Download - Nehemiah 4:20—”Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet ...€¦ · Soup - Salad - Baked Potato Bar - Fruit Cobbler Proceeds go toward the Memphis Mission Trip Come eat and

Page 1: Nehemiah 4:20—”Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet ...€¦ · Soup - Salad - Baked Potato Bar - Fruit Cobbler Proceeds go toward the Memphis Mission Trip Come eat and

Nehemiah 4:20—”Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. OUR

God will fight for us!”

Vol. XXXI April 2016 No. 4

Travis Farris, Senior Pastor

[email protected]

Eugene Howard, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Brian Elliott, Worship Pastor

[email protected]

Jason Nichols, Children’s Pastor

[email protected]

Kathy Rowan, Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Sherree Hedges, Ministry Assistant

[email protected]

Andrea Richeson, Custodian

Carlie Wester, Custodian

Helen Oakes, Custodian

Church Office 270-684-7234

After Hours Emergency 270-315-7695

Donald Rice, Student Pastor

[email protected]

Doug Tarrence

Discipleship/Missions Pastor

[email protected]

Nina Thompson, Financial Secretary

[email protected]

Shelby Rice, Ministry Assistant

[email protected]

The Week of:

April 3rd Garry Lillpop & Woody Neel April 10th Richard Russelburg & Shane Eans April 17th Jason Link & Danny Richeson April 24th David Rice & Darrell Gillispie

Wayne Miller Walt Robinson Nancy Mollett

April 3 James Nichols April 10 Steve Mills April 17 Dan Keiser April 24 Bob Champain

April 6th James Nichols April 13th Steve Mills April 20th Shane Edwards April 27th Shane Eans

If you are unable to drive on your scheduled date, please call Jim Glover @ 270-313-3836.

April 3 Chris Staples April 10 Jonathan Staples April 17 Jim Payne April 24 Keith Main

8:10 - 8:30 North Foyer Entrance Dean & Vickie Sipes West Wing Entrance Elaine Park & BeBe Chambers East Wing Entrance Wayne & Mary Rose Carlisle 9:30 - 9:45 North Foyer Entrance Sandy Phillips West Wing Entrance Tom Heflin East Wing Entrance Garry & Diane Lillpop 10:40 - 11:00 North Foyer Entrance Frank Wright West Wing Entrance Steve & Ronda Mills East Wing Entrance Gary Moyer & Frankie Pryor

Larry & Kim Prater 8:30AM Doug Tarrence 11:00AM

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11 2

How much time do you spend being intentional to think about how much your hair

and fingernails are growing? Perhaps you think it would be ludicrous to be intentional on

such things, and I agree. The truth, however, is that if we are going to GROW in Jesus, we

must be intentional about that growth. While we do not have to give thought about the

growth of our hair and nails, we do have to give intentional thought on our growth of biblical

knowledge and understanding.

During the month of April, we are going to be focusing on how we can be intentional in

thinking about our growth as a believer through the messages on Sunday mornings. We will be

examining the third portion of our purpose statement that declares: “We desire to GROW in

Christ purposefully as disciples.” How can we do GROW purposefully? Ponder the acronym

we are using for GROW to find out!

Also, during the month of April we will be making great strides in our Chronological

study as we leave the book of Genesis and move into the Exodus from Egypt. As you have par-

ticipated in the Chronological Study, do you remember how the descendants of Israel got to

Egypt in the first place? If not, you won’t want to miss Sunday evenings as we explore this truth.

In addition, this month we will be implementing the . This is going to be a

dynamic ministry that will aid in welcoming guests and members alike. Worship begins in the

parking lot and that is where the will start engaging people at Walnut Memorial. It

is for this reason that their motto states, “Engaging people from off the street to in the seat”. We

want people to feel the love of Christ radiating from His people the moment they pull into the

parking lot. Please be in prayer as we strategically implement this new ministry. We are also

launching a new website that is going to be much more interactive. You can check it out at

“”. Take advantage of all our new resources!

Finally, let me share with you some of the most wonderful news I have been privileged to

share since becoming your pastor! As of our last debt reduction offering, there is some great cel-

ebration in order! As a result of your faithfulness to give and support the debt reduction, the

building has been officially paid off! I am looking forward in the coming weeks to share in a

note-burning service where we as a church can come together in celebration. Thank you so

much for giving! Now the next chapter of Walnut’s history can begin! To God be all glory, hon-

or and praise!


Pastor Travis Farris

Chris & LeeAnn Meigel

To Elaine Park & family

in the loss of her father-in-law Bill Park

To April Haney & family n the loss of her

grandfather William Spinks

James Reneger Logan Cummings

Dear Church Family,

Dale and I want to thank you for all the prayers and help

that you have blessed us with!! It helped us so much. We

Love You All, Dale and Kimberly Masteller

Dear Church,

We are honored and humbled by your continued faithful

giving to the Haiti Ministry. It is such a thoughtful gesture.

The needs continue to be overwhelming and the Lord is

using you to meet so many of these needs.

In Christ, David & Judy Heady

Many thanks to the Pastors and Christian friends

of Walnut Memorial Baptist Church for all the love

shown to me when I recently had surgery on my


Thanks to Bro. Eugene for the visit at the surgical

center and to Pastor Travis for the attention he gave,

the many phone calls, visits, cards and delicious


It was so appreciated!! Our Christian friends are

one of the many blessings of God.

Glenda Long

Quarterly Business Meeting Meal Wednesday, April 13th, 4:30-5:30 PM

Soup - Salad - Baked Potato Bar - Fruit Cobbler Proceeds go toward the Memphis Mission Trip Come eat and fellowship with everyone. Serv-

ing line will close at 5:30PM. Cost is $5 per plate. $20 Family Cap.

Page 3: Nehemiah 4:20—”Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet ...€¦ · Soup - Salad - Baked Potato Bar - Fruit Cobbler Proceeds go toward the Memphis Mission Trip Come eat and

Grab your friends and

bring them to Awana

April 17th. See ya there!!

9 4

A.D. THE BIBLE CONTINUES by David Jeremiah


CURSED by Mike Evans


IF NOT GOD by Janae Shatley Camp


JESUS ON TRIAL by David Limbaugh

THE CASE FOR LIFE by Scott Klusendorf

THE FOUR MAJOR CULTS by Anthony A. Hoekema

MY SOUL THIRSTS by Steve Kotch


THE CHILDREN’S BREAD by Keith M. Bailey KISS ME LIKE YOU MEAN IT by Dr. David Clarke

Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM

April 3rd– No Awana

10th– Awana

17th– Bring a friend

24th– Awana

Get to know

Your Kids

Ministry Team:

Ryan & Amanda Hutchinson

Ryan helps lead our Awana

game time along with leading

the WMBC Engage team.

Amanda is a leader in our

Awana Puggles class. They

have 2 children

Peyton & Will.

April 3rd Helen & Anna Grace Oakes and Amanda Vergason

April 10th Amanda Hutchinson, Les Mackey, Lee Carol Main and Brenda Miller April 17th Jeanette Weedman, Tina Nichols and Carlie Wester April 24th NO KINGDOM KIDS...FAMILY SUNDAY

Sacaton, Arizona Mission Trip

August 6th - August 13th

Cost is approximately $1,000.00

which includes transportation, meals

and board. We need your deposit of

$100.00 if you are interested in go-

ing. There will be a sign-up sheet in

the foyer. See Doug Tarrence

for more info.

Doug Tarrence will have a table set up in the foyer

after our Quarterly Business Meeting on

April 13th with information about these two Mission Trips.

New Believers

Class starts on

April 10th in

Room 212.

‘The Living Free’ a ladies Bible

Study Class taught by Sheilia

Royal meets in the GYM at

9:45AM. New study: Breaking

Church-Wide Mission Trip To Memphis, Tennessee

May 29 - June 3

Cost is $400.00 which includes transportation, meals and board.

If you are interested in going, we need your deposit of $100.00 by April 17th. See Doug Tarrence

for more info.

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Women’s Ministry Committee Meetings

Wednesdays the 6th & 20th at 5:15 in Room 102

Sundays April 10th & 17th @ 4:30 in Room 102

G.R.O.W. Ministry meets every

Tuesday evening @ 6:30 in the

Fellowship Hall. We write letters,

make visits and pray. Come and

join us!!!

Find a Fish Bowl sitting in vari-

ous places in the church. Fill out a

Prospect Form if you know some-

one without Christ or someone

who is unchurched.

April 10th @ 4:30PM in Room 400

May 27, 2016 - We invite all youth girls to the Women’s Ministry Table Scape night. You will be getting a formal

invitation in the mail. Be watching for it!

April 20, 2016 at 6:00PM in the GYM. Please bring food to share with the group. We will provide drinks. Friends are more than welcome to come!

Practice Wednesdays @ 7:00pm

Alyssa Hurm 4/6/1998 18 years old

Kelsey Dillion 4/26/2002 14 years old

Ryan Seaman 4/29/1996 20 years old

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To Memphis, Tennessee

June 1 - 3

(Wednesday - Friday)

The choir will join the ones from our

church who will already be in

Memphis doing mission work.

April 24 @ 6:00 PM - Owensboro Community Worship Orchestra Concert at Bellevue Baptist (including orchestra members from Walnut Memorial, Bellevue, First Baptist and Yellow Creek)

May 8 - Men’s Choir for Mother’s Day (rehearsal on Wed., May 4)

May 21-22 (Saturday & Sunday) - WMBC Kidz Choir Worship Weekend (all kid’s choirs)

May 29 - June 3 - Church-Wide Mission Trip to Memphis, TN June 1-3 - WMBC Choir joining others from Walnut in Memphis July 3 - God and Country Celebration July 25-29 - VBS @ Walnut Memorial

Saturday & Sunday, May 21 & 22 (with Preschool, Kindergarten & Grades 1-4 Choirs)


Bro. Eugene


The Grief Ministry & Nurs-

ing Homes/Shut-ins Ministry

has started to get off the

ground - thanks to those who

are serving in this area.

This month the focus will be on how to make

hospital visits. On Sunday, April 24th at

4:30, there will be a Hospital Visitation Class

in the Fellowship Hall for anyone interested.

KNOW, SHOW, GROW and GO in Jesus Name through Senior Adult & Care Ministry


Sr. Living Celebration - Led by Kentucky Baptist Convention

Monday, April 18

Leave WMBC at 8:00 a.m. and return about 4:30 p.m. 8:30 – 9:10 a.m. Doors open/Registration/Light breakfast 9:20 – 10:40 a.m. General session 10:55 – 11:55 a.m. Workshop Celebration 1 12:05 – 12:40 p.m. Lunch 12:55 – 1:55 p.m. Workshop Celebration 2 2:05 – 2:50 p.m. Entertainment

3:00 p.m. Dismissal (schedule is subject to change)


Seniors Can Worship in Meaningful Ways

Abundant Living Through Giving

You Don’t Put On Armor to Sit on the Couch

From Bitter to Better

Serve, Equip and be a Team Member

The Armor of Preparation

Mission Minded

Let’s Get Moving!

When It’s Alzheimers

Tell Your Story

Navigating Medicare

When Women Pray

See Your Windows - See Your Life

Who Will Be in Charge If...









Cost: $10.00





In Concert

5-time Grammy




22 folks went on the Small Town

Kentucky trip to Whitesville

We filled up about a third of the café.

Did some shopping & found some words!

Sr. Adults are invited to join us for the

Senior Living Celebration in April

Oh - the

Table of

Knowledge! What does that sign say

above their heads???