Download - Nature/Man made project summary


Nature/ Man made project

Here are some examples of primary and secondary sources which I have done in my sketchbook for the nature/man made project. They include the pages which I have done

for the Cass Sculpture Foundation visit and some drawings of natural and man made things.

Examples of work where I have used a combination of mark making and object making to develop ideas and intentions. The images show the development of my lamp design

and research into patterns.

Development of work

Examples of where I have worked with a range of techniques such as the production diary of my lamp describing the materials and

techniques used.

I have used materials, techniques and technology safely in creating and developing work. The images show examples of work developed.

• Throughout the project I managed my time quite well, I tried to keep up to date with the work and do everything which was necessary. The book work was kept up to date, however my print and the lamp which I made took me longer than expected, this is because I didn’t consider the fact that various things could take much longer to complete. For example, while making my print I had to wait for my fabric to dry as I painted the background before I painted on my final print, this took up some of my time. During the project, there were some stages which were more difficult than others, just like the printing stage. It took longer than expected and it was a bit of a long process as all the equipment used in the process had to be washed throughout. It was also quite difficult and time consuming to cut my final pattern out from paper. The process had to be done very carefully to make sure that the pattern wouldn’t rip. There was also a long process involved in drawing my lamp design out on illustrator ready for it to be laser cut, drawing on illustrator was quite tough as I had to know all the measurements which I wanted the lamp to be. Although it was quite tough and it seemed to take long, overall i think it saved me a lot of time during the making as it already has been laser cut for me. The whole project went right as my pattern turned out great and could be used for many interior wallpapers as well as the lamp.

I researched into many different things which were influenced by either nature or man made objects. I also did some of my research into lamps which later helped my design lamp ideas and choose my final idea. The first piece of research was visiting the Cass art sculpture foundation, this helped me to create patterns which included shapes from objects which I had drawn relating to nature and man made things. My next piece of research was into fashion designers which had patterns in their designs, with this I was later hoping it would help me when designing my own patter and creating my print. I would take into account colours which are used together. I then researched into screen printing to find out the step by step technique which help me to understand it abit better and know what I will be doing. I also researched into artists such as Alphonse Mucha and Tamara de lempicka to find out the differences between art deco and art nouvo. I found research into designers and the traditional Polish patterns most useful as it gave me ideas about colours which could go well together and it gave me inspiration of the type of shapes I could use in my final print. For my research, I used different sources such as Artcyclopedia, Wikipedia and notes from lessons.

Overall, I think I developed my ideas quite well. I used the research which I did into others work to inspire me and create a great print. I mainly took inspiration from the traditional Polish patterns into creating my pattern and putting it into a design. I think I could have done more work in finding out about nature and man made objects and linking it in with my work. I used shapes from my drawings from the Cass art sculpture foundation which I then developed into patterns. From there I created four patterns which I later copied and played around with them to see how they looked when joined together. From this point, I selected one of these and drew things from that pattern onto a big piece of paper which I would later cut out. I think that all aspects of development went very well as my development process was very easy and quick. The process was easy as I clearly knew which patterns I wanted to create as my final print. I chose to screen print my final print as it is a easy process which also enabled me to do it in class using all the equipment which I needed. Before I did the whole process of screen printing, I did my research on how to do it in steps. However, because I wanted to colour my fabric aswell, the process took a little longer as I had to allow time for the fabric to dry and only then was I able to print on my final pattern. As I said before my main influence for the project were traditional Polish patterns. This was my main influence because I really loved the colours which were used in the patterns as well as the shapes.

Overall, I really like the finished print. The elements of art which I have used to create my final print were line, shape, form, colour, tone and texture. All these qualities helped me when designing right to the finished product. From my simple line patterns I ended up with my finished final print. The most important features of my work are the water lily like flowers which stand out and are the main subject of my print. I have used elements from my work throughout the project to create my final work. My final work links in with the brief as it states that nature has always been the ideal and inspiration for art and design, whether in the structure of a building, the motifs in textiles or the form of a sculpture. I have also achieved being able to put my final print into interior designs for wallpapers. I have altered my print and adjusted the colours for it to look good in an interior space. The final piece communicates a very elegant and simplistic design which works well in a room. If I was given the time to repeat the project I would make my design a little bit more complicated. This is because my design is pretty simple therefore I would like to see how a much more complicated one looks in interior spaces. Throughout the project I have learned many things, some of which include using photoshop to place my print onto a wall and make it a wallpaper, also how to draw out my lamp design using illustrator and I have learned the simple but effective process of screen printing.