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October 2013

GRCA Board Approval, June 13, 2013 – Resolution Number FA 27/13

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Text for this document written primarily by Ken Towle, Terrestrial Ecologist. Appendix 1

text adapted from TRCA (2004). Reviewed by Mark Peacock, Director of Watershed

Services, and Pam Lancaster, Stewardship Technician. GIS analysis and mapping by

Cody Brown, with support by Jeff Moxley. Layout by Julie Verge. All photos by Ken

Towle, except where noted.

Correct citation for this document: Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. 2013. Terrestrial Natural Heritage Strategy. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Port Hope, Ontario.

(Cover photograph: Aphrodite Fritillary butterfly on New England Aster)

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Historically much of southern Ontario, including the watershed of the Ganaraska Region

Conservation Authority (GRCA), was dominated by forest cover interspersed with

smaller areas of tallgrass prairie and wetlands. Most of these were cleared or drained

for agriculture, leaving a landscape in which remaining natural cover is fragmented.

Threats such as increased predation or parasitism, invasive species, roads,

urbanization, pollutants and climate change are having negative impacts on these areas.

Conservation biology demonstrates that fragmented landscapes tend to support fewer

species and have reduced ecological function. This in turn has a profound impact on the

ecological goods and services we rely on as a society. The recommended approach for

dealing with these issues is to increase natural cover and connect habitat patches

through a natural heritage system. The Ontario Provincial Policy Statement now calls for

municipalities to protect significant natural heritage features and to define natural

heritage systems.

The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has modified the methodology developed

by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority to evaluate the status of habitat patches

within the landscape and to use a GIS model to define target areas for a natural heritage

system. Two target scenarios are presented within this natural heritage strategy along

with a summary of threats to biodiversity and recommendations for action. This

document is meant to guide action by the GRCA and to inform the decision making

process within the planning departments of its municipal partners.

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Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................... 2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 3

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 9

2. HISTORICAL CONTEXT ............................................................................................................... 11

3. TERRESTRIAL NATURAL HERITAGE CONSERVATION ISSUES..................................................... 12

3.1 Habitat Fragmentation ....................................................................................................... 12

3.1.1 Habitat Patch Size ....................................................................................................... 13

3.1.2 Habitat Patch Shape .................................................................................................... 14

3.1.3 Habitat Patch Isolation/Connectivity .......................................................................... 16

3.1.4 The Landscape Matrix .................................................................................................. 17

3.1.5 Habitat Patch Configuration ........................................................................................ 18

3.2 Invasive Species ................................................................................................................... 19

3.3 Roads ................................................................................................................................... 22

3.4 Urbanization ........................................................................................................................ 23

3.5 Agriculture ........................................................................................................................... 24

3.6 Recreational Use ................................................................................................................. 24

3.7 Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change ....................................................................... 25

4. THE NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM CONCEPT ............................................................................ 25

5. POLICY RATIONALE FOR A NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM APPROACH ...................................... 27

5.1 Provincial Policy .................................................................................................................. 27

5.2 Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt Plans .......................................................................... 28

5.3 The Ontario Biodiversity Strategy ....................................................................................... 28

5.4 Conservation Authorities Act .............................................................................................. 28


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6.1. Overview of Approach ....................................................................................................... 31

6.2 Landscape Level .................................................................................................................. 31

6.3 Vegetation Community Level .............................................................................................. 32

6.4 Species Level ....................................................................................................................... 33

7. SUMMARY OF EXISTING NATURAL HERITAGE CONDITIONS .................................................... 35

7.1 LANDSCAPE LEVEL ............................................................................................................... 35

7.1.1 Total Cover of Major Habitat Types ............................................................................. 35

7.1.2 Forest ........................................................................................................................... 35

7.1.3 Wetlands ...................................................................................................................... 36

7.1.4 Meadow/Grassland ..................................................................................................... 38

7.1.5 Beach and Bluff ............................................................................................................ 38

7.1.6 Habitat Patch Conditions ............................................................................................. 39

7.1.7 Patch Size ..................................................................................................................... 39

7.1.8 Patch Shape ................................................................................................................. 40

7.1.9 Matrix Influence ........................................................................................................... 40

7.1.10 Total Habitat Patch Score .......................................................................................... 41

7.2 VEGETATION COMMUNITIES LEVEL .................................................................................... 41

7.2.1 Forests (ELC codes FOM, FOD, FOC, SWM, SWD, SWC, CUP, CUW) ........................... 41

7.2.2 Wetlands (ELC codes SWM, SWD, SWC, SWT, MAM, MAS, FEO, SAS, SAM,SAF) ....... 43

7.2.3 Meadow/Grassland (ELC codes CUM, CUS, CUT, TPO, TPS, SBO) ............................... 45

7.2.4 Beach and Bluff (ELC codes BBO, BBS, BBT, SDO, SDS, SDT, BLO, BLS, BLT) ................ 46

7.3 SPECIES LEVEL ..................................................................................................................... 48

8.0 POTENTIAL NATURAL HERITAGE CONDITIONS ........................................................................ 51

8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 51

8.2 Target System Scenarios ..................................................................................................... 52

9.0 GETTING THERE FROM HERE: THE STRATEGY ....................................................................... 54

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9.1 Tools for Natural Heritage Protection and Restoration ...................................................... 54

9.1.1 Provincial Policy .......................................................................................................... 55

9.1.2 Public Education .......................................................................................................... 57

9.1.3 Private Landowner Stewardship .................................................................................. 58

9.1.4 Land Acquisition and Securement ............................................................................... 59

9.1.5 Alternative Land Use Options ...................................................................................... 59

9.1.6 Management of Conservation Authority Lands .......................................................... 61

9.1.7 Integration of Terrestrial Natural Heritage with Other Watershed Management

Programs ............................................................................................................................... 62

9.2 Dealing With Specific Conservation Concerns .................................................................... 63

9.2.1 Species at Risk and Rare Species ................................................................................. 63

9.2.2 Grassland Birds ............................................................................................................ 66

9.2.3 Rare Tallgrass Communities......................................................................................... 68

9.2.4 Coastal Zones ............................................................................................................... 70

9.2.5 Climate Change ............................................................................................................ 72

9.2.6 Invasive Species ........................................................................................................... 73

9.2.7 Roads ........................................................................................................................... 74

9.2.8 Recreational Use .......................................................................................................... 75

9.2.9 Urbanization ................................................................................................................ 76

GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................................... 77

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 81

APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................................... 87

USING GIS TO DEFINE THE NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM ............................................................. 87

1. Landscape Analysis and the Natural Heritage System Model ............................................... 87

2. Vector Landscape Analysis .................................................................................................... 87

2.1 Patch Size ........................................................................................................................ 89

2.2 Patch Shape .................................................................................................................... 89

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2.3 Matrix Influence .............................................................................................................. 90

2.4 Total Score ...................................................................................................................... 90

3. Value Surface Raster Model ................................................................................................. 91

3.1 Patch Quality (Total Vector Score) ................................................................................. 92

3.2 Forest Interior ................................................................................................................. 92

3.3 Distance from Urban Areas ............................................................................................. 93

3.4 Distance from Roads ....................................................................................................... 93

3.5 Proximity to Natural Areas ............................................................................................. 94

3.6 Proximity of a Wetland to a Forest ................................................................................. 95

3.7 Proximity of a Forest to a Wetland ................................................................................. 96

3.8 Proximity to a Watercourse ............................................................................................ 97

3.9 Proximity to Lake Ontario ............................................................................................... 98

4. Defining a Target Natural Heritage System .......................................................................... 98

5. Using Landscape Metrics as Surrogate Measures of Ecological Health ............................. 106

APPENDIX 2 – ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................... 109

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The term “natural heritage” is commonly used across North America and has been

adopted by the Ontario government for use in provincial policy. Natural heritage

“includes geological features and landforms; associated terrestrial and aquatic

ecosystems; their plant species, populations and communities; and all native animal

species, their habitats and sustaining environment” (OMNR 1992). While literally the

term means the nature that we have inherited, the definition above essentially describes

ecosystems and the geological features that support them. Natural heritage includes

biodiversity, which can be defined as the variety of life, as expressed through genes,

species and ecosystems, that is shaped by ecological and evolutionary processes

(OMNR 2005). For the purpose of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority

(GRCA), terrestrial natural heritage is analogous with terrestrial biodiversity, taking into

consideration the underlying geological features.

Reasons for protecting biodiversity range from recognizing the intrinsic value of nature,

to the aesthetic and inspirational values it provides, and our responsibilities as global

stewards. However, the simplest answer is that we depend on biodiversity to survive.

Nature and biodiversity provide us with what are now commonly referred to as

“ecological goods and services” such as food, medicines, clean air and water, soil,

erosion control, assimilation of waste and pollutants, recreational opportunities, etc.

These services can have inestimable social and economic values. All life on Earth

depends on healthy, functioning ecosystems. Removal of species components of these

systems amounts to a loss of integrity that could eventually lead to collapse. It also robs

us of potential, both in the form of future resources, and more importantly in relation to

the adaptive capacity of ecosystems in response to environmental change.

In 1992 Canada signed and later ratified the United Nations Convention on Biological

Diversity, committing our nation to conservation and sustainable use. This was soon

followed by the creation of the Biodiversity Strategy for Canada (1995). Ten years later

Ontario responded with its own biodiversity strategy (OMNR 2005) outlining steps that

should be taken at a provincial level. The Ontario Provincial Policy Statement (2005)

mandates protection of natural heritage features through the municipal planning process,

and recommends natural heritage systems as a tool for reaching this goal.

This document is a natural heritage strategy for the Ganaraska Region Conservation

Authority watersheds (Figure 1). It includes an overview of some of the main terrestrial

conservation issues in the GRCA area and outlines a series of steps and a framework

for addressing these. It also includes the methodology and results for defining target

natural heritage systems, and both long and short-term target system scenarios, with a

summary of the changed conditions each would result in. In short, the document is

meant to be both a baseline summary of existing natural heritage conditions and a road

map to direct the GRCA in conserving and improving these for the future.

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It is intended that this document be used to inform planning decisions related to natural

heritage. Specifically in this regard the intent is to work with municipal partners to

determine the degree to which the target natural heritage system scenarios can be

recognized in municipal official plans, and policies developed around protection and

restoration of the ecological features and functions. The GRCA has in turn been

promoting the protection and restoration of natural heritage systems through the

watershed planning process.

Figure 1. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Watersheds

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Prior to the arrival of European settlers the landscape of southern Ontario was

dominated by forest, although early explorers such as Champlain recorded extensive

clearing by aboriginal people in some areas (Larson et al. 1999). The degree to which

aboriginal cultures used fire to clear land is unknown, however given that they relied on

stone tools it is likely that fire was widely used for to create agricultural plots and habitat

for game species (Larson et al. 1999). On dry sand plains this would have helped to

maintain open woodland or prairie and species associated with these ecosystems (Traill

1885, Reznicek 1983, Bakowsky and Riley 1992).

Following the arrival of European settlers the aboriginal population was greatly reduced

and land was rapidly cleared for agriculture and to supply sawmills. By 1920

approximately 90 percent of the original forest had disappeared (Larson et al.1999).

Agriculture failed in areas with predominantly sandy soils such as on the Lake Erie Sand

Plain and the Rice Lake Plains. By the 1920s these areas had become highly eroded,

and blowing sand was everywhere. Large-scale reforestation efforts to stabilize soils in

subsequent decades resulted in widespread pine plantations in areas such as the Oak

Ridges Moraine (Richardson 1944). Overlooked at the time were native tallgrass

prairies and savannas that were historically quite extensive in these sand plains (Catling

et al. 1992).

Although forest cover has increased somewhat in the past 100 years, the great forests of

southern Ontario are gone, and what remains is a patchwork of fragments surrounded

by agricultural lands and urban land use. Whereas most of the forest in pre-settlement

times would have been mature or old growth, present day forests tend to be young or in

early stages of ecological succession (Larson et al. 1999). Tallgrass ecosystems have

been reduced to less than 0.3 percent of their original cover, making them one of the

most threatened ecosystems in Canada (Rodgers 1998). The Passenger Pigeon

(Ecopistes migratorius), whose flocks blackened the skies, and which must have had an

inestimable impact on forest ecology, is extinct. Cougars (Felis concolor) and Timber

Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) have become extirpated. Eastern Wolf (Canis lupus

lycaon), Elk (Cervus canadensis), and Moose (Alces alces) disappeared from much of

the landscape to be replaced by Coyotes (Canis latrans) and White-tailed Deer

(Odocoileus virginianus). Today, largely due to intensification of agriculture and rapid

urbanization, dozens of sensitive species are declining, and have been designated as

threatened or endangered in the province. Meanwhile, invasive species are threatening

to displace native species through competition or predation, and are altering the

structure of ecosystems. All of these concerns are exacerbated by incremental habitat

loss and fragmentation, which are the main drivers behind the global decline of


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There are many threats to terrestrial biodiversity resulting from human activities. These

are problematic because they ultimately affect ecological function within individual

ecosystems and across the landscape. For humans this means the loss or degradation

of important ecological goods and services provided by these systems.

One of the most significant of terrestrial conservation issues in southern Ontario is

habitat fragmentation. This section covers the impacts of habitat fragmentation, and the

conservation concerns related to habitat patch characteristics in a fragmented

landscape, before reviewing some more general conservation issues.

A fragmented landscape where forest cover is now in isolated patches

3.1 Habitat Fragmentation

Habitat loss is a concept that is easily understood and widely recognized as an

environmental concern. On the other hand, the general public seems to be quite

unaware of habitat fragmentation as an environmental issue, despite its major role in the

loss of biodiversity and ecosystem health.

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Habitat loss can include the shrinkage of a particular habitat type by removal from an

outside edge resulting in partial or complete loss, or the perforation of a habitat type by

removal of internal sections. In contrast, habitat fragmentation is a process of breaking

a whole into smaller pieces, such as through bisection (Figure 2). Habitat fragmentation

involves habitat loss, however habitat loss does not necessarily result in fragmentation

(Collinge 2009). A fragmented landscape is characterized by remnant patches of natural

areas surrounded by human land use. This use is typically agriculture or urban, but can

also include large-scale forestry or mining.

The effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity are predominantly related to the size

and shape of remnant patches, the degree of connectivity between them, the

surrounding dominant land use matrix, and their configuration in the landscape. The

relevance of each of these is explained below.

Figure 2. The process of habitat fragmentation and loss of interior habitat and species (Kruger).

3.1.1 Habitat Patch Size

The larger a habitat patch is, the higher the diversity of conditions it is likely to contain

(such as slope, aspect, tree maturity, etc.), and therefore the more species it is likely to

support. A large patch can not only help ensure that a species is represented in a given

area, by supporting more individuals (a population) it can help ensure that it remains

there over time. Furthermore, many species are “area-sensitive,” that is, they require

large blocks of habitat for an individual or a pair to survive. Scientists are also learning

that many species have complex behavioural patterns, without which breeding is not

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successful. Populations must be large enough to support the demographics behind

these behaviours (e.g. Norris and Stutchbury 2001). Larger patches are also more likely

to maintain ecological functions and to be sheltered from negative external impacts.

The process of fragmentation reduces the size of habitat patches and therefore limits the

ability of a natural area to support area-sensitive species. These include those that

require large home ranges, such as the large carnivores at the top of the food chain.

Some of these may be considered “keystone” species, so named because their removal

may result in what conservation biologists refer to as “cascading effects” through the

ecosystem (Terborgh et al. 2003). In this case those effects would include higher

populations of their prey species, which in turn could reduce the populations of the

smaller animals and plants that they feed on. The Cougar, Eastern Wolf, and Black

Bear (Ursus americanus) are examples of top-level carnivores that have disappeared

from highly fragmented landscapes in southern Ontario because forest patches are too

small and too isolated to support them. In short, as species disappear due to habitat

fragmentation, whole ecological communities are affected. This means that vital

interactions for the ecosystem may be lost.

3.1.2 Habitat Patch Shape

Patch size and shape are reciprocal features. All patches have both. As a result, the

influence of one over the other on biodiversity is not always clear or exclusive.

Shape is an issue for two main reasons. The first is in relation to the concept of interior

habitat, which is of importance primarily for forests. Forest interiors tend to be darker,

cooler and damper than areas near the outer edge of a patch. This is a specialized

habitat required by many wildlife species, particularly birds such as thrushes. When

forests dominated the landscape forest interior would have been ubiquitous and these

birds would have been abundant. Now many species are experiencing population

declines, and habitat fragmentation has been implicated as a factor (Terborgh 1989).

More compact patches are likely to have more forest interior when they are above a

minimum size of approximately 4 ha (Figure 3).

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Figure 3. Large, compact patches have more interior than smaller convoluted Patches (Ecological Services for Planning 1995).

There has been growing dissent in the conservation community about the legitimacy of

focusing on forest interior. The criticism is based on studies suggesting that it is the total

amount and configuration of forest cover that determines presence of area-sensitive

birds (e.g. Villard 1998). This interpretation appears to confuse area sensitivity with

forest interior. An area-sensitive species such as Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea)

can breed successfully if the total cover it requires is fragmented but in close proximity.

Other species such as Hooded Warbler (Wilsonia citrina) have been demonstrated to be

area sensitive because of complex social structures, yet remain productive if the habitat

they need is in close proximity (Norris and Stutchbury 2001). Nevertheless, there are

still many species that require the cool moist conditions that would not be found in

smaller woodlots in close proximity, even if in total they make up an equivalent area of

forest cover.

The second reason why shape is important is because of exposure to negative external

influences or “edge effects.” These include higher temperatures, desiccation and storm

damage caused by exposure to sunlight and wind, increased invasion by exotic species,

and higher rates of predation and parasitism. Generally speaking, the more convoluted

or perforated a patch is, the more it is exposed it is to negative edge effects.

Conversely, compact-shaped patches have less exposure. A perfect circle has the

lowest edge-to-area ratio and therefore the least exposure.

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To illustrate the issue of predation as a negative edge effect, in much of southern

Ontario and heavily settled landscapes of northeastern North America there is a

proliferation of habitat generalist species (as opposed to specialists that require specific

habitat types). These freely navigate much of the landscape and readily search forest

patches for food. Some of them, including Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Striped Skunk

(Mephitis mephitis), Opossum (Didelphis virginiana), Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), and

Coyote (Canis latrans), are “mesopredators” (medium sized) that readily raid bird nests

or prey upon other small animals that are restricted to forest habitat.

The Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the

nests of other birds. The larger and more aggressive cowbird chick then dominates the

nest, resulting in the starvation or expulsion of the bird’s own offspring. Although they

are open country birds, cowbirds will readily penetrate several hundred meters into a

forest patch in search of nests to parasitize. Thanks to habitat fragmentation forest

patches are exposed to higher rates of parasitism from inflated populations of cowbirds,

and large numbers of native songbirds are producing cowbird chicks more than their

own, which contributes to population declines (Brittingham and Temple 1983).

The degree of penetration into a forest patch may vary according to the specific edge

effect. Temple and Cary (1988) predicted that most parasitism occurred within 100 m of

the forest edge and that the area beyond 100 m could therefore be suitable as interior

habitat. This 100 m rule is now commonly applied to define forest interior. Despite the

complexity of the issue, this has been widely applied as a standard simple measure of

forest quality.

3.1.3 Habitat Patch Isolation/Connectivity

Species that have limited mobility or that require very specific habitat types are

particularly vulnerable to habitat fragmentation because they have difficulty moving from

one patch to another. In the first case, a species with limited mobility may not be able to

physically traverse the distance between patches. In the second case, the landscape

between the patches is inhospitable, and therefore creates a barrier to movement. The

more isolated the patches, the less opportunity there is for movement between them.

Spring ephemeral wildflowers are an example of species that can be highly sensitive to

isolation. Not only do some of these require very specific habitat conditions, they also

have extremely limited mobility. Some species such as Mayapple (Podophyllum

peltatum), Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) and some ferns spread slowly by root

suckering, while others, such as Spring Beauty (Claytonia caroliniana), rely on ants to

disperse their seeds. A study of Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) concluded

that this plant could spread only about one hundred yards per millennium (Sauer 1998).

Generally speaking, isolated populations are more prone to extinction. For example, the

population could use up all of the food resources in a habitat patch and have no means

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of moving to another location. Or, a species that requires more than one habitat type to

complete its life cycle, such as an amphibian, may no longer have access to each

habitat type. Of particular concern is the fact that isolated populations, especially if they

are small, have limited genetic diversity. Without recruitment of individuals from outside

populations they may be subject to inbreeding depression and the consequent loss of

fitness. This can ultimately limit persistence because the options for adapting to

environmental change or resisting disease have been diminished. This is a very

significant point in relation to biodiversity conservation because it means that the

presence of a species in one or more habitat patches today does not guarantee that it

will still be there in the future. The population may already be at risk.

The most obvious solution to dealing with the problems associated with patch isolation is

to maintain or restore habitat connectivity. Connectivity has been defined as “the degree

to which the landscape facilitates or impedes movement among resource patches”

(Taylor et al. 1993). Two main types of connectivity are recognized. Structural

connectivity relates to the spatial arrangement of habitats in the landscape. Functional

connectivity is the behavioural response of organisms to that structure (Bennett 1999).

The most widely promoted form of landscape linkage for maintaining connectivity is the

habitat corridor. A corridor can be defined as “a linear landscape element that provides

for movement between habitat patches” (Rosenberg et al. 1997). They may also be

referred to as wildlife movement corridors, biological corridors, and greenways, although

the latter term is often used for something designed as much or more for human

movement as for wildlife (Little 1995). The idea is to provide an opportunity for wildlife to

navigate safely from one habitat patch to another. By doing so additional resources may

be available or there may be an improved opportunity for genetic exchange between

populations, promoting fitness.

In general, the more specialized are the habitat requirements of a species, or the more

sensitive it is to predation, the more it will rely on continuity of the habitat(s) for

movement in the landscape, and therefore would benefit from corridors. Other forms of

structural connectivity may suffice for less specialized or more mobile species. For

example the close proximity of patches can allow for some species to move between

them provided the intervening habitat is not inhospitable and no barriers are in place. A

series of patches in close enough proximity can provide a “stepping stone” function for

some species as they move between larger patches in an otherwise inhospitable


3.1.4 The Landscape Matrix

Landscapes can be divided into three spatial elements: patches, corridors, and the

matrix (Forman 1995). Patches and corridors have been discussed above. These are

essentially elements within the matrix, which is the dominant form of the landscape.

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According to Forman and Godron (1986) “the matrix is the most extensive and most

connected landscape element type, and therefore plays the dominant role in the

functioning of the landscape, (i.e. the flows of energy, materials and species).”

In the heavily settled landscape of southern Ontario the matrix is typically composed of

agricultural land or urban land. These dominant land use types have influence on the

patches and corridors of habitat found within them. Some of these influences include

the negative edge effects that originate in the matrix. In this regard, a measure of patch

shape attempts in part to measure exposure to these impacts, while a measure of the

matrix influence would relate to the impacts themselves. An urban matrix, with higher

human populations and associated activities is likely to have more of a negative

influence and provide more barriers to movement than an agricultural matrix.

3.1.5 Habitat Patch Configuration

Patch configuration relates to the pattern in which patches occur within the landscape.

The proximity and direction of large versus small patches of different shapes, habitat

type and quality within the context of varying landscape matrices has a profound

influence on biodiversity and ecological function. All of these patch characteristics,

combined with patch configuration determine the structure and interaction of species

metapopulations and metacommunities.

A metapopulation is the sum total of all the individual populations of a species within the

landscape (Hanski and Simberloff 1997). In a fragmented landscape these individual

populations are likely to be of varying sizes and demographic structure, and may not be

viable on their own. The presence of a species within individual patches may fluctuate

over time through extinction and re-colonization (Levins 1969). In order to maintain

long-term persistence of a species that requires the habitats found in the patches it is

critical to ensure sufficient interaction between the individual subpopulations for normal

behavioural patterns and mating opportunities to occur that will provide enough genetic

diversity to support the entire metapopulation.

A metacommunity is a collection of communities connected by dispersal (Hanski and

Gilpin 1991). In this case, a community is a collection of individuals that directly or

indirectly interact by partitioning the resources of a shared habitat patch (Hubbell 2001,

Holyoak et al. 2005). Metacommunity theory goes a step further than metapopulation

theory by suggesting that species interactions also will be strongly influenced by the

spatial configuration of habitat patches, in addition to the amount of dispersal of

individual species between remaining patches (Holyoak et al. 2005). This means that

the ecological communities themselves will be different from one patch to another, and

therefore that ecological integrity will vary between them. From a conservation

perspective then, the goal would be to maintain enough of the essential community

dynamics among the varying patches to ensure the long-term persistence of each of the

ecological community types that are native to the region.

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The concepts of metapopulations and metacommunities have profound implications for

managing landscapes. For example, it is now apparent that habitats appearing to be

healthy to the untrained eye may in fact have limited ecological integrity. More

significantly, if achieving the goals of ecological health and integrity and sustaining these

over the long term requires maintaining the full complement of biodiversity known to

occur in a given area, then we may not only need to keep most of the remaining habitat,

we will have to strategically add habitat to the landscape. All successional levels of all

vegetation community types must be represented in sufficient quantity and quality to

support all of the native species components of the ecosystems.

3.2 Invasive Species

It is commonly accepted that, next to outright habitat loss, invasive species represent the

greatest threat to global biodiversity (Vitousek et al. 1996). According to the Invasive

Alien Species Strategy for Canada (Government of Canada 2004), invasive species are

“harmful alien organisms whose introduction or spread threatens the environment, the

economy, or society.” Alien species are “species of plants, animals, or microorganisms

introduced by human action outside their natural past or present distribution”

(Government of Canada 2004). In their new environment invasive exotic species

generally lack the natural ecological controls (e.g. predation, herbivory or disease) that

regulate populations of native species.

One insect species in particular is of great concern in the GRCA. The Emerald Ash

Borer (Agrilus planipennis) has spread to numerous parts of southern Ontario and has

recently been found in the GRCA area. This beetle represents a serious threat to ash

trees of any age class. Fortunately ash is a minor component of most woodlands in the

GRCA area, but its loss will nevertheless affect forest ecosystems, especially in moist

areas where it is most abundant, and where it is used as a street tree in urban areas.

Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) / Photo credit: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

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In the GRCA a number of invasive plants are prevalent (species details can be found in

Pridham, 2009). Currently the most threatening is likely Pale Swallowwort, also known

as Dog-strangling Vine (Cynanchum rossicum), which invades woodlands and open

fields. This plant is in the milkweed family, and like other milkweeds the seeds spread

easily through the landscape by wind. Dog-strangling Vine can form dense mats that

can smother or prevent regeneration of other plants. It is currently prevalent on the Oak

Ridges Moraine and can be found in abundance in parts of the Ganaraska Forest.

Pale Swallowwort or Dog-strangling Vine (Cynanchum rossicum)

Garlic Mustard (Allaria petiolata) is an herbaceous plant that invades woodlands. It is

allelopathic, that is, it secretes chemicals into the soil that other plants cannot tolerate.

Garlic Mustard can take over the entire herbaceous layer of upland and riparian forests,

eliminating native wildflowers and preventing tree regeneration.

Garlic Mustard (Allaria petiolata)

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Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) is a European shrub that was introduced in

Ontario as a windbreak. In the autumn the black berries are spread across the

landscape by birds. This plant can completely take over the understorey of woodlands,

reducing forest plant biodiversity and making movement difficult.

Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)

A recent arrival that is as much of a health concern as an ecological concern is Giant

Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum). This huge herbaceous plant prefers moist

areas and can grow to 5 m in height. Hogweed sap can cause photodermatitis resulting

in severe skin blistering and even blindness if it is accidentally rubbed in the eyes.

Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)

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Many other species of invasive plants have become well established in southern

Ontario, and with population growth and cross-border movement of goods more are

likely to arrive in the future. Eradication of most species is not feasible, therefore control

measures must be based on available funding and priority areas such as high quality

natural areas or habitats of species at risk.

3.3 Roads

Road ecology is a rapidly expanding science concerning the impacts of roads on

ecosystems. These impacts include habitat fragmentation, creating barriers to wildlife

movement, wildlife mortality, spread of invasive species, noise, artificial lighting, and

introduction of pollutants into the environment (Forman et al. 2003).

Within the context of a terrestrial natural heritage strategy, other than the obvious

impacts of habitat fragmentation described previously, the main concern about roads is

their impact on wildlife populations. For example, some small mammals are reluctant to

cross wide openings created by roads because of exposure to the risk of predation,

especially by hawks. This restricts dispersal of individuals between populations,

potentially reducing genetic diversity. Road kill also has a direct impact on wildlife


Amphibians and reptiles are vulnerable to road mortality because of their small size and

rate of movement. Turtles are particularly at risk due to their slow speed. Complicating

factors include mass migration of amphibians across roads to reach breeding pools

under ideal weather conditions and the attraction of species such as snakes to the

warmth retained by roads in early morning or evening.

Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) nesting on Roadside

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The function of a natural heritage system is clearly compromised by the presence of

roads and traffic. The use of mitigation measures such as underpasses or overpasses

(collectively referred to as “ecopassages”) is growing in North America, and an

assessment of roads as barriers to wildlife movement as well as of roadkill hotspots is

recommended as a means of identifying priority areas for ecopassages (Ontario Road

Ecology Group 2010). Beyond mere mitigation, the potential of roads to act as corridors

for some native plant species, or for roadsides to support rare communities such as

prairies, also should be considered.

3.4 Urbanization

The process of urbanization involves an essentially permanent conversion of natural or

agricultural lands to human habitat that is characterized by dense road networks,

housing or industry. Urbanization, particularly in the form of urban sprawl, can have

profound impacts on biodiversity and ecological function that go well beyond habitat loss

(see Johnson and Klemens 2005 for an excellent summary). For example, the human

habitat that comprises urban areas is incompatible to most species that require any

particular type of natural habitat. Instead, a suite of species that are highly tolerant of, or

actually benefit from the urban environment thrive here. Many of these are non-native,

and in total their diversity is far lower than the diversity of native species in natural


Lawns and gardens are first and foremost designed for the benefit of humans, thus even

when wildlife attraction is the stated goal it is always the species that people wish to

attract because of qualities they find appealing. Species that personal tastes reject are

discouraged. Under these circumstances, real benefits to biodiversity are limited. Many

lawn and garden plants are exotic species, and some, such as Norway Maple (Acer

platanoides), honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.), English Ivy (Hedera helix), and Periwinkle

(Vinca minor), to name a few, are invasive, and have negative impacts as they spread

into nearby natural areas and ravines (Pridham 2009).

Urban areas are concentrated sources of many pollutants. These include atmospheric

pollutants such as carbon dioxide, and low-level ozone resulting from combustion of

fossil fuels, as well as road salt and petroleum products like oils that wash into catch

basins and make their way into streams and rivers. Pesticides used to maintain lawns

and gardens also find their way into water bodies and natural areas and may have

impacts on non-target beneficial species. Other pollutants that effect wildlife include

high levels of noise and artificial night lighting, which is known to affect the behaviour of

many species (Rich and Longcore 2006).

Remaining natural areas in cities are typically under heavy pressure from recreational

uses. For example, walking trails and mountain bike trails commonly penetrate into

once remote areas, resulting in erosion, disturbance to wildlife and introduction of

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invasive plants. Even designated paved trails can result in wildlife mortality. For

example, snakes may be drawn to warm asphalt in the morning, and are inadvertently

killed by cyclists. Common activities of adults in city ravines include collection of

wildflowers, fiddleheads and mushrooms, while children may collect small animals such

as reptiles and amphibians. In addition, pets such as dogs and cats disturb or prey upon

wildlife species living on or near the ground.

3.5 Agriculture

The establishment of farms following European settlement resulted in the loss of vast

areas of habitat in southern Ontario. Today, through clearing, some habitat loss and

fragmentation still occurs, however in south-central and southeastern Ontario it is likely

that this is surpassed by the amount of new habitat created as farmland is abandoned.

It would be erroneous to conclude that agriculture inherently has a net negative impact

on the landscape, although monoculture row crops have very limited wildlife values, and

the use of some pesticides and herbicides may have negative impacts on non-target

wildlife species. On the other hand, some forms of agriculture, such as pasture and

hayfield, provide habitat for wildlife, most notably grassland birds. Hedgerows can

provide a connectivity function for small and large mammals, and open cropland can be

traversed by many animals, including amphibians migrating from forest to wetland and

back. In short, agricultural lands can have both positive and negative impacts on

terrestrial biodiversity, and best management practices can be implemented to help

ensure that the former outweigh the latter.

3.6 Recreational Use

There are numerous recreational uses of terrestrial natural areas and a variety of

impacts associated with them (Wall and Wright 1977). In fact, as much as these

activities may have human health benefits, no form of recreation is completely benign in

relation to biodiversity. Even accessing natural areas on foot can disturb wildlife or

result in the introduction and spread of invasive plants, the seeds of which may be

clinging to boots, clothing, or pet hair. Well used trails can also result in trampling of

vegetation, soil compaction and erosion.

All of the above impacts are multiplied by growing public demand for recreation

opportunities and the increasing use of off road vehicles such as mountain bikes, dirt

bikes and all-terrain vehicles. Few natural areas are now free of at least one of these

activities, and the resulting damage is usually obvious. Both public and private lands are

affected by these uses, although the former tend to suffer from heavier use.

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3.7 Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change

Natural areas are continuously subjected to various forms of atmospheric pollution. This

includes ground level ozone that contributes to smog. Plants that are sensitive to

ground level ozone develop spotting on the leaves, giving them a brownish appearance.

This restricts the ability of the leaves to undertake photosynthesis and therefore affects

the health and resilience of the plants.

Automobile exhaust and airborne particles of fertilizers can lead to higher than normal

atmospheric levels of nitrogen. Rainfall then deposits some of this nitrogen in natural

areas where it enters the soil. Native plants that are adapted to lower levels of nitrogen

may then become stressed while plants that benefit from high nitrogen levels, including

some invasive plants, thrive and gain a competitive edge. The result is a loss of plant

biodiversity and a decline in ecological health (Sauer 1998).

As if all the above stressors were not enough, global climate change will have

unpredictable and possibly catastrophic impacts on ecosystems. All models predict a

rate of global temperature increase that will occur over a much shorter period than at

any time in the past. Many species, and plants in particular, are adapted to a given

range of temperature and precipitation, thus if conditions surpass this range those

species will become stressed and eventually disappear. Although some models predict

major geographic shifts in forest types, the reality is that the natural dispersal capacity of

many trees and other species will not allow them to shift their ranges fast enough. To

make matters worse, fragmented landscapes already prevent the dispersal of many

species, and therefore will exacerbate the problem. The result may be novel

ecosystems made of those species that tolerate the changes and those which have

recently emigrated from other areas. How well these systems will be able to function

remains to be seen, however there is no doubt they will be less healthy and productive

than systems made up of species that have evolved together over millennia. Obviously

this has implications for production of natural resources such as timber.


Modern western society is a multi-dimensional system built by and for a single species.

The system consists of nodes of human settlement areas connected by a network of

transportation corridors within a landscape that is often dominated by human activities

such as agriculture. In southern Ontario this system has been imposed upon the

historical landscape such that the original natural systems have disappeared or become

fragmented and isolated. Imagine if we lost connectivity in our society. Our

communities would become isolated. Trade and transport would breakdown. Without

these there would not be enough resources to maintain our towns and cities. In

essence this is what we have done to ecosystems. Natural functions across the

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landscape such as dispersal have been compromised. Isolated wildlife populations in

remaining habitat fragments are disappearing because of inbreeding or insufficient

resources. The health of the system is under threat. To rectify this situation we must re-

build and reconnect natural systems and do so in a manner that can be balanced with,

and support human needs.

Until the mid 1980’s conservationists were using an “islands of green” approach (Hilts et

al. 1986), attempting to have the best-of-the-best represented in protected parks and

reserves. In many cases the lands surrounding such protected areas had been, or later

became converted to human uses, leaving them as isolated islands of natural habitat.

As far back as 1967 the theory of island biogeography was developed to explain the

number of species found on real islands (MacArthur and Wilson 1967). The theory

postulated that the number of species was in part related to the size of the island and its

distance from shore and was a balance between extinction and the immigration and

emigration of species. Smaller, more distant islands were likely to have fewer species

than larger islands in close proximity to the mainland. This is because smaller islands

tend to have fewer resources, and fewer species were likely to reach more distant

islands. The implications of this theory for fragmented landscapes where habitat was

found in patches of various sizes and distances from each other was obvious, and it can

be argued that island biogeography, combined with metapopulation theory and

population genetics, were major factors in the development of conservation biology as a

separate field of science in the late 1980’s.

Although there are many factors to consider, conservation biology theory suggests that

recently isolated populations of species such as those in fragmented landscapes may

have a reduced capacity to survive into the long term. First, they may consume all

available resources in a habitat patch and go extinct. Or they can be easily lost to

disease or disasters such as fire, or the introduction of new predators. A more insidious

threat is that without interaction with other populations for genetic exchange, inbreeding

and a reduction in fitness is likely. With all of the stresses on natural areas in the

present age – over-use, high rates of predation and parasitism, invasive species,

disease, pollution, and climate change – fitness and the ability to adapt have never been

more important.

Habitat connectivity has become a major issue in conservation biology because this is

clearly the approach required to deal with patch isolation and the need for gene flow

(Crooks and Sanjayan 2006). The concept of a protected areas network composed of

large core habitat areas connected by habitat corridors (Figure 4) was first proposed by

Noss (1983), and has since been widely advocated at geographic scales ranging from

watersheds (TRCA 2004), to states and provinces (Noss and Harris 1990, OMNR

2000a), to continents (Noss 1992). In Ontario these networks are frequently referred to

as natural heritage systems, based on use of the term natural heritage in the Provincial

Policy Statement (2005). The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (OMMAH 2002)

and the Greenbelt Plan (OMMAH 2005) both define natural heritage systems at a large

landscape scale.

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Figure 4. Protected Areas Network or Natural Heritage System (Asian Development Bank)


5.1 Provincial Policy

The Planning Act authorizes the Province to develop policy on matters of provincial

interest that are affected by land use planning. Section 2.1 of the 2005 Provincial Policy

Statement (PPS) outlines policies related to natural heritage. While most of the specific

policies relate to protecting significant features, Section 2.1.2 states that:

“The diversity and connectivity of natural features in an area, and the long-term

ecological function and biodiversity of natural heritage systems, should be

maintained, restored or, where possible, improved, recognizing linkages between

and among natural heritage features and areas, surface water features and

ground water features.”

Thus the PPS promotes protection of natural heritage systems and ecological function.

It is important to note that in the PPS glossary of terms, the definition of Natural Heritage

System includes “lands with the potential to be restored to a natural state.” This is a

crucial point, because it means that not only does the Province recognize the need to

protect existing features, but areas that have restoration potential to create an improved

natural heritage system as well. This is a key component of the GRCA approach.

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The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) has proposed a vision statement for

the desired future state of natural heritage systems in southern Ontario. It states that

natural heritage systems “will effectively conserve biodiversity, including composition

structure and function, and support a high quality of life in Southern Ontario” (OMNR

2006). The OMNR has also produced a revised Natural Heritage Reference Manual

(OMNR 2010) that includes an appendix outlining a recommended approach to natural

heritage system planning. To help planning authorities identify Significant Wildlife

Habitat as per the PPS, OMNR also produced the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical

Guide (OMNR 2000).

5.2 Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt Plans

Among the objectives of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (OMAFRA 2002)

are maintaining and improving ecological and hydrological function and integrity. In part

this is to be accomplished through designating and zoning of the moraine. These zones

include Core and Linkage areas, therefore the natural heritage system concept is being

applied as a planning approach for the moraine. The Greenbelt Plan (OMAFRA 2005)

also refers to a Natural Heritage System of core areas and connecting corridors.

5.3 The Ontario Biodiversity Strategy

Protecting What Sustains Us, Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy (2005), suggests that “a

broad vision of the landscape is needed to provide a context for biodiversity

conservation,” and further that “biodiversity conservation must be built into all aspects of

land use planning.” The revised Strategy (Ontario Biodiversity Council 2011) includes

“adopt landscape conservation planning and comprehensive land use planning

approaches at all scales” as a key action, and includes as a target “by 2015 natural

heritage systems plans and biodiversity conservation strategies are developed and

implemented at the municipal and landscape levels.”

5.4 Conservation Authorities Act

The Conservation Authorities Act provides the legislation for the creation and function of

Conservation Authorities, and directs them to function in areas related to watershed

planning and management. From the perspective of natural heritage protection, Section

20 of the act allows a Conservation Authority to “establish and undertake, in the area

over which it has jurisdiction, a program designed to further the conservation,

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restoration, development and management of natural resources other than gas, oil, coal

and minerals.”

Section 21 of the Conservation Authorities Act establishes the powers of Conservation

Authorities. In relation to natural heritage these include:

To study and investigate the watershed and to determine a program whereby the

natural resources of the watershed may be conserved, restored, developed and


To collaborate and enter into agreements with ministries and agencies of

government, municipal councils, and local boards and other organizations

To cause research to be done; and

Generally to do all such acts as are necessary for the due carrying out of any


The work of Conservation Authorities was historically focused on restoration of degraded

environments. Later this shifted more toward water quality and quantity. Within the past

two decades there has been an increasing acknowledgement that these are inseparable

from management of the terrestrial landscape. The amount of forest and wetland cover,

for example, directly affects water quality and quantity, as does the amount of

impervious surface in urban areas. This, combined with recognition that the province

does not have adequate resources to deal with terrestrial issues on a watershed level,

has led many Conservation Authorities to develop terrestrial natural heritage programs.

By protecting and improving a natural heritage systems conservation authorities are

returning to their original mandate.

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Choosing an Approach for Defining Natural Heritage Systems

The Province recommends establishment of “high-level direction” through stakeholder

involvement as critical to a “Coordinated, Integrated and Comprehensive Approach for

defining natural heritage systems (OMNR 2010). To help ensure acceptance of the final

product this process identifies key stakeholders (e.g. municipalities, conservation

authorities, government departments such as Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing,

First Nations, the aggregate industry, and agricultural, landowner and environmental

groups), and engages these at the beginning and at key stages in development of the

system. This includes a visioning exercise and agreement on the methodology and

criteria used to define the system.

Despite the merits of this approach, there are risks involved. For example, excluding

natural areas from the natural heritage system from the beginning because they cannot be

protected means that the values that these areas currently have may not be accounted for.

A more serious risk is that the resulting natural heritage system may be compromised if

non-environmental interests are given equal weight at the negotiating table with the

environmental interests, and especially if non-environmental criteria are given equal

weight in the model used to define the system. This would not reflect an “environment

first” approach which is often called for by the public in planning processes, and which

would provide the foundation for sustainability. The economy and human interests are

important. However, these depend on the environment (ecological goods and services),

while the reverse is not the case.

An alternative approach is to use an existing methodology for defining natural heritage

systems developed by experts in conservation biology and landscape ecology, and then

to bring in the stakeholders to learn about the issues and approach, and to review the

results as presented in scenarios. Alterations and deletions to the system might then

occur with the knowledge that they may be compromising a target system that was

defined to maintain biodiversity and ecological health. Through a process of give and

take, a solution might then be negotiated that reduces the target system in some areas but

makes up for these losses in other areas, or that chooses the most acceptable scenario.

The GRCA has adopted (and slightly modified) the criteria and GIS model developed by

the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA 2004), which has already been

peer reviewed and implemented for both urban and rural landscapes in the Greater

Toronto Area. Using a proven approach helps ensure consistency between one

jurisdiction and another and is ultimately more defensible than creating a new approach

based entirely on local interests or concerns.

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6.1. Overview of Approach

The natural heritage system approach used by the GRCA is a slightly modified version

of the approach developed by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA

2004). The approach considers three levels: landscape, vegetation communities, and

species. These levels roughly correspond to those considered in the concept of

biodiversity (i.e. ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity). Some

conservation biologists also consider landscape pattern as a level of biodiversity (Noss

and Cooperrider 1994). Measuring and monitoring genetic diversity is beyond the

capacity of the analysis, however by including landscape structure and habitat

distribution the physical factors that affect population biology and genetic diversity will be

addressed indirectly. Each of these levels and their relevance is discussed briefly


6.2 Landscape Level

The emerging science of landscape ecology considers the impact of landscape pattern

and structure on ecological function. All landscapes can be divided into three main

components: patches, corridors, and the matrix (Forman 1995). The matrix is the

dominant landscape feature such as forest or agriculture. Within the matrix are patches

of other natural habitat or land use types such as blocks of forest within an agricultural

landscape, or small towns in a forested landscape. Corridors are linear features that

connect patches, for example valley lands connecting woodlots, or roads connecting

towns. What constitutes a landscape is relative, and it would likely be different for an

insect and for a large mammal. This demonstrates the importance of scale when

evaluating landscapes. For the GRCA the most relevant scales are the entire land base

over which they have jurisdiction, as well as the individual watersheds of which the

jurisdiction is comprised. No one scale should be addressed without some consideration

for how patterns there relate to those at higher and lower scales. Furthermore, unlike

aquatic species, terrestrial species are not bound to an individual watershed. Therefore

the role of adjacent watersheds or jurisdictions in supporting populations must be


The GRCA approach evaluates the terrestrial landscape using Geographic Information

Systems (GIS) software to measure and rank habitat patch and landscape

characteristics. The method includes a vector analysis of existing landscape conditions

and applies a raster based model to define potential improvements (see Appendix 1).

The vector analysis uses polygons to represent patches and evaluates the

characteristics of these, while the raster analysis divides the landscape into pixels, and

assigns values to each of these based on a number of ecological criteria.

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Landscape indicators include changes in forest, wetland and urban cover, as well as

mean habitat patch size and shape. Potential measures for future consideration include

a mean connectivity value and a road density measure.

6.3 Vegetation Community Level

The biotic components of ecosystems interact in what can be termed communities.

These are made up of species that are adapted to certain physical and climatic

conditions. A description of the vegetation found in these communities is the most

obvious way to classify them. The GRCA makes use of the Ecological Land

Classification System (ELC) for Southern Ontario (Lee et al. 1998). This system is

hierarchical, defining vegetation communities at a series of levels ranging from those

which can be identified remotely using air photo interpretation, to levels that require on-

the-ground assessment of soils, drainage, and individual plant species. As an example,

the code FOD represents deciduous forest at the Community Series level, FOD1

represents dry-fresh oak deciduous forest at the Ecosite level, and FOD1-1 represents

fresh red oak deciduous forest type at the most detailed Vegetation Type level.

The GRCA uses the Community Series level as the principal means of mapping and

tracking the status of vegetation communities. This level is mapped remotely with GIS

by digitizing polygons around discernible features on the landscape using colour

orthographically rectified aerial photographs (orthos) as the base. In addition to the ELC

community types, the GRCA uses a number of human land use classifications

commonly used by other conservation authorities such as intensive and non-intensive

agriculture, aggregate pit, rural development, manicured open space, urban, etc.

Together these provide full coverage of all vegetation community types and land uses on

the landscape. Figure 5 shows a sample area of the ELC mapping.

For individual site assessments the GRCA uses the most detailed vegetation type level

of the ELC. This level is also important for identifying rare community types, and the

Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) has defined these for Ontario based on the

number of occurrences of each vegetation type.

Vegetation community indicators include total cover of rare community types such as

tallgrass prairie, and the relative representation of all vegetation community types.

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Figure 5. Sample of ELC Community Series Mapping

6.4 Species Level

Species are the most widely recognized component of biodiversity. The large number of

plant and animal species in southern Ontario makes it necessary to focus on select

groups for evaluation and conservation. These should include species at risk,

uncommon species, and indicator species.

Species at Risk (SAR) include those that have been officially designated as

Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern either federally by the Committee on the

Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) or provincially through the

Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO). Technically, SAR

are the responsibility of the federal government on federal lands and waterways, and the

provincial government everywhere else. Therefore the GRCA merely reports such

species to the NHIC when they are encountered, and incorporates information on

element occurrences in watershed planning and plan review.

Uncommon species include those that are naturally rare because they are at the top of

the food chain or have highly specialized habitat requirements, as well as those species

that are particularly sensitive to human activities and land use. Top-level carnivores

such as Eastern Wolf and Cougar were among the first species to disappear from

southern Ontario as the once vast forests were converted to agriculture. At present it is

questionable whether or not there is either sufficient habitat or the social will to allow

these species to return.

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Highly specialized species are those that rely on a single food source or very specific

and rare habitat conditions. Some prairie, alvar, or bog plants would be examples of

these. Species that are sensitive to human activities include amphibians such as

salamanders that require very specific upland and breeding habitats and are susceptible

to road kill. Also in this category would be reptiles such as turtles and snakes. Birds

that are area sensitive or forest interior species also fit this category because they

require larger blocks of habitat which themselves are less common in heavily settled


The GRCA approach considers uncommon and sensitive species indirectly through

advocating a target natural heritage system to increase species representation and

promote population viability, as well as by tracking vegetation communities that some of

these species are specifically adapted to. A more direct approach will involve the

development of a local species of concern list based on abundance, distribution, and

sensitivities. This list would then help to inform the review process for land use planning.

Because it is impossible to track the population status of all species, or even all sensitive

species, it is necessary to use a proxy approach and select a series of indicator species.

There are many considerations in doing so. Species roles in ecosystems vary from

habitat generalists that move freely through most habitats and land use types, to habitat

specialists that require a very specific habitat type or conditions that are found in few

localities. The difference between these can be viewed as a gradient from common to

rare. In this case the presence of rare species would indicate that the special conditions

they are associated with are present, and therefore that those species and components

of biodiversity are represented. Rare species in this context are naturally rare, and

would make better indicators than species that have become rare due to human


Other species may not be as specific in relation to their habitats yet be sensitive to the

quality of the habitat. For example, forest interior or area-sensitive birds may not be as

sensitive to the type of forest as to the size of the woodland or the amount of forest

cover in a given area. The presence of some, such as certain amphibian species, may

be dependent on the proximity of more than one type of required habitat, in this case

upland forest and wetland.

Indicator species are not generally used to summarize the status of species so much as

they are to indicate the quality of habitat or the condition of the landscape. The GRCA

uses birds and frogs as indicators of forest and wetland quality and configuration. These

groups were selected not only because their habitat requirements are well known and

often specialized, but because they vocalize and are therefore easily detectible. The

GRCA has adapted the Marsh Monitoring and Forest Bird Monitoring protocols to

roadside point counts adjacent to a diversity of suitable wetland habitats and forest patch

configurations. The monitoring approach used is surveillance. Species are tracked over

time, but not in relation to a single parameter or anticipated outcome (Goldsmith 1991).

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7.1.1 Total Cover of Major Habitat Types

This section summarizes the total amount of major habitat types, including forest,

wetland, meadow and beach/bluff. It does not consider the amount of cover or the

condition of the different vegetation communities that these major habitat types can be

broken down into (e.g. deciduous, coniferous or mixed forest as opposed to simply forest

cover). That discussion occurs in the following section. The purpose of this section is

to look at landscape level conditions only. Map 1 shows these major habitat types as

well as land use, while Figure 6 summarizes the relative abundance of these.

Figure 6. Pie Chart summarizing total cover of major vegetation types and land uses

Major Habitat Hectares Percentage

Aggregates 377.99 0.41%

Beach / Bluff 84.94 0.09%

Forest (including swamp) 28,415.75 30.58%

Intensive Agriculture 34,147.78 36.74%

Meadow 7,654.90 8.24%

Non-Intensive Agriculture 6,907.00 7.43%

Open Water 3,642.69 3.92%

Railway 151.41 0.16%

Road 1,946.48 2.09%

Rural Development 3,999.75 4.30%

Urban Area 4,590.95 4.94%

Wetland (not including swamp)

1,014.35 1.09%

Total 92,934.00 100.00%

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7.1.2 Forest

Based on the GRCA’s Ecological Land Classification System (ELC) mapping the total

amount of forest cover in the GRCA jurisdiction is 30.6 percent of the land base. This

includes natural forest, plantation forest, and forest swamp. The amount corresponds

closely to the 30 percent forest cover figure suggested as a minimum target for the lower

Great Lakes and Mixed Woods Plains area of southern Ontario’s settled landscape

(Environment Canada 2004), a figure that was subsequently selected as a target by

numerous municipalities and conservation authorities. However, this should not imply

that the landscape has sufficient forest cover, let alone that we can afford to lose some.

Based on more recent science the revised How Much Habitat is Enough? guidelines

(Environment Canada 2013), in addition to a 30 percent minimum (which is not referred

to as a high risk approach), recommend forest cover targets of 40 percent and 50

percent as medium and low risk targets for maintaining forest species richness and

healthy aquatic ecosystems.

The majority of the forest cover is found in the upper reaches of the watersheds, and

particularly on the Oak Ridge Moraine. This is beneficial in relation to groundwater

recharge and the maintenance of stream flow because it is known that forests absorb

water and release it gradually (Buttle 1995). The large forest blocks on the Oak Ridges

Moraine also support many area sensitive species. Nevertheless, this skewed

distribution of forest cover also suggests that other portions of the watersheds are less

likely to support the full suite of forest species, and therefore have less ecological

integrity. As human land use intensifies, natural cover diminishes, and at some point a

threshold is crossed where the integrity of natural systems cannot be maintained.

So long as the natural features that once dominated the landscape are fragmented there

is room for improvement through increasing natural cover. Quite simply, more natural

cover translates into better ecological health. Obviously this must be done in balance

with human demands on the landscape. The target natural heritage system scenarios

suggest where the best options may be for increasing forest cover on the landscape to

meet terrestrial biodiversity goals as applied through the analysis criteria.

7.1.3 Wetlands

Wetlands can be divided into four main categories: marsh, swamp, bog, and fen. The

ELC also defines shallow water wetlands, which are those areas dominated by floating

or submerged aquatic plants. Bogs and fens are rare community types in southern

Ontario south of the Canadian Shield. Within the GRCA some bog features have been

recorded in a small portion of the Newtonville Bog Provincially Significant Wetland, and

some mineral fen features have a very limited representation on the Bond Head Bluffs,

which are designated as an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI). The rarity of

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these ecosystems, combined with the difficulty in replicating them, makes them high

priorities for protection.

The ELC defines two main marsh types: meadow marsh and shallow marsh (Lee et al.

1998). Meadow marshes are typically wet meadows dominated by water tolerant

grasses or sedges. They are often found in floodplains, and include areas that were

previously flooded as a result of beaver dams. Because they are often maintained by

dynamic conditions the total cover of these ecosystems can fluctuate dramatically.

Based on ELC mapping, the GRCA jurisdiction currently supports 301 ha of meadow

marsh. However, this is probably an underestimate because these wetlands can be very

difficult to discern from meadows when interpreting air photos.

Shallow marshes are typically areas of standing water or shorelines dominated by

emergent vegetation such as cattails. They include the major coastal wetlands of Lake

Ontario that are found at the mouths of rivers and streams, as well as shoreline areas of

inland lakes and ponds. Currently 265.9 ha of shallow marsh are found in the GRCA


Forest swamps and thicket swamps are the two main swamp categories. Swamps are

areas dominated by woody vegetation that are seasonally or permanently inundated by

water. Forest swamps are tree-dominated while thicket swamps are shrub-dominated.

According to the ELC mapping there are 5,020 ha of forest swamp in the GRCA

jurisdiction. However, of all the ELC community types, forest swamps are the most

difficult to identify through air photo interpretation, therefore the mapping of these

features invariably has a degree of inaccuracy. Thicket swamps can also be difficult to

discern with air photos, particularly if dominated by willows, the colour of which does not

stand out as much as that of alder or dogwood swamps. The current known cover of

thicket swamps is 251 ha.

The total cover of all wetland types in the GRCA jurisdiction, including forest swamp, is

6,484.6 ha, which represents 6.9 percent of the total area. The How Much Habitat is

Enough? guidelines recommend 10 percent wetland cover for each major watershed

(Environment Canada 2013). With respect to wetlands, the historical cover varied widely

from one region to another according to soils and climate. There is an alternative federal

guideline of 40 percent of the original wetland coverage in a watershed, however the

historical amount in the GRCA area is unknown, so this is not helpful here. Some areas

would have originally supported much less than 10 percent, therefore having less than

this does not necessarily imply poor health.

Target setting for wetlands should begin with protection of what currently exists

combined with any available knowledge of historical conditions. According to a study by

Ducks Unlimited (2010), pre-settlement wetland cover in the Regional Municipality of

Durham would have been 12.6 percent, and in the County of Northumberland it would

have been 12.9 percent. As of 2002 that wetland cover had declined to 7.8 percent and

7.4 percent respectively. Since the dominant historical wetland type would have been

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forest swamp, where losses occurred, this is probably the type that was most affected.

Therefore if restoration of wetlands is a goal, forest swamp should be a priority.

Deciduous Forest Swamp

7.1.4 Meadow/Grassland

The total amount of open meadow and early successional habitat within the GRCA area

was calculated at 8.2 percent. This includes a small amount of tallgrass prairie, which

will be discussed in greater detail in the vegetation communities section of this report.

There is no general guideline for how much of these open grassland and successional

habitats should exist because for the most part they are anthropogenic rather than

natural features. Typically they result from conversion of forest to agriculture, with

periods of allowing fields to recover by going fallow, or permanent abandonment that

allows them to gradually recover through stages of ecological succession (i.e. becoming

shrubland and eventually forest). As a result, there are varying amounts of each

successional stage from year to year. In future there may be guidelines for these

habitats associated with their ability to support grassland and shrubland bird species at


7.1.5 Beach and Bluff

Beach and bluff habitats together cover only 84.9 ha, making up 0.09 percent of the

GRCA jurisdiction. These vegetation communities are naturally rare because the

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physical conditions and the plants adapted to them have a restricted geographic range.

With the exception of the developed harbours of Newcastle, Port Hope and Cobourg, the

outright loss of these communities to waterfront development has been minor. However,

as will be discussed in the section on vegetation communities, the quality of these

habitats is for the most part degraded. Thus, although it is unlikely that the total area of

beach and bluff can be increased, there is room for rehabilitation of what remains.

Bond Head Bluffs

7.1.6 Habitat Patch Conditions

The following is a discussion of the inherent characteristics of habitat patches and the

landscape context of them as measured in the GIS landscape vector analysis (See

Appendix 1). The results for existing conditions represent the baseline upon which to

measure changes against the target conditions defined by the GIS raster modeling.

7.1.7 Patch Size

Patch size considers forest, wetland and beach/bluff habitats combined, but does not

include meadow habitats, which in the modeling are considered areas of potential forest.

The patch size results for existing conditions are illustrated on Map 2.

The mean habitat patch size in the GRCA jurisdiction is 5.7 ha. The smallest patches

are under one half hectare, and tend to be in the more heavily settled parts of the

landscape such as Cobourg, Port Hope and Newcastle. As a result there is a general

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gradient of small to large patches as one moves from Lake Ontario to the Oak Ridges


It is no surprise that the largest habitat patches are in the headwater areas on the Oak

Ridges Moraine and include the Ganaraska Forest and the Northumberland County

Forest. These represent the largest patches of forest in Ontario southwest of the

Canadian Shield, hence their value goes beyond the local scale. The largest single

patch is the Ganaraska West Forest at 2,566 ha.

Many large patches are also found through the central portion of the GRCA jurisdiction,

through the branches of the Ganaraska River as well as in the headwater areas of some

of the smaller streams, such as Graham Creek, Gages Creek and some of the smaller

streams draining into Lake Ontario. In short, not only is there good representation of

larger patches, but fairly good distribution as well. Overall the average size of patches is

considerably larger than those found in the more heavily settled landscape of

southwestern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area (TRCA 2004), yet smaller than

areas further north.

7.1.8 Patch Shape

A large proportion of the habitat patches in the GRCA jurisdiction scored in a moderately

low range for shape (Map 3), although none are in the lowest. This is because so much

of the remaining natural cover is found in valley and stream corridors and therefore

consists of long, narrow and convoluted patches with a high perimeter-to-area ratio.

Patches bordered by roads tend to have better shape scores because most roads are

based on a grid network which results in compact square and rectangle shapes.

The relatively poor shape scores and high perimeter-to-area ratio suggest that negative

edge effects represent a conservation concern in the GRCA watersheds. Fortunately

the surrounding matrix is largely rural, with fewer actual negative influences than

typically would occur in an urban context. Nevertheless there is clearly room for

improvement in patch shape.

7.1.9 Matrix Influence

The largely rural and natural matrix results in overall relatively high patch scores for

matrix influence (Map 4). As would be expected the lowest scores are natural areas that

fall within urban areas such as Cobourg and Port Hope. These and patches in the

Newcastle area would likely have even lower scores were it not for the fact that the

measure considers open water to be a positive, natural matrix influence, and therefore

the presence of Lake Ontario within two kilometers has boosted the patch scores. The

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highest values tend to be on the Oak Ridges Moraine, where the matrix has more

natural and less urban or residential land use.

7.1.10 Total Habitat Patch Score

Adding the values for size shape and matrix influence provides a total score for each

habitat patch (Map 5). While recognizing that there is some overlap between these

measures and that they are not necessarily equal in value, the total score is

nevertheless useful to visualize the relative condition of habitat patches based on their

characteristics and configuration in the landscape. The map shows that patches that are

larger and more compact in shape, as well as have more natural cover in the

surrounding landscape tend to score higher than smaller or more convoluted patches

near urban areas.


Section 7.1 summarized the amount of major habitat types in the GRCA jurisdiction.

Here is summarized the relative amount and condition of vegetation communities based

on the Community Series level of the ELC. The results are reported on for existing

conditions only since it is beyond the scope of this report to determine potential

conditions for each type. Map 6 shows the ELC and land use mapping for the GRCA

jurisdiction, while Figure 7 (pie chart) summarizes the relative abundance of all ELC

vegetation Community Series types.

7.2.1 Forests (ELC codes FOM, FOD, FOC, SWM, SWD, SWC, CUP, CUW)

According to the ELC mapping, of the 27,965.7 ha of mapped forest in the GRCA

jurisdiction, 3,235.4 ha are deciduous forest, 3,403.3 ha are coniferous forest, and

12,145.6 ha are mixed forest. The total also includes 5,020 ha of forest swamp, 3,682.6

ha of cultural plantation, and 478.7 ha of cultural woodland. There are no cover

standards or guidelines for each forest type. Other than plantations, the different types

tend to be found according to the soil, slope, aspect (direction), elevation and moisture

conditions to which they are best adapted. Therefore the relative abundance of each

type naturally changes from one part of the landscape to another.

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Figure 7. Relative abundance of community series level vegetation types in the Ganaraska watershed


BBO – Open Beach/Bar BBS – Shrub Beach/Bar BBT – Treed Beach/Bar BLO – Open Bluff BLS – Shrub Bluff BLT – Treed Bluff CUM – Cultural Meadow CUP – Cultural Plantation CUS – Cultural Savanna

CUW – Cultural Woodland FEO – Open Fen FOC – Coniferous Forest FOD – Deciduous Forest FOM – Mixed Forest MAM – Meadow Marsh MAS – Shallow Marsh OAO – Open Aquatic SAF – Floating-leaved Shallow Aquatic

SAS – Submerged Shallow Aquatic SBO – Open Sand Barren SBS – Shrub Sand Barren SWC – Coniferous Swamp SWD – Deciduous Swamp SWM – Mixed Swamp SWT – Thicket Swamp TPO – Open Tallgrass Prairie TPS – Tallgrass Savanna

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Condition and age are important considerations in relation to forest biodiversity and

ecological health. Managed forests and those used for recreation may show more signs

of stress than those left untouched, depending on the intensity of use. For example,

forests with active trails may contain more invasive plants than those that humans rarely

enter because many of these plants are spread on boots or tires. Based on fieldwork it

is known that there is a great range of quality in forests within the GRCA. However, due

to issues of access, land ownership, and financial constraints it is impractical to record

and monitor the quality of most woodlands. Nevertheless, indicator species such as

birds can act as a proxy for forest quality and health if remote surveys of birdsong are

undertaken from public roads adjacent to forests.

An important issue related to forest quality is old growth. According to Ontario’s Old

Growth Policy Act (1994) “Old growth ecosystems are characterized by the presence of

old trees and their associated plants, animals and ecological processes. They show little

or no evidence of human disturbance.” Old growth forests are particularly valuable for

biodiversity. For example, they tend to have intact soils containing most of the

microorganisms, fungi and the decomposer community that is essential to a healthy

functioning ecosystem. Furthermore, as trees mature and die they provide food for

many insects and shelter for birds and mammals, particularly those that are cavity

nesters such as woodpeckers and flying squirrels. Fallen logs in turn provide vital

habitat and cover for small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians such as salamanders

(Henry and Quinby 2010).

A well-known old growth forest just outside of the GRCA jurisdiction is found at Peter’s

Woods Provincial Nature Reserve. Other individual stands of old growth trees can be

found in various locations. These should be mapped, protected where possible, and

their condition and biodiversity monitored. In addition forests that are potential old

growth, that is are maturing but do not yet meet the definitions, should also be identified,

mapped and tracked.

7.2.2 Wetlands (ELC codes SWM, SWD, SWC, SWT, MAM, MAS, FEO, SAS, SAM,SAF)

Figure 7 shows the relative abundance of wetland types according to ELC mapping, but

does not include the small area that has some bog-like conditions in the Newtonville Bog

or the very small fen features found on coastal bluffs, which are too small to map at this


At a total of 5,020 ha, forest swamp is by far the most abundant wetland type in the

GRCA watersheds. This figure could change based on future information because of

the difficulty in determining the boundaries of swamps through air photo interpretation.

Given that this part of southern Ontario was predominantly forested prior to settlement,

this amount may mirror historical relative abundance conditions for the types of

wetlands, although wetland loss figures as discussed in Section 7.1 do not take into

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consideration the various types. Thicket swamps cover 251 ha, and likewise there is no

good source of information on the historical cover of this particular wetland type.

Vernal pools are components of many forest swamps. The value of these for the life

cycles of many species, particularly amphibians, is receiving increased attention within

the conservation community (Colburn 2005). Unfortunately, mapping of these important

ecosystems is inaccurate because it is often difficult to see them under the canopy when

looking at air photos. These should be mapped as encountered during field work and an

effort made to find ways of mapping them across the landscape. This may include a

landowner outreach program as part of a vernal pool conservation program.

Vernal Pool

Marshland, including meadow marsh (443.6 ha) and shallow marsh (265.9 ha), is the

next most abundant wetland type. The most important of these are the extensive

marshes on Rice Lake and the coastal marshes of Lake Ontario. Although data was

collected during the original evaluation of the Rice Lake wetlands, an effort should be

made to determine the current condition of these significant areas, and whether or not

they currently support species at risk.

Through the Durham Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project there is a better understanding

of the current conditions of the major Lake Ontario marshes in the Municipality of

Clarington. These wetlands are under stress through fluctuating water level changes,

water pollution, and recreational pressures. A recent status report provided a “fair”

grade to both the Wilmot Creek marsh and the Port of Newcastle marshes for the

amphibians and birds, which are the terrestrial quality indicators (Environment Canada

2010). The status of coastal wetlands in the Municipality of Port Hope and Township of

Hamilton has yet to be assessed.

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Durham Coastal Wetland Monitoring, Wilmot Creek Marsh

7.2.3 Meadow/Grassland (ELC codes CUM, CUS, CUT, TPO, TPS, SBO)

The meadows and early successional vegetation types are for the most part areas that

are in various stages of conversion of the land back to forest. Their relative abundance

and condition is of concern primarily in relation to their provision of habitat for species

that depend on them, including those species of grassland and shrubland birds that are

experiencing population declines. Although there is no “natural” amount to base a target

on, the total cover and distribution of these vegetation communities should be tracked to

ensure that there is adequate representation in relation to conservation of these species.

Tallgrass prairie and savanna are rare native grassland habitats that were originally

maintained by fires. Unlike old fields or meadows, which are typically found in moist

loamy soils, prairies and the plant species associated with them are adapted to dry

sandy soils.

From surveyor’s records and the accounts of pioneers such as Catharine Parr Traill it is

known that much of the Rice Lake Plains on the eastern portion of the Oak Ridges

Moraine was historically covered with tallgrass prairie and savanna (Catling et al. 1992).

The actual total cover amount would have varied from year to year based on weather

and fire patterns, therefore it may never be possible to set firm cover targets. However,

there is no doubt that what remains of tallgrass communities throughout their historical

range is a very small fraction of what would have been hear prior to European

settlement. An estimate of 3 percent remaining of the original cover has been used

(Roger 1997). As a result these ecosystems are a very high priority for protection and


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Tallgrass prairie and savanna are difficult to discern from open meadow when

undertaking air photo interpretation. Therefore mapping and cover values for these

communities is based on the tallgrass and “sand barren” communities that have been

mapped by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Map 20). According to this

mapping there are 466.6 ha of tallgrass in the GRCA jurisdiction, which represents a

mere 0.05 percent of the total area. The identification of opportunities to increase cover

of these communities is a high priority.

Tallgrass Prairie, Ganaraska Forest

7.2.4 Beach and Bluff (ELC codes BBO, BBS, BBT, SDO, SDS, SDT, BLO, BLS, BLT)

Beach and bluff communities are dynamic ecosystems that are formed by the movement

of water. As such, the vegetation associated with them may shift according to water

level fluctuations and wave action. Plants in these ecosystems must also be tolerant of

extreme temperatures and wind.

Currently only 27.2 ha of beach and 57.7 ha of bluff are found in the GRCA jurisdiction.

On Lake Ontario, natural beach vegetation communities have become rare as a result of

changing water levels and human activities such as shoreline development. The latter

include hardening of shorelines for erosion control, clearing areas for swimming and

sunbathing, trampling, and use of off-road vehicles. These beaches are also often

subjected to accumulation of garbage that washes ashore. Based on GRCA surveys of

the Lake Ontario coast in The Municipalities of Clarington and Port Hope, it can be

stated that native beach communities survive in only a few locations. At the Wilmot

Creek mouth these have been heavily trampled. A very small, degraded remnant can be

found in front of the water treatment plant at the mouth of Graham Creek. Both of these

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locations are in need of rehabilitation. Surprisingly, the highest quality site appears to be

the west beach at the Port Hope harbour, immediately in front of the Cameco

Corporation facility. This beach still supports many Sea Rocket (Cakile edentula) plants,

a provincially rare species, as well as good representation of other native beach plants

such as Seaside Spurge (Chamaesyce polygonifolia), Beach Clotbur (Xanthium

echinatum), Silverweed (Potentilla answerina), and others. The rarity and quality of this

site suggests that it is a priority area for protection, and should be considered as

Significant Wildlife Habitat.

In a few areas raised dune habitat can be found beyond the water disturbance zone

behind beaches. Unlike high sand dunes such as those found in Sandbanks Provincial

Park, these areas are low in stature, generally only about 20 to 30 centimetres higher

than the beach. Typical vegetation communities on these dunes include Canada Wild

Rye (Elymus canadensis), Beach Wormwood (Artemesia caudata), Spreading Dogbane

(Apocynum androsaemifolium), Sandbar Willow (Salix exigua), and Balsam Poplar

(Populus balsamifera).

Beach and dune vegetation communities, Port Hope

Bluffs are found in numerous places along the Lake Ontario shoreline in the GRCA

jurisdiction. These range from low bluffs of approximately 2 metres in height, to the

extensive Bond Head Bluffs, which are up to 46 metres in height and extend for 5.5

kilometeres (Brownell 1993). The Bond Head Bluffs have been designated a provincially

significant Life Science Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) and regionally

significant Earth Science ANSI by the province. Treed and shrub bluff vegetation

communities can be found here, however the most interesting sites are the seepage

areas which support rare hanging fen communities. These contain such locally rare

plant species as Fringed Gentian (Gentianopis crinita), Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja

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coccinea), and Showy Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium reginae). The hanging fens are

among the most significant vegetation community types in the region.

Rare hanging fen community on Bond Head Bluffs


The high diversity of birds and the many habitat specialists among them suggest that

they can be used as indicators of different environmental conditions. A useful bird

indicator would require specific forest conditions and not be at the edge of its range

(where presence may naturally be sporadic). As with all indicator species however, it

must be kept in mind that the mere presence of a sensitive species does not always

imply a healthy environment. For example it may be possible that an individual singing

male recorded at the site has not found a mate. Or conditions in a small area may be

suitable for a nesting pair, but predation, high rates of parasitism, disturbance, or an

insufficient amount of habitat to support complex behaviour patterns result in nest failure.

Therefore the continued presence of more than one pair over subsequent years is a

better indicator of quality habitat. Long-term monitoring efforts are required to accurately

determine trends.

So far GRCA surveys have focused on forest birds as indicators of forest conditions. In

future, given the capacity to do so, it would be worthwhile to also survey for wetland

birds to supplement the amphibian indicators, as well as grassland birds, many of which

are experiencing steep population declines.

The diversity of bird species and their habitats means that a host of species may be

available for use as indicators of almost any habitat conditions we wish to measure. For

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the purpose of this report the focus is on forest interior birds because these are by

definition area sensitive, and they require specific habitat conditions. Their presence as

breeders should therefore indicate something about forest patch size and quality. For

consistency two of the more common and widely distributed interior species were

chosen. The Veery (Catharus fuscescens) is a thrush, and the Ovenbird (Seiurus

aurocapillus) is a warbler. Both species are ground nesters and therefore are also

potentially more sensitive to disturbance or predation.

Veery (Catharus fuscescens) Source: Cephas. Wikimedia Commons

Map 7 shows the distribution of Veery and Ovenbird according to GRCA roadside and

Forest Bird Monitoring surveys undertaken between 2003 and 2010. Both species are

widely and relatively evenly distributed in the GRCA jurisdiction, reflecting a

corresponding pattern of forest cover. Thus it would appear that the overall quantity of

forest cover and forest interior habitat, as well as the size, quality and distribution of

patches is generally good, with the exception of urbanized areas.

Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) Source: Dick Daniels ( Wikimedia Commons

Before becoming complacent, however, it is important to point out that there are other

forest birds that have a higher area sensitivity than Veery and Ovenbird. For example,

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the Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) is known to require very large forest blocks for

breeding, and this species was detected only once during the surveys, in the Ganaraska

Forest. Other forest interior or area sensitive species, were they to be mapped, would

show a less even distribution than these two indicators.

Frogs are used by the GRCA as indicators of wetland status. In particular, species were

selected that appear to require very specific conditions and/or have declining

populations regionally. Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica) and to a lesser extent Gray Treefrog

(Hyla versicolor) require wetland and woodland in close proximity, with the former

frequently breeding in vernal forest pools and forest swamps (although both will breed in

open water wetlands at the edge of, or in close proximity to forest). As a result large

numbers of these species suggest good connectivity between forest and wetland. Wood

Frogs are also sensitive to acidification in breeding pools as well as urbanization (Gibbs

et al. 2007). Amphibian Road Call Count (ARCC) data for Ontario show a decline in

wood frog populations, although no trend is noted with Marsh Monitoring Program

(MMP) and Backyard Frog Survey (BFS) program counts (Badzinski et al. 2008).

Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica)

Western Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris triseriata) have a preference for thicket swamps and

were used as indicators for this wetland type. Both the MMP and BFS counts for Ontario

indicate declining trends for this species, and a general decline throughout much of the

range of this frog has resulted in Great Lakes/St. Lawrence populations being listed as

“Threatened” on the Federal Species at Risk list. Lastly, Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) is

used as a shallow marsh quality indicator. This species requires connectivity between

wet meadows (typically meadow marsh) and shallow marsh, therefore is an indicator of

connectivity between these two. Also related to connectivity is the likelihood that

Leopard Frogs are more susceptible to roadkill because of their terrestrial nature. The

species may also be an indicator of good water quality as it has been shown to be

sensitive to pesticides, particularly Atrazine (Gibbs et al. 2007).

Since the presence of only a few individuals would not indicate much about wetland

health, only locations where full choruses of each of these frog species were recorded

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have been mapped (Map 8). It is possible that GRCA roadside surveys, which are not

conducted for all parts of the jurisdiction every year, could miss some large populations,

however the map suggests a limited distribution of full choruses for each species

compared with the ELC distribution of wetlands. Additional surveys will be required over

a longer term to determine actual local trends in frog populations.

Wetland areas known to support full choruses of any of these indicator frog species

should be considered candidate areas for Significant Wildlife Habitat designation. In

many cases these will not be Provincially Significant Wetlands, thus these seasonal

concentration areas may have no current protection. As they are discovered, additional

major breeding habitats for sensitive frogs and salamanders should be mapped and

designated as Significant Wildlife Habitat.

Although the GRCA does not monitor mammals, several species have been reported

recently that could act as indicators. Three of these are mustelids (weasel family). The

first is the River Otter (Lutra canadensis), which citizens have reported seeing in parts of

the Ganaraska River watershed. Away from lake systems this species moves between

streams and ponds with good water quality and over large areas to fulfill its fish diet.

Thus the presence of this species suggests good connectivity between bodies of water

with reasonable quality.

The second species is the Fisher (Martes pennanti), a fox-sized predator that requires

large expanses of interior forest (Kurta 1995). Fishers have been reported to breed in

the Ganaraska Forest, suggesting that the forest is large enough to support area-

sensitive predatory mammals. The Pine Marten (Martes americana) is a similar case.

This arboreal weasel requires large expanses of closed coniferous woodland (Kurta

1995), which the plantations in the Ganaraska Forest can apparently provide.

An additonal mammal species, the Black Bear (Ursus americanus), is indicative of good

forest cover. Regular reports of bears suggest that this species is now a local resident in

the GRCA jurisdiction. Although not always popular, black bears are a natural

component of southern Ontario forests, and their return is an indicator of improved

ecological health.


8.1 Introduction

Based on the raster GIS model (described in Appendix 1) two scenarios for improved

natural heritage systems were selected. Because the model is based on criteria related

to ecological function, these scenarios represent incremental targets towards greater

ecological health of the landscape and its watersheds. Vegetation communities most

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suited for the target areas would be dependent on conditions such as soil types,

hydrology, etc. The vector landscape analysis was re-run on the target scenarios and

the improvements in habitat cover and patch conditions are discussed for each of these

in this section.

It is important to emphasize that the target areas represent lands (usually meadow or

agriculture) that have been identified by the model as having the greatest potential to

improve ecological function. However, because most of the lands are privately owned,

these targets should not be viewed as having been “set in stone.” Instead they are

guidelines to help set stewardship priorities, or to identify areas that should be taken into

consideration during proposed land use changes, in which case protection or mitigation

measures, and possible compensation opportunities should be discussed.

8.2 Target System Scenarios

Based on Ecological Land Classification mapping, the current combined cover of forest,

wetland, and beach/bluff habitats amounts to 29,520.2 hectares. This represents 31.8

percent of the total GRCA jurisdiction under natural cover. The first modeled scenario

would increase habitat cover to 40.4 percent (Map 9). Scenario 2 would increase natural

cover to 50.9 percent, which is slightly over 19 percent higher than existing conditions

(Map 14). While an increase in cover is valuable, it is important to keep in mind that the

gains using the model are not based on cover per se, but on the ecological functions that

inform the model criteria. These translate into improved size, shape and connectivity of

the habitat patches.

It is obviously irrelevant to compare the number of patches that scored better or worse

for size shape or matrix influence between existing conditions and the two scenarios

when the number of patches is changing. Nevertheless the graphs on Maps 2, 10 and

15 demonstrate a substantial increase in the amount of cover that scores and ranks in

highest range for patch size with each incremental increase. Furthermore, the average

patch size has increased from 13 ha to 28 ha in Scenario 1 and 31 ha in Scenario 2.

Shape scores, as depicted on Map 3, Map 11 and Map 16 show more habitat scoring in

the lower range from existing conditions to the two scenarios. This is to be expected.

Many formerly isolated and relatively compact patches are now connected to form

larger, but more convoluted patches. Although these have a higher edge-to-area ratio,

because of their increase in size there is an overall increase in interior habitat in the


Scenario 1 shows a relatively small improvement in matrix influence scores over existing

conditions (Map 12). In particular a number of patches in the upper Ganaraska River

watershed have obvious increases, as do patches in the Cobourg Creek watershed and

along the Lake Ontario Shoreline. In this scenario there is no obvious improvement in

patch values for those natural areas within the urban matrix of Port Hope and Cobourg.

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In a counterintuitive outcome, Scenario 2 shows a decrease in habitat area scoring in

the highest range of matrix influence values, although there are big improvements in the

second highest value range (Map 17). This is probably because the habitat patch sizes

have increased so dramatically that there is more chance of there being “urban”

classified areas within the huge 2 km radius around them.

The total score map for the second target scenario (Map 18) shows a decrease in scores

for patches around the Northumberland Forest. This is probably influenced by the

substantial decrease in shape values resulting from the target scenarios for this area,

combined with the counterintuitive change in matrix value described above.

Nevertheless, the graphs on the total score maps (Maps 5, 13, and 18), suggest an

overall shift of habitat area into the higher total score values.

Nuisance Wildlife

If the target natural heritage system promotes an increase in natural cover and its

connectivity, and benefits wildlife by doing so, it is inevitable that questions will be raised

about the potential for an increase in nuisance wildlife. In fact, not only is this unlikely to

happen, but the populations of nuisance species could actually be reduced through an

increase in natural cover.

The species that are usually considered to be problematic are those that eat crops or attack

livestock, damage property, or consume refuse. These include such birds as American

Crows, Blue Jays, European Starlings and Red-winged Blackbirds, and mammals such as

Raccoon, weasels, Striped Skunk, Porcupine, Beaver, Coyote, and Black Bear. Of these,

crow, Blue Jay, Raccoon, skunk, and Coyote are opportunistic omnivores and habitat

generalists. That means they will eat a variety of foods and can make use of just about any

kind of habitat. In essence, they will be around no matter how humans alter the landscape.

If anything, their populations may decrease because they are also considered to be “edge”

species that flourish in fragmented landscapes with a high ratio of habitat patch edge.

Since reducing forest edge and increasing interior habitat is a basic goal of the natural

heritage system, theoretically the populations of these species will actually diminish over

time as the amount of forest cover increases.

White-tailed Deer populations have increased in southern Ontario. These animals

represent a potential road safety hazard, and when abundant can have a negative impact on

populations of sensitive forest plants. Deer have responded well to forest fragmentation

because they too are essentially an edge species. Increasing the amount of forest cover on

the landscape may help stabilize populations.

Red-winged Blackbirds and Beaver are wetland species. The diet of the former is made up

primarily of insects during the breeding season, thus they may actually be beneficial to

humans at this time. It is during late summer and fall migration that blackbirds exhibit

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9.1 Tools for Natural Heritage Protection and Restoration

The most secure way of protecting natural heritage features is through land acquisition,

provided the land is well-managed for conservation of the features in perpetuity. Such

conservation lands can include conservation areas and other conservation authority

properties, Provincial or Federal lands, parks and reserves, or private reserves. Map 19

shows these types of protected areas within the GRCA watershed area, as well as those

flocking behaviour, and may descend on crops. At this time they are not specific to any

particular habitat. Beaver, on the other hand, will make use of any open water area,

including rivers, provided there is a good source of preferred trees nearby. The natural

heritage system model focuses on increasing potential forest cover, and not open water

wetland, therefore should have no impact on beaver populations. Furthermore, one of the

pioneer tree species that may increase in cover when fields are left to revert to forest is

trembling aspen. Beavers favour this species, and where it is available will likely prefer it

over tree species that humans value most.

Porcupine will inhabit deep forest and forest edge. It is debatable that their populations

would increase as a result of more forest cover on the landscape. More forest cover means

more trees for Porcupines to eat. Therefore, although the overall population may increase,

the net impact is likely to be unchanged.

Weasels can be a problem for those who keep chickens. They use both forest and open

country, therefore will not likely be affected by an increase in forest cover. However, one

member of the weasel family, the fisher, is forest dependent. Populations of these animals

have increased in southern Ontario in recent years, and they have been known to prey on

cats in rural areas. This is obviously of concern to cat owners, but considering the amount

of feral cats in the landscape and the tremendous negative impact they have on native

birds, reptiles and small mammals, more Fisher may be beneficial. That one of the main

prey items of Fisher is the Porcupine further suggests a net benefit from the presence of

this species.

Black Bear may benefit from additional forest cover on the landscape, yet they appear to

be expanding their range in southern Ontario already. Whether or not increased

populations of this species will result in an unacceptable number of human-bear conflicts

remains to be seen. From an ecological perspective, bears were native components of

southern Ontario ecosystems, and their return is likely to be beneficial. Should they

become a nuisance, the usual measures would apply.

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lands identified as significant features through provincial policy, specifically Provincially

Significant Wetlands and Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI). Clearly much

of the existing, let alone the target natural heritage systems, is lacking any kind of

protection status. The Provincial Policy tools for protection, as well as other means

available, are discussed in this section.

9.1.1 Provincial Policy

The 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) defines natural heritage features and areas


“features and areas, including significant wetlands, significant coastal wetlands,

fish habitat, significant woodlands south and east of the Canadian Shield,

significant valleylands south and east of the Canadian Shield, significant habitat

of endangered species and threatened species, significant wildlife habitat, and

significant areas of natural and scientific interest, which are important for their

environmental and social values as a legacy of the natural landscapes of an


Development and site alteration is not permitted in these features “unless it can be

demonstrated that there will be no negative impacts on the natural features or their

ecological functions.”

The province itself defines Provincially Significant Wetlands (PSW) and Areas of Natural

and Scientific Interest (ANSI) using evaluation criteria. Furthermore, the OMNR is

defining habitat requirements for Species at Risk in response to the 2007 Species at

Risk Act. However, the province has left it up to planning authorities to define Significant

Woodlands, Significant Valleylands, and Significant Wildlife Habitat. The revised Natural

Heritage Reference Manual (OMNR 2010) provides guidance on how a planning

authority can do this while acknowledging that alternative approaches may be


Section 2.1.2 of the PPS states that the “diversity and connectivity of natural features in

an area, and the long-term ecological function and biodiversity of natural heritage

systems, should be maintained, restored, or where possible, improved, recognizing

linkages between and among natural heritage features and areas, surface water

features and ground water features.” Thus the Province recognizes the importance of

both ecological function and the natural heritage system that supports this function.

Despite this recognition of ecological function the emphasis of the 2005 PPS is still on

protecting significant features. Even the definition of Natural Heritage System states that

the system is made up of “natural features and areas,” (i.e. the significant features as

defined above). This is problematic for two reasons. One is that, even if an area has

habitat cover below the recommended minimum, only the best of what is left can be

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protected unless a good argument can be made to protect all that remains. Second, if a

natural heritage system is made up of core areas and linkages (or in the case of the

GRCA methodology, a defined area of habitat required to support a set level of function),

how can this policy be used to protect the entire system if it is focused on only the most

significant of what would essentially be components of that system? Even the revised

Natural Heritage Reference Manual, which goes into detail about how to define the

significant features and natural heritage systems separately, fails to demonstrate how to

identify these features within a natural heritage system context.

If a municipality has already defined significant natural heritage features, these can be

incorporated into the natural heritage system. If not, then in the absence of guidance

from the Province, a municipality can attempt to protect a natural heritage system by, for

example, calling all forests within it Significant Woodlands, all wetlands Significant

Wetlands (i.e. those not already identified as PSWs would be locally significant), and

other features such as corridors either Significant Wildlife Habitat, or, Significant

Valleylands. Without accepted approaches however, doing so would require going out

on a limb, and possibly lead to Ontario Municipal Board hearings. Furthermore, the

inconsistency of approaches used by municipalities can undermine their credibility and


Significant Wildlife Habitat should also include such things as seasonal concentration

areas for certain species, as described in the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide

(OMNR 2000b), whether or not these are located in the defined natural heritage system.

Mapping of such features can be updated on a regular basis as they are encountered.

One example of such an area would be those locations where full choruses of sensitive

frog species (such as those used as indicators) are known to occur. These may be in

wetlands so small that they are not even included in the Ecological Land Classification


Using the significant features approach to protect areas of potential habitat will be a

greater challenge, despite the fact that the PPS definition of Natural Heritage System

includes “areas with the potential to be restored to a natural state.” This is because

Section 2.1.7 of the PPS states “nothing in policy 2.1 is intended to limit the ability of

existing agricultural uses to continue.” Given that the model looks for potential

improvements in forest cover primarily on agricultural lands, no protection or restoration

of these lands will be possible without cooperation of the landowner. Fortunately,

agricultural land between patches of woodland or other habitats does provide

connectivity for some species, therefore even while it is actively used for crop production

it contributes to the defined target natural heritage system.

Based on these challenges it is recommended that the target natural heritage system be

considered conceptual. It is a framework for decision-making based on a long-term

vision. It is also a means of identifying priority areas for landowner contact related to

stewardship – particularly tree planting. This is not to suggest that existing and potential

habitat is expendable. Ideally there would be no net loss at a minimum and a

consideration of the target system in municipal planning. Existing features should be

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protected to the greatest extent possible, and potential habitat areas given serious

consideration. Should development threaten either, compensation should be sought.

The target natural heritage system should also act as a screening tool for development

applications, for example it could highlight the need for an environmental impact study

should the municipality require this through its protection policy. Within the system itself,

municipal or conservation authority policy may restrict some forms of development, while

development on adjacent lands may require mitigation such as buffers to ensure no

negative impacts on the system. Ideally existing habitat within the defined target system

would be protected. On the other hand, development proposals in areas identified as

having restoration potential to achieve the target system may require a compensation for

loss process to ensure no net loss of potential, particularly within the vicinity of the

proposed development.

The target natural heritage systems in the two scenarios should be considered as

guidelines towards achieving greater ecological health and improved biodiversity

conservation in the landscape. The boundaries of the system must be flexible enough to

respond to those landowners within the defined area who are not interested in the

project, versus those that are outside the system that are interested in improving natural

heritage values on their properties. Meeting the targets will require innovative

approaches and landowner cooperation, and it is recognized that not all landowners will

show an interest in the concept even if financial or other compensation for a change in

land use is offered. The tools for building and sustaining the system include education,

stewardship, land acquisition and securement, alternative land uses, integration into the

watershed planning process, provincial and municipal policy, and regulation tools.

To determine how best to use provincial policy to protect and restore a target natural

heritage system the GRCA will:

1. Continue to consult with other conservation authorities with respect to their


2. Consult with municipal partners, outlining available options and their


3. Work with municipal partners to define provincially significant features in relation

to the natural heritage system.

4. Work with municipal partners to develop policies for natural heritage features and

the natural heritage system, including for protection, compatible land uses, and

mitigation and compensation in the event of development proposals.

9.1.2 Public Education

Although Canada is a signatory nation to the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity

and both the nation and the province of Ontario have biodiversity strategies, it is

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surprising to find that the majority of citizens have little understanding of what

biodiversity is and even less knowledge about the basic issues in conservation such as

habitat fragmentation as discussed in Section 3.1. Many Canadians have an idea about

what an ecosystem is, however few have a good knowledge of the species that make up

those systems or how they interact with other species and the environment. In addition,

the values of ecosystems to individuals and society are under-appreciated. Under these

circumstances it can be difficult to gain public support for natural heritage protection.

Nevertheless, many private landowners already appreciate natural heritage values and

have a strong conservation ethic. An improvement in ecological literacy, especially with

respect to recent issues in conservation science (e.g. conservation biology and

landscape ecology) would enhance these existing sentiments and possibly gain new

converts. The GRCA will therefore:

1. Use existing and develop additional communication materials on southern

Ontario biodiversity and conservation issues.

2. Target the media with more stories related to natural history and ecology.

3. Foster a greater appreciation for wildlife and ecosystems among landowners

through direct contact, displays, and workshops.

4. Engage schools in conservation programs through the Ganaraska Forest Centre

and through classroom education.

9.1.3 Private Landowner Stewardship

Although the Province recently cut support for Stewardship Councils there remains a

strong interest among landowners for private land stewardship. Many conservation

authorities promote stewardship activities through partnerships with local municipalities.

The GRCA’s Clean Water-Healthy Land Stewardship Program is an example of such a

project. To continue promoting and undertaking stewardship for the benefit of terrestrial

natural heritage the GRCA will:

1. Use the target natural heritage systems as a tool to set private land stewardship


2. Maintain the Clean Water-Healthy Land Stewardship Program and tree planting


3. Maintain existing, and become involved in additional partnerships that promote

and undertake private land stewardship.

4. Where feasible target specific rare vegetation communities such as tallgrass

prairie through stewardship activities.

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9.1.4 Land Acquisition and Securement

One of the surest means of protecting a significant area is securement. This can take

the form of purchasing properties, receiving property donations, or placing conservation

easements on privately held lands. A number of groups, including the Nature

Conservancy of Canada, the Kawartha Land Trust and the Northumberland Land Trust,

have been actively securing properties in or around the GRCA jurisdiction. The GRCA

itself has a history of land securement, including acquiring properties to expand the

Ganaraska Forest. The target natural heritage system can provide useful guidance for

land securement. For example the presence of a property within or adjacent to the

system could enhance its conservation value. In future the GRCA will:

1. Update land acquisition priorities based on the natural heritage system.

2. Use the natural heritage system as a tool when considering the merit of property


3. Consider securement options for protecting particularly important components of

the natural heritage system.

4. Cooperate with other securement-focussed organizations to help protect the

natural heritage system.

9.1.5 Alternative Land Use Options

The impact of various land use types on natural heritage systems can range from

negative to benign, to beneficial. For the most part urban land uses have negative

impacts because of the intensity of human use. While cities may have limited capacity

to support area sensitive species (Environment Canada 2007), by providing green

infrastructure they can become more compatible with natural heritage systems. For

example, improving the urban forest and planting native wildflower gardens can provide

wildlife habitat, reduce pesticide use and water consumption, and help regulate local

climate (Evergreen Foundation 2001).

Although they displace what were formerly natural ecosystems and are managed

primarily for the benefit of humans, agricultural lands tend to have fewer negative

impacts on biodiversity than urban areas, and in some cases can provide valuable

habitat. For example pasture can support many grassland sparrows and in some cases

the endangered loggerhead shrike. Hay fields can provide valuable habitat for the

Bobolink, (now designated as a threatened species) provided they are not harvested

before the breeding period ends (Ross 2010). Nevertheless, monoculture crops may

require high inputs of fertilizers and pesticides that can have negative impacts on natural

areas and species, while providing minimal habitat in themselves (Shiva 1993).

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Research has been underway to find ways to make agriculture more compatible with

environmental protection. An excellent example is the Alternative Land Use Services

(ALUS) project in Norfolk County, Ontario which seeks to develop partnerships with

landowners, to undertake research into alternative agricultural practices, and to promote

compensation for farmers who provide ecological services (Bailey and Reed 2004).

ALUS has been very successful so far and can be seen as a model for similar efforts

elsewhere in southern Ontario.

Agroforestry is the practice of integrating trees with agricultural crops and/or livestock

(Laine 2008). This can range from planting a treed shelterbelt to managing a woodlot for

non-timber forest products. Agroforestry could be a key approach towards building the

target natural heritage system because it can involve increasing tree cover on the

landscape to improve the function of the system while at the same time resulting in crops

that provide income to landowners.

One form of agroforestry, known as Analog Forestry, may be a particularly useful

approach. Analog Forestry was originally applied in Sri Lanka to restore lands that were

heavily degraded by tea plantations (Senanayake and Jack 1998). It involves the

restoration of degraded lands by establishing vegetation cover made up of native forest

plants that are useful to wildlife mixed with native and non-invasive non-native species

that provide food, construction materials and income to the landowner or community.

Analog forests are designed to mimic natural succession, with valued species that are

ecological “pioneers” planted initially, followed over time with the planting of species

adapted to later successional stages. The resulting analog forest has a structure and

functions similar to a natural forest and requires no fertilizer or pesticide inputs. Applying

this approach to lands identified as target areas can potentially build the natural heritage

system and restore many ecological functions to the landscape without taking land out of


Analog Forestry has more potential in tropical regions because of the higher diversity of

non-timber species that can be planted such as fruits, nuts, coffee, latex, etc.

Nevertheless, the potential of temperate non-timber forest products such as maple

syrup, ginseng, raspberries, walnuts etc. within an analog forest context is worth

exploring through experimentation. Marketing of such crops could be enhanced with

organic and environment-friendly certification.

Whether they were planted as part of an analog forest, a plantation, or an attempt to

recreate natural forest, mature trees are a crop that can be selectively harvested for

income. It can be argued that quality hardwood may be worth more in the long run than

growing crops such as corn over the same period. The challenge is how to compensate

for the lost short-term income while the timber crop matures. Subsidies in the present

for a share of the future profit may be the key to making such a program viable. Such

subsidies should take into consideration the additional values provided by the trees as

they mature, not only in improving ecological function through the natural heritage

system, but through soil improvement, water retention, local climate regulation, carbon

sequestration and recreational and aesthetic values.

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Alternative forms of energy may re-shape the agricultural landscape in the near future,

most literally through the establishment of solar farms and wind farms. Obviously

displacement of natural cover to establish these would not benefit a natural heritage

system. Furthermore, there is evidence that wind turbines do have an impact on birds

and bats. For example, on Wolfe Island in the St. Lawrence River 602 birds and 1,270

bats were killed within a sixth month period following the establishment of 86 wind

turbines (Bell 2010). More studies are needed to determine the potential impacts of

these structures on biodiversity as well as where they might be situated to have minimal


The demand for biofuel crops could also potentially result in the loss of additional natural

cover. In the case of corn planted for ethanol production this would simply increase the

cultivated area of monoculture row crop, and the usual environmental impacts

associated with this.

In eastern Ontario Switchgrass has been planted for the production of fuel pellets that

are used in stoves to heat buildings. Fields of Switchgrass may have the capacity to

support some grassland breeding birds such as Bobolink, however as a monoculture

they have limited value for biodiversity. In contrast, areas with dry sandy soils may have

the potential to grow prairie plants for pellet production. Studies in Minnesota (Tilman et

al. 2006) have demonstrated that a mix of prairie grasses and forbs can produce more

energy than grass monocultures. Provided that it does not displace existing tallgrass

prairie remnants or remove tallgrass restoration opportunities, this approach may have

tremendous potential because it could result in “productive prairies” that mimic native

prairies while providing habitat for a variety of prairie-dependent birds, insects and other

species. In short, productive prairies such as this could complement or enhance the

natural heritage system.

To help reduce the negative impacts of urban and agricultural land uses and to make

them more compatible with a viable natural heritage system the GRCA will:

1. Promote the greening of urban areas and provide advice and referrals to

individuals and city departments about planting native wildflower gardens and

native trees to promote biodiversity.

2. Promote and where possible support agricultural projects that enhance the

natural heritage system.

3. Where feasible work with landowners to experiment with agricultural alternatives

such as agroforestry and productive prairie projects.

9.1.6 Management of Conservation Authority Lands

In recent times the focus of government funding programs for stewardship has been on

private lands, leaving public lands with limited support for maintenance. This is ironic

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considering that these lands exist for environmental conservation purposes. They are

meant to be reservoirs of biodiversity and ecological function and examples of healthy

natural areas, while at the same time having an important role to play in water

management, research and the appreciation for nature. In some cases they harbor

species at risk and rare vegetation communities such as tallgrass prairie. Yet

conservation lands are becoming degraded from high recreational pressures, invasive

species, or plain neglect because there is limited funding available to monitor and

respond to these conditions or to improve the services they provide. With respect to

conservation lands the GRCA would like to:

1. Undertake detailed ELC mapping and species inventories.

2. Cooperate with academic institutions to undertake research on the impacts of

recreational use.

3. Identify areas for ecological restoration, including control invasive species and


4. Identify opportunities to improve public outreach and education opportunities.

5. Update existing management plans based on the above.

9.1.7 Integration of Terrestrial Natural Heritage with Other Watershed Management Programs

While the focus of this strategy is terrestrial natural heritage, ecological integrity involves

much more than this. Ecological integrity involves aquatic ecosystems, as well as

maintaining basic ecological cycles, including nutrients, the hydrological cycle, and

carbon and nitrogen cycles. Ideally, a natural heritage system would contain all of these

components as well as geological features. While these were beyond the scope of this

document, the relationships between these other ecosystem elements must be


Watershed management by Conservation Authorities, including the GRCA, involves

measuring and monitoring hydrological systems and aquatic ecosystems. For the most

part each element has been addressed on its own. Therefore there is a real need for an

integrated approach to watershed monitoring and management. In this regard the

GRCA shall continue to develop an integrated watershed monitoring program that will:

1. Identify areas of overlap and interdependencies between watershed

ecological elements and hydrological and geological features.

2. Determine if there may be suitable indicators for these relationships.

3. Develop and implement an integrated watershed monitoring program that

addresses the relationships between these elements.

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9.2 Dealing With Specific Conservation Concerns

9.2.1 Species at Risk and Rare Species

In Ontario Species at Risk (SAR) are divided into four categories: Endangered,

Threatened, Extirpated and Special Concern. At least 37 terrestrial SAR have been

historically found, or could be currently present in the GRCA jurisdiction (Table 1).

Table 1 Terrestrial Species at Risk in or potentially in the GRCA watershed

Common Name Latin Name Provincial

Status Federal Status

Henslow’s Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii END END

Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus SC SC

Whip-poor-will Caprimlugus vociferus THR THR

Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica THR THR

Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina SC SC

Black Tern Chlidonias niger SC

Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor SC THR

Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus END END

Eastern Wood Pewee Contopus virens SC

Yellow Rail Coturnicops noveboracensis SC SC

Monarch Danaus plexippus SC SC

Cerulean Warbler Dendroica cerulea SC SC

Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus THR THR

Blanding’s Turtle Emydoidea blandingii THR THR

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus THR THR

Northern Map Turtle Graptemys geographica SC SC

Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus SC

Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon platyrhinos THR THR

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica THR THR

Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina THR

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Common Name Latin Name Provincial

Status Federal Status

Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis THR THR

Butternut Juglans cinerea END END

Eastern Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum SC SC

Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus END END

Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus SC THR

Little Brown Myotis Myotis lucifugus END END

Northern Myotis Myotis septentrionalis END END

American Ginseng Panax quinquefolius END END

Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid

Platanthera leucophaea END END

Western Chorus Frog Pseudacris triseriata THR

King Rail Rallus elegans END END

Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna THR THR

Eastern Ribbonsnake Thamnophis sauritus SC SC

Eastern Musk Turtle Sturnothernus odoratus THR SC

Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera SC THR

Canada Warbler Wilsonia canadensis SC THR

Hooded Warbler Wilsonia citrina SC THR

Provincial policy and the provincial Endangered Species Act (2007) require that species

at risk and their habitats be protected. Therefore, where these are known to exist or

where they are discovered in the future the provincial legislation will apply. During the

course of reviewing planning applications the GRCA may identify an “Element

Occurrence” of a species at risk or rare species based on historical records maintained

by the Natural Heritage Information Centre. In the case of species covered by the Act,

the proponent is directed to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Promoting protection and restoration of natural areas, as well as improvements in the

size, shape and connectivity of habitat patches, should contribute to the maintenance of

viable populations of most species requiring specific habitat (as opposed to habitat

generalists), regardless of how rare they are. However, not all SAR are in trouble

because of habitat loss or fragmentation. Butternut (Juglans cinerea), for example, is

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threatened by the butternut canker disease. The loggerhead shrike (Lanius

ludovicianus) has declined dramatically despite the presence of what appears to be

suitable habitat. Such species require special attention, and are subject to provincial

recovery plans.

American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)

Many species that have yet to be listed as SAR are nevertheless of conservation

concern because of disturbing population declines throughout their range. These

include a number of Neotropical and other migratory birds of both woodlands and

grasslands. Other species are simply uncommon naturally because they are restricted

to rare habitat types, or because they are particularly sensitive to disturbance or

environmental degradation. It is hoped that most of these are captured in the natural

heritage system. Should populations be discovered that are not protected, consideration

should be given to defining the areas as significant wildlife habitat. The same would

apply to seasonal congregation areas such as communal hibernation sites or nesting


In the past GRCA has been actively involved in Species at Risk projects, for example

through the Rice Lake Plains Joint Initiative partnership. One focal species has been the

Eastern Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon platyrhinos), an unusual and interesting reptile

whose Ontario range is restricted to areas with sandy soils. Future actions by GRCA in

relation to Species at Risk should include:

1. Develop a list of local species of concern based on rarity.

2. Create a database to record sightings of local species of concern.

3. Continue to lead, support or be an active partner in SAR projects.

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4. If support is available make an effort to revisit sites with old records to confirm

whether or not SAR can still be found at historical localities and report results to

the Natural Heritage Information Centre.

5. Conduct inventory work and contact local naturalists to determine additional

locations of rare species and species at risk.

6. Consider the needs of species at risk in management of the Ganaraska Forest,

including forestry and recreational activities.

Eastern Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon platyirhinos)

9.2.2 Grassland Birds

Bird monitoring programs have provided evidence that a number bird species associated

with open grasslands are experiencing steep, long-term population declines. These

include the Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus

sandwichensis), Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) and others. Two

endangered bird species in Ontario, the Loggerhead Shrike and Henslow’s Sparrow

(Ammodramus henslowii), are also associated with grasslands, as is the Bobolink

(Dolichonyx oryzivorus), which was designated a threatened species in Ontario in 2010.

A number of land use issues have been implicated in these declines. They include the

loss of old field habitats to urbanization, use of more intensive agricultural methods,

mowing of hayfields during breeding season, and ecological succession of meadows

and pasturelands to shrub and forest habitats. Widespread use of toxic pesticides on

the wintering grounds is also believed to be a contributing factor (Stutchbury 2007).

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The decline of grassland birds has received a great deal of attention by conservation

groups over the last few years. What tends to be forgotten, however, is that numerous

forest-dependent birds and other species are also in decline. This leaves us with a

conservation dilemma. If most of southern Ontario was historically under forest cover

and some forest birds are in decline, should these and other forest-dependent

organisms not be of higher concern than grassland birds? Would the ecological health

of the landscape - the quality of soil, the quality and quantity of water, and the local

climate - not be better if mature forest was again the dominant vegetation type? Are not

grassland bird populations artificially inflated compared to historical conditions when

grasslands were relatively rare and disturbance-dependent? In short, how concerned

should we be if populations of grassland birds are in decline? And should we wait to see

if the populations of these birds stabilize at a lower, but sustainable level?

Complicating the situation is the issue of geographical representation and responsibility.

The bobolink is a case in point. The historical center of this species’ distribution was in

the tallgrass plains of the Midwestern United States. However, habitat loss and

intensive agricultural practices in the Midwest, coupled with clearing of forests further

east by European settlers resulted in a range shift for much of the population. The bulk

of the North American population now appears to be east of the original range, including

Ontario, meaning that for long term persistence of the total population, these areas have

the responsibility for maintaining more individuals than would likely have occurred

historically (McCracken 2005). This implies that we must conserve more grassland than

would have occurred historically.

Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) Source: S. Maslowski (Wikimedia)

The conservation of grassland birds presents numerous dilemmas. For example, if the

natural tendency of ecological succession is to produce forest, then active management

will be required to maintain grassland. Some of that active management is currently in

the form of hayfields and pasture, the goals of which do not normally include supporting

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birds. Such practices frequently shift from productive fields to fallow fields. Which

means that, even with programs in place to encourage improved management practices,

some form of inventory would be necessary to ensure that enough suitable habitat is

available at any one time and consistently to sustain grassland bird populations. This

would have to be done at a variety of scales from local to provincial.

How can the needs of grassland birds be addressed through a natural heritage system,

especially considering that the modeling approach used by GRCA considers fallow fields

as areas that may have potential to increase forest cover? One approach would be to

identify and incorporate grasslands into the defined system. However, the fact that

grasslands are ephemeral in nature because they undergo ecological succession or are

subject to changes in land use makes this approach challenging. Another approach

would be to attempt to ensure that grasslands are well-represented in the landscape

matrix surrounding the natural heritage system. This too would be a challenge, not only

for the above reasons, but because it would involve a mammoth effort to coordinate the

land use activities of many land owners.

Both of these approaches would involve maintaining unnatural cover that benefits

grassland birds (hayfields and pasture) or, at best semi-natural cover (old fields). A

more practical approach would be to step up the effort to restore tallgrass prairie and

savanna – a natural vegetation community type - wherever it is feasible to do so. By

doing this one would both increase the cover of this threatened ecosystem, and help to

stabilize or increase populations not only of grassland birds, but of all the other

uncommon species that rely on these habitats.

To address the decline of grassland bird species the GRCA will:

1. Solicit support and partnerships for surveys, mapping and monitoring of

grassland birds.

2. Promote public awareness about grassland birds and species at risk.

3. Undertake analyses to determine how grassland priorities might best be

incorporated into natural heritage system planning.

4. Where appropriate, advise or work with landowners to maintain or create habitat

beneficial to grassland birds.

9.2.3 Rare Tallgrass Communities

Tallgrass prairie and savanna are grass-dominated ecosystems adapted to drought

conditions. Historically they were present on large portions of natural sand plains in

southern Ontario such as the Lake Erie Sand Plain and the Rice Lake Plains on the Oak

Ridges Moraine. Occasional fires prevented woody vegetation such as trees from taking

over, allowing the grasses and many species of fire-tolerant wildflowers to survive.

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Without trees, tallgrass ecosystems were among the easiest areas for settlers to clear

for agriculture. However the dry sandy soils were not conducive for many crops, and

farms on these sand plains were often abandoned. Without the deep roots of prairie

plants to hold the soil, some of these abandoned areas became blow-sands. To

stabilize the soil tree planting programs were initiated in the 1920s and 1930s. These

programs were very successful. However it wasn’t until the latter half of the 20th Century

that ecologists and biologists realized that prairie was historically present on these lands,

and that the few remnants made up a very small percent of the original cover in North

America – making tallgrass communities a critical conservation concern.

At present no GIS model exists to determine priority areas for increasing tallgrass prairie

and savanna cover. However, mapping and inventory results of tallgrass in the

Peterborough District has been compiled by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

(White 2003). This is depicted on Map 20. This mapping can be overlaid on the

modeled natural heritage system to ensure its inclusion. Existing soils mapping can also

be used to determine where there is potential for tallgrass. The merits of planting

tallgrass versus forest in stewardship efforts can then be based on this information

coupled with landowner preferences and the modeled system that is based on showing

potential improvements in forest cover. It is suggested that for areas where there is

clear potential to greatly increase forest patch values, forest cover should be the

preferred option. Other areas on sandy soils can be considered for their potential to

increase tallgrass cover. It must be kept in mind, however, that to maintain tallgrass a

commitment to active management such as prescribed burns is necessary. Otherwise

natural succession will result in the eventual return of forest.

The GRCA has been actively involved in tallgrass prairie restoration work since 2005.

Future work to address this conservation issue could include:

1. Continue to solicit support for, maintain and restore tallgrass remnants on GRCA


2. Work to ensure that tallgrass remnants are not negatively impacted by multiple

use management of the Ganaraska Forest.

3. Where appropriate incorporate tallgrass prairie restoration or creation into

landowner stewardship programs.

4. Incorporate tallgrass into Ganaraska Forest Centre education programming.

5. Continue GRCA participation in the Rice Lake Plains Joint Initiative.

6. Investigate the potential for restoring tallgrass prairie along roadsides.

7. Support the efforts of Tallgrass Ontario to implement the provincial tallgrass

recovery strategy.

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Prescribed burn at Ochonski Prarie, Ganaraska Forest

Tallgrass Prairie Restoration, Ganaraska Forest Centre

9.2.4 Coastal Zones

Coastal communities include beach and bluff as well as coastal wetlands. Near-coast

zones refer to lands surrounding large bodies of water, such as those within 2 km of

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Lake Ontario. With the exception of the major coastal wetlands (which are often

associated with creek mouths), these areas are generally not considered in watershed

planning because they are not found within defined major watershed boundaries. As a

result they require particular attention.

The chief concern with beaches and bluffs is their rarity and vulnerability. By nature

these are dynamic ecosystems that can shift with water levels and the action of waves,

ice and seepage. Native beach vegetation communities have been found in only a few

locations on the Lake Ontario shoreline within the GRCA jurisdiction, and where they are

found they tend to be degraded. Bluffs, such as the Bondhead Bluffs, feature unusual

vegetation communities such as hanging fens that harbor rare plant species.

Coastal wetlands, including those on large inland water bodies such as Rice Lake, tend

to be dominated by expansive marshlands. In addition to their values for filtering water,

protecting shorelines and providing important fish habitat these areas are a preferred

habitat of rare area-sensitive bird species, including Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus

leucocephalus), Black Tern (Chlidonias niger), Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis), Sandhill

Crane (Grus canadensis), Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) and King Rail

(Rallus elegans).

Near-coast zones, especially those around the Great Lakes, are of particular concern for

migratory species. Long distance migrants such as songbirds rely on natural habitat in

these areas for staging, that is for food and cover before or after crossing Lake Ontario.

Monarch butterflies, now a species at risk, also require open fields with native

wildflowers as well as trees for roosting while they wait for optimum weather conditions

for crossing the lake. Efforts by the GRCA to deal with coastal natural heritage should


1. Continue involvement in the Durham Coastal Wetland Monitoring Project.

2. Expand coastal wetland monitoring to Northumberland County to include

important areas such as the Carr Marsh, as well as wetlands on Rice Lake.

3. Continue field surveys and complete a background report on the terrestrial

natural heritage of the Lake Ontario coastal zone within the GRCA jurisdiction,

beginning with the Municipality of Clarington and expanding into the Municipality

of Port Hope and the Township of Hamilton.

4. Work with municipal partners to protect rare and sensitive coastal ecosystems

through the planning process and through public education, signage, etc.

5. Garner support and partnerships to restore degraded beach and bluff


6. Work with private landowners to protect and restore habitat for migratory birds

and butterflies.

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9.2.5 Climate Change

Climate change models for Ontario predict a warming trend (Columbo et al. 2007). This

will affect species and vegetation communities in complex ways (Varrin et al. 2007). The

Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas (Cadman et al. 2007) shows that numerous bird species,

including Northern Mockingbird, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and many others, are already

expanding their breeding range substantially further north in the province. Although not

proven, it is possible, if not likely that this is a response to climate change. The

advantage birds have over other species is long distance flight.

Models show that the climate envelopes for some tree species are expected to shift

northward (Lovejoy and Hannah 2006). However, this is not to imply that the trees

themselves will be capable of doing so. Unlike the birds, dispersal capacity of most tree

species is too limited to keep pace with projected climate conditions.

Some plant and animal species have the capacity to move further and faster than others,

which means that if there is a need to move northward in response to changing climate,

the species composition of ecosystems will change. We will have some northern

species lagging behind as some southern species move forward. A positive way of

looking at the resulting conditions is to consider that “novel ecosystems” may continue to

function and provide services. However, climate change will put tremendous stress on

existing ecosystems, diminish biodiversity and reduce their function and productivity.

The species that will be the real losers as the climate changes will be those that have

limited dispersal capacity and/or are habitat specialists. They will not be able to move

fast enough or will not be able to find suitable habitat. The situation will be greatly

exacerbated for many species and communities in southern Ontario because of habitat

fragmentation. Even without climate change this is already a serious threat to


Migratory species will also be at a disadvantage, especially Neotropical migratory birds.

These time their return flight from the south to take advantage of warm spring conditions

gradually shifting northward. As trees leaf-out the insects that feed on them, such as

“inchworm” caterpillars emerge, as do flying insects. These are critical food resources.

Sudden cold snaps can eliminate this food supply. Early or late warm conditions can

mean the resources aren’t there when they are needed during parts of the migration or

when the birds reach the breeding grounds (Root and Hughes 2005).

Because climate envelopes will shift and species must move in response, improving

habitat connectivity will be a crucial step in our dealing with climate change. Defining

improved habitat cover targets and meeting these through tree planting and ecological

restoration will not only improve landscape connectivity for the benefit of biodiversity, it

will sequester large amounts of carbon. Thus building natural heritage systems is one of

the most important things we can do to respond to climate change.

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In their approach to dealing with climate change in relation to natural heritage the GRCA


1. Promote and participate in partnerships (with municipalities, other conservation

authorities, non-profit organizations and government) to identify, mitigate and

adapt to the local impacts of climate change.

2. Work with municipal partners in the development climate change strategies.

3. Develop a strategy to determine how GRCA should respond to climate change.

4. Use and provide data collected through GRCA monitoring programs in the

identification of the potential impacts of climate change and mitigation measures.

5. Provide expertise and outreach regarding potential climate change impacts on

natural heritage.

6. Work to promote and improve the natural heritage system.

9.2.6 Invasive Species

Dealing with invasive species may not have been a priority for conservation authorities in

the past, however some invasive plants such as Pale Swallowwort or Dog-strangling

Vine (Cynanchum rossicum) have recently become so pervasive that they threaten the

ecological health of Conservation Authority properties and have become a major

concern for private landowners. Furthermore, the recent arrival of Giant Hogweed

(Heracleum mantegazzianum) poses a health hazard that has led to growing public

concern. Complicating matters, the Ontario pesticide by-law has placed some

restrictions on the use of chemical herbicides in the control of invasive plants and there

is considerable public confusion with respect to the circumstances in which the by-law is

applied. Thus, in responding to the threats posed by invasive species there is a need to

clarify the roles and responsibilities of the various agencies that manage lands or protect

natural heritage features.

Two of the terrestrial insect invaders, the Asian Long-horned Beetle and the Emerald

Ash Borer remain the responsibility of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA),

hence the GRCA role would be to merely to post existing educational materials and refer

potential sightings of these beetles to the CFIA. With respect to terrestrial ecosystems

the primary threats are from invasive plant species, thus these should be the initial

focus. To deal with the problem the GRCA will:

1. Raise public awareness of the invasive species issue through distribution of

educational materials and through media.

2. Where appropriate act as an information source on the ecology and management

of priority invasive species.

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3. Develop an invasive species response plan for the GRCA watersheds that

identifies and maps priority species and outlines the potential roles of the GRCA

in dealing with this issue, including management of GRCA properties and private

land stewardship.

4. Work with municipal partners and other conservation authorities to develop

response strategies to invasive species.

5. Actively map invasive species occurrences and contribute data to provincial

tracking systems.

9.2.7 Roads

A number of conservation authorities have been involved with the Ontario Road Ecology

Group (OREG) and are incorporating this issue in their natural heritage work. The

GRCA has been following OREG’s progress and participating in symposia. In 2010

GRCA experimented with a simple road density measure of length of road in kilometers

per square kilometer of area using UTM squares and watershed units. Next steps

should include:

1. Continue using road density measures and compare them to collected data on

species presence, benthic invertebrate diversity and water quality to determine

the values of using road density in watershed planning.

2. Undertake a survey and mapping study of bridges and culverts where the natural

heritage system is bisected by roads in order to determine the degree of

connectivity offered by these structures for various terrestrial wildlife species.

3. Partner with other groups and municipalities to develop a local road ecology

program and through this program a) undertake a study to determine wildlife

crossing hotspots through GIS analysis and roadkill surveys; b) determine where

mitigation measures might be undertaken such as posting signage or creating

ecopassages; c) identify and make use of opportunities for roads to complement

the natural heritage system, such as through the establishment of roadside


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Turtle crossing sign erected in Bewdley

9.2.8 Recreational Use

GRCA properties and conservation areas offer excellent recreational use opportunities

to the public such as hiking, cross country skiing, bird watching and fishing. In addition

the Ganaraska Forest offers opportunities for hunting and off-road vehicle use.

However, there are signs of natural feature degradation resulting from these uses such

as the introduction of invasive plants, refuse, and erosion. In order to continue to

provide recreation opportunities while maintaining ecological integrity the GRCA should:

1. Undertake assessments of the impacts of recreational use on natural heritage

features, where possible working with educational institutions and students in the


2. Have maintenance staff keep a record of such disturbances and report them to

the GRCA ecologist.

3. Identify and prioritize these impacts in updated property management plans.

4. Seek funding sources for addressing these impacts through stewardship, and

where possible involve the public and private sector in response actions.

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9.2.9 Urbanization

While cities and towns have numerous negative impacts on biodiversity and ecological

health there are many things that can be done to reduce the problems and make urban

areas more natural heritage-friendly (Schaefer et al. 2004). In fact there is a growing

movement to make cities “biophilic,” that is more nature and life-friendly through urban

design and planning (Beatley 2011). Actions include native plant gardening in yards

and parklands to increase biodiversity and support pollinator insect populations,

promoting landscaping with native plants in industrial and commercial areas, reducing

the impacts of cats and windows on birds, establishing green rooftops, etc. It is

recommended that the GRCA:

1. Research and document any existing local programs for urban biodiversity and

natural heritage.

2. Identify municipal parks, forestry, and planning staff that may have an interest in

urban biodiversity issues and action.

3. Develop an urban biodiversity program to engage the public, municipalities and

partner organizations in promoting biophilic cities.

4. Work in partnership with other organizations to develop and/or distribute existing

education materials about urban biodiversity.

5. Where feasible provide expertise and resources to undertake private and public

stewardship projects within the urban setting.

6. Consider incorporating urban biodiversity issues in educational programs.

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Agroforestry: Combining trees with crop agriculture as a windbreak, to produce shade,

or to provide additional crops.

Biodiversity: The variety and variability of life as expressed through genes, species

and ecosystems.

Biofuel: Organic material as a fuel source, ranging from grasses, to manure, to alcohol

distilled from plant material.

Cascading Effects: A series of impacts, often unpredictable, based on disturbance of

an ecosystem (e.g. removal of a species).

Connectivity: A measure of how connected or spatially continuous a corridor, network,

or matrix is. Structural connectivity is the placement of patch and corridor features in the

landscape. Functional connectivity is the degree to which an organism can navigate

through this structure.

Corridor: A strip of a particular type that differs from the adjacent land on both sides. A

linear structural element in the landscape that provides movement opportunities for

organisms or ecological processes.

Ecological Health: The condition of an ecosystem, through its structure and functions,

that permits the maintenance of biological diversity, biotic integrity, and biological

processes over time.

Ecological Integrity: The quality of a natural, unmanaged or managed ecosystem in

which the natural ecological processes are sustained, with genetic, species, and

ecosystem diversity ensured for the future.

Ecopassage: A man made structure, such as a culvert or overpass, designed for

wildlife to avoid roads.

Fitness: The ability of a population to survive and adapt to environmental change based

on genetic traits.

Forest Interior: The dark, cool, and moist conditions that occur deep within a

woodland, commonly defined as occurring further than 100 metres from the outside


Habitat: The ecosystem(s) where a species lives, or the conditions within that

ecosystem that a species requires.

Habitat Configuration: The specific arrangement of habitat elements that is found in

different places.

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Habitat Fragmentation: The process of gradually breaking habitat patches into ever

smaller and more isolated pieces.

Inbreeding Depression: The mating among close relatives which produces few

offspring, and offspring that are weak or sterile.

Indicator Species: Species chosen to monitor environmental change because they are

associated with very specific conditions and therefore their presence or absence

suggests the status of those conditions.

Invasive Species: Alien species whose introduction or spread threatens the

environment the economy, and/or society, including human health.

Keystone Species: A species whose removal causes widespread ecological effects.

Landscape Matrix: The background ecosystem or land-use type in a mosaic.

Metacommunity: A collection of ecological communities connected by species


Metapopulation: The sum total of all the individual populations of a species within the


Natural Heritage: Includes geological features and landforms; associated terrestrial

and aquatic ecosystems; their plant species, populations and communities; and all

native animal species, their habitats and sustaining environment.

Natural Heritage System: A system made up of natural heritage features and areas,

linked by natural corridors which are necessary to maintain biological and geological

diversity, natural functions, viable populations of indigenous species and ecosystems.

These systems can include lands that have been restored and areas with the potential to

be restored to a natural state (PPS 2005).

Negative Edge Effects: The detrimental influences on a habitat patch resulting from

exposure to the landscape matrix, such as wind, predation, invasive species, etc.

Novel Ecosystems: Ecosystems made up of components that did not evolve or

naturally occur together, such as those that are dominated by exotic species.

Parasitism: The action of a parasite. One organism benefitting from another organism

without reciprocity.

Patch: A relatively homogeneous nonlinear area that differs from its surroundings. A

habitat feature isolated from other similar habitats.

Photodermatitis: A blistering condition of the skin in response to exposure to sunlight.

Raster Modelling: Evaluation of the landscape based on a grid approach, where each

pixel is assigned a value based on the degree to which it represents a series of

predefined criteria.

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Species at Risk: Species that have been defined as endangered, threatened, or

special concern by federal or provincial government.

Securement: In the context of conservation, a process to ensure legal protection such

as through ownership or agreement.

Succession: The process of ecosystem recovery after a disturbance, such as from

grassland to shrubland to forest.

Tallgrass: Native prairie or savanna habitat that is characterized by tall grasses.

Terrestrial: On or relating to the earth. Land dwelling as opposed to aquatic.

Vector Analysis: The assigning of values to polygons that represent habitat patches

based on the characteristics of the individual polygons and their relationship to each


Watershed: The area of land that drains into a river, lake, or other water body.

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Badzinski, D.S., R.W. Archer, S.T.A. Timmermans, K.E. Harrison, and K.E. Jones.

2008. Assessment of Trends in Frog and Toad Populations in Ontario Using Citizen

Science Monitoring Data. Bird Studies Canada and Environment Canada.

Bailey, R.O. and D.J. Reed. 2004. ALUS: The Farmer’s Conservation Plan: A

Proposal to Test and Alternative Land Use Services Project in Norfolk County. Norfolk

Federation of Agriculture.

Bakowsky, W. and J.L. Riley. 1992. A survey of the prairies and savannas of southern

Ontario. In Wickett, R.G., P.D. Lewis, A. Woodliffe and P. Pratt (eds.) Proceedings of

the Thirteenth North American Prairie Conference. Department of Parks and

Recreation, Windsor.

Beatley, T. 2011. Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning.

Island Press, Washington DC.

Bell, A. 2010. Wind wars: How we can live with turbines without wrecking the

wilderness. OnNature Autumn 2010.

Bennett, A.F. 1999. Linkages in the Landscape: The Role of Corridors and

Connectivity in Wildlife Conservation. World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland.

Brittingham, M.C. and S.A. Temple. 1983. Have cowbirds caused forest songbirds to

decline? BioScience 33: 31-35.

Brownell, V.R. 1993. Waterfront Natural Areas Part 1: An Overview of Natural Areas

long the Lake Ontario Waterfront from Burlington to Trenton. Waterfront Regeneration


Buttle, J.M. 1995. Channel changes following headwater reforestation: The Ganaraska

River, Ontario, Canada. Geographiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography, Vol. 77,

No. 3, 107-118.

Cappiella, K., T. Schueler, and T. Wright. 2005. Urban Watershed Forestry Manual,

Part 1: Methods for Increasing Forest Cover in a Watershed. United States Department

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1. Landscape Analysis and the Natural Heritage System Model

The GRCA has adopted and adapted the approach developed by the Toronto and

Region Conservation Authority. This involves a vector landscape analysis of existing

habitat cover and characteristics of individual habitat patches, as well as a raster-based

model to demonstrate where there could be improvements. The existing conditions plus

the areas defined for improvements together become a “target” natural heritage system

that helps to prioritize stewardship and acquisition efforts and inform land use planning.

Once a target system is defined the vector landscape analysis is re-applied to

demonstrate and quantify the potential improvements in cover and habitat patch


2. Vector Landscape Analysis

This GIS analysis evaluates the geometric qualities of habitat patches and their

configuration in the landscape. As such, all patches and land use types are depicted as

polygons in the GIS environment. Fundamentally this works for fragmented landscapes

only. For example, a landscape or watershed that is composed of 100 percent forest

cover would contain a single habitat patch (which may even extend beyond the study

area), whereas a fragmented landscape contains patches, corridors, and the

surrounding matrix, each of which can be evaluated comparatively.

Prior to the analysis the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Southern Ontario

Land Resource Information System (SOLRIS) vector-based woodland layer was

compared with the GRCA ELC product. This SOLRIS layer provides seamless forest

cover mapping across southern Ontario, making it easier to match natural heritage

systems that are based on forest cover across jurisdictional boundaries. Although it

included thickets and hedgerows, the SOLRIS layer proved to be very accurate, and was

therefore used as a reference for improving the accuracy of the ELC polygons which

GRCA had defined as forest.

The vector analysis requires that all defined land use types be classified as either urban

or agriculture, and all ELC community types be clumped into four major vegetation

types: forest, meadow, wetland, and beach/bluff. Once this is done, a figure of total

cover for each is calculated by study area or watershed. It is important to note that treed

swamps are counted as both wetlands and forests in this calculation, but are considered

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forest in other calculations used during both the vector and raster analysis. This being

the case, when stating what the total natural cover is for a study area, care must be

taken not to count the treed swamp cover twice. It is also important to note that the ELC

suggests mapping only communities 0.5 ha or larger. However, since open water

wetlands that are smaller than this can be vital breeding areas for amphibians, GRCA

has made an attempt to map these even when they are smaller than the suggested size

limit. The breakdown of clumped land use and ELC types is as follows:

*based on types known to exist in study area

The vector analysis involves scoring habitat patches using three criteria: patch size, patch shape, and matrix influence. Each of these is based on principles of conservation biology, as explained in detail below. In addition, a combined total score for size, shape and matrix influence is calculated for each patch. Each of these can be depicted on a map of the study area showing habitat patch polygons of different colours based on their score. For accuracy, when a habitat patch extends beyond the watershed boundary, values are calculated for the entire patch, not just the portion in watershed. The accuracy of the vector analysis is dependent upon the accuracy of the ELC

mapping. This in turn is based on factors such as date of air photos used, experience of

air photo interpreter, and parameters set for digitizing, such as minimum size of polygon

to be mapped and effort expended in mapping detail. In the case of the GRCA mapping,

a minimum size of 0.5 ha was used for mapping polygons, except for wetlands, in which

case there was no size limit. The accuracy target for polygon boundary detail was set at

approximately 5 metres, meaning that the canopy of large trees at the edges of habitat

patches would be reflected in the shape.

The vector analysis used a script developed by TRCA for ArcView 3.2 software.

Because GRCA is currently using Arc GIS 10.1, this necessitated adapting from an

Avenue to a Python script for compatibility with the newer software. What follows is a

detailed description of each measure used in the vector analysis, and a rationale.

Major Habitat Type or Land Use

ELC and Land Use Types Included*




Beach/Bluff BBO, BBS, BBT, BLO, BLS, BLT

Agriculture IAG (intensive agriculture), NAG (non-intensive agriculture)

Urban U (urban development), RD (rural development), MOS (manicured open space), aggregate, roads, railways

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2.1 Patch Size

This is based on the general principle that “bigger is better.” Larger patches receive a

higher score than smaller patches.

In general, wetlands, particularly open water wetlands, are naturally smaller than forests.

Many very small wetlands play a critical role in supporting populations of specialist

species such as amphibians. Accordingly, the size score for wetlands is based on

smaller units.

The scoring for forests and wetlands is as follows:

Forest Size (ha)

Wetland Size (ha)


>0 <1 1

≥2 ≥1 2

≥10 ≥3 3

≥50 ≥10 4

≥250 ≥20 5

2.2 Patch Shape

This measure attempts to incorporate issues related to forest interior habitat as well as

the negative edge effects that can be harmful to forest ecosystems. The more compact

and less convoluted or perforated at patch is, the higher the score.

Patch shape is measured using a simple perimeter (edge)-to-area ratio (P/A). To

compensate for the increase in perimeter that comes with increasing size, a corrected

shape calculation is used (0.282 x Perimeter)/(Area)½ (Baker 1997). The minimum

perimeter-to-area ratio, and thus the most desirable shape for reducing exposure, is

found in a perfect circle. The scoring for shape is as follows:

Value (P/A) Score

≥500 1

≥300 2

≥200 3

≥125 4

≥100 5

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2.3 Matrix Influence This is a rough measure of the positive or negative influences in the landscape matrix surrounding a habitat patch. Assumptions behind the measure include: 1) urban areas generally have a negative influence on natural areas (noise, pollutants, recreational pressures, invasive plants, collecting, pets, roads, and barriers to movement); 2) natural areas generally have a positive influence on other natural areas (recruitment for populations, sources of food and shelter); and agricultural areas can have either positive or negative impacts on natural areas (allow movement of species, but can result in enrichment from fertilizers, or drift from pesticides). The matrix influence calculation considers the amount of urban, agricultural and natural cover within a two-kilometer radius of the outside edge of each habitat patch. In order to avoid data gaps in the radius area, the measure requires the definition and consideration of all ELC and land use types to at least 2 km from the outside edge of the watershed or study area. The outside edge was chosen over a center point for two reasons. First, in the case of very large patches, at 2 km from the center the influence of the patch on itself might be measured, rendering the calculation meaningless. Secondly, the goal is to evaluate the outside forces impacting the patch in question, in essence positive or negative edge effects. A base point value of 1 point for natural, O points for agricultural, and – 1 for urban is used to reflect a positive, benign, or negative matrix influence. The percent of each of these land cover types is measured within the 2 km matrix, and each is multiplied by the base point value. From a biodiversity conservation perspective, the perfect patch surroundings would be 100 percent natural (e.g. a wetland within an extensive forest patch), and would receive a matrix score of 100, while the lowest possible score is –100 for a natural habitat patch completely surrounded by urban land use. The matrix influence score is as follows:

Matrix Score

-1 to -60 1

< - 20 2

-20 to +20 3

> +20 4

+60 to 100 5

2.4 Total Score

The total score is calculated through a weighted average of the scores for size, shape

and matrix influence. Of the three scored criteria, size is the single most important patch

attribute, both because large patches are more likely to maintain their functional integrity,

and because negative edge effects (related to shape and matrix influence) tend to have

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less influence on large patches. Therefore when adding results for the three criteria,

size is given an additional weighting on a sliding scale from small to large patches.

Note: a multiplier of 3 is used in the calculation of Total Score. For example, for a forest patch with the following scores: size = 5; shape = 3; and matrix = 4, the following equation would be used to calculate the total: 5(50%)*3 = 3(25%)*3 = 4(25%)*3 = 12.75. The weighting system for Total Score for forest and meadow and beach/bluff habitats is as follows:

Size (ha) % Size % Shape % Matrix

> 0 40% 30% 30%

≥ 10 45% 27.5% 27.5%

≥ 250 50% 25% 25%

≥ 500 55% 22.5% 22.5%

≥ 1000 65% 17.5% 17.5%

≥ 2000 75% 12.5% 12.5%

The weighting system for Total Score for wetlands is as follows:

Size (ha) % Size % Shape % Matrix

≥ 1 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%

≥ 3 40% 30% 30%

≥ 10 45% 27.5% 27.5%

≥ 20 50% 25% 25%

3. Value Surface Raster Model

The GIS raster model is used to identify opportunities for improving natural heritage

values in order to define a target natural heritage system. The ELC and land use

polygons used for the vector model form the basis of the model. They are transformed

into 10 x 10 metre pixels, each of which receives a value based on a number of set

natural heritage criteria. The criteria correspond to conditions in the landscape that

promote or retard biodiversity and ecological function. Through this process the entire

study area becomes a “value surface” made up of tiny pixels, each of which has a

numerical value and corresponding shade of colour based on how it scored. Thus the

natural heritage values are easily displayed with a range of shades from light to dark

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representing poor to excellent. The criteria used in the model, and an explanation of

their relevance follows:

3.1 Patch Quality (Total Vector Score)

This criterion is based on the total weighted score received by a habitat patch for size,

shape, and matrix influence in the vector landscape analysis. Thus every habitat patch

gets a base value higher than the surrounding landscape, based on its existing

characteristics and landscape context. The assumption is that the higher the total score

is for a patch, the more valuable it is for the target natural heritage system. Total scores

are translated from the raw vector score (on a scale of 1-15) to a raw raster shape score

(on a scale of 1-10).

Raw Score Total Score

0-1.5 1

1.5-3 2

3-4.5 3

4.5-6 4

6-7.5 5

7.5-9 6

9-10.5 7

10.5-12 8

12-13.5 9

13.5-15 10

3.2 Forest Interior

The importance of forest interior is described in the discussion of patch shape above.

The most commonly accepted distance from an edge that defines where edge habitat

(with its associated negative impacts) ends and interior habitat begins, is 100 m

(Environment Canada 2006). Therefore, for this calculation an interior patch buffer of

100 m is used, and every pixel that falls inside this area (100 m or more from the inside

of the edge of a forest patch) automatically gets 10 points. Since there can be no

interior without the buffer surrounding it, all patches within the 100 m buffer itself also get

10 points. All other pixels in the surrounding landscape receive zero points.

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Distance from Edge (m) Score

< 100 10

≥ 100 10

3.3 Distance from Urban Areas

This criterion assumes that the further away a natural area is from an urban area, the

better, because of all the negative external influences described under Patch Shape and

Matrix Influence in the vector landscape analysis. The maximum value of 10 points is

based on a distance of 2 km, the same distance considered in the Matrix Influence

calculation. By placing a higher value on pixels that are far from urban areas, those

lands are more likely to be selected as part of the natural heritage system, either as

existing or potential habitat.

Distance (metres) Score

0-10 1

10-30 2

30-60 3

60-120 4

120-200 5

200-300 6

300-500 7

500-1000 8

1000-2000 9

2000 + 10

3.4 Distance from Roads

Roads have many negative impacts on wildlife and natural areas. They act as barriers

to movement of some species, and result in road kill for many individuals of other

species. Although it is easy to see their impact on medium to large sized mammals,

what is invisible to drivers as they speed through the landscape are the hundreds of

amphibians and reptiles that have been killed on the roads. Many insects are killed by

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automobiles, as a look at the grill of any car can demonstrate. This measure assumes

that the further a natural area is from a road, the better, up to a distance of 1 km. All

roads outside of urban areas are considered.

Distance (metres) Score

0-100 1

100-200 2

200-300 3

300-400 4

400-500 5

500-600 6

600-700 7

700-800 8

800-900 9

900 + 10

Note - TRCA table has gap from 900-1000. Consider adding a zero points for 0-100

3.5 Proximity to Natural Areas

Natural areas for this calculation include any ELC community type, including cultural

communities and open water. They do not include human land use areas such as

urban, agriculture, and aggregate pits (if the latter supports vegetation it would be a

cultural ELC community).

This values pixels based on their proximity to a natural area. The highest values go to

existing natural areas, with values decreasing the further the pixel is from any existing

natural area up to a distance of 2 km. Pixels between two habitat patches would score

more than those found equal distance from a single patch. This measure assumes that

patches in close proximity to other patches provide a supporting function for those

species with the capacity to move between them. In this sense it is one of several

measures that incorporate connectivity into the natural heritage system design.

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Distance (metres) Score

0-10 10

10-30 9

30-60 8

60-120 7

120-200 6

200-300 5

300-500 4

500-1000 3

1000-2000 2

2000 + 1

3.6 Proximity of a Wetland to a Forest

This measure considers the needs of many species to have both forests and wetlands in

close proximity for survival. In particular it considers the needs of amphibians such as

wood frog, spring peeper, eastern newt and the mole salamanders (Ambystoma), all of

which live in upland forests and annually migrate to wetlands in order to breed.

For this measure, SWM, SWD, and SWC are considered to be forest rather than

wetland, otherwise their proximity would be zero. Furthermore, their total scores would

be overly inflated because they would be scored for all of both forest and wetland related


The maximum distance used for this calculation is 2000 m. This is the distance used in

the matrix influence calculation and it is also approximately the width of a concession,

where the defining roads represent hazards or barriers to the migration of these species.

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Distance (metres)


0-10 10

10-30 9

30-60 8

60-120 7

120-200 6

200-300 5

300-500 4

500-1000 3

1000-2000 2

2000 + 1

3.7 Proximity of a Forest to a Wetland

This layer is the inverse of the previous. It values forest that is immediately adjacent to

wetlands, the justification being that for a species that uses both habitat types, the

proximity of the forest from the wetland is as important as the proximity of the wetland to

the forest. The score breakdown is also the same as for the previous measure.

For this measure, SWM, SWD, and SWC are considered to be forest rather than

wetland, otherwise their proximity would be zero. Furthermore, their total scores would

be overly inflated because they would be scored for all of both forest and wetland related


Distance (metres)


0-10 10

10-30 9

30-60 8

60-120 7

120-200 6

200-300 5

300-500 4

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Distance (metres)


500-1000 3

1000-2000 2

2000 + 1

3.8 Proximity to a Watercourse

For this measure “watercourse” includes streams and open water bodies. The latter

consists of all OAO polygons as well as major lakes.

This measure recognizes that many species use both upland and open water habitats,

and that a water source is import for drinking. There is also an important nutrient

exchange between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Finally, by using a buffer the

measure recognizes the many values of riparian habitats for aquatic ecosystems and

their support for connectivity in fragmented, human-dominated landscapes. This

measure helps to build connectivity into natural heritage systems by identifying potential

areas for riparian cover that also can increase corridor function. The criterion and

scoring has been modified from the TRCA approach, which separates proximity to a

watercourse with and without a fill line.

Distance (metres) Score

0-30 10

30-50 9

50-70 8

70-90 7

90-110 6

110-130 5

130-150 4

150-170 3

170-190 2

190-210 1

> 210 0

Notes on data use for the value surface model

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3.9 Proximity to Lake Ontario

Lake Ontario and other large bodies of water represent a substantial challenge to

migratory birds and butterflies. On their autumn journey south, migrants – especially

delicate Monarch butterflies – must wait until the optimal weather conditions occur for

them to cross such an expanse of open water. On the return journey in the spring

migrant birds, having crossed the lake, will seek food, shelter, and an opportunity to rest.

In particular, those birds that would have begun their flight several hundred kilometers

south of the lake are more likely to be exhausted once they have crossed, and may

quickly land in any suitable habitat. For this reason natural areas that are close to the

lake are particularly valuable as staging and resting areas for migrants, and as such

provide an important contribution towards sustaining this important ecological


The Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Manual suggests that sites within 5 km of the

Lake Ontario and Lake Erie shorelines will be most significant as stopover areas and

further notes that “many of the best sites are found within 2 km of Lake Ontario and Lake

Erie” (OMNR 2000). Therefore, in order to capture this value in the natural heritage

system model all natural habitat types within 2 km of the Lake Ontario shoreline receive

an additional 10 points.

4. Defining a Target Natural Heritage System

A target natural heritage system is defined by using the total of all the criteria values in

the raster value surface analysis. Essentially, every pixel across the entire landscape

has a value based on how that part of the landscape meets the natural heritage criteria.

These values can be depicted on a map using various shades of a single colour, with

low values being lighter and high values being darker. The result is the “value surface”

where large habitat patches in close proximity within rural areas will tend to have darker

shades (higher values) than smaller isolated patches that are closer to urban areas.

Lighter colours (lowest values) will appear in actual urbanized areas (Figure 1).

It is important to note that the higher values may not always be in areas where there are

existing natural features. For example it is possible that a group of pixels in what is

actually an agricultural area could receive exceptionally high values for several criteria

such as distance from roads, distance from urban, and proximity to natural areas. This

would be an area where habitat could have high value if it existed here, thus is an area

to be considered for restoration potential.

Once the value surface is created, a mechanism is necessary by which a line can be

drawn to define the target natural heritage system. One way to do this is simply to

impose a pre-determined target for natural cover. For example, 30 percent forest cover

has been widely promoted as a minimum standard (Environment Canada 2006). If the

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watershed or study area currently contains less than this amount, then the point at which

the total pixel values would correspond to 30 percent cover can be determined by

manipulating the histogram that appears when “Display Values” is selected in the GIS

software. When this value is selected all pixels with values that would add up to 30

percent are selected. Those areas of corresponding lands that are not already natural

cover become the potential natural heritage areas, and these, combined with the existing

natural features identified in the process together become the “target” natural heritage

system. This exercise can be undertaken for any predetermined cover target.

Figure 1. GRCA watershed “value surface” results from raster analysis.

If the watershed or study area already contains more than the recommended minimum

target this should not be interpreted as evidence that habitat loss is an option. The 30

percent forest cover recommendation is a minimum, and is based on studies

demonstrating that most species of a select group of organisms (e.g. birds) that are

associated with the habitat type will be represented at this threshold. To ensure good

ecological function and the representation of all native species, considerably more than

30 percent cover will be required. The exact amount depends on many variables related

to the quality of habitat, how well connected it is, and what the surrounding landscape

matrix is composed of. The main point being that there is always room for improvement,

and that a threshold can be selected that demonstrates this.

A second approach is to set a pre-determined acceptable percent cover increment, for

example, five or ten percent more than what currently exists. The line around the target

system can then be based on selecting existing habitat plus all of the higher scoring

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pixils out to the point at which the additional target percent cover is achieved. The

vector landscape analysis is then run on the result to demonstrate improvements. Using

this approach the target system is based on what is considered acceptable, not on a

threshold in the data. Nevertheless, since the science demonstrates a minimum of 30

percent forest cover, and the landscape already contains more than this amount, then

one can argue that what is desirable according to the science is in fact incorporated in

the system, and therefore that an increase in cover based on a political decision of what

is acceptable should be justified.

A third, and more time consuming approach, is to use a number of potential habitat

increments and run the vector landscape analysis on the results for each of these. A

histogram illustrating the results for all of these can then be generated to determine if a

point exists where there is an obvious threshold in the landscape values that can then be

selected as a target.

A fourth approach is to use GIS to create a histogram based on the total raster values

using natural breaks (Jenks) in the data (Figure 2). This graph is based on the total

range of values and the number of pixels occurring within each of these. One then

determines where in the graph the current percent natural cover conditions occur

(highlighted in blue), in this case approximately 32 percent cover. In general the values

to the right of this selected bar represent existing habitat because they have received the

highest ecological values per pixel. The bars to the left represent the remainder of the

landscape (where clearly the majority of pixels received a low score). Each of these in

turn can be viewed as an increment toward improving the natural heritage system by

adding potential habitat cover. Although these values are progressively lower as one

moves left, each can be considered the next best scenario for improvement. One then

selects a bar in the graph that corresponds to an obvious peak in the number of pixels

that will also lead to an acceptable increase in percent cover. Since no “correct” or best

ecological scenario can be defined (true best would likely be 100 percent natural), this

approach attempts to add a non-biased element to the inevitable political decision about

how much habitat is acceptable, given other land use demands. More than one

increment can be selected to have interim and long-term target scenarios.

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ELC Final Raster Histogram

Final Raster Score






lls (


/ ce
















Figure 2. Histogram of raster values with existing natural cover highlighted in blue.

For this Strategy there were no obvious spikes in the graph, therefore each bar was

selected individually and the corresponding natural heritage system target displayed and

assessed for obvious improvements, particularly in habitat connectivity. Two target

scenarios were selected using the histogram, one which would represent an increase

from 32 to 40.4 percent cover (Figures 3 and 4), and the second to 50.9 percent cover

(Figures 5 and 6). These target scenarios correspond well with the revised How Much

Habitat Is Enough? federal guidelines for forest cover, which suggest that 30 percent

should be a minimum and is a high risk approach, 40 percent is a medium risk approach,

and 50 percent is a low risk approach for maintaining ecological integrity and water

quality (Environment Canada 2013).

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ELC Final Raster Histogram

Final Raster Score






lls (


/ ce
















Figure 3. Histogram showing range of raster values, with Bar 29 selected resulting in 40.4 percent natural


Figure 4. GRCA watershed showing existing natural cover (green) and 40.4 percent target (red).

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ELC Final Raster Histogram

Final Raster Score






lls (


/ ce
















Figure 5. Histogram of raster values showing Bar 25 selected resulting in 50.9 percent natural cover.

Figure 6. GRCA watershed showing existing natural cover (green) and 50.9 percent target (red).

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The raster data is converted back to vector polygons using the GIS polygon smoothing

option Polynomial Approximation with Exponential Kernal (PAEK), which runs a line

roughly through the mid point of the jagged edged raster boundary. Specifically this was

done using a 100 metre tolerance. These are overlaid with the existing mapping of the

major habitat types (forest, wetland, meadow) that was used for the original vector

landscape analysis. If some existing natural areas fall outside of the target natural

heritage system they should not be considered worthless. They are part of the

supporting values in the matrix, and should therefore be identified as supporting habitat

for the natural heritage system, or they can simply be added to the system.

NHS target scenarios include small bodies of open water, and occasionally bleed into

urban areas. Because the intent is to define a terrestrial natural heritage system, the

potential habitat areas are supposed to be terrestrial only. Furthermore, the potential

habitat areas should only include agricultural lands and cultural meadow. Therefore,

using GIS the OAO and URB polygons in the ELC that are coincident with the target

system areas must be selected and erased from the target systems polygon layer prior

to running the vector landscape analysis. This can be accomplished by first running an

attribute query on the ELC layer to select all OAO and URB polygons followed by a

spatial query that selects only those that intersect the target system areas. Next, clip the

query results to the target systems vector layers. This effectively isolates only the OAO

and URB areas that are contained within the target system areas. The clipped layer is

then erased from the target systems layer. This results in a target system layer that

includes only those areas acceptable for the terrestrial natural heritage system.

One additional cleaning step was undertaken with the GIS. The target scenarios include

many very small isolated areas, some of which appear in the middle of open fields, and

many of which would simply be impractical or superfluous as restoration sites. As a

result, all such areas that were under 0.5 ha were systematically removed.

Once converted to polygons, the target areas are merged with existing habitat areas to

create a single layer, upon which the vector landscape analysis is re-run. The road layer

must be re-applied to ensure that habitat patches are defined where appropriate by

these features. Road width is based on a 30m right-of-way (15m on each side of the

centre line) for all roads except 400 series highways, for which this width is doubled.

The results for size, shape, matrix influence, and total score will for the most part reflect

the improvements represented by the areas targeted for restoration, should they be

planted. Roads must be clipped from the target system before this analysis is

undertaken. Actual figures comparing before and after results for each criteria are useful

for interpretation and marketing the concept of the improved natural heritage system.

Given that the historically dominant natural cover in the GRCA jurisdiction was forest,

then tree planting is generally what should be advocated for the areas identified as

having potential to improve the natural heritage system. There is a fundamental bias

towards forest cover in the model through the shape and forest interior, however this

does not suggest that only forest should be considered for restoration. Those areas with

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poorly drained soils may have potential to increase wetland cover (although the

dominant historical wetland type would have been swamp, which is equivalent to forest

in the model). Lands close to known tallgrass remnants may have potential to increase

prairie or savanna habitat if they are on well-drained sandy soils.

It is important to emphasize that the natural heritage system targets are conceptual and

long term. They can help prioritize areas for landowner contact to determine if there is

interest in stewardship work that would help meet the target. Actual achievement of the

target system, were it possible, would take decades. Some lands simply will not become

available, and there would undoubtedly be cases where restoration “banking” is

necessary in order to exchange some potential areas within the preferred target system

for those that are not. Policies in relation to the target system must be developed in

consultation with municipal partners. The vector landscape analysis results can be used

to quantify the trade-offs.

The restoration potential areas defined by the modeling are fundamentally based on

forest cover improvements. Two main factors determine this. First, the vector model

measures of shape and forest interior are expressions of forest-based conservation

principles. Second, the areas that are considered to have restoration potential are

agriculture and cultural meadow, both of which are terrestrial, and therefore not

immediately conducive to wetland restoration, for example.

To determine wetland restoration potential, assuming this means expanding existing or

creating new wetlands, would require a separate analysis based primarily on soil

permeability. Soil type data can further be overlaid with any available historical wetlands

mapping to help determine where wetland potential might be found. However, it should

be taken into consideration that where wetlands can exist now, without site alteration,

they already do exist. This is in contrast to forest, which was historically the dominant

ecosystem, and which most of the landscape would return to if left alone, without


Tallgrass prairie and savanna are also not considered in the modeling. The OMNR has

a mapping layer of historical tallgrass communities. These rare community types should

be identified as not having forest restoration potential. This can be done either by

discouraging the model from identifying them as restoration potential areas (by giving

them a negative score, such as minus 10), or by overlaying the tallgrass mapping on the

target natural heritage system and identifying these as significant features or special

management areas. The former is the preferred approach because open tallgrass

habitat will not conflict with the forest targets dictated by the model. Because of this

conflict it is recommended that tallgrass restoration targets be set in areas that have

sandy soils and where tallgrass was known to exist historically, but that lie outside of the

target natural heritage system. These would then supplement the system.

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5. Using Landscape Metrics as Surrogate Measures of Ecological Health

The landscape vector analysis uses size, shape, and matrix influence measures.

Calculating the mean of each of these provides some indication of the ecological health

of habitat patches. When applied to both existing and modeled conditions these can

demonstrate before and after values. In addition to these, there are some other simple

and relevant measures used in landscape ecology can be applied to before and after

conditions. These are discussed below.

Percentage of Landscape, also known as Class Area Proportion simply measures the

percent of a given landscape (such as a watershed) that is covered by each habitat type

or land use. This can be used at a landscape scale to measure the amount of major

habitat types such as forest or wetland, and major land uses such as urban or

agriculture, or it can be used to measure the percent cover of any particular vegetation

community type or particular land use. A pie chart is a suitable format for graphically

demonstrating the proportion of habitat and land use classes in a given area.

Mean Patch Size is the average size of patches of a given habitat or land use type. This

measure, while applicable to all habitat types, is particularly valuable for forest in the

GRCA area. This is because under natural (i.e. pre-settlement conditions) forest was

the landscape matrix, and seldom occurred in patches. In contrast, wetlands, prairies,

bluffs etc., were not dominant, and therefore are “patchy” by nature. Increases in mean

patch size suggest a higher potential to support more species, more viable populations,

and more ecological functions.

Mean Patch Shape for the purposes of the GRCA, is the average score for the shape

value of habitat patches in the vector landscape analysis. In other words the mean

score for the perimeter-to-area ratio, rather than the ratio value itself. High mean values

for forest patches suggest less edge and more interior habitat.

Mean Patch Matrix Influence is simply the average score for the vector matrix influence

measure. High values suggest a relatively natural landscape with little negative external

influences on habitat patches. In contrast, low values suggest less natural cover and

more intense land use, in particular urban use, with associated negative impacts on

habitat patches.

Patch Number is the total number of patches, in this case of natural habitat. High

numbers of habitat patches suggest high levels of habitat fragmentation. Conversely,

low numbers of patches suggests less fragmentation, larger patches, and greater

connectivity of habitat in the landscape.

Contagion. In contrast to the above measures, which are vector-based, contagion is a

raster-based landscape metric. It measures the degree to which different habitats and

land uses are clumped in the landscape. Contagion computes the number and types of

land cover types in adjacent cells within a grid. A landscape where natural habitats are

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clumped suggests larger patches, higher connectivity, and less negative matrix


Road Density is a ratio measure of the total length of roads per area of a given

landscape. Roads have many negative impacts, among them reduction of wildlife

populations due to road kills and acting as barriers to the movement of many species.

Obviously a higher density of roads suggests a higher level of such impacts, thus less

ecological health of natural areas in the landscape.

It is important to keep in mind that all of these metrics are surrogate measures because

they are in fact only measuring polygons that represent the land cover conditions in the

real world, not the patches themselves. Landscape measures relate to species

presence or absence and ecological interactions and were developed based on

empirical field studies. However, although they can act as indicators of likely conditions

on the ground, they are not meant to be representative of actual conditions, nor can they

be accurate predictors. Only field studies of the patches themselves in a given context

can provide real-world data. More correlative studies of field data with landscape

metrics are required to validate the landscape metrics.

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Alternative Land Use Services

Area of Natural or Scientific Interest

Amphibian Road Call Count

Backyard Frog Survey

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada

Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario

Ecological Land Classification System

Geographic Information Systems

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority

Ontario Municipal Affairs and Housing

Marsh Monitoring Program

Natural Heritage Information Centre

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Ontario Road Ecology Group

Provincial Policy Statement

Provincially Significant Wetland

Species at Risk

Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Universal Trans-Mercator mapping system

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Month Day Year

Month Day Year

Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority

Ken Towle

Terrestrial Ecologist

2216 County Road 28

Port Hope, ON L1A 3V8

E: [email protected]

P: 905.885.8173

F: 905.885.9824

Month Day Year