Download - Need of Responsive Web Designs


Why should you switch to a responsive web design?

As technologies get updated every day, your website should also be up-to-date with that. More and more people are using mobile for searching the internet. If the users have to view your website from their device, you should have a website which will be responsive to every device. Here are some reasons why you should make your website design responsive.

Way back in 2012 itself Google has proposed responsive web design. If your website is designed accordingly, then you just need one URL and the same HTML for every device. Responsive design will let Google easily move along and manifest your website content.

Among the whole inter users, 28% users accessed the internet using their mobile phones.

While using the mobile device to access the internet, if a website isn't easily viewed, then the users will search for another website. Studies have shown that 61% of users goes back to Google to search a site that can be easily read.

By the end of 2015, mobile browsing will take over desktop internet usage.

Do not have any duplicate content on your website. Google is finding websites like this and eliminating them.

Possessing a responsive web design has many advantages for you and the main advantage among them is that responsive web design is low maintenance still has a extensive life.

People change their mobile frequently, but if your website has a responsive design then your website hardly needs any updates.

People use mobile phones to browse the internet for online shopping or to view a business site. As per studies, 90% of all phone searches lead to online shopping.

You can understand from this that responsive web design is very much essential for every website. If your website is not updated to a responsive design, do it now. Adapting to the changes is very much essential to compete in today's business world.

Dotwebz is the web development firm. Dotwebz is precise in providing the best service for its customers. They offer smart and noticeably artistic websites that will attract everyone. Also, they work out web applications of top quality according to the terms of the customers.