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University of Kentucky

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Near To or Far From Our Expectations?

Steven R. Alford and Robert A. LodderAdvanced Science and Technology Center

University of Kentucky

Copyright 2002 University of Kentucky

Page 2: Near infrared spectroscopy 2

University of Kentucky

Near-IR Spectrometry

Near-IR spectrometry uses the absorption, emission, or scattering of light in the near-infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (700 - 3000 nm) by atoms or molecules to determine sample composition or characteristics.

Editorial slides, VP Watch, February 27, 2002, Volume 2, Issue 8

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University of Kentucky

Technology is available for spectrometric sensing at very long distances

Hyperspectral Imaging and Remote Sensing

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University of Kentucky

Several techniques are being tested to identify vulnerable plaques before they disrupt. Of these, near-IR and Raman spectrometry seem most relevant to fiber-optic catheters.

In 1993 Cassis and Lodder described a near-IR imaging system and parallel vector supercomputer used with a fiber-optic probe to produce chemical maps of the intimal surface of living arteries.

Editorial slides, VP Watch, February 27, 2002, Volume 2, Issue 8

Catheter-Based Photonic Technologies for Detection of Vulnerable Plaque

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University of Kentucky

Romer et al. have demonstrated detection of atherosclerotic plaque using NIR Raman spectroscopy. However, Raman spectroscopy, while offering greater intrinsic spectral resolution, is also more challenging in clinical applications.

Naghavi, Soller, and colleagues have used NIR spectroscopy for measuring plaque activity and inflammation parameters such as pH and lactate.

Editorial slides, VP Watch, February 27, 2002, Volume 2, Issue 8

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University of Kentucky

Near-IR predictions of lipid pool, fibrous cap, and macrophage infiltration have been made with good sensitivity and specificity using fiber-optic probes.

P. Cherukuri, P. Riggs, I. Darrat, K. Dumstorf, and R. A. Lodder, Near-IR Spectrometry of Structural Components of Susceptible Plaque In Vivo and In Vitro, CPS:analchem/0101001, (Jan) 2001, 1-13.

Detection of Lipid Pool, Thin Fibrous Cap, and Inflammatory Cells in Human Aortic Atherosclerotic Plaques by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy; Pedro R. Moreno, Robert A. Lodder, K. Raman Purushothaman, William E. Charash, William N. O’Connor, and James E. Muller ; Circulation 2002 105: 923 - 927; published online before print February 4 2002, 10.1161/hc0802.104291.

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University of Kentucky

Near-IR Spectrometry

Elastic photon scatter

Near-IR light penetrates water (and blood) wellDecent signal intensities from most organic compoundsSample contact is not really requiredBetter S/NQuantitative calibrations are linearConventional optics and fibers can be used

Lower intrinsic spectral resolution, more band overlap

Use collagen I to compare near-IR, IR and Raman spectra

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University of Kentucky

Peaks are sharp at low energies, and broaden at high energies

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University of Kentucky

Infrared (IR) Spectrometry elastic photon scatter

Good intrinsic spectral resolutionStrong signal intensities from most organic compoundsDecent S/N

IR does not penetrate water (or blood) wellSpecial optics and fibers are required to handle lightAttenuated Total Reflectance requires good sample contactQuantitative calibrations are not very linear

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University of Kentucky

IR peaks of pure compounds are strong and rather well resolved

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University of Kentucky

Good intrinsic spectral resolutionRaman spectrometry can be performed in regions where it penetrates water wellSample contact is not really requiredNIR and Raman both give more linear calibrations than IR

Weak signal intensities from most organic compoundsFew photons undergo inelastic scatter, decreasing S/NTechnological advances in lasers, holographic notch filters,and detectors make Raman spectroscopy possible.In vitro Raman is a good tool for plaque chemistry

Raman Spectrometry Inelastic photon scatter

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Many sharp bands are seen in the Raman spectrum of a pure compound

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University of Kentucky

Multivariate Calibration

Secondary analytical methods like Near-IR, IR, and Raman spectrometry require calibration by primary methods.HPLC, UV-visible spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis and analytical ultracentrifugation are also calibrated by standards(i.e., gravimetry or mass spectrometry serve as the primary analytical methods)

Multivariate chemometric methods like PLS, PCA, BESTare required to extract quantitative information from complexsamples like atherosclerotic plaques.

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University of Kentucky

Spectra of pure collagen I and III standards were obtained in vitro through 1 mm of whole blood using a fiber optic probe. Identical integration times were used. Multivariate principal component analysis was used to assess the ability of near-IR, IR, and Raman spectrometry to differentiate between the collagen samples.

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University of Kentucky

Ten Replicate Spectra of Collagen I = O, Collagen III = +

NIR spectra separated wellStrong signals scattered backCollagen I and III have distinctive NIR spectra

IR spectra did not separateSignals weaker than Near-IRSignals scattered only from bloodNo light reached the collagens

Raman spectra separated somewhatsignal level lowestNd:YAG light reachedsample, but noise washigh

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University of Kentucky


The NASA MAESA has a wavelength range from 0.5 to 2.5 micrometers. Selection rules make Near-IR and Raman spectrometry complementary methods.

The MAESA includes a laser to illuminate a point or a line on a target. Other optics image the target onto a rectangular focal plane array of InGaAs photodetectors. The light returning from the target is long-wavelength-filtered to remove the laser wavelength component, then focused onto a convex diffraction grating, which spectrally disperses the remaining Raman-scattered light along a row of the array. Removing the grating enables Near-IR spectrometry with a tunable laser.

Hyperspectral Imaging can be Accomplished with One Combined NIR and Raman Instrument

Diagram: NASA Photonics Tech Briefs Jan. 2002

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University of Kentucky

New Technologies Remain to be Explored

Superconducting transition edge detectors

Quantum cascade lasers

B. Cabrera, R. M. Clarke, P. Colling, A. J. Miller, S. Nam, and R. W. Romani, Detection of single infrared, optical, and ultraviolet photons using superconducting transition edge sensors, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 1998, 73(6), 735-737.

Claire Gmachl, Deborah L. Sivco, Raffaele Colombelli, Federico Capasso& Alfred Y. Cho Ultra-broadband semiconductor laser, Nature 2002, 415, 883-887.

Typically, lasers emit light of one pure wavelength. Quantum cascade lasers generate a beam containing wavelengths in a wide region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This new broadband laser can be made to operate in the NIR/IR. The device contains hundreds of extremely thin semiconductor layers, each one affecting the energies of electrons passing through it. A high voltage forces an electric current to penetrate layer after layer in the stack. The physical confinement of many of those stacked layers makes them act as quantum wells.

The TE optical detector is so sensitive that it can clock the arrival of a single photon of lightand still measure its energy. The detector works in the infrared, optical and ultraviolet portions of the spectrum. An electrical current keeps the detector at its criticaltransition temperature. The sensor is cooled slightly below the transition temperature and the electrical current raises its temperature to the critical value. When the energy from an individual photon reaches the superconductor, it heats up the electrons in the material. This heating causes an increase in the resistance. The greater resistance causes a decrease in the electrical heating that exactly equals the amount of energy that the photon deposited. This keep the detector at the right temperature and also gives a precise measurement of the photon's energy and arrival time.

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University of Kentucky

Near To or Far From Our Expectations?

Insufficient man-hours and public and private research fundinghave been directed into spectrometric technologies for detection of vulnerable plaque.

Photonic technologies have tremendous untapped potentialthat will continue to grow as new tools like MAESA, quantum cascade lasers, and superconducting detectors become available.

Organizations like AEHA must continue to promote awarenessof the problem and the potential solutions so photonics canfulfill our expectations.