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  • 8/16/2019 Nature of Fraud



  • 8/16/2019 Nature of Fraud


    PENDAHULUAN Akuntansi Forensik


    suatu proses meng-identifikasi-kan, mengukur sertamelaporkan informasi ekonomi yang memungkinkan adanyapenilaian serta keputusan yang jelas, tegas bagi pihak yangmembutuhkan dan menggunakan informasi ekonomitersebut ( American Accounting Asociation)


    the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems(Merriam Webster)

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    Definisi Akuntansi Forensik

    penerapan disiplin akuntansi dalam arti luas, termasuk auditing pada masalah hukum untuk penyelesaianhukum di dalam atau di luar pengadilan (Tuanakotta)

    akuntansi yang akurat untuk tujuan hukum, atauakuntansi yang tahan uji dalam kancah perseteruanselama proses pengadilan, atau dalam prosespeninjauan yudisial, atau tinjauan administratif (D.Larry Crumbey)

    Ukuran akuntansi forensik -> ketentuan hukum danperundang-undangan

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    Penerapan AkuntansiForensik

    Dalam proses litigasi (hukum) baik di pengadilanmaupun diluar pengadilan

    Sederhana (pembagian harta warisan) s.d. Kompleks(White Collar Fraud/Crime)

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    Segitiga Akuntansi Forensik

    Titik pertama : kerugian (Akuntansi)

    Titik kedua : perbuatan melawan hukum (Hukum)

    Titik ketiga : hubungan kausalitas antara kerugian danperbuatan melawan hukum (Audit)

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     Audit Forensik


    Proses pengujian dan pengevaluasian informasi keuangan individu

    atau perusahaan yang akan digunakan sebagai bukti di 

     pengadilan. Forensic audit dapat dilakukan untuk mengusut 

    adanya fraud, penggelapan, atau kasus keuangan lainnya

    Obyek Forensik Audit:

    Data/Informasi Keuangan

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    Akuntansi Forensik vs AuditForensik 

    Audit Forensik bagian dari Akuntansi Forensik 

    Audit Forensik :

    1. Penerapan ilmu auditing

    2. Auditor (qualified and independent person)

    3. standar audit

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     Audit terhadap laporan keuangan suatu entitas (perusahaan atau organisasi) yang

    akan menghasilkan pendapat (opini) pihak ketiga mengenai relevansi, akurasi, dankelengkapan laporan-laporan tersebut

     Audit untuk mengkaji atas setiap bagian organisasi terhadap SOP dan metode yang

    diterapkan suatu organisasi dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi efisiensi, efektivitas,

    dan keekonomisan (3E)

     Audit yang menentukan apakah pihak yang diaudit telah mengikuti prosedur, standar,

    dan aturan tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh pihak yang berwenang


    Kegiatan penilaian (independen) untuk memastikan bahwa proses pengadaan

    barang/jasa telah dilakukan secara konsisten sesuai dengan prinsip penegakan

    integritas, kebenaran, dan kejujuran dan memenuhi ketentuan perundagnan yang

    berlaku yang bertujuan meningkatkan akuntabilitas penggunaan dana sektor publik


    Proses mencari, menemukan, dan mengumpulkan bukti secara sistematis yangbertujuan mengungkapkan terjadi atau tidaknya suatu perbuatan dan pelakunya guna

    dilakukan tindakan hukum selanjutnya.

    FORENSIC AUDITProses pengujian dan pengevaluasian informasi keuangan individu atau perusahaan

    yang akan digunakan sebagai bukti di pengadilan. Forensic audit dapat dilakukan

    untuk mengusut adanya fraud, penggelapan, atau kasus keuangan lainnya.

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    Peran Forensik Audit

    Untuk kasus terkait dengan masalah keuanganmembutuhkan ahli yang memahami disiplin ilmukeuangan

    menterjemahkan masalah/issue keuangan yangsangat kompleks agar dapat lebih mudah dipahami

    seringkali masalah/issue keuangan tersebutmerupakan bukti utama yang dipergunakan hakimuntuk menetapkan vonis

    perkembangan IT pada saat ini, sangat dibutuhkankeahlian untuk mengidentifikasi, melakukaninvestigasi, melakukan pengujian, eksaminasi, analisis,dan menginterpretasikan data/dokumen keuangan

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    Kompetensi Auditor Forensik 

    mampu untuk melakukan investigasi, mengidentifikasi, dan menganalisisinformasi keuangan, untuk dapat menentukan pihak-pihak yang terlibatdengan suatu kasus. mampu untuk menelusuri aliran keuangan (follow themoney). mampu mengungkapkan asset yang disembunyikan,mengidentifikasi penghasilan yang tidak dilaporkan, menghitung kerugianatau keuntungan yang seharusnya, dan membantu penegak hukum serta

     jaksa terkait berbagai issue keuangan dalam suatu kasus.

    memiliki skill yang merupakan kombinasi dari keahlian keuangan khususseperti akuntansi, auditing, dan finance, serta kemamuan non keuanganseperti kreativitas, persisten, melakukan pertimbangan, kemampuankomunikasi, dikombinasikan dengan kecurigaan profesional, integritas, dankemampuan dalam memahami proses hukum atau litigasi.

    Mampu menterjemahkan berbagai bukti audit menjadi bukti-bukti yang validdi pengadilan maka harus memahami mengenai alat bukti yangdipergunakan di pengadilan Indonesia sebagai diatur dalam pasal 184KUHAP

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    PROSESPhysical Examination,




    Inquires of the clients,

    Mechanical Accuracy,

    Analytical Procedures

    L H A


    Bukti Audit 


    sian, pengukuran,




    penyajian data












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    (Barang Bukti &

     Alat Bukti)

    • Melawan Hukum

    • Memperkaya diri

    atau korporasi

    • Merugikan

    Keuangan negara

     Alat Bukti:

    (1) keterangan saksi;

    (2) keterangan ahli;

    (3) surat;(4) petunjuk dan;

    (5) Keterangan


    Bukti Audit:

    • Pemeriksaan fisik;

    • Konfirmasi;

    • Hasil pemeriksaan

    kelengkapan dokumen;

    • Observasi;

    • Keterangan lisan/tulisan

    dari pihak lain atas

    pertanyaan auditor;

    • Hasil uji perhitungan dan

    penelusuran kembali;dan

    • Prosedur analitis.


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    Pembuktian dengan

    Forensik Audit

    Menghitung Kerugian Negara/Pihak lainnya

    Aliran keuangan (Follow the money)

    Asset tracing

    Penilaian (valuation)

    Analisis Keuangan

    Rekonstruksi akuntansi (Accounting reconstruction)

    Digital Forensik 

    In depht interview

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    (Audit Investigatif) IF FRAUD HAPPEN -> Penindakan

    -> Fraud Audit or Audit Investigatif or Investigasi

    Mengapa harus dilakukan investigasi :

    Identifikasi penyimpangan/fraud

    Identifikasi pelaku penyimpangan

    Menghentikan fraud

    Memberikan sinyal kepada seluruh organisasi bahwa tidak adatoleransi terhadap fraud

    Menentukan besarnya kewajiban atau kerugian yang mungkin


    Membantu memfasilitasi recovery kerugian

    Menghentikan kerugian dimasa mendatang

    Mitigasi kemungkinan akan terjadi kembali

    Memperbaiki pengendalian intern yang lemah


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    Audit Investigasi

     Audit investigasi adalah kegiatan pemeriksaan

    dengan lingkup tertentu yang tidak dibatasi

    periodenya, dan lebih spesifik pada area - area

    pertanggungjawaban yang diduga mengandung

    inefisiensi atau indikasi penyalahgunaan wewenang

    atau penyimpangan dengan hasil audit berupa

    rekomendasi untuk ditindaklanjuti bergantung pada

    derajat penyimpangan wewenang yang ditemukan.


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    Dasar Pelaksanaan


    Pengaduan masyarakat / whistleblower 

    Informasi media massa (cetak, elektronik, dsb)

    Pengembangan hasil audit Hasil kegiatan intelijen/Kajian Mandiri

    Perintah dari Menteri atau Presiden

    Permintaan dari Eselon I lain

    Permintaan dari Instansi lain(Kem. lain/LPND,MenPAN, Komisi Ombudsman, dll)

    Permintaan dari instansi penegak hukum (KPK,Kejaksaan dan Kepolisian)

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      FRAUD is on intentional untruth or a dishonestscheme used to take deliberate and unfairadvantage of another person or group of persons.

    It include any means, such as surprise, trickery, orcunning, by which one cheats another (ACFE)

     All multifarious means which human ingenuity candevise, and which are resorted to by one individualto get an advantage over another by falsesuggestions or suppression of the truth. It includes

    all surprise, trick, cunning or dissembling, and anyunfair way by which another is cheated (Black Law Dictionary(


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    Perbuatan-perbuatan yang melawan hukum

    dilakukan dengan sengaja

    untuk tujuan tertentu (manipulasi ataumemberikan laporan yang keliru terhadap

    pihak lain)

    dilakukan orang-orang dari dalam ataupun

    dari luar organisasi

    untuk mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi

    ataupun kelompok yang secara langsung

    atau tidak langsung merugikan pihak lain.

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    Unsur-unsur FRAUD

    • Adanya perbuatan-perbuatan yang melawan


    • Dilakukan orang-orang dalam/ luar organisasi22• Untuk mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi

    maupun kelompok33• Secara langsung maupun tidak langsung

    merugikan pihak lain44

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    Elements of Fraud/White-

    Collar Crime

    Intent-knowingly to commit a wrongful act or to achievea purpose inconsistent with law or public policy

    Disguise of purpose-falsities and misrepresentations

    employed to accomplish the scheme

    Reliance-by the offender on the ignorance orcarelessness of the victim

    Voluntary victim action-to assist the offender 

    Concealment-of the offence

    Concealment is a cornerstone of fraud >< traditional crimes,fraud perpetrators take steps to keep the victim ignorant. Acts infraud schemes designed to conceal include committingoffences too small to be recognised as fraud by the victim



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    Kategori Fraud by Law

    The principal categories of fraud or white-collar crime are(ACFE):

    Misrepresentation of material facts (or false pretences)

    Concealment of material facts


    Conflicts of interest

    Theft of money or property

    Theft of trade secrets or intellectual property Breach of fiduciary duty


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    Misrepresentation of

    Material Facts

    making of false statements to induce the intended victim to partwith money or property

    specific elements of proof of misrepresentation

    1. A material false statement2. Knowledge of its falsity

    3. Reliance on the false statement by the victim

    4. Damages suffered

    Example -> An accountant may be prosecuted for fraud who:

    1. Certifies that a financial statement fairly presents the financialcondition of the audited company when the accountant knows it

    does not.

    2. Falsely states that the audit was conducted in accordance withgenerally accepted accounting principles.

    3. Deliberately distorts the audit results


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    Concealment of Material


    Fraud yang dilakukan oleh seseorang yang dalamtugasnya berkewajiban untuk men-disclose fakta yangmaterial

    The essential elements of fraud based on failure todisclose material facts are:

    1. That the defendant had knowledge

    2. Of a material fact

    3. That the defendant had a duty to disclose

    4. And failed to do so

    5. With the intent to mislead or deceive the other party.

    The duty to disclose usually depends on the relationshipbetween the parties, missal : akuntan, pengacara, dll


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    Bribery and Extortion

    Bribery includes official bribery, which refers to the corruption of a publicofficial, and commercial bribery or secret commissions, which refer to thecorruption of a private individual to gain a commercial or businessadvantage.

    The elements of official bribery generally include:

    1. Giving or receiving

    2. A thing of value

    3. To influence

    4. An official act

    Type :

    1. Official Bribery

    2. Commercial Bribery or Secret Commission, The elements of commercial bribery :Giving or receiving A thing of value To influence A business decision Without theknowledge or consent of the principal

    3. Illegal Gratuity, is a lesser included offence of official bribery. The elements of anillegal gratuity are: Giving or receiving, A thing of value, For or because of, Anofficial act


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    Type of Bribery and Extortion

    Official Bribery

    Commercial Bribery or Secret Commission, The elements ofcommercial bribery :

    1. Giving or receiving

    2. A thing of value To influence

    3. A business decision4. Without the knowledge or consent of the principal

    Illegal Gratuity, is a lesser included offence of official bribery. Theelements of an illegal gratuity are:

    1. Giving or receiving

    2. A thing of value

    3. For or because of

    4. An official act

    Extortion, is defined as the obtaining of property from another withthe other party


    consent having been induced by wrongful use ofactual or threatened force or fear. Fear might include theapprehension of possible economic damage or loss. A demand fora bribe or kickback also might constitute extortion


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    Conflicts of interest

    Elements of conflict of interest include:

    1. An agent taking an interest in a transaction

    2. That is actually or potentially adverse to the principal

    3. Without full and timely disclosure to and approval by theprincipal.

    An agent includes any person who, under the law, owes a dutyof loyalty to another, including officers, directors, dll

    Situations that might give rise to a conflict of interest include:

    1. Where the interests of an employer are directly or indirectlyaffected or likely to be affected in some negative way by theprivate actions of an employee.

    2. Where private activities of employees impair their ability to pursue

    the interests of their employer.3. Where the private activities of employees compromise the

    business interests of their employer.

    4. Where private activities of employees leave them in a position ofgain or potential gain at the expense of their employer.

    5. Where employees use knowledge or information imparted tothem on the job to pursue their own private interests.


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    Embezzlement is the wrongful appropriation of moneyor property by a person to whom it has been lawfullyentrusted.

    Embezzlement implicitly involves a breach of trust,although it is not necessary to show a fiduciaryrelationship between the parties.

    The elements of embezzlement are:

    1. The defendant took or converted

    2. Without the knowledge or consent of the owner

    3. Money or property of another

    4. That was properly entrusted to the defendant.


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    Theft is defined as the wrongful taking of money orproperty of another with the intent to convert or todeprive the owner of its possession and use. Unlikeembezzlement, the defendant never has lawfulpossession of the property.

    Including Theft of money or property and Theft of tradesecrets or intellectual property

    The elements of theft typically include:

    1. Taking or carrying away

    2. Money or property of another3. Without the consent of the owner

    4. With the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its use orpossession.


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    Breach of Fiduciary Duty

    Breach of Fiduciary Duty People in a position of trust or fiduciaryrelationship, such as officers, directors, high-level employees of acorporation or business, agents and brokers, owe certain dutiesimposed by law to their principals or employers.

    The principal fiduciary duties are loyalty and care:

    1. The duty of loyalty requires that the employee/agent act solely in the bestinterest of the employer/principal, free of any self-dealing, conflicts of

    interest, or other abuse of the principal for personal advantage. Thus,corporate directors, officers, and employees are barred from usingcorporate property or assets for their personal pursuits, or taking corporateopportunities for themselves. More traditional fraudulent conduct, such asembezzlements, thefts, acceptance of kickbacks, and conflicts of interestalso violate the duty of loyalty, and may be prosecuted as such in additionto or instead of the underlying offence.

    2. Corporate officers breach their duty of loyalty if they accept kickbacks,engage in a conflict of interest, or are otherwise disloyal. Corporate officerswho carelessly fail to prevent such conduct, fail to enforce controls, or fail topursue recovery of losses might breach their duty of care. Corporate

    defendants in such cases might raise the Business Judgment Rule in defenceby showing that they had no reasonable grounds to suspect such conductor that the cost of prevention or recovery was too high compared to theanticipated returns.


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    Pembagian Fraud

    Occupational frauds : employee, manager, officer, orowner of an organization commits fraud to thedetriment of that organization

    External Frauds : pihak diluar organisasi melakukanfraud yang dapat merugikan organisasi, missal : healthcare fraud, internet fraud, etc


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    Klasifikasi Fraud

    (Occupational Fraud)

    Penyimpangan atas asset ( Asset Misappropriation)

    penyalahgunaan/pencurian aset atau hartaperusahaan atau pihak lain

    Pernyataan palsu atau salah pernyataan(Fraudulent Statement)

    rekayasa keuangan (financial engineering)

    Korupsi (Corruption)

    penyalahgunaan wewenang/konflik kepentingan(conflict of interest), penyuapan (bribery),penerimaan yang tidak

    sah/illegal (illegal gratuities), dan pemerasansecara ekonomi (economic extortion)


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    Fraud Tree ClassificationSystem33

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    Penyebab Fraud

    Fraud Triangle

    Pressure/ Tekanan

    Opportunity/ Kesempatan

    Rationalization/ pembenaran

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    1. Motive (also called incentive or pressure)

    While people can rationalise their acts, there needs to be a motive to make them behave the waythey do.

    Power is a great motivator. Power can be simply gaining esteem in the eyes of family or co-workers.For instance, many computer frauds are done to show the hacker has the power to do it rather thanto cause intentional harm.

    Another motivator is the gratification of a desire, such as greed, or an addiction.

    The third motivator is pressure, either from physical stresses or from outside parties.

    2. Opportunity

    A process may be designed properly for typical conditions. However, a window of opportunity mayarise that creates circumstances for something to go wrong such as failure of the control.

    An opportunity for fraud may exist due to poor control design or lack of controls. For example, asystem can be developed that appears to protect assets, but is missing an important control. Anyoneaware of the gap can take what they want without much effort.

    Persons in positions of authority can create opportunities to override existing controls, because ifsubordinates or weak controls allow them to circumvent the rules.

    3. Rationalisation

    Most individuals consider themselves good persons, even i f they occasionally do something bad. To

    convince themselves they are still good persons, they may rationalise or deny their acts. For example,these individuals might consider that they were entitled to the stolen item or that if executives breakthe rules, it must be alright for others to do so as well.

    Some people will do things that are defined as unacceptable behaviour by the organisation, yet arecommonplace in their culture or were accepted by previous employers. As a result, these individualswill not comply with rules that dont make sense to them.

    Some people may have periods of financial difficulty in their lives, have succumbed to a costlyaddiction, or be facing other pressures. Consequently, they will rationalise that they are just borrowingthe money and, when their lives improve, they will pay i t back. Others may feel that stealing from acompany is not bad, thereby depersonalising the act.


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    Penyebab Fraud

    Teori GONE

    Greed, motif ini terkait dengan

    keserakahan dan kerakusan para

    pelaku korupsi

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    Penyebab Fraud

    Teori GONE

    Opportunities, motif ini terkait dengan

    sistem yang memberi kesempatan

    terjadinya korupsi

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    Penyebab Fraud

    Teori GONE

    Needs, motif ini berhubungan dengan sikap

    mental yg tdk pernah cukup, penuh sikapkonsumerisme dan selalu sarat kebutuhan ygtidak pernah usai.

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    Penyebab Fraud

    Teori GONE

    Exposures, motif ini berkaitan dengan

    hukuman para pelaku korupsi yg rendah

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    Penyebab Fraud

    Sistem Pendidikan

    • Teaching – Memorizing – Forgetting – Nothing

    • Nilai lebih diutamakan daripadaproses/cara mendapatkan nilai

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    Tanda Tanda Pelaku Fraud

    Living beyond means - gaya hidupnyatidak sesuai dengan penghasilanresminya

    An unwillingness to share duties -keengganan untuk membagi pekerjaan

     A close personal relationship withvendors or customers – hubungan yangsangat dekat dengan rekanan

    sehingga menimbulkan vested interest Rule breakers – cenderung tidak taat

    pada aturan

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    Deteksi Fraud42

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    Deteksi Fraud43

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    Deteksi Fraud

    Whistleblower System

    Risk Assessment

      Audit – Three Line of Defense


    Tiga elemen penaksiran risiko:1.   IDENTIFIKASI,2.   MENGUKUR,3.   MEMPRIORITASKAN.

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    Pencegahan Fraud

    Eliminate the Motivation and/or Opportunity to

    Commit Fraud

    Program Dan Pengendalian (COSO)

    1. Lingkungan Pengendalian

    2. Risk Assessment

    3. Control Activities

    4. Information Dan Information

    5. Monitoring


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    Risiko Fraud

    Risiko adalah sesuatu yang kurangmenyenangkan/ membahayakansebagai akibat dari perbuatan atautindakan (Kamus Besar BahasaIndonesia).

    Risiko fraud (sesuatu yang kurangmenyenangkan, setidaknya dari sisi

    akibat yang ditimbulkan) yang mungkinterjadi sebagai akibat dari sesuatuperbuatan atau tindakan fraud

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    Pengelolaan Risiko FRAUD

    4 Aspek pengelolaan Risiko

    Assessment :

    Identifikasi risiko potensial terjadi fraud dari dalam dan luarorganisasi;


    Menetapkan kebijakan dan prosedur yang dirancang untukmencegah dan mendeteksi fraud;


    Penggunaan penjaminan atau sarana lain untukmemindahkan risiko berkaitan dengan kejadian fraud;


    Tingkat kerentanan fraud yang akan diterima/ditanggungoleh organisasi.

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    Pengelolaan Risiko

    merupakan proses pemahaman dari sifatkejadian- kejadian mendatang yangmerepresentasikan ancaman, yang

    selanjutnya membuat rencana untukmenyelesaikan (meng-counter).

    merupakan proses yang terus-menerusmeningkat dalam dunia usaha dan prosestersebut cocok ”fit” dengan goodgovernance.

    Sikluas Pengelolaan risiko yaitu prosesidentifikasi, pengkajian atas pengaruh, danprioritasi tindakan untuk mengendalikan danmenguranginya

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    3 Hal Utama Pencegahan


    • Create and Maintain a Culture of Honesty &high ethics

    • Evaluating Antifraud Processes and Controls

    • Developing oversight process


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    Pentingnya Tone at The Top

    Komitmen dan pola tindak pemimpin untuk tidak korupsi merupakan keteladanan bagiseluruh unsur dalam organisasi tersebut!

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