Download - Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Page 1: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: SEPTEMBER Enduring Understandings:

• Recognizing personal strengths is important for self-esteem and happiness.• It is important to make a good first impression when meeting people in a variety of situations.• Effective teamwork and leadership depend on several key components, such as: cooperation, communication, collaboration, and compromise.• Patterns of interpersonal communications can result in predictably positive or negative results.

Essential Questions: • What are my personal strengths?• Why is it important to make a good first impression?• How can I be an effective team member?• How can I communicate effectively with others?•

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the centralideas or conclusions of a text; summarizecomplex concepts, processes, orinformation presented in a text byparaphrasing them in simpler but stillaccurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely acomplex multistep procedure when carryingout experiments, taking measurements, orperforming technical tasks; analyze thespecific results based on explanations in thetext.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the textstructures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas. CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluatemultiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g. quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.

CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focusedon discipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise, knowledgeableclaim(s),

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.3.C Indicate the benefits and costs of working as an individual or as a team member and of being a leader or a follower. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.9.C Assess the effectiveness of the use of teamwork and leadership skills in accomplishing the work of the family. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.3.H Identify how to resolve conflict using interpersonal communications skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communications. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of

Course Introduction & Expectations

Self Discovery Personal, unique strengths & talents

First Impressions

Getting to Know your Classmates

Team Building • Communicatio

n• Listening Skills• Body Language• Leadership• Cooperation• Collaboration• Compromise

Identify personal strengths and talents. Define “self esteem”. List traits that make up a personality.

Justify the importance of making a good first impression. Identify situations when making a good impression is important.

Compare and contrast cultural differences that contribute to first impressions. Define empathy.

Identify the qualities of effective team members and team leaders. Demonstrate strategies to build trust, motivate,

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Page 2: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaimsfairly and thoroughly, supplying the mostrelevant data and evidence for each whilepointing out the strengths and limitations ofboth claim(s) and counterclaims in adiscipline appropriate form that anticipatestheaudience’s knowledge level, concerns,values, and possible biases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as wellas varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. d. Establish and maintain a formal style andobjective tone while attending to the normsand conventions of the discipline in whichthey are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement orsection that follows from or supports the argument presented. CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear andcoherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, includingthe Internet, to produce, publish, andupdate individual or shared writingproducts in response to ongoing feedback,including new arguments or information.CC.3.6.11-12.I Draw evidence frominformational texts to support analysis,reflection, and research.CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely overextended time frames (time for reflectionand revision) and shorter time frames (asingle sitting or a day or two) for a range ofdiscipline-specific tasks, purposes, and

interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making.

11.2.12.H Evaluate the effectiveness of using interpersonal communication skills to resolve conflict.

11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food handling procedures. 11.3.3.B Describe personal hygiene techniques in food handling (e.g., hand washing, sneeze control, signs of food spoilage) 11.3.6.B Describe safe food handling techniques (e.g., storage, temperature control, food preparation, conditions that create a safe working environment for food production). 11.3.9.B Identify the cause, effect and prevention of microbial contamination, parasites and toxic chemicals in food.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.9.C Assess the effectiveness of the use of teamwork and leadership skills in accomplishing the work of the family. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations.

KITCHEN INTRODUCTION Kitchen Lab procedure

Kitchen & Food Safety

Kitchen Equipment

Shared Meal


encourage, and empower group members. Identify the difference between positive and negative communication patterns and their effects on team members. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal behaviors and attitudes that enhance and inhibit effective communication. Contribute to a classroom environment that encourages and respects ideas and contributions of all group members.

List ways to prevent safety hazards while working in the kitchen. Demonstrate appropriate procedure in the kitchen to prevent accidental injury. Discuss food sanitation and safety principles necessary when working in the kitchen. List conditions and practices that promote safe food handling. Identify, describe the function, and demonstrate the correct use of basic kitchen equipment. Determine food, equipment, & supplies needed for menus.

Edmodo discussion posting Team building exercises

Expectations Word Cloud Personality quiz “My piece of the puzzle” First impression role play group activity Collage notebook cover.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work experiences.



2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year

students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of

ingredients in Foods Labs • Directs set up and clean up for all

projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table

workspace for cleanliness,equipment, & storage

• Refills supplies for kitchen &project box

• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work &

lab experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, &

role model• Reads all directions, takes notes,

lists equipment needed • Designs Action Plan for group

work: sets goals, makes notes (“todo” lists)

• Assigns all tasks during groupwork, including labs

Page 3: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

audiences. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need.

EXPERIENCES • Teamwork• Collaboration• Time


Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in the foods lab. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different roles when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Compare and contrast the different roles and responsibilities of group leaders and group members.

• Makes sure all group membershave something to do and are keptbusy

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes• Mentors students with special

needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service

project ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & labexperiences

Page 4: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: OCTOBER Enduring Understandings:

• Communities serve their members and, in turn, their members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.• Non-profit organizations depend on volunteers to fulfill needs in the community.• Having a child with special needs is a challenge for families.• There are special needs and factors to consider when caring for the elderly.

Essential Questions: • How can I become the best person I can be for myself, my family, & my community?• What are some needs in my community and how can I help?• What challenges do families face when they have a child with special needs?• What skills do I need to care for the elderly?•

Pennsylvania Core Standards

PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment

CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine thecentral ideas or conclusions ofa text; summarize complexconcepts, processes, orinformation presented in a textby paraphrasing them insimpler but still accurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Followprecisely a complex multistepprocedure when carrying outexperiments, takingmeasurements, or performingtechnical tasks; analyze thespecific results based onexplanations in the text.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze howthe text structures informationor ideas into categories orhierarchies, demonstratingunderstanding of theinformation or ideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate andevaluate multiple sources ofinformation presented in

11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.9.F Hypothesize the effectiveness of the use of meal management principles (e.g., time management, budgetary considerations, sensory appeal, balanced nutrition, safety, sanitation).

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative

Kitchen Intro Cont’d Food Preparation Procedure • Parts of a

Recipe• Recipe

Language• Abbreviations• Measuring

Technique• Equivalents

GENERATION ME • Entitlement• Work Ethic• Goodness• Kindness• Empathy

List the parts of a recipe. Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate correct measurement technique for various ingredients in a recipe. Identify abbreviations used in a recipe for common measurements. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including clean up, during a foods lab.

Contribute to a classroom environment that encourages and respects ideas and contributions of all group members. Identify the characteristics & benefits of having a strong work ethic. Identify ways that people practice goodness and explain why practicing

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Team building exercises

Page 5: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

diverse formats and media (e.g. quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. _________________________ CC.3.6.11-12.A Writearguments focused ondiscipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise,knowledgeable claim(s),establish the significance of theclaim(s), distinguish theclaim(s) from alternate oropposing claims, and create anorganization that logicallysequences the claim(s),counterclaims, reasons, andevidence.b. Develop claim(s) andcounterclaims fairly andthoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline appropriate form that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases. c. Use words, phrases, andclauses as well as varied syntaxto link the major sections of thetext, create cohesion, andclarify the relationshipsbetween claim(s) and reasons,between reasons and evidence,and between claim(s) andcounterclaims.d. Establish and maintain aformal style and objective tonewhile attending to the normsand conventions of thediscipline in which they arewriting.

solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making. 11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic, and for profit service providers help the family.

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.12.G Compare the availability, costs and benefits of accessing public, nonpublic and for-profit services to assist the family. 11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities.

11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how different cultures meet family responsibilities within differing configurations. 11.2.9.F Contrast past and present family functions and predict their probable impact on the future of

• Integrity“Will’s Wisdom”

“You’re Not Special”



• Serving theCommunity

• Volunteerism• Community

organizations• Needs in the

community• Opportunities

for Teens (S.O.U.L., Learning to Give

Children with Special Needs • Disabilities• Physical (TBI)• Developmental• Learning• Mental• Autism• Asperger’s

goodness isn’t always easy. Design and implement random acts of kindness. Define integrity & explain why this is an important character trait.

Identify the characteristics that define what it means to be a good community member. Analyze the benefits and sacrifices involved in the role of a citizen. Identify ways the community impact lives. Explain how nonprofit organizations help community members promote the welfare of the community for the benefit of all. Explain the need for and role of volunteerism in nonprofit organizations. Identify individuals and organizations that give to their community and its members. Research and list specific needs in the community. List specific examples of service projects in which young people can provide their time, talent, and treasure. Describe the motivation for becoming involved in serving the community and its members.

Identify different disabilities that affect children. Describe the challenges faced by families with children with special needs. List considerations when choosing a residential facility for children with special needs. Investigate and compare various types

Guest Speaker Review

Movie Review: “Temple Grandin”

Your Only Old Once Understanding the elderly through literature group activity You Tube response: “A talk with the Elderly” Internet research: Elderly Care Teacher observation & evaluation during a visit to a Nursing Home. Character Education movie review (elderly) “Billy Elliot”, “Driving Miss Daisy”, “On Golden Pond”, “Away from Her”

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

TRANSFER TASKS: • The Responsibility of

Service AnimotoPresentation

• Adopt a GrandparentAdvertisement/Commercial



2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of

ingredients in Foods Labs

Page 6: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

e. Provide a concludingstatement or section thatfollows from or supports theargument presented.CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clearand coherent writing in whichthe development, organization,and style are appropriate totask, purpose, and audience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Usetechnology, including theInternet, to produce, publish,and update individual orshared writing products inresponse to ongoing feedback,including new arguments orinformation.CC.3.6.11-12.I Draw evidencefrom informational texts tosupport analysis, reflection,and research.CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinelyover extended time frames (timefor reflection and revision) andshorter time frames (a singlesitting or a day or two) for arange of discipline-specifictasks, purposes, and audiences.

the family. 11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifying their developmental task. 11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the stages of the family life cycle. 11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cycle stages on the needs of families and communities.

11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need.

11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

Care of Children with Special Needs • Medical• Residential

Woods Services


Differences• Geriatrics• Care of the


Nursing Home Visit


GROUP WORK & FOODS LAB EXPERIENCES • Teamwork• Collaboration• Time


of services available to families with children with special needs. Demonstrate empathy and kindness during a visit from and to Woods Services.

Identify the special needs of the elderly. Differentiate between roles of the elderly in families in different cultures. Describe some of the medical conditions that affect the elderly. List the considerations when choosing a care facility for an elderly family member. Compare and contrast various nursing home facilities in our area. Investigate and compare various types of services available to families for the elderly. Demonstrate empathy and kindness during a visit to a nursing home.

Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

• Directs set up and clean up for allprojects & labs

• Checks kitchens and table workspacefor cleanliness, equipment, & storage

• Refills supplies for kitchen & projectbox

• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work &

lab experiences • Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR:• Group leader, representative, &

role model• Reads all directions, takes notes,

lists equipment needed • Designs Action Plan for group

work: sets goals, makes notes (“todo” lists)

• Assigns all tasks during groupwork, including labs

• Makes sure all group members havesomething to do and are kept busy

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service

project ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & lab experiences

Page 7: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: NOVEMBER Enduring Understandings:

• A person’s character is their instinctual behavior and representative of their values.• Being a person of good character requires consistent thought and effort.• History and tradition is an important part of American family culture.

Essential Questions: • What factors help shape a person’s character?• What can I do to become a person of good character?• What are some special traditions in my family?• How can I demonstrate my gratitude?•

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideas orconclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts,processes, or information presented in a text byparaphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely a complexmultistep procedure when carrying out experiments,taking measurements, or performing technical tasks;analyze the specific results based on explanations inthe text.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the text structuresinformation or ideas into categories or hierarchies,demonstrating understanding of the information orideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluate multiplesources of information presented in diverse formatsand media (e.g. quantitative data, video, multimedia)in order to address a question or solve a problem.

CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focused ondiscipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposingclaims, and create an organizationthat logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims,reasons, and evidence.b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of

HUMAN RACE • Personal

Traits • Values


heart, head, & hand

• Six pillars ofcharacter

THANKSGIVING • History • Traditions • Culture • Gratitude

Explain the way that traits & values make up a person’s personality. Discuss where children learn their values. Define character. Evaluate personal habits of the heart, head, & hand. List the six pillars of character and explain what they represent.

Discuss the history and traditions of the American Thanksgiving dinner and its importance to the family. Identify holidays & traditions in other cultures that are similar to Thanksgiving. Evaluate the concept of

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion postings Guest Speaker Review

Team building exercises Service Project Work Ethic Evaluation

Teacher observation & evaluation

Page 8: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline appropriate form that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as variedsyntax to link the major sections of the text, createcohesion, and clarify the relationships betweenclaim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence,and between claim(s) and counterclaims.d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objectivetone while attending to the norms and conventions ofthe discipline in which they are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from or supports the argument presented.CC.3.6.11-12.B Write informative/explanatory texts,including the narration of historical events, scientificprocedures/experiments, or technical processes.a. Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas,concepts, and information so that each new elementbuilds on that which precedes it to create a unifiedwhole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics(e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful toaiding comprehension.b. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the mostsignificant and relevant facts, extended definitions,concrete details, quotations, or other information andexamples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge ofthe topic.c. Use varied transitions and sentence structures tolink the major sections of the text, create cohesion,and clarify the relationships among complex ideasand concepts.d. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabularyand techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogyto manage the complexity of the topic; convey aknowledgeable stance in a style that responds to thediscipline and context as well as to the expertise oflikely readers.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from and supports the information orexplanation provided (e.g., articulating implicationsor the significance of the topic).CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear and coherent writing

interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making. 11.2.3.C Indicate the benefits and costs of working as an individual or as a team-member and of being a leader or follower 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership.

11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how different cultures meet family responsibilities within differing configurations. 11.2.9.F Contrast past & present family functions & predict their probable impact on the future of the family.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work

Aid for Friends

Shared Meal

Nursing Home Visit Woods Services Visits

Soup • History• Types

Turkey Soup for Aid for Friends



thankfulness and being grateful.

Summarize the history and contributions made by Aid for Friends.

Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

during Nursing Home & Woods Services visits.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

This I Believe Essay

Lotus Flower Books Proud as a Peacock

TRANSFER TASKS: • Family Traditions Slide Show• Gratitude Written Response



2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of ingredients in

Foods Labs• Directs set up and clean up for all

projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace for

cleanliness, equipment, & storage• Refills supplies for kitchen & project box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work & lab

experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR:• Group leader, representative, & role

model• Reads all directions, takes notes, lists

equipment needed• Designs Action Plan for group work:

sets goals, makes notes (“to do” lists)• Assigns all tasks during group work,

including labs • Makes sure all group members have

something to do and are kept busy• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in class

Page 9: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CC.3.6.11-12.E Develop and strengthen writing asneeded by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, ortrying a new approach, focusing on addressing whatis most significant for a specific purpose andaudience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, including theInternet, to produce, publish, and update individual orshared writing products in response to ongoingfeedback, including new arguments or information.CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely over extended timeframes (time for reflection and revision) and shortertime frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for arange of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, andaudiences.

situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

and between classes • Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service project

ideas• Writes evaluation for final product from

all projects & lab experiences

Page 10: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: DECEMBER Enduring Understandings:

• Caring is a character trait that involves being kind, compassionate, expressing gratitude, and helping others.• Non-profit organizations depend on volunteers to fulfill needs in the community, especially during the holidays.• History and tradition is an important part of celebrating holidays in any culture.

Essential Questions: • How can I practice caring over the holidays and throughout the year?• What are some needs in my community over the holidays and how can I help?• What are some special traditions in my family?

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the centralideas or conclusions of a text; summarizecomplex concepts, processes, orinformation presented in a text byparaphrasing them in simpler but stillaccurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely acomplex multistep procedure whencarrying out experiments, takingmeasurements, or performing technicaltasks; analyze the specific results based onexplanations in the text.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the textstructures information or ideas intocategories or hierarchies, demonstratingunderstanding of the information or ideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluatemultiple sources of information presentedin diverse formats and media (e.g.quantitative data, video, multimedia) inorder to address a question or solve aproblem.__________________________________CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focusedon discipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise, knowledgeableclaim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making. 11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how different cultures meet family responsibilities within differing configurations. 11.2.9.F Contrast past & present family functions & predict their probable impact on the future of the family.

Character Education: CARING Reap What you Sow



Define character. List the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Discuss the importance of caring in relationship to one’s character.

Describe holiday traditions from different cultures and explain their significance & why have endured over time.

Compare and contrast past and present holiday traditions. Predict future holiday traditions in our society.

Research & discuss

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Guest Speaker Review

Team building exercises This I Believe Service Project Work Ethic Evaluation

Teacher observation & evaluation

Page 11: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaimsfairly and thoroughly, supplying the mostrelevant data and evidence for each whilepointing out the strengths and limitationsof both claim(s) and counterclaims in adiscipline appropriate form thatanticipates theaudience’s knowledge level, concerns,values, and possible biases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as wellas varied syntax to link the major sectionsof the text, create cohesion, and clarify therelationships between claim(s) andreasons, between reasons and evidence,and between claim(s) and counterclaims.d. Establish and maintain a formal styleand objective tone while attending to thenorms and conventions of the discipline inwhich they are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement orsection that follows from or supports theargument presented.CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear andcoherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, includingthe Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information. 11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how different cultures meet family responsibilities within differing configurations. 11.2.9.F Contrast past and present family functions and predict their probable impact on the future of the family. 11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifying their developmental task. 11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic, and for profit service providers help the family. 11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cycle stages on the needs of families and communities.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

HOLIDAY SERVICE LEARNING • Holiday Cookies• Homeless

Shelter• Nursing Home

Holiday Party• TroopsAid for FriendsShared MealNursing Home VisitWoods ServicesVisits



service projects that can be accomplished for the holidays. Design a holiday service project that fulfills a need in the community.

Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

during Nursing Home & Woods Services visits.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

Word Cloud & Quotation Assignment

Holidays traditions in different cultures research & presentation

Changes in holiday traditions over time: interview assignment. (Nursing home residents) Caring/Holiday Movie Review: (“It’s a Wonderful Life” “A Christmas Story” “Miracle on 34th Street” “Charlie Brown Christmas” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” “Elf”)

TRANSFER TASK: A Recipe for Caring



2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of ingredients

in Foods Labs• Directs set up and clean up for all

projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace

for cleanliness, equipment, & storage • Refills supplies for kitchen & project


Page 12: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

stages of the family life cycle. 11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cycle stages on the needs of families and communities. CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely overextended time frames (time for reflectionand revision) and shorter time frames (asingle sitting or a day or two) for a rangeof discipline-specific tasks, purposes, andaudiences.

• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work & lab

experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, & role

model• Reads all directions, takes notes, lists

equipment needed• Designs Action Plan for group work:

sets goals, makes notes (“to do” lists)• Assigns all tasks during group work,

including labs • Makes sure all group members have

something to do and are kept busy• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service project

ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & lab experiences

Page 13: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: JANUARY Enduring Understandings:

• Responsibility is a character trait that involves initiative, perseverance, self-discipline, and being accountable for choices.• There is a methodical process to sound decision-making and problem solving.• Making a personal commitment to life long learning is an important responsibility.• Communities serve their members and, in turn, their members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.

Essential Questions: • How can I become a more responsible person?• What skills to I need to be able to make decisions and solve problems in an effective manner?• Why is it important to learn something new about life each day?• What are some needs in my community and how can I help?

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideas orconclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts,processes, or information presented in a text byparaphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely a complexmultistep procedure when carrying out experiments,taking measurements, or performing technical tasks;analyze the specific results based on explanations inthe text.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the text structuresinformation or ideas into categories or hierarchies,demonstrating understanding of the information orideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluate multiplesources of information presented in diverse formatsand media (e.g. quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. __________________________________________ CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focused ondiscipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposingclaims, and create an organizationthat logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims,

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication.

Character Education: RESPONSIBILITY Reap What you Sow

Tony Robbins: “New Year, New Life” You Tube


Reasoning • Problem Solving• S.O.C.K.S.• Action

Plans/Goals• Intuition


Define character. List the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Discuss the importance of accepting & taking responsibility in relationship to one’s character.

Apply the decision making process while solving a problem or dilemma. Develop a plan of action when making decisions. Examine consequences of alternate solutions in the decision making process.

Explain why taking responsibility to make a commitment to life long

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Guest Speaker Review

Page 14: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly andthoroughly, supplying the most relevant data andevidence for each while pointing out the strengths andlimitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in adiscipline appropriate form that anticipates theaudience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, andpossible biases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as variedsyntax to link the major sections of the text, createcohesion, and clarify the relationships betweenclaim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence,and between claim(s) and counterclaims.d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objectivetone while attending to the norms and conventions ofthe discipline in which they are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from or supports the argument presented. CC.3.6.11-12.B Write informative/explanatory texts,including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes. a. Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas,concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the mostsignificant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. c. Use varied transitions and sentence structures tolink the major sections of the text, create cohesion,and clarify the relationships among complex ideasand concepts.d. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabularyand techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogyto manage the complexity of the topic; convey aknowledgeable stance in a style that responds to thediscipline and context as well as to the expertise oflikely readers.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from and supports the information orexplanation provided (e.g., articulating implications

11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making.

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.6.G Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic and for-profit service providers serve the family.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the

Learning Styles

WINTER SERVICE LEARNING: Quilts (for St. Mary’s children’s ward, homeless shelter, women’s shelter, Quilts for Kids, or troops)

Aid for Friends Shared Meal Nursing Home Visit Woods Services Visits



learning is an important quality. Research needs in the community and the organizations that service these needs. List ways that a person can support the community in which they live. Contribute to a service project as a cooperative and productive group member.

Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

Team building exercises Service Project Work Ethic Evaluation

Teacher observation & evaluation during Nursing Home & Woods Services visits.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

Word Cloud & Quotation Assignment

This I Believe Essay

Lifelong Learning/Life Lessons

Responsibility Movie Review: “I am Sam, “Pursuit of Happiness”, “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”, The Ultimate Gift”, “Hoosiers”

TRANSFER TASKS: • Sound Decision Making

“Business Card”• A Road Map to



MULTIPLE YEAR STUDENTS 2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of

ingredients in Foods Labs • Directs set up and clean up for all

Page 15: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

or the significance of the topic). CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear and coherent writingin which the development, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, and audience.CC.3.6.11-12.E Develop and strengthen writing asneeded by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, ortrying a new approach, focusing on addressing whatis most significant for a specific purpose andaudience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, including theInternet, to produce, publish, and update individual orshared writing products in response to ongoingfeedback, including new arguments or information.11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how different culturesmeet family responsibilities within differingconfigurations.11.2.9.F Contrast past and present family functionsand predict their probable impact on the future of thefamily.11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifying theirdevelopmental task.11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the stages ofthe family life cycle.11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cyclestages on the needs of families and communities.CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely over extended timeframes (time for reflection and revision) and shortertime frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for arange of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, andaudiences.

space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

projects & labs • Checks kitchens and table workspace

for cleanliness, equipment, & storage • Refills supplies for kitchen & project

box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work &

lab experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, &

role model• Reads all directions, takes notes,

lists equipment needed • Designs Action Plan for group

work: sets goals, makes notes (“todo” lists)

• Assigns all tasks during groupwork, including labs

• Makes sure all group members havesomething to do and are kept busy

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service

project ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & lab experiences

Page 16: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: FEBRUARY Enduring Understandings:

• Trustworthiness is a character trait that includes being honest and loyal, doing what you say you will do, and having the courage to do the right thing.• People establish a personal code of ethics for the way they want to live their lives.• Communities serve their members and, in turn, their members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.

Essential Questions: • What attributes do I need to be a trustworthy person?• What is the difference between honesty and integrity?• What are some needs in my community and how can I help?

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine thecentral ideas or conclusions of a text;summarize complex concepts,processes, or information presented ina text by paraphrasing them in simplerbut still accurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely acomplex multistep procedure whencarrying out experiments, takingmeasurements, or performingtechnical tasks; analyze the specificresults based on explanations in thetext.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the textstructures information or ideas intocategories or hierarchies,demonstrating understanding of theinformation or ideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate andevaluate multiple sources ofinformation presented in diverseformats and media (e.g. quantitativedata, video, multimedia) in order toaddress a question or solve a problem.

CC.3.6.11-12.A Write argumentsfocused on discipline-specific content.

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making.

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for

Character Education TRUSTWORTHINESS Reap What you Sow

Cheating Honesty Integrity Goodness

Define character. List the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Discuss the importance of trustworthiness and honesty in relationship to one’s character.

Discuss the motivation & failure of the decision making process behind cheating. Evaluate appropriate consequences for cheating. (Where is the line?) Define “code of ethics”. Distinguish between the character traits of honesty and integrity.

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Guest Speaker Review

Team building exercises Service Project Work Ethic

Page 17: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

a. Introduce precise, knowledgeableclaim(s),establish the significance of theclaim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternateor opposing claims, and create anorganizationthat logically sequences the claim(s),counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaimsfairly and thoroughly, supplying themost relevant data and evidence foreach while pointing out the strengthsand limitations of both claim(s) andcounterclaims in a disciplineappropriate form that anticipates theaudience’s knowledge level, concerns,values, and possible biases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses aswell as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. d. Establish and maintain a formalstyle and objective tone whileattending to the norms andconventions of the discipline in whichthey are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement orsection that follows from or supportsthe argument presented.CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear andcoherent writing in which thedevelopment, organization, and styleare appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology,including the Internet, to produce,publish, and update individual orshared writing products in response toongoing feedback, including newarguments or information.CC.3.6.11-12.I Draw evidence from

individuals and families. 11.1.6.G Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic and for-profit service providers serve the family

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

“BE MY VALENTINE” SERVICE LEARNING • Nursing Home• Homeless Shelter• Elementary Schools

Aid for Friends Shared Meal Nursing Home Visit Visits from Woods Services

GROUP SERVICE PROJECT & FOODS LAB EXPERIENCES • Teamwork• Collaboration• Time Management

Describe the history of Valentine’s Day and identify the source of this holiday’s common traditions. Research needs in the community and the organizations that service these needs. List ways that a person can support the community in which they live. Contribute to a service project as a cooperative and productive group member.

Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.


Teacher observation & evaluation during Nursing Home & Woods Services visits.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

Word Cloud & Quotation Assignment Life Long Learning / Life Lessons

“Cheating in the USA” debate

Trustworthiness Movie Review: (“Stand & Deliver”, “Quiz Show”, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Dead Poet’s Society”)

TRANSFER TASK: Building a Bridge to Trustworthiness


MULTIPLE YEAR STUDENTS 2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of ingredients

in Foods Labs • Directs set up and clean up for all

projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace

for cleanliness, equipment, & storage • Refills supplies for kitchen & project

box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work &

lab experiences

Page 18: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely overextended time frames (time forreflection and revision) and shortertime frames (a single sitting or a dayor two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, andaudiences.

• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, & role

model• Reads all directions, takes notes, lists

equipment needed• Designs Action Plan for group work:

sets goals, makes notes (“to do”lists)

• Assigns all tasks during group work,including labs

• Makes sure all group members havesomething to do and are kept busy

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service project

ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & lab experiences

Page 19: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: MARCH

(NOTE: Keystone testing possible - content may vary and/or be limited)Enduring Understandings:

• Respect is a character trait that involves being tolerant and considerate of the feelings of others.• Communities serve their members and, in turn, their members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.

Essential Questions: • How can I practice and show respect for myself and others?• What are some needs in my community and how can I help?

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideas orconclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts,processes, or information presented in a text byparaphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely a complexmultistep procedure when carrying out experiments,taking measurements, or performing technical tasks;analyze the specific results based on explanations inthe text.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the text structuresinformation or ideas into categories or hierarchies,demonstrating understanding of the information orideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluate multiplesources of information presented in diverse formatsand media (e.g. quantitative data, video, multimedia)in order to address a question or solve a problem.

CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focused ondiscipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposingclaims, and create an organizationthat logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims,reasons, and evidence.b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly andthoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in

Character Education: RESPECT Reap What you Sow


Define character. List the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Discuss the importance of respect for oneself & others in relationship to one’s character.

Research needs in the community and the organizations that service these needs. List ways that a person can support the community in which they live. Contribute to a service project as a cooperative and productive group member.

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Guest Speaker Review

Team building exercises Service Project Work Ethic Evaluation

Teacher observation & evaluation during Nursing Home & Woods

Page 20: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline appropriate form that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases. c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as variedsyntax to link the major sections of the text, createcohesion, and clarify the relationships betweenclaim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence,and between claim(s) and counterclaims.d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objectivetone while attending to the norms and conventions ofthe discipline in which they are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from or supports the argument presented. CC.3.6.11-12.B Write informative/explanatory texts,including the narration of historical events, scientificprocedures/experiments, or technical processes.a. Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas,concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the mostsignificant and relevant facts, extended definitions,concrete details, quotations, or other information andexamples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge ofthe topic.c. Use varied transitions and sentence structures tolink the major sections of the text, create cohesion,and clarify the relationships among complex ideasand concepts.d. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabularyand techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogyto manage the complexity of the topic; convey aknowledgeable stance in a style that responds to thediscipline and context as well as to the expertise oflikely readers.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from and supports the information orexplanation provided (e.g., articulating implicationsor the significance of the topic).CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear and coherent writingin which the development, organization, and style are

the practical reasoning method of decision making.

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.6.G Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic and for-profit service providers serve the family

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic

Aid for Friends Shared Meal Nursing Home Visit Woods Services Visits



Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

Services visits.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

Word Cloud & Quotation Assignment Life Long Learning / Life Lessons

Respectful Paper People

This I Believe Essay

TRANSFER TASK: Invitation to a Party of Respect


YEAR STUDENTS 2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or project

terms (language) • Supervises measurement of ingredients in

Foods Labs• Directs set up and clean up for all projects

& labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace for

cleanliness, equipment, & storage• Refills supplies for kitchen & project box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work & lab

experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, & role

model• Reads all directions, takes notes, lists

equipment needed• Designs Action Plan for group work: sets

goals, makes notes (“to do” lists)• Assigns all tasks during group work,

including labs • Makes sure all group members have

something to do and are kept busy

Page 21: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CC.3.6.11-12.E Develop and strengthen writing asneeded by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, ortrying a new approach, focusing on addressing whatis most significant for a specific purpose andaudience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, including theInternet, to produce, publish, and update individual orshared writing products in response to ongoingfeedback, including new arguments or information.11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how different culturesmeet family responsibilities within differingconfigurations.11.2.9.F Contrast past and present family functionsand predict their probable impact on the future of thefamily.11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifying theirdevelopmental task.11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the stages ofthe family life cycle.11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cyclestages on the needs of families and communities.CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely over extended timeframes (time for reflection and revision) and shortertime frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for arange of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, andaudiences.

recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in class

and between classes• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service project

ideas• Writes evaluation for final product from

all projects & lab experiences

Page 22: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: APRIL

(Note: Easter Break and possible Keystone testing: content may vary and will be limited) Enduring Understandings:

• Fairness is a character trait that includes playing by the rules and not taking advantage of others.• Communities serve their members and, in turn, their members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.

Essential Questions: • What does treating people fairly mean?• How can I achieve happiness in my life?• What are some needs in my community and how can I help?

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the centralideas or conclusions of a text; summarizecomplex concepts, processes, orinformation presented in a text byparaphrasing them in simpler but stillaccurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely acomplex multistep procedure whencarrying out experiments, takingmeasurements, or performing technicaltasks; analyze the specific results basedon explanations in the text.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the textstructures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas. CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluatemultiple sources of information presentedin diverse formats and media (e.g.quantitative data, video, multimedia) inorder to address a question or solve aproblem.

CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making.

Character Education: FAIRNESS • Justice• Equality• Impartiality• Open-

mindednessReap What you Sow

BULLYING Cyber Bullying


Define character. List the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Discuss the importance of fairness in relationship to one’s character.

Define bullying. Explain why people bully other people. Design a plan to stop bullying behavior in others.

Define stress and identify reasons why people become stressed. Describe the physiological effects of stress.

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Guest Speaker Review

Team building exercises

Service Project Work Ethic Evaluation Teacher observation & evaluation during

Page 23: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

focused on discipline-specific content. a. Introduce precise, knowledgeableclaim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternate oropposing claims, and create anorganizationthat logically sequences the claim(s),counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaimsfairly and thoroughly, supplying the mostrelevant data and evidence for each whilepointing out the strengths and limitationsof both claim(s) and counterclaims in adiscipline appropriate form thatanticipates the audience’s knowledgelevel, concerns, values, and possiblebiases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses aswell as varied syntax to link the majorsections of the text, create cohesion, andclarify the relationships between claim(s)and reasons, between reasons andevidence, and between claim(s) andcounterclaims.d. Establish and maintain a formal styleand objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. e. Provide a concluding statement orsection that follows from or supports theargument presented.CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear andcoherent writing in which thedevelopment, organization, and style areappropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology,including the Internet, to produce,publish, and update individual or sharedwriting products in response to ongoingfeedback, including new arguments orinformation.11.2.6.F Compare and contrast howdifferent cultures meet family

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.6.G Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic and for-profit service providers serve the family.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).

11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals

Spring Service Project, cont’d Kit & Kareboodle

Aid for Friends Shared Meal Nursing Home Visit Woods Services Visits



Identify techniques people can use to avoid and/or relieve stress. Explain the positive impact that humor & laughter have on relieving stress & creating happiness.

Describe happiness and identify things most people do to try and achieve happiness. Describe the true keys to happiness. Research needs in the community and the organizations that service these needs. List ways that a person can support the community in which they live. Contribute to a service project as a cooperative and productive group member.

Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean

Nursing Home & Woods Services visits. Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

Movie Review: (“Quiz Show”, “Waiting for Superman”)

Word Cloud & Quotation Assignment Life Long Learning / Life LessonsKit and Kareboodle Project

TRANSFER TASKS: • Stomp out Bullying Wikispace• Vacation to Fairness Island Web



STUDENTS 2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or project terms

(language) • Supervises measurement of ingredients in Foods

Labs• Directs set up and clean up for all projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace for

cleanliness, equipment, & storage• Refills supplies for kitchen & project box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work & lab

experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR:• Group leader, representative, & role model• Reads all directions, takes notes, lists equipment

needed• Designs Action Plan for group work: sets goals,

makes notes (“to do” lists)• Assigns all tasks during group work, including

labs• Makes sure all group members have something to

do and are kept busy• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in class and

between classes

Page 24: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

responsibilities within differing configurations. 11.2.9.F Contrast past and present family functions and predict their probable impact on the future of the family. 11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifying their developmental task. 11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the stages of the family life cycle. 11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cycle stages on the needs of families and communities. CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely overextended time frames (time for reflectionand revision) and shorter time frames (asingle sitting or a day or two) for a rangeof discipline-specific tasks, purposes, andaudiences.

across the lifespan. up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with classroom

assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food & supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service project ideas• Writes evaluation for final product from all

projects & lab experiences

Page 25: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: MAY (Note: Easter Break and possible Keystone testing: content may vary and will be limited) Enduring Understandings:

• Citizenship is a character trait that involves staying informed, cooperating, obeying rules, and respecting authority.• Practicing good manners makes a good impression and is part of citizenship.• Because all resources are limited, their management is a personal responsibility that impacts the global community.• Communities serve their members and, in turn, their members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.• Doing something nice for others encourages people to pay it forward.

Essential Questions: • How can I be a good citizen and member of my community?• Why are good manners an important part of citizenship?• What can I do to rethink my actions and help protect the environment?

Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideasor conclusions of a text; summarize complexconcepts, processes, or information presentedin a text by paraphrasing them in simpler butstill accurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely a complexmultistep procedure when carrying outexperiments, taking measurements, orperforming technical tasks; analyze thespecific results based on explanations in thetext.CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the textstructures information or ideas into categoriesor hierarchies, demonstrating understandingof the information or ideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluatemultiple sources of information presented indiverse formats and media (e.g. quantitativedata, video, multimedia) in order to address aquestion or solve a problem._______________________________________CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focused ondiscipline-specific content.

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the

Character Education: CITIZENSHIP • Rights• Roles• ResponsibilitiesReap What you Sow

MANNERS • Types• Consequences• Cultural


Define character and list the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Discuss the importance of citizenship in relationship to one’s character. Identify the characteristics that define what it means to be a good community member. Analyze the benefits and sacrifices involved in the role of a citizen. Identify ways the community impact lives.

Explain what manners are and identify different kinds of manners people need to practice. Differentiate between good and bad manners.

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Guest Speaker Review

Page 26: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s),distinguish the claim(s) from alternate oropposing claims, and create an organizationthat logically sequences the claim(s),counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairlyand thoroughly, supplying the most relevantdata and evidence for each while pointing outthe strengths and limitations of both claim(s)and counterclaims in a discipline appropriateform that anticipates the audience’sknowledge level, concerns, values, andpossible biases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well asvaried syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. d. Establish and maintain a formal style andobjective tone while attending to the normsand conventions of the discipline in whichthey are writing.e. Provide a concluding statement or sectionthat follows from or supports the argumentpresented.CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear and coherentwriting in which the development,organization, and style are appropriate totask, purpose, and audience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, including theInternet, to produce, publish, and updateindividual or shared writing products inresponse to ongoing feedback, including newarguments or information.11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how differentcultures meet family responsibilities withindiffering configurations.11.2.9.F Contrast past and present familyfunctions and predict their probable impacton the future of the family.11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifyingtheir developmental task.11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the

practical reasoning method of decision making.

11.1.6.A Justify the decision to use or not use resources based on scarcity 11.1.9.A Analyze current conservation practices and their effect on future renewable and non-renewable resources.

11.1.12.A Evaluate the impact of family resource management on the global community.

11.1.12.F Compare and contrast the selection of goods and services by applying effective consumer strategies. 11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.6.G Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic and for-profit service providers serve the family.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork

TEXTING & DRIVING Brain Function & Sensory Information

GREEN LIVING • Sustainability• Resource

Management• Reduce, Reuse,

Recycle, Refuse• Protecting the

Environment• Rethink• Green products

Service Learning: Recycling

Aid for Friends Shared Meal Nursing Home Visit Woods Services Visits St. Christopher’s Hospital Kit & Kareboodle Delivery

Discuss the consequences of having bad manners. Identify some specific cultural differences in “good” manners.

Discuss the dangers of texting and driving. Identify ways to avoid being in the car with someone who text messages and drives. Create a slogan to encourage others to turn off their cell phones when behind the wheel of a car.

Identify specific environmentally friendly products in the market place. Describe the consequences of wasting resources. List environmental concerns related to the production of energy and the use of material resources. Describe the role of individuals in protecting the environment. Identify ways that an individual can help protect the environment. Design and create a recycling project

Research needs in the community and the organizations that service these needs. List ways that a person can support the community in which they live.

Team building exercises

Service Project Work Ethic Evaluation

Teacher observation & evaluation during Nursing Home & Woods Services visits. Teacher observation during visit to St. Christopher’s Hospital.

Teacher observation and evaluation during group work & foods lab experiences.

Word Cloud & Quotation Assignment Life Long Learning / Life Lessons

Blue Ribbon Award for classroom citizenship

Texting & Driving Campaign (Oprah, Dr. Oz, Dateline, & You tube Gorilla Basketball clip)

Movie Review: “No Impact Man” Recycling Project Greenest Homes Activity Green Cleaning Kit

TRANSFER TASKS: • Holidays around the World:

Greeting Cards• Green Living – “Rethink”

electronic whiteboard•


Page 27: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

stages of the family life cycle. 11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family life cycle stages on the needs of families and communities. CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely over extendedtime frames (time for reflection and revision)and shorter time frames (a single sitting or aday or two) for a range of discipline-specifictasks, purposes, and audiences.

and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need. 11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).

11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.



Contribute to a service project as a cooperative and productive group member. Read, understand information, and follow directions in a recipe. Determine food, equipment, and supplies needed for a recipe. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate procedure, including safety, sanitation, and clean up, during group activities. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills when working in a group. Identify the qualities of effective team members and leaders. Positively impact a classroom environment that encourages and respects the ideas and contributions of all group members.

MULTIPLE YEAR STUDENTS 2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of ingredients

in Foods Labs • Directs set up and clean up for all

projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace

for cleanliness, equipment, & storage • Refills supplies for kitchen & project

box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work &

lab experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, & role

model• Reads all directions, takes notes, lists

equipment needed• Designs Action Plan for group work:

sets goals, makes notes (“to do”lists)

• Assigns all tasks during group work,including labs

• Makes sure all group members havesomething to do and are kept busy

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes• Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service project

ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & lab experiences.

Page 28: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE

Curriculum Map THE F.C.S. MAJOR: Featuring Community Service Grades: 9 to 12 Month: JUNE (NOTE: Seniors graduate 1 to 2 weeks before underclassmen finish school)

Enduring Understandings: • A person of good character is virtuous to themselves, their family, friends, peers, community, and the world.• Communities serve their members and, in turn, members have a responsibility to serve their communities.• Philanthropy greatly enhances a civic society.• Doing something good for the community encourages others to pay it forward.

Essential Questions: • How can I live my best life?• How can I use the pillars of character to lead a rewarding and giving life?• What can I do to help pay it forward?• How do I find an interesting opportunity to volunteer my time, talent, and treasure?Pennsylvania Core Standards PAFCS Standards Content Skills Assessment

CC.3.5.11-12.B Determine the central ideas orconclusions of a text; summarize complexconcepts, processes, or information presented ina text by paraphrasing them in simpler but stillaccurate terms.CC.3.5.11-12.C Follow precisely a complexmultistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. CC.3.5.11-12.E Analyze how the text structuresinformation or ideas into categories orhierarchies, demonstrating understanding of theinformation or ideas.CC.3.5.11-12.G Integrate and evaluate multiplesources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g. quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. ________________________________________ CC.3.6.11-12.A Write arguments focused ondiscipline-specific content.a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s),establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization

11.1.3.G Identify the services that communities provide for individuals and families. 11.1.6.G Identify the public and nonpublic services that are available to serve families within the community. 11.1.9.G Analyze how public, nonpublic and for-profit service providers serve the family

11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.A Contrast the solutions reached through the use of a simple decision making process that includes analyzing consequences of alternative solutions against snap decision

Character Education Conclusions

Best Life: • Self• Family• Friends• Peers• Community• WorldMake MoreMemoriesReap What you Sow

Philanthropy Conclusions • Giving Time,


• PrivateInitiatives

• Public Good

Define character. List the six pillars of character and explain what they mean. Justify how character education will help people live their best life. Explain how a person of good character is the best person they can be to themselves, their family, friends, peers, community, and the world.

Explain how a person becomes a philanthropist. Research and discuss the life and actions of a famous philanthropist. Distinguish between philanthropy and charity. Research a need in the community that explores

Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question & answer Peer Collaboration with checklist Written “type 2” warm-up responses Journal entries that demonstrate understanding of material Small group discussion Role Playing Student note taking Written class work Movie/video clip review response Student research & presentation

Edmodo discussion posting Team building exercises Teacher observation and evaluation during group work

Page 29: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly andthoroughly, supplying the most relevant data andevidence for each while pointing out the strengthsand limitations of both claim(s) andcounterclaims in a discipline appropriate formthat anticipates the audience’s knowledge level,concerns, values, and possible biases.c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well asvaried syntax to link the major sections of thetext, create cohesion, and clarify the relationshipsbetween claim(s) and reasons, between reasonsand evidence, and between claim(s) andcounterclaims.d. Establish and maintain a formal style andobjective tone while attending to the norms andconventions of the discipline in which they arewriting.e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from or supports the argument presented.CC.3.6.11-12.B Write informative/explanatorytexts, including the narration of historical events,scientific procedures/experiments, or technicalprocesses.a. Introduce a topic and organize complex ideas,concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting themost significant and relevant facts, extendeddefinitions, concrete details, quotations, or otherinformation and examples appropriate to theaudience’s knowledge of the topic.c. Use varied transitions and sentence structuresto link the major sections of the text, createcohesion, and clarify the relationships amongcomplex ideas and concepts.d. Use precise language, domain-specificvocabulary and techniques such as metaphor,simile, and analogy to manage the complexity ofthe topic; convey a knowledgeable stance in astyle that responds to the discipline and context

making methods. 11.2.9.A Solve dilemmas using a practical reasoning approach. 11.2.12.A Justify solutions developed by using practical reasoning skills. 11.2.6.H Describe positive and negative interactions within patterns of interpersonal communication. 11.2.9.H Justify the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the practical reasoning method of decision making.

11.2.6.B Deduce the importance of time management skills. 11.2.12.B Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal, work, family, & community responsibilities. 11.2.6.C Classify the components of effective teamwork and leadership. 11.2.12.C Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations. 11.2.6.D Analyze the space requirements for a specified activity to meet a given need.

• Serving theCommunity

• Volunteeropportunities for Teens

GROUP WORK EXPERIENCES • Teamwork• Collaboration• Time


Final Projects: “This I Believe” reflection essay “Do Something Contagious”

(Pay it Forward) Our Classroom Community • Rights• Roles• Responsibilities• Rewards• Reflections

personal interests and talents. Describe the process for a teen to find opportunities to volunteer their time, talent, and treasure for a cause that is of interest.

Design a personally rewarding service project interest that uses time, talent, and treasure. Explain how time, talent, and treasure are given while implementing this project. Justify how this project will encourage others to pay it forward. Indicate the way that this project supports each of the six pillars of character. Evaluate the benefit and impact of this project.

List ways that a person can support the community by applying each of the six pillars of character Compare the classroom environment to a community. Explain how the members of our classroom community have supported each other through their roles and responsibilities. Design an award recognizing a member of our classroom community for their contributions. Describe the personal reward of being a member of this classroom community.

Life Long Learning / Life Lessons

This I Believe Essay

Movie Review: (“Seven Pounds”, “A Walk to Remember”, “Pay it Forward”)

Randy Pausch “last lecture” Oprah “last show”

TRANSFER TASKS: • Best Life Vision Board• Classroom Community

Memory Box• Reflections Word Cloud• (compare to first impressions from

Sept.)• Philanthropy Storyboard• “This I Believe” Reflection

Essay• “Do Something



MULTIPLE YEAR STUDENTS 2ND YEAR: • Mentors & assists first year students• Retrieves equipment & supplies for

group• Identifies & demonstrates recipe or

project terms (language)• Supervises measurement of

ingredients in Foods Labs • Directs set up and clean up for all

projects & labs• Checks kitchens and table workspace

Page 30: Neshaminy School District FAMILY & CONSUMER ......Student knowledge and skills will be evaluated in each topic using the following assessments: Teacher lead discussion/ question &

as well as to the expertise of likely readers. e. Provide a concluding statement or section thatfollows from and supports the information orexplanation provided (e.g., articulatingimplications or the significance of the topic).CC.3.6.11-12.D Produce clear and coherentwriting in which the development, organization,and style are appropriate to task, purpose, andaudience.CC.3.6.11-12.E Develop and strengthen writingas needed by planning, revising, editing,rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing onaddressing what is most significant for a specificpurpose and audience.CC.3.6.11-12.F Use technology, including theInternet, to produce, publish, and updateindividual or shared writing products in responseto ongoing feedback, including new arguments orinformation.11.2.6.F Compare and contrast how differentcultures meet family responsibilities withindiffering configurations.11.2.9.F Contrast past and present familyfunctions and predict their probable impact onthe future of the family.11.2.3.G Identify the life stages by identifyingtheir developmental task.11.2.6.G Identify the characteristics of the stagesof the family life cycle.11.2.9.G Explain the influences of family lifecycle stages on the needs of families andcommunities.CC.3.6.11-12.J Write routinely over extendedtime frames (time for reflection and revision) andshorter time frames (a single sitting or a day ortwo) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,purposes, and audiences.

11.3.6.C Analyze factors that affect food choices. 11.3.3.F Identify components of a basic recipe (e.g., volume, weight, fractions, recipe ingredients, recipe directions, safety techniques).11.3.6.F Analyze basic food preparation techniques and food-handling procedures11.3.12.F Evaluate the application of nutrition & meal planning principles into the selection, planning, preparation, and serving of meals that meet specific needs of individuals across the lifespan.

for cleanliness, equipment, & storage • Refills supplies for kitchen & project

box• Assists with laundry• Manages time during group work &

lab experiences• Steps up in group leader’s absence

3RD & 4TH YEAR: • Group leader, representative, & role

model• Reads all directions, takes notes,

lists equipment needed • Designs Action Plan for group

work: sets goals, makes notes (“todo” lists)

• Assigns all tasks during group work,including labs

• Makes sure all group members havesomething to do and are kept busy

• Evaluates group’s productivity• Correspondent between groups in

class and between classes • Mentors students with special needs• Assists special needs students with

classroom assignments• Prepares shopping lists for food &

supplies• Keeps supply cupboards organized• Researches recipes & service

project ideas• Writes evaluation for final product

from all projects & lab experiences.