Download - Nature's Pathways Mar 2012 Issue - Northeast WI Edition


ContentsnortHeast WIsConsIn March 2012


One life touches many

feature story

on tHe CoVer:KareN lewiS-weiGle, dean of Blue Sky School of Professional Massage and Therapeutic BodyworkPhotography by Taylor Greenwood


10 13 14 20 24 26 Benefits of the Dead Sea 33 34 36 38 40 42 48 54

Massage ... the perfect remedy Change Protect against intestinal parasites Creative solutions are within you Physical therapy for back pain Goodwill Outstanding Achiever: Brandon Walburn What is LEED? Food sensitivity testing Get your closet in order Wellness vs. wellbeing Luck is not just for the Irish! Keep your brain healthy What color is your diet? Bhakti yoga: The path of devotion

56 58 62 64 66 69 72 74 77 79 80 85 86 87

Can we talk about ... IBS? Gluten free and the game Elder care: When to intervene? Essential oils for animals Curbside recycling Health care at home Hanging on or letting go? Oh my blooming back! Emerge from hibernation with Rolfing SI Mystery of extra virgin olive oil Have the life you want Consumer Choice and Wellness Act Is listening the forgotten skill? Think positive!


Journey of life

departments8 12 16 22 28 32 44 52 68 76 88 90 974

reflections from the editor healthy pets fit bodies crystal revelations healthy kids intuitive insights lets talk finances healthy eating herb blurb average jane community calendar resource guide advertiser directory

Compost tea for healthy soil


Get your plate in shape


Nutrition and gum disease


Natures Pathways | March 2012

we areOur MissiOnNatures Pathways is a monthly community-based magazine and online resource that provides relevant information on living a healthy lifestyle via nutrition, fitness, personal growth, wellness, relaxation, and organic and green living. By connecting the businesses that provide goods and services related to these topics to the consumers who desire to patronize such establishments, Natures Pathways serves as a trusted resource. We strive to be fair and honest in our business dealings, responsible with our editorial content and committed to being the best communitybased natural health publication throughout our regions. what maKeS uS uNique? Natures Pathways differs from other publications in two major ways: We are community based the vast majority of our advertisers are locally or regionally based. the majority of the editorial content that fills our pages is written by or submitted by local advertisers. why Do we SuBSCriBe to thiS BuSiNeSS moDel? We believe that because our advertisers are in the business of providing goods and services in the healthy living industry, they are the subject matter experts. our readers appreciate having access to information provided by local businessmen and women with a vested interest in the health of their patrons and the communities in which they live. this unique concept allows you to learn more about how to live a healthy life, and also about the businesses in your community that can serve as trusted resources.

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Natures Pathways | March 2012

refleCTiOnsfrom the editorJackie [email protected]

While Wisconsin winters have a way of putting some of us in a bit of a funk, this time of year awakens us to the renewal ahead. The outdoor walkers emerge once again. The tulips and daffodils begin to take a peak at the world. The evenings have more sunlight to keep us on our toes a bit longer. And, if resolutions are not for you, this may be the month you get motivated to take better care of yourself. It just so happens that March is National Nutrition Month; a good time for us to evaluate our eating habits. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics created the nutrition education and information campaign in order to focus attention on the quality of food we are putting in our bodies along with the quantity of exercise we are taking in each week. Lets all take this opportunity to better ourselves! There are a number of Web sites to help you on your wellness journey. Having three teenagers who thrive on technology, I can hold my own, well, on the computer anyway. When I finally get my turn, I enjoy visiting It is here where I am reminded what a huge responsibility parents have in teaching our children about healthy eating habits. Their nutrition impacts the development of their minds and bodies. As a parent, you can help pave the way for a lifetime of better moods and better health by helping them develop an appreciation for planning, preparing and eating a range of tastes. Ive also learned from experience that the earlier you start, the better. At my house, youre just not going to slip a healthy beet past the tightly clenched teeth of my 16-yearold, 175-pound, muscle-bound son wielding a menacing fork! In his case, I concede that I probably started too late. Our authors this month are especially excited to have the chance to educate you with their health and wellness expertise. Kimberly Neher, a clinical nutritionist, shares her knowledge about the best ways to fuel your body and why you should

Spring is near! March is a month of possibility.

get colorful with our choices. Terry Lemerond gives advice on how to arm yourself to fight off bacteria and viruses for the benefit of your health. Deb Sommerhalder encourages you to try a new exercise alternative, Bhakti yoga, a devotional experience. And so many more great articles await you in this edition. Please read on! I hope you are able to use some of what we offer this month to better your health and wellness the possibilities are endless! In health and happiness,

Do you have a comment or question about something you read in Nature's Pathways? Is there a story you'd like to read? How about something you didn't like as much? Whatever your opinion, we want to know! Please e-mail Jackie at [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks for reading!

www.naturespathwaysonline.com8Natures Pathways | March


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Massage it may be the perfect remedyBy lesley oKane


ost of us know how good a massage can feel, but did you know that massage can provide health benefits that go far beyond the relaxed and pampered feeling you may experience? Massage has been around for centuries and was used by ancient Chinese cultures as a healing tool for all kinds of medical conditions. Over the years, Western research has confirmed through numerous studies that massage therapy provides much more than just relaxation. The benefits are numerous ranging from treating chronic diseases, helping your immune system, improving the quality of sleep, increasing circulation and improving range of motion and flexibility to list a few. The amazing thing about massage is that

it creates a chemical change that actually reduces pain and stress throughout your entire body. You dont even have to massage the area that actually hurts to create this profound effect. Lets say you have a headache, just by having someone massage your feet with moderate pressure can trigger the body to release endorphins, which are your bodys natural pain killers. One study with Fibromyalgia patients, people who live with a chronic, painful condition, proved that after having a massage twice a week for five weeks their substance P levels were

lowered. Substance P is a chemical found in your brain and spinal cord associated with pain and inflammation. Our lymph system, which is a key player in the bodys ability to ward off disease and heal itself from injury, is also directly affected by massage. The manual movement from massage can increase the flow of lymph. This helps your body remove harmful substances from tissues and increases your immune function, which prevents you from becoming sick. Statistics show almost 80-90% of all


Natures Pathways | March 2012

[Massage] helps your body remove harmful substances from tissues and increases your immune function, which prevents you from becoming sick.illnesses are due to chronic stress. When we experience stress, our bodies create an increased amount of cortisol, a hormone that actually weakens our immune system if built up over time. Massage lowers these dangerous cortisol levels, again helping our body to ward off sickness. Other benefits include improving your range of motion, flexibility and recovery time from injuries. Incorporating routine massage and even adding in some stretching to your massage sessions can be very helpful. The built up lactic acid in your muscles is released and an increase of blood flow brings nutrient rich blood and oxygen to your muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints, promoting proper repair and recovery. As we age, become less active or develop arthritis, our joints tend to tighten up and move less freely, resulting in a loss of both flexibility and range of motion. Massage actually helps in producing more synovial fluid, the bodys natural lubricant, which carries nutrients to cartilage preventing it from becoming dry and brittle. This allows joints to move more smoothly, hence better range of motion and flexibility. Do you find yourself having a difficult time with falling asleep or staying asleep? Serotonin is an important brain chemical needed to regulate our sleep/wake cycle. People with insomnia many times show lower levels of this beneficial chemical. With massage, these levels are actually increased, which in turn can aid in getting

a better nights sleep. Some of us may remember our mothers rubbing our backs or legs before bedtime. Little did we know how truly beneficial this was for us. Thanks, mom! As we are seeking out alternative therapies to better our health or to compliment other treatments, massage should definitely be added to the list. It may feel like we are just getting pampered and letting go of some stress but in reality our body is reacting in marvelous ways, helping us to maintain optimum health. Massage, its definitely not a luxury its a necessity.Lesley OKane is a licensed massage therapist and owner of Lake Effect Therapeutic Massage LLC in Appleton. Lesleys passion is helping people find a healthy state of balance and harmony through massage therapy. Please feel free to call her at 920.460.0977 with any further questions. You can view her Web site at or find her on Facebook.


Natures Pathways | March 2012


Dog treat disasters


o, Im walking down the aisles of a local big box department store and pass the pet food. Of course, since everything in my shop is all natural, without any chemicals, artificial color or preservatives, I just have to take a peek at the items on the shelf. I already know that all the dog and cat foods are using meat-by-product as their main meat source, which is basically downed, sick and dying cows, euthanized animals from vet clinics and of course can be road kill, not to mention the leftover meats and Styrofoam containers that go to the rendering plant from the grocery stores. I already know this much, including the fact that they are filled with corn, wheat and soy, which are huge offenders for dog allergies and are filled with chemicals to preserve them. Yes, I already know that, but now is the time to check out the bags of treats. Oh my goodness, how can they sell things like this? I wont name names, but please check your bags of treats at home. One is a bag with soft and chewy red colored things that smell like bacon. Here are a few things to look out for: ground corn and corn gluten. Did you know that all those dogs that died three years ago were eating food and treats that had gluten in them? And, most gluten doesnt come from the USA. Next, I see wheat flour, ground yellow corn, water, sugar, glycerin, soybeans and bacon preserved with sodium nitrite. Again, more chemicals. Please remember that dogs really are meat eaters. Not too many

dogs are running through fields eating all the corn and wheat they can find. When you see grains in food and treats, its just filler. And, do we really want to be feeding our dogs sugar? Did you notice where in the list the meat actually was? Like number nine. Your heaviest ingredients are in the first five listed. So, Wheres the Beef? Oh, I forgot to say that the bacon is also preserved with BHA. Last time I checked that can cause kidney and liver damage. OK, were getting close to the end of this bag. Red #40, yellow #6 and blue #1. These colors can be cancer causing agents. Do they really have to color it so it looks pretty for us? My dog cant see color. Would he really eat it if it wasnt bright red? Lets just throw that bag right back on the shelf! Heres another favorite, treats shaped like little T-bone steaks. You know which ones I mean. Mainly the same ingredients, except I find a few extra offenders. Natural porterhouse steak flavor? What the heck is that? Think about it. If it were natural they wouldnt have to add it. One of my favorite worst ingredients is in the little sticks that look like sausage links. Its called Propylene Glycol. Did you know thats in anti-freeze? Yes, anti-freeze! It is a carrier that makes things moist and pliable. Oh yah, onion extract is also in this one. Werent we all told by our vet to never give onion to a dog? Bottom line is that these companies arent in the business of caring about your animals health. Their only concern is the almighty dollar. Please learn to recognize ingredients. If in doubt you can always Google an ingredient or the side effects of an ingredient. Some of these ingredients may cause seizures if you have an animal prone to that. Buy treats that are whole meats, pretty much corn-, wheat- and soy-free, and preserved with vitamin C (ascorbic acid), mixed tocopherols (vitamin E) and rosemary. Now you can freak out and clean out your cupboard. Get rid of all the chemical treats and start over. Happy hunting!This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. Article submitted by Victorias Pet Nutrition Center (www.allnaturalpethealth. com), which offers a wide selection of natural health supplements, natural foods, treats and supplies that pamper pets and improve quality of life.


Natures Pathways | March 2012

ChangeBy tony Bednarowski


ecently, a very good friend of mine, who happens to be a personal trainer, asked me, How can I get my clients to commit to my training and nutrition advice? And, How do I get my clients to stop lying to me? I gave him the same answer that I have given many of my colleagues over the years; YOU dont.

To begin, there are two things we must always understand: Never OVERESTIMATE the power you have to change someone else Never UNDERESTIMATE the power you have to change yourselfYou see, a personal trainer or a nutrition specialists job is every bit as hard and frustrating as a drug and alcohol counselors. First, you have to get the client to believe and trust in you. But, within that, the biggest obstacle is in determining whether this client really wants CHANGE bad enough to make it happen for himself. People generally set out on any new or already tried endeavor with the finest of intensions, but their conviction comes at a price most are unwilling to commit to. This commitment is called CHANGE. Changing ones lifestyle takes time and work; it is done in steps, retraining and creating new habits. Like any successful undertaking, the retooling starts from within. Committing and being completely honest with ones self is an absolute must. One has to fully desire that which they are setting out to do, be that what they want or what they truly need. It is necessary to understand that it will take time; realize there will be obstacles to overcome and that a good, sound support13Natures Pathways | March 2012

system should be in place. All of this is imperative in order to make ones journey successful and life-lasting. So, you see, there is more that goes into CHANGE than just a good thought or intention. I encourage you to take the time to

set yourself up for success with what is outlined here. Be completely honest with yourself. Make your commitment with your intent solid and pure ... then, CHANGE will become inevitable.

Tony Bednarowski is co-owner/publisher of Natures Pathways Magazine, Your Path To Healthy Living. He writes about weight loss, nutrition, disease prevention awareness and personal development. For more information, visit Tony is also founder, developer and nutrition specialist for, Be Well, Live Well. He is a board-certified nutrition specialist focusing on weight loss, chronic disease prevention and sport performance enhancement with more than 30 years of experience in the health and fitness industry as a trainer, nutrition specialist and competitive athlete. For more information, visit

Arm yourself against intestinal parasites naturally!By terry lemerond


f you travel extensively, or simply come into contact with a lot of people as part of your job, your immune system is under pressure. You may have already experienced the results of not taking steps to guard against viruses, bacteria and parasites: missed days at work, cramps and just feeling miserable. But finding ways to avoid immune system down times can be difficult. There are plenty of over-thecounter products on the shelves that treat symptoms, but they carry a lot of side effects with them.


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Luckily, there is a great way to prevent and treat the viruses, bacteria and intestinal parasites that can make life tough. It is a combination of bio-typed concentrated plant oils that are safe and effective. Biotyped oils, unlike oils used for aromatherapy, are intended for internal use, and they are stringently tested for safety and purity. This is important because these powerful plant oils can contain as many as 300 biochemically distinct molecules, and each one is active in the body.

Bio-typed oils, unlike oils used for aromatherapy, are intended for internal use, and they are stringently tested for safety and purity.has strong antibacterial and antifungal capabilities. The compound in the plant responsible for this is called cinnamaldehyde, and inhibits Staphylococcus aureus which, beyond staph infections, can also cause a form of gastroenteritis that brings about nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is also effective against four species of the problematic yeast Candida, including C. albicans. Its a great botanical to have on your side for many reasons.1-3 Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) protects against a variety of nasty intestinal organisms, including Escherichia coli (E. coli), an unfortunately common cause of serious food poisoning symptoms, and especially a danger to young children and older adults.4Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) contains a powerful compound, eugenol, which shows a remarkable range of health benefits. It is a strong antibacterial agent. It stops yeast overgrowth and inhibits oral pathogens like Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia as well. Plus, eugenol from clove shows anti-inflammatory effects.5,6 oregano (Origanum compactum) has been used as a culinary and medicinal herb for generations. Because of its excellent ability to fight bacteria including E. coli it makes perfect sense to rely on concentrated oil of oregano to fight parasites and keep your digestive tract and immune system healthy.7-10 Peppermint (Mentha piperita) tends to have a cooling effect on tissues in 17

intestinal protection from parasites

Its easy to forget that 70% of our immune function is determined by our digestive system until something goes wrong. But to prevent viruses, bacteria and intestinal parasites in the first place or to recover faster from their effects you need a strong biotyped plant oil combination that includes cinnamon, coriander, clove, oregano, peppermint and savory in a 150 mg dosage. It is a very powerful, broad spectrum antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic supplement. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia)


Natures Pathways | March 2012


expert answers to your health and wellness questionsBoxed foods, winter health and getting cardio without the treadmillBy Karmen Nenahlo

Question: Im not a particularly great cook, and I seem to eat a lot of boxed foods. Is this a problem if health is one of my primary goals? Answer: It really depends on the specific foods youre eating, but its definitely advantageous to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables and all-natural whole grains as possible, not to mention fresh meats and seafood. That said, convenience, price and several other factors most likely play into your food choices as well, so choosing the best foods 100% of the time may not be all that practical. My advice to you would be to move in the direction of fresh foods as much as you can, given your particular lifestyle. And remember, you dont have to be a great cook to reap the health benefits of nutrient-dense foods. They may taste better if you know how to properly prepare them, but its pretty easy to throw together some chicken or fish with a cooked whole grain and some veggies for a quick and easy (and healthy) dinner. I would also recommend taking a basic cooking class so you can learn a new skill one that will continue to pay health dividends moving forward. Question: I hate getting sick. Can you provide some tips and hints to keep me healthy throughout the winter months? Answer: Im with you being sick sucks! Luckily, there are a couple tried and true habits that will help you avoid the latest bug. First of all, wash your hands frequently, and by all means, avoid touching your face (especially your eyes, nose and mouth). Drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of sleep (people forget how important this is to a healthy immune system) and get a flu shot as well. It goes without saying that a healthful diet is ideal, but I would also recommend a good quality multivitamin/mineral supplement too, since most people struggle to eat a balanced and varied diet on a daily basis. But to me, the most effective way to avoid illness is16Natures Pathways | March 2012

You can get active in plenty of other ways too, without feeling like a hamster on a stay away from people that are already sick. This can certainly be a challenge, especially if you have kids, but do your best. Put these tips to good use, and you should be able to skirt through the winter with nothing more than the occasional head cold, if that! Question: Im big into weightlifting, but Im not a huge fan of cardio. Is there a way for me to enhance heart health without hopping on one of the traditional pieces of cardio equipment for 45 minutes at the gym? Answer: Yes absolutely! Cardio doesnt necessarily mean you have to get on the bike, treadmill or elliptical. You simply need to get your heart rate up and that can be accomplished during your weight training sessions. Doing compound sets or supersets, or intense circuits with very little rest, will definitely get your heart rate kicking, and these provide the fitness and health benefits youre looking for. You can get active in plenty of other ways too, without feeling like a hamster on a wheel. Try playing one of your favorite sports or go hiking in a nearby park. Even tubing or sledding in the wintertime can provide a good cardiovascular workout. Just think outside the box a little and keep the focus on fun!Karmen Nenahlo is with Anytime Fitness, the worlds largest 24/7 co-ed fitness franchise. For more information, visit

Parasites from pg. 19

the body. It is a strong antibacterial, too. In fact, researchers have found that peppermint inhibits some of the most troublesome bacteria, including again E. coli. Peppermint also shows antioxidant power, helping protect cells from free-radical damage.11-13 And last, one of the most effective ingredients in this group is the bio-typed concentrated oil of Savory (Satureja montana). It is unrivaled against pathogenic germs you can encounter every day or while youre travelling. It helps balance levels of good bacteria in your intestines so that your digestive and immune systems continue to operate healthily and you stay regular.1

with each meal while youre traveling it really is that easy!Terry Lemerond is the founder and president of EuroPharma, which markets supplements under the Terry Naturally brand name nationwide and is located at 955 Challenger Drive in Green Bay. He has over 40 years in the health food industry and has created over 400 nutritional formulations. For more information, visit, or call EuroPharma at 877.807.2731. References: 1. Oussalah M, Caillet S, Lacroix M. Mechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. J Food Prot. 2006;69(5):1046-55. 2. Ooi LS, Li Y, Kam SL, et al. Antimicrobial activities of cinnamon oil and cinnamaldehyde from the Chinese medicinal herb Cinnamomum cassia Blume. Am J Chin Med. 2006;34(3):511-22. 3. Taguchi Y, Takizawa T, Ishibashi H, Sagawa T, Arai R, Inoue S, Yamaguchi H, Abe S.Therapeutic effects on murine oral candidiasis by oral administration of cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) preparation. Nippon Ishinkin Gakkai Zasshi. 2010;51(1):13-21. 4. Lo Cantore P, Iacobellis NS, De Marco A, Capasso F, Senatore F. Antibacterial activity of Coriandrum sativum L. and Foeniculum vulgare Miller Var. vulgare (Miller) essential oils. J Agric Food Chem. 2004;52(26):7862-6. 5. Chaieb K, Zmantar T, Ksouri R, et al.

its easy to stay healthy naturally

By fortifying yourself with these powerful bio-typed plant oils, you can avoid a multitude of immune and digestive challenges. Because they are so highly concentrated, a blend of all six oils in a low dose is remarkably effective. Simply take one each day to maintain good health, or take one softgel

Antioxidant properties of the essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata and its antifungal activity against a large number of clinical Candida species. Mycoses. 2007;50(5):403-6. 6. Clove. In: PDR for Herbal Medicines, 4th ed. Montvale, NJ: Physicians Desk Reference; 2007:201204. 7. Bouhdid S, Skali S N, Idaomar M. Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Origanum compactum essential oil. African J Biotech. 2008; 7 (10): 1563-1570. 8. Mayaud L, Carricajo A, Zhiri A, Aubert G. Comparison of bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity of 13 essential oils against strains with varying sensitivity to antibiotics. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2008;47(3):167-73. 9. Oregano. In: Baudoux D. Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils. Bruxelles: Editions Amyris SPRL; 2007:172-173. 10. Preuss HG, Echard B, Dadgar A, et al. Effects of Essential Oils and Monolaurin on Staphylococcus aureus: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2005;15(4):279-85. 11. Mimica-Duki N, Bozin B, Sokovi M, Mihajlovi B, Matavulj M. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of three Mentha species essential oils. Planta Med. 2003;69(5):413-9 12. Peppermint. In: PDR for Herbal Medicines, 4th ed. Montvale, NJ: Physicians Desk Reference; 2007:640-644. 13. Sharafi SM, Rasooli I, Owlia P, Taghizadeh M, Astaneh SD. Protective effects of bioactive phytochemicals from Mentha piperita with multiple health potentials. Pharmacogn Mag. 2010 Jul;6(23):147-53.


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Get hooked on the beauty benefits of the Dead seaBy Caitlin Brotz


t the ripe old age of three million, the Dead Sea has been a staple in promoting health and beauty since ancient times. Named the Dead Sea due to its lack of plant, fish and any other living life in the water, it features an extremely high content of minerals. Ironically, the very minerals that keep plant and fish life at bay are also responsible for the health and vitality of those that have harnessed its powers over thousands of years. Aristotle,

the Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and Cleopatra are said to have recognized and indulged in the healing and therapeutic properties of the Dead Sea. According to the Dead Sea Research Center, what makes this sea, in particular, so special is that it contains a unique solar irradiation, an increased oxygen density, a high-density salty sea with unusual salt composition, thermo-mineral springs and a special natural mud. These unique properties continue to make the Dead Sea a center for research, health, wellness and beauty today. If youre not able to jump on a plane and spend the day at the Dead Sea, fear not! Everyone can easily experience the power of the Dead Sea by incorporating its salts and mud into their beauty and wellness regime. But the question remains, What really makes something as simple as mud and salt so special?

place, it contains over 26 minerals essential to skin health and balance, including chloride, bromide, magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium. Containing such minerals, the salts are believed to provide the following health and beauty benefits: rheumatologic conditions: Skin absorbs minerals from Dead Sea salt while soaking to help stimulate blood circulation in treatment of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis.2 Common skin aliments: Skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis may be relieved by regular soaking in water with Dead Sea salt. High concentrations of magnesium may also aid in improving skin hydration and reducing inflammation.3,4,5 anti-aging: Soaking in Dead Sea salt is additionally recommended to help reduce wrinkle depth.5 Popular products including Dead Sea salt, for easy incorporation into your daily routine, include bath salts and soaks and other skin

Dead sea salt

The first thing that makes Dead Sea salt unique is that it varies greatly from other salt in chemical makeup. Dead Sea salt contains less than 3% sodium chloride, while normal ocean water salt is made up of roughly 97% sodium chloride1. In its18Natures Pathways | March 2012

[Dead sea salt] contains over 26 minerals essential to skin health and balance, including chloride, bromide, magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium.Dead sea mudLike Dead Sea salt, Dead Sea mud is jam packed with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, bromine and calcium. It is traditionally harvested from the bottom of the sea where high amounts of these minerals naturally settle and are absorbed. Impurities are removed from the mud, and it is packaged for use. Uses and benefits of Dead Sea mud include: Fine mud grains cleanse the skin and remove dirt particles and impurities. As mud dries it pulls out toxins from skin, firming and tightening. Moisturizes skin and helps with natural hydration. Gently peels away dead skin cells to reveal a more youthful and healthier skin layer. Helps to provide effective relief for skin issues such as psoriasis, eczema, acne and wrinkles.Caitlin Brotz is owner of Oliv 426, located at 511 N. 8th St., in Downtown Sheboygan or online at Devoted to improving the well-being of customers and the world around us every day, Oliv believes in creating all-natural personal care products that are truly healing, non-harmful and affordable for everyday use. For more information about Oliv 426 or to learn more about the benefits of all natural personal care, contact Caitlin at [email protected] or 920.783.0809. References: 1. Maor, Zeev et al. Antimicrobial properties of Dead Sea black mineral mud, International Journal of Dermatology, May 2006. 2. Harari, Marco; Shani, Jashovam. Demographic evaluation of successful antipsoriatic climatotherapy at the Dead Sea (Israel) DMZ Clinic. International journal of dermatology 36 (4):

While salt is most commonly used as a soak, mud may be applied directly to the skin as a mask or mixed with other ingredients in the form of body or facial bars. I strongly encourage everyone to try a Dead Sea product or two and discover the amazing benefits that the Dead Sea offers. Once you try it, I promise youll be hooked for good! For a more authentic experience, try a mud facial mask made with 100% natural Dead Sea mud and pair it with a nice relaxing Dead Sea salt bath soak. Your skin will thank you!304305. doi:10.1046/j.1365-4362.1997.00204.x 3. Harari, Marco; Shani, Jashovam. Demographic evaluation of successful antipsoriatic climatotherapy at the Dead Sea (Israel) DMZ Clinic. International journal of dermatology 36 (4): 304305. doi:10.1046/j.1365-4362.1997.00204.x 4. Proksch, Ehrhardt MD, PhD et al. Bathing in a magnesium-rich Dead Sea salt solution improves skin barrier function, enhances skin hydration, and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin, International Journal of Dermatology, February 2005. 5. Ehrhardt, Proksch; Nissen, HP; Bremgartner, M; Urquhart, C. Bathing in a magnesiumrich Dead Sea salt solution: follow-on review. International journal of dermatology 46 (2): 177179. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2005.02079.x. PMID15689218


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Creative solutions are within youBy rev. linda losey


magine living in a world that works for everyone a world without lack where all are respected and loved. How broad and how vast is your capability to expand your thinking to that level of knowing where all people on this planet have enough food, clothing, shelter and all the necessities of life? A world of abundance is not only a possibility but can become a reality that surpasses all of our expectations. We can begin to seek that which connects us to one another rather than to find and focus upon differences. To coexist in harmony with one another would imply that we seek to find solutions that benefit all rather than separate us from one another. When we begin to change our thinking, we develop fresh perspectives and explore those creative solutions. Only then can we change our lives and our world. As we continue to evolve and shift our consciousness, we find people throughout this area who have been inspired to become part of the global movement toward sustainable living with the focus on the environment and the intention of realizing the necessity to live responsibility. Author Chris Michaels reminds us, Now is the time to develop a great vision for our world. We need visionaries now more than ever! The world can be anything we want it to be. We have the

power to create it from the vision we hold inside. What is the vision that you hold inside that is waiting for your recognition and your action? To initiate the vision we must first begin with the self to honor and lovingly care for our mind, our body, our spirit and our emotions. We can allow fear or stress to affect our mental and emotional well-being and allow conditions or situations to take over our lives, or we can trust that power within each of us, that knowingness or intuition that we all possess to change our lives and our world. That would require some work on our part, but that work is mental, to expand our consciousness, to allow our hearts to be open to love and compassion and that pure potential within the realm of all possibility. To allow this infinite power God, Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, Higher Power, the Universe to work in our lives, we must be willing to change. To believe in this power and to honor it, we begin by being conscious of what we are thinking about, where we place that trust on labeling ourselves, those in our families, our communities, and


Natures Pathways | March 2012

our world. Are our daily thoughts centered on ourselves or others as being different, not good enough, or are we instead choosing by our thoughts to detach from the emotions of our egos, and turn within to truly listen to that still small voice that reminds us of our magnificence. With that reminder we can then utilize our time more wisely, use our unique gifts and talents to benefit our lives, our communities and our world and bring about peace in our lives; that inner peace that we all seek. Do you hold your thoughts accountable and have a greater vision for our world? I invite you to read these inspiring books: Your Souls Assignment by Chris Michaels and The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay. Philosophy, science and religion all lead us into the awareness that our thoughts create our experience. When you believe you have the right to aspire to greatness then you begin to focus your thoughts in a new direction. Imagine as you bless the past, honor the sacredness of the present moment and move into the future trusting your inner knowingness, you bring your energy into alignment with purpose, utilizing your gifts and talents to help create a world that works for all.Rev. Linda Losey, the spiritual leader at the Center for Spiritual Living, Green Bay, is a licensed practitioner and minister affiliated with the global Centers for Spiritual Living ( provides self-empowerment discussion groups and workshops at the 9th Street Wellness Center in Green Bay. Professional services include: Accredited Science of Mind Classes; Practitioner Services; Spiritual Counseling; Weddings; Christenings; Business, House and Pet Blessings; Funerals; and Memorial Services. For more information, contact Rev. Linda at 920.983.0713 or at [email protected].


Natures Pathways | March 2012


Positive and negativeBy Jane hamilton(From left and moving clockwise): Bloodstone, smoky quartz, ammonite, lapis lazuli, jade, gold, spirit quartz, fire opal, charolite, and Tibetan crystal.


lack and white. Sun and moon. Good and evil. Male and female. Yin and yang. Love and hate. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The world is filled with the duality of opposites. Positive and negative are the pair of opposites that have been in question by most people since the New Year at Mystical Earth Gallery. Continually the question is asked, What mineral shall I use to overcome depression and negative feelings? No surprise, people want to feel happy and positive. Human nature, even when experiencing the positive, is to move the mind to an experience from the past, which generally is negative; remember the details (real or imagined); and then fixate on the negativity of that experience. Few can live in the moment. Our minds dwell on the negative. Some believe that the negative experiences that affect our lives now precede this life and are from previous incarnations. There are affirmations you may say, books you may read, many courses dealing with positive attitude to take and professionals that one can seek out to assist them in finding a more positive attitude. It is essential to remove the negativity to move on to the positive attitude that you seek. The number one mineral in seeking the positive is quartz crystal.

It is the stone of power and can help shift the negative into positive ions in the energy field. It can dispel that of the static negative energy, create a force field of positive energy, redirect that energy and then convert in into a favorable state. For one who focuses on the negativity of the self, it may stimulate positive thoughts and feelings. It can be worn for both physical and mental energy. Or place quartz crystals next to your favorite chair or the environment in general to protect, maintain and balance energy. Tibetan crystals, a quartz crystal from Tibet, are also excellent to create the positive. As the mind attaches itself to a problem, it helps move the association of the negative into a positive experience. This positive energy neutralizes the negative energy through relaxation and meditation. Smoky quartz is extremely effective in changing energy frequencies. It will help the negative energy become penetrated, transforming the negative emotions and energy patterns into the positive. Smoothly, it then assists in dissolving the negative energies and emotional blockages that create the barriers to positive energy. It dissolves those negative energy patterns that may arise from negative thoughts, anger or resentment.


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Here are some other minerals and crystals that will help you remove negativity and create the positive: Spirit quartz. This lavendercolored crystal formation will help one to identify the duality of the nature. It can rectify the negative and build positive feelings in an individual. It can help with smoothing the transition between negative and positive. Fire opal. This helps one This quartz Cluster is a fantastic specimen to aid a room in in understanding the self creating positive ions. in relationship to esoteric forces. Reflection on the many aspects of life and gaining understanding on how to make changes in life that one seeks, including from the negative to the positive, is a property of fire opal. It also assists in the maintenance of Upon examination these the positive during stressful smoky quartz wands have times. Inspiring hope and rainbows. faith in oneself for the future is also an attribute of this crystal. lapis lazuli. Promotes acceptance of the self while enhancing serenity. Will assist in overcoming depression. Jade. Understanding in the inner self and helping to identify the reason for depression or resentment may be found with jade. Gold. The energy field will become balanced and gold will assist in the elimination of conflict. Futility may be overcome. Depression and the feeling of inferiority are combated with gold. ammonite. This fossil protects and gives the stability and structure that one may seek. Negative energy may be transformed into smooth flowing energy. Survival instincts are enhanced. Charolite. This is a stone of transformation. It helps one acknowledge that as one door closes another door opens. It provides one with the incentive to actively pursue new goals and creates a forward motion of actions. Bloodstone. This will awaken the vibration in the base, sacral and heart chakras. Bloodstone will help to accept change in the energy fields and then recognize the benefits associated with these changes. One recognizes that the challenges facing one are essential before one may achieve perfection. If you have clinical depression, please seek professional help. However, if an attitude shift is what you seek or a change in your vibrational energy is sought out, these are the minerals that may help you find the sunshine you seek and the edge in life you want.Jane Hamilton and Jesse Martinez own Mystical Earth Gallery in City Center Plaza, 112B E. College Ave., Appleton. For more information, call 920.993.1122 or visit Pathways | March

Physical therapy for your lower back painBy Sue walbrun, P.t.


ts a common scene a patient sees his family physician for an annual physical and mentions that hes been experiencing fairly constant low back pain (LBP). The physician performs an examination, x-rays are taken and hes given the option of medication to help manage his symptoms. The office calls the next day saying the x-rays show degenerative changes that are normal for his age and he should call if it persists. Some patients are referred for more extensive diagnostic tests, which can include an MRI, costing around $2000.

Medications can help control the pain, but who wants to have to take them forever? So, what other options exist? Consider seeking the help of a physical therapist specially trained in manual treatment of the spine. Many insurance companies are beginning to require physical


Natures Pathways | March 2012

therapy treatment before authorizing an MRI. Physical therapists (PTs) that specialize in treating LBP use various manual therapy techniques. Manual therapy is defined as the skillful use of the hands to mobilize joints, lengthen soft tissues and to improve neuromuscular control. This type of treatment addresses the cause of symptoms rather than simply treating the painful areas. What should one expect at an initial PT appointment? The appointment should include a full evaluation, explanation of findings and instruction in specific home exercises. A manually trained PT assesses for movement of joints and tissues that are hypomobile (not moving enough). These areas tend to be above and/or below the areas of pain, which are generally hypermobile (moving too much) and therefore, wearing out and causing pain. Assessing hip movement is also essential to the treatment of LBP because most of the muscles of the hip have some attachment into the spine, causing them to be included in a cause/effect relationship. Sometimes, one hip is tighter than the other and due to the muscular attachments into the spine, which can cause an abnormal rotation that needs to be addressed with manual therapy. This also leads to the importance of a specific home exercise program (HEP). A home exercise program should focus on addressing the areas of hypomobility and correcting muscular imbalances, which in turn will lead to reducing stress in the painful segments. A generic set of exercises or protocol, is generally not beneficial because it lacks specificity for the individual patient. Some exercises may be helpful and others not, depending on the findings. Another advantage to specificity is that it can improve compliance at home since the patient knows its designed for them. Also, by customizing the at-home program, the time needed to do exercises can be minimized (time is not wasted doing exercises that arent necessary). Generally, if manual therapy is going to help the patient, he should begin to see results (decreased pain, increased movement and increased function) within four treatment sessions (spaced one week apart) after which, the PT will discuss a further course of action. One advantage of this approach is that it requires one-on-one time between the PT and patient. With some insurance companies limiting the number of physical therapy visits it covers, you might consider seeking a manually trained PT that provides longer treatment times per visit. Also, given co-pays, seeing a PT for fewer visits (with longer treatment times) means youll pay less out of pocket. In summary, even though x-ray findings may show arthritis in the low back, more expensive diagnostic tests may not lead to treatment of the problem. Consider a cost effective option with a manually trained PT. Many times, the symptoms are related to joint dysfunctions (hypomobility), muscular imbalances and poor motor control that can be corrected with manual therapy techniques and then, maintained with proper home exercise prescription.Sue Walbrun, P.T. earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy from the University of Wisconsin Madison. She also completed the manual medicine series through the Michigan State School of Osteopathic Medicine and has continued her education on advanced manual and exercise therapy techniques. She specializes in treatment of the spine, headaches and chronic pain. She works with patients to evaluate the cause of their musculoskeletal symptoms and formulates a plan of care combining manual therapy and specific exercise prescription, with emphasis on empowering the patient in self-management of symptoms. Sue joined Osteopathic Medicine and Physical Therapy Group in 2000, and while not working, she cherishes family time, working out, scrapbooking and travel.25Natures Pathways | March

Brandon Walburn honored as Goodwills Outstanding Achiever


kid with a big smile and an even bigger heart is how team members at Goodwills La Crosse Retail Store and Training Center describe Brandon Walburn, Goodwills Outstanding Achiever for February. Walburn, who is a senior at Logan High School, has been with the La Crosse Goodwill for two years through its Schoolto-Work program. School-to-Work is a cooperative effort between Goodwill and area school districts that provides valuable work experience for high school students with special needs. These work experiences help to bridge the gap between the classroom and working in the community. The La Crosse student currently works

Monday through Thursday for about five hours each week at the store. Walburn has worked in the donations area and in the apparel department, where his primary responsibilities are taking care of the fitting rooms, including returning merchandise to the sales floor and customer service. In addition, he has assisted at the registers by greeting shoppers and bagging their purchases. Scott Weaver, La Crosse Goodwill store team leader, noted that Walburn is a hard worker and has a great work ethic. As soon as he clocks in, he immediately wants to get to work. When Walburn is doing the fitting rooms, he not only takes care of the return rack but he also walks the aisles,

looking for clothes that are off the hanger or on the floor. Store team members have even seen him straightening the end grid with the hats and bags. Walburn always takes the initiative to find tasks that need to be done. Brandon has learned a lot since he has been with the La Crosse Goodwill, Weaver said. He is always willing to learn a new job and put forth his full effort. Weaver said team members are impressed with Walburns can do attitude


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Each month, a program participant like Walburn or a volunteer from one of Goodwills programs is chosen for this award. Achievers come from one of Goodwills 23 store communities, its Menasha campus or its Ralph B. Shiner Center in Appleton. Keith Wilk, chief operating officer of Programs and Services for Goodwill, said the award was established to recognize the strides that individuals have made, in part, because of their involvement with programs through Goodwill. Each honoree receives a certificate of achievement and Goodwill merchandise. For more information, contact Weaver at 608.783.2710 or [email protected], or Wilk at 920.968.6233 or [email protected] Kramer is a writer/editor with Goodwill NCW, a not-for-profit human services organization that helped improve the lives of almost 50,000 people across north central Wisconsin in 2010 through more than 25 programs and services. It covers 35 counties and includes 23 retail stores and training centers in communities from Manitowoc to La Crosse, and as far north as Rice Lake and Rhinelander. A member of Goodwill Industries International and Rehabilitation For Wisconsin, it is based at the Goodwill Community Center in Menasha. Visit the Web site at

and the fact that if he doesnt know how to do something, he isnt afraid to ask questions. Walburns smiling attitude is contagious and makes everyone around him have a great day. He is a role model for many and a wonderful addition to the Goodwill

family. On behalf of the La Crosse retail team, Weaver said that everyone is delighted that Walburn has been chosen as Goodwills Outstanding Achiever for February, and that they are extremely proud of him and everything he has accomplished.


Natures Pathways | March 2012


Be a baby hugger Green your nurseryBy amanda hammond


he phrase going green has often been thought of, and often is, about using environmentally sustainable products and having a low carbon footprint. Its a hippy-dippy thing, right? Wrong. Being green is more than that. For me it is about my family, specifically my toddler. I do NOT hug trees. I hug babies. I also love my husband, myself and even my dogs enough to give them a safe home. To me, green is synonymous with safe. When you look at it that way . Cancer, nervous system disorders and birth defects are on the rise. It is reasonable to assume that the toxins our babies are born with coupled with ones they are exposed to postpartum are partially to blame. Our bodies are affected by the scads of new chemicals produced each year as well as the ones already being used. According to studies done by the Environmental Working Group, babies are born toxic. The toxins found in their cord blood are alarming: Dioxin is a hormone disruptor. PCBs can impair fetal development lowering IQ permanently. Methylmercury impairs brain function. Babies bodies are to a disadvantage at conception, having to combat all the pollutants already in the mothers womb. This makes it crucial for mom to take care of her body by avoiding as many harmful chemicals as possible. Once baby is born, it isNatures Pathways | March 2012

important to continue this trend in the home environment, especially her sleeping space. Babies spend at least 10 hours asleep. Whether they sleep in your room or their own room, there are several places toxins can be found. Lets start with the mattress as that is where they are actually laying (hopefully). Infant and adult mattresses are not manufactured in a very responsible way. Whether your little sweetheart is sleeping in a bassinet, your bed or in his crib, the mattress needs to be SAFE. It should be made with organic cotton or wool and void of toxins. This means, no flame retardants, no synthetic fabrics, no boric acid or antimony and no vinyl. 100% cotton, bamboo and wool are best, ideally if they are grown and manufactured responsibly. Cotton should definitely be organic being it is heavily doused with pesticides. Follow suit with the mattress pad and sheets. That new jungle-themed bedding set youve been eyeing up can have the above mentioned chemicals as well. The packaging on the mattress and bedding you buy should boast its virtues as being certified organic, nontoxic, Green Guard certified, etc. A great choice is Naturepedic, as they offer many sizes and styles of their nontoxic mattresses, sheets and mattress covers. There are many other good companies out there, too. Do your research though.

The crib and changing table need to be put together at least 3 months before baby arrives and allowed to air out. Ideally, this should be done outside as to keep the chemicals out of your home, but if that is not possible, let them off-gas in another room with a lot of open windows. This process takes between two to three months. The gas here is in the wood treatments and the wood itself if it is particle board or any other type of compressed wood. Formaldehyde and other VOCs are emitted from nursery furniture and other wood furniture in your home unless it is otherwise specified. If you can, it is really best to invest in a crib made from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood or reclaimed wood. Other safe materials are wicker and rattan. The finish on nursery furniture should be VOC-free! Often it is not. Again, research! Green Guard has a great database of cribs and mattresses that are tested to have low to no off-gassing. Flooring is an important thing to consider as well. Whether the room rests on hardwoods, vinyl or wall-to-wall carpeting, there are some things to be aware of. Any flooring that involves adhesives is suspect when it comes to infant safety or your own for that matter. The adhesives used are often full of toxic chemicals. In addition, carpet can harbor a host of tiny particles including dust mites and pet dander. It is often


with stain resistant chemicals that off-gas. If you already have wall-to-wall carpeting in the nursery, steam clean it rather than using carpet shampoo. It gives a deep clean and can be done with just plain old water! The most family-friendly flooring is FSC hardwood flooring with nontoxic treatment. Other good options are slate, ceramic tile, cork and bamboo. Cork is more forgiving for newly crawling or walking babies. The drawback to avoiding wallto-wall is that you are sacrificing comfort. Who doesnt enjoy the feel of high pile carpeting under their feet? To remedy this, buy some safe area rugs with no backing that are made with natural fibers. Place organic rug pads underneath to keep them in place. Bamboo, organic cotton, hemp, wool and jute are good options. Make sure the dies are low-impact and nontoxic. Ideally they should be machine washable or easy to steam clean. DwellSmart offers some great options. This is a great way to warm up a cool slate or

There should be no chipping paint, especially if your home is old. it is a good idea to have your home checked for lead paint before conception.ceramic floor! There should be no chipping paint, especially if your home is old. It is a good idea to have your home checked for lead paint before conception. Once pregnant, it is best not to remove the lead paint because it can release into the air. Paint over any exposed areas instead. If youd like to repaint, this is not a job for pregnant women. It makes for cute pictures, but thats about it. It is a disservice to your baby to be breathing in paint fumes. Have someone else do the dirty work. Your paint should be VOC free or low-voc after the coloring is added. Milk paint is another good option as it is naturally VOC free and free of many other chemicals. Wallpaper and borders should contain no vinyl and be applied with a nontoxic glue. When cleaning the nursery, be mindful of chemicals! Use safe products like Seventh Generation, Method, Meyers or better yet, make your own! Recipes involve baking soda, vinegar, washing soda, lemon juice and essential oils for the most part. Then all you need are some spray bottles. Once you have all your ingredients you can make years worth of product. Eco-nomical, right? Loving the cute curtains at Babies R Us? Fabrics used in your new non-toxic nursery should be free of any treatments like water or stain-proofing and flame retardants. Avoid synthetic fabrics and stick with natural ones like organic cotton, wool, bamboo, silk, linen and hemp. Organic cotton is recommended because it will not emit chemicals 31


Natures Pathways | March 2012

in the journey of life Are we there yet?By teresa van lanen


re we there yet? This is a common saying from youth who travel with family. Even a ride as short as an hour causes young ones to cry out as they are anxious to arrive at their destination. I have experienced trips like this both as a child and then as a parent. Another common saying about travel takes on another meaning; you know you have heard this one about the road of life being a journey not a destination. I think of these two sayings together as I assisted a friend of mine with a difficult personal situation. She and I have each gone through trials

in our lives and generally are pretty quick to see the lessons that we can learn from them. Back when I first met this friend we both were involved in self exploration. During that time I would have episodes where I felt like I had arrived to my destination. Then something would happen to derail me and I knew I needed to get back to it and away Id go. But every once in awhile I wanted to shout in frustration, Am I there yet?! If you have had the frustration of not getting to your destination fast enough, you know if you fixate on this, your trip will feel nearly endless. Use my life travel tips to avoid the feeling of Am I there yet?

Fill your life spaces with things and people that energize your spirit. Sharing a journey with others will add to fun on your road trip!

Dont let other drivers affect you in a negative way When you find you are with others who may be traveling erratically; remove yourself from their negative energy by reinvigorating the passions and energy that fuel your spirit. Tap into your spiritual guidance by using meditation and other practices to help insulate you from others energies. It can be as dangerous to try to influence others journey as it is to allow others to influence yours. Recognize that we each may go our own way and sometimes end up at the same destination in the end. Looking at my friends journey, I know she will be a good traveler. She takes joy in the experiences along the way and learns from the detours and bumps on the path. I am just glad I can share the road with her once in awhile! Safe travels everyone!Teresa Van Lanen is a life coachwho conducts presentations, seminars, workshops, teleclasses and other events that help people reconnect with their creative spirit and move into more joyful and productive lives. For products and services,visit Teresa at www. Sign up for a free quiz to gauge how much creative energy you have and other tips. Follow Teresa on Twitter and Facebook as well. Look for more info on the weekend workshop in March at The Christine Center on Teresas Web

Plan your route It sounds so basic but if you dont know where you want to go, you will never make any headway.

Have some flexibility Dont be too rigid with your trip. Life hits you with road bumps and detours, so expect this and be flexible enough to reroute your trip. Being too rigid with plans can cause major delays. Sometimes you may not realize you are on a detour. Once you do though; get reoriented and fuel up so you can get back on track.

Boost your energy while on your journeyNatures Pathways | March 2012

Use what fills your spirit; music, talking to friends, chants or aromatherapy.


Nursery from pg. 29

found in pesticides. Not only that, but natural fabrics will not emit any type of smell and will look beautiful in any nursery. There are many adorable organic choices available. Check out The air quality in our homes is far worse than what we breathe outside, even in a heavily industrialized area. Air quality has been associated with SIDS, so make sure your nursery has excellent air flow. Fans are great. A window fan or air conditioner will work, too. Open the windows and air your babys nursery a few times a day to release any toxic chemicals that have accumulated from furniture stains and paint. Keep your shoes off in your babys sleep space. Shoes track in pesticides, dirt and other harmful substances. Ideally, we shouldnt be wearing our shoes in the house at all. Eastern cultures set good examples as they find it completely disgusting to wear shoes indoors. They are right. Use incandescent light bulbs to sidestep the mercury found in compact fluorescent ones. When broken, the mercury is released

into the air of your home. Yikes. Incandescents also cast a more pleasant light. There is a reason babies scream at Wal-Mart. The designers from Inspired Everyday Living recommend light or neutral colors in a nursery because bright ones can be over-stimulating for babies. That is the last thing parents want when putting baby to bed for the evening! This is a place for sleep, so design it as such. Keep clutter as low as possible, using furniture that multitasks, shelves and hidden storage areas. Clutter causes stress, which is something we have enough of. And as you probably know, our babies can sense our stress and will respond accordingly. If you cant afford to buy the nontoxic crib or install cork flooring, make small changes. Opening windows and starting a no shoes rule will be a great start. So will cleaning with nontoxic products, which can be made for pennies on the dollar. You can also purchase a Babesafe mattress wrap that will block any off-gassing from your little ones mattress. Find them on It may be frightening to hear all the things in your home that could potentially harm

your baby. The only thing more frightening is the ignorance we as parents have about these dangers. We certainly arent warned about them like we are about placing baby to sleep on his back. So empower yourself with information on these topics by doing research on your own. Use what you learn to make changes in your environment and feel good because you are truly taking care of your family. Love is an amazing motivator.Amanda Hammond is the owner of Ready or Not A Baby Planning Service where she helps families to have healthy and informed pregnancies and babies through GreenBirth education and baby planning services. From natural fertility consulting to babysoothing techniques, Amanda is here to teach, support and provide stress relief. She is a blog contributor for the International Maternity Institute, thegreengirls. com and The Fussy Baby Site. As a baby planner and a parent, Amanda believes mothers know best when they know all their options. Please visit her Web site for details at or find her on Facebook. Sources:, Healthy Decorating, Ecologist- How to Reduce Toxins and Green your Babys Nursery, by Laura Sevier, 2009, Carcinogenic Cribs and Changing Tables? Jennifer Taggart, 2008, Trimester Calendar, Laura Forbes Carlin and Alison Forbes, 2008


Natures Pathways | March 2012


A monthly advice column for your energy system

Everything in the universe contains energy, yet energy is something many of us dont understand. Every month Tina Bensman, a practicing clairvoyant and energy healer, is here to answer any questions you have about your energy system. Topics may include energy anatomy, dream analysis, chakra balancing, manifestation, life patterns, etc. The ideas written here do not replace medical attention. Always listen to your body, mind and intuition when receiving advice of any kind. Dear Tina, I know that I am intuitive. I can feel my heart telling me what is right or wrong for me to do; however, I cant see anything visually. Is it possible to learn how to receive intuition through sight or do you have to be born with that ability? Eyes But Cant See Dear Eyes But Cant See, Yes, you are intuitive. What you are describing is an innate heart chakra gift within your spirit and, therefore, body. Heart gifts not only alert you with a change in heartbeat, a swelling in your chest or a change in breathing, it also allows you to heal through your heart and hands. This is a powerful gift that can sometimes be difficult to control. It may sometimes feel like you have to help someone or that you are responsible for fixing other peoples problems. If you feel that way, some boundaries are in order! To answer your question, yes you can learn any intuitive gift you are interested in; however, your naturally born gifts will come more naturally. Why do you want to learn to be clairvoyant (a person that can see energy intuitively)? Clairvoyance gets the most play in media and sometimes people feel like that is the only real32Natures Pathways | March 2012

way to intuit answers to lifes questions. This is not the case. Your heart intuition works just as strong ... if not stronger! If you simply want to strengthen the ability to see energy to become more versatile, then here are a few 6th chakra strengtheners you can try: Imagine an apple in your mind. Did you do it? If so, then you have the capability to work with your minds eye intuitively. The difference with intuition is that you allow the images to come to you rather than deciding what they will be first. Imagine yourself in a safe, natural setting. What is there? Explore. What do you see, hear, smell, taste and feel? Ask yourself, What color will help me with ____________ (some issue youre facing)? What color came to you? Now surround yourself with that color and go about your day. Pay attention to your dreams. Write them down and even imagine what would happen next after you wake up. Any activity that allows you to play with your imagination and build trust will also help develop your visual intuition. Good luck and have fun!Tina, a Madison Intuitive Counselor and Energy Healer, is a lifelong student of the paranormal. She had her first clairvoyant vision at a young age and continues to see and hear energy. Tina is trained in clairvoyant reading and many modalities of energy healing, but through professional training she was disappointed in the methods many schools used to devalue everyones natural gifts. Tina started The Chakra House to teach how natural and easy it is to work with energy. She believes that everyone has natural psychic gifts and can access their abilities if they realized their

What is leeD?


he term LEED is often bandied about when conversations shift to the environment. A term used when discussing building certification, LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is an internationally recognized green building certification system that was developed by the U.S. Green Building Council 12 years ago. The system provides building owners and those who operate businesses with a distinct framework of guidelines that identify practical and measurable green design, construction, operation and maintenance solutions. In order to be fair, LEED uses a rating system that is developed through a collaboration by LEED committees. Committees

are groups of volunteers who represent a variety of building and construction industry subsets. Some of the things that LEED will measure through its rating system include: energy and atmosphere solutions water efficiency sustainable sites selection sustainable materials and waste reduction indoor environmental quality Organizations that are seeking LEED certification for a building must earn a minimum number of "points" to reach

certification. The maximum number of points offered is 110, which includes 10 bonus points. Most buildings are eligible for certification, but it's best to check with the LEED Rating System Checklist and find out the requirements for a particular project. That information is available at Metro Creative Connection


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Build a strong foundation for wellness with food sensitivity testingBy Dr. David Janssen, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeonre you sensitive to particular foods? People are rarely successful in identifying foods that are the worst for them, except those that create an allergic reaction. Its difficult to know the foods, herbs, additives and chemicals you should avoid to improve your health. Diets consisting of foods that dont agree with you produce a negative cellular response in your body and speeds up the aging process. People react to food sensitivities in a variety of ways that are compromising to their health, including migraines, chronic fatigue, acid reflux,



Natures Pathways | March 2012

skin disorders, hives, sinus issues, arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Weight loss professionals are particularly interested in identifying intolerant foods because they are harder to metabolize. A diet that includes foods that work against you does not help patients achieve their weight loss goals. Medical weight loss centers recognizing the critical role a diet plays in achieving optimal wellness offer patients a scientific snapshot of those foods to which a body is intolerant. A blood test performed by a professional with expertise in customized nutrition can identify to up 200 foods, additives, colorings, molds and even environmental chemicals a patient is severely, moderately or mildly intolerant to. Insurance may cover part of the test, but you need to check your policy. The test results will list acceptable foods, red-lined (severe) foods that should not be consumed for six months, moderate (avoid for three to six months) and mild, which indicates that particular item should not be in your diet more than once every four days. The results give the coordinator of the weight loss program the knowledge to customize a diet based on a four-day rotation for the patient, thereby increasing the likelihood of weight loss and maintenance success. Taking the test results one step further, patients can work with a team of nutritionists to create meal plans and recipes customized to any patients results. These meal plans are designed to be healthy, nutritious and easy to prepare. Detailed recipes are included for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Combining a customized diet with procurement of organic fruits and vegetables jump-starts a patients efforts in reversing the negative effects of food intolerance. The good news about nutritional testing is that you dont have to give up the foods on the severe and moderate lists forever. Once your body is detoxified for half a year, you slowly reintroduce the foods one by one, and see how you feel. Follow up tests after the initial baseline review are recommended. Roger Deutsch, founder of Cell Science Systems, the creator of the food intolerance tests, states, The testing provides customized feedback as to which foods and chemicals are activating your immune system. We believe in eating anti-inflammatory foods; but we also believe in avoiding specific foods that may not be compatible with your own biochemistry. Its all about customization. As Hippocrates so aptly said, Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. The benefits of a healthy diet include healthy weight management, improved metabolic function, increased energy and better respiratory function. Its also true what you consume in the inside will be reflected on the outside. The largest organ, your skin, should see significant improvement. Make an effort now to spring into summer with more rigor and confidence with a customized nutrition plan!Dr. David Janssen is a board-certified plastic surgeon with Fox Valley Plastic Surgery and the Renaissance MediSpa, based in Oshkosh. The practice, co-owned by Dr. David Janssen and Dr. William Doubek, offers facial aesthetics, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, breast surgery, CoolSculpting for fat reduction, advanced laser services, vein care and medical weight loss. Since 1993, Fox Valley Plastic Surgery has been dedicated to patient education and care. Your opportunity to view hours of custom-produced videos and many procedural photos is available at Pathways | March

Get your closet in orderBy Jill Nelson


ave you ever stood in your closet and said, I have nothing to wear!? You are not alone. It is difficult to see what you have when things are unorganized, of various sizes and many years old. It is not uncommon when speaking with women to find that they dont wear 75% of what is currently in their closets. Here are a few steps to get your closet in order: get organized; make things ready-to-wear; and keep it manageable. First, get organized! Take everything out of your closet. Yes, everything! You are starting over. You may want to close the bedroom door, turn on the stereo and grab a glass of wine. Form three piles: one for donation; one for trash; and one for consignment. (Prepare yourself by getting educated on the rules of your favorite consignment business.) Examine each piece. If it doesnt fit, has a stain, is too worn or hasnt been worn in 1-2 years, out it goes. Be brave. Some of these could be your favorites, but not suitable to leave the house in. You are allowed to keep a few sentimental pieces. Those just in case clothes you have held onto in the event you lose a few pounds or in case you gain it back must go on a pile. As a rule of thumb, if the item is less than two years


Natures Pathways | March 2012

old and is still in style, put it on the consignment pile, otherwise donate. The keepers go back in the closet. Second, make things ready-to-wear! Dont put things back in the closet that need to be de-linted or ironed. You will never grab those in the morning when you are rushed to get out the door. Put those in another section of your closet ... well get to that in a bit. The clothes need to go back in the closet in such a way that works for you. Maybe its by item type (e.g., tanks, short sleeves, long sleeves) or by item color (e.g., whites, blacks, prints). Those clothes that need to be ironed or de-linted will then need some attention. My suggestion is to designate one night a week or every other for these chores. If the ironing board/steamer becomes a fixture in your bedroom or family room, you know you have a problem that you need to get under control. Third, keep it manageable! One trick is to coordinate several outfits ahead of time to wear for the coming week. Hang the tops, bottoms, shoes and jewelry all together in the closet. In the morning when you open the closet, there are 4-5 choices for you to wear that day. Its not only time-saving, but it also makes your morning a bit less stressful. If, after all of this, you look in your closet and its empty ... its time to go shopping! Next month well look at how to make the most of what youve got!Jill Nelson is co-owner of Chic to Chic a Womens Consignment Boutique with Tammy Eiting. Chic to Chic has two locations in Appleton (including Chic Prom)and Chic Outlet in Oshkosh.For more information and online shopping, check out their Web site at


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Wellness vs. wellbeingBy Julie a. rider, otr, ClCP


or the past few years, the idea of wellness has inundated our organizations throughout the country. There are wellness programs, wellness incentives, as well as wellness benefits in about 90% of companies. Each one of these initiatives is trying to better the health of employees in hopes that their efforts will decrease health care costs. Fortunately, there are some programs, incentives and benefits that are working. And yet, I ask to what extent and at what cost? Could we see greater results, could we spend less money, could we have happier, healthier employees? I believe the answer is yes, yes and absolutely YES! I believe it is in our approach. Which leads to my next thought, should we only focus on wellness (which typically is the measurement of complete physical and mental wellness) or could we take a risk and shift our focus to wellbeing? What if we came from the belief that if peoples wellbeing increases then their wellness will increase too? Individuals who focus on their wellbeing are more likely to be happy, healthy and whole. Wellbeing is the foundation to wellness. Just for MeTM Wellbeing Program is designed to enhance wellbeing, strengthen your relationships, expand your ability to manage stress and further enjoy what you do. The Just for MeTM Wellbeing Program has implemented successfully at Target Corporation, cities of St. Louis Park and Prior Lake (both in Minnesota), St. Catherines University in the Twin Cities and the Multiple Sclerosis

Often, women who care for a family pay too little attention to their own needs.Society. Each participant in the Just for MeTM Wellbeing Program sets an intention at the start of the program and each week the focus is on one of twelve realms to encourage, inspire and ensure movement forward on that intention. Please join me each month in the Just for MeTM Series, exploring the twelve realms that will support our overarching intention of creating wellbeing throughout our lives:

Physical power relating to body

Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps extend your lifespan? Exercise is the key! Our bodies are made to move to feel their best. Physical activity decreases stress and improves your overall mood. If you find you are tired all the time, exercising is an effective way to battle fatigue. Research shows that people who exercise at least two days a week are happier and experience less stress. (Wellbeing, Rath & Harter, pg 78). Cultivating a love of movement can help us get beyond the concept of physical fitness separate from mental fitness and toward a lifelong program of good health through mind and body fitness. Developing an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your desires is critical. Redefine exercise as any activity that reduces stress and connects your mind and body. Is it something you enjoy and can maintain? A routine that brings us pleasure and is gentle38Natures Pathways | March

on our bodies is more likely to lead to the long-term health gains you are seeking. Others have found that classes such as Nia Technique, Ageless Grace, yoga and Zumba can provide that mind/ body connection to physical fitness. Check in your local area for classes currently being taught. Often, women who care for a family pay too little attention to their own needs. This added stress benefits neither you, nor your children and spouse. Can you take a look at your schedule (or your familys) and reschedule some time for yourself? What would it be like to say no?

some tips to help us start exercising and continue our commitment: Select activities that you consider fun, enjoyable and most of all bring you pleasure. When the urge arises to move, follow the urge. If you experience pain stop! Find the level that brings you back to pleasure and work there. Create your own unique ways to stay inspired. Set and celebrate milestones. Strive to improve 1% a day. Find people to support you and count on them to cheer you on. How ready are you to feel better, have more energy and be happier? When do you want to start reaping the benefits? Who can help you get what you desire?

Julie A. Rider, OTR, CLCP is a member of the Wise Woman Wellness LLC team, an innovative wellness and menopause center located at 1480 Swan Road, De Pere. Julie is a licensed occupational therapist and has recently completed her certification as a life coach practitioner as a way of integrating coaching into her occupational therapy practice. Julie coaches individuals to seek unique methods for generating change where they chose the how, when and what as part of who they are. Call Julie today to see how she can help you move your life from ordinary to extraordinary. Julie has just recently launched a new pilot group coaching program called Just for MeTM Wellbeing: A Program for Personal Wellbeing enroll by calling 920.339.5252 to register. For details visit


Natures Pathways | March 2012

luck is not just for the irish!By lynn Bub


oesnt it seem that some folks just always luck out? Its true: we all have that one friend or family member who always seems to be winning something, getting a promotion or finding the perfect partner, home or outfit. Well, there is some truth to being lucky. According to feng shui tradition, there are three kinds of overall luck in a persons life: heaven luck, earth luck and man luck (or, as I prefer: human luck). Of these three

types of luck, we purportedly have control over the earth luck (via how we construct our environments at home and work) and our man luck (via our ideas, decisions and choices). The good news is that you can implement some simple feng shui cures and tips to strengthen your environment and choices (earth and human luck) to bring more good fortune your way. So, here are a few cures and tips to help strengthen the various types of luck in

YOUR life: Keep a gratitude journal. This is a very simple, yet effective tool that you can use to monitor the way you perceive your world and your experiences. We tend to get that on which we focus. Its sometimes fun to have a travelling gratitude journal with another person, your entire family or a few friends. Start by choosing how many items you will list that you are grateful for and come up with a daily or weekly rotation.


Natures Pathways | March 2012

Its fun to see gratitude through the eyes of other important people in your life, too! Even children can participate in this activity and they often have a better grasp of gratitude than adults. Analyze your environment for physical (and, therefore, emotional, career, relationship or other) blocks. This one step, which is part of a greater clutter-clearing process, can yield amazing results. You technically dont need to know much about feng shui at all to benefit from clearing out physical blocks in your home, office or yard. I once recommended that a friend clear another friends clutter that was being stored in (of all places) her main entrance. Until this point, she had harbored some resentment toward this person. Upon sorting and sending the items back to their owner (or, in some cases, to the dumpster), the two were able to have their first open and honest conversation in months! Bottom line: if its happening in your home, its happening in your life. To make a change, you have to clear the block!

You should have a positive, solid surface on which to pay your bills, you should only have artwork that is consistent with feeling abundant...If you are looking for luck in a specific area of your life, you need to take a look at the objects that are embodied in your space. For example, lets say you want to have a better handle on your finances. Even though there are specific spaces in the home to analyze, you can start with anything that touches your finances. Wherever your files are in the home, they should be neat and well-organized. You should have a positive, solid surface on which to pay your bills, you should only have artwork that is consistent with feeling

abundant, and any dead or dying plants need to go, etc. Once you get the hang of this idea, it becomes easier to see things through the literal translation of your subconscious. Analyzing objects or possessions related to relationships can be especially enlightening and fun. For instance, if you are hoping to meet a special someone or spice things up in a current relationship, you might literally check to see that you have more spices than just salt and black pepper! While this is just a short list of things you can do to improve your luck, it could definitely keep you busy for a while! Our subconscious likes to reveal itself in layers, so be patient with yourself. Every positive change you make leads to the next one, so make that commitment to improving your space and, therefore, your life.

Lynn Bub is with Sunshine Feng Shui. If youd like a more personal assessment of your space, consider a professional feng shui consultation. Visit www. or e-mail sunshinefengshui@ for more information.


Natures Pathways | March 2012

natural ways to keep your brain healthyBy Dr. Susan hibbs


arch is Brain Injury Awareness month. Avoiding trauma to the head resulting in concussions or loss of consciousness is the most important thing you can do to keep your brain healthy. But like we work to keep our bodies in shape, there are also some natural ways to keep your brain in shape.

strengthen cognitive ability

Like your muscles, your brain needs regular workouts to stay healthy. Staying mentally active could reduce your risk of Alzheimers disease or other dementias. Try memorizing song lyrics, doing math in your head, learning a foreign language, playing games or memory exercises, doing crossword puzzles, enrolling in a college course or taking a class on a hobby you enjoy, such as knitting or cooking. Keep your brai