a, AD 2000

2. Het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, onder a, eindigt niet om de enkele reden dat die vreemdeling niet langer werknemer of zelfstandige is: a. in geval van tijdelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid als gevolg van ziekte of ongeval;

2. The lawful residence of a foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1, under a, shall not end for the sole reason that the foreign national is no longer an employee or a self-employed person: a. in the event of temporary occupational disability as the consequence of an illness or accident;

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition The Dutch law does not clearly say that the status of worker is retained in these cases. The Directive does not talk about “lawful residence” but about “retaining the status of worker or self-employed person”.

Art. 7.3 (b)

(b) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after having been employed for more than one year and has registered as a jobseeker with the relevant employment office;

Article 8.12 para 2, sub b, AD 2000

b. indien hij na werkzaamheden als werknemer of zelfstandige van ten minste een jaar onvrijwillig werkloos is en als werkzoekende bij de Centrale Organisatie Werk en Inkomen is ingeschreven;

b. if after his work as an employee or a self-employed person he has been involuntarily unemployed for at least one year and is registered as a jobseeker at the Central Organisation for Work and Income;


Effective transposition The substances is correctly transposed. However see comments above. The Central Organisation for Work and Income is the agency to register

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

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as a jobseeker. Art. 7.3 (c)

(c) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after completing a fixed-term employment contract of less than a year or after having become involuntarily unemployed during the first twelve months and has registered as a job-seeker with the relevant employment office. In this case, the status of worker shall be retained for no less than six months;

Article 8.12 para 2, sub c, AD 2000

c. gedurende een periode van ten minste zes maanden, nadat hij onvrijwillige werkloos is geworden door de afloop van een arbeidsovereenkomst korter dan een jaar, dan wel nadat hij gedurende de eerste twaalf maanden onvrijwillig werkloos geworden is, indien hij als werkzoekende bij de Centrale Organisatie Werk en Inkomen is ingeschreven;

c. during a period of at least six months after he has become involuntarily unemployed due to the expiry of an employment agreement shorter than one year, or after he has become involuntarily unemployed during the first twelve months if he is registered as a jobseeker with the Central Organisation for Work and Income;


Effective transposition The substances is correctly transposed. However see comments above. The Central Organisation for Work and Income is the agency to register as a jobseeker.

Art.7.3 (d)

(d) he/she embarks on vocational training. Unless he/she is involuntarily unemployed, the retention of the status of worker shall require the training to be related to the previous employment.

Article 8.12 para 2, sub d, AD 2000

d. indien hij een beroepsopleiding gaat volgen, die, behoudens ingeval van onvrijwillige werkloosheid, verband houdt met de voorafgaande beroepsactiviteit.

d. if he is to follow a vocational training course which, except in the case of involuntary unemployment, is related to the previous occupational activity.

Y Literal transposition

Art. 7.4 4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1(d) and 2 above, only the spouse, the registered partner provided for in Article 2(2)(b) and dependent children shall have the right of residence as family members of a Union citizen meeting the conditions under 1(c) above. Article 3(2) shall apply to his/her dependent direct relatives in the ascending lines and those of his/her spouse or registered partner.

Article 8.12, para 1, sub e, AD 2000; Article 8.7, para 2, sub d, AD 2000 Article 8.13 AD 2000

Article 8.12, para 1, sub d and e 1. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, indien hij: [...] e. de echtgenoot, de geregistreerde partner of een kind is dat ten laste is van een vreemdeling als bedoeld onder c; [...] Article 8.13 AD 2000 1 De vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, heeft langer dan drie maanden na inreis rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland, voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft bij een vreemdeling als

Article 8.12, para 1, sub d and e 1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry if he: […] e. is the spouse, the registered partner or a child who is a dependant of a foreign national as referred to under c; […] Article 8.13 AD 2000 1. A foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of that article, has lawful residence in the Netherlands for longer than three months after entry in so far as he resides in the Netherlands with a

Y Effective transposition Sub e limits the scope of family menbers for EU citizens who are students (c). As for third country family members (core and wider sense because of the reference to art. 8.7 para 2, 3 and 4), Article 8.13 para 1 applies.

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

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bedoeld in artikel 8.12, eerste lid, onder a, b of c.

foreign national as referred to in Article 8.12, paragraph 1, under a, b of c.

Article 8. Administrative formalities for Union citizens Art. 8.1 1. Without prejudice to Article 5(5), for

periods of residence longer than three months, the host Member State may require Union citizens to register with the relevant authorities.

Article 8.12, para 4, AD 2000 4. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, meldt zich uiterlijk binnen een maand na afloop van de in artikel 8.11, eerste lid, bedoelde periode aan bij Onze Minister ter inschrijving in de vreemdelingenadministratie in geval hij beoogt langer dan drie maanden in Nederland te verblijven.

4. The foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 must report to Our Minister no later than one month after the expiration of the period referred to in Article 8.11, paragraph 1, for registration in the aliens administration, if he intends to remain in the Netherlands for a period longer than three months.

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7, para 1, AD 2000 also applies to EU citizens. Job seekers are also covered by the obligation to report. According to the Directive in the interpretation of he Commission, they should not be subject to the obligation to register for the first six months. See coments above under Article 7.3.

Art. 8.2 2. The deadline for registration may not be less than three months from the date of arrival. A registration certificate shall be issued immediately, stating the name and address of the person registering and the date of the registration. Failure to comply with the registration requirement may render the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

Article 8.12, para 4, AD 2000 Article 8.12, para 6 AD 2000 Article 108 Aliens Act 2000 (AA) (Vreemdelingenwet 2000)

Article 8.12, para 4 4. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, meldt zich uiterlijk binnen een maand na afloop van de in artikel 8.11, eerste lid, bedoelde periode aan bij Onze Minister ter inschrijving in de vreemdelingenadministratie in geval hij beoogt langer dan drie maanden in Nederland te verblijven. Article 8.12, para 6 6. Onze Minister verstrekt na de in het vierde lid bedoelde inschrijving onmiddellijk een verklaring van inschrijving, waarin naam en adres van de ingeschreven vreemdeling en de datum van inschrijving worden vermeld. Article 108 1. […] [H]andelen in strijd met een verplichting opgelegd bij of

Article 8.12, para 4 4. The foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 must report to Our Minister no later than one month after the expiration of the period referred to in Article 8.11, paragraph 1, for registration in the aliens administration, if he intends to remain in the Netherlands for a period longer than three months. Article 8.12, para 6 6. After the registration as referred to in paragraph 4, Our Minister shall immediately issue a statement of registration containing the name and address of the foreign national and the date of registration. Section 108 1. Any person [...] who fails to observe an obligation imposed

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Art. 8.12 para 4 refers to aliens as referred to in paragraph 1, which in its turn refers to Art. 8.7 para 1 which deals with EU, EEA and Swiss citizens. The Netherlands enacted Art. 8.12 para 4 in accordance with Article 54, para 1, sub e, AA 2000 (in which the possibility to lay down rules with regard to a duty to report within a certain period after arriving in the Netherlands for aliens is laid down). The Netherlands give a four month deadline for registration (the period referred to in Article 8.11 is 3 months. One months after the expiration is thus 4 months). Failure to report within this period can be punished with detention of up to one month (Article 108 AA 2000).

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



krachtens […] [artikel] 54 […] wordt gestraft met hechtenis van ten hoogste zes maanden of geldboete van de tweede categorie. […] 3. De in het eerste […] lid strafbaar gestelde feiten worden beschouwd als overtredingen. […] 5. In afwijking van het eerste lid wordt handelen in strijd met een verplichting, opgelegd bij of krachtens artikel 54, eerste lid, onder […] e, gestraft met ten hoogste een hechtenis van een maand of een geldboete van de tweede categorie, indien het feit wordt begaan door een gemeenschapsonderdaan. Het derde lid […] [is] van overeenkomstige toepassing.

by or pursuant to [...] section 54, [...] shall be liable to detention not exceeding six months or a category 2 fine. […] 3. The offences punishable under subsection 1 […] shall be deemed to be summary offences. […] 5. Contrary to subsection 1, any person who fails to observe an obligation imposed by or pursuant to [...] section 54, para 1, sub [...] e, shall be liable to detention not exceeding one months or a category 2 fine if the offence is committed by a Union citizen. Para three […] shall be applicable mutatis mutandis.

Such a detention period seems disproportionate where violation of a mere administrative requirement is concerned. Note that the different detention regimes for Union citizens (at most one month) and non-union citizens (at most 6 months) forms a discriminatory sanction, an issue that is of importance notably under Art. 9 Directive 2004/38 (see below) .

Art. 8.3 3. For the registration certificate to be issued, Member States may only require that — Union citizens to whom point (a) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport, a confirmation of engagement from the employer or a certificate of employment, or proof that they are self-employed persons,

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 5. Bij regeling van Onze Minister kunnen regels worden gesteld omtrent de gegevens en bescheiden die de vreemdeling bij de in het vorige lid bedoelde melding moet verstrekken of overleggen.

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 5. Rules may be laid down by order of Our Minister concerning the information and documents that the foreign national must provide or submit at the time of reporting as referred to in the preceding paragraph.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Officially the Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the Aliens Regulations 2000 (AR 2000) (Voorschrift Vreemdelingen 2000). However, no implementing article was found. So, the order of the Minister has not been enacted yet. In the Aliens Circular, part B10/ 2.5.2 discusses a right to reside for a period of more than 3 months. It is explained there that Directive 2004/38 regulates, in order to avoid abuse, in the possibility for member states to demand from Union citizens that they deliver evidence that they

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



meet the conditions allowing them to stay for more than three months. In the Netherlands it is regulated for EU, EEA and Swiss nationals that they report in order to be registered in the aliens administration, at which point the evidence as described in the Aliens Regulations 2000 needs to be submitted. If this evidence is presented, the Union citizen will be registered in the aliens administration and a declaration of registration will be supplied immediately. The registration and supply of the declaration will be for free. There is an application form at the IND website.. It is attached o the CS; Art. 8.12 para 4 AD 2000 makes it an obligation to register. Violation of this obligation can be punished in accordance with Art. 108 AA 2000. See comments above

— Union citizens to whom point (b) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport and provide proof that they satisfy the conditions laid down therein,

Idem Idem Idem N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found. However, proof of meeting the conditions is requested.

— Union citizens to whom point (c) of Article 7(1) applies present a valid identity card or passport, provide proof of enrolment at an accredited establishment and of comprehensive sickness insurance cover and the declaration or equivalent means referred to in point (c) of Article 7(1). Member States may not require this declaration to refer to any specific

Idem Idem Idem N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found. However, proof of meeting the conditions is requested

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



amount of resources. Art. 8.4 4. Member States may not lay down a

fixed amount which they regard as ‘sufficient resources’, but they must take into account the personal situation of the person concerned. In all cases this amount shall not be higher than the threshold below which nationals of the host Member State become eligible for social assistance, or, where this criterion is not applicable, higher than the minimum social security pension paid by the host Member State.

Article 8.12, para 3, AD 2000 Aliens Circular B10/4.1 B10/4.1.1.

3. Voor de toepassing van het eerste lid, onder b, beschikt de vreemdeling met een inkomen ter hoogte van het normbedrag dat ingevolge de Wet werk en bijstand voor de desbetreffende categorie is vastgesteld, in ieder geval over voldoende middelen van bestaan. Vreemdelingencirculaire: B10/ 4.1. Verblijfsrecht economisch niet-actieven algemeen, gepensioneerden Economisch niet-actieve EU/EER-onderdanen en dito Zwitserse onderdanen komen voor verblijf als gemeenschapsonderdaan in aanmerking, indien en zolang zij over voldoende bestaansmiddelen beschikken om te voorkomen dat zij tijdens hun verblijf ten laste komen van de publieke middelen. Tevens geldt dat zij voor zichzelf en – voor zover van toepassing – hun familieleden moeten beschikken over een ziektekostenverzekering die alle risico’s in Nederland dekt (zie artikel 8.12, eerste lid, onder b, Vb). B10/ 4.1.1. Voldoende middelen van bestaan De economisch niet-actieve EU/EER-onderdanen of Zwitserse onderdanen, als bedoeld in B10/4.1, dienen – voor zover hier van belang – aan te tonen dat zij

3. For the application of paragraph 1, under b, the foreign national shall in any event be considered to possess adequate means if he has an income equal to the standard amount that has been established under the Work and Social Assistance Act for the category concerned. B10/4.1 Right of Residence economically non-active persons general, pensioners Economically non-active EU/EEA citizens as well as Swiss citizens have the right of residence as Community citizen if and for as long as they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence. It is also required to have a comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Netherlands for themselves and -if applicable- for their family members. B10/4.1.1 Sufficient means of subsistence The economically non-active EU/EEA citizens and Swiss citizens, in the meaning of B10/4.1 must be able to prove that –as far as applicable- they

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition According to Article 8.4 and Recital 16 of the Directive the amount is indicative and personal circumstances have to be taken into account, whereas Article 8.1, para 3, AD 2000 establishes that the foreign national shall in any event be considered to possess adequate means if he has an income equal to the standard amount that has been established under the Work and Social Assistance Act for the category concerned. The Aliens Circular Section B10/4.1 is entitled: “Right of residence of economically not active persons and pensioners” and deals in general terms with the substance of paragraph four of Article 8 of the Directive. In this section a part of the text of Article 7, para 1 (b) of the Directive concerning sufficient resources and comprehensive sickness ensurance is almost literally quoted. Sub-Section B10/4.1.1. entitled: ”Sufficient means of existence” explains in more detail how this concept should be applied to determine the right of residence of this category of EU-/EEA and Swiss citizens. The text of Article 8, para 12 of the AD is quoted: “Sufficient equals for this category (single persons, married couples/families) at least the nett income that has been established under the Work and Social Assistance Act for the

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



over voldoende middelen van bestaan -beschikken om te voorkomen dat zij tijdens hun verblijf ten laste van de publieke middelen komen. Onder voldoende wordt verstaan: voldoende hoog, dat wil zeggen tenminste het netto normbedrag voor de desbetreffende categorie (alleenstaande, echtparen/gezinnen), zijnde de bedragen waaronder ingevolge de Wwb aan eigen onderdanen bijstand wordt verleend (zie artikel 8.12, derde lid, Vb). De bron waaruit deze middelen komen (bijvoorbeeld erfenis, alimentatie, onroerend goed, arbeid buiten Nederland, een uitkering, pensioen) is niet van belang, mits de gemeenschapsonderdaan de vrije beschikking heeft over de middelen of het recht op (periodieke) uitkering ervan. Daarbij worden, voor zover van toepassing, de middelen in aanmerking genomen van een huwelijkspartner of persoon met wie de EU/EER-onderdaan dan wel Zwitserse onderdaan een in Nederland geregistreerd partnerschap is aangegaan. In geval van een dergelijke partner geldt immers een wettelijke onderhoudsplicht.

have sufficient resources not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence. “Sufficient” equals for this category ( single persons, married couples/families) to at least the nett income that has been established under the Work and Social Assistance Act for the category concerned. (see article 8.12, para.3, Vb).- The source of income (such as inheritance, maintenance allowance, real estate, work performed outside the Netherlands, social security allowance, pension) is irrelevant, provided that the Community citizen has free access to the respective funds, or the right to receive (periodical) payments/benefits thereof. The means of subsistence of the husband/wife of an EU/EEA citizen as well as of a Swiss citizen or his/her partner – in case of a registered partnership in the Netherlands- are also considered a source of income. In the case above, there is a legal obligation of maintenance. The same rule is applicable in the case of an equivalent registered partnership performed in another Member State.

category concerned. In the section is further explained that the sources of the income are not of any relevance and that e.g. the sources of income of (registrated) partners have to be taken in account, under the condition that the Community citizen has free access to the means of existence. One important exception is income derived from illegal sources. Income earned by a partner (as defined) is illegal in case the partner is staying illegally in The Netherlands. So, the conclusion is that the way the circular applies the sufficient resources test is not OK because it is looking at categories of persons (singles, married couples/families) rather than “the personal situation of the person concerned” as the Directive demands. Instead, it is a fixed amount per category. All in all this implies that the AC resembles virtually to the core matter of the Dutch legal provisions. Only explanatory notes concerning (legal and illegal) sources of income have been added. However, the Circular is not legally binding and cannot be considered as the transposing provision of Article 8(4) of the Directive. The legal obligation of maintenance refers to the duty to provide financial support to your partner.

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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Hetzelfde geldt indien sprake is van een geregistreerd partnerschap, aangegaan in en erkend door een andere lidstaat. Dit is met name van belang voor echtparen, dan wel een paar van geregistreerde partners, waarvan beide partners onderdaan van de EU/EER zijn dan wel Zwitsers onderdaan, of een combinatie daarvan, waarbij één partner over toereikende middelen beschikt naar de toepasselijke bijstandsnorm ingevolge de Wwb en de ander niet. Tevens is dit van belang voor onderdanen van de EU/EER en Zwitserse onderdanen, die met een Nederlander zijn gehuwd of een in Nederland dan wel andere lidstaat geregistreerd partnerschap zijn aangegaan, waarbij slechts de Nederlandse partner over bedoelde middelen beschikt. .........Bij het vorenstaande wordt geen genoegen genomen met inkomsten uit illegale activiteiten. Daarmee wordt met name bedoeld de situatie waarin de echtgenoot, bedoelde geregistreerd partner of derde, zijnde onderdaan van een derde land, niet rechtmatig in de Unie verblijft, waardoor de door deze persoon uit arbeid verworven inkomsten illegaal zijn.

This rule is especially relevant for married couples or registered partners which are both EU/EEA citizens or Swiss citizens, or a combination thereof, when one partner disposes of sufficient means of subsistence conform to the legal provisions of the Work and Social Assistance Act while the other partner does not. This rule is also relevant for EU/EEA citizens as well as Swiss citizens who are married or have a registered partnership - in the Netherlands or in another member state - with a Dutch citizen, when only the Dutch partner disposes of the necessary means of subsistence. ……The previous provisions do not apply to income originating from illegal sources. Mainly, the labor income of a husband/wife or registered partner, citizen of a third country who does not reside legally in the EU, falls under the meaning of income from illegal sources.

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Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 37/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



Art. 8.5 5. For the registration certificate to be issued to family members of Union citizens, who are themselves Union citizens, Member States may require the following documents to be presented: (a) a valid identity card or passport;

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 5. Bij regeling van Onze Minister kunnen regels worden gesteld omtrent de gegevens en bescheiden die de vreemdeling bij de in het vorige lid bedoelde melding moet verstrekken of overleggen.

5. Rules may be laid down by order of Our Minister concerning the information and documents that the foreign national must provide or submit at the time of reporting as referred to in the preceding paragraph.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000 (ministerial order). However, no implementing article was found. The quote from the AC added to Article 8, para 3 of the Directive refers exclusively to EU-/EER and Swiss citizens. No parallel text concerning non-EU etc. family members of EU citizens could be found in the AC See my comments under Article 8(3)

(b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship or of a registered partnership;

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 Ibid. Ibid. N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found but documents are requested.

(c) where appropriate, the registration certificate of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining;

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 Ibid. Ibid. N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found but documenst are requested.

(d) in cases falling under points (c) and (d) of Article 2(2), documentary evidence that the conditions laid down therein are met;

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 Ibid. Ibid. N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found but documents are requested.

(e) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 Ibid. Ibid. N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into

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Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 38/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found but documents are requeted (notice that Dutch law treats Article 3(2)(a) persons as family members).

(f) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen.

Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 Ibid. Ibid. N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Netherlands has transposed Article 8.12, para 5, AD 2000 into the AR 2000. However, no implementing article was found but documentation is requested in the form of a “Declaration of relationship: partner of EU-citizen”. This document can be found on p. 6 of the “Application for verification against Community Law (proof of lawful residence)” form on the IND website at: Notice that Dutch law treats Article 3(2)(b) persons as family members.

Article 9. Administrative formalities for family members who are not nationals of a Member State. Art. 9.1 1. Member States shall issue a residence

card to family members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State, where the planned period of residence is for more than three months.

Article 8.13, para 5, AD 2000 5. Onze Minister verstrekt de verblijfsgerechtigde vreemdeling binnen zes maanden na de ontvangst van de aanvraag een verblijfsdocument waarvan het model wordt vastgesteld bij ministeriële regeling. […]

5. Our Minister shall issue a residence document to a foreign national entitled to residence within six months of receipt of the application, the model of which shall be determined by Ministerial order. […]

Y Effective transposition The model for the card in question should be established via the AR 2000, and should be Annex 7e (which together with 3.2 AR 2000 applies to EU and their family members both for less and more than 5 years residence) but that refers to a 2001 model which has been replaced in practice by a new 2006 model. So no legal basis seems to exist for a correct model.

Art. 9.2 2. The deadline for submitting the residence card application may not be less than three months from the date of

Article 8.13, para 2, AD 2000 2. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, meldt zich uiterlijk binnen een maand na afloop van

2. The foreign national as referred to in paragraph 1 must report no later than one month

Y Effective transposition The deadline for submitting the

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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arrival. de in artikel 8.11, tweede lid, bedoelde periode [3 maanden] aan bij Onze Minister, in geval hij beoogt langer dan drie maanden in Nederland te verblijven, en dient daarbij een aanvraag in tot afgifte van een verblijfsdocument.

after the period referred to in Article 8.11, paragraph 2 [three months] to Our Minister if he intends to remain in the Netherlands for longer than three months, and in doing so must submit an application for issue of a residence document.

residence card application may not be less than four months after the date of arrival.

Art. 9.3 3. Failure to comply with the requirement to apply for a residence card may make the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

Article 108 and 54 sub e AA 2000;

Article 108 AA 2000 1. […] [H]andelen in strijd met een verplichting opgelegd bij of krachtens […] [artikel] 54 […] wordt gestraft met hechtenis van ten hoogste zes maanden of geldboete van de tweede categorie. […] 3. De in het eerste en tweede lid strafbaar gestelde feiten worden beschouwd als overtredingen. […] 5. In afwijking van het eerste lid wordt handelen in strijd met een verplichting, opgelegd bij of krachtens artikel 54, eerste lid, onder […] e, gestraft met ten hoogste een hechtenis van een maand of een geldboete van de tweede categorie, indien het feit wordt begaan door een gemeenschapsonderdaan. Het derde lid […] [is] van overeenkomstige toepassing. Art. 54 AA 2000 Bij algemene maatregel van bestuur kan ten aanzien van vreemdelingen worden voorzien in een verplichting tot: (…) e. aanmelding binnen een bepaalde termijn na binnenkomst

Article 108 AA 2000 1. Any person [...] who fails to observe an obligation imposed by or pursuant to [...] section 54, [...] shall be liable to detention not exceeding six months or a category 2 fine. […] 3. The offences punishable under subsection 1 […] shall be deemed to be summary offences. […] 5. Contrary to subsection 1, any person who fails to observe an obligation imposed by or pursuant to [...] section 54, para 1, sub [...] e, shall be liable to detention not exceeding one months or a category 2 fine if the offence is committed by a Union citizen. Section 54, para three, […] shall be applicable mutatis mutandis. Art. 54 AA 2000 Aliens may be required by Order in Council: (…) (e) to report within a given period of their arrival in the Netherlands;

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition The Netherlands has enacted a governmental decree in accordance with Article 54, para 1, sub e, AA 2000, namely Art. 8.13 AD 2000, in which it is regulated that a residence document needs to be applied for when the alien wants to stay for more than three months. A detention sentence, of six months,can be considered to be disproportionate to a failure to comply with an administrative requirement. Moreover, the a distinction is made between aliens with the EU nationality and aliens with the nationality of a third country. For EU citizens, Art. 108 para 5 AA determines that in case of non-observance of obligations imposed by or pursuant to Art. 54 para 1 sub e, the maximum detention is not six but only one month. The provision can thus be labelled disproportionate and discriminatory.

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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Article 8.13 para 2 AD 2000

in Nederland; Art. 8.13 para 2 AD 2000 De vreemdeling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, meldt zich uiterlijk binnen een maand na afloop van de in artikel 8.11, tweede lid, bedoelde periode aan bij Onze Minister, in geval hij beoogt langer dan drie maanden in Nederland te verblijven, en dient daarbij een aanvraag in tot afgifte van een verblijfsdocument.

Art. 8.13 para 2 AD 2000 The alien, referred to in the first paragraph, is to report himself to our Minister within one month after the period meant in article 8.11, para 2, in case he wants to stay longer than three months in the Netherlands, and at the same time is to apply for the issuing of a residence document.

Article 10. Issue of residence cards Art.10.1 1. The right of residence of family

members of a Union citizen who are not nationals of a Member State shall be evidenced by the issuing of a document called ‘Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen’ no later than six months from the date on which they submit the application. A certificate of application for the residence card shall be issued immediately.

Article 8.13, para 4 and 5, AD 2000

4. Onze Minister verstrekt onmiddellijk na de ontvangst van de aanvraag een verklaring dat de aanvraag is ingediend. 5. Onze Minister verstrekt de verblijfsgerechtigde vreemdeling binnen zes maanden na de ontvangst van de aanvraag een verblijfsdocument waarvan het model wordt vastgesteld bij ministeriële regeling. […]

4. Immediately after receipt of the application, Our Minister shall issue a statement that the application has been submitted. 5. Our Minister shall issue a residence document to a foreign national entitled to residence within six months of receipt of the application, the model of which shall be determined by Ministerial order. […]

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Directive specifically requires that the residence card is named “residence card of a family member of a EU citizen” which has not been transposed. Note that B10/ 2.6 of the AC 2000 entitled: “ Proof of lawful residence” deals in a certain sense with this subject matter. But this name is not given to the document or declaration issued by the authorities to confirm that a request for a legal residence has submitted. This document is referred to as “sticker for a note of residence”. Art. 8.13 para 1 AD specifies that it deals with aliens of non-EU etc. nationality. The alien mentioned in 8.13 para 4 and 5 thus also deals with non-EU etc. aliens. No legal basis for a model of a card rather than a sticker could be identified.

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Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 41/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



The Minister is mentioned (Article 9 of the Aliens Act) as the competent authority for issuing this document and the IND as the department charged with the factual execution of this task.

Art.10.2 (a)

2. For the residence card to be issued, Member States shall require presentation of the following documents: (a) a valid passport;

Article 8.13, para 3, sub a, AD 2000

3. Bij de indiening van de aanvraag legt de vreemdeling over: a. een geldig paspoort;

3. When submitting the application the foreign national must submit: a. a valid passport;

Y Effective transposition Note in reply to a comment: As for a civic integration exam, it is not demanded for non-EU family members of EU etc citizens (and not from EU citizens themselves). This is spelled out in the Article 5 of the Law on civic integration.. A recent case also showed that the obligation to have passed such an exam does not apply to other family reunions (Dutch and non-EU partners).

Art.10.2 (b)

(b) a document attesting to the existence of a family relationship or of a registered partnership;

Article 8.13, para 3, sub c, AD 2000

c. een document waaruit de familierechtelijke relatie of duurzame relatie blijkt met de vreemdeling, bedoeld onder b; en

c. a document showing the family relationship or permanent relationship with the foreign national referred to under b; and

Y Effective transposition

Art.10.2 (c)

(c) the registration certificate or, in the absence of a registration system, any other proof of residence in the host Member State of the Union citizen whom they are accompanying or joining;

Article 8.13, para 3, sub b, AD 2000

b. de verklaring van inschrijving van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie hij in Nederland verblijft;

b. the statement of registration of the foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom he is residing in the Netherlands;

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7 para 1 AD 2000 applies to Union citizens and aliens who have the nationality of an EEA-country or Switzerland.

Art.10.2 (d)

(d) in cases falling under points (c) and (d) of Article 2(2), documentary evidence that the conditions laid down therein are met;

Article 8.13, para 3, sub d, AD 2000

d. voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft als familielid als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede lid, onder c of d: bewijs dat hij een dergelijk familielid is;

d. in so far as he resides in the Netherlands as a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, under c or d: proof that he is such a family member;

Y Effective transposition. Article 8.13, para 3, sub d, AD 2000 Note that application in practice may be different.

Art.10.2 (e)

(e) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(a), a document issued by the relevant authority in the country of origin or country from which they are arriving certifying that they are dependants or members of the household of the Union citizen, or proof of the existence of

Article 8.13, para 3, sub e, AD 2000

e. voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft als familielid als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, derde lid: een door de bevoegde instantie van het land van herkomst afgegeven verklaring dat hij ten laste komt van of inwoont bij de

e. in so far as he resides in the Netherlands as a family member as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 3: a statement issued by the competent authority in the country from which they are arriving that he is a dependant of

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The Directive gives two options: certificate issued by the country of origin or certificate issued by the country where they arrive from.

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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serious health grounds which strictly require the personal care of the family member by the Union citizen;

vreemdeling, bedoeld onder b, onderscheidenlijk bewijs van ernstige gezondheidsredenen die de persoonlijke zorg door die vreemdeling noodzakelijk maken;

or will be residing with the foreign national referred to under b, or has proof of serious health reasons that require personal care by this foreign national;

The NL only allows for a certificate issued by the country from which they are arriving, but omits to also allow for a certificate from a country of origin. Note that references to country of origin or country from where they are arriving from are not found in the AC 2000. The whole issue of issuance of residence cards is only dealt with in a brief manner.

Art.10.2 (f)

(f) in cases falling under Article 3(2)(b), proof of the existence of a durable relationship with the Union citizen.

Article 8.13, para 3, sub f, AD 2000

f. voor zover hij in Nederland verblijft als partner als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, vierde lid: een bij regeling van Onze Minister vast te stellen relatieverklaring;

f. in so far as he resides in the Netherlands as a partner as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 4: a statement of the relationship to be determined by order of Our Minister;

Y Effective transposition However, the notice has not been issued so no information about the statement to be assessed.

Article 11. Validity of the residence card Art.11.1 1. The residence card provided for by

Article 10(1) shall be valid for five years from the date of issue or for the envisaged period of residence of the Union citizen, if this period is less than five years.

Article 8.13, para 6, AD 2000

6. Het verblijfsdocument wordt afgegeven met een geldigheidsduur: a. die gelijk is aan de duur van het voorgenomen verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie de vreemdeling in Nederland verblijft, indien die duur korter is dan vijf jaar; b. van vijf jaar in de overige gevallen.

6. The residence document shall be issued with a period of validity: a. that is equal to the duration of the intended stay by the foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom the foreign national resides in the Netherlands, if this duration is shorter than five years; b. of five years in other cases.

Y Effective transposition The alien referred to in the cross-reference is a non-Dutch EU/EEA/Swiss national.

Art.11.2 2. The validity of the residence card shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding six months a year, or by absences of a longer duration for compulsory military service or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third

Article 8.15, para 1, AD 2000

1. Het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, eindigt niet door afwezigheid uit Nederland: a. van ten hoogste zes maanden per jaar; b. om belangrijke redenen

1. The lawful residence of the foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of that article, shall not end through his absence from the Netherlands: a. for a maximum of six months in any year;

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Notice that the Directive does not refer to the lawfulness of the residence but to the validiy of the card. The residence is lawful if the conditions are met. It is possible that the person is absent and comes back and his/her residence is lawful because he/she meets the conditions.

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country. B10/5.2.2. Aliens Circular

gedurende een eenmalige periode van ten hoogste twaalf maanden; c. voor de vervulling van militaire verplichtingen; d. wegens uitzending voor het verrichten van werkzaamheden. Vreemdelingencirculaire: B10/5.2.2. Familielid niet zelf EU/EER- of Zwitsers onderdaan Het familielid, dat niet zelf EU- of EER-onderdaan of onderdaan van Zwitserland is, wordt bij een verblijf van langer dan drie maanden na aanvraag in bezit gesteld van een document EU/EER, met de aantekening “familielid van een burger van de Unie” (zie bijlage 7e VV). De geldigheidsduur van dit document bedraagt vijf jaar vanaf de datum van afgifte, of is gelijk aan de (voorgenomen) periode van verblijf van de EU- of EER-onderdaan of onderdaan van Zwitserland van wie het rechtmatig verblijf afhankelijk is, indien dat voorgenomen verblijf korter dan vijf jaren bedraagt. In overige gevallen wordt de geldigheidsduur van het verblijfsdocument bepaald op vijf jaren. ........ Het rechtmatig verblijf van het familielid, dat niet zelf EU- of EER-onderdaan of onderdaan van Zwitserland is, wordt niet beïnvloed door tijdelijke afwezigheid van niet meer dan zes

b. for compelling reasons during a contiguous, one-off period of not more than twelve months; c. to fulfil military service; d. due to posting .in another state. Aliens Circular B10/5.2.2 Family member not being an EU/EEA or Swiss national The family member, who is not an EU- or EEA national or national or a Swiss national, will be given, in case of residence longer than three months after application, a document EU/EEA, with the notification ‘family member of a citizen of the Union’ (see annex 7e Aliens Regulation). The period of validity of this document is five years from the date of issue or is equivalent to the (intended) period of residence of the EU- or EEA- national or Swiss national of whom the lawful residence depends, if the intended residence is less than five years. The period of validity of the residence permit will be five years in all other cases. ……….. The lawful residence of the family member who is not a EU/EEA national or a Swiss national is not affected by temporary leave from the territory of the Netherlands for

Absences are related to continuity of the residence to acquire other rights and not the lawfulness of the residence. Article 8.15, para 1, AD 2000 does not give examples of “important reasons” like the Directive does, except for the posting in another country (sub d). NB The inofficial translation of this particular provision in the AD 2000 has been improved compared with the earlier version of this ToC. Civil servants would have the AC 2000 in which the examples of the directive are literally mentioned. The AC being just a manual for them and open to change through a letter from the responsible minister, the fact that the AC does contain the correct examples will help in practice at the moment but does not provide sufficient legal certainty in order to conclude that the Directive has been properly transposed as long as the examples are missing in any piece of Dutch legislation. The fact that EC legislation and relevant case law of the ECJ have to be taken into account by Dutch courts (and the Dutch authorities) when interpreting the Dutch provision (and vocational training would in that way fall under “important reasons”), also does not provide enough legal certainty here. In section B10/5.2.2. of the AC entitled: »family member not being a

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maanden per jaar, door afwezigheden van langere duur voor de vervulling van militaire verplichtingen, door één afwezigheid van ten hoogste twaalf maanden om belangrijke redenen, zoals zwangerschap en bevalling, ernstige ziekte, studie of beroepsopleiding, noch door uitzending om werkzaamheden te verrichten in een andere lidstaat of een derde land. Het is aan de vreemdeling om zulks met documenten te staven (zie artikel 8.15 Vb, eerste lid, Vb).

less than 6 month per year or by longer absence due to obligations to fulfill the military service or by an absence of between ten and twelve month due to special circumstances, such as pregnancy and birth giving, serious illness, study or professional training, nor by posting in another member state or third country. The burden to document these situations lies on the alien (see article 8.15 AD, first paragraph AD).

EU-/EER or Swiss citizen » it is set out that this category of family members can be provided with a document, on their request after having stayed for at least three months in the netherlands, entitled: “family member of a citizen of the Union”. The validity of this document is established at five years, or equalises to the – intended - period of stay shorter than five years. In all other case the term of validity of this residence document is established at five years. The whole text is almost a literal transcription of the paragraphs 1 and 2 of of Article 11 of the Directive and Article 8.15, para 1 AD 2000, with one exception : the substantive « residence card » is systematically substituted by the concept « lawful residence ». This as a consequence of the incorrect transposition of the Directive into the Dutch legal provisions. Notice that the family member has to prove the lawfulness o the residence after the absences, which consolidtes the mistake in the Dutch transposition.

Article 12. Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of death or departure of the Union citizen Art.12.1 1. Without prejudice to the second

subparagraph, the Union citizen's death or departure from the host Member State shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are nationals of a Member State. Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 7(1).

Article 8.14, first sentence, AD 2000

Het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, eindigt niet door het overlijden of het vertrek van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie hij in Nederland verbleef.

The lawful residence of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, 3 or 4, who is a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of this article, shall not end through the death or departure of the foreign national referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom he resided in the Netherlands, (…)

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7 AD 2000 also applies to Union citizens and their family members (including those covered by Article 3(2)) who have the nationality of a MS.

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Art.12.2 2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, the Union citizen's death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who have been residing in the host Member State as family members for at least one year before the Union citizen's death.

Article 8.15, para 2, sub a, AD 2000

2. Onverminderd het vijfde lid eindigt het rechtmatig verblijf evenmin door het overlijden van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie hij in Nederland verbleef: a. indien hij ten minste een jaar voor het overlijden van die vreemdeling in Nederland verbleef;

2. Subject to paragraph 5, lawful residence shall also not be terminated by the death of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom he resided in the Netherlands: a. if he resided in the Netherlands for at least one year before the death of that foreign national;

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7 para 1 concerns EU/EEA and Swiss citizens. Para 2 and following can apply both to EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and to others, but in this case (Article 8.15 para 2 subs a) it is only about non EU/EEA/Swiss citizens. This becomes clear when paying attention to the word “also” (in Dutch “evenmin”) which refers back to para 1 of Article 8.15. There, it is specified that this provision deals with aliens ex art. 8.7 para 2, 3 and 4 who are not nationals of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of that article.

Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the host Member State, of a person satisfying these requirements. ‘Sufficient resources’ shall be as defined in Article 8(4).

Article 8.15, para 5, AD 2000

5. In afwijking van het tweede lid, onder a, en het vierde lid, kan het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit van een staat bezit als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, worden beëindigd indien hij een onredelijke belasting voor het sociale bijstandsstelsel vormt, tenzij hij het duurzaam verblijfsrecht, bedoeld in artikel 8.17 heeft verkregen, of hij: a. werknemer of zelfstandige is; b. voor zichzelf en zijn familieleden beschikt over voldoende middelen van bestaan om te voorkomen dat zij tijdens hun verblijf in Nederland ten laste komen van de algemene middelen, en beschikt over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in

5. Contrary to paragraph 2, under a, and paragraph 4, the lawful residence of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of this article, may be ended if he becomes an unreasonable burden on the social security system, unless he has obtained a permanent right of residence as referred to in Article 8.17, or if he: a. is an employee or self-employed person; b. possesses adequate means to support himself and his family members in order to prevent them becoming a burden on public resources during their stay in the Netherlands, and possesses insurance that fully

Y Effective transposition Article 8.15, para 5, AD 2000 concerns the mentioned requirements connected to the right of residence for aliens who do not have the nationality of an MS, EEA country or Switzerland. Article 8.7, para 1, AD 2000 applies to Union citizens, aliens who have the nationality of an EEA country and Switzerland. Regarding “sufficient resources”, it is not expressely transposed here but it has the same meaning as discussed in Article 8(4). This is confirmed by the Circular. For this reason, the transposition is incorrect on this point.

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Translation into English of national provision

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Article B10/5.4.3. Aliens Circular 2000

Nederland volledig dekt; of c. gezinslid is van het reeds in Nederland gevormde gezin van een persoon die voldoet aan de voorwaarden, bedoeld onder a of b. B10/ 5.4.3. Familielid onderdaan derde land In dit onderdeel wordt nader ingegaan op het recht op voortzetting van verblijf van familieleden van EU- EER-onderdanen en familieleden van onderdanen van Zwitserland, die zelf niet de nationaliteit van een EU- of EER-lidstaat of van Zwitserland hebben. Artikel 8.15 Vb ziet op het (niet-) beëindigen van het verblijfsrecht van deze familieleden. Het verblijfsrecht eindigt niet: - na het overlijden van de burger van de Unie (zie artikel 8.15, tweede lid, onder a en b, Vb): a. indien het familielid ten minste één jaar vóór het overlijden in Nederland verbleef …… Het verblijfsrecht van familieleden, die geen EU- of EER-onderdaan of onderdaan van Zwitserland zijn, voordat zij het duurzame verblijfsrecht te verkrijgen, blijft onderworpen aan de voorwaarde dat is aangetoond dat zij werknemer of zelfstandige zijn, of voor zichzelf en hun

covers all medical costs in the Netherlands; or c. is a member of the family, already formed in the Netherlands, of a person who complies with the conditions referred to under a or b. B10/5.4.3 Familymember third country national This section deals with the right to continued stay of family members of EU-EEA nationals and family members of Swiss nationals, who do not have themselves the nationality of an EU-EEA country or of Switzerland. Article 8.15 Aliens Decree regulates the (non) termination of the right of residence of these family members. The right of residence does not terminate: - In the event of death of the citizen of the Union (see Article 8.15, para 2, sub a and b Aliens Decree): a. when the family member stayed in the Netherlands at least one year before the death; ………………. The right of residence of family members, who are not a national of the EU/EEA or Switzerland, before they obtain the right of permanent residence, remains subjected to the condition that it is established that they are workers or self-employed persons, or that they have

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familieleden beschikken over toereikende bestaansmiddelen om te voorkomen dat zij tijdens hun verblijf ten laste komen van het sociale bijstandsstelsel en om te garanderen dat zij beschikken over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt. Onder toereikende middelen wordt verstaan dat de vreemdeling beschikt over een inkomen ter hoogte van het normbedrag dat ingevolge de Wwb voor de desbetreffende categorie is vastgesteld. Het vorenstaande is eveneens van toepassing, indien het familielid gezinslid is van het reeds in Nederland gevormde gezin van een persoon die aan deze voorwaarden voldoet.

sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Netherlands. With sufficient resources is meant that the alien has an income equal to the standard amount laid down in the Work and Social Assistance Act for the category concerned. The abovementioned is applicable mutatis mutandi if the family member is a member of the family, already formed in the Netherlands, of a person who complies with these conditions.

Such family members shall retain their right of residence exclusively on a personal basis.

Article B10/5.4.3. Aliens Circular 2000

B10/ 5.4.3. Familielid onderdaan derde land In dit onderdeel wordt nader ingegaan op het recht op voortzetting van verblijf van familieleden van EU- EER-onderdanen en familieleden van onderdanen van Zwitserland, die zelf niet de nationaliteit van een EU- of EER-lidstaat of van Zwitserland hebben. Artikel 8.15 Vb ziet op het (niet-) beëindigen van het verblijfsrecht van deze familieleden. Het verblijfsrecht eindigt niet: - na het overlijden van de burger van de Unie (zie artikel 8.15, tweede lid, onder a en b, Vb): a. indien het familielid ten

B10/5.4.3 Familymember third country national This section deals with the right to continued stay of family members of EU-EEA nationals and family members of Swiss nationals, who do not have themselves the nationality of an EU-EEA country or of Switzerland. Article 8.15 Aliens Decree regulates the (non) termination of the right of residence of these family members. The right of residence does not terminate: - In the event of death of the citizen of the Union (see Article 8.15, para 2, sub a and b Aliens Decree):

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition. As far as the Aliens Circular is concerned, also there it has not been mentioned that this category of family members shall retain their right of residence exclusively on a personal basis.

The non-transposition of this part dealing with retention of the right of residence exclusively on personal basis constitutes a failure in transposition.

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Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 48/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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Translation into English of national provision

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minste één jaar vóór het overlijden in Nederland verbleef …… Het verblijfsrecht van familieleden, die geen EU- of EER-onderdaan of onderdaan van Zwitserland zijn, voordat zij het duurzame verblijfsrecht te verkrijgen, blijft onderworpen aan de voorwaarde dat is aangetoond dat zij werknemer of zelfstandige zijn, of voor zichzelf en hun familieleden beschikken over toereikende bestaansmiddelen om te voorkomen dat zij tijdens hun verblijf ten laste komen van het sociale bijstandsstelsel en om te garanderen dat zij beschikken over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt. Onder toereikende middelen wordt verstaan dat de vreemdeling beschikt over een inkomen ter hoogte van het normbedrag dat ingevolge de Wwb voor de desbetreffende categorie is vastgesteld. Het vorenstaande is eveneens van toepassing, indien het familielid gezinslid is van het reeds in Nederland gevormde gezin van een persoon die aan deze voorwaarden voldoet.

a. when the family member stayed in the Netherlands at least one year before the death; ………………. The right of residence of family members, who are not a national of the EU/EEA or Switzerland, before they obtain the right of permanent residence, remains subjected to the condition that it is established that they are workers or self-employed persons, or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the Netherlands. With sufficient resources is meant that the alien has an income equal to the standard amount laid down in the Work and Social Assistance Act for the category concerned. The abovementioned is applicable mutatis mutandi if the family member is a member of the family, already formed in the Netherlands, of a person who complies with these conditions.

Art.12.3 3. The Union citizen's departure from the host Member State or his/her death shall not entail loss of the right of residence of his/her children or of the parent who has actual custody of the children, irrespective of nationality, if the children reside in the host Member State and are

Article 8.15, para 2 and 3, AD 2000

Article 8.15, para 2 and 3 2. Onverminderd het vijfde lid eindigt het rechtmatig verblijf evenmin door het overlijden van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie hij in Nederland verbleef:

2. Subject to paragraph 5, lawful residence shall not be terminated by the death of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom he resided in the Netherlands: […]

Y Effective transposition. Article 8.7, para 1, AD 2000 applies to Union citizens, aliens who have the nationality of an EEA country and Switzerland.

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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enrolled at an educational establishment, for the purpose of studying there, until the completion of their studies.

[...] b. voor voltooiing van de studie, indien hij in Nederland verbleef als het kind van die vreemdeling en voor studie is ingeschreven bij een onderwijsinstelling, dan wel indien hij de verzorgende ouder is van een zodanig kind. 3. Het tweede lid, aanhef en onder b, is van overeenkomstige toepassing bij het vertrek van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie de vreemdeling in Nederland verbleef.

b. until the completion of studies, if he resided in the Netherlands as the child of that foreign national and was registered for study at an educational institution or if he is the parent caring for such a child. 3. The preamble to paragraph 2 and under b is applicable mutatis mutandis to the departure of the foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom the foreign national resided in the Netherlands.

The conditins discussed under Article 12(2) second subparagraph do not apply here since the Dutch provision transposing Article 12(2) second subparagraph, wchih is Article 8.15, para 5, only refers to 8.15 para 2 a) and not to (b).

Article 13. Retention of the right of residence by family members in the event of divorce, annulment of marriage or termination of registered partnership Art.13.1 1. Without prejudice to the second

subparagraph, divorce, annulment of the Union citizen's marriage or termination of his/her registered partnership, as referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 shall not affect the right of residence of his/her family members who are nationals of a Member State.

Article 8.14, second sentence, AD 2000

Het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, eindigt niet door het overlijden of het vertrek van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bij wie hij in Nederland verbleef. Het eindigt evenmin door de ontbinding of nietigverklaring van het huwelijk of de beëindiging van het geregistreerde partnerschap.

The lawful residence of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, 3 or 4, who is a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of this article, shall not end through the death or departure of the foreign national referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, with whom he resided in the Netherlands, nor shall it end through the dissolution or annulment of the marriage or the termination of the registered partnership.

Y Effective transposition

Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the persons concerned must meet the conditions laid down in points (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Article 7(1).

Y Effective transposition

Art.13.2 (a)

2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph, divorce, annulment of marriage or termination of the registered partnership referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 shall not entail loss of the right of residence of a Union citizen's family members who are not nationals of a

Article 8.15 para 4, sub a, AD 2000

Onverminderd het vijfde lid eindigt het rechtmatig verblijf evenmin door de ontbinding of nietigverklaring van het huwelijk of de beëindiging van het geregistreerde partnerschap: a. indien het huwelijk voor het

4. Subject to paragraph 5, lawful residence shall not be terminated by the dissolution or annulment of the marriage or termination of the registered partnership: a. if the marriage has lasted for at least three years before the

Y Effective transposition

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Member State where: (a) prior to initiation of the divorce or annulment proceedings or termination of the registered partnership referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2, the marriage or registered partnership has lasted at least three years, including one year in the host Member State; or

begin van de gerechtelijke procedure tot scheiding of nietigverklaring,onderscheidenlijk het partnerschap voor beëindiging daarvan, ten minste drie jaar heeft geduurd, waarvan de vreemdeling ten minste één jaar in Nederland heeft verbleven;

start of legal proceedings for divorce or annulment, or if the partnership has lasted at least three years before its termination, and during that time the foreign national has resided for at least one year in the Netherlands;

Art.13.2 (b)

(b) by agreement between the spouses or the partners referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 or by court order, the spouse or partner who is not a national of a Member State has custody of the Union citizen's children; or

Article 8.15 para 4, sub b, AD 2000

b. indien het gezag over de kinderen bij overeenkomst tussen de voormalige echtgenoten of partners, dan wel bij rechterlijke beslissing aan de vreemdeling is toegewezen;

b. if the custody of the children has been awarded to the foreign national under an agreement between the former spouses or partners or by a court order;

Y Effective transposition

Art.13.2 (c)

(c) this is warranted by particularly difficult circumstances, such as having been a victim of domestic violence while the marriage or registered partnership was subsisting; or

Article 8.15 para 4, sub d, AD 2000 B10/5.4.3 Aliens circular

d. indien klemmende redenen van humanitaire aard tot aanvaarding van voortgezet verblijf nopen.

Vreemdelingencirculaire B10/5.4.3. Familielid onderdaan derde land: In dit onderdeel wordt nader ingegaan op het recht op voortzetting van verblijf van familieleden van EU- EER-onderdanen en familieleden van onderdanen van Zwitserland, die zelf niet de nationaliteit van een EU- of EER-lidstaat of van Zwitserland hebben. Artikel 8.15 Vb ziet op het (niet-) beëindigen van het verblijfsrecht van deze familieleden. Het verblijfsrecht eindigt niet: - indien klemmende redenen van humanitaire aard tot voortzetting van verblijf nopen.

d. if compelling reasons of a humanitarian nature dictate a continuation of residence. Aliens Circular B10/5.4.3. Family member third country national: This section goes into the right of continued residence of family members of EU-EEA nationals and family members of nationals of Switzerland, who do not have the nationality of an EU- or EEA Member State or of Switzerland themselves. Article 8.15 Aliens Decree regulates the (non) termination of the right of residence of these family members. The right of residence does not terminate if: - if compelling reasons of a humanitarian nature dictate a continuation of residence.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition “Compelling reasons of a humanitarian nature” is not the same as “particularly difficult circumstances”. In particular, there is no express reference to domestic violence. In section B10/5.4.3. of the AC all the different conditions and circumstances are set out under which this category of family members can be allowed to retain their right to continue their residence in The Netherlands. This text resembles the provisions of the Dutch transposition rather than the text of the Directive. The provision under Article 13, para 2 of the Directive “particularly difficult circumstances, such having been a victim of domestic violence” has not been incorporated in the AC. The wording of Article 8.15 of the

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AD 2000 “Compelling reasons of a humanitarian nature” has been used. Also the example of “domestic violence” has not been taken over, although that would be something which one could expect from a manual. In the alinea dealing with verification of the fulfillment of the before mentioned conditions nothing is said on this specific condition of particularly difficult circumstances as a ground for prolonging the right of residence of this category of family members. There does exist a specific IND brochure on domestic violence and residence permit, but that does not change the conclusion as regards transposition.

Art.13.2 (d)

d) by agreement between the spouses or partners referred to in point 2 (b) of Article 2 or by court order, the spouse or partner who is not a national of a Member State has the right of access to a minor child, provided that the court has ruled that such access must be in the host Member State, and for as long as is required.

Article 8.15 para 4, sub c, AD 2000

c. voor de duur waarvoor de omgang is voorgeschreven, indien de vreemdeling op grond van een overeenkomst of gerechtelijke beslissing het omgangsrecht met betrekking tot een minderjarig kind heeft en de omgang ingevolge een rechterlijke beslissing in Nederland moet plaatsvinden, of

c. for the duration for which access is stipulated, if the foreign national on the basis of an agreement or court order has the right of access to a minor child and under a court order such access must take place in the Netherlands, or

Y Effective transposition Notice that the Dutch legislation does not seem to limit the retention of the right to the spouse/partner but includes any family member (e.g., the grand parent) who has been awarded the custody. The foreign national mentioned in this provision refers back to the foreign national mentioned in Article 8.15 para 1, i.e. the non-EU/EEA/Swiss national who is a core family member or related in other ways, so the provision does not seem to be limited to spouse or partner.

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

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Before acquiring the right of permanent residence, the right of residence of the persons concerned shall remain subject to the requirement that they are able to show that they are workers or self-employed persons or that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State, or that they are members of the family, already constituted in the host Member State, of a person satisfying these requirements. 'Sufficient resources' shall be as defined in Article 8(4).

Article 8.15 para 5 and 6, AD 2000

5. In afwijking van het tweede lid, onder a, en het vierde lid, kan het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die niet de nationaliteit van een staat bezit als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, worden beëindigd indien hij een onredelijke belasting voor het sociale bijstandsstelsel vormt, tenzij hij het duurzaam verblijfsrecht, bedoeld in artikel 8.17 heeft verkregen, of hij: a. werknemer of zelfstandige is; b. voor zichzelf en zijn familieleden beschikt over voldoende middelen van bestaan om te voorkomen dat zij tijdens hun verblijf in Nederland ten laste komen van de algemene middelen, en beschikt over een verzekering die de ziektekosten in Nederland volledig dekt; of c. gezinslid is van het reeds in Nederland gevormde gezin van een persoon die voldoet aan de voorwaarden, bedoeld onder a of b. 6. Voor de toepassing van het vijfde lid, onder b, beschikt de vreemdeling met een inkomen ter hoogte van het normbedrag dat ingevolge de Wet werk en bijstand voor de desbetreffende categorie is vastgesteld, in ieder geval over voldoende middelen van bestaan.

5. Contrary to paragraph 2, under a, and paragraph 4, the lawful residence of a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 2, 3 or 4, who is not a national of a State as referred to in the first paragraph of this article, may be ended if he forms an unreasonable burden on the social security system, unless he has obtained a permanent right of residence as referred to in Article 8.17, or if he: a. is an employee or self-employed person; b. possesses adequate means to support himself and his family members in order to prevent them becoming a burden on public resources during their stay in the Netherlands, and possesses insurance that fully covers all medical costs in the Netherlands; or c. is a member of the family, already formed in the Netherlands, of a person who complies with the conditions referred to under a or b. 6. For the application of paragraph 5, under b, the foreign national shall in any event be considered to possess adequate means if he has an income equal to the standard amount laid down in the Work and Social Assistance Act for the category concerned.

N, Incorrect

Article 8.15, para 5, AD 2000 concerns the mentioned requirements connected to the right of residence for aliens who don’t have the nationality of an MS, EEA country or Switzerland. Article 8.7, para 1, AD 2000 applies to Union citizens, aliens who have the nationality of an EEA country or Switzerland. Regarding “sufficient resources”, it is not expressely transposed here but it has the same meaning as discussed in Article 8(4). This is confirmed by the Circular. See comment to Article 12(2) second subparagraph. For this reason, the transposition is incorrect on this point.

Such family members shall retain their right of residence exclusively on personal

NT Not transposed

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 53/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

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basis. However notice that they will have to request a new residence permit when the old residence permit expires. See brochure “Domestic violence and your residence permit”.

Article 14. Retention of the right of residence Art.14.1 Union citizens and their family members

shall have the right of residence provided for in Article 6, as long as they do not become an unreasonable burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State.

Y Effective transposition Netherlands applies Article 24, para 2 of the Directive. Please see its implementation. No definition of “an unreasonable burden” is available.

Art.14.2 2. Union citizens and their family Members shall have the right of residence provided for in Articles 7, 12 and 13 as long as they meet the conditions set out therein.

Article 8.16, para 1, first sentence, AD 2000

1. Onverminderd de artikelen 8.22 en 8.23 eindigt het rechtmatig verblijf niet zolang de vreemdeling aan de in de artikelen 8.12 tot en met 8.15 genoemde voorwaarden voldoet. Vreemdelingencirculaire B10/5.4.3 (…) Verificatie voorwaarden (zie artikel 8.16 Vb) Het rechtmatig verblijf van burgers van de Unie en hun gezinsleden eindigt niet, zolang zij voldoen aan de voorwaarden voor verblijf (zie artikelen 8.12 tot en met 8.15 Vb). In specifieke gevallen van redelijke twijfel over de vraag of een burger van de Unie of zijn familieleden wel voldoen aan de voorwaarden, kan daartoe een onderzoek ter verificatie worden ingesteld. De verificatie geschiedt evenwel niet stelselmatig.

1. Subject to Articles 8.22 and 8.23, lawful residence shall not end as long as the foreign national complies with the conditions as referred to in Articles 8.12 to 8.15. Aliens Circular B10/5.4.3. Family member third country national: (…) Verification of the conditions (see Article 8.16 AD) The lawful residence of citizens of the Union and their family members does not terminate, as long as they fulfil the conditions for their stay (see Articles 8.12 to 8.15 AD). In specific cases of reasonable doubt about the question whether a citizen of the Union or his family members satisfy the conditions, this can be verified by means of an investigation. The investigation will not be carried out as a matter of routine.

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Article 14.2 of the Directive states specific requirements for the right of residence for Union citizens but the transposing Articles have additional requirements. For example, Articles 7, 12 and 13 of the Directive do not say anything about military service (see Article 8.15, para 1, sub c, AD 2000). This Article is specifically meant for the continuity of residence (and not as specific requirement for the right of residence). Thus, the substances and intention of the transposition is correct but overall the transposition is incorrect because Articles 7, 12, and 13 have not been correctly transposed. In particular, because there is an additional condition for the lawfulness of the residence, namely that the person is not absent for more than 6 months. e.g.,

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 54/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

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Article 8.12 transposes conditions for residence for Union citizens and their family members who are themselves Union citizen (Article 7-8); Article 8.13 transposes right of residence for third contry family members (Article 7, 9 and 10); Article 8.14 transposes the retention of the right for family members who are themselves Union citizens (Article 12(1) and 13(1));. And Article 8.15 transposes the retention of the right for third country family members. Therefore, in principle the aim of provision (if the conditions are no longer met the right of residence does no longer exist under the Directive) has been correcltly transposed. However, there are two problems: • As shown in previous

provisions, Articles 7, 12 and 13 have not been correctly transposed

• In addition, Article 8.15 para 1 provides for an additional situation where the right of residence can be terminated that is not provided by the Directive i.e., absences for more than 6 months etc. This provision, has been discussed under Article 11 of the Directive which is specifically meant for the continuity of residence (and not as specific requirement for the right of residence)

As a conclusion, the provision has

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Directive 2004/38/EC on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member-States

Milieu Ltd The NETHERLANDS 55/102 Eurpa Institute, Edimburg University

Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

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been considered as incorrectly transposed.

In specific cases where there is a reasonable doubt as to whether a Union citizen or his/her family members satisfies the conditions set out in Articles 7, 12 and 13, Member States may verify if these conditions are fulfilled. This verification shall not be carried out systematically.

Article 8.16, para 1, second and third sentence, AD 2000 B10/5.4.3 Aliens circular

In specifieke gevallen van redelijke twijfel kan Onze Minister onderzoeken of aan de voorwaarden wordt voldaan. Het onderzoek geschiedt niet stelselmatig. Verificatie voorwaarden (zie artikel 8.16 Vb) Het rechtmatig verblijf van burgers van de Unie en hun gezinsleden eindigt niet, zolang zij voldoen aan de voorwaarden voor verblijf (zie artikelen 8.12 tot en met 8.15 Vb). In specifieke gevallen van redelijke twijfel over de vraag of een burger van de Unie of zijn familieleden wel voldoen aan de voorwaarden, kan daartoe een onderzoek ter verificatie worden ingesteld. De verificatie geschiedt evenwel niet stelselmatig.

In specific cases of reasonable doubt, Our Minister may investigate whether the conditions are met. The investigation will not be carried out as a matter of routine. Verification of the conditions (see Article 8.16 AD) The lawful residence of citizens of the Union and their family members does not terminate, as long as they fulfil they conditions for their stay (see Articles 8.12 to 8.15 AD). In specific cases of reasonable doubt about the question whether a citizen of the Union or his family members satisfy the conditions, this can be verified by means of an investigation. The investigation will not be carried out as a matter of routine.

Y Effective transposition. The Circular adopts the same approach

Art.14.3 3. An expulsion measure shall not be the automatic consequence of a Union citizen's or his or her family member's recourse to the social assistance system of the host Member State.

Article 8.16, para 1, fourth sentence, AD 2000

Een beroep op de algemene middelen leidt niet zonder meer tot beëindiging van het rechtmatig verblijf.

Recourse to public funds shall not automatically lead to the termination of lawful residence.

Y Effective transposition. Although the wording of the text is different, the meaning of both provisions is identical.

Art.14.4 (a)

4. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2 and without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter VI, an expulsion measure may in no case be adopted against Union citizens or their family members if: (a) the Union citizens are workers or self-employed persons, or

Article 8.16, para 2, sub a, AD 2000

2. Onverminderd de artikelen 8.22 en 8.23, eindigt het rechtmatig verblijf niet zolang de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid: a. werknemer of zelfstandige is; of

2. Subject to Articles 8.22 and 8.23, lawful residence shall not end as long as the foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1: a. is an employee or a self-employed person; or

Y Effective transposition Article 8.7, para 1, AD 2000 applies to Union citizens, aliens who have the nationality of an EEA country or Switzerland. This provision implies that workers and self-employed persons can only be expelled out for public order, public security (Article 8.22) and

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public health (Article 8.23) Art.14.4 (b)

(b) the Union citizens entered the territory of the host Member State in order to seek employment. In this case, the Union citizens and their family members may not be expelled for as long as the Union citizens can provide evidence that they are continuing to seek employment and that they have a genuine chance of being engaged.

Article 8.16, para 2, sub b, AD 2000

b. naar Nederland is gekomen om werk te zoeken en hij kan bewijzen dat hij nog steeds werk zoekt en een reële kans op werk heeft.

b. has come to the Netherlands to look for work and can prove that he is still looking for work and has a realistic chance of finding work.

Y Effective transposition. Article 8.7, para 1, AD 2000 applies to Union citizens, aliens who have the nationality of an EEA country and Switzerland. Same comment as above.

Article 15. Procedural safeguards Art.15.1 The procedures provided for by Articles

30 and 31 shall apply by analogy to all decisions restricting free movement of Union citizens and their family members on grounds other than public policy, public security or public health.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Please see the implementation of Article 30 and 31 of the Directive. General administrative law applies to all decisions under the AD as long as the AD itself (or the AA) does not lay down different rules (so for instance if a decision normally speaking under the GALA needs to be made within one month but the AA allows for a period of up to one year). Because one aspect of Article 30 has not been correctly transposed, the same conclusion applies here (incomplete).

Art.15.2 2. Expiry of the identity card or passport on the basis of which the person concerned entered the host Member State and was issued with a registration certificate or residence card shall not constitute a ground for expulsion from the host Member State.

Y Effective transposition An alien who is not (or no longer) legally resident must leave the Netherlands. All of the grounds for legal residence of an alien are listed in Article 61 in conjunction with Article 8 AA 2000. Expiry of a travel document is not one of them and does not result in an obligation to leave the country and does not, therefore, lead to expulsion. Article 8 AA states that an alien is lawfully resident in the Netherlands (…) as a Community

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citizen as long as this citizen is resident on the grounds of an arrangement under the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area; Article 63 states that an alien who is not lawfully resident and who has not left the Netherlands of his own initiative within the time limit prescribed by law may be expelled (…). Article 61 states that an alien who is not or is no longer lawfully resident should leave the Netherlands of his own initiative within the time limit prescribed in section 62. Note also the cases that do lead to the termination of lawfull residence (Article 8.15 and 8.16 alredy commented under Article 11, 12 and 13, and Article 14 above; expiry of ID is not among those.

Art.15.3 3. The host Member State may not impose a ban on entry in the context of an expulsion decision to which paragraph 1 applies.

Article 67 AA 2000 Artikel 67 1. De vreemdeling kan door Onze Minister ongewenst worden verklaard: a. indien hij niet rechtmatig in Nederland verblijft en bij herhaling een bij deze wet strafbaar gesteld feit heeft begaan; b. indien hij bij onherroepelijk geworden rechterlijk vonnis is veroordeeld wegens een misdrijf waartegen een gevangenisstraf van drie jaren of meer is bedreigd dan wel hem terzake de maatregel als bedoeld in artikel 37a van het Wetboek van Strafrecht is opgelegd; c. indien hij een gevaar vormt

Section 67 1. An alien may be declared by Our Minister to be an undesirable alien: (a) if he is not lawfully resident in the Netherlands and has repeatedly committed an act that constitutes an offence under this Act; (b) if he has been convicted by final judgment of a court for an indictable offence that carries a term of imprisonment of three or more years or has been given a non-punitive order within the meaning of article 37a of the Criminal Code for such an offence;

Y Effective transposition A person may be banned from entering only if he or she has been declared to be an undesirable alien (ongewenstverklaring). The only grounds for doing so are breaches of public order or public security.

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voor de openbare orde of nationale veiligheid en geen rechtmatig verblijf heeft als bedoeld in artikel 8, onder a tot en met e dan wel l; d. ingevolge een verdrag, of e. in het belang van de internationale betrekkingen van Nederland. 2. Indien de bekendmaking van de beschikking, waarbij de vreemdeling ongewenst wordt verklaard, geschiedt door toezending, wordt van de beschikking mededeling gedaan in de Staatscourant. 3.In afwijking van artikel 8 kan de ongewenst verklaarde vreemdeling geen rechtmatig verblijf hebben.

(c) if he is resident in the Netherlands other than on the grounds of section 8, (a) to (e) or (l), and he constitutes a threat to public policy (ordre public) or national security; (d) pursuant to a treaty, or (e) in the interests of the international relations of the Netherlands. 2. If the decision in which the alien is declared to be an undesirable alien is to be communicated by post, notice of the decision shall be given in the Government Gazette. 3. Notwithstanding section 8, a person who has been declared an undesirable alien may not be lawfully resident.

Chapter IV. RIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE Section I. Eligibility Article 16. General rule for Union citizens and their family members Art.16.1 1. Union citizens who have resided

legally for a continuous period of five years in the host Member State shall have the right of permanent residence there. This right shall not be subject to the conditions provided for in Chapter III.

Article 8.17, para 1, sub a, AD 2000

1. Duurzaam verblijfsrecht in Nederland heeft: a. de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, die gedurende vijf jaar ononderbroken rechtmatig verblijf in Nederland heeft gehad;

1. The following persons have permanent right of residence in the Netherlands: a. a foreign national, as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, who has had lawful residence in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of five years;

Y Effective transposition

Art.16.2 2. Paragraph 1 shall apply also to family members who are not nationals of a Member State and have legally resided with the Union citizen in the host Member State for a continuous period of five years.

Article 8.17, para 1, sub b, AD 2000

b. de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die gedurende vijf jaar ononderbroken rechtmatig verblijf heeft gehad bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld onder a, waarbij mede wordt betrokken de periode waarin hij voldeed aan de voorwaarden van artikel 8.15,

b. a foreign national, as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who has had lawful residence for an uninterrupted period of five years with a foreign national as referred to under a, whereby a period in which he complied with the conditions of Article 8.15,

Y Effective transposition The conditions established by reference to Article 8.15 are those of Article 12 and 13 of the Directive and in line with Article 18 of the Directive.

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vijfde lid, onder a, b of c. paragraph 5, under a, b or c is also included.

Art.16.3 3. Continuity of residence shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding a total of six months a year, or by absences of a longer duration for compulsory military service, or by one absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, study or vocational training, or a posting in another Member State or a third country.

Article 8.17, para 2, AD 2000 2. Voor de berekening van het ononderbroken verblijf, bedoeld in het eerste lid, vormt geen onderbreking een afwezigheid uit Nederland: a. van ten hoogste zes maanden per jaar; b. om belangrijke redenen gedurende een eenmalige periode van ten hoogste twaalf achtereenvolgende maanden; c. voor de vervulling van militaire verplichtingen; of d. wegens uitzending voor het verrichten van werkzaamheden.

2. For calculating uninterrupted residence as referred to in paragraph 1, no interruption also includes absence from the Netherlands: a. for a maximum of six months a year; b. for a one-off period of not more than twelve consecutive months for compelling reasons; c. to fulfil military service; or d. due to secondment for carrying out work.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Although the wording of the text is different, the meaning of both provisions is identical. However, the Dutch provision does not explicitly mention what important reasons justify absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months except for one (posting in another country, i.e. secondment mentioned sub d). Thus, legal certainty that for instance pregnancy constitutes an important (compelling) reasons is lacking.

Art.16.4 4. Once acquired, the right of permanent residence shall be lost only through absence from the host Member State for a period exceeding two consecutive years.

Article 8.18, sub a, AD 2000 Duurzaam verblijfsrecht kan slechts worden beëindigd: a. bij afwezigheid van meer dan twee achtereenvolgende jaren uit Nederland;

A Permanent right of residence may be terminated only: a. through absence from the Netherlands for a continuous period of more than two years;

Y Effective transposition

Article 17. Exemptions for persons no longer working in the host Member State and their family members Art.17.1 (a)

1. By way of derogation from Article 16, the right of permanent residence in the host Member State shall be enjoyed before completion of a continuous period of five years of residence by: (a) workers or self-employed persons who, at the time they stop working, have reached the age laid down by the law of that Member State for entitlement to an old age pension or workers who cease paid employment to take early retirement, provided that they have been working in that Member State for at least the preceding twelve months and have resided there continuously for more than three years.

Article 8.17, para 3, sub a and b, AD 2000

3. De periode van vijf jaar, bedoeld in eerste lid, geldt niet voor: a. de werknemer of zelfstandige die langer dan drie jaar ononderbroken in Nederland heeft gewoond, die gedurende de laatste twaalf maanden in Nederland werkzaamheden heeft verricht en die op het tijdstip waarop hij zijn werkzaamheid staakt, de 65-jarige leeftijd heeft bereikt; b. de werknemer die langer dan drie jaar ononderbroken in Nederland heeft gewoond, die gedurende de laatste twaalf maanden in Nederland

3. The period of five years as referred to in paragraph 1, does not apply to: a. an employee or self-employed person who has lived uninterruptedly in the Netherlands for longer than three years, who has carried out work during the last twelve months in the Netherlands and who at the time of stopping work has reached the age of 65 years; b. an employee who has lived uninterruptedly in the Netherlands for longer than three years, who has carried out work during the last twelve months in

Y Effective transposition Although the wording of the text is different, the meaning of both provisions is identical.

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werkzaamheden heeft verricht en die zijn werkzaamheden staakt ten gevolge van vervroegde uittreding;

the Netherlands and who stops work due to early retirement;

If the law of the host Member State does not grant the right to an old age pension to certain categories of self-employed persons, the age condition shall be deemed to have been met once the person concerned has reached the age of 60;

The NL grants the right to an old-age pension at the age of 65 as shown above.

Art.17.1 (b)

(b) workers or self-employed persons who have resided continuously in the host Member State for more than two years and stop working there as a result of permanent incapacity to work. If such incapacity is the result of an accident at work or an occupational disease entitling the person concerned to a benefit payable in full or in part by an institution in the host Member State, no condition shall be imposed as to length of residence;

Article 8.17, para 3, sub c and d, AD 2000

c. de werknemer of zelfstandige die zijn werkzaamheden na meer dan twee jaar ononderbroken verblijf in Nederland staakt als gevolg van blijvende arbeidsongeschiktheid; d. de werknemer of zelfstandige die in Nederland zijn werkzaamheden staakt wegens blijvende arbeidsongeschiktheid als gevolg van een arbeidsongeval of een beroepsziekte waardoor recht is ontstaan op een uitkering die geheel of ten dele ten laste komt van een Nederlandse instelling;

c. an employee or self-employed person who stops work after more than two years of uninterrupted residence in the Netherlands as a consequence of permanent incapacity for work; d. an employee or self-employed person who stops work in the Netherlands as a consequence of permanent incapacity for work as the result of an accident at work or an occupational illness leading to a right to benefit that is paid for in part or in full by a Dutch institution;

Y Effective transposition

Art.17.1 (c)

(c) workers or self-employed persons who, after three years of continuous employment and residence in the host Member State, work in an employed or self-employed capacity in another Member State, while retaining their place of residence in the host Member State, to which they return, as a rule, each day or at least once a week.

Article 8.17, para 3, sub e, AD 2000

e. de werknemer of zelfstandige die, na drie jaar ononderbroken in Nederland werkzaam te zijn geweest en in Nederland te hebben verbleven, werkzaam is in een andere lidstaat, zijn woning in Nederland aanhoudt en daar ten minste eenmaal per week naar terugkeert.

e. an employee or self-employed person who, after having worked for an uninterrupted period of three years in the Netherlands and resided in the Netherlands, is working in another Member State, retains his dwelling in the Netherlands and returns to it at least once a week.

Y Effective transposition

For the purposes of entitlement to the rights referred to in points (a) and (b), periods of employment spent in the Member State in which the person concerned is working shall be regarded as having been spent in the host Member

Article 8.17, para 5, AD 2000 5. Bij de toepassing van het derde lid, onder a tot en met d, worden de tijdvakken van werkzaamheid in de lidstaat waarin de betrokkene werkzaam is, aangemerkt als in Nederland

5. For the application of paragraph 3, under a to d, periods of work in the Member State in which the person concerned is working shall be regarded as periods of work in

Y Effective transposition

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State. vervulde tijdvakken van werkzaamheid.

the Netherlands.

Periods of involuntary unemployment duly recorded by the relevant employment office, periods not worked for reasons not of the person's own making and absences from work or cessation of work due to illness or accident shall be regarded as periods of employment.

Article 8.17, para 4, AD 2000 4. Bij de toepassing van het derde lid worden als arbeidsperioden mede in aanmerking genomen: a. het naar behoren door de Centrale Organisatie Werk en Inkomen vastgestelde tijdvak van onvrijwillige werkloosheid waarin de vreemdeling wegens een niet-toerekenbare reden niet heeft gewerkt; b. de periode van afwezigheid of arbeidsonderbreking wegens ziekte of ongeval.

4. For the application of paragraph 3, periods of work also include: a. periods of forced unemployment established to the satisfaction of the Central Organisation for Work and Income, in which the foreign national has not worked for a reason not attributable to him; b. periods of absence or work interruption due to illness or accident.

Y Effective transposition Please see the Dutch version of the Directive (e.g. the meaning is the same).

Art.17.2 2. The conditions as to length of residence and employment laid down in point (a) of paragraph 1 and the condition as to length of residence laid down in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall not apply if the worker's or the self-employed person's spouse or partner as referred to in point 2(b) of Article 2 is a national of the host Member State or has lost the nationality of that Member State by marriage to that worker or self-employed person.

Article 8.17, para 6, AD 2000 6. De in het derde lid, onder a en b, gestelde voorwaarden inzake de duur van het verblijf en van de werkzaamheid, en de in het derde lid, onder c en d, gestelde voorwaarde inzake de duur van het verblijf, zijn niet van toepassing indien de echtgenoot of de geregistreerde partner van de werknemer of zelfstandige Nederlander is of de Nederlandse nationaliteit heeft verloren als gevolg van het huwelijk met die werknemer of zelfstandige.

6. The conditions set out in paragraph 3, under a and b, concerning the duration of residence and work, and the conditions set out in paragraph 3, under c and d, concerning the duration of residence, are not applicable if the spouse or the registered partner of the employee or self-employed person is of Dutch nationality or has lost Dutch nationality as a consequence of marriage with that employee or self-employed person.

Y Effective transposition

Art.17.3 3. Irrespective of nationality, the family members of a worker or a self-employed person who are residing with him in the territory of the host Member State shall have the right of permanent residence in that Member State, if the worker or self-employed person has acquired himself the right of permanent residence in that Member State on the basis of paragraph 1.

Article 8.17, para 7, sub a, AD 2000

7. De bij hem in Nederland verblijvende familieleden van de werknemer of zelfstandige hebben duurzaam verblijfsrecht, indien de werknemer of zelfstandige een nationaliteit als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, eerste lid, bezit en: a. op grond van het derde tot en met het zesde lid duurzaam verblijfsrecht in Nederland heeft verkregen; of

7. The employee or self-employed person’s family members residing with him in the Netherlands shall have a permanent right of residence if the employee or self-employed person possesses a nationality as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraph 1, and: a. on the basis of paragraphs 3 to 6, has obtained a permanent

Y Effective transposition

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right of residence in the Netherlands; or

Art.17.4 (a)

4. If, however, the worker or self-employed person dies while still working but before acquiring permanent residence status in the host Member State on the basis of paragraph 1, his family members who are residing with him in the host Member State shall acquire the right of permanent residence there, on condition that: (a) the worker or self-employed person had, at the time of death, resided continuously on the territory of that Member State for two years; or

Article 8.17, para 7, sub b, 1°, AD 2000

b. tijdens zijn werkzame leven is overleden, voordat hij op grond van het derde tot en met het zesde lid duurzaam verblijfsrecht in Nederland verkreeg, en: 1°. hij op het tijdstip van zijn overlijden gedurende twee jaar ononderbroken in Nederland heeft verbleven;

b. dies during his working life before obtaining a permanent right of residence in the Netherlands on the basis of paragraphs 3 to 6, and: 1°. has been resident in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of two years at the time of his death;

Y Effective transposition Paragraphs 3 to 6 transpose Article 17(1) and (2)

Art.17.4 (b)

(b) the death resulted from an accident at work or an occupational disease; or

Article 8.17, para 7, sub b, 2°, AD 2000

2°. zijn overlijden het gevolg was van een arbeidsongeval of beroepsziekte; of

2°. dies as a consequence of an accident at work or an occupational illness; or

Y Literal transposition

Art.17.4 (c)

(c) the surviving spouse lost the nationality of that Member State following marriage to the worker or self-employed person.

Article 8.17, para 7, sub b, 3°, AD 2000

3°. zijn echtgenoot de Nederlandse nationaliteit als gevolg van hun huwelijk heeft verloren.

3°. is married to a spouse who has lost Dutch nationality as a consequence of their marriage.

Y Effective transposition

Article 18. Acquisition of the right of permanent residence by certain family members who are not nationals of a Member State. Art.18 Without prejudice to Article 17, the

family members of a Union citizen to whom Articles 12(2) and 13(2) apply, who satisfy the conditions laid down therein, shall acquire the right of permanent residence after residing legally for a period of five consecutive years in the host Member State.

Article 8.17, para 1, sub b, AD 2000

1. Duurzaam verblijfsrecht in Nederland heeft: [...] b. de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, die gedurende vijf jaar ononderbroken rechtmatig verblijf heeft gehad bij een vreemdeling als bedoeld onder a, waarbij mede wordt betrokken de periode waarin hij voldeed aan de voorwaarden van artikel 8.15, vijfde lid, onder a, b of c.

1. The following persons have permanent right of residence in the Netherlands: [...] b. a foreign national, as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, who has had lawful residence for an uninterrupted period of five years with a foreign national as referred to under a, whereby a period in which he complied with the conditions of Article 8.15, paragraph 5, under a, b or c is also included.

Y Effective transposition The conditions established by reference to Article 8.15 are those of Article 12 and 13 of the Directive and they are in line with Article 18 of the Directive.

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Chapter IV. RIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE Section I. Administrative formalities Art.19.1 Document certifying permanent

residence for Union citizens 1. Upon application Member States shall issue Union citizens entitled to permanent residence, after having verified duration of residence, with a document certifying permanent residence.

Article 8.19, first sentence, AD 2000 Article 3.2 para 1 sub c and Annex 7e AR 2000

Onze Minister verstrekt de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7 eerste lid, met duurzaam verblijfsrecht op aanvraag en na verificatie van de verblijfsduur een verblijfsdocument, waarvan het model wordt vastgesteld bij ministeriële regeling. Als document waaruit het rechtmatig verblijf, bedoeld in artikel 8, onder e, van de Wet, blijkt, zijn aangewezen de volgende documenten en verklaringen, waarbij het vastgestelde model van dat document of die verklaring wordt aangegeven: (…) c. voor de overige gemeenschapsonderdanen: het document EU/EER van het model dat als bijlage 7e bij deze regeling is gevoegd.

Our Minister shall grant a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7 paragraph 1, and possessing a permanent right of residence, a residence document on request and after verification of the duration of residence, the model of which document shall be laid down by ministerial regulation. As document from which the right of residence, as referred to in Article 8, sub e of the AA, the following documents and statements are designated, at which point the designated model of that document or that statement will be given: (…): c. for the other Community citizens: the document EU/EEA of the model that was attached to this regulation as annex 7e.

Y Effective transposition The model seemed to be the one referred to in Article 3.2 para 1 sub c and Annex 7e AR 2000. These provisions do not mention specifically that it concerns permanent residence. Also note that the 2000 model shown states “Bij beroep op publieke middelen vervalt het verblijfsrecht” (“When social benefits are demanded that right to reside comes to an end”) – a stipulation not in line with Dutch law. Information obtained by telephone from the IND helpdesk stated that in practice, another document is issues nowadays, a model of 2006, on which the stipulation on social benefits does not appear any more. It seems that still, the words “permanent residence” do not occur on the document, however. Article 8 sub e of the AA 2000 declares that an alien is lawfully residing in the Netherlands (…) (e) as a Community citizen as long as this citizen is resident on the grounds of an arrangement under the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area. This provision applies also to family members since Article 1 AA 2000 defines Community citizens as persons with EU nationality and their family members. Annex 7e contains a picture of the

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document (the picture is attached at the end of this ToC), but as already explained this 2001 model has been replaced by a new 2006 model according to the IND helpdesk..

Art.19.2 2. The document certifying permanent residence shall be issued as soon as possible.

Article 8.19, second sentence, AD 2000

Het verblijfsdocument wordt zo spoedig mogelijk verstrekt. Artikel 25 van de Wet is niet van toepassing.

The residence document shall be issued as soon as possible. Article 25 of the Act does not apply.

Y Literal transposition An application form is available at the IND website in Dutch and in English; the latter can be found at On that form, it is stated: “By law the IND can, in principle, take six months to make a decision.” Note that in the Dutch form, the same is stated in this respect. The forms’ statement seems incorrect, since Article 8.19 AA declares that Article 25 of the same act does not apply; thus, the possibility to decide within 6 months as is regulated there does not apply, and instead the document needs to be issued as soon as possible, in line with the Directive. The helpdesk of the IND informed me that the decision takes 3 to 6 months in practice which can mean that in practice, the Netherlands is not implementing correctly, but since this ToC focuses on transposition rather than implementation this point can be looked into at a later stage. Note that the application form can be used by EU citizens, but also by their family members, although the document itself according to the IND helpdesk is a different one as of 2006.

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Article 20. Permanent residence card for family members who are not nationals of a Member State Art.20.1

1. Member States shall issue family members who are not nationals of a Member State entitled to permanent residence with a permanent residence card within six months of the submission of the application. The permanent residence card shall be renewable automatically every 10 years.

Article 8.20 para 1 AD 2000 Article 50 para 1 third sentence AA 2000 Article 4.21 AD 2000 B10/ 2.6 Aliens Circular

8.20 para 1 AD 2000: Onze Minister verstrekt de vreemdeling, bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde of vierde lid, met duurzaam verblijfsrecht en die niet de nationaliteit bezit van een staat als bedoeld in het eerste lid van dat artikel, op aanvraag een verblijfsdocument, waarvan het model wordt vastgesteld bij ministeriële regeling. Artikel 25, tweede en derde lid, van de Wet is niet van toepassing. Artikel 50 lid 1 derde volzin AA 2000: Bij amvb worden documenten aangewezen waarover een vreemdeling moet beschikken ter vaststelling van zijn identiteit, nationaliteit en verblijfsrechtelijke poitie. Artikel 4.21AD 2000 1) Als documenten in de zin van artikel 50, eerste lid, laatste volzin van de Wet, worden aangewezen: (…) b. Voor de vreemdelingen die rechtmatig verbijven als bedoeld in artikel 8 onder e, van de Wet: een geldig nationaal paspoort of geldig identiteitskaart, (…) Vreemdelingencirculaire B10/2.6 Bewijs van rechtmatig

8.20 para 1 AD 2000: Our Minister shall grant a foreign national as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 or 4, with a permanent right of residence, who is not a national of a State as referred to in paragraph 1 of that article, a residence document on request, the model of which document shall be laid down by ministerial regulation. Article 25, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Act is not applicable. Article 50, para 1, third sentence AA 2000 The documents which an alien must possess in order to establish his identity, nationality and residence status shall be designated by Order in Council. Article 4.21AD 2000 As documents as defined in Article 50, para 1, last sentence of [AA 2000], shall be designated: […] b. for foreign nationals who have lawful residence as referred to in Article 8 under e, of the Act: a valid national passport or valid identity card Aliens Circular: B10/ 2.6. Proof of lawful

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Article 25 provides that a decision normally is to be given within 6 months; para 2 allows an extension with another 6 months – given the limit of 6 months the Directive sets, it is necessary to state that this possibility for extension does not apply here. Para 3 states that the alien is to be notified of the longer decision period. The Dutch provisions do not prescribe that the permanent residence document is renewable every 10 years automatically; this might be regulated in the ministerial regulation based on section 8.20 para 1 AD 2000. A provision dealing with the way the card has to look like can be found in section 3.2 sub b AR 2000, where it is explained that EU citizens (encompassing in the definition used in Dutch law also non-EU family members) who do not possess the nationality of an EU/EEA/Swiss state receive a document the model of which is indicated in Annex 7a of the AR 2000. The regulation does not however provide for renewability every 10 year automatically. Information obtained by phone from the IND helpdesk stated that the document is to be renewed every 5 years, and that this is not an automatic operation.

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verblijf (…) Slechts het duurzame verblijfsrecht van EU- en EER-onderdanen en onderdanen van Zwitserland en hun familieleden, ongeacht hun nationaliteit, blijkt uit een op aanvraag te verstrekken document ‘ Duurzaam verblijf

burgers van de Unie’.

residence (…) Only the permanent right of residence of EU- and EEA nationals and nationals of Switzerland and their family members, irrespective of their nationally, appears from the document “Permanent residence of citizens of the Union” which is provided on demand.

Article 8 sub e AA 2000 does not distinguish between normal residence and permanent residence. In this section of the AC is stated in so many words that the right to permanent residence of EU-/EER and Swiss citizens and their family members, irrespective of their nationality, can be shown by a document issued by the competent authorities. This document will be handed out on request and is entitled: “permanent residence of citizens of the Union”. Nothing is said in the AC about automatic renewability of this document every 10 year.

The model for the document seemed the same as the one for EU citizens (see Article 19 of the Directive above), but information from the IND helpdesk stated that it is in fact a different model for which no legal basis could be identified.

Art.20.2 2. The application for a permanent residence card shall be submitted before the residence card expires. Failure to comply with the requirement to apply for a permanent residence card may render the person concerned liable to proportionate and non-discriminatory sanctions.

Article 8.20 para 2 AD 2000 Article 8.20 para 2 AD 2000 De aanvraag, bedoeld in het eerste lid, wordt ingediend voor het verstrijken van de geldigheidsduur van het verblijfsdocument, bedoeld in artikel 8.13, vijfde lid.

Article 8.20 para 2 AD 2000 The request, referred to in para 1, is submitted before the residence card expires, referred to in article 8.13 para 5.

Y Effective transposition The first sentence is effectively transposed. As for the second sentence, no sanctions could be identified.

Art.20.3 3. Interruption in residence not exceeding two consecutive years shall not affect the validity of the permanent residence card.

Article 8.18(a) AD 2000 Alienscircular 5.2.2.

Artikel 8.18 AD 2000 Duurzaam verblijfsrecht kan worden beëindigd: a. bij afwezigheid van meer dan

Article 8.18 AD 2000 A right to reside permanently can only be ended: a. when an interruption in the

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition This provision applies to EU citizens and to third country family members,

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twee achtereenvolgende jarenNederland;

residence in the Netherlands exceeds two consecutive years

because the section immediately preceding this provision (8.17 AD 2000) deals with the right to reside permanently in the Netherlands of aliens with EU nationality on the one hand and third country nationals o the other hand. But the implementation falls short because not just the validity of the permanent residence card gets affected by this interruption but – much more- the permanent residence right as such will end due to this interruption. In contravention with the Directive the card and its validity is not object of the transposition.

Article 21. Continuity of residence Art. 21 For the purposes of this Directive,

continuity of residence may be attested by any means of proof in use in the host Member State. Continuity of residence is broken by any expulsion decision duly enforced against the person concerned.

Article 8.21 AD 2000

Article 8.21 AD 2000 Beëindiging van het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling vormt een onderbreking vanaf het tijdstip waarop de vreemdeling Nederland heeft verlaten.

Article 8.21 AD 2000 Termination of the lawful residence of the foreign national shall constitute an interruption from the time that the foreign national has departed from the Netherlands.

Y Effective transposition The first sentence already follows from the rules of proof in Dutch administrative law. For that reason no specific transposition provisions are needed. Dutch administrative law is based on the system of free gathering of evidence. No provisions exist specifically dealing with evidence gathering. In the application form mentioned above it is explained that when submitting an application, you need to submit “Documentary evidence that you have resided in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of five years immediately prior to submitting the application”. This is not in line with the Directive, but also not with Dutch law which allows for some interruptions.

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According to the Dutch Aliens Act the concept of “termination of the lawful residence” equals to “expulsion decision” in EU law.

Chapter V. PROVISIONS COMMON TO THE RIGHT OF RESIDENCE AND THE RIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE Article 22. Territorial scope Art. 22 The right of residence and the right of

permanent residence shall cover the whole territory of the host Member State.

Article 8 and Article 56 para 1(b) AA 2000

Article 8 AA 2000 De vreemdeling heeft in Nederland uitsluitend rechtmatig verblijf: (...) (e) als gemeenschapsonderdaan zolang deze onderdaan verblijf houdt op grond van een regeling betreffende het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap dan wel de Overeenkomst betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte Article 56 para 1(b) AA 2000 1. Overeenkomstig bij algemene maatregel van bestuur te geven regels kan, indien het belang van de openbare orde of de nationale veiligheid zulks vordert, door Onze Minister de vrijheid van beweging worden beperkt van de vreemdeling die: a. geen rechtmatig verblijf heeft; b. rechtmatig verblijf heeft op grond van artikel 8, met uitzondering van de onderdelen b, d en e.

Section 8 AA 2000 An alien is lawfully resident in the Netherlands only: (…) (e) as a Community citizen as long as this citizen is resident on the grounds of an arrangement under the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Treaty establishing the European Economic Area Section 56 para 1(b) AA 2000 1. In accordance with rules issued by Order in Council Our Minister may, in the interests of public policy (ordre public) or national security, restrict the freedom of movement of an alien who: (a) is not lawfully resident; (b) is lawfully resident on the grounds of section 8, with the exception of (b), (d) and (e);

Y Effective transposition Article 8 AA 2000 provides that wherever Community law prescribes that aliens can lawfully reside in the Netherlands, they can do so without territorial restrictions. It can be added that Dutch law does not encompass possibilities to restrict the right of residence / permanent residence of Dutch nationals. Only for other aliens restriction can be imposed, as shows from section 56 para 1(b) AA 2000 (also see next row).

Member States may impose territorial restrictions on the right of residence and the right of permanent residence only where the same restrictions apply to theirown nationals.

Article 56 para 1(b) AA 2000 Article 56 para 1(b) AA 2000 1. Overeenkomstig bij algemene maatregel van bestuur te geven regels kan, indien het belang van de openbare orde of de nationale veiligheid zulks vordert, door Onze Minister de vrijheid van

Section 56 para 1(b) AA 2000 1. In accordance with rules issued by Order in Council Our Minister may, in the interests of public policy (ordre public) or national security, restrict the

Y Effective transposition The freedom of movement of aliens can be limited, but not where it concerns EU citizens from other EU countries and their family members etc. (i.e. persons legally residing on

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beweging worden beperkt van de vreemdeling die: a. geen rechtmatig verblijf heeft; b. rechtmatig verblijf heeft op grond van artikel 8, met uitzondering van de onderdelen b, d en e.

freedom of movement of an alien who: (a) is not lawfully resident; (b) is lawfully resident on the grounds of section 8, with the exception of (b), (d) and (e);

the grounds of section 8 (b), (d) and (e) AA. Furthermore, Dutch law does not encompass possibilities to restrict the right of residence / permanent residence of Dutch nationals.

Article 23. Related rights Art.23 Irrespective of nationality, the family

members of a Union citizen who have the right of residence or the right of permanent residence in a Member State shall be entitled to take up employment or selfemployment there.

Article 3 para 1(a) Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act (Wet arbeid vreemdelingen or WAV) and Annex to the WAV Implementation and Delegation Decree (Delegatie- en uitvoeringsbesluit Wav);

Artikel 3 WAV 1. Het verbod, bedoeld in artikel 2, eerste lid, is niet van toepassing met betrekking tot: a. een vreemdeling ten aanzien van wie ingevolge bepalingen, (…) bij een voor Nederland verbindend besluit van een volkenrechtelijke organisatie, een tewerkstellingsvergunning niet mag worden verlangd. Bijlage Mededeling als bedoeld in artikel 3, tweede lid, van de WAV Ten aanzien van de hierna te noemen vreemdelingen mag ingevolge de daarbij vermelde bepalingen, vastgesteld (…) bij een voor Nederland verbindend besluit van een volkenrechtelijke organisatie, geen tewerkstellingsvergunning worden verlangd: 1. onderdanen van een Lid-Staat van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap waarop artikel 1 dan wel gezinsleden van dergelijke onderdanen waarop artikel 11 van verordening (EEG) nr. 1612/68 (…) van toepassing is; 2. onderdanen van een Staat die partij is bij de Overeenkomst

Article 3 Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act 1. The prohibition, referred to in article 2, para 1, does not apply to: a. an alien for whom no employment permit can be required as a result of provisions (…) in a decision that is binding for the Netherlands of an international organisation. Annex to WAV as referred to in article 3 para 2 Where the following aliens are concerned, no work permit will be required under the applicable decisions that are binding for the Netherlands of an international organisation: 1. citizens of a Member-State of the EEC or their family members to which article 11 of Regulation (EEC) nr. 1612/68 (…) applies; 2. citizens of a State that is a party to the European Economic Area (…) to which article 1 applies or their family members to which article 11 of Regulation (EEC) nr. 1612/68 (…) applies;

Y Effective transposition The main rule is expressed in the Foreign Nationals (Employment) Act: no employment permit can be required from aliens who under EC law are entitled to work without restrictions. In an Annex to the Act it is explained that this notably concerns citizens of a Member State of the EEC or their family members to which article 11 of Regulation (EEC) nr. 1612/68 applies. That provision was repealed by the Directive, and thus the Act should have been amended in this respect where a provision of dynamic implementation (“or any subsequent EC decision”) is absent. In practice however it can be assumed that the main rule applies and suffices to ensure that aliens are entitled to take up employment or selfemployment in the Netherlands.

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Equal Treatment Act (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling) article 1 sub b and article 5 para 1 sub c

betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte (…) waarop artikel 1 dan wel gezinsleden van dergelijke onderdanen waarop artikel 11 van verordening (EEG) nr. 1612/68 (…); Equal Treatment Act (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling) Artikel 1 sub b: direct onderscheid: onderscheid tussen personen op grond van (..) nationaliteit Artikel 5 lid 1: Onderscheid is verboden bij: (…) c. het aangaan en het beëindigen van een arbeidsverhouding;

Equal Treatment Act (Algemene wet gelijke behandeling); Article 1 sub b: Direct discrimination: discrimination between persons based on their (…) nationality Article 5 para 1: Discrimination is prohibited where it concerns: (…) c. the start and end of labour relations;

Article 24. Equal treatment Art.24.1 1. Subject to such specific provisions as

are expressly provided for in the Treaty and secondary law, all Union citizens residing on the basis of this Directive in the territory of the host Member State shall enjoy equal treatment with the nationals of that Member State within the scope of the Treaty. The benefit of this right shall be extended to family members who are not nationals of a Member State and who have the right of residence or permanent residence.

Article 11 AA 2000 Article 11 AA 2000 1. De aanspraken van de vreemdeling die rechtmatig verblijf heeft zijn in overeenstemming met de aard van het verblijf. Tenzij bij of krachtens het wettelijk voorschrift waarop de aanspraak is gegrond anders is bepaald, is daarbij het tweede lid van toepassing. 2. De vreemdeling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, kan aanspraken maken op voorzieningen, verstrekkingen en uitkeringen, indien hij: a. rechtmatig verblijf heeft, als bedoeld in artikel 8, onder a, tot en met e en l; b. rechtmatig verblijf heeft, als bedoeld in artikel 8, onder f, g, h, en een aanspraak wordt toegekend bij of krachtens de Wet Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers, dan

Article 11 AA 2000 1. The entitlements of an alien who is lawfully resident are in accordance with the nature of the residence. Unless provided otherwise in or pursuant to the statutory provision on which the entitlement is based, para 2 shall apply in this connection. 2. An alien as referred to in para 1 may claim entitlement to facilities, benefits in kind and social security benefits if he: (a) is lawfully resident as referred to in section 8 (a) to (e) and (l); (b) is lawfully resident as referred to in section 8 (f), (g) and (h), and entitlement is granted by or pursuant to the Act on the Central Reception Organisation for Asylum-

Y Effective transposition Section 1 sub e of the AA 2000 defines community citizens as (1) nationals of the Member States of the EU (…) and (2) members of the families of the persons referred to at 1 who have the nationality of a third state and who are entitled to enter and reside in a Member State pursuant to a decision adopted under the Treaty establishing the European Community. Section 8 sub e AA 2000 applies to aliens lawfully resident in the Netherlands as Community citizens as long as these citizens are resident on the grounds of an arrangement under the Treaty establishing the EC or the Treaty establishing the EEA. Because of the definition of Community citizens of section 1 sub e this provision covers

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wel bij of krachtens een ander wettelijk voorschrift, waarin aanspraken van deze vreemdelingen zijn neergelegd; c. rechtmatig verblijf heeft, als bedoeld in artikel 8, onder i tot en met k, voor de aanspraken die uitdrukkelijk aan deze vreemdelingen zijn toegekend. 3. Het eerste en tweede lid zijn van overeenkomstige toepassing op de bij wet of algemene maatregel van bestuur aangewezen ontheffingen of vergunningen.

Seekers or by or pursuant to another statutory provision in which the entitlement of such aliens is regulated; (c) is lawfully resident as referred to in section 8 (i) to(k), for the entitlement expressly granted to these aliens. 3. Paras 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to exemptions or licences designated in an Act of Parliament or Order in Council.

non-EU family members of the EU citizen.

Art.24.2 2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the host Member State shall not be obliged to confer entitlement to social assistance during the first three months of residence or, where appropriate, the longer period provided for in Article 14(4)(b), nor shall it be obliged, prior toacquisition of the right of permanent residence, to grant maintenance aid for studies, including vocational training, consisting in student grants or student loans to persons other than workers, self-employed persons, persons who retain such status and members of their families.

Article 11 para 2 Work and Social Assistance Act (Wet werk and bijstand), Article 2.2 para 2 Student Finance Act (Wet studiefinanciering) 2000, Article 2.2 para 1 sub b Fees and Educational Expenses (Allowances) Act (Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijskosten en schoolkosten)

Article 11 para 2 Work and Social Assistance Act (Wet werk and bijstand) 2. Met de Nederlander, bedoeld in het eerste lid, wordt gelijkgesteld de hier te lande woonachtige vreemdeling die rechtmatig in Nederland verblijf houdt in de zin van artikel 8, onderdelen a tot en met e en l, van de Vreemdelingenwet 2000, met uitzondering van de gevallen, bedoeld in artikel 24, tweede lid, van Richtlijn 2004/38/EG. Article 2.2 para 2 Student Finance Act (Wet studiefinanciering) 2000, Nationaliteit 2. Onverminderd het eerste lid, onderdeel b, kunnen bij algemene maatregel van bestuur groepen van personen worden aangewezen voor wie de gelijkstelling, bedoeld in het eerste lid, onderdeel b, slechts een tegemoetkoming in de kosten van de toegang tot het

Article 11 para 2 Work and Social Assistance Act (Wet werk and bijstand) (2) An alien residing legally in the Netherlands in the sense of article 8, sub a to e and l of the AA 2000, with the exception of the cases, referred to in article 24, para 2 of Directive 2004/38/EC, is treated equal to a Dutchman as referred to in para 1. Article 2.2 para 2 Student Finance Act 2000, Nationality 2. Irrespective of para 1, sub b, groups of persons can be identified in decrees for whom the equal treatment, referred to in para 1, sub b, only amounts to benefits covering the costs of access to education.

Y Effective transposition Dutch law provides for the entitlement to social assistance where aliens legally residing in the Netherlands are concerned, with the exception of the cases referred to in article 24, para 2 of Directive 2004/38. Therefore, the Netherlands has made use of this option given by the Directive and excludes provision of social assistance and benefits to person during the first three months of residence. This also implies that before the acquisition of the right of permanent residence, Dutch law should in principle not grant maintenance aid for studies or students loans to persons others than workers and sel-employed persons, or persons that retained the status of worker and their family members. In this sense, where maintenance aid for studies is concerned, Dutch law provides that entitlement to benefits

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onderwijs betreft. Article 2.2 Fees and Educational Expenses (Allowances) Act (Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijskosten en schoolkosten), Nationaliteit 1. Op tegemoetkoming kan aanspraak bestaan indien de aanvrager: (…) b. niet de Nederlandse nationaliteit bezit maar wel ingevolge (…) een besluit van een volkenrechtelijke organisatie op het terrein van de tegemoetkoming met een Nederlander wordt gelijkgesteld

Article 2.2 Fees and Educational Expenses (Allowances) Act, Nationality 1.Entitlement to benefits can exist if the applicant: (…) b. does not have the Dutch nationality but needs to be treated equal to a Dutchman as a result of (…) a decision of an international organisation

exists for aliens that need to be treated equal to a Dutchman as a result of a decision of an international organisation like the EC. Article 24 para 2 of the Directive excludes entitlement to maintenance aid for studies in some cases, hence these persons will not be entitled to Dutch benefits. In both cases, Dutch law is in conformity with the Directive. Notice, however, than Dutch legislation has not correctly transposed Article 7(3) as retention of the status of worker.

Article 25. General provisions concerning residence documents Art.25.1 1. Possession of a registration certificate

as referred to in Article 8, of a document certifying permanent residence, of a certificate attesting submission of an application for a family member residence card, of a residence card or of a permanent residence card, may under no circumstances be made a precondition for the exercise of a right or the completion of an administrative formality, as entitlement to rights may be attested by any other means of proof.

- - - Y Effective transposition The various acts dealing with specific subject areas (for instance studies, vocational training, social benefits etc.) do not mention a residence document as a condition for exercising a right but legal residence under Article 8 (e) of the AA 2000, which will be assumed prima facie to exist on production of a valid national passport or a valid identity card. No cases violating this provision of the Directive could be identified. However, notice that in the Brochure they refer to the cards as the document needed for municipal services and so on...

Art.25.2 2. All documents mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be issued free of charge or for a charge not exceeding that imposed on nationals for the issuing of similar documents.

Artikel 3.34h Aliens Regulations 2000

Artikel 3.34h Aliens Regulations 2000 Ter zake van de afdoening van een aanvraag om toetsing aan het gemeenschapsrecht en afgifte van

Article 3.34h Aliens Regulations 2000 Where it concerns an application to test conformity with Community law and issuing of

Y Effective transposition Dutch citizens pay more than € 30 for their identity cards. The provision covers issuing of residence cards.

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het daaraan verbonden verblijfsdocument, is de vreemdeling een bedrag van € 30 verschuldigd.

associated residence card, the alien is to pay the sum of € 30.

In the brochure there is more information. For example, registration certificate is free of charge. The long term residence certificate is 30EUR.

Article 26. Checks Art.26 Member States may carry out checks on

compliance with any requirement deriving from their national legislation for non-nationals always to carry their registration certificate or residence card, provided that the same requirement applies to their own nationals as regards their identity card. In the event of failure to comply with this requirement, Member States may impose the same sanctions as those imposed on their own nationals for failure to carry their identity card.

Article 1 and 2 Compulsory Identification Act (Wet op de identificatieplicht); Article 447e of the Criminal Code (Wetboek van Strafrecht)

Article 1 and 2 Compulsory Identification Act (Wet op de identificatieplicht); Als documenten waarmee in bij de wet aangewezen gevallen de identiteit van personen kan worden vastgesteld, worden aangewezen: 1°. een geldig reisdocument als bedoeld in artikel 2, eerste lid, onder a, b, c, d, e en g, of tweede lid, van de Paspoortwet; 2°. de documenten waarover een vreemdeling ingevolge de Vreemdelingenwet 2000 moet beschikken ter vaststelling van zijn identiteit, nationaliteit en verblijfsrechtelijke positie; Article 2 Compulsory Identification Act Een ieder die de leeftijd van veertien jaar heeft bereikt, is verplicht (…) een identiteitsbewijs als bedoeld in artikel 1 ter inzage aan te bieden. Article 447e of the Criminal Code (Wetboek van Strafrecht) Hij die niet voldoet aan de verplichting om een identiteitsbewijs ter inzage aan te bieden, hem opgelegd bij artikel 2 van de Wet op de

Article 1 and 2 Compulsory Identification Act (Wet op de identificatieplicht); Documents that may be used in those cases referred to in the law to establish the identity of persons are: 1. a valid travel document as referred to in article 2, para 1 sub a,b,c,d,e and g or para 2 of the Passport Act; 2. the documents which an alien needs to possess under the AA 2000 to establish his identity, nationality and legal residence status; Article 2 Compulsory Identification Act Any person who is fourteen years or older is obliged to show (…) an identity card as referred to in article 1. Article 447e of the Criminal Code (Wetboek van Strafrecht) Any person not obeying the duty to present an identity card, as referred to in article 2 of the Identification Duty Act, is liable to pay a category 2 fine.

Y Effective transposition Dutch law identifies a number of situations in which an identity card or passport needs to be presented (for instance when using pubic transport without being in the possession of a ticket, when becoming employed etc). This obligation exists for Dutch citizens (section 1 sub 1 Compulsory Identification Act) and aliens (section 1 sub 2) of fourteen years or older (section 2). The same sanction applies to Dutch and foreign nationals ex section 447e Criminal Code (a category 2 fine). The maximum amount to be paid in this category is € 3700,-

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identificatieplicht, wordt gestraft met geldboete van de tweede categorie.


Chapter, Member States may restrict the freedom of movement and residence of Union citizens and their family members, irrespective of nationality, on grounds of public policy, public security or public health. These grounds shall not be invoked to serve economic ends.

Article 8.8 para 1 AD 2000; Article 8.22 para 1 and Article 8.23 para 1 AD 2000

Article 8.8 para 1 AD 2000 Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, die in het bezit is van een geldig document voor grensoverschrijding, kan de toegang tot Nederland slechts worden geweigerd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, dan wel volksgezondheid: a. indien de vreemdeling op grond van zijn persoonlijke gedrag een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt; Article 8.22 para 1 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan het rechtmatig verblijf ontzeggen of beëindigen, om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, indien het persoonlijke gedrag van de vreemdeling een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt. Article 8.23 para 1 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan het rechtmatig verblijf op grond van de volksgezondheid ontzeggen of beëindigen in het geval van potentieel epidemische ziekten als gedefinieerd in de relevante instrumenten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie

Article 8.8 para 1 AD 2000 An alien as referred to in article 8.7, who possesses a valid document to cross the border, can only be denied entry to the Netherlands on grounds of public policy or public security, or public health: a. if the alien, based on the personal conduct of the individual concerned, forms a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society; Article 8.22 para 1 AD 2000 Our Minister may refuse or terminate lawful residence for reasons of public policy or public security, if the personal conduct of the foreign national forms a current, real and serious threat to the fundamental interests of society. Article 8.23 para 1 AD 2000 Our Minister may refuse or terminate lawful residence on the grounds of public health in the event of potential epidemic diseases as defined in the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation or in the case of other infectious

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Dutch law enables denying entry to the Netherlands of aliens on grounds of public policy, public security or public health if his personal conduct forms a genuine, present and sufficiently serious theat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society (section 8.8 para 1 AD 2000). Where refusing or terminating residence is concerned, it is foreseen that this may be done for reasons of public policy or public security, if the personal conduct of the foreign national forms a current, real and serious threat to the fundamental interests of society (section 8.22 para 1 AD 2000). The last part of this provision explains under which conditions it can be assumed that a threat to public security exists. The first sentence of Article 27 para 1 of the Directive has thus been transposed effectively. The last sentence (shall not be invoked to serve economic ends) has not been transposed, though in practice it seems impossible to invoke the grounds set out in Dutch law for economic ends, because the grounds set out in Dutch law are aimed at non-economic issues.

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B10/7.1 AC

dan wel in geval van andere infectieziekten of besmettelijke parasitaire ziekten, ten aanzien waarvan in Nederland beschermende regelingen ten aanzien van Nederlanders worden getroffen. Vreemdelingencirculaire B10/ 7.1. Verblijfsbeëindiging Het verblijfsrecht van een burger van de Unie en zijn familieleden, ongeacht hun nationaliteit kan worden ontzegd of worden beëindigd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid indien het persoonlijk gedrag van de vreemdeling een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt (zie artikel 8.22 Vb en B10/7.1.1). Het verblijfsrecht van een burger van de Unie en zijn familieleden, ongeacht hun nationaliteit, kan worden ontzegd of worden beëindigd om redenen van volksgezondheid in het geval van potentieel epidemische ziekten als gedefinieerd in de relevante instrumenten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie dan wel in geval van andere infectieziekten of besmettelijke parasitaire ziekten, ten aanzien waarvan in Nederland beschermende regelingen ten aanzien van Nederlanders worden genomen (zie artikel 8.23 Vb).

diseases or contagious parasitic diseases in respect of which protective measures are being taken in the Netherlands in respect of Dutch nationals. Aliens Circular B10/ 7.1. Termination of right of residence The right of residence of of a a Union citizen and his family members, irrespective of their nationality, can be denied or terminated for reasons of public order or public security if the personal conduct of the alien represents a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society (see art. 8.22 AD en B10/7.1.1). The right of residence of a Union citizen and his family members, irrespective of their nationality, can be denied or terminated for reasons of public health in case of potentially epidemic diseases as defined in the relevant instruments of the WHO or in case of other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases, against which protective measures are taken with regard to Dutch persons in the Netherlands (see art. 8.23 AD).

What may be considered under Dutch law as public policy and public security grounds that may lead to expulsion is not explained in the legislation, nor in the AC. From a letter of the Dutch Minister of Aliens affairs and Integration dated 30 September 2005 (TK 19 637, nr. 971) it does show that being a member of or participating to activities of an organisation, the activities of which have been identified as a threat to society by a Member State of the EU, the EEA or by Switserland can be a ground. Section B10/7.1 of the AC, entitled “termination of residence” is devoted to the three principle reasons (Public health, public order and public security) because of which the residence can terminated. All the relevant aspects are dealt with. But, although in line with the implementing Dutch legislation on this subject matter, nothing is stated about the interdiction to invoke these grounds for economic ends.

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Hierbij kan, naast de in de gezondheidswetgeving gebruikelijke ziekten als pest, cholera en gele koorts worden gedacht aan een ziekte als Sars (…). Het rechtmatig verblijf wordt niet om redenen van volksgezondheid beëindigd indien de ziekte later dan drie maanden na inreis is opgetreden (zie artikel 8.23, tweede lid, Vb). Het rechtmatig verblijf kan voorts worden beëindigd indien de vreemdeling onjuiste gegevens heeft verstrekt, dan wel gegevens heeft achtergehouden, terwijl die gegevens zouden hebben geleid tot weigering van toegang of verblijf (zie artikel 8.25 Vb). Het gaat hier om maatregelen die getroffen kunnen worden tegen misbruik van recht of fraude, zoals schijnhuwelijk. Deze maatregelen moeten evenredig zijn (zie artikel 3:4 Awb). Toepassing van artikel 8.25 Vb leidt tot een beschikking waartegen rechtsmiddelen mogelijk zijn. Duurzaam verblijfsrecht kan slechts worden beëindigd in de volgende situaties (zie artikel 8.18 Vb): - bij afwezigheid van meer dan twee achtereenvolgende jaren uit Nederland; - indien ernstige redenen van openbare orde of openbare

Besides the usual diseases in the health legislation such as the pest, cholera and yellow fever one can think of a disease such as Sars in this respect (…). The lawful residence can also be terminated when an alien provides incorrect information, or withholds information, when this information would have led to a denial of entrance or residence (see art. 8.25 AD). It concerns measures that can be taken against abuse of right or fraud, such as marriages of convenience. These measures must be proportionate (see art. 3:4 GALA). Application of art. 8.25 AD forms a decision against which legal remedies are open.- this is also for Article 35 Permanent residence can only be terminated in the following situations (see art. 8.18 AD): - absence of more than two years from the Netherlands; - if serious reasons of public policy or public security demand so.- this is also of importance for Article 16(4)

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veiligheid daartoe nopen Verblijfsbeëindiging om redenen van volksgezondheid is, gezien ook het gestelde in artikel 8.23, tweede lid, Vb, niet mogelijk.

Termination of a right of residence for reasons of public health is, also considering what art. 8.23 para 2 AD determines, not possible.

Art.27.2 2. Measures taken on grounds of public policy or public security shall comply with the principle of proportionality and shall be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual concerned. Previous criminal convictions shall not in themselves constitute grounds for taking such measures.

Article 3:4 General Administrative Law Act (proportionality); Article 8.8 para 1 AD 2000 Article 8.22 para 1 AD 2000 (personal conduct)

Artikel 3:4 Awb 1. Het bestuursorgaan weegt de rechtstreeks bij het besluit betrokken belangen af, voor zover niet uit een wettelijk voorschrift of uit de aard van de uit te oefenen bevoegdheid een beperking voortvloeit. 2. De voor een of meer belanghebbenden nadelige gevolgen van een besluit mogen niet onevenredig zijn in verhouding tot de met het besluit te dienen doelen. Article 8.8 para 1 AD 2000 Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, die in het bezit is van een geldig document voor grensoverschrijding, kan de toegang tot Nederland slechts worden geweigerd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, dan wel volksgezondheid: a. indien de vreemdeling op grond van zijn persoonlijke gedrag een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt; Article 8.22 para 1 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan het rechtmatig verblijf ontzeggen of beëindigen,

Article 3:4 General Administrative Law Act 1. When making an order the administrative authority shall weigh the interests directly involved in so far as no limitation on this duty derives from a statutory regulation or the nature of the power being exercised. 2. The adverse consequences of an order for one or more interested parties may not be disproportionate to the purposes to be served by the order. Article 8.8 para 1 AD 2000 An alien as referred to in article 8.7, who possesses a valid document to cross the border, can only be denied entry to the Netherlands on grounds of public policy or public security, or public health: a. if the alien, based on the personal conduct of the individual concerned, forms a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society; Article 8.22 para 1 AD 2000 1. Our Minister may refuse or terminate lawful residence for

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Dutch law demands in general that decisions are justified and proportionate (General administrative act). More particularly, where denying entry is concerned the conditions follow the text of the Directive almost word for word; only the word ‘exclusively’ has not been transposed in section 8.8 para 1 AD 2000. However, the second sentence of this part of article 27.2 has not been transposed. As for refusal or termination of lawful residence, regulated in section 8.22 para 1 AD 2000, the same applies.

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section B10/ 7.1.1. of the AC

om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, indien het persoonlijke gedrag van de vreemdeling een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt. B10/7.1.1 Vreemdelingencirculaire. Actuele bedreiging van de openbare orde en openbare veiligheid De beoordeling of sprake is van een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving mag uitsluitend gebaseerd zijn op het persoonlijke gedrag van de betrokkene. Het enkele feit van een strafrechtelijke veroordeling is een onvoldoende deugdelijke motivering (in de zin van artikel 3:46 Awb) bij verblijfsbeëindiging op deze grond. Dit geldt ook voor motiveringen die los staan van het individuele geval of die verband houden met algemene preventieve redenen. (…) De vaststelling van een actuele bedreiging van de openbare orde of van de openbare veiligheid behoeft niet op het bestaan van een strafbaar feit te berusten. Een zodanige actuele bedreiging kan in voorkomend geval ook worden afgeleid uit het lidmaatschap van, of de deelneming aan activiteiten van een organisatie, waarvan de activiteiten door een Lidstaat van

reasons of public policy or public security, if the personal conduct of the foreign national forms a current, real and serious threat to the fundamental interests of society. B10/ 7.1.1 Alienscircular. Actual danger for public policy or public security, The assessment whether there exists a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society is to be based on the personal conduct of the person involved. The mere existence of a previous criminal conviction does not suffice and forms inadequate proper reasons (in the sense of art. 3:46 GALA) when a right of residence is terminated on this ground. The same holds true for reasons that are separate from the individual case or that are linked to general preventative grounds. (…) Determining that a genuine theat to public policy or public security exists does not need to be based on the existence of a penal offence. Such a genuine theat can in some cases be deducted from the membership of, or participation in activities of an organisation, the activities of which are declared to be a threat to society by a Member

Aliens Circular In section B10/ 7.1.1. of the AC, entitled: “Present threat of public order and public security” all the relevant aspects related to these two grounds for terminating the right of residence of a EU-/EER or Swiss citizen are set out in detail. It is exclusively only the personal conduct of someone to assess whether someone constitutes a present, real and serious threat to a fundamental interest of society. It is made clear that the single fact that a criminal sentence has been passed on someone constitutes an insufficient proper argument (in the sense of Article 3: 46 of the General Administrative Law Act, Awb) for terminating his/her residence on this ground. Further is mentioned that the proportionality principle has to be applied in taking a decision on this question (in the sense of Article 3:4 of the GALA). Related to the issue of previous criminal convictions the alinea on issuing an request for information to the authorities of the Member State of origin on the criminal record is relevant. Such a request may be

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de EU, EER of Zwitserland als een gevaar voor de maatschappij zijn aangemerkt. Het evenredigheidsbeginsel is van toepassing (zie artikel 3:4 Awb). In voorkomende gevallen beëindigt de Minister het verblijfsrecht per beschikking. Van burgers van de Unie en hun familieleden, ongeacht hun nationaliteit, mag niet worden verlangd dat zij bewijzen van goed gedrag, uittreksels uit het strafregister en dergelijke overleggen. Indien dit onontbeerlijk wordt geacht ter beoordeling of sprake is van een gevaar voor de openbare orde of openbare veiligheid kan bij de lidstaat van oorsprong of eventuele andere lidstaten worden verzocht om mededeling van gerechtelijke antecedenten betreffende de vreemdeling. Deze raadpleging kan plaatsvinden bij de afgifte van de verklaring van inschrijving of de afgifte van de verblijfskaart waarmee het verblijfsrecht van het familielid dat niet de nationaliteit van een lidstaat bezit wordt aangetoond. Bij de bevoegde diensten van de Staat van herkomst van de betrokken gemeenschapsonderdaan, zullen door de Minister nadere inlichtingen omtrent zijn antecedenten worden ingewonnen. Indien blijkt van eerder verblijf

State of the EU, the EEA or Switserland. The proportionality principle applies (see art. 3:4 GALA). When the occassion arises, the Minister terminates the right of residence by a decision. EU citizens nor their family members, regardless of their nationality, cannot be asked that they submit evidence of good behaviour, certificates from penal registers etcetera. Where this is regarded as indispensable in order to verify whether there exists a threat to public order or public security the Member State from which the alien arrived or where necessary other Member states can be asked for a statement of judicial vetting (a security check) with regard to the aline. This request can take place when the declaration of registration is issued or when the residence card is issued with which the family member not possessing the nationality of a member state can demonstrate his right of residence. Further information on the

issued in cases wherein such information is considered to be indespensable and vital for assessing whether someone poses a threat to public order or public security. Notice as well, that whe entering the country without holding a permanent residence card from another MS the alien will have to fill in the antecedents part. But not sure if that applies to family members. The Circular suggests that only in very specific cases and after registration Although the AC thus fills the gap left by the general wording in which the legally binding provisions are phrased, this does not suffice from the point of view of correct transposition of the Directive. Not enough legal certainty is reached by merely transposing specific issues in a non-binding circular that can be easily changed.

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van de gemeenschapsonderdaan in ons land, dienen omtrent hem tevens inlichtingen te worden ingewonnen bij de Korpschef van zijn vroegere woon- of verblijfplaats.

antecedents of the EU citizen in question will be requested by the Minister with the competent authorities of the State from which the alien arrived. If the EU citizen turns out to have been residing in our country in the past, information also needs to be obtained with the Superintendant of his former place of residence or place where he was staying.- Article 27(3) of the Directive

The personal conduct of the individual concerned must represent a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society. Justifications that are isolated from the particulars of the case or that rely on considerations of general prevention shall not be accepted.

Article 8.22 para 1 sub a AD 2000 and B10/ 7.1.1 Alienscircular

Article 8.22 para 1 sub a AD 2000 Aan een vreemdeling als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, die in het bezit is van een geldig document voor grensoverschrijding, kan de toegang tot Nederland slechts worden geweigerd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid, dan wel volksgezondheid: indien de vreemdeling op grond van zijn persoonlijke gedrag een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt; B10/7.1.1 Vreemdelingen-circulaire. Actuele bedreiging van de openbare orde en openbare veiligheid De beoordeling of sprake is van een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving mag uitsluitend gebaseerd zijn op het persoonlijke gedrag van de betrokkene. Het enkele feit van een strafrechtelijke veroordeling

Article 8.22 para1 sub a AD2000 An alien as referred to in article 8.7, who possesses a valid document to cross the border, can only be denied entry to the Netherlands on grounds of public policy or public security, or public health: a. if the alien, based on the personal conduct of the individual concerned, forms a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society; B10/ 7.1.1 Alienscircular. Actual danger for public policy or public security, The assessment whether there exists a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society is to be based on the personal conduct of the person involved. The mere existence of a previous criminal conviction does not suffice and

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition Last sententence not transposed in Dutch binfing legislation. It is a guarantee and needs to be transposed. The fact that the AC 2000 does spell out the last sentence of this part of the Directive does not change the conclusion that the Netherlands failed to properly transpose this provions of the Directive. The AC is no binding piece of legislation.

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

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is een onvoldoende deugdelijke motivering (in de zin van artikel 3:46 Awb) bij verblijfsbeëindiging op deze grond. Dit geldt ook voor motiveringen die los staan van het individuele geval of die verband houden met algemene preventieve redenen.

forms inadequate proper reasons (in the sense of art. 3:46 GALA) when a right of residence is terminated on this ground. The same holds true for reasons that are separate from the individual case or that are linked to general preventative grounds.

Art.27.3 3. In order to ascertain whether the person concerned represents a danger for public policy or public security, when issuing the registration certificate or, in the absence of a registration system, not later than three months from the date of arrival of the person concerned on its territory or from the date of reporting his/her presence within the territory, as provided for in Article 5(5), or when issuing the residence card, the host Member State may, should it consider this essential, request the Member State of origin and, if need be, other Member States to provide information concerning any previous police record the person concerned may have. Such enquiries shall not be made as a matter of routine. The Member State consulted shall give its reply within two months.

Article 8.22 para 2 AD 2000 Article 8.22 para 2 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan bij de afgifte van de verklaring van inschrijving of het verblijfsdocument aan de lidstaat van oorsprong of andere lidstaten verzoeken om inlichtingen omtrent de gerechtelijke antecedenten. B10/7.1.1 Vreemdelingen-circulaire. Actuele bedreiging van de openbare orde en openbare veiligheid [...] Indien blijkt van eerder verblijf van de gemeenschapsonderdaan in ons land, dienen omtrent hem tevens inlichtingen te worden ingewonnen bij de Korpschef van zijn vroegere woon- of verblijfplaats.

Article 8.22 para 2 AD 2000 When issuing the certificate of registration or the residence document, Our Minister may ask the Member State of origin or other Member States for information concerning the foreign national’s judicial record. B10/ 7.1.1 Alienscircular. Actual danger for public policy or public security, [...]Further information on the antecedents of the EU citizen in question will be requested by the Minister with the competent authorities of the State from which the alien arrived. If the EU citizen turns out to have been residing in our country in the past, information also needs to be obtained with the Superintendant of his former place of residence or place where he was staying

N , Incomplet


Incomplete transposition It is not stipulated that the Minister shall not make such enquiries as a matter of routine. The deadlines in case the Netherlands is asked are not transposed either. The Aliens Circular does not provide more details either.

Art.27.4 4. The Member State which issued the passport or identity card shall allow the holder of the document who has been expelled on grounds of public policy,

Article 8.10 AD 2000 Article 8.10 AD 2000 De toegang van een persoon die in het bezit is van een door de Nederlandse autoriteiten

Article 8.10 AD 2000 A person who possesses a Dutch passport or a Dutch identity card issued by the Dutch authorities,

Y Effective transposition

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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public security, or public health from another Member State to re-enter its territory without any formality even if the document is no longer valid or the nationality of the holder is in dispute.

afgegeven Nederlands paspoort of Nederlandse identiteitskaart, en die om redenen van openbare orde, openbare veiligheid of volksgezondheid uit een andere lidstaat is verwijderd, wordt de toegang, ook indien het document is vervallen of de Nederlandse nationaliteit van de houder wordt betwist, niet geweigerd, indien deze persoon naar Nederland terugkeert uit een staat waar hem verblijf was toegestaan ingevolge het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap, bij de Overeenkomst betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte of ingevolge de Overeenkomst van 21 juni 1999 van de Europese Gemeenschap en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en de Zwitserse Bondsstaat, anderzijds, over het vrije verkeer van personen (Trb. 2000, 16 en 86).

and who for reasons of public policy, public security or public health has been expelled from another Member State, may not be refused entry, even if the document has expired or the Dutch nationality of the holder is disputed, if this person returns to the Netherlands from a State where his residence was permitted under the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Agreement of 21 June 1999 of the European Community and its Member States on the one hand and the Swiss Confederation on the other hand on the free movement of persons (Treaty series 2000, 16 and 86).

Article 28. Protection against expulsion Art.28 1. Before taking an expulsion decision on

grounds of public policy or public security, the host Member State shall take account of considerations such as how long the individual concerned has resided on its territory, his/her age, state of health, family and economic situation, social and cultural integration into the host Member State and the extent of his/her links with the country of origin.

Article 3:2, 3:4 General Administrative Law Act,

Artikel 3:2 Awb Bij de voorbereiding van een besluit vergaart het bestuursorgaan de nodige kennis omtrent de relevante feiten en de af te wegen belangen. Artikel 3:4 Awb 1. Het bestuursorgaan weegt de rechtstreeks bij het besluit betrokken belangen af, voor zover niet uit een wettelijk voorschrift of uit de aard van de uit te oefenen bevoegdheid een beperking voortvloeit. 2. De voor een of meer

Article 3:2 GALA When preparing an order an administrative authority shall gather the necessary information concerning the relevant facts and the interests to be weighed. Article 3:4 Awb 1. When making an order the administrative authority shall weigh the interests directly involved in so far as no limitation on this duty derives from a statutory regulation or the nature of the power being exercised.

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The general rules applicable do not guarantee that all elements mentioned in the directive are taken into account. This fact was also pointed out by the Dutch Council of State (in its function as advisor to the government and not in its judicial function) in its advice W03.06.0057/I of 17 March 2006 on the Draft Decree on amending the AD 2000 in order to implement Directive 2004/38 (published in Annex to the Staatscourant of 9 May 2006, nr. 90).

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Article 8 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 94 of the Constitution Section B10/7.2 Aliens Circular

belanghebbenden nadelige gevolgen van een besluit mogen niet onevenredig zijn in verhouding tot de met het besluit te dienen doelen. Artikel 94 Constitution Binnen het Koninkrijk geldende wettelijke voorschriften vinden geen toepassing, indien deze toepassing niet verenigbaar is met een ieder verbindende bepalingen van verdragen en van besluiten van volkenrechtelijke organisaties. B10/ 7.2. Uitzetting Voor de toepasselijke regelgeving met betrekking tot uitzetting van EU/EER-onderdanen en onderdanen van Zwitserland wordt verwezen naar A4/3. A4/ 3. Vertrektermijnen A4/1 Vertrek en uitzetting: Inleiding In hoofdstuk 6 Vw zijn regels opgenomen over onder meer het vertrek en de uitzetting van de vreemdeling. Deze regels zijn ook van toepassing op EU-/EER-onderdanen en Zwitserse onderdanen, alsmede de familieleden als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede en derde, Vb en de vreemdelingen als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, vierde lid, Vb, die

2. The adverse consequences of an order for one or more interested parties may not be disproportionate to the purposes to be served by the order. Artikel 94 Constitution Statutory regulations in force within the Kingdom shall not be applicable if such application is in conflict with provisions of treaties that are binding on all persons or of resolutions by international institutions. Aliens Circular B10/7.2 Expulsion For the applicable regulations related to the expulsion of EU/EEA citizens and Swiss citizens reference is made to A4/3. A4/3 Time limits for departure A4/1 Departure and expulsion : Introduction Chapter 6 of the Vw contains rules regarding the obligation to leave the country and the expulsion of aliens. These rules are also applicable to EU/EEA and Swiss nationals, as well as to their family members, in the meaning of article 8.7, second and third paragraph, Vb and to aliens in the meaning of article 8.7, fourth paragraph Vb, who do not rightfully reside in the

The Council of State noted that given the fundamental character of the weighing referred to in Article 28.1 of the Directive, a mere referral to general provisions of GALA does not suffice. It adviced the government to explicitly transpose the considerations to be taken into account in Article 8.22 AD 2000. This advice was not followed. All the sections of the AC in B10/ 7.2 and more in particular in A4/3 and A4/6 are dealing with expulsion are of a pure technical nature. No questions related to taking decisions on the measure of expulsion as such are described. Section A4/1 describes matters of due time within which somebody has to leave or shall be expelled. Section A4/6.1 informs the reader that the Minister has the competence to expell someone but it is not obligation laid upon him. The alien always has the right of appeal. [Aricle 31(1)] In section A4/6.2 entitled : « No expulsion not withstanding the obligation to leave the country » states in so may words that a EU-/EER os Swiss citizen will not be expelled in case he/she asked within due time for a provisional relief

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geen rechtmatig verblijf (meer) hebben. A4/6.1. Algemene uitgangspunten Uitzetting is een bevoegdheid en geen verplichting van de Minister. De titel tot uitzetting is van rechtswege het gevolg van het niet verlenen, niet verlengen of intrekken van de vergunning, het eindigen van het rechtmatig verblijf, of het niet rechtmatige verblijf. In de artikelen 27, 45 en 63 Vw is opgenomen dat de vreemdeling kan worden uitgezet indien hij Nederland niet uit eigen beweging verlaat binnen de daartoe gestelde termijn. De rechter kan op het moment van het doen van zijn uitspraak beoordelen of er beletselen bestaan tegen uitzetting. Als de rechter de beschikking in stand laat, is met die uitspraak bevestigd dat de vreemdeling Nederland dient te verlaten. A4/ 6.2. Geen uitzetting ondanks de vertrekplicht ....................... Onderdanen EU/EER en onderdanen van Zwitserland De uitzetting van een onderdaan van de EU/EER of van Zwitserland, die na beëindiging van het verblijf om redenen van openbare orde, openbare veiligheid of gezondheid, tijdig

Netherlands (anymore). A4/6.1 General Principles Expulsion is a competence, not an obligation of the Minister. The order of expulsion is, according to law, the consequence of not according, not prolonging or of withdrawal of the residency permit, of the termination of a lawful residence or the consequence of an unlawful residence. Articles 27, 45 and 63 Vw provide for the possibility to expel the alien in case s/he does not leave the Netherlands on his/her own initiative within the set time limits. The judge may evaluate at the moment of the judgment whether there are reasons to impede the expulsion. If the judge does not annul the expulsion disposition/order, the judgment represents confirmation of the obligation for the alien to leave the territory of the Netherlands. A4/6.2 No expulsion not withstanding the obligation to leave the country ……. Nationals of the EU/EEA and nationals of Switzerland The expulsion of a national of the EU/EEA or of Switzerland, who, after the termination of his/her residence for reasons of public order, public safety or health, has applied for a preliminary injunction on time,

[Article 31(2)]. On the basis of Article 8, para 24 of the Aliens Act exeptions on this rule are possible under the following circumstances :

1. the expulsion decision has already been taken in accordance with Article 4 :6 of the General Administratie Law Act, Awb [Article 31(2) first indent]

2. the ministerial decision has already been judged on by the court or the provisional judge Article 31(2) second indent]

3. the expulsion decision has been taken on compelling grounds of public security.[Article 31(2) third indent]

What could be concluded here is that the AC deals only with technical aspects of the execution of an expulsion measure and provides the daily practioner with some general information on thedecision making and legal backgrounds thereof. The legal texts quoted are not directly related to the subject matter of the provisions of the Directive scrunitised here. But they are nevertheless included because it was demanded that attention is paid to the AC, in spite of the fact that it is no transposing legislation. Also, they are relevant for Article 31, where the provisions are not repeated.

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een voorlopige voorziening heeft ingediend blijft achterwege. Hierop zijn de volgende uitzonderingen mogelijk (zie artikel 8.24, eerste lid, Vb): indien het besluit met toepassing van artikel 4:6 Awb is genomen; indien het besluit reeds door de rechtbank of voorzieningenrechter is beoordeeld indien het besluit is gebaseerd op dwingende redenen van openbare veiligheid

shall be deferred. The following exceptions are possible (see Article 8.24 para 1 AD): a. is made under Article 4:6 of the General Administrative Law Act; b. has already been the subject of review by the court or the judge in interlocutory proceedings; or c. is based on compelling reasons of public security.

Art.28.2 2. The host Member State may not take an expulsion decision against Union citizens or their family members, irrespective of nationality, who have the right of permanent residence on its territory, except on serious grounds of public policy or public security.

Article 8.18(b) AD 2000 Article 8.18(b) AD 2000 Duurzaam verblijfsrecht kan slechts worden beëindigd: (…) b. indien ernstige redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid daartoe nopen.

Article 8.18(b) AD 2000 A Permanent right of residence may be terminated only:: (…) b. if necessary for serious reasons of public policy or public security.

Y Effective transposition

Art. 28.3

3. An expulsion decision may not be taken against Union citizens, except if the decision is based on imperative grounds of public security, as defined by Member States, if they: (a) have resided in the host Member State for the previous 10 years; or

Article 8.22 para 3(a) AD 2000 Article 8.22 para 3(a) AD 2000 Tenzij dwingende redenen van openbare veiligheid daartoe nopen, wordt het rechtmatig verblijf niet beëindigd, indien de vreemdeling: a. in de voorafgaande tien jaar in Nederland heeft gewoond;

Article 8.22 para 3(a) AD 2000 Unless imperative reasons of public security require, lawful residence shall not be ended if the foreign national: (a) has lived in the Netherlands during the preceding ten years;

Y Effective transposition

(b) are a minor, except if the expulsion is necessary for the best interests of the child, as provided for in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989.

Article 8.22 para 3(b) AD 2000 Article 8.22 para 3(b) AD 2000 b. minderjarig is, tenzij verwijdering noodzakelijk is in het belang van het kind.

Article 8.22 para 3(b) AD 2000 b. is a minor, unless expulsion is necessary in the interests of the child.


Effetive transposition The Dutch decree only mentions the exception of best interests of the child but fails to refer to the qualification about the UN Convention on the Rights, to which the Netherlands is a party (though this does not seem relevant where this Directive prescribes following the qualifications of the Convention,

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

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and the Netherlands needs to interpret its law in line with the Directive; and because the Netherlands as a party to the Convention is also obliged to ensure that its provisions are effectuated).

Article 29. Public health Art. 29.1

1. The only diseases justifying measures restricting freedom of movement shall be the diseases with epidemic potential as defined by the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation and other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases if they are the subject of protection provisions applying to nationals of the host Member State.

Article 8.23 para 1 AD 2000 Article 8.23 para 1 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan het rechtmatig verblijf op grond van de volksgezondheid ontzeggen of beëindigen in het geval van potentieel epidemische ziekten als gedefinieerd in de relevante instrumenten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie dan wel in geval van andere infectieziekten of besmettelijke parasitaire ziekten, ten aanzien waarvan in Nederland beschermende regelingen ten aanzien van Nederlanders worden getroffen. Artikel 4.46 AD 2000 1. De vreemdeling die naar Nederland is gekomen voor een verblijf van langer dan drie maanden, werkt op grond van artikel 54, eerste lid, onderdeel d, van de Wet mee aan een onderzoek naar tuberculose. 2. Het eerste lid geldt niet voor onderdanen van een staat die partij is bij de Europese Gemeenschap, onderdanen van een staat die partij is bij de Overeenkomst betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte, (…) en Zwitserland. Het eerste lid is evenmin van

Article 8.23 para 1 AD 2000 Our Minister may refuse or terminate lawful residence on the grounds of public health in the event of potential epidemic diseases as defined in the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation or in the case of other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases in respect of which protective measures are being taken in the Netherlands in respect of Dutch nationals. Article 4.46 AD 2000 1. The alien who came to the Netherlands for a stay of more than 3 months, is to cooperate on the basis of Article 54, para 1, sub d, to a test for tuberculosis. 2. Paragraph 1 is not applicable to citizens of a state that is a party to the European Community, citizens of a state that is a party to the EEA, (…), and Switzerland. Paragraph 1 is not applicable either to family members as referred to in Article 8.7, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, who before their arrival in the

Y Effective transposition There exists an obligation to take a tuberculosis test for aliens wanting to stay in the Netherlands for over 3 months, but in principle an exception applies for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and their family members. The exception only applies if the family member with a non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationality have already obtained lawful residence in another State that is party to the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area or in Switzerland and who are moving from that State or Switzerland to the Netherlands. If they come directly from a third country, they thus are obliged to take the test. As for the nationales of the Netherlands themselves, they are tested if a case of tuberculosis is found in their surroundings.

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toepassing op familieleden als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde en vierde lid, die voor hun komst naar Nederland reeds rechtmatig verblijf hebben verkregen in een andere staat die partij is bij het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap of de Overeenkomst betreffende de Europese Economische Ruimte dan wel Zwitserland en die zich vanuit die staat dan wel Zwitserland naar Nederland verplaatsen.

Netherlands have already obtained lawful residence in another State that is party to the Treaty establishing the European Community or the Agreement on the European Economic Area or in Switzerland and who are moving from that State or Switzerland to the Netherlands.

Art.29.2 2. Diseases occurring after a three-month period from the date of arrival shall not constitute grounds for expulsion from the territory.

Article 8.23 para 2 AD 2000 Article 8.23 para 2 AD 2000 Rechtmatig verblijf wordt niet op grond van de volksgezondheid beëindigd, indien de ziekte langer dan drie maanden na inreis van de vreemdeling is opgetreden.

Article 8.23 para 2 AD 2000 Legal residence may not be ended on grounds of public health if the disease manifests itself more than three months after the foreign national enters the Netherlands.

Y Effective transposition

Art.29.3 3. Where there are serious indications that it is necessary, Member States may, within three months of the date of arrival, require persons entitled to the right of residence to undergo, free of charge, a medical examination to certify that they are not suffering from any of the conditions referred to in paragraph 1. Such medical examinations may not be required as a matter of routine.

Article 8.23 para 3 AD 2000 Article A6/2.2.2. Aliens Circular 2000

Article 8.23 para 3 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan de vreemdeling binnen drie maanden na inreis onderwerpen aan een kosteloos medisch onderzoek indien ernstige aanwijzingen daartoe aanleiding geven. Aliens Circular A6/2.2.2. Onderdanen van de EU, de EER en Zwitserland (en familieleden) De gunstiger regels in verband met toegang voor onderdanen van de EU, EER en Zwitsersland, alsmede hun familieleden, zijn in de Vw en het Vb verwerkt.

Article 8.23 para 3 AD 2000 Our Minister may require the foreign national to undergo a medical examination free of charge within three months of entry if serious indications give reason for such an examination. Aliens Circular A6/2.2.2 Nationals of the EU, the EEA and Switzerland (and family members) The more favourable rules related to the entry of nationals of the EU, EEA and Switzerland, and their family members, have been laid down in the Aliens Act

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The provision has been transposed correctly, only the last sentence was not transposed (not to be required as a matter of routine). The text of the directive that was transposed literally (“where there are serious indications that it is necessary”) in itself already stand in the way of routine investigations. The AC 2000 also does not provide that enquiries cannot be made as a matter of routine. Section A6/ of the AC does deal with specific entry rules and the

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Verwezen wordt naar hoofdstuk 8, Afdeling 2, paragraaf 2 Vb. In het kader van toegang en de eerste periode van het rechtmatig verblijf zijn de artikelen 8.7 tot en met 8.11 Vb het meest relevant. Artikel 8.7 Vb geeft aan welke vreemdelingen onder welke omstandigheden onder de toepassing van het Gemeenschapsrecht inzake vrij verkeer vallen. Voor een nadere uitwerking van (de bepalingen die gelden voor) de categorieën vermeld in artikel 8.7 Vb wordt verwezen naar B10. …….. Ingevolge artikel 8.8, eerste lid, Vb kan aan onderdanen van de EU, de EER en Zwitserland, alsmede de familieleden als bedoeld in artikel 8.7, tweede, derde en vierde lid, Vb, die beschikken over een geldig document voor grensoverschrijding de toegang slechts worden geweigerd: ..... b. in het geval van potentieel epidemische ziekten zoals gedefinieerd in de relevante instrumenten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie dan wel andere infectieziekten of

and the Aliens Decree. Reference is made to Chapter 8, section 2, para 2 Aliens Decree. Within the scope of entry and the first period of lawful residence, Articles 8.7 to 8.11 Aliens Decree are the most relevant. Article 8.7 Aliens Decree indicates which aliens under what circumstances fall within the scope of the free movement of Community law. For a more detailed elaboration of the categories mentioned in Article 8.7 Aliens Decree, reference is made to B10. ……….. According to Article 8.8 para 1 Aliens Decree, nationals of the EU, the EEA and Switzerland, and their family members as meant in Article 8.7 para 2,3 and 4 Aliens Decree, who have a valid document for passing a border, can only be denied access: ……. b. In the event of potential epidemic diseases as defined in the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation or in the case of other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic

instructions related to those rules for border control and for categories of persons. EU-/EER and Swiss persons are dealt with as such a specific category in section A6/2/2/2. Entry can be denied for (among others) in case of an epidemic disease as defined by the relevant instruments of the WHO or in case of other infectious parasitical diseases. Nothing is said about verifying the existence of such a disease. No references are made to medical examinations. This could be expected to be a typical element to be looked after in a manual. Section B10/7.1. of the AC, entitled: “termination of residence” has been quoted already in the context of our comments on the implementation of Article 27, para 1 (second sentence) of the Directive. This text of the AC is relevant for this Article 29, para 3 as well. Quite remarkable no remarks on medical examinations are made here at all. So in this instance it looks as if the legal texts are more complete and accurate than the otherwise detailed texts of the AC. For the tuberculose test obligation, see above under Article 29.1 Directive.

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besmettelijke parasitaire ziekten, ten aanzien waarvan in Nederland beschermende regelingen ten aanzien van Nederlanders worden getroffen; Ad b. Het gaat hier enkel om potentieel epidemische ziekten zoals gedefinieerd in de relevante instrumenten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie, en andere infectieziekten of besmettelijke parasitaire ziekten, voorzover in Nederland beschermende regelingen zijn getroffen ten aanzien van de eigen onderdanen. Daarbij kan, naast de in gezondheidswetgeving gebruikelijke ziekten als pest, cholera en gele koorts, ook worden gedacht aan nieuwere ziekten als Sars. Verwezen wordt artikel 2, onderdeel a, Infectieziektenwet. B10/7.1 Verblijfsbeeindiging Het verblijfsrecht van een burger van de Unie en zijn familieleden, ongeacht hun nationaliteit kan worden ontzegd of worden beëindigd om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid indien het persoonlijk gedrag van de vreemdeling een actuele, werkelijke en ernstige bedreiging voor een fundamenteel belang van de samenleving vormt (zie artikel 8.22 Vb en B10/7.1.1).

diseases in respect of which protective measures are being taken in the Netherlands in respect of Dutch nationals; Ad b. Only potential epidemic diseases as defined in the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation hare concerned, and other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases in respect of which protective measures are being taken in the Netherlands in respect of Dutch nationals. Besides customary diseases of the health legislation, such as pest, cholera and yellow fever, more recent diseases such as SARS can be thought of. Reference is made to Article 2 sub a of the Infectious Disease Act. B10/7.1. Termination of residence The right of residence of a citizen of the Union and his family members, irrespective of their nationality can be denied or terminated for reasons of public order or public security when the personal conduct of the alien presents an actual, genuine and sufficiently serious threat for a fundamental interest of society (see Article 8.22 Aliens Decree and B10/7.1.1 AC).

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Het verblijfsrecht van een burger van de Unie en zijn familieleden, ongeacht hun nationaliteit, kan worden ontzegd of worden beëindigd om redenen van volksgezondheid in het geval van potentieel epidemische ziekten als gedefinieerd in de relevante instrumenten van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie dan wel in geval van andere infectieziekten of besmettelijke parasitaire ziekten, ten aanzien waarvan in Nederland beschermende regelingen ten aanzien van Nederlanders worden genomen (zie artikel 8.23 Vb). Hierbij kan, naast de in de gezondheidswetgeving gebruikelijke ziekten als pest, cholera en gele koorts worden gedacht aan een ziekte als Sars (zie artikel 2, onderdeel a, Infectieziektenwet). Het rechtmatig verblijf wordt niet om redenen van volksgezondheid beëindigd indien de ziekte later dan drie maanden na inreis is opgetreden (zie artikel 8.23, tweede lid, Vb). Het rechtmatig verblijf kan voorts worden beëindigd indien de vreemdeling onjuiste gegevens heeft verstrekt, dan wel gegevens heeft achtergehouden, terwijl die gegevens zouden hebben geleid tot weigering van toegang of

The right of residence of a citizen of the Union and his family members, irrespective of their nationality, can be denied or terminated for reasons of public health in the event of potential epidemic diseases as defined in the relevant instruments of the World Health Organisation, and other infectious diseases or contagious parasitic diseases in respect of which protective measures are being taken in the Netherlands in respect of Dutch nationals (see Article 8.23 Aliens Decree). Besides customary diseases of the health legislation, such as pest, cholera and yellow fever, more recent diseases such as SARS can be thought of (See Article 2 sub a of the Infectious Disease Act). Lawful residence will not be terminated for reasons of public health if the disease occurs after three months after entry (see Article 8.23 sub 2 Aliens Decree). Lawful residence can furthermore be terminated if the alien provided false information or withheld information that would have lead to a refusal of entry or stay (see Article 8.25 Aliens Decree). Measures can be

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verblijf (zie artikel 8.25 Vb). Het gaat hier om maatregelen die getroffen kunnen worden tegen misbruik van recht of fraude, zoals schijnhuwelijk. Deze maatregelen moeten evenredig zijn (zie artikel 3:4 Awb). Toepassing van artikel 8.25 Vb leidt tot een beschikking waartegen rechtsmiddelen mogelijk zijn.

taken against abuse of rights or fraud, such as marriages of convenience. Any such measure shall be proportionate (see Article 3 :4 General Administrative Law Act). Application of Article 8.25 Aliens Decree forms a decision against which legal remedies are open.

Article 30. Notification of decisions Art.30.1 1. The persons concerned shall be

notified in writing of any decision taken under Article 27(1), in such a way that they are able to comprehend its content and the implications for them.

Article 1:3 and 3:41 General Administrative Law Act (Awb)

Artikel 1:3 Awb 1. Onder besluit wordt verstaan: een schriftelijke beslissing van een bestuursorgaan, inhoudende een publiekrechtelijke rechtshandeling. 2. Onder beschikking wordt verstaan: een besluit dat niet van algemene strekking is, met inbegrip van de afwijzing van een aanvraag daarvan. 3. Onder aanvraag wordt verstaan: een verzoek van een belanghebbende, een besluit te nemen. 4. Onder beleidsregel wordt verstaan: een bij besluit vastgestelde algemene regel, niet zijnde een algemeen verbindend voorschrift, omtrent de afweging van belangen, de vaststelling van feiten of de uitleg van wettelijke voorschriften bij het gebruik van een bevoegdheid van een bestuursorgaan. Artikel 3:41 Awb 1. De bekendmaking van besluiten die tot een of meer

Article 1:3 Awb 1. 'Order' means a written decision of an administrative authority constituting a public law act. 2. 'Administrative decision' means an order which is not of a general nature, including rejection of an application for such an order. 3. 'Application' means a request by an interested party for an order. 4. ‘Policy rule’ means an order, not being a generally binding regulation, which lays down a general rule for weighing interests, determining facts or interpreting statutory regulations in the exercise of a power of an administrative authority. Article 3:41 Awb 1. Orders which are addressed to one or more interested parties

N, Incomplet


Incomplete transposition The decision of the Minister is a decision of an administrative authority constituting a public act because it has legal consequences for those whose freedom of movement and residence are to be restricted. It is not literally stated that the decision needs to be in writing, but from the fact that such a decision in principle can be contested in Dutch court ex section 8.24 AD 2000 it shows that the decision needs to be in writing. No specific provision has been taken regarding the “comprehension of its content”. Therefore it is to be considered as an incomplete implementation of the Directive.

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belanghebbenden zijn gericht, ge- schiedt door toezending of uitreiking aan hen, onder wie begrepen de aanvrager. 2. Indien de bekendmaking van het besluit niet kan geschieden op de wijze als voorzien in het eerste lid, geschiedt zij op een andere geschikte wijze.

shall be notified by being sent or issued to these, including the applicant. 2. If an order cannot be notified in the manner provided in para 1, it shall be notified in any other suitable way.

Art.30.2 2. The persons concerned shall be informed, precisely and in full, of the public policy, public security or public health grounds on which the decision taken in their case is based, unless this is contrary to the interests of State security.

Article 3:47 General Administrative Law Act (Awb)

Artikel 3:47 Awb 1. De motivering wordt vermeld bij de bekendmaking van het besluit. 2. Daarbij wordt zo mogelijk vermeld krachtens welk wettelijk voorschrift het besluit wordt genomen. 3. Indien de motivering in verband met de vereiste spoed niet aanstonds bij de bekendmaking van het besluit kan worden vermeld, verstrekt het bestuursorgaan deze binnen een week na de bekendmaking. 4. In dat geval zijn de artikelen 3:41 tot en met 3:43 van overeenkomstige toepassing.

Article 3:47 Aw 1. The reasons shall be stated when the order is notified. 2. If possible, the statutory regulation on which the order is based shall be stated at that same time. 3. If, in the interests of speed, the reasons cannot be stated immediately when the order is published, the administrative authority shall give communication of them as soon as possible thereafter. 4. In such a case, articles 3:41 to 3:43 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Y Effective transposition Dutch administrative law obliges authorities to state reasons. The General Administrative Act forms a codification of principles of administrative law developed over time on Dutch jurisprudence From that jurisprudence it follows that stating reasons needs to be precise and full, in order for the persons concerned to understand why a specific decision was adopted.

Art.30.3 3. The notification shall specify the court or administrative authority with which the person concerned may lodge an appeal, the time limit for the appeal and, where applicable, the time allowed for the person to leave the territory of the Member State. Save in duly substantiated cases of urgency, the time allowed to leave the territory shall be not less than one month from the date of notification.

Article 1:3 and 3:45 General Administrative Law Act; Article 27 and 62 para 1 AA 2000;

Artikel 1:3 Awb 1. Onder besluit wordt verstaan: een schriftelijke beslissing van een bestuursorgaan, inhoudende een publiekrechtelijke rechtshandeling. 2. Onder beschikking wordt verstaan: een besluit dat niet van algemene strekking is, met inbegrip van de afwijzing van een aanvraag daarvan. 3. Onder aanvraag wordt verstaan: een verzoek van een belanghebbende, een besluit te

Article 1:3 Awb 1. 'Order' means a written decision of an administrative authority constituting a Public law act. 2. 'Administrative decision' means an order which is not of a general nature, including rejection of an application for such an order. 3. 'Application' means a request by an interested party for an order. 4. ‘Policy rule’ means an order,

N, Incorrect

Incorrect transposition Minor. The time limit to leave the country is set at “within 4 weeks” whereas the Directive prescribes “not less than one month from the date of notification”. Art. 45 of the Aliens Circular states that the consequences of a decision whereby an application for the issue of residence permit for a fixed period as referred to in section 28 or a residence permit for an indefinite

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nemen. 4. Onder beleidsregel wordt verstaan: een bij besluit vastgestelde algemene regel, niet zijnde een algemeen verbindend voorschrift, omtrent de afweging van belangen, de vaststelling van feiten of de uitleg van wettelijke voorschriften bij het gebruik van een bevoegdheid van een bestuursorgaan. Artikel 3:45 Awb 1. Indien tegen een besluit bezwaar kan worden gemaakt of beroep kan worden ingesteld, wordt daarvan bij de bekendmaking en bij de mededeling van het besluit melding gemaakt. 2. Hierbij wordt vermeld door wie, binnen welke termijn en bij welk orgaan bezwaar kan worden gemaakt of beroep kan worden ingesteld. Article 27 AA 2000 1.De beschikking waarbij een aanvraag tot het verlenen van een verblijfsvergunning voor bepaalde tijd als bedoeld in artikel 14 of een verblijfsvergunning voor onbepaalde tijd als bedoeld in artikel 20 wordt afgewezen, heeft van rechtswege tot gevolg dat: a. de vreemdeling niet langer rechtmatig verblijf heeft tenzij er een andere rechtsgrond voor rechtmatig verblijf van toepassing is; b. de vreemdeling Nederland uit

not being a generally binding regulation, which lays down a general rule for weighing interests, determining facts or interpreting statutory regulations in the exercise of a power of an administrative authority. Article 3:45 Awb 1. If an objection may be made or an appeal may be lodged against an order, this shall be stated when notifying and giving communication of the order. 2. At the same time it shall be stated by whom, within what time limit and with which authority an objection may be made or an appeal may be lodged. Article 27 AA 2000 1. The consequences of a decision rejecting an application for the issue of residence permit for a fixed period as referred to in section 14 or a residence permit for an indefinite period as referred to in section 20 shall, by operation of law, be that: (a) the alien is no longer lawfully resident, unless another legal ground for lawful residence exists; (b) the alien should leave the Netherlands of his own volition

period as referred to in section 33 is rejected shall, by operation of law, be that: (a) the alien is no longer lawfully resident, unless another legal ground for lawful residence as referred to in section 8 exists. In the latter section, legal residence is said to exist for EU citizens (which includes non-EU family members); Art. 62 sets the period to leave the country at four weeks after the lawful residence has ended. The decision is an administrative decision in the sense of the General Administrative Act. It can be contested in court ex section 8.24 AD 2000; this needs to be stated when notifying and giving communication of the decision (section 3:45 para 1 Awb). At the same time it shall be stated by whom, within what time limit and with which authority an objection may be made or an appeal may be lodged (section 3:45 para 2 Awb). As for the time allowed to leave the territory, Dutch law provides for the same time limit as the Directive, namely 4 weeks (section 62 para 1 AA 2000). An exception is forseen for emergency in section 62 para 4, namely a) in the interest of the expulsion or b) in the interest of public order or national security.

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eigen beweging dient te verlaten binnen de in artikel 62 gestelde termijn, bij gebreke waarvan de vreemdeling kan worden uitgezet, en c. de ambtenaren belast met het toezicht op vreemdelingen, na ommekomst van de termijn waarbinnen de vreemdeling Nederland uit eigen beweging dient te verlaten, bevoegd zijn elke plaats te betreden, daaronder begrepen een woning, zonder de toestemming van de bewoner, teneinde de vreemdeling uit te zetten. 2. Het eerste lid is van overeenkomstige toepassing indien: a. ingevolge artikel 24 of ingevolge artikel 4:5 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht is besloten dat de aanvraag niet in behandeling wordt genomen; b. het rechtmatig verblijf van rechtswege is geëindigd; c. een verblijfsvergunning is ingetrokken of de geldigheidsduur ervan niet is verlengd. 3. De gevolgen, bedoeld in het eerste lid, treden niet in indien de vreemdeling bezwaar of beroep heeft ingesteld en de werking van de beschikking is opgeschort. Article 62 para 1 AA 2000 Nadat het rechtmatig verblijf van de vreemdeling is geëindigd, dient hij Nederland uit eigen beweging binnen vier weken te verlaten.

within the time limit prescribed in section 62, failing which the alien may be expelled, and (c) the aliens supervision officers are authorised, after the expiry of the time limit within which the alien must leave the Netherlands of his own volition, to enter every place, including a dwelling, without the consent of the occupant, in order to expel the alien. 2. Subsection 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis if: (a) it has been decided under section 24 or under section 4:5 of the General Administrative Law Act that the application will not be processed; (b) the lawful residence has ended by operation of law; (c) a residence permit has been cancelled or not renewed. 3. The consequences referred to in subsection 1 shall not take effect if the alien has lodged a notice of objection or application for review and the operation of the decision has been suspended. Article 62 para 1 AA 2000 After the lawful residence of an alien has ended, he should leave the Netherlands of his own volition within four weeks.

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Article 31. Procedural safeguards Art.31.1 1. The persons concerned shall have

access to judicial and, where appropriate, administrative redress procedures in the host Member State to appeal against or seek review of any decision taken against them on the grounds of public policy, public security or public health.

Chapter 7 AA 2000, notably article 71 para 1; Chapters 6, 7, 8 General Administrative Law Act

Article 71 AA 2000 1. In afwijking van artikel 8:7 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht, is voor beroep tegen besluiten, gegeven op grond van deze wet de rechtsbank te ‘s-Gravenhage bevoegd.

Section 71 AA 2000 1. Notwithstanding section 8:7 of the General Administrative Law Act the district Court of The Hague shall be competent to hear applications for judicial review of decisions given on the basis of this Act.

Y Effective transposition Decisions are administrative decisions that are open for administrative review along the general rules laid down in the Awb (GALA) and taking into account the specific rules (exceptions) in specific acts, such as the AA 2000.

Art.31.2 2. Where the application for appeal against or judicial review of the expulsion decision is accompanied by an application for an interim order to suspend enforcement of that decision, actual removal from the territory may not take place until such time as the decision on the interim order has been taken, except: — where the expulsion decision is based on a previous judicial decision; or — where the persons concerned have had previous access to judicial review; or — where the expulsion decision is based on imperative grounds of public security under Article 28(3).

Article 8.24 para 1 AD 2000

Article 8.24 para 1 AD 2000 De uitzetting van de vreemdeling, ten aanzien van wie het rechtmatig verblijf om redenen van openbare orde, openbare veiligheid of volksgezondheid is geweigerd of beëindigd, blijft, indien de vreemdeling de voorzieningenrechter heeft verzocht een voorlopige voorziening te treffen, achterwege tot op dat verzoek is beslist, tenzij het besluit: a. met toepassing van artikel 4:6 van de Algemene wet bestuursrecht is genomen; b. reeds door de rechtbank of de voorzieningenrechter is beoordeeld; of c. gebaseerd is op dwingende redenen van openbare veiligheid.

Article 8.24 para 1 AD 2000 The expulsion of a foreign national whose lawful residence has been refused or terminated for reasons of public policy, public security or public health shall, if the foreign national has applied to the judge in interlocutory proceedings for a preliminary injunction, be deferred until a decision has been reached on this request, unless the decision: a. is made under Article 4:6 of the General Administrative Law Act; b. has already been the subject of review by the court or the judge in interlocutory proceedings; or c. is based on compelling reasons of public security.

Y Effective transposition. The Dutch transposition closely follows the text of the Directive and allows foreign nationals who have applied to the judge in interlocutory proceedings for a preliminary injunction to stay in the Netherlands until a decision has been reached, except in those cases mentioned in the Directive. See for the explanation in the Aliens circular above at Article 28(1) of the Directive.

Art.31.3 3. The redress procedures shall allow for an examination of the legality of the decision, as well as of the facts and circumstances on which the proposed measure is based. They shall ensure that the decision is not disproportionate, particularly in view of the requirements laid down in Article 28.

Article 3:4 and 8:69 General Administrative Law Act

Artikel 3:4 Awb 1. Het bestuursorgaan weegt de rechtstreeks bij het besluit betrokken belangen af, voor zover niet uit een wettelijk voorschrift of uit de aard van de uit te oefenen bevoegdheid een beperking voortvloeit.

Article 3:4 Awb Article 3:4 General Administrative Law Act 1. When making an order the administrative authority shall weigh the interests directly involved in so far as no limitation on this duty derives from a statutory regulation or the nature of the power being

Y Effective transposition. The administrative decision needs to be proportionate (article 3:4 Awb); under Dutch administrative law, a judge is entitled to investigate whether the decision is legal, which includes investigating whether based on the facts and circumstances of the case it is proportionate.

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2. De voor een of meer belanghebbenden nadelige gevolgen van een besluit mogen niet onevenredig zijn in verhouding tot de met het besluit te dienen doelen. Artikel 8:69 Awb 1. De rechtbank doet uitspraak op de grondslag van het beroepschrift, de overgelegde stukken, het verhandelde tijdens het vooronderzoek en het onderzoek ter zitting. 2. De rechtbank vult ambtshalve de rechtsgronden aan. 3. De rechtbank kan ambtshalve de feiten aanvullen.

exercised. 2. The adverse consequences of an order for one or more interested parties may not be disproportionate to the purposes to be served by the order. Article 8:69 Awb 1. The district court shall give judgment on the basis of the notice of appeal, the documents submitted, the proceedings during the preliminary inquiry and the hearing. 2. The district court shall supplement the legal basis on its own initiative. 3. The district court may supplement the facts on its own initiative.

Art.31.4 4. Member States may exclude the individual concerned from their territory pending the redress procedure, but they may not prevent the individual from submitting his/her defence in person, except when his/ her appearance may cause serious troubles to public policy or public security or when the appeal or judicial review concerns a denial of entry to the territory.

Article 8.24 para 2 AD 2000 Article 8.24 para 2 AD 2000 De toegang van de vreemdeling die voor de behandeling van een bezwaarschrift, beroepschrift, dan wel een verzoek om een voorlopige voorziening, gericht tegen beëindiging van het rechtmatig verblijf, geen gemachtigde heeft gesteld, wordt niet geweigerd, tenzij: a. zijn aanwezigheid de openbare orde of de openbare veiligheid ernstig zal verstoren; of b. het bezwaar of beroep is gericht tegen de weigering van toegang.

Article 8.24 para 2 AD 2000 An alien who did not submit a legal representative to represent him where the redress procedure is concerned cannot be excluded, except: a. when his appearance may cause serious troubles to public policy or public security; or b. when the appeal or judicial review concerns a denial of entry to the territory.

Y Effective transposition

Article 32. Duration of exclusion orders Art.32.1

1. Persons excluded on grounds of public policy or public security may submit an

Article 6.6 para 3 (arguments),

Article 6.6 para 3 De gegevens, bedoeld in artikel 4:2, tweede lid, van de Algemene

Article 6.6 (arguments), The details, referred to in article 4:2 para 2 Awb that the

Y Effective transposition. General administrative law demands

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



application for lifting of the exclusion order after a reasonable period, depending on the circumstances, and in any event after three years from enforcement of the final exclusion order which has been validly adopted in accordance with Community law, by putting forward arguments to establish that there has been a material change in the circumstances which justified the decision ordering their exclusion.

Article 8.22 para 4 (reasonable period or three years) AD 2000

wet bestuursrecht, die de vreemdeling verstrekt zijn in ieder geval: a. een schriftelijke verklaring van de vreemdeling dat hij sinds zijn vertrek uit Nederland na de ongewenstverklaring tien, onderscheidenlijk vijf achtereenvolgende jaren of één jaar buiten Nederland heeft verbleven en dat hij zich in die periode niet schuldig heeft gemaakt aan misdrijven en dat hij niet aan strafvervolging onderworpen is; b. een kopie van de documenten voor grensoverschrijding die de vreemdeling sinds zijn ongewenstverklaring heeft gehouden; c. een overzicht van de plaatsen waar de vreemdeling sinds zijn ongewenstverklaring heeft verbleven, voorzien van bewijsstukken, en d. een schriftelijke verklaring, afgegeven door de terzake bevoegde autoriteiten van het land of de landen waar de vreemdeling sinds zijn ongewenstverklaring heeft verbleven, dat de vreemdeling zich tijdens dat verblijf niet schuldig heeft gemaakt aan misdrijven en niet aan strafvervolging onderworpen is. Article 8.22 para 4 (reasonable period or three years) AD 2000 De aanvraag tot opheffing van de ongewenstverklaring kan slechts

applicant submits encompass at least: a. a written declaration that the alien since he left the Netherlands after the expulsion spend ten, five or one year outside the Netherlands and that he did not commit any crimes and no penal prosecution took place against him; b. a copy of the documents for border crossing that the alien has kept since his expulsion; c. an overview of the places where the alien has stayed since his expulsion, with evidence, and d. a written declaration, issued by the responsible authorities of the country or the countries where the alien stayed since his expulsion, showing that the alien did not commit any crimes and no penal prosecution took place against him. Article 8.22 para 4 (reasonable period or three years) AD 2000 The request to lift the order declaring a person an

that when one applies for an administrative decision, sufficient documentation is provided, Besides these general rules, specific details to be submitted encompass a declaration that the alien did not commit any crimes and no penal prosecution took place against him. These conditions can establish that there has been a material change in the circumstances which justified the decision ordering their exclusion; other arguments can also be brought forward to show that this is the case (“shall encompass at least” means that other arguments can be brought forward). Article 8.22 para 4 AD 2000 provides that the request to lift the order declaring a person an undesirable alien may be made after a reasonable period of time has lapsed since the expulsion for reasons of public policy or public security or if this expulsion was made at least three years prior to the request.

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



worden gedaan nadat sinds de verwijdering om redenen van openbare orde of openbare veiligheid een redelijke termijn is verstreken of indien die verwijdering tenminste drie jaren voorafgaand aan de aanvraag heeft plaatsgevonden.

undesirable alien may be made only after a reasonable period of time has lapsed since the expulsion for reasons of public policy or public security or if this expulsion was made at least three years prior to the request.

The Member State concerned shall reach a decision on this application within six months of its submission.

Article 8.22 para 5 AD 2000 Article 8.22 para 5 AD 2000 Binnen zes maanden wordt een beschikking gegeven op de in het vierde lid bedoelde aanvraag.

Article 8.22 para 5 AD 2000 A decision on the request stated in paragraph 4 shall be given within six months.

Y Literal transposition

Art.32.2 2. The persons referred to in paragraph 1 shall have no right of entry to the territory of the Member State concerned while their application is being considered.

NT Not transposed. Persons cannot always enter (e.g. expulsion order).

Article 33. Expulsion as a penalty or legal consequence Art.33.1 1. Expulsion orders may not be issued by

the host Member State as a penalty or legal consequence of a custodial penalty, unless they conform to the requirements of Articles 27, 28 and 29.

Y Effective transposition This already follows from the system of principal penalties and additional penalties provided for in Article 9 of the Criminal Code. The concept “legal consequence of a custodial sentence” can be interpreted in different ways according to Dutch law. Note that the Criminal Code itself does not foresee expulsion orders; hence, expulsions can only be based on the provisions implementing Articles 27, 28 and 29 of the Directive.

Art.33.2 2. If an expulsion order, as provided for in paragraph 1, is enforced more than two years after it was issued, the Member State shall check that the individual concerned is currently and genuinely a threat to public policy or public security

Article 8.22 para 6 AD 2000 Article 8.22 para 6 AD 2000 Indien de verwijdering niet binnen twee jaren na (…) de beëindiging, bedoeld in het eerste lid, heeft plaatsgevonden, onderzoekt Onze Minister of de bedreiging, bedoeld

Article 8.22 para 6 AD 2000 If an expulsion, referred to in para 1, is not enforced within two years after it was issued (…), Our Minister shall check whether the threat, referred to in

Y Almost Literal transposition Expulsion referred to in paragraph 1 is an expulsion based on grounds of public policy, public security and public health

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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



and shall assess whether there has been any material change in the circumstances since the expulsion order was issued.

in het eerste lid, nog werkelijk en actueel is, waarbij Onze Minister sinds die ontzegging of beëindiging eventueel opgetreden wijzigingen in materiële zin in de omstandigheden beoordeelt.

para 1, is still currently a genuinely threat, taking into account whether there has been any material change in the circumstances since the expulsion order was issued or since the termination.

Article 34. Publicity Art.34 Member States shall disseminate

information concerning the rights and obligations of Union citizens and their family members on the subjects covered by this Directive, particularly by means of awareness-raising campaigns conducted through national and local media and other means of communication.

- At the website of the IND, some information is provided, although sometimes with mistakes.

Article 35. Abuse of rights Art.35 Member States may adopt the necessary

measures to refuse, terminate or withdraw any right conferred by this Directive in the case of abuse of rights or fraud, such as marriages of convenience. Any such measure shall be proportionate and subject to the procedural safeguards provided for in Articles 30 and 31.

Article 8.25 AD 2000 Article 8.25 AD 2000 Onze Minister kan het rechtmatige verblijf beëindigen, indien de vreemdeling onjuiste gegevens heeft verstrekt dan wel gegevens heeft achtergehouden terwijl die gegevens zouden hebben geleid tot weigering van toegang of verblijf.

Article 8.25 AD 2000 Our Minister may terminate the legal residence, if the alien provided false information or withheld information that would have lead to a refusal of entry or stay.

Y Effective transposition. This provision of the Directive was transposed in the general rule that the legal residence may be terminated if the alien provided false information or withheld information that would have lead to a refusal of entry or stay. This encompasses the possibility to act against marriages of convenience.

Article 36. Sanctions Art.36 Member States shall lay down provisions

on the sanctions applicable to breaches of national rules adopted for the implementation of this Directive and shall take the measures required for their application. The sanctions laid down shall be effective and proportionate. Member States shall notify the Commission of these provisions not later than 30 April 2006 and as promptly as possible in the case of any subsequent changes.

Article 108 AA 2000 Article 108 AA 2000 1. Overtreding van een voorschrift, vastgesteld bij of krachtens de artikelen 5, eerste en tweede lid, 46, tweede lid, aanhef, en onder b, alsmede handelen in strijd met artikel 56, eerste lid, dan wel handelen in strijd met een verplichting opgelegd bij of krachtens de artikelen 6, eerste lid, 54, 55, 57, eerste lid, 58, eerste lid, of 65, derde lid, wordt

Article 108 AA 2000 1. Any person who infringes a regulation laid down by or pursuant to article 5, para 1, article 46 para 2, opening words and sub (b), or who acts in contravention of article 56 para 1, or who fails to observe an obligation imposed by or pursuant to article 6 para 1, article 54, 55, 57 para 1, 58 para 1, or 65, para 3, shall be liable to

Y Effective transposition. The rule on sanctions with regard to infringements of the AA 2000 provides for relatively low punishments which in some cases are lower (para 5) where Community citizen are concerned (which include family members of EU citizens even if they have a different nationality, as follows from the definitions in section 1 of the AA 2000).

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Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

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gestraft met hechtenis van ten hoogste zes maanden of geldboete van de tweede categorie. 2. Overtreding van een voorschrift, vastgesteld bij of krachtens artikel 4, eerste en tweede lid, wordt gestraft met hechtenis van ten hoogste zes maanden of geldboete van de vierde categorie. 3. De in het eerste en tweede lid strafbaar gestelde feiten worden beschouwd als overtredingen.(…) 5. In afwijking van het eerste lid wordt handelen in strijd met een verplichting, opgelegd bij of krachtens artikel 54, eerste lid, onder b of e, gestraft met ten hoogste een hechtenis van een maand of een geldboete van de tweede categorie, indien het feit wordt begaan door een gemeenschapsonderdaan.

detention not exceeding six months or a category 2 fine. 2. The offences punishable under para 4 para 1 and 2 shall be liable to detention not exceeding six months or a category 4 fine. 3. The offences punishable under subsection 1 shall be deemed to be summary offences. (…) 5. Contrary to para 1 any person who infringes article 54 para 1 sub b or e or regulations based on these provisions, shall be liable to detention not exceeding one month or a category 2 fine, if the fact was committed by a Community citizen.

However, see comments on other parts of the Directive.

Article 37. More favourable national provisions Art.37 The provisions of this Directive shall not

affect any laws, regulations or administrative provisions laid down by a Member State which would be more favourable to the persons covered by this Directive.


Article 38. Repeals Art.38 1. Articles 10 and 11 of Regulation

(EEC) No 1612/68 shall be repealed with effect from 30 April 2006. 2. Directives 64/221/EEC, 68/360/EEC, 72/194/EEC, 73/148/EEC, 75/34/EEC, 75/35/EEC, 90/364/EEC, 90/365/EEC and 93/96/EEC shall be repealed with effect from 30 April 2006. 3. References made to the repealed provisions and Directives shall be


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Art Citation of the Article of the Directive Corresponding national provision (legal ref. & art.)

Complete text of national provision (in language of

Member State)

Translation into English of national provision

Fully in accord?



construed as being made to this Directive. Article 39. Report Art.39 No later than 30 April 2008 the

Commission shall submit a report on the application of this Directive to the European Parliament and the Council, together with any necessary proposals, notably on the opportunity to extend the period of time during which Union citizens and their family members may reside in the territory of the host Member State without any conditions. The Member States shall provide the Commission with the information needed to produce the report.

Article 40. Transposition Art.40 1. Member States shall bring into force

the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 30 April 2006.

- N, Incomplet


Most of the necessary amendments to the Dutch legislative instruments came into force on 29 April 2006, but some implementing provisions announced in the AD 2000, for instance where models were concerned, were not issued.

When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by the Member States.

- Y The preambles of the acts transposing the provisions of this Directive mention the Directive.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive together with a table showing how the provisions of this Directive correspond to the national provisions adopted.

- No acts were identified that have not been notified to the Commission

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Annex 7e to Aliens Regulation 2000