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• Naturalistic Intelligence (Shaping of Nature Consciousness and Eco friendliness in Gifted Children)

• By.• Johnson. T (Principal Buddha

College of Teacher Education Muthukulam )&

• B.G.Darsana.(Research Scholar at Kerala University)

• What is naturalistic intelligence.

• Naturalistic intelligence is the biological computational capacity that focuses on one’s relations with our natural surroundings.

What is consciousness.

• It is a state of mind.

• Many definitions are there

• It is an awareness of mind about yourself.

• Echo friendliness.

•Real love and care to the nature.

He coined it

• Gardner added to his intelligence list the eighth one called the Naturalistic Intelligence.

• Children with Naturalistic Intelligence have a strong connection to the outside world or to animals and enjoy out door activities. They notice patterns and things from nature easily. They love collecting flowers, rocks.

• They may enjoy stories, shows or any subjects that deal with animals or natural happenings (events). They are interested and care about animals or plants. These kids may show interest in biology, astronomy, meteorology, and zoology. These kids also show an interest towards endangered species. They learn the characteristics, names, any information about species found in the world easily.

How a Child can develop Naturalistic Intelligence?

• You can help to develop your child the naturalistic Intelligence. Following are some examples how you can help your child develop Naturalistic Intelligence.

• Encourage your children:

• To collect leaves, stones, bugs, flowers etc.

• To identify the types of flowers and trees in your back yard or neighborhood.

• To learn the different types of animals (e.g., types of dogs and cats, wildlife, squirrels, birds, etc.).

• To develop an interest in collecting pictures of animals such as eagles, horses, or dogs or plants etc.

• To do outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, gardening etc.

• To watch National Geographic, the Discover Channel, or other programming that examines wildlife, fish, whales, and other animals.

How Can one Find Out , the Naturalistic intelligence in a child?

• You may observe what your child likes and enjoys most, while playing or learning.

• Does your child:

• Really likes being outside and doing things like biking, hiking, camping, fishing, and climbing.

• You may observe what your child likes and enjoys most, while playing or learning.

• Does your child:

• Really likes being outside and doing things like biking, hiking, camping, fishing, and climbing.

• Enjoy collecting things related to nature such as rocks, flowers etc.

• Is fascinated with something particular in nature and learns about it in details.

• Enjoys observing and noticing the subtle differences in the world of nature.

• Examine what he finds in nature.

• Makes keen observations and notice patterns and things from nature easily.

• Want to become a scientist.

• Like to watch natural events like the stars, moon or the tides and get detailed information to learn about it.

• Like animals and likes to learn about them.

Characteristics of Naturalistic Intelligence

• Interested in subjects such as botany, biology and zoology

• Good at categorizing and cataloging information easily

• May enjoy camping, gardening, hiking and exploring the outdoors

• Doesn’t enjoy learning unfamiliar topics that have no connection to nature

Potential Career Choices

• Biologist

• Conservationist

• Gardener

• Farmer

Children with naturalistic intelligence and giftedness.

• Rather, we all have the ability to engage our various intelligences in different ways and under varying circumstances.

• Activities

• The activities are listed in levels of increasing complexity. The levels are in no way related to a child’s age or grade level. Rather, in light of the fact that each child has a unique intelligence profile, these activities allow children to start at whatever level they prefer and to continue feeling engaged and motivated in this learning experience as they advance to the more challenging levels

• . Also, in addition to naturalistic intelligence, many of these activities help develop other intelligences.

• how we can find out the gifted in naturalistic intelligence. And create echo friendliness. Please note that this list is neither absolutely comprehensive nor is it intended to be used as a checklist of performance. These are simply suggestions to help stimulate the development of naturalistic intelligence. With that in mind, I welcome feedback and additional suggestions.


• Take a walk and listen to the different sounds around you. Illustrate what you think the sounds look like as well as the source of the sound.

• Collect a variety of leaves and classify them in five different ways.

• Compare seeds and try to imagine the plants they will each become. Verify your information.

• Draw a landscape complete with animals and plants. Think about the kinds of thinks that the animals and plants will need to survive and incorporate them into your drawing.

• Go to a zoo and identify the different animals. How do they differ? How are they the same? How do these differences affect the animal’s relationships with its environment? Draw your favorite animals and tell someone about them.


• Learn about different plants and their various uses and properties. How do certain plants help or harm us?

• Plant a garden and learn how to care for it. Keep a journal and illustrations.

• Walk around your neighborhood and look at different plants and flowers. Think about why you have certain plants in your area? Do you notice any patterns? Conduct research about your plants and illustrate them in a journal.

• Draw a picture of your body. Draw a picture of an animal. How do the bodies differ? How are they the same? Why do you think the bodies share certain qualities and not others? Try this with other animals.



• Learn about your body and how it functions. How does your body work in harmony to help you do the things you do? What can you do to keep your body healthy?

• Try different foods from different countries. How do they differ? How are they the same? What do these foods tell you about the countries from which they come?

• Observe the night sky and try to find patterns or images composed of stars. Learn about the different constellations.

• Take a walk and notice the different patterns in nature. For instance, count the leaves in different plants, compare their shapes and sizes, look at branches and the stems that grow from them, look at petals and compare how many petals different flowers have. What other patterns to do you notice?

• Read books and articles about nature and the environment. Write your own article about something you have discovered in nature or illustrate your discovery.

• Learn about ecosystems and how various living things support each other. What kinds of things impact your environment?

some of the gifted personalities who loved the nature.


Eco friendly song

• An old folk song


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