Download - NDF St on SPDC's Threat_Eng

  • 8/9/2019 NDF St on SPDC's Threat_Eng


    Liberty Equality Social Progress 1

    NNDDFF SSttaatteemmeenntt oonn AAtttteemmpptt bbyy SSPPDDCC ttoo IInntt iimmiiddaattee AArrmmeedd EEtthhnniicc CCeeaasseeffii rree FFoorrcceess

    AApprriill 11,, 22001100 SSttaatteemmeenntt NNrr 0077//0066//HHeeaadd--1100

    1. The SPDC military clique has been preparing continuously for war to annihilate violently the armed ethnicceasefire forces which refuses to transform their armed wings into Border Guard Force (BGF). It is an attemptby the SPDC to intimidate the armed ethnic ceasefire forces and add fuel to fire of the civil war. For thatreason, we the National Democratic Front (NDF) condemn strongly these activities of the SPDC military clique.

    2. Continuous threat by the SPDC military clique to declare as illegal associations and annihilate militarily theethnic ceasefire forces failing to lay down arms and enter the legal fold within March, is a systematicundertaking by the military clique to switch from the path of resolving the political problems peacefully bypolitical means. The senseless SPDC military leaders must be held responsible for all the consequencesresulting from such one-sided act for terroristic resolution of political problems through military violence.

    3. We earnestly welcome and support the endeavor to resolve political problems by peaceful means, on the basisof national polity, by the Kachin Independence Army/Organization, United Wa State Army/Party, Shan StateArmy/Progressive Party(North), Mon National Liberation Army/NewMonStateParty, Kayan Newland Party andMongla Forces. It is well neigh impossible for the armed ethnic forces, representing their respective

    nationalities and in defense of their national integrity, language, literature, culture, land and sovereignty, torelinquish arms, or transform to BGF, without guarantee for self-determination rights of the ethnic nationalities.

    4. If the military clique initiates military offensive one-sidedly for annihilation, the respective armed ethnic ceaseforces will resist in self-defense, and it will expand the fire of civil war and heighten the threat to regional peaceand stability. Presently, within the month of March, as the military clique has amassed its forces in the ethnicceasefire areas and threatened militarily, the local ethnic communities have to fear greatly for their security.

    5. For that reason, we the NDF would like to declare our position that if the common enemy of the people ofBurma, the SPDC military clique, resorts to violent solution by military means against the armed ethnicceasefire forces, we will fully support their war of resistance and act in coordination with them, militarily and

    politically by various means.

    Victory through Alliance

    Central Executive CommitteeNational Democratic Front (NDF)

    Contact: GS (66) 086 206 4045, JGS (66) 082 885 7963

    P.O. Box (101), Mae sod, Tak. 63110, Tel / Fax (+ 66) 55 536 757, Email: [email protected]. Blog: