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Necrospace - dream-death – Dreamscape Liberation

Gonzo Theory by Randy Gonzalez

From a novel entitled Necrospace: Dreams, Death and Delusion, the concept is reflected

herein as the metaphorical replication of that which happens when sleep ensures. For all intents

and purposes herein, we go to sleep, enter a psycho-dynamic tunnel to another alternate world. A

multidimensional sphere of psychological forces, the frameworks bear upon the unique

individuality of person experience. As wakefulness wanes and dissipates, we sink to the realm of

our dreams. Its dark there, we bring illumination, as the brain never slumbers. Instead, the

illusion we know as the “mind” continues our work in shadowy darkness, except for the evolving

nature we insist be fashioned therein. It’s ours to comprehend and create.

Ascendency is free-willed from within, as the process either devolves or transforms, and

becomes like a “death”. From which, each awakening is a resurrection in purposed progression,

or a devolution in selfish regression. We are absent from the three dimensional world of

materialistic obsessions. When awake, many think they previously knew and understood the

simpleminded “reality” of the so called “real world”. But, in Necrospace, it is a link to the other

side and many other worlds. And yet, who really knows for certain? For when the energies run

their course, and our material life drains away, what is the next to come? No one has any

conclusive answers, and likely never will, as no one has ever returned from the finality of

mortality. Before that, great transformations are possible, given the focus on the detail of

intricate musings from the darkness, which inspires enlightenment to higher levels.

When awake, our distractions pull our consciousness to never ending struggles. Through the

power of our deceptions, given myriad doctrines for dogmatic speculation, many join with

extremists to envision the consummate assumption of all knowing expertise. And, that’s okay, so

long as others are free in their liberation to explore alternatives. Since you can believe anything

you so desire and none can be the wiser or the detractor, you are invited to discover the mind’s

hidden treasures in any manner. What you believe is what you believe, and no one can take that

away from you, unless you allow such. But, we’re reminded we really don’t know what we don’t

know for a certainty to exclusion of all possibilities. And so, some of speculate as best we can on

things discovered in the Necrospace. To the contrary, many refuse to evolve; only a few pursue

the hard toil self-ascendency toward self-evolving transformation. In this, critical thinking of a

logically deductive type remains essential to the free exercise of personal liberation.

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Mindful introspection requires forthright deliverance from dependence on others for one’s

insight. We strive to change in profound ways to become better versions of the original person.

However, one is forewarned on this trek, that many will not change and remain in regressive

modes of devolving perception until finality is a fatality. Resistance to personal transformation

invites the dangers of degeneration into a kind of social “zombification”. In other words, many

people get to play “stupid” in the slothful self-indulgent roles of “victimization”.

One can imagine that each is a double, a duality or twin, of cause and effect. Look-alikes of

personalities within the scheme of divergent dimensions, the dualism has many faces. Mirror

images of intricate temperaments, allegories in thinking define complexities not easily

understood. Not even by the arrogance of “social hygiene” experimentation, or “DNA

deification”, do we even come close to understanding the complexity of the human mind.

Through the smug bias of subjective validation, we think we grasp the mysteries.

However, hope springs eternal in superstitious self-satiations for myth; magic and metaphor

invent unsubstantiated ideologies. They’re an expression of our associated fairy tales, legends

and colorful fables for anthropomorphic inventions, for which we have yet to fully define when

awake. None the less, the manifestations from Necrospace give us creatures, and devils and

demons. They help define the misunderstood external specters of projected complex behaviors,

fabricated in the shadows of the dream-state. Into a present reality of surreal replications, the

mind is magical. And, the magic is very creative given individual perceptions.

Amazingly, our self-motivated search for meaning leads us into all manner of temptation. No

doubt, tempters and temptresses come in the night, in the eerie sepia tinted spectral array. When

they do, they assemble an assortment of images, symbols and signs, and wait for our interaction

with them. Meaning in a precise sense might be irrelevant, but illumination means we have to

turn on the full array of the senses. There are too many variations to detail or stipulate a state of

exactitude except for individuality. Each subsequent venture into the Necrospace invites further

diversity of thought. Each segment is connected to another and so on. Collectively, enumeration

becomes infinite. In a multi-dimensional sense of creativity, absolute denotation is extremely

difficult. Directionally, our mental states transcend all forms of reality. Value and importance

transform with endless implications for the impermanence of point to point thinking. Crossing

over into other boundaries, the identity of self changes and Brain chemistry alters. We are

multiple variations of ourselves in the different spheres of personal reflection.

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Perhaps this is more in tune with addressing the varied personalities we’ve created. We

move in circular configurations where change of mind is the only consistency. In response to the

physical world, our sleeping world conjures pictures, phantasmagorias and stage performances

that boggle the mind’s simplicity to discern absolutely. From these journeys in psychic realms,

only we, as individuals, can know the ultimate importance of the encounters. Sorting out the

complexity takes time, effort and serious meditative introspection.

Likewise, it would seem reasonable to conclude that complex problem solving renders

additional difficulty, unless we expend serious effort. Too many psychological and biological

variables come into play and interfere, as perpetrated by “gurus and experts” in the limited world

of being awake. Suffice it to say then, understanding the comprehensive meaning of dreams

remains a daunting task when you are interrupted by others. So, one could pose the question.

How can someone else interpret your dreams, predict your motives, solve your problems, or infer

your philosophical needs? Thus, from depths of Necro-space arrive the delusions we fake out in

the surface world, in confrontation with the deceptions of conformity.

Unconventional thinking of a rational and reasonable expectation, must come to grips with

the visions that form from mirages of the mindset. This requires altering one’s perspective in

relation to what is prevalent in the surrounding atmosphere when awake. Mind games run the

gamut of illusions for the pretext of selfishness in a devolving world. Fallacies of inference, for

the sake of illicit patternicity, contrived for immediate gratification, fabricate cover stories to

pretext the fragile nature of simplistic answers. From that, premeditations mean there’s always a

reason why we do the things we do. We can sit and pontificate on matters of unnecessary

significance. Or, we can get to the action of proactive endeavors for self-actualization.

Flabby specious notions of this or that, based on weak out of shape mental alacrity, serves to

threaten the progression of the human species. You can see it in the laziness of bloated slothful

indulgence. Scared in fearful hesitance, many will not fight for the facts of formidable

authenticity in the search for the truth of mind and matter. They’d rather complain, poke fun at

others and dismiss the possibility of their shirked responsibility. For most people, thinking is

simply hard work, too difficult and let others do it for them. For this reason, answers to essential

natural questions about life and death remain cloaked by magical thinking. In Necro-space

however, we find the probability of visionary quests to find meanings, and insightful journeys

into other spheres of reality. Thinking must be vigorously multifaceted.

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Regardless though, after waking up, delusion wins the day. Illusion has much to say in the

prurient passions of our individual ways. Why? Because we want it that way, as Necrospace is

scary in the manner of expressing life and death across an altered spectrum of human ideation.

At yet, the essence of the shadowy presence cultivates the self into a multidimensional character.

It’s where temperament grows day by day, with reinforcing vitality summoned at night, through

personal illumination. Figments of imagination work to envisage the creativity necessary to

intersect with realism, after the merged of surrealism. Even so, in slumber the brain continues its

vital efforts to format the visions of intricate means of thought.

In Necrospace we come to an understanding that we fear life because we know death is

coming. Being among the walking dead is unnerving. For much of the populace ignorance is

preferred in the private domain of personal proclivity. And, in individual fixation, enlightenment

in self-evolution is shunned for the appeasement of feelings over factuality and rational

animation. Whimpering, whining and groveling for the next needy notice of self-interests,

masses clamor for the attention by others. Reason and logic are dishonored by the opposing

forces of emotions and as if “zombies” in a post-modern world.

Instead of working very hard to evolve a better version of our original self, we labor selfishly

in the persecution of our dysfunctions upon the nature of others. Ego casts the first stone to

condemn the many for their lack of reality. Of the seven deadly sins, pride seems most prominent

in the mainstream. And still though, we can’t discount the influence of envy, anger, dejection,

avarice, gluttony and larceny. Our dream-state serves as the movie house for portraying these

things to us. Of which, we participate in the play’s production.

Presumptuous adherence to certain frames of reference precludes the extraordinary depths of

intuitive inquiry. That is, discovery of self through serious introspection into the feelings,

meanings and explanations of thinking processes, is dangerous. Problem-solving remains critical

to reinforcing the impulse to life. For the sake of evolving sanity, dreams serve the purpose of

personal exploration. Deciphering the codes we use becomes the challenge. Dark, dangerous and

deceptive, our brain follows a plan of action. Sometimes, the answers are hard to find. Absent the

criticality of factual certainty, errors in thinking are likely. Miscalculations are highly probable.

An internal warfare struggles against various competing interests. The essential concepts of

rightness or wrongness distress arguments and debates over means of psychic survival. Within

the very fabric of Necrospace, we work out problematic issues from the inside out.

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Necrospace is sleeping environs whereby we “see” and “connect” to all manner of creation

within the scope of our experiences and transience through time. Within psychic activity,

possibility becomes probability and eventually certainty. This is the most important aspect, for

some of us, in terms of individual essence. Existence is one thing. But, defining that existence

becomes the mission of our essence. From genesis to exodus, this amazing realm of ideation

flows within streams of altered levels of consciousness. To which we might consider the mind, in

fronting for the brain, is a never ending adventure. It’s a puzzle kingdom without limits on

puzzle pieces. Or, a chess game without dimensional constraints on the moves. Innumerable

variations each time we practice and engage in the experience. The problem stems from

forbidding ourselves go on the journeys. We simply have to go there.

Fear precludes satisfactory expressions. Being scared of the dark is recognition of the dangers

that lurk there. Deep within the jungle interior of our thinking, we need to know who we are.

Each tastes the delectable “apple”, or “fruit of the poisonous tree”, means the essence of being

free. Sensations present possibilities and change from moment to moment. And, we must invite

ourselves to come inside that “edenic garden” and rebel, in order to witness our transformations.

Rebellion of mind instigates the procreation of self-evolving human creativity.

Our innate sensuality is potent energetic merging with spiritual aspirations. For inside the

brain, the mind does the hazardous works of provoking existence. It’s the cover, concealment

and camouflage of mysterious spheres of motive, intents and desires for change. We feed at the

holy communion of our own rebirth every day, after rising up from darkness of Necrospace.

From there, we find the potential for knowing the passage of one world to another. Cautioned we

are of pious pretenses in the extremist philosophies of rigid fixations. Endeavors of the mind

reside in the liberation of every level of existence for personal conversion.

Necrospace is the private oracle of ultimate personal space, and the change agency as the

creator within us. We are it and it is us, a divinity of cosmic proportions. In the shadows of

Necrospace, there are more of us that wait for revelation. Regardless, our never ending capacity

for self-deception when awake finds ways to deny our nature. Stress and strain of psychic trauma

and subsequent drama, collude with sordid misguided communal convulsions. Never the less,

one has to think and think profoundly, freely and fight for his or her freedom. For many, thinking

as such is difficult, and frightening, because it requires risk taking and being different.

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In the richness of the dreamscape, its illusive nature may be far more revealing than when we

are awake. At least when asleep, we’re not trying to obsessively stage-manage our emotional

reactivity with other people. For this brief transport of timelessness, we are able to suspend the

arrogance of our self-indulgence. If we are willing, then the adventure can be an extraordinary

revelation. A vast rich portal into other worlds, the Necrospace thrives with teeming

eccentricities. Outrageous and beguiling, Necrospace is the psychodynamic potency by which we

can explore the depths of who we are. At once, we have the capacity to paralyze our physical self

for a time, and unleash the power of the darkness within the unconscious realm. To dream is to

imagine the unimaginable for the necessity of transforming trance to transience. It is the

motivational forces to move from delusion to ambitious transformation. Whereas logical

coherence is not essential, imagination reigns profoundly experiential.

Within this multifaceted sphere of shifting shapes and forms, the brain is fully activated.

Simultaneously, our sensual spirituality is awakened to an inspiring array of non-physical

experiences. Amatively instigate, a show unfolds, scripted, directed and acted by us. The process

of our psychic ascension into this world is vital. Nightly treks are necessary to a greater

understanding of personal individuality, as well as imaginative liberation. And, to understand the

elemental complexity of human nature, dreams are the secret doorway. We are forewarned of

course, that the journey through the process harbors potential terrors. Frightening potentialities

can surface that have been forged within the blackness of our ideations. None the less, it is for

good reason we confront the fantasy of the nightmare. We learn by being there. Our challenge is

to pay attention to the images, the fantasy and the story telling.

From that, the journeys offers lesson in self-disclosure both shocking and hopeful.

Contemporary dreadfulness of one sort or another confronts our disembodied sensitivities, as we

travel the darkly colorized landscapes. A rainbow of colors we don’t often find, yet the sepia of

the neural secretions unleashes the dimensions of wonderment. In order to survive, cope and

thrive, we must discern the implications of the assorted visions. Fortitude is bolstered by the

responsiveness of intuitive reflection. This requires time, diligence and an awakening of

individuality. Dreadful dream encounters may reveal to us the necessity of being prepared. If so,

then terrifying events offer options, or possibilities, by which we deal with obstacles confronted

in the real world. Whereas we conjure the deviance of the day, or the benevolence of the

beneficiary, those inner formulations are expiated in the reaches of Necrospace.

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Please check out the new spy thriller, Angels Keep Watch by Randy Gonzalez, and let yourself

take on a sexy adventurous read. Then, take a walk on the sensual dark side of human adventure

through the shadows of your mind. And, challenge your senses of the normal versus the

paranormal, and the abnormal. Accept the quest!


