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Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West, 1789-1900CHAPTER 8


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Latin American Peoples Win IndependenceSection 1


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Colonial Society Divided • Creoles = officers in Spanish colonial armies but no political power


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Revolutions in the Americas• Enlightenment ideals

spread (late 1700s)• American Revolution

(1776)• French Revolution

(late 1700s – early 1800s)


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Haiti • Slave rebellion led by Toussaint L’Ouverture on island of

Hispaniola• First black colony to free itself from European control


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Creoles Lead Independence• Wealthy and educated• Studied Enlightenment ideas in Europe• Felt no loyalty to King Joseph of Spain (brother of Napoleon)


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Simon Bolivar /Jose de San Martin

• 1819 leads independence movement for Venezuela•

• Liberates Argentina in 1816• Chile (1817)• Bolivar leads a

unified army and obtains independence for Peru• Gran Colombia


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Mexico • Leaders = Indians and

mestizos• Violence• 1810 – Padre Miguel

Hidalgo leads 80,000 lower class men in march to Mexico City

• Padre Jose Maria Morelos leads for 4 years

• Iturbide gains independence in 1821

• Central America overthrow Iturbide in 1823


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Brazil • Prince John of Portugal

flees Napoleon and goes to Brazil • After his return to

Portugal, creoles demand independence• 1822 – Dom Pedro

declares independence with no violence


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Liberator of Latin America Journal Entry • 1. Pick a leader (L’Ouverture, Bolivar, San Martin, Hidalgo,

Dome Pedro)• 2. Write a journal entry describing your steps towards

independence (two paragraphs of 3-5 sentences)• 3. Make sure to explain your actions and how events in Europe

influenced your revolution. • Extra Credit – include a drawing on separate sheet of paper.


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Review Questions Section 1• 1. Who led the independence movement in Haiti and what

type of people participated? • 2. Who led the independence movements in the Spanish

colonies in the Americas and what type of people participated?

• 3. What type of people follow Miguel Hidalgo in Mexico’s independence movement?

• 4. How was Brazil’s independence different?


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Europe Faces RevolutionsSection 2


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Philosophies • 1. Conservative• Rich, nobles• Traditional monarchy

• 2. Liberal • Middle-class• Educated + landowners should vote• More power to elected parliaments

• 3. Radical • Democracy for all• Liberty, equality, brotherhood• Poor, students


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Nationalism Develops• The belief that people’s loyalty should not be to a king/empire

but to a nation of people who share a common culture + history


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Nationalism • Collective set of held values, customs, traditions, language,

and beliefs held by most in the nation

• What kinds of values are collectively shared by a group of people?


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Nationalism Gives Rise to Nation State• Nation-state = a nation with its own independent govt. that

defends its territory + way of life• Liberals were in favor of creating nation-states with

constitutional govt. • Conservatives against it• Old empires collapse


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Nationalists Challenge Conservative Power • Greek independence in 1827• Ruled by Ottoman Empire• Kept their ancient history and culture alive

• 1830s uprising• Belgians from Dutch • Italian uprising crushed by Metternich (from the pope + Austria)• Polish uprising crushed by Russians


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Nationalists Challenge Conservative Power • 1848 Revolutions Fail to Unite• Ethnic uprisings in Austria, Hungary, Czech are crushed by

conservatives• Leads to Metternich’s resignation


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Radicals Change France• Radicals demand democratic govt. • King Charles wants to be an absolute monarch• Leads to riots• Louis-Philippe is replaced by a republic• Radicals do not get along and republic collapses• Moderate constitution and a strong president

• Louis-Napoleon (1848) wins election• Builds railroads, bridges (encouraged industrialization)


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Reform in Russia• Not industrialized• Many believe serfdom (peasants bound to nobles whose land

they worked on) is morally wrong• But landowners support czar• After loss in the Crimean War, Alexander II moves Russia

towards modernization and social reforms• Frees the serfs (1861) • Alexander II is assassinated in 1881• Social reforms stop• Industrialization is encouraged to strengthen the country


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Nationalism Section 3


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Unity vs. Disunity • People of a single

ancestry should be united under a single govt.


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Austro-Hungarian Empire• Slovenes, Hungarians,

Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Poles, Serbs, Italians• Lose territory to Prussia• Hungarians want

independence• Empire is split into two

parts • After WWI it no longer

exists 23

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Russian Empire• Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Jews,

Romanians, Georgians, Armenians, Turks• Russification – forcing Russian culture on everyone in the

empire – increases ____________ feelings• After WWI the empire falls


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Ottoman Empire• Greeks, Slavs, Arabs,

Bulgarians, Armenians• Ottomans grant

equal citizenship• Conservative Turks

massacred Armenians • Tension in the empire• Collapses after WWI 25

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Cavour Unites Italy • Prime Minister of

Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia defeats Austrians and takes all of northern Italy • Alliance with France

and nationalist rebels help him unify Italy


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Garibaldi• Help from Cavour• Captures Sicily• Unites southern Italy

with kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia


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King Victor Emmanuel II• Garibaldi steps aside• Conquers Venetia

(Austrians) and the Papal States• Unified Italy


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Bismarck Unites Germany• German speaking people

in German Confederation (controlled by Austrian Empire) + Prussia

• King Wilhelm of Prussia selects Otto von Bismarck as prime minister• Realpolitik – “the politics of

reality” • Expand Prussia• Rule without approval of

Parliament• Rule with “blood and iron”• Weak devoured by strong 29

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Seven Weeks’ War• Prussia provokes war

with Austria and wins control of northern Germany


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Franco-Prussian War • Independent southern

German states are Catholic• Manipulates war with

France and wins• Nationalist feelings

increase in the South • 1871 – Prussia becomes

Germany and King Wilhelm I is crowned Kaiser (emperor)

• Balance of power breaks down 31

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Revolutions in the ArtsSection 4


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Romanticism • Emotion • Nature• Imagination• Mysterious• Exotic• Horrifying• Celebrated heroes, folk traditions, music, cultural pride ->

encouraged nationalism • Poetry


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• Romanticism turned from reason to ____________ and encouraged nationalism by _____________.


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• A monster created From dead bodies (corpses)


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• ____________ stories were hugely popular like ________________.


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Romantic Composers• Beethoven -> symphonies that celebrate freedom + human



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Realism • Industrialization leads to tough lives in the factories• People cannot relate to Romanticism • Realism shows life as it really was


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Reactions Against Realism • Impressionism – show life in a particular moment• More positive view of urban life


Monet’s Twilight of the Bubble

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Reactions Against Realism


Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party