Download - nd Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002-3753 Rectory 201-339-2070 ... · Saint John Paul II Parish 39 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002-3753 Rectory 201-339-2070; Fax 201-339-3676 Email: [email protected]


Saint John Paul II Parish

39 East 22nd Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002-3753 Rectory 201-339-2070; Fax 201-339-3676

Email: [email protected] Religious Education: [email protected]

Web: w

Served by: Rev. Zenon Boczek SDS, Pastor

Rev. Piotr Hałdaś SDS, Parochial Vicar Rev. Andrzej Kujawa SDS, Parochial Vicar

The purpose of the Salvatorian is to strengthen, to defend and to spread the Catholic faith everywhere insofar as this is committed to it by Divine Providence. Therefore, by exercising this ecclesiastical teaching function in word and writing, it intends to achieve the end that all people might know more and more the one true God and Him whom He sent, Jesus Christ.

Kerry G. Fryczynski, Zofia Castellon - Trustees Agnes Barowicz, Parish Secretary

Debra Czerwienski, Director of Religious Education Blanca Cisneros, Secretary of Religious Education

Dayle Vander Sande, Music Minister


4:30 PM at St. Michael’s Church; 5:00 PM at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

Sunday: 8:15 AM; 9:30 AM; 10:45 AM (Polish) & 12:15 PM;

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 9:30 AM (Italian) - St. Michael’s Church

WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church

Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM (English) & 8:00 AM, (Polish) [except Thursday] Saturday: 7:30 AM (Polish) & 8:30 AM (English)

Tuesday 7:00 PM (English), Thursday 7:00 PM (Polish)

St. Michael’s Church 8:00 AM (English) Monday – Friday

CONFESSIONS: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church

Daily from Monday to Friday 7:30 AM, Saturday 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM to 6:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM to 3:00 PM

December 3, 2017

Spiritual Offerings December 3-9, 2017

SANCTUARY LAMP God’s continued blessings in honor of Sophie

Lojewski’s 101’st birthday (with love Barbara, Denise, Lucas, Liam & Lily Ann)


+Stanley Duda (Loving Family)

DIVINE MERCY CANDLE +Elizabeth Duda (Loving Family)

BLESSED MOTHER CANDLE Health blessings for Eileen Keene

(Evelyn, Lidia, Jan & Tina)

O.L.OF CZESTOCHOWA CANDLE +Gladys Bajor (family)


Health blessings for Bill Smith (Joanne & Frank)

ST. JOHN PAUL II CANDLE ++Joseph & Julia Macon (Cindy)


Special Intentions

ST. THERESA CANDLE +Mary Oldakowski (Pat Suckiel)

SATURDAY, December 2, 2017 4:30 PM + Doctor Ulderico Calizo 5:00 PM ++Stella & Joseph Mokrzycki (Barbara Siwiec) SUNDAY, December 3, 2017, 2017 8:15 AM Deceased Members of Mt. Carmel Lyceum 9:30 AM +Vincent Suckiel (wife, Pat) 9:30 AM (SM) +Nuncio Tinnirello (wife,& family) 10:45 AM + Irene Szyposzynski (Glowczynski family) 12:15 PM +Jamie DeRocco (Barbara, Denice, Lucas, Liam & Lily Ann) MONDAY, December 4, 2017 7:00 AM ++Grazia & Pietro Barberi (Son Mario) 8:00 AM +Eugene Czekajlo (D. Kaniewski & family) 8:00 AM (SM) For Parishioners TUESDAY, December 5, 2017 7:00 AM +Tessie Zebrowski (Edward & Wanda Lubach) 8:00 AM +Józefa Lang (Marian & Agata Wronski) 8:00 AM (SM) ++ Maria & Jan Kurasz (Wanda & Zygmunt Kurasz) 7:00 PM No Mass at Mt Carmel. Mass at Saint Henry's Church+Dolores Macon (Ritchie & Andy) WEDNESDAY, December 6, 2017 7:00 AM +Charles Rosciszewski (family) 8:00 AM +Eugene Czekajlo (wife & kids) 8:00 AM (SM) +George Mayo THURSDAY, December 7, 2017 7:00 AM +Gerald Kline (B.R. & A. Kline) 8:00 AM (SM) +Thomas Norton, Sr. 7:00 PM (ENG) +Mildret Maretta (Debby Mattiello) (Vigil Mass in English) FRIDAY, December 8, 2017 7:00 AM +Elizabeth Zawacki (Estate) 8:00 AM + Mark Pieczurko (Mom & sister) 8:00 AM (SM) +Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Prontnicki (McCurnin & Ruane families) 12:00 PM (ENG) + Dolores Macon 7:00 PM (PL) Birthday blessings for Urszula Skura and family (Son) 8:00 PM (ITA) SATURDAY, December 9, 2017 7:30 AM (PL) ++Stanisław & Józef Gacki (family) 8:30 AM +Marie Potter (Carl & Marie Davis) 4:30 PM ++Elvira & Giuseppe Ciraco (Daughter, Maria) 5:00 PM ++Stella & Louis Usarzewicz (family) SUNDAY, December 10, 2017, 2017 8:15 AM +Louis Riccardi, Jr. (family) 9:30 AM +Czesław Budny 9:30 AM (SM) + Bonacci family (son & family) 10:45 AM ++Frank, Jadwiga & Julian Słowikowski (Corka Irena z rodzina) 12:15 PM +Georgia A. Balint (Rosa Cagraca)

Our Grateful Tithe to God: Sunday, November 26, 2017:

Regular: $7,230.00

We thank all our parishioners for their generous support of our parish! Bóg Zapłać! Grazie!

Please be Advise: Banks are not accepting Checks written for Mt. Carmel Church. Check has to be

issued to St John Paul II Parish.

First Sunday of Advent Sunday December 3, 2017

Be watchful! Be alert!

You do not know when the time will come.

— Mark 13:33

THIS WEEK Saturday-Sunday, December 2-3, 2017: Collection for the Retirement Religious Monday, December 4, 2017: Family of Nazareth - 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 5, 2017: Cub Scouts - 7:00 PM Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Eucharistic Adoration - 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, St. Michael’s Church Thursday, December 7, 2017 Boy Scouts - 7:30 PM Friday, December 8, 2017 Immaculate Conception - Holy Day of Obligation - Rectory Office Closed Saturday-Sunday, December 9-10, 2017: Maintenance collection Family Mass -9:30 AM

PLEASE DONATE New Christmas Tree lights & new or gen-

tly used Tree decorations. This is the last week to place your dona-

tions in the collection boxes located at the church entrances.

All donations must be received by Dec. 3rd. Donations will be used by Stephanie Peters for her

Girl Scout Gold Award project "A Tree in Every Home".

Attention ! Tuesday December 5th

There will be no mass at 7:00 PM at Mt Carmel. The intention will be celebrated 7 PM at Saint Henry’s Church. Please join us for Cardinals


Appreciation Dinner We invite all parishioners who volunteer for various parish needs throughout the year to attend our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Please join the Priests and staff of

St. John Paul II Parish for a special evening of honoring you, our cherished volunteers. The dinner will be held on December 16th

in the Parish Center at 6:00pm. You are welcome to bring a spouse . We ask that you please RSVP here so we can have an

accurate count for the dinner arrangements before Wednesday, December 13th. Please call office at 201 339-2070 or email [email protected]

Pastor, Fr. Zenon SDS May God bless you!


As many of you have heard, Cardinal Tobin is go-ing to all 27 deaneries of the Archdiocese. It is his desire to get to know the lay of the land, the priests and the people who make up the flock he has been called to shepherd. The visits consist of a meeting

with the priests, Mass with the faithful and a “Town Hall” style meeting. Mass will be celebrated at St.

Henry Church and all are invited to attend.

The St. John Paul II Society has scholar-ship available for our

parish youth who may be attending or

about to attend a Catholic high school or institution of high-er learning. The only requirement to apply

is that the youth’s family must be regis-tered and active member of St. John Paul II


To apply, contact Robert Durak, President at 201-424-7904. Application deadline is

December 21. Applicants who are award-ed scholarships will be notified.


The Rosary Society of St. JPII Parish will cele-brate the Christmas Holidays with a luncheon on Saturday, December 9, at Piccolino’s, 552 Broad-way, Bayonne, at 12:30 pm. Members and non-members are welcome. Price is $30 per person.

Please contact Mary Ann Decha at 732-887-5946 by December 3 if you will join us for fun, food

and prizes!

OPLATEK (Polish Christmas Wafers)

Offering $5.00 Now available in rectory and

in the sacristy. Each package has the

history of this beautiful custom.

Even though the dogma of the Immaculate Concep-tion was infallibly defined in 1854 by Blessed Pope Pius IX, the Immaculate Conception is something that has been believed as a matter of reality in our faith for many centuries. We see evidence of the reality of the doctrine that Mary was conceived without sin when the angel Gabriel greeted her to announce to her that Christ was going to be born and that she was going to give birth to him. The old-er translations of today’s Gospel render Gabriel’s greeting as “hail, full of grace,” and we still say that every time we say the Hail Mary. Some Catholic commentators through the years, going back even to some of the Church Fathers themselves, have said that this expression “full of grace” literally means that Mary was filled with an abundance or with the fullness of sanctifying grace. Gabriel did not merely address the Blessed Mother as “Mary,” but as “Full of Grace,” or the “Highly Favored One,” because she wasn’t just another woman, she was about to be the Mother of God. This was an entirely unique greeting for a person, the Blessed Mother, who was, in the words of “Lumen Gentium” (56), “filled with an entirely unique holiness,” someone who had free will, and could have easily said no…but she was unimpeded by all of the imperfections of human nature that come with sin, so Mary was able to give herself over totally to the will of God, completely able to cooperate with the Plan of Salvation. It is true that she sets a holy example for all of us, because we are all called to cooperate with the Plan of Salvation in our own lives, as well as in the work of the Church, but by God’s gift, Mary was able to cooperate fully and completely with that plan from the moment of her conception. You are all beautiful, Mary. and the original stain [of sin] is not in you. Your clothing is white as snow, and your face is like the sun. You are all beautiful, Mary. and the original stain [of sin] is not in you. You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you give honor to our people. You are all beautiful, Mary.

The Meaning of "Advent" The word Advent means "coming" or "arrival." The focus of the entire season is preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ in his First Advent, and the anticipation of the return of Christ the King in his Se-cond Advent. Thus, Advent is far more than simply marking a2,000 year old event in history. It is celebra-ting a truth about God, the revelation of God in Christ whereby all of creation might be reconciled to God. That is a process in which we now participate, and the consummation of which we anticipate. Scripture re-ading for Advent will reflect this emphasis on the Se-cond Advent, including themes of accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment on sin, and the hope of eternal life.

In this double focus on past and future, Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power. That acknowledgment provides a basis for Kingdom ethics, for holy living arising from a pro-found sense that we live "between the times" and are called to be faithful stewards of what is entrusted to us as God’s people. So, as the church celebrates God’s inbreaking into history in the Incarnation, and anticipa-tes a future consummation to that history for which "all creation is groaning awaiting its redemption," it also confesses its own responsibility as a people commissio-ned to "love the Lord your God with all your heart" and to "love your neighbor as yourself."

S. Nicola fu uno dei più illus-tri santi che fiorirono nella Chiesa orientale nel secolo IV. Nativo di Pataro nella Licia, dimostrò fin da bambino di essere predestinato a grandi cose. Prestissimo si innamorò della vita religiosa, e si ritirò in un monastero nelle vicinan-ze di Mira. Mirabili furono quivi i suoi slanci d'amore al Signore ed il progresso quo-tidiano nella virtù. Praticava la carità materiale e spirituale verso il prossimo, e di lui rimase celebre il seguente fat-to. Trovandosi tre giovanette in grave pericolo di per-dere l'innocenza, non potendo a causa della loro povertà trovare un onesto collocamento, per tre notti consecutive Nicola si portò vicino a quella casa, ed ogni volta vi gettò dalla finestra una borsa contenente il necessario per la dote di una figlia. Il Signore lo preavvisò della prossima sua morte ed il Santo, raccomandatosi alle preci del suo buon popolo, radunò il clero, e prese a recitare il salmo: In te Domine, speravi, fino al versetto: In manus tuas, commendo spiritum meum, e col sorriso sulle labbra, spirò. Era l'anno 342. Il suo corpo si con-serva a Bari, nella Basilica del suo nome.

Nel paradiso terrestre Iddio Padre, nell'atto di scacciare Eva, preannunzió la nascita di una donna che avrebbe schiacciato la testa al ser-pente e colla sua concezione senza macchia avrebbe ri-parato i danni del primo pec-cato. Siccome gli avvenimenti dell'Antico Testamento era-no figura di quanto doveva realizzarsi nel Nuovo, così in molti è adombrata l'Im-macolata: nel roveto ardente che arde e non si consuma;

nel vello di Gedeone, ma specialmente nella verga di Tesse da cui doveva germogliare il fiore nazareno. Fin dai primi tempi della Chiesa si è sempre venerata l'Immacolata Concezione di Maria, ma non era ancora un dogma. Finalmente, il 2 febbraio 1849, il Pontefice Pio IX, ispirato da Dio e dalla Vergine, rispondendo alle insistenze dei vescovi e dei fedeli, inviò ai medesimi una lettera enciclica per domandare il parere di ciascuno riguardo all'Immacolata. La quasi totalità rispose es-primendo il desiderio vivissimo proprio e dei popoli, di veder presto proclamato quel dogma. A questi voti Pio IX aggiunse la sua parola infallibile e l'8 dicembre 1854, alla presenza di tutta la corte pontifi-cia e gran numero di vescovi e cardinali, definiva come dogma di fede la verità della Concezione Immacolata di Maria.

8 - 12 grudnia 2017r

Tegorocznym rekolekcjonistą będzie ks. Jerzy Morański SDS.


Piątek, 8 grudnia

7:00 PM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym

Sobota, 9 grudnia 7:30 AM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym

Niedziela, 10 grudnia

10:45 AM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym

Poniedziałek, 11 grudnia 8:00 AM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym 7:00 PM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym

Wtorek, 12 grudnia

8:00 AM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym 6:00 PM - Msza Święta z kazaniem rekolekcyjnym

Adwent (z łac. adventus - przyjście, przybycie) to okres w roku liturgicznym, który rozpoczyna się od I Nieszporów niedzieli po sobocie XXXIV tygodnia Okresu Zwykłego, a kończy przed I Nieszporami uroczy-stości Narodzenia Pańskiego w wieczór 24 grudnia. Trwa od 23 do 28 dni i obejmuje cztery kolejne niedziele przed 25 grudnia. Stanowi pierwszy okres w każdym nowym roku liturgicznym. Adwent składa się z dwóch odrębnych okresów:

• czasu, w którym kierujemy nasze serca ku oczekiwa-niu powtórnego przyjścia Jezusa w chwale na końcu czasów (okres od początku Adwentu do 16 grudnia włącznie);

• czasu bezpośredniego przygotowania do uroczysto-ści Narodzenia Pańskiego, w której wspominamy pierwsze przyjście Chrystusa na ziemię.

Zwornikiem wszystkich tekstów liturgii adwen-towej obydwu części jest czytanie ciągłe księgi proroka Izajasza. Czytanie to obrazuje tęsknotę za wyczekiwa-nym Mesjaszem.
