Download - Natural Treatment for Eosinophilia & Cure


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EOSINOPHILIA NATURAL TREATMENT AND CUREHuman body consists of many cells and eosinophils are one among them. Impairment of functions of eosinophils is known as eosinophilia

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMINTRODUCTIONEosinophilia is the formation and accumulation of high number of eosinophils that is a type of white blood cell, produced by bone marrow in the blood or body tissues.

A normal eosinophil count is not higher than 350 eosinophils per micro litter of whole blood.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMINTRODUCTIONA count more than 1500 eosinophils per micro liter of blood that lasts for several months is known as hypereosinophilic syndrome.

Tissue eosinophilia may be found in tissue sample taken of certain fluids, such as nasal tissues where the eosinophilia count in the blood isnormal


Symptoms of eosinophilia depend upon the underlying conditions. Different signs and symptoms are often seen and experienced by people accordingly.AsthmaParasitic infectionRarer symptoms of eosinophilia

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMSYMPTOMS OF EOSINOPHILIAAsthma : WheezingShortness of breathConstant cough

Parasitic infection : skin rashesabdominal paindiarrheaFeverRarer symptoms of eosinophilia : Weight lossfatigueNight sweatsLymph node enlargementSkin rashes

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMCAUSES OF EOSINOPHILIAMany causes are mentioned as idiopathic which has no reasons

Number of conditions like Asthma, Auto Immune Disorders, Hay Fever, Cancer etc have been known to activate an abnormally high amount of eosinophils.

Some drug reactions may also contribute for abnormal eosinophils count.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMAYURVEDIC ASPECTSAyurveda aims to cure different type of eosinophillia based upon root causes. Aama (undigested food) and low vyadhi kshmata (low immune system) are considered to be main causes for it to take place.

Beneficial herbs explained by Ayurveda mainly digest the undigested food, clears the channels to throw toxins out and enhance the immune system to provide stamina and will power to beat the symptoms successfully.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMHERBAL PRODUCTS FOR EOSINNOPHILLIAThe herbal remedies for Eosinophillia as given by Planet Ayurveda include Praanrakshak Churna, Tulsi capsules, Curcumin capsules and Aller-G care Capsules.

These herbal supplements can provide effective and excellent care against eosinophillia and conditions due to various symptoms arises.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMBENEFITS OF EOSINNOPHILLIA HERBAL PRODUCTS These herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are the best as they are 100% safe for consumption and do not include any chemicals, fillers or preservatives.

They are manufactured using different types of rare and unique herbs. These herbal remedies can work wonder, if consumed as per the given directions. These remedies are completely vegetarian and free of side effects.

PRAAN RAKSHAK HERBAL POWDERThis is a pure combination of herbs having anti-allergic properties. These herbs act in a synergistic way and are highly effective in curing chronic allergies, infections in respiratory tract, asthma and bronchitis. Bharangi, Shirish and Kantkari are powerful antihistamines and are highly effective in curing chronic and acute asthma attacks. WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COM

PRAAN RAKSHAK HERBAL POWDERMadhuyashti and Vaasa are popular herbs and present in this churna. They help in breaking the mucous plugs and curing common cold. They can also heal the problem of bleeding while coughing. Typlophora asthmatica is also used for curing asthma. Over all this effective formulation has been proved very effective in curing symptoms of eosinophilia.WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMS.NOHERB USEDENGLISH NAMELATIN NAMEQUANTTY1ShirishMimosa TreeAlbezzia lebbock60mg2 VaasaMalabar NutAdhatoda vasica60mg3AnantmoolSarasprillaTylphora asthmatica30mg4DalchiniCinnamonCinnamomum20mg5BharangiClerodandrumClerodandrumserratum20mg6MadhuyashtiLicoriceGlycerrhiza glabra10mgWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMINGREDIENTS IN PRAANRAKSHAK CHURNA

Curcumin is an active turmeric component and contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiamyloid, antioxidant and antitumor properties. As per the reports, curcumin has high anti-allergic property along with inhibitory effect on the release of histamines from the mast cells.CURCUMIN CAPSULESWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COM

It works effectively in curing asthma and other eosinophilia types. Planet Ayurvedas curcumin works fantastic to take care of all types of eosinophillia.

How to use -

Adults can take a daily dosage of 1-2 capsules with milk or water after meals.

For children one capsule per day is the recommended dose.CURCUMIN CAPSULESWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COM

This supplement is a pure blend of amazing natural and unique herbs, which are considered as the best anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic herbs. These herbs can work miracle to cure even the rare forms of allergies.

This care pack contains the extracts of Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Neem and Shirish which are well known for their anti-inflammatory, anti- allergic, anti-oxidant and immunoenhancer properties along with many other benefits.ALLER-G CARE CAPSU;ESWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COM

It does not lead to any side effects and can be followed with other medical treatments. This pack is cost-effective and forms a perfect remedy for skin rashes, pollen allergies and all types of skin disorders. Citrus fruits shall be avoided if you are consuming this medicine.

ALLER-G CARE CAPSU;ESWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMDosage- 1-2 capsules twice daily, after mealsS.NOHERB USEDLATIN NAMEPARTS USEDQUANTTY1HaridraCurcuma longaExtract200mg2 NeemAzadirachta indicaExtract200mg3ShirishAlbezzia lebbockExtract100mg4AshwagandhaWithania somniferaExtract100mgWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMINGREDIENTS IN ALLER-G CARE FORMULA

As Tulsi is a powerful antioxidant and very good expectorant, it mobilizes the phlegm and throws out in asthma and chronic cough.

As it have blood purifier properties so help in all types of skin allergies too. It enhances whole Immune system and promotes complete health. Widely it is recommended in all types of eosinophillia.TULSI CAPSULESWWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMThe Tulsi herb can be useful in one or the other forms for diseases like:-Cough Kidney stoneSkin diseaseHeadachesSore throatTeeth disorderFever and common coldEye disorderRespiratory disorderHeart disorderStressMouth infectionInsect bitesThe use of Tulsi Capsules makes the body fit to fight against infections.

This pure immune-modulator treats allergy, diabetes, skin allergies, chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, and cancers effectively.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMTULSI CAPSULES BENEFITSStay away from perfumes, smells, paints, dust, pollens etc that causes allergy.

Avoid food items like curd, banana, freeze and cold items and others also which aggravate the symptoms.WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMGUIDELINES TOWARDS EOSINOPHILIA


Mix pepper powder in honey with some hot water and drink two times daily. It is best remedy for clearing throat.

Ginger tea is suggested to have sip by sip. Add some crushed or dried ginger to tea and have it to calm down some symptoms.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMGUIDELINES TOWARDS EOSINOPHILIAFry little turmeric powder in ghee and add half tsp of it in a cup of hot milk. Sugar can be added according taste.

Tulsi also serves helpful home remedy to cure eosinophilia. Leaves can be used to make juice.

WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMGUIDELINES TOWARDS EOSINOPHILIAJuice of fresh leaves of neem every morning purify blood and helps in pacifying symptoms like skin rashes, boils and itching etc. it clears the toxins from blood present in the body.Try to boost your defense mechanism.Drink plenty of water daily.

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WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COMOUR EXPERTS Dr. Vikram Chauhan, BAMS, MD (AYURVEDA), CEO & Founder of Planet Ayurveda and Krishna Herbals Co. Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan, BAMS- Gold Medalist, MD (Alt. Med.) Dr. Vaidya Madan Gulati, BAMS- Gold Medalist), MD (AYURVEDA) Vaidya Anthony Rouse, Graduate in Ayurveda

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